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WebExtensions Community Group Charter

The WebExtensions Community Group defines WebExtensions.

Table of Contents


We will specify a model, permissions, and a common core of APIs for web browser extensions (hereafter WebExtensions). By specifying the APIs, functionality, and permissions of WebExtensions, we can make it even easier for extension developers to enhance end user experience, while moving them towards APIs that improve performance and prevent abuse.

Design Principles

Our principles are inspired by the HTML Design Principles and the W3C TAG Ethical Web Principles.


Browser extensions enable users to customize their web browsing experience according to their preferences and needs. [People should be able to render web content as they want] [The Internet is for End Users]

We will specify extension APIs that enable developers to write a variety of useful browser extensions.

In conflict, we will prioritize the needs of end users over the needs of developers and implementers. [Priority of Constituencies]


We strive to maintain and improve compatibility with popular existing extensions and extension APIs. [Support Existing Content] This will enable developers to not have to completely rewrite their extensions to work in different browsers, which can be error-prone. [Do Not Reinvent the Wheel]


We should enable developers to write extensions that do not negatively impact web page or browser performance or power consumption. [The web must be an environmentally sustainable platform]


When choosing extensions to use, users should not have to make tradeoffs between functionality and security. We will specify new extension APIs, make model changes, and improve permissions to promote good security practices & reduce the harm a compromised or malicious browser extension can do. [Security and privacy are essential]


Likewise, users should not have to make tradeoffs between functionality and privacy. We will enable browser extensions to enhance the user’s experience while requiring the minimum access necessary to the user’s browsing data in order to reduce or eliminate the tradeoff end-users must make between functionality and privacy. [Security and privacy are essential]


It should be relatively straightforward for developers to port extensions from one browser to another, and for browsers to support extensions on a variety of devices and operating systems. [The web is multi-browser, multi-OS, and multi-device] [Media Independence]

We will keep the number of UI entry points to a minimum to avoid locking implementers into overly-limited UI patterns. This helps to ensure extensions work across browsers, devices, and UI paradigms.

Our specifications should not make reference to or rely on specific browser engine implementation details.


We will strive for simplicity in our APIs, to enable the widest group of developers to author extensions, and to make it easy for them to maintain the extensions they author. We will keep the number of APIs extensions must adopt to a minimum, and will only revise such APIs infrequently, to keep the maintenance cost of extensions as low as we can. [The web must enhance individuals' control and power] [Avoid Needless Complexity]

Well-defined Behavior

We will rigorously define the behavior of extension APIs to enable browser developers to best achieve interoperability. [Well-defined Behavior]


We recognize that browser vendors need to provide functionality that is specific to their browser and also need the ability to experiment with new features. Our process embraces this and seeks to provide mechanisms for specifying inconsistencies and working towards eventual unification where appropriate. Given this, we expect browser vendors to offer APIs and capabilities beyond what's specified.

Of course, the need for autonomy must be balanced against the need to provide developers with a consistent and interoperable platform. To that end, we seek to specify a common platform that includes the base extension model, permissions model, and a common core of APIs for web extensions that all browsers can build upon.

Scope of Work

The following things are in-scope for this Community Group:

  • An extensions model—the basic architecture of extensions and how the different pieces interrelate. This definition will include a description of the trust model, the differing trust between browsers and extensions and between extensions and web pages.
  • A permissions model—what sorts of powerful features extensions may access, and how extensions may request user consent to access them.
  • WebExtensions APIs—the interface extensions are built on.
  • A packaging format, including a manifest format and how extensions are localized.
  • Native Messaging—the API surface extensions use to exchange messages with native applications running on the host system.

Out of Scope

The following things are out-of-scope:

  • Deployment mechanisms, including but not limited to:
    • methods for signing extensions
    • file extensions
    • mime types
  • WebDriver integration




The group will produce a WebExtensions specification, including the Web Extensions API and the extensions and permissions models it's based on. This specification will be based on the existing extensions model and API supported by Chrome and Firefox.

Note: There was an earlier attempt within the Browser Extension Community Group to standardize Browser Extensions. Much good progress was made, but unfortunately the spec did not gain sufficient interest from implementers and work on it ceased.

The editors for this deliverable are:

  • Mukul Purohit (Microsoft)
  • Tomislav Jovanovic (Mozilla)

Non-Normative Reports

The group may produce other Community Group Reports within the scope of this charter but that are not Specifications, for instance use cases, requirements, or white papers.

Test Suites and Other Software

The group MAY produce test suites to support the Specifications. Any test suites produced by this group will be made available under the same license as WPT.

Dependencies or Liaisons

We will seek wide review of our work, particularly in the areas of architecture, accessibility, internationalization, privacy, and security.

Should a Specification of ours mature sufficiently, we will pursue standardization in an appropriate venue.


The Chairs of the WebExtensions Community Group are:

  • Simeon Vincent (Google)
  • Timothy Hatcher (Apple)

The Chairs are responsible for the day-to-day running of the group, including:

  • ensuring the group adheres to its Process,
  • appointing Editors for Deliverables,
  • focusing the group's limited time on the work most likely to positively advance WebExtensions via wide implementation and adoption,
  • managing the group's GitHub repositories, website, and online presence,
  • moderating the group's discussions, whatever the forum (GitHub, mailing lists, face to face, etc.),
  • running teleconferences and face-to-face meetings,
  • resolving conflicts between contributors,
  • encouraging participation in the group,
  • and keeping this Charter compliant with the Community and Business Group Process, updating it as necessary.

The Chairs have a number of other powers and responsibilities which are defined throughout this document.


Each Deliverable has one or more Editors who are appointed by the Chairs.

Editors are responsible for the technical content of their Deliverable and have sole authority to modify it (though their decisions may be overridden by the Chairs; see below).

Editors are responsible for

  • ensuring any applied changes fulfill the relevant criteria for changes,
  • reducing open issues,
  • helping to manage the corresponding tests,
  • ensuring (together with implementers) implementations follow the requirements and vice versa (The “don’t write fiction” rule.),
  • ensuring contributions to their Deliverable are only made by Community Group Participants who have agreed to the W3C Community Contributor License Agreement (CLA), and
  • and ensuring that there are no unresolved substantive objections from Community Group Participants before merging contributions or otherwise modifying their Deliverable.

Changes of an editorial nature can be made, accepted, or rejected by Editors without discussion.

Editors may solicit input from Community Group Participants, and may consider and respond to comments, suggestions, and objections from participants and the public.

Editors may commit changes to their Deliverable without further review, provided they adhere to the requirements in this Charter.


Community and Business Group Process

The group operates under the Community and Business Group Process. Terms in this Charter that conflict with those of the Community and Business Group Process are void.

As with other Community Groups, W3C seeks organizational licensing commitments under the W3C Community Contributor License Agreement (CLA). When people request to participate without representing their organization's legal interests, W3C will in general approve those requests for this group with the following understanding: W3C will seek and expect an organizational commitment under the CLA starting with the individual's first request to make a contribution to a group Deliverable. The section on Contribution Mechanics describes how W3C expects to monitor these contribution requests.

The W3C Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct applies to participation in this group.

Work Limited to Charter Scope

The group will not publish Specifications on topics other than those listed under Specifications above. See below for how to modify the charter.

Contribution Mechanics

Substantive Contributions to Specifications can only be made by Community Group Participants who have agreed to the W3C Community Contributor License Agreement (CLA).

Specifications created in the Community Group must use the W3C Software and Document License.

All other documents produced by the group should use that License where possible (except for tests; see above.

Community Group participants agree to make all contributions in the GitHub repo the group is using for the particular document. This may be in the form of a pull request (preferred), by raising an issue, or by adding a comment to an existing issue.


The group will conduct all of its technical work in public. All technical work will occur in its GitHub repositories (and not in mailing list discussions). This is to ensure contributions can be tracked through a software tool.

Meetings may be restricted to Community Group participants, but a public summary or minutes must be posted to GitHub.

Decision Process

This group will seek to make decisions where there is consensus. Editors assess consensus on issues related to their Deliverable. Where consensus isn't clear, or where there is sustained, substantive disagreement with an Editor's decision, the Editors and Chairs may issue a Call for Consensus [CfC] to allow multi-day online feedback for a proposed course of action. After discussion and due consideration of different opinions, a decision should be publicly recorded on GitHub.

If substantial disagreement remains (e.g. the group is divided) and the group needs to decide an Issue in order to continue to make progress, the Chairs will, in consultation with the Editors and group, choose an alternative that had substantial support and which drew the weakest objections.

Any decisions reached at any meeting are tentative and should be recorded in a GitHub Issue. Any group participant may object to a decision reached at an online or in-person meeting within 7 days of publication of the decision provided that they include clear technical reasons for their objection. The Chairs will facilitate discussion to try to resolve the objection according to the decision process.

It is the Chairs' responsibility to ensure that the decision process is fair, respects the consensus of the CG, and does not unreasonably favour or discriminate against any group participant or their employer.

Chair Selection

Additional Chairs may be appointed by unanimous consent of the then-current Chairs.

If 5 participants, no two from the same organisation, call for an election, the group must use the following process to replace all of the Chairs with a new Chair, consulting the Community Development Lead on election operations (e.g., voting infrastructure and using RFC 2777).

  • Participants announce their candidacies. Participants have 14 days to announce their candidacies, but this period ends as soon as all participants have announced their intentions. If there is only one candidate, that person becomes the Chair. If there are two or more candidates, there is a vote. Otherwise, nothing changes.

  • Participants vote. Participants have 21 days to vote for a single candidate, but this period ends as soon as all participants have voted. The individual who receives the most votes, no two from the same organisation, is elected chair. In case of a tie, RFC 2777 is used to break the tie.

Participants dissatisfied with the outcome of an election may ask the Community Development Lead to intervene. The Community Development Lead, after evaluating the election, may take any action including no action.

Amendments to this Charter

The group can decide to work on a proposed amended charter, editing the text using the Decision Process described above. The decision on whether to adopt the amended charter is made by conducting a 30-day vote on the proposed new charter. The new charter, if approved, takes effect on either the proposed date in the charter itself, or 7 days after the result of the election is announced, whichever is later. A new charter must receive 2/3 of the votes cast in the approval vote to pass. The group may make simple corrections to the charter such as deliverable dates by the simpler group decision process rather than this charter amendment process. The group will use the amendment process for any substantive changes to the goals, scope, deliverables, decision process or rules for amending the charter.

This charter was derived from the Community and Business Group charter template which is both copyright © 2016, 2017, 2018 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics, Keio University, Beihang) and available under the W3C Software and Document License.