A configrable react html5 video component
$ npm install react-videoplayer --save
import VideoPlayer from 'react-videoplayer'
import 'react-videoplayer/lib/index.css'
- Pass Initial volume, time, playback rate
- Disable/Enable default controls
- Disable/Enable custom controls
- Disable any particular control like playback rate control
- Pass custom icons for any button
- Keyboard Controls
- Customize slider (Overwrite CSS)
- Control hiding on mouse out or no mouse movement
- Support for playlist
- High Order Component one can pass custom Control with exposed API for control
- Customize keyboard control in run-time
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
videoSrc |
string | video url (required) | |
videoVolume |
number | 100 | intial playback volume range [0-100] |
videoProgress |
string | 0m0s | video start time as string MM:SS |
videoPlaybackRate |
number | 1 | Default playback rate |
autoPlay |
bool | false | video will played as component is mounted |
muted |
bool | false | mutes the video if true |
playButtonImg |
string | svg-icon | icon path |
pauseButtonImg |
string | svg-icon | icon path |
nextButtonImg |
string | svg-icon | icon path |
previousButtonImg |
string | svg-icon | icon path |
volumeButtonImg |
string | svg-icon | icon path |
volumeButtonMuteImg |
string | svg-icon | icon path |
fullScreenButtonImg |
string | svg-icon | icon path |
playbackRateButtonImg |
string | svg-icon | icon path |
previousButtonClassName |
string | '' | class for prev btn is disabled ( when 1st video is played) |
nextButtonClassName |
string | '' | class for prev btn is disabled ( when last video is played) |
onPlay |
func | function called when video starts intially | |
onPlaying |
func | function called when video played | |
onEnded |
func | function called when video ends | |
playlist |
bool | false | when true prev and next btn are active |
playNext |
func | func called when next buttin is clicked | |
playPrevious |
func | func called when prev buttin is clicked | |
defaultSeekTime |
number | 10 | default seek time when video is seeked through key |
defaultVolumeChange |
number | 10 | default volume change when changed through key |
defaultBrowserControls |
bool | false | default html5 controls |
customHtmlControls |
bool | true | default custom controls |
keyboardControls |
bool | true | enables keyboard controls |
notificationClass |
string | 'video-player-notifications' | default class for notification |
notificationDuration |
number | 1500 | timeout for notification |
Key | Action |
Up Arrow | Increase Volume |
Down Arrow | Decrease Volume |
Right Arrow | Seek Forward |
Left Arrow | Seek Backward |
] | Increase PlayBack Rate |
[ | Decrease PlayBack Rate |
Default Playback Rate | |
Enter / F | Fullscreen Toggle |
Space / K | play-Pause Toggle |
L | Seek Forward |
J | Seek Backward |
M | Toggle Volume |
T | Toggle TheaterMode |
> |
play Next Video |
< | play Previous Video |
H | Show HelpBox |
import React from 'react';
import VideoPlayer from 'react-videoplayer'
import 'react-videoplayer/lib/index.css'
class Player extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
videoSrc : 'https://www.w3schools.com/html/mov_bbb.mp4'
render() {
return (
export default Player;
This examples contains one more component dragNdrop which is loosely based on react-drag-and-drop through which files are dropped to play.
import React from 'react';
import VideoPlayer from 'react-videoplayer'
import 'react-videoplayer/lib/index.css'
import DragNDropInput from '../components/DragNDropInput';
class Player extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
playlist: [],
videoFiles: [],
videoSrc: "",
currentVideo: -1,
previousButtonClassName: "",
nextButtonClassName: ""
this.DragNDropInputOnDrop = this.DragNDropInputOnDrop.bind(this);
this.videoPlayerPlayNext = this.videoPlayerPlayNext.bind(this);
this.videoPlayerPlayPrevious = this.videoPlayerPlayPrevious.bind(this);
DragNDropInputOnDrop(dragndrop, acceptedFiles) {
let newVideoFile = [];
let newPlayList = [];
let oldVideoFile = this.state.videoFiles;
let oldPlayList = this.state.playlist;
acceptedFiles.forEach((file) => {
const index = helper.isObjectDuplicate(file, oldVideoFile, "name");
const fileURL = URL.createObjectURL(file);
if (index === -1) {
if (newPlayList.length > 0) {
this.setState((prevState) => {
let currentVideo = -1;
if (prevState.currentVideo === -1) {
currentVideo = 0;
else {
currentVideo = prevState.currentVideo;
const playlist = [...oldPlayList, ...newPlayList];
const videoFiles = [...oldVideoFile, ...newVideoFile];
return {
nextButtonClassName: "",
videoSrc: playlist[currentVideo]
videoPlayerPlayNext() {
if (this.state.currentVideo === this.state.playlist.length - 1) {
else {
this.setState((prevState) => {
const currentVideo = prevState.currentVideo + 1;
const className = currentVideo === prevState.playlist.length - 1 ? "disabled" : "";
return {
videoSrc: prevState.playlist[currentVideo],
nextButtonClassName: className,
previousButtonClassName: ""
videoPlayerPlayPrevious() {
if (this.state.currentVideo === 0) {
else {
this.setState((prevState) => {
const currentVideo = prevState.currentVideo - 1;
const className = currentVideo === 0 ? "disabled" : "";
return {
videoSrc: prevState.playlist[currentVideo],
previousButtonClassName: className,
nextButtonClassName: ""
render() {
return (
{this.state.videoSrc === "" ? false :
playlist={this.state.playlist.length > 1}
export default Player;
Note: Image contains music video believer by Imagine Dragons to which I claim not rights.
Feel free to contribute. Submit a Pull Request or open an issue for further discussion.