Releases: muldjord/skyscraper
Releases · muldjord/skyscraper
- Implemented the new IGDB v4 authentication method. IGDB will now work again, and requires free credentials. Read more about that here
- Improved memory consumption when handing entries back to main thread
- Added '.au3' file extension to id script exception list (Thank you to 'o0alucard0o' for reporting this)
- Added 'neogeocd' platform (Thank you to 'igno2k' and 'meveric' for suggesting it)
- 'screenscraper' module now supports region for screenshots (Thank you to 'cameronhimself' for pointing this out)
- Low disk space check for cache is now calculated from cache folder location
- Skyscraper initial output now shows frontend and extras when generating game lists
- Changed 'gamelistFolder' config.ini option to 'gameListFolder' but kept old variable name for backwards compatibility
- Added 'gameListBackup' config.ini option to allow for game list backups being created on each run (Thank you to 'igno2k' for suggesting it)
- Attract-Mode now recognizes '$HOME' in emulator file
- Refactored Attract-Mode media folder getters
- Fixed rare faulty matches from 'esgamelist' module in cases where last part of 'path' was a match with filename (Thank you to 'akamming' for reporting this)
- Exporting for Pegasus frontend now supports preservation of old game list key-value pairs (Thank you to user 'HugLifeTiZ' for suggesting this)
- '--cache report' now also adheres so excludeFiles and includeFiles (Thank you to user 'spilinek' for pointing this out)
- MAJOR: Added video conversion support through config.ini option 'videoConvertCommand="COMMAND %i %o"' option. See docs for more details.
- Removed deprecated '' node and replaced it with '' for ES gamelist generation (Thank you to 'yisraeldov' for letting me know)
- Added simple error handling for media network requests
- '--flags help' and '--cache help' no longer requires '-p PLATFORM' to be set
- Changed 'worldofspectrum' scraping module to use https