- Calculate album length and show it in the GUI
- Application state: save previous track position millis
- Save current track and current millis per album
- Save album play count per album
- Current Song and current millis should no longer be stored globally, only current album
- Add a placeholder image to use for albums and artists for which the art couldn't be/wasn't fetched
- Album Fragment: toolbar should have some back button of a quick way to get back to the music fragment
- Pick album art Activity
- Let the user choose from:
- Musicbrainz method 1: default search using album name and artist name
- Musicbrainz method 2: search artist ID, then search using album name and artist ID
- Preferred method for: "High Life" by "Brian Eno/Karl Hyde"
- Discogs method
- Custom file (JPG/PNG/...) selection
- Let the user choose from:
- "The Zombies" should be sorted at "Z" (not "T")
- Clean up/remove all unused icons
- SongWithAlbumInfo -- LiveData: album image data should be a nested Object (currently copying the data in each song)
- When the Activity is terminated, pressing the notification should open the acticity in album view with the correct album selected and scrolled to the correct song
- Notification display: show progressbar instead of album cover in case
the art wasn't fetched yet
- Is it possible to use LiveData for the notification?
- Trim sections between
from artist and/or album names?- Don't trim ending "Disc 1" strings since it's valuable for picking an album to play
- SongsFragment should listen to album updates so that missing album art can be updated in the list after it is fetched
- FileScannerService should start broadcasting sooner, not after ALL
records have been inserted
- Replace 'FileScannerService::insertRecords' with 'FileScannerService::insertRecord'
- PurgingService
- "Go Tell Fire to the Mountain" by "WU LYF" --> 404 from coverartarchive
- Settings fragment
- Number of columns in the album / artist fragments
- This number should be configurable from the toolbar as well
- Number of columns in the album / artist fragments
- SongsFragment filter:
- The "All" (albums) and "All" artists menu checkboxes should be tri-state
- SongsFragment filter: the artist-checkboxes should be tri-state:
- unchecking an album should put that album's artist in the "third"/"undetermined" state
- unchecking an artist should uncheck all albums of that artist (can be done in the filter class)
- Retrofit the image fetchers (not urgent, code is quite clean)