We use three datasets for this project, CHI3D and FlickrCI3D Signatures, which you can download
from this website, and Hi4D which you can download here.
Keep the original data in a seperate folder named $ORIG_DATASETS_FOLDER
. Then download our auxiliary data (OpenPose, ViTPose, BEV estimates etc.)
for each dataset and save them in $PROCESSED_DATASETS_FOLDER
. Create symlinks to this repo, $BUDDI_ROOT
, so that you don't need to change
paths in the config file:
ln -s $ORIG_DATASETS_FOLDER $BUDDI_ROOT/datasets/original
- You can download the train/val/test splits from here. They are in each datasets's zip file.
- The Flickr Fits (validation and test) with images are available here [3GB].
- The processed dataset files that go into
for FlickrCI3D, Hi4D (coming soon), and CHI3D (coming soon).
- Download FlickrCI3D Signatures Training and Testing Set from this website and extract archives to
.├── $ORIG_DATASETS_FOLDER │ ├── FlickrCI3D_Signatures │ │ ├── train │ │ │ ├── images │ │ │ ├── interaction_contact_signature.json │ │ ├── test │ │ │ ├── images │ │ │ ├── interaction_contact_signature.json
- Download our pseudo ground-truth fits for FlickrCI3D and auxiliary data like BEV, keypoints, etc. form here.
- Extract data to
├── $PROCESSED_DATASETS_FOLDER │ ├── FlickrCI3D_Signatures │ │ ├── train │ │ | ├── train_val_split.npz │ │ | ├── processed.pkl │ │ | ├── processed_pseudogt_fits.pkl │ │ ├── test │ │ | ├── processed.pkl │ │ | ├── processed_pseudogt_fits.pkl
Register to get acces to Hi4D data. They will provide a personal URL for you to download Hi4D.
Here is a script I found useful. Place the script in $ORIG_DATASETS_FOLDER/Hi4D. Running it will list all tar.gz files from the Hi4D website in files.txt.
import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup PERSONAL_Hi4D_URL = "your person URL for Hi4D" # Replace with your desired URL def list_tar_gz_files(url): base_url = "https://hi4d.ait.ethz.ch" try: # Send an HTTP GET request to the provided URL response = requests.get(url) response.raise_for_status() # Check if the request was successful soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser') # Find all anchor (a) tags in the HTML with href ending in .tar.gz anchor_tags = soup.find_all('a', href=lambda href: href.endswith('.tar.gz')) # Prepare the content for files.txt file_list = [] for anchor in anchor_tags: href = anchor['href'] output_filename = href.split('/')[-1] file_list.append(f"{base_url}/{href} -O {output_filename}") # Save the content to files.txt with open('files.txt', 'w') as file: file.write('\n'.join(file_list)) print("files.txt created successfully with the list of .tar.gz files.") except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: print(f"Error: {e}") # Example usage: list_tar_gz_files(PERSONAL_Hi4D_URL)
Now you can download all Hi4D files from the command line via:
while read FOO; do wget $FOO; done < files.txt
Finally, extract the tar.gz data. Some paris have two folder (e.g. pair00_1 and pair00_2). This data should be extracted to the same folder like this:
pair00 --content_pair00_1 --content_pair00_2
#for pp in "00" "02" "13" "15" "17" "18" "21" "23" "27" "37"; do mkdir pair$pp && mv pair$pp\_1/* pair$pp/ && mv pair$pp\_2/* pair$pp/ && rm -r pair$pp\_1 pair$pp\_2; done for pp in "00" "02" "13" "15" "17" "18" "21" "23" "27" "37"; do mkdir pair$pp && tar xf pair$pp\_1.tar.gz -C pair$pp --strip-components 1 && tar xf pair$pp\_2.tar.gz -C pair$pp --strip-components 1; done for pp in "01" "09" "10" "12" "14" "16" "19" "22" "28" "32"; do tar xf pair$pp.tar.gz; done
You can also remove a the leftover mp4 file in pair02/talk02:
rm pair02/talk02/images/88/talk02_cam88.mp4 pair13/highfive13/images/64/highfive13_cam64.mp4 pair02/talk02/images/52/talk02_cam52.mp4 pair16/jump16/images/16/jump16_cam16.mp4 pair16/jump16/images/40/jump16_cam40.mp4 pair19/piggyback19/images/4/piggy19_cam4.mp4 pair19/piggyback19/images/76/piggy19_cam76.mp4 pair22/kiss22/images/4/kiss22_cam4.mp4
Download auxiliary data from here and extract data to
├── $PROCESSED_DATASETS_FOLDER │ ├── Hi4D │ │ ├── train_val_split.npz │ │ ├── processed.pkl │ │ ├── processed_single_camera.pkl
The data in processed.pkl contains the ground-truth 3D SMPL and SMPL-X fits and in data[][]['image_data'] the BEV estimate and keypoint detections for each image.
Single steps to create processed.pkl. Skip if you do not want to preprocess Hi4D. For training BUDDI you don't need this either.
Ground-truth Hi4D parameters are in SMPL format, but we convert SMPL to SMPL-X for this project. We first save ground-truth SMPL meshes of each person as obj files in $PROCESSED_DATASETS_FOLDER/Hi4D/smpl, e.g. Hi4D/pair00/dance00/smpl/000048_0.obj.
# install this repo: https://github.com/vchoutas/smplx cd $TOOLS_FOLDER/smplx source .venv/smplx/bin/activate python -m transfer_model --exp-cfg config_files/smpl2smplx.yaml # To run on folder python run_on_folder $PROCESSED_DATASETS_FOLDER/Hi4D/smpl config_files/smpl2smplx.yaml
Run ViTPose to get 2D keypoints
# install this repo: https://github.com/ViTAE-Transformer/ViTPose cd $TOOLS_FOLDER/ViTPose source .venv/vitpose/bin/activate export DS_ROOT='$ORIG_DATASETS_FOLDER/FlickrCI3D_Signatures/test' python demo/top_down_img_demo_with_mmdet.py demo/mmdetection_cfg/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_coco.py https://download.openmmlab.com/mmdetection/v2.0/faster_rcnn/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_coco/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_coco_20200130-047c8118.pth configs/wholebody/2d_kpt_sview_rgb_img/topdown_heatmap/coco-wholebody/hrnet_w48_coco_wholebody_384x288_dark_plus.py https://download.openmmlab.com/mmpose/top_down/hrnet/hrnet_w48_coco_wholebody_384x288_dark-f5726563_20200918.pth --img-root $DS_ROOT/images/ --out-img-root $DS_ROOT/keypoints/vitposeplus_images --out-res-root $DS_ROOT/keypoints/vitposeplus
Processing scrip to created processed.pkl
cd $REPO_ROOT python llib/data/preprocess/process_hi4d.py
- Required to train BUDDI, but can be ignored if you want to train BUDDI on Flickr PGT only.
- Download CHI3D Signatures from this website and extract archives to
. - If not done already, clone imar vision tools repo to
.├── $ORIG_DATASETS_FOLDER │ ├── CHI3D │ │ ├── chi3d_info.json │ │ ├── chi3d_template.json │ │ ├── train │ │ ├── test
Download auxiliary data from here and extract data to
├── $PROCESSED_DATASETS_FOLDER │ ├── CHI3D │ │ ├── train_val_split.npz │ │ ├── images_contact_processed.pkl
To extract frames from CHI3D videos via
(this will take several hours). You can skip this step since the images and not used during training. In this case, you can now run the demo training code. The data loader will use an empty image and you won't see the original image. Extract_frames.py will save the images to- {output_folder}/train/{subject}/images/{action}_{frame_index:06d}_{cam} for training, and
- {output_folder}/test/{subject}/images/{action}_{frame_index:06d} for test.
python datasets/scripts/CHI3D/extract_frames.py --input_folder $ORIG_DATASETS_FOLDER/CHI3D --output_folder $PROCESSED_DATASETS_FOLDER/CHI3D --sequence all
├── $PROCESSED_DATASETS_FOLDER │ ├── CHI3D │ │ ├── train │ │ │ ├── subject │ │ │ │ ├── images │ │ ├── test │ │ │ ├── subject │ │ │ │ ├── images