diff --git a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-da/plurals.xml b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-da/plurals.xml index d323f20b1c6a..ea9520fe3147 100644 --- a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-da/plurals.xml +++ b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-da/plurals.xml @@ -12,6 +12,14 @@ 1 år tilbage %1$d år tilbage + + %1$d dag + %1$d dage + + + %1$d måned + %1$d måneder + Kontokredit udløber om en dag Kontokredit udløber om %1$d dage diff --git a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-da/strings.xml b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-da/strings.xml index 160a34ea5f9e..b32c644c4505 100644 --- a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-da/strings.xml +++ b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-da/strings.xml @@ -7,9 +7,12 @@ Kontonummer Viser påmindelser, når kontotiden er ved at udløbe Påmindelser om kontotid + Tilføj 30 dages tid + Tilføj 30 dages tid (%1$s) Tilføj en server Tilføj DNS-server Køb enten kredit på vores hjemmeside, eller indløs en kupon. + %1$s blev føjet til din konto. Accepter og fortsæt Alle applikationer Giver adgang til andre enheder på det samme netværk til deling, udskrivning osv. @@ -25,6 +28,7 @@ Voksenindhold Hasardspil Malware + Sociale medier Trackere FORBINDELSE BLOKERET Blokerer internettet @@ -52,6 +56,11 @@ Deaktiver alle <b>%1$s</b> ovenfor for at aktivere denne indstilling. Aktiver for at tilføje mindst én DNS-server. Indtast IP + Indtast port + Fjern brugerdefineret port + Indstil port + Brugerdefineret WireGuard-port + Gyldige intervaller: %1$s Kunne ikke fortolke værten for den tilpassede tunnel. Prøv at ændre dine indstillinger. Du har fjernet denne enhed. For at oprette forbindelse igen skal du logge ind igen. Enheden er inaktiv @@ -99,6 +108,9 @@ Din enhed er offline. Tunnelen vil oprette forbindelse automatisk, når din enhed er online igen. mindre end én dag tilbage mindre end et minut siden + mindre end én dag + Tilslutter... + Bekræfter køb... Lokal netværksdeling Det opnås ved at tillade netværkskommunikation uden for tunnelen til lokale multicast- og broadcast-områder samt til og fra disse private IP-intervaller: Denne funktion giver adgang til andre enheder på det lokale netværk, såsom til deling, udskrivning, streaming osv. @@ -133,8 +145,18 @@ Tid udløbet Betalt indtil For at begynde at bruge appen skal du først føje tid til din konto. + Vi kunne ikke starte betalingsprocessen. Sørg for, at du har den nyeste version af Google Play. + Google Play er ikke tilgængelig + 30 dage blev føjet til din konto. Tid blev tilføjet + Vi kunne ikke starte betalingsprocessen. Prøv igen senere. + Mullvad-tjenester er ikke tilgængelige + Vi er i øjeblikket ved at bekræfte dit køb, det kan tage noget tid. Din tid vil blive tilføjet, hvis bekræftelsen lykkes. + Bekræfter køb + Google Play-betaling afventer Port + For at sørge for, at du har den mest sikre version og for at informere dig om eventuelle problemer med den aktuelle version, der kører, udfører appen automatisk versionstjek. Dette sender app-versionen og Android-systemversionen til Mullvad-servere. Mullvad holder tal på antallet af brugte app-versioner og Android-versioner. Dataene bliver aldrig opbevaret eller brugt på nogen måde, der kan identificere dig. + Hvis funktionen split tunneling bruges, beder appen dit system om en liste over alle installerede programmer. Denne liste hentes kun i split tunnel-visningen. Listen over installerede programmer sendes aldrig fra enheden. Privatliv Fortrolighedspolitik For at vi bedre kan hjælpe dig, bedes du vedhæfte din apps logfil til denne meddelelse. Dine data vil forblive sikre og private, da de anonymiseres, før de sendes via en krypteret kanal. @@ -194,6 +216,7 @@ Opdater DNS-server Din e-mail (valgfrit) For at vi bedre kan hjælpe dig, bedes du skrive på engelsk eller svensk og nævne hvilket land, du befinder dig i. + Bekræfter kupon… Se app-logfiler Fejl ved virtuel adapter Kuponkode er allerede brugt. @@ -207,4 +230,5 @@ Indstil WireGuard MTU-værdi. Gyldigt område: %1$d - %2$d. Den automatiske indstilling vælger tilfældigt fra de gyldige rækker af porte nedenfor. Den brugerdefinerede port kan være en hvilken som helst værdi inden for de gyldige intervaller: %1$s. + WireGuard-port diff --git a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-de/plurals.xml b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-de/plurals.xml index 51c383118e8b..f81a681f6459 100644 --- a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-de/plurals.xml +++ b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-de/plurals.xml @@ -12,6 +12,14 @@ 1 Jahr übrig %1$d Jahre übrig + + %1$d Tag + %1$d Tage + + + %1$d Monat + %1$d Monate + Kontoguthaben läuft in einem Tag ab Kontoguthaben läuft in %1$d Tagen ab diff --git a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml index fd6b6f8d59e6..bd4f8ee4175a 100644 --- a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml +++ b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml @@ -7,9 +7,12 @@ Kontonummer Erinnerungen anzeigen, wenn die Kontozeit bald abläuft Erinnerungen an die Kontozeit + 30 Tage Zeit hinzufügen + 30 Tage Zeit hinzufügen (%1$s) Server hinzufügen DNS-Server hinzufügen Kaufen Sie entweder Guthaben über unsere Seite oder lösen Sie einen Gutschein ein. + %1$s wurde(n) zu Ihrem Konto hinzugefügt. Akzeptieren und weiter Alle Anwendungen Ermöglicht den Zugriff auf andere Geräte im selben Netzwerk zum Teilen von Dateien, Drucken etc. @@ -25,6 +28,7 @@ Inhalte für Erwachsene Glücksspiel Malware + Social Media Tracker GESPERRTE VERBINDUNG Internet wird gesperrt @@ -52,6 +56,11 @@ Deaktivieren Sie oben alle <b>%1$s</b>, um diese Einstellung zu aktivieren. Aktivieren, um mindestens einen DNS-Server hinzuzufügen. IP eingeben + Port eingeben + Eigenen Port entfernen + Port festlegen + Eigener WireGuard-Port + Gültige Bereiche: %1$s Der Host des benutzerdefinierten Tunnels konnte nicht aufgelöst werden. Versuchen Sie, Ihre Einstellungen zu ändern. Sie haben dieses Gerät entfernt. Um sich erneut zu verbinden, müssen Sie sich erneut anmelden. Gerät ist inaktiv @@ -99,6 +108,9 @@ Ihr Gerät ist offline. Der Tunnel wird automatisch verbunden, sobald Ihr Gerät wieder online ist. weniger als ein Tag übrig vor weniger als einer Minute + weniger als ein Tag + Verbinden … + Kauf verifizieren … Teilen im lokalen Netzwerk Das geschieht, indem die Netzwerkkommunikation außerhalb des Tunnels zu lokalen Multicast- und Broadcast-Bereichen sowie zu und von diesen privaten IP-Bereichen zugelassen wird: Diese Funktion ermöglicht den Zugriff auf andere Geräte im lokalen Netzwerk, z. B. zum Teilen, Drucken, Streamen usw. @@ -133,8 +145,18 @@ Zeit abgelaufen Bezahlt bis Um mit der Nutzung dieser App zu beginnen, müssen Sie erst einmal Zeit zu Ihrem Konto hinzufügen. + Wir konnten den Zahlungsvorgang nicht starten. Bitte vergewissern Sie sich, dass Sie die neueste Version von Google Play haben. + Google Play nicht verfügbar + 30 Tage wurden zu Ihrem Konto hinzugefügt. Zeit erfolgreich hinzugefügt + Wir konnten den Zahlungsvorgang nicht starten, bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal. + Mullvad-Dienste nicht verfügbar + Wir verifizieren gerade Ihren Kauf, dies kann einige Zeit dauern. Ihre Zeit wird hinzugefügt, wenn die Verifizierung erfolgreich ist. + Kauf verifizieren + Google-Play-Zahlung ausstehend Port + Um zu gewährleisten, dass Sie die sicherste Version haben und um Sie über eventuelle Probleme mit der aktuellen Version zu informieren, führt die App automatisch Versionsprüfungen durch. Dabei werden die App-Version und die Android-Systemversion an die Mullvad-Server gesendet. Mullvad führt Zähler für die Anzahl der verwendeten App-Versionen und Android-Versionen. Die Daten werden niemals gespeichert oder in einer Weise verwendet, die Sie identifizieren könnte. + Wenn Split Tunneling verwendet wird, fragt die App Ihr System nach einer Liste aller installierten Anwendungen ab. Diese Liste wird nur in der Split-Tunneling-Ansicht abgerufen. Die Liste der installierten Anwendungen wird nie vom Gerät gesendet. Datenschutz Datenschutzrichtlinie Damit wir Ihnen besser helfen können, wird die Protokolldatei Ihrer App an diese Nachricht angehängt. Ihre Daten bleiben sicher und privat, da sie vor dem Senden über einen verschlüsselten Kanal anonymisiert werden. @@ -194,6 +216,7 @@ DNS-Server aktualisieren Ihre E-Mail-Adresse (optional) Um Ihnen besser weiterhelfen zu können, schreiben Sie uns bitte auf Englisch oder Schwedisch und geben Sie an, aus welchem Land Sie die Verbindung herstellen. + Gutschein verifizieren … App-Protokolle anzeigen Virtueller Adapterfehler Der Gutscheincode wurde bereits verwendet. @@ -207,4 +230,5 @@ WireGuard-MTU-Wert einstellen. Gültiger Bereich: %1$d – %2$d. Die automatische Einstellung wählt zufällig aus den unten gezeigten gültigen Portbereichen. Der benutzerdefinierte Port kann ein beliebiger Wert innerhalb dieser gültigen Bereiche sein: %1$s. + WireGuard-Port diff --git a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-es/plurals.xml b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-es/plurals.xml index cc6448903439..e4ec66e8c6a0 100644 --- a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-es/plurals.xml +++ b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-es/plurals.xml @@ -12,6 +12,14 @@ Queda 1 año Quedan %1$d años + + %1$d día + %1$d días + + + %1$d mes + %1$d meses + El crédito de la cuenta caduca en un día El crédito de la cuenta caduca en %1$d días diff --git a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-es/strings.xml b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-es/strings.xml index 4eff30768e37..08144735a5fe 100644 --- a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-es/strings.xml +++ b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-es/strings.xml @@ -7,9 +7,12 @@ Número de cuenta Muestra avisos cuando el tiempo de la cuenta está a punto de caducar Recordatorios de tiempo de la cuenta + Añadir 30 días + Añadir 30 días (%1$s) Añadir un servidor Añadir servidor DNS Compre crédito en nuestro sitio web o canjee un cupón. + Se ha(n) añadido %1$s a su cuenta. Aceptar y continuar Todas las aplicaciones Permite el acceso a otros dispositivos de la misma red para compartir, imprimir, etc. @@ -25,6 +28,7 @@ Contenido para adultos Juegos de azar Malware + Redes sociales Rastreadores CONEXIÓN BLOQUEADA Internet bloqueado @@ -52,6 +56,11 @@ Deshabilite todos los <b>%1$s</b> de arriba para activar este ajuste. Active esta opción para agregar como mínimo un servidor DNS. Escriba la IP + Introducir puerto + Quitar puerto personalizado + Establecer puerto + Puerto personalizado de WireGuard + Intervalos válidos: %1$s No se puede resolver el host del túnel personalizado. Pruebe a cambiar la configuración. Ha quitado este dispositivo. Vuelva a iniciar la sesión para conectarse. El dispositivo está inactivo @@ -99,6 +108,9 @@ El dispositivo está sin conexión. El túnel se conectará automáticamente cuando el dispositivo vuelva a estar en línea. queda menos de un día hace menos de un minuto + menos de un día + Conectando... + Verificando la compra… Uso compartido de la red local Lo realiza permitiendo la comnunicación de red fuera del túnel hacia rangos de emisión y multidifusión locales y también hacia y desde estos rangos de IP privados: Esta característica permite el acceso a otros dispositivos de la red local, como para compartir, imprimir, transmitir, etc. @@ -133,8 +145,18 @@ Tiempo agotado Pagado hasta Para empezar a usar la aplicación, primero necesita agregar tiempo a su cuenta. + No hemos podido iniciar el proceso de pago. Asegúrese de tener la última versión de Google Play. + Google Play no disponible + Se han añadido 30 días a su cuenta. Se añadió correctamente el tiempo + No hemos podido iniciar el proceso de pago. Inténtelo de nuevo más tarde. + Servicios de Mullvad no disponibles + Estamos verificando su compra en este momento. Esto podría tardar algún tiempo. Su tiempo se añadirá si pasa la verificación. + Verificando la compra + Pago a Google Play pendiente Puerto + Para garantizar que tiene la versión más segura e informarle de cualquier problema con la versión actual que está ejecutando, la aplicación realiza verificaciones de versiones automáticamente. Esto envía la versión de la aplicación y la versión del sistema Android a los servidores de Mullvad. Mullvad mantiene contadores del número de versiones de la aplicación y versiones de Android usadas. Los datos nunca se almacenan ni utilizan de forma que puedan identificarle. + Si se utiliza la característica de túnel dividido, la aplicación consultará a su sistema la lista de todas las aplicaciones instaladas. Esta lista solo se recupera en la vista de túnel dividido. La lista de aplicaciones instaladas nunca se envía desde el dispositivo. Privacidad Política de privacidad Para ayudarle de una forma más eficiente, se adjuntará el archivo de registro de la aplicación a este mensaje. Sus datos permanecerán protegidos y privados, ya que se anonimizan antes de enviarse a través de un canal cifrado. @@ -194,6 +216,7 @@ Actualizar servidor DNS Su correo electrónico (opcional) Para ayudarle mejor, escriba en inglés o sueco e indique desde qué país se está conectando. + Verificando el cupón… Ver registros de la aplicación Error del adaptador virtual El código del cupón ya se ha usado. @@ -207,4 +230,5 @@ Establezca el valor de MTU de WireGuard. Intervalo válido: %1$d-%2$d. El ajuste automático se elegirá al azar entre los rangos de puertos válidos que se muestran a continuación. El puerto personalizado pueder ser cualquier valor dentro de los rangos válidos: %1$s. + Puerto de WireGuard diff --git a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-fi/plurals.xml b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-fi/plurals.xml index 69125affd129..f8232300e55c 100644 --- a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-fi/plurals.xml +++ b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-fi/plurals.xml @@ -12,6 +12,14 @@ 1 vuosi jäljellä %1$d vuotta jäljellä + + %1$d päivä + %1$d päivää + + + %1$d kuukausi + %1$d kuukautta + Tilin käyttöaika päättyy vuorokauden kuluttua Tilin käyttöaika päättyy %1$d vuorokauden kuluttua diff --git a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-fi/strings.xml b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-fi/strings.xml index a48af8610ea8..cb75a6447240 100644 --- a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-fi/strings.xml +++ b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-fi/strings.xml @@ -7,9 +7,12 @@ Tilin numero Näyttää muistutuksia, kun tilin käyttöaika on umpeutumassa Muistutukset tilin käyttöajasta + Lisää 30 päivää käyttöaikaa + Lisää 30 päivää käyttöaikaa (%1$s) Lisää palvelin Lisää DNS-palvelin Osta käyttöaikaa verkkosivustoltamme tai lunasta kuponki. + Tilillesi lisättiin %1$s käyttöaikaa. Hyväksy ja jatka Kaikki sovellukset Sallii jakamisen, tulostuksen ym. saman verkon muille laitteille. @@ -25,6 +28,7 @@ Aikuisille suunnattu sisältö Uhkapelaaminen Haittaohjelmat + Sosiaalinen media Seurantapalvelimet ESTETTY YHTEYS Verkkoyhteys estetään @@ -52,6 +56,11 @@ Ota tämä asetus käyttöön poistamalla kaikki <b>%1$s</b> käytöstä yllä. Ota käyttöön lisätäksesi vähintään yhden DNS-palvelimen. Anna IP-osoite + Anna portti + Poista mukautettu portti + Määritä portti + Mukautettu WireGuard-portti + Kelvolliset portit: %1$s Muokatun tunnelin isännän selvittäminen ei onnistu. Kokeile muuttaa asetuksiasi. Olet poistanut tämän laitteen. Jos haluat muodostaa yhteyden uudelleen, sinun täytyy kirjautua takaisin sisään. Laite ei ole aktiivinen @@ -99,6 +108,9 @@ Laitteesi on offline-tilassa. Kun laitteesi on taas online-tilassa, tunneli muodostaa yhteyden automaattisesti. alle vuorokausi jäljellä alle minuutti sitten + alle vuorokausi + Yhdistetään... + Ostosta vahvistetaan... Paikallisen verkon jakaminen Ominaisuus siis sallii verkkoviestinnän tunnelin ulkopuolella paikallisille lähetys- ja monilähetysalueille sekä näillä yksityisillä IP-alueilla kumpaankin suuntaan: Tämä ominaisuus mahdollistaa pääsyn muihin paikallisverkon laitteisiin esimerkiksi jakamisen, tulostamisen, suoratoiston jne. tarpeisiin. @@ -133,8 +145,18 @@ Ei käyttöaikaa Maksu ennen Voit aloittaa sovelluksen käyttämisen lisäämällä ensin aikaa tilillesi. + Emme pystyneet aloittamaan maksun käsittelyä. Varmista, että käytät Google Playn uusinta versiota. + Google Play ei ole käytettävissä + Tilillesi lisättiin 30 päivää käyttöaikaa. Aika lisättiin onnistuneesti + Emme pystyneet aloittamaan maksun käsittelyä. Yritä myöhemmin uudelleen. + Mullvad-palvelut eivät ole käytettävissä + Vahvistamme ostostasi parhaillaan. Siinä saattaa vierähtää jonkin aikaa. Tilillesi lisätään käyttöaikaa, kunhan ostoksen vahvistus onnistuu. + Ostoksen vahvistaminen + Google Play -maksu odottaa Portti + Sovellus suorittaa versiotarkistuksia automaattisesti varmistaakseen, että käytät kaikkein turvallisinta versiota, ja ilmoittaakseen sinulle kaikista parhaillaan käynnissä olevan version ongelmista. Se lähettää Mullvadin palvelimille tiedot sovellusversiosta ja Android-järjestelmäversiosta. Mullvad pitää lukua käytettyjen sovellusversioiden ja Android-versioiden määristä. Tietoja ei koskaan tallenneta tai käytetä tavalla, joka voisi mahdollistaa tunnistamisesi. + Jos käytetään sovelluskohtaista yhdistämistä, sovellus pyytää järjestelmältäsi luettelon kaikista siihen asennetuista sovelluksista. Luettelo noudetaan vain sovelluskohtaisen yhdistämisen näkymässä. Asennettujen sovellusten luetteloa ei koskaan lähetetä laitteelta. Tietosuoja Tietosuojakäytäntö Jotta voimme olla avuksi parhaamme mukaan, sovelluksesi lokitiedosto liitetään tähän viestiin. Tietosi pysyvät suojattuina ja yksityisinä, ja ne anonymisoidaan salatun kanavan kautta ennen lähetystä. @@ -194,6 +216,7 @@ Päivitä DNS-palvelin Sähköpostisi (valinnainen) Jotta voisimme avustaa sinua paremmin, kirjoita englanniksi tai ruotsiksi ja mainitse, mistä maasta muodostat yhteyden. + Kuponkia vahvistetaan… Tarkastele sovelluslokeja Virtuaalisovittimen virhe Kuponkikoodi on jo käytetty. @@ -207,4 +230,5 @@ Aseta WireGuardin MTU-arvo väliltä %1$d–%2$d. Automaattinen asetus valitsee satunnaisesti käytettävissä olevista, alla luetelluista porteista. Mukautettu portti voi olla mikä tahansa sallittu arvo: %1$s. + WireGuard-portti diff --git a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-fr/plurals.xml b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-fr/plurals.xml index 083de02b07e2..67bb7839d379 100644 --- a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-fr/plurals.xml +++ b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-fr/plurals.xml @@ -12,6 +12,14 @@ 1 an restant %1$d ans restants + + %1$d jour + %1$d jours + + + %1$d mois + %1$d mois + Les crédits du compte expirent dans un jour Les crédits du compte expirent dans %1$d jours diff --git a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml index 0abbdf0037b4..663fe747fb23 100644 --- a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml +++ b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml @@ -7,9 +7,12 @@ Numéro de compte Affiche des rappels lorsque le temps du compte va expirer Rappels de temps pour le compte + Ajouter 30 jours de temps + Ajouter 30 jours de temps (%1$s) Ajouter un serveur Ajouter un serveur DNS Achetez du crédit sur notre site web ou échangez un bon. + %1$s ajouté à votre compte. Accepter et continuer Toutes les applications Autorise l\'accès aux autres appareils sur le même réseau pour partager, imprimer, etc. @@ -25,6 +28,7 @@ Contenu pour adultes Jeux d\'argent Malware + Réseaux sociaux Trackers CONNEXION BLOQUÉE Internet bloqué @@ -52,6 +56,11 @@ Désactivez tous les <b>%1$s</b> ci-dessus pour activer ce paramètre. Activez pour ajouter au moins un serveur DNS. Saisir l\'IP + Saisir le port + Supprimer le port personnalisé + Définir le port + Port WireGuard personnalisé + Plages valides : %1$s Échec de la résolution de l\'hôte du tunnel personnalisé. Essayez de modifier vos paramètres. Vous avez supprimé cet appareil. Vous devrez vous reconnecter pour connecter cet appareil à nouveau. L\'appareil est inactif @@ -99,6 +108,9 @@ Votre appareil est hors ligne. Le tunnel se connectera automatiquement une fois votre appareil à nouveau en ligne. moins d\'un jour restant il y a moins d\'une minute + moins d\'un jour + Connexion... + Vérification de l\'achat... Partage réseau local Pour ce faire, il autorise la communication réseau à l\'extérieur du tunnel vers les plages locales de multidiffusion et de diffusion, ainsi que vers et à partir de ces plages IP privées : Cette fonctionnalité permet d\'accéder à d\'autres appareils sur le réseau local, par exemple pour le partage, l\'impression, le streaming, etc. @@ -112,7 +124,7 @@ Échec de la connexion Connexion Avertissement : le bloqueur de malware n\'est pas un anti-virus et ne doit pas être traité comme tel, il s\'agit juste d\'une couche de protection supplémentaire. - Générer le compte + Gérer le compte Voulez-vous vraiment déconnecter <b>%1$s</b> ? Vous pouvez maintenant continuer la connexion sur cet appareil. Super ! @@ -133,8 +145,18 @@ Plus de temps Payé jusqu\'au Pour commencer à utiliser l\'application, vous devez d\'abord ajouter du temps à votre compte. + Nous n\'avons pas pu lancer le processus de paiement, merci de vérifier que vous disposez de la dernière version de Google Play. + Google Play indisponible + 30 jours ont été ajoutés à votre compte. Le temps a bien été ajouté + Nous n\'avons pas pu lancer le processus de paiement, merci de réessayer plus tard. + Services Mullvad indisponibles + Nous vérifions actuellement votre achat, ce qui peut prendre un certain temps. Votre temps sera ajouté si la vérification réussit. + Vérification de l\'achat + Paiement Google Play en attente Port + Pour vous assurer que vous disposez de la version la plus sécurisée et pour vous informer de tout problème lié à la version en cours d\'exécution, l\'application effectue automatiquement des vérifications de version. Elle envoie ainsi la version de l\'application et la version du système Android aux serveurs de Mullvad. Mullvad tient des compteurs sur le nombre de versions d\'applications et de versions d\'Android utilisées. Les données ne sont jamais stockées ou utilisées de manière à vous identifier. + Si la fonctionnalité de split tunneling est utilisée, l\'application demande à votre système la liste de toutes les applications installées. Cette liste n\'est récupérée que dans la vue de split tunneling. La liste des applications installées n\'est jamais envoyée par l\'appareil. Confidentialité Politique de confidentialité Pour mieux vous aider, le fichier journal de l\'application est joint à ce message. Vos données restent privées et en sécurité dans la mesure où elles sont rendues anonymes avant d\'être envoyées via un canal chiffré. @@ -194,6 +216,7 @@ Mettre à jour le serveur DNS Votre e-mail (facultatif) Pour nous permettre de mieux vous assister, merci d\'écrire en anglais ou en suédois et d\'indiquer le pays à partir duquel vous vous connectez. + Vérification du bon… Afficher les journaux de l\'application Erreur d\'adaptateur virtuel Le code du bon a déjà été utilisé. @@ -207,4 +230,5 @@ Définir la valeur MTU WireGuard. Plage valide : %1$d - %2$d. Le réglage automatique choisira au hasard parmi la plage de ports valide affichée ci-dessous. Le port personnalisé peut prendre n\'importe quelle valeur dans les plages valides : %1$s. + Port WireGuard diff --git a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-it/plurals.xml b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-it/plurals.xml index fd646c93e495..5bccffaeee7b 100644 --- a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-it/plurals.xml +++ b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-it/plurals.xml @@ -12,6 +12,14 @@ 1 anno rimanente %1$d anni rimanenti + + %1$d giorno + %1$d giorni + + + %1$d mese + %1$d mesi + Il credito dell\'account scade tra un giorno Il credito dell\'account scade tra %1$d giorni diff --git a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-it/strings.xml b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-it/strings.xml index 8ae92f4880ee..49b78e97f73d 100644 --- a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-it/strings.xml +++ b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-it/strings.xml @@ -7,9 +7,12 @@ Numero di account Mostra promemoria quando il tempo dell\'account sta per scadere Promemoria temporali per l\'account + Aggiungi 30 giorni di tempo + Aggiungi 30 giorni di tempo (%1$s) Aggiungi un server Aggiungi server DNS Acquista credito sul nostro sito web o riscatta un voucher. + %1$s aggiunti al tuo account. Accetta e continua Tutte le applicazioni Consenti l\'accesso ad altri dispositivi sulla stessa rete per condividere, stampare e altro. @@ -25,6 +28,7 @@ Contenuti per adulti Gioco d\'azzardo Malware + Social media Tracker CONNESSIONE BLOCCATA Blocco di Internet @@ -52,6 +56,11 @@ Disabilita tutti i <b>%1$s</b> sopra per attivare questa impostazione. Abilita per aggiungere almeno un server DNS. Inserisci IP + Inserisci porta + Rimuovi porta personalizzata + Imposta porta + Porta personalizzata WireGuard + Intervalli validi: %1$s Impossibile risolvere l\'host del tunnel personalizzato. Prova a modificare le impostazioni. Hai rimosso questo dispositivo. Per riconnetterti, dovrai effettuare nuovamente il login. Il dispositivo è inattivo @@ -99,6 +108,9 @@ Il tuo dispositivo è offline. Il tunnel si connetterà automaticamente una volta che il tuo dispositivo sarà di nuovo online. meno di un giorno rimanente meno di un minuto fa + meno di un giorno + Connessione... + Verifica dell\'acquisto... Condivisione rete locale Lo fa consentendo la comunicazione di rete al di fuori del tunnel verso intervalli multicast e broadcast locali, nonché da e verso questi intervalli IP privati: Questa funzione consente l\'accesso ad altri dispositivi sulla rete locale, ad esempio per la condivisione, la stampa, lo streaming, ecc. @@ -133,8 +145,18 @@ Scaduto Pagato fino al Per iniziare a utilizzare l\'app, devi prima aggiungere tempo al tuo account. + Non siamo riusciti ad avviare il processo di pagamento, assicurati di avere la versione più recente di Google Play. + Google Play non disponibile + 30 giorni aggiunti al tuo account. L\'ora è stata aggiunta correttamente + Non siamo riusciti ad avviare il processo di pagamento, riprova più tardi. + Servizi Mullvad non disponibili + Stiamo verificando il tuo acquisto, l\'operazione potrebbe richiedere del tempo. Il tuo tempo verrà aggiunto quando la verifica avrà avuto esito positivo. + Verifica dell\'acquisto + Pagamento Google Play in sospeso Porta + Per assicurarti di avere la versione più sicura e per informarti di eventuali problemi con la versione attualmente in esecuzione, l\'app esegue automaticamente i controlli di versione. Questa operazione invia la versione dell\'app e la versione del sistema Android ai server Mullvad. Mullvad mantiene traccia dei numeri di versione dell\'app utilizzati e delle versioni di Android. I dati non vengono mai archiviati o utilizzati in alcun modo che possa identificarti. + Se viene utilizzata la funzionalità di split tunneling, l\'app richiede al tuo sistema un elenco di tutte le applicazioni installate. Questo elenco viene recuperato solo nella vista split tunneling. L\'elenco delle applicazioni installate non viene mai inviato dal dispositivo. Privacy Informativa sulla privacy Per aiutarti in modo più efficace, il file di registro della tua app sarà allegato a questo messaggio. I tuoi dati rimarranno protetti e privati, e saranno anonimizzati prima di essere inviati tramite un canale crittografato. @@ -194,6 +216,7 @@ Aggiorna server DNS La tua e-mail (opzionale) Per consentirci di assisterti meglio, scrivi in ​​inglese o in svedese e indica da quale Paese ti stai connettendo. + Verifica del voucher… Visualizza registri app Errore scheda virtuale Il codice voucher è già stato utilizzato. @@ -207,4 +230,5 @@ Imposta il valore MTU WireGuard. Intervallo valido: %1$d - %2$d. L\'impostazione automatica sceglierà in modo casuale una porta valida negli intervalli mostrati di seguito. La porta personalizzata può essere qualsiasi valore all\'interno degli intervalli validi: %1$s. + Porta WireGuard diff --git a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-ja/plurals.xml b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-ja/plurals.xml index 940b262a4bd8..4350a8d33e34 100644 --- a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-ja/plurals.xml +++ b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-ja/plurals.xml @@ -9,6 +9,12 @@ 残り%1$d 年 + + %1$d日 + + + %1$dヶ月 + アカウントのクレジットが%1$d日後に無効になります diff --git a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-ja/strings.xml b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-ja/strings.xml index a05cdc3db722..0bba264e3e08 100644 --- a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-ja/strings.xml +++ b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-ja/strings.xml @@ -7,9 +7,12 @@ アカウント番号 アカウントの期限切れが迫っているときにリマインダーを表示します アカウント時間のリマインダー + 30日分を追加する + 30日分を追加する (%1$s) サーバーを追加 DNS サーバーを追加 当社ウェブサイトでクレジットを購入するか、バウチャーを使用してください。 + アカウントに%1$s分が追加されました。 同意して続行 すべてのアプリケーション 共有や印刷などのため、同一ネットワーク上の他のデバイスへのアクセスを許可します。 @@ -25,6 +28,7 @@ アダルトコンテンツ ギャンブル マルウェア + ソーシャルメディア トラッカー ブロックされた接続 インターネットをブロック中 @@ -52,6 +56,11 @@ この設定を有効にするには、上記のすべての<b>%1$s</b>を無効にしてください。 1つ以上のDNSサーバーを追加するには有効にしてください。 IPを入力 + ポートを入力してください + カスタムポートを削除 + ポートを設定 + WireGuardカスタムポート + 有効な範囲: %1$s カスタムトンネルのホストを解決できません。設定を変更してみてください。 このデバイスを削除しました。再度接続するには、ログインし直す必要があります。 デバイスが無効です @@ -99,6 +108,9 @@ デバイスがオフラインになっています。トンネルはデバイスがオンラインに戻ると自動的に接続されます。 残り1日未満 1分未満前 + 1日未満 + 接続中... + 購入を確認中... ローカルネットワーク共有 これは、トンネル外のネットワーク通信をローカルのマルチキャストおよびブロードキャスト範囲、および以下のプライベート IP 範囲との間で許可することによって行われます。 この機能は、共有、印刷、ストリーミングなどのため、ローカルネットワーク上の他デバイスへのアクセスを許可します。 @@ -133,8 +145,18 @@ 時間切れ 次の日時まで支払い済み アプリを使い始めるには、まずはアカウントに時間を追加する必要があります。 + 決済処理を開始できませんでした。最新バージョンのGoogle Playを使用していることを確認してください。 + Google Playを使用できません + アカウントに30日分が追加されました。 時間を正常に追加しました + 決済処理を開始できませんでした。後でもう一度お試しください。 + Mullvadサービスを使用できません + 購入を確認中です。これにはしばらく時間がかかる場合があります。正常に確認されると、この時間が追加されます。 + 購入を確認中 + Google Playの決済は未完了です ポート + このアプリは最も安全なバージョンを使用していることを確認し、実行中の現在のバージョンに関する問題を通知できるよう、バージョンチェックを自動的に実行します。このチェックによってアプリのバージョンとAndroidシステムのバージョンがMullvadサーバーに送信されます。Mullvadは使用されているアプリのバージョンとAndroidのバージョンの数字を記憶しています。このデータがユーザーを特定できる方法で保存されたり、使用されたりすることはありません。 + スプリットトンネリング機能が使用されている場合、アプリはシステムにインストール済みの全アプリケーションのリストを照会します。このリストはスプリットトンネリングビューでのみ取得されます。インストール済みアプリケーションのリストがデバイスから送信されることはありません。 プライバシー プライバシーポリシー さらに効率よく問題解決できるよう、お使いのアプリのログファイルがこのメッセージに添付されます。個人データは匿名化された後に暗号化されたチャネルで送信されるため、その安全は確保され、公開されることはありません。 @@ -194,6 +216,7 @@ DNS サーバーを更新 あなたのメールアドレス (任意) 最適なサポートを提供するため、英語またはスウェーデン語でご入力ください。また、接続元の国をお知らせください。 + バウチャーを確認中… アプリのログを表示 仮想アダプタのエラー バウチャーコードはすでに使用されています。 @@ -207,4 +230,5 @@ WireGuard MTUの値を設定します。有効範囲: %1$d ~ %2$d 自動設定では、以下の有効なポート範囲からランダムに選択されます。 カスタムポートは次の有効範囲内の任意の値に設定できます: %1$s。 + WireGuardポート diff --git a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-ko/plurals.xml b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-ko/plurals.xml index 5d5eebde8377..dc604c60ddad 100644 --- a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-ko/plurals.xml +++ b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-ko/plurals.xml @@ -9,6 +9,12 @@ %1$d년 남음 + + %1$d일 + + + %1$d개월 + 계정 크레딧이 %1$d일 후에 만료됩니다. diff --git a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-ko/strings.xml b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-ko/strings.xml index b3a098c919b2..f51b89459d7a 100644 --- a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-ko/strings.xml +++ b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-ko/strings.xml @@ -7,9 +7,12 @@ 계정 번호 계정 시간이 만료되려고 할 때 알림 표시 계정 시간 알림 + 30일 시간 추가 + 30일 시간 추가(%1$s) 서버 추가 DNS 서버 추가 웹 사이트에서 크레딧을 구매하거나 바우처를 사용하세요. + %1$s이(가) 귀하의 계정에 추가되었습니다. 동의하고 계속하기 모든 애플리케이션 공유, 인쇄 등을 위해 동일한 네트워크의 다른 장치에 액세스할 수 있습니다. @@ -25,6 +28,7 @@ 성인 콘텐츠 도박 맬웨어 + 소셜 미디어 트래커 연결 차단됨 인터넷 차단 @@ -52,6 +56,11 @@ 이 설정을 활성화하려면 위의 모든 <b>%1$s</b>을(를) 비활성화하세요. 하나 이상의 DNS 서버를 추가하려면 활성화합니다. IP 입력 + 포트 입력 + 사용자 지정 포트 제거 + 포트 설정 + WireGuard 사용자 지정 포트 + 유효한 범위: %1$s 사용자 지정 터널의 호스트를 확인할 수 없습니다. 설정을 변경해 보세요. 이 장치를 제거했습니다. 다시 연결하려면 다시 로그인해야 합니다. 장치가 비활성 상태입니다. @@ -99,6 +108,9 @@ 장치가 오프라인 상태입니다. 장치가 다시 온라인 상태가 되면 터널이 자동으로 연결됩니다. 1일 이내 1분 이내 + 1일 미만 + 연결 중... + 구매 확인 중... 로컬 네트워크 공유 이를 위해 터널 외부에서 로컬 멀티캐스트 및 브로드캐스트 범위는 물론 다음 개인 IP 범위와의 네트워크 통신을 허용합니다. 이 기능을 사용하면 공유, 인쇄, 스트리밍 등을 위해 로컬 네트워크의 다른 장치에 액세스할 수 있습니다. @@ -133,8 +145,18 @@ 시간 초과 유효 기간 앱 사용을 시작하려면, 먼저 계정에 시간을 추가해야 합니다. + 결제 프로세스를 시작할 수 없습니다. Google Play가 최신 버전인지 확인하세요. + Google Play 사용 불가 + 귀하의 계정에 30일이 추가되었습니다. 시간이 성공적으로 추가되었습니다. + 결제 프로세스를 시작할 수 없습니다. 나중에 다시 시도해 주세요. + Mullvad 서비스 사용 불가 + 구매를 현재 확인하는 중이므로 다소 시간이 걸릴 수 있습니다. 확인을 성공적으로 마치면 시간이 추가됩니다. + 구매 확인 중 + Google Play 결제 보류 중 포트 + 가장 안전한 버전인지 확인하고 현재 실행 중인 버전에 문제가 있으면 알려드리기 위해 앱에서 자동으로 버전 확인을 수행합니다. 그러면 앱 버전과 Android 시스템 버전이 Mullvad 서버로 전송됩니다. Mullvad는 사용된 앱 버전 및 Android 버전 수에 대한 카운터를 유지합니다. 이 데이터는 귀하를 식별할 수 있는 어떤 방식으로도 저장되거나 사용되지 않습니다. + 분할 터널링 기능을 사용하는 경우, 이 앱은 설치된 모든 애플리케이션 목록을 시스템에 쿼리합니다. 이 목록은 분할 터널링 보기에서만 검색됩니다. 설치된 애플리케이션 목록은 장치에서 전송되지 않습니다. 개인 정보 보호 개인정보 보호정책 보다 효과적인 문제 해결을 위해 앱의 로그 파일이 이 메시지에 첨부됩니다. 사용자 데이터는 암호화된 채널을 통해 전송되기 전에 익명 처리되므로 안전하고 비공개로 유지됩니다. @@ -194,6 +216,7 @@ DNS 서버 업데이트 이메일(선택 사항) 더 나은 지원을 위해 영어 또는 스웨덴어로 메시지를 작성하고 연결 국가를 포함하세요. + 바우처 확인 중… 앱 로그 보기 가상 어댑터 오류 이미 사용된 바우처 코드입니다. @@ -207,4 +230,5 @@ WireGuard MTU 값을 설정하세요. 유효 범위: %1$d ~ %2$d 자동 설정은 아래 표시된 유효한 포트 범위에서 임의로 선택합니다. 사용자 지정 포트는 유효한 범위 내의 모든 값이 될 수 있습니다: %1$s + WireGuard 포트 diff --git a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-my/plurals.xml b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-my/plurals.xml index e7e44c2881b2..375825b40f93 100644 --- a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-my/plurals.xml +++ b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-my/plurals.xml @@ -9,6 +9,12 @@ %1$d နှစ်သာ ကျန်တော့သည် + + %1$d ရက် + + + %1$d လ + %1$d ရက်အကြာတွင် အကောင့်ခရက်ဒစ် သက်တမ်းကုန်ပါတော့မည် diff --git a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-my/strings.xml b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-my/strings.xml index bfd0e3e2bdb1..15404df4378f 100644 --- a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-my/strings.xml +++ b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-my/strings.xml @@ -7,9 +7,12 @@ အကောင့် နံပါတ် အကောင့်အချိန် သက်တမ်းကုန်ခါနီးချိန်၌ သတိပေးချက်များ ပြသပေးပါသည် အကောင့်အချိန် သတိပေးချက်များ + အချိန် ရက် 30 ကို‌ ပေါင်းထည့်ရန် + အချိန် ရက် 30 ကို‌ ပေါင်းထည့်ရန် (%1$s) ဆာဗာ ပေါင်းထည့်ရန် DNS ဆာဗာကို ပေါင်းထည့်ရန် ကျွန်ုပ်တို့၏ ဝက်ဘ်ဆိုက်တွင် ခရက်ဒစ် ဝယ်ယူပါ သို့မဟုတ် ဘောက်ချာဖြင့် လဲယူပါ။ + သင့်အကောင့်ထဲသို့ %1$s ပေါင်းထည့်ပြီးပါပြီ။ သဘောတူပြီး ဆက်လုပ်ရန် အပလီကေးရှင်း အားလုံး ဝေမျှရန်၊ ပရင့်ထုတ်ရန်စသည်တို့အတွက် တူညီသည့် ကွန်ရက်ရှိ အခြားစက်များကို ရယူသုံးစွဲခွင့်ပြုပေးပါသည်။ @@ -25,6 +28,7 @@ လူကြီး အကြောင်းအရာ လောင်းကစား မဲလ်ဝဲရ် + လူမှုမီဒီယာ ခြေရာခံများ ပိတ်ဆို့ထားသည့် ချိတ်ဆက်မှု အင်တာနက် ပိတ်ဆို့နေပါသည် @@ -52,6 +56,11 @@ ဤဆက်တင်ကို သက်ဝင်လုပ်ဆောင်ရန် အထက်ရှိ <b>%1$s</b> အားလုံးကို ပိတ်ပါ။ အနည်းဆုံး DNS ဆာဗာတစ်ခုကို ပေါင်းထည့်ပါ။ IP ဖြည့်ပါ + ပေါ့တ် ရိုက်ထည့်ရန် + စိတ်ကြိုက် ပေါ့တ်ကို ဖယ်ရှားရန် + ပေါ့တ် သတ်မှတ်ရန် + စိတ်ကြိုက် WireGuard ပေါ့တ် + အကျုံးဝင်သည့် အပိုင်းအခြားများ- %1$s စိတ်ကြိုက်ပြုလုပ်ထားသည့် Tunnel ၏ Host ကို ဖြေရှင်း၍ မရနိုင်ပါ။ သင့်ဆက်တင်ကို ပြောင်းကြည့်ပါ။ ဤစက်ကို ဖယ်ရှားပြီး ဖြစ်သည်။ ထပ်မံချိတ်ဆက်ရန်အတွက် ပြန်လည် ဝင်ရောက်ရန် လိုပါသည်။ စက်သည် သက်ဝင်လုပ်ဆောင်မှု မရှိပါ @@ -99,6 +108,9 @@ သင့်စက်သည် အော့ဖ်လိုင်း ဖြစ်နေပါသည်။ သင့်စက် အွန်လိုင်း ပြန်ဖြစ်သည်နှင့် Tunnel သည် အော်တို ချိတ်ဆက်သွားပါမည်။ တစ်ရက်အောက်သာ ကျန်တော့သည် လွန်ခဲ့သော စက္ကန့်ပိုင်း + တစ်ရက်အောက် နည်းသည်။ + ချိတ်ဆက်နေဆဲ... + ဝယ်ယူမှုကို စစ်ဆေးနေဆဲ... လိုကယ် ကွန်ရက် ဝေမျှမှု ဒေသတွင်း Multicast နှင့် Broadcast အပိုင်းအခြားများဆီသို့ သာမက ဤသီးသန့် IP အပိုင်းအခြားများထံမှနှင့် ၎င်းတို့ဆီသို့ Tunnel ပြင်ပ ကွန်ရက် ဆက်သွယ်မှုကို ခွင့်ပြုခြင်းဖြင့် ဤသည်ကို လုပ်ဆောင်ပါသည်။ ဤလုပ်ဆောင်ချက်သည် မျှဝေခြင်း၊ ပရင့်ထုတ်ခြင်း၊ တိုက်ရိုက်ကြည့်ရှုနားဆင်ခြင်းအစရှိသည်တို့အတွက် ဒေသတွင်း ကွန်ရက်ရှိ အခြားစက်များကို ရယူသုံးစွဲခွင့်ပေးပါသည်။ @@ -133,8 +145,18 @@ အချိန်စေ့သွားပါပြီ ဖော်ပြပါအထိ ပေးချေထားပြီး အက်ပ်ကို စသုံးရန်အတွက် ဦးစွာ သင့်အကောင့်တွင် အချိန်ပေါင်းထည့်ပေးရန် လိုအပ်ပါသည်။ + လက်ရှိတွင် ပေးချေမှု လုပ်ငန်းစဉ်ကို စတင်၍ မရနိုင်ပါ၊ Google Play နောက်ဆုံး ဗားရှင်း သင့်တွင်ရှိနေကြောင်း သေချာပါစေ။ + Google Play ကို မရရှိနိုင်ပါ + သင့်အကောင့်ထဲသို့ ရက် 30 ကို ပေါင်းထည့်ပြီးပါပြီ။ အချိန်ကို အောင်မြင်စွာ ပေါင်းထည့်ပြီးပြီ + လက်ရှိတွင် ပေးချေမှု လုပ်ငန်းစဉ်ကို စတင်၍ မရနိုင်ပါ၊ နောက်မှ ထပ်ကြိုးစားကြည့်ပါ။ + Mullvad ဝန်ဆောင်မှုများကို မရရှိနိုင်ပါ + သင့်ဝယ်ယူမှုကို လက်ရှိတွင် ကျွန်ုပ်တို့ စစ်ဆေး အတည်ပြုနေဆဲဖြစ်ပြီး အချိန်အနည်းငယ်ကြာနိုင်ပါသည်။ စစ်ဆေး အတည်ပြုမှု အောင်မြင်ပါက သင့်အချိန်များကို ပေါင်းထည့်သွားပါမည်။ + ဝယ်ယူမှုကို စစ်ဆေးနေဆဲ + Google Play ပေးချေမှုကို ဆိုင်းငံ့ထားဆဲ ပေါ့တ် + အလုံခြုံဆုံး ဗားရှင်းကို ရရှိကြောင်း သေချာစေရန်နှင့် လုပ်ဆောင်နေသည့် လက်ရှိဗားရှင်းနှင့်ပတ်သက်သော ပြဿနာများအကြောင်း သင့်အား အသိပေးရန် အက်ပ်သည် ဗားရှင်း စစ်ဆေးမှုများကို အော်တိုလုပ်ဆောင်ပါသည်။ ၎င်းသည် Mullvad ဆာဗာများသို့ အက်ပ် ဗားရှင်းနှင့် Android စနစ်ဗားရှင်းတို့ကို ပေးပို့ပါသည်။ အသုံးပြုထားသည့် အက်ပ် ဗားရှင်းများနှင့် Android ဗားရှင်းများ၏ အရေအတွက်ကို Mullvad က ရေတွက်ထားပါသည်။ ဒေတာကို မည်သည့်အခါမျှ မသိမ်းဆည်းထားပါ သို့မဟုတ် သင့်အား ခွဲခြားဖော်ထုတ်နိုင်သော မည်သည့်နည်းလမ်းတွင်မျှ အသုံးမပြုထားပါ။ + Split Tunneling လုပ်ဆောင်ချက်ကို အသုံးပြုထားပါက အက်ပ်သည် ထည့်သွင်းထားသော အက်ပလီကေးရှင်းများအားလုံး၏ စာရင်းကို မေးမြန်းပါသည်။ ဤစာရင်းကို Split Tunneling ပြသမှုတွင်သာ ပြန်ရယူပါသည်။ ထည့်သွင်းထားသော အက်ပလီကေးရှင်းများ၏ စာရင်းကို စက်မှ မည်သည့်အခါမျှ မပေးပို့ပါ။ ကိုယ်ရေးအချက်အလက် လုံခြုံရေး ကိုယ်ပိုင်အချက်အလက် မူဝါဒ သင့်အား ပိုမိုထိရောက်စွာ ကူညီနိုင်ရန် သင့်အက်ပ်၏ မှတ်တမ်းဖိုင်ကို ဤမက်ဆေ့ချ်နှင့်အတူ တွဲပေးသွားပါမည်။ ကုဒ်ပြောင်းဝှက်ထားသည့် ချန်နယ်မှတစ်ဆင့် မပေးပို့မီ သင့်ဒေတာများကို အမည်မဖော်ဘဲ ထားမည်ဖြစ်သောကြောင့် လျှို့ဝှက်လုံခြုံလျက် ရှိနေပါမည်။ @@ -194,6 +216,7 @@ DNS ဆာဗာကို အပ်ဒိတ်လုပ်ရန် သင့်အီးမေးလ် (မဖြည့်လည်း ရပါသည်) သင့်အား ပို၍ အကူအညီပေးနိုင်ရန် အင်္ဂလိပ်ဘာသာ သို့မဟုတ် ဆွီဒင်ဘာသာဖြင့် ရေးပြီး မည်သည့်နိုင်ငံမှ သင်ချိတ်ဆက်နေသည်ကို ထည့်သွင်းဖော်ပြပါ။ + ဘောက်ချာကို စစ်ဆေးနေဆဲ… အက်ပ်မှတ်တမ်းများ ကြည့်ရန် စက်တွင်း အဒက်တာ ချို့ယွင်းချက် ဘောက်ချာကုဒ် သုံးထားပြီးသား ဖြစ်ပါသည်။ @@ -207,4 +230,5 @@ WireGuard MTU တန်ဖိုးကို သတ်မှတ်ပါ။ အကျုံးဝင်သည့် အပိုင်းအခြား- %1$d - %2$d ။ အော်တိုဆက်တင်သည် အောက်တွင် ဖော်ပြထားသည့် အကျုံးဝင် ပေါ့တ် အပိုင်းအခြားများထဲမှ ကျပန်းရွေးချယ်ပါမည်။ စိတ်ကြိုက်ပေါ့တ်သည် အကျုံးဝင် အပိုင်းအခြားများထဲမှ မည်သည့်တန်ဖိုးမဆို ဖြစ်နိုင်ပါသည်- %1$s ။ + WireGuard ပေါ့တ် diff --git a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-nb/plurals.xml b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-nb/plurals.xml index ff24c7ccad73..ead0fb3ad455 100644 --- a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-nb/plurals.xml +++ b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-nb/plurals.xml @@ -12,6 +12,14 @@ 1 år igjen %1$d år igjen + + %1$d dag + %1$d dager + + + %1$d måned + %1$d måneder + Kontokreditt utløper om én dag Kontokreditt utløper om %1$d dager diff --git a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-nb/strings.xml b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-nb/strings.xml index d9fa3d5e8557..4cfcaa57d267 100644 --- a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-nb/strings.xml +++ b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-nb/strings.xml @@ -7,9 +7,12 @@ Kontonummer Viser påminnelser når tidsavbrudd for kontoen er i ferd med å inntreffe Påminnelser om tidsavbrudd for konto + Legg til 30 dager + Legg til 30 dager (%1$s) Legg til en server Legg til DNS-server Du kan enten kjøpe kreditt på nettsiden vår eller løse inn en kupong. + %1$s ble lagt til kontoen din. Godta og fortsett Alle applikasjoner Gir tilgang til andre enheter på samme nettverk for deling, utskrift osv. @@ -25,6 +28,7 @@ Vokseninnhold Pengespill Skadelig programvare + Sosiale medier Sporing TILKOBLING BLOKKERT Blokkerer internettet @@ -52,6 +56,11 @@ Deaktiver alle <b>%1$s</b> ovenfor for å aktivere denne innstillingen. Aktiver for å legge til minst én DNS-server. Angi IP + Angi port + Fjern tilpasset port + Konfigurer port + Tilpasset WireGuard-port + Gyldige verdiområder: %1$s Kunne ikke løse vert for egendefinert tunnel. Forsøk å endre innstillingene dine. Du har fjernet denne enheten. For å koble til igjen, må du logge inn på nytt. Enheten er inaktiv @@ -99,6 +108,9 @@ Enheten er frakoblet. Tunnelen vil koble til automatisk når enheten er tilkoblet internett igjen. mindre enn én dag igjen mindre enn ett minutt siden + mindre enn én dag + Kobler til ... + Bekrefter kjøp ... Deling over lokalt nettverk Den gjør det ved å tillate nettverkkommunikasjon utenfor tunnelen til lokale multicast- og sendingsintervall, samt mellom følgende privat IP-intervall: Funksjonen gir tilgang til andre enheter på det lokale nettverket for ting som deling, utskrift, strømming osv. @@ -133,8 +145,18 @@ Tiden har utløpt Betalt fram til For å starte bruken av appen, må du først legge til tid til kontoen. + Vi kunne ikke starte betalingsprosessen. Kontroller om du har siste versjon av Google Play. + Google Play utilgjengelig + 30 dager ble lagt til kontoen din. Tid ble lagt til + Vi kunne ikke starte betalingsprosessen. Prøv igjen senere. + Mullvad-tjenester utilgjengelig + Vi behandler kjøpet. Det kan ta litt tid. Hvis kjøpet blir bekreftet, legges tiden din til. + Bekrefter kjøp + Google Play-betaling venter Port + For å sørge for at du har den sikreste appversjonen, og informere deg om eventuelle problemer med den versjonen som kjøres, vil appen automatisk sjekke appversjonen. Appversjonen og Android-systemversjonen blir da sendt til Mullvad-servere. Mullvad registrerer antallet brukte appversjoner og Android-versjoner. Dataen blir aldri lagret eller brukt på noen som helst måte som kan identifisere deg. + Hvis funksjonen delt tunnelering brukes, vil appen be systemet ditt om en liste over alle installerte applikasjoner. Denne listen hentes bare i delt tunnelering-visningen. Listen over installerte apper sendes aldri ut fra enheten. Personvern Retningslinjer for personvern For å kunne gi deg god nok hjelp vil loggfilen til appen ligge som vedlegg til meldingen. All data forblir beskyttet og privat gjennom anonymisering før det sendes gjennom en kryptert kanal. @@ -194,6 +216,7 @@ Oppdater DNS-serveren E-post (valgfritt) For at vi skal kunne hjelpe deg bedre, ber vi deg om å skrive på engelsk eller svensk og fortelle hvilket land du befinner deg i. + Bekrefter kupong … Se applogger Virtuell adapterfeil Kupongkoden er allerede brukt. @@ -207,4 +230,5 @@ Angi WireGuard MTU-verdi. Verdiområde: %1$d–%2$d. Den automatiske innstillingen vil tilfeldig velge fra utvalget av gyldige porter vist under. Den egendefinerte porten kan ha en hvilken som helst verdi innen det gyldige utvalget: %1$s. + WireGuard-port diff --git a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-nl/plurals.xml b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-nl/plurals.xml index 0b0316ca7e1c..f303dff91f7c 100644 --- a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-nl/plurals.xml +++ b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-nl/plurals.xml @@ -12,6 +12,14 @@ 1 jaar resterend %1$d jaar resterend + + %1$d dag + %1$d dagen + + + %1$d maand + %1$d maanden + Accountkrediet verloopt over een dag Accountkrediet verloopt over %1$d dagen diff --git a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-nl/strings.xml b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-nl/strings.xml index 07de8454437d..05d7aff25603 100644 --- a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-nl/strings.xml +++ b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-nl/strings.xml @@ -7,9 +7,12 @@ Accountnummer Toont herinneringen wanneer de accounttijd op het punt staat te verlopen Accounttijdherinneringen + 30 dagen tijd toevoegen + 30 dagen tijd toevoegen (%1$s) Server toevoegen DNS-server toevoegen Koop krediet op onze website of wissel een voucher in. + Er is %1$s toegevoegd aan uw account. Akkoord en doorgaan Alle toepassingen Biedt toegang tot andere apparaten op hetzelfde netwerk voor delen, afdrukken en dergelijke @@ -25,6 +28,7 @@ Content voor volwassenen Gokken Malware + Sociale media Trackers VERBINDING GEBLOKKEERD Internet blokkeren @@ -52,6 +56,11 @@ Schakel alle <b>%1$s</b> hierboven uit om deze instelling te activeren. Schakel in om minimaal één DNS-server toe te voegen. Voer IP-adres in + Voer poort in + Aangepaste poort verwijderen + Poort instellen + Aangepaste WireGuard-poort + Geldige bereiken: %1$s Kan host van aangepaste tunnel niet omzetten. Probeer uw instellingen te wijzigen. U hebt dit apparaat verwijderd. U moet zich opnieuw aanmelden om het opnieuw te verbinden. Apparaat is niet actief @@ -99,6 +108,9 @@ Uw apparaat is offline. De tunnel wordt automatisch verbonden wanneer uw apparaat weer online is. minder dan een dag over minder dan een minuut geleden + minder dan één dag + Verbinden ... + Aankoop controleren ... Delen op lokaal netwerk De functie doet dit door netwerkcommunicatie buiten de tunnel naar lokale multicast- en broadcastbereiken toe te staan, alsmede van en naar deze private IP-adresbereiken: Deze functie geeft toegang tot andere apparaten op het lokale netwerk, bijvoorbeeld voor delen, afdrukken, streamen en dergelijke @@ -133,8 +145,18 @@ Geen tijd meer Betaald tot Om de app te gebruiken, moet u eerst tijd toevoegen aan uw account. + We kunnen het betalingsproces niet starten. Controleer of u de nieuwste versie van Google Play hebt. + Google Play niet beschikbaar + Er zijn 30 dagen toegevoegd aan uw account. Tijd is toegevoegd + We kunnen het betalingsproces niet starten, probeer het later opnieuw. + Mullvad-diensten niet beschikbaar + We verifiëren momenteel uw aankoop, dit kan even duren. Uw tijd wordt toegevoegd als de controle succesvol is. + Aankoop verifiëren + Google Play-betaling in behandeling Poort + Om zeker te zijn dat u de meest veilige versie hebt en om u te informeren over eventuele problemen met de huidige geactiveerde versie, voert de app automatisch versiecontroles uit. Hierbij worden de appversie en de Android-systeemversie naar de servers van Mullvad gestuurd. Mullvad houdt tellers bij voor gebruikte appversies en Android-versies. De gegevens worden nooit opgeslagen of gebruikt op een manier die u kan identificeren. + Als de split-tunnelingfunctie wordt gebruikt, vraagt de app het systeem om een lijst van alle geïnstalleerde toepassingen. Deze lijst wordt alleen opgehaald in de split-tunnelingweergave. De lijst van geïnstalleerde toepassingen wordt nooit verzonden vanaf het apparaat. Privacy Privacybeleid Het logboekbestand van uw app wordt aan dit bericht gekoppeld zodat we u beter kunnen helpen. Uw gegevens blijven veilig en privé, omdat ze worden geanonimiseerd voordat ze over een versleuteld kanaal worden verzonden. @@ -194,6 +216,7 @@ DNS-server bijwerken Uw e-mailadres (optioneel) Om u beter te kunnen helpen, kunt u in het Engels of Zweeds schrijven. Vermeld uit welk land u komt. + Voucher verifiëren … Applogboeken weergeven Fout virtuele adapter Vouchercode is al gebruikt. @@ -207,4 +230,5 @@ Stel de MTU-waarde voor WireGuard in. Geldig bereik: %1$d - %2$d. Bij de automatische instelling wordt willekeurig gekozen uit de hieronder weergegeven geldige poortbereiken. De aangepaste poort kan elke waarde zijn binnen de geldige bereiken: %1$s. + WireGuard-poort diff --git a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-pl/plurals.xml b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-pl/plurals.xml index fb7ad074cbb9..b6c444c80c80 100644 --- a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-pl/plurals.xml +++ b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-pl/plurals.xml @@ -18,6 +18,18 @@ Pozostało %1$d lat Pozostało %1$d roku + + %1$d dzień + %1$d dni + %1$d dni + %1$d dnia + + + %1$d miesiąc + %1$d miesiące + %1$d miesięcy + %1$d miesiąca + Doładowanie konta wygasa za 1 dzień Doładowanie konta wygasa za %1$d dni diff --git a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-pl/strings.xml b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-pl/strings.xml index fdbc8b58bbaa..142acc9c90d9 100644 --- a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-pl/strings.xml +++ b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-pl/strings.xml @@ -7,9 +7,12 @@ Numer konta Pokazuje przypomnienia, gdy kończy się czas na koncie Przypomnienia o czasie na koncie + Dodaj 30 dni + Dodaj 30 dni (%1$s) Dodaj serwer Dodaj serwer DNS Doładuj w naszej witrynie internetowej lub zrealizuj kupon. + Do konta dodano %1$s. Zaakceptuj i kontynuuj Wszystkie aplikacje Umożliwia dostęp do innych urządzeń w tej samej sieci w celu udostępniania, drukowania itd. @@ -25,6 +28,7 @@ Treści dla dorosłych Hazard Złośliwe oprogramowanie + Media społecznościowe Trackery ZABLOKOWANE POŁĄCZENIE Blokowanie Internetu @@ -52,6 +56,11 @@ Aby aktywować to ustawienie, wyłącz powyżej wszystkie <b>%1$s</b>. Włącz, aby dodać co najmniej jeden serwer DNS. Wprowadź adres IP + Wprowadź port + Usuń port niestandardowy + Ustaw port + Niestandardowy port WireGuard + Prawidłowe zakresy: %1$s Nie można rozpoznać hosta tunelu niestandardowego. Spróbuj zmienić ustawienia. Urządzenie usunięto. Aby połączyć się ponownie, musisz się ponownie zalogować. Urządzenie nieaktywne @@ -99,6 +108,9 @@ Twoje urządzenie jest offline. Tunel zostanie automatycznie połączony, gdy urządzenie ponownie przejdzie w tryb online. pozostał mniej niż jeden dzień mniej niż minutę temu + mniej niż jeden dzień + Łączenie... + Weryfikowanie zakupu... Udostępnianie sieci lokalnej Zapewnia to poprzez umożliwienie komunikacji sieciowej poza tunelem do lokalnych zakresów adresów IP multiemisji i emisji, a także do i z następujących prywatnych zakresów adresów IP: Funkcja ta umożliwia dostęp do innych urządzeń w sieci lokalnej, np. w celu udostępniania, drukowania, transmisji strumieniowej itd. @@ -133,8 +145,18 @@ Koniec czasu Płatne do Aby rozpocząć korzystanie z aplikacji, musisz najpierw dodać czas do swojego konta. + Nie mogliśmy rozpocząć procesu płatności. Upewnij się, że masz najnowszą wersję aplikacji Google Play. + Sklep Google Play jest niedostępny + Do konta dodano 30 dni. Dodano czas + Nie mogliśmy rozpocząć procesu płatności. Spróbuj ponownie później. + Usługi Mullvad są niedostępne + Weryfikujemy zakup. Może to zająć trochę czasu. Jeśli weryfikacja powiedzie się, czas zostanie dodany. + Weryfikowanie zakupu + Oczekiwanie na płatność Google Play Port + Aby upewnić się, że masz najbezpieczniejszą wersję i poinformować Cię o wszelkich problemach z aktualnie uruchomioną wersją, aplikacja automatycznie sprawdza wersję. Powoduje to wysłanie wersji aplikacji i wersji systemu Android na serwery Mullvad. Mullvad prowadzi liczniki używanych wersji aplikacji i wersji systemu Android. Dane te nigdy nie są przechowywane ani wykorzystywane w żaden sposób, który umożliwiłby zidentyfikowanie Ciebie jako osoby. + Jeśli używana jest funkcja dzielonego tunelowania, aplikacja wysyła do systemu zapytanie o listę wszystkich zainstalowanych aplikacji. Lista ta jest pobierana wyłącznie w widoku dzielonego tunelowania. Lista zainstalowanych aplikacji nigdy nie jest wysyłana z urządzenia. Prywatność Polityka prywatności Aby można było pomóc Ci skuteczniej, do tej wiadomości dołączony zostanie plik dziennika aplikacji. Twoje dane pozostaną bezpieczne i prywatne, ponieważ przed wysłaniem zaszyfrowanym kanałem zostają one zanonimizowane. @@ -194,6 +216,7 @@ Zaktualizuj serwer DNS Twój adres e-mail (opcjonalnie) Abyśmy mogli lepiej Ci pomóc, napisz w języku angielskim lub szwedzkim i podaj kraj, z którego się łączysz. + Weryfikowanie kuponu… Wyświetl dzienniki aplikacji Błąd wirtualnej karty sieciowej Kod z tego kuponu został już użyty. @@ -207,4 +230,5 @@ Ustaw wartość MTU WireGuard. Prawidłowy zakres: %1$d–%2$d. Ustawienie automatyczne skutkuje wyborem losowym prawidłowego zakresu portów spośród zakresów przedstawionych poniżej. Port niestandardowy może mieć dowolną wartość z następujących prawidłowych zakresów: %1$s. + Port WireGuard diff --git a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-pt/plurals.xml b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-pt/plurals.xml index 9c1986a6c6b9..09c99255611c 100644 --- a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-pt/plurals.xml +++ b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-pt/plurals.xml @@ -12,6 +12,14 @@ 1 ano restante %1$d anos restantes + + %1$d dia + %1$d dias + + + %1$d mês + %1$d meses + O crédito da conta expira dentro de um dia O crédito da conta expira dentro de %1$d dias diff --git a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-pt/strings.xml b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-pt/strings.xml index 702161aeff98..b4f5bf6935b7 100644 --- a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-pt/strings.xml +++ b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-pt/strings.xml @@ -7,9 +7,12 @@ Número de conta Mostra lembretes quando o tempo da conta está prestes a expirar Lembretes de tempo da conta + Adicionar 30 dias + Adicionar 30 dias (%1$s) Adicionar um servidor Adicionar servidor DNS Compre crédito no nosso sítio da web ou reclame um voucher. + %1$s adicionado(s) à sua conta. Concordar e continuar Todas as aplicações Permite o acesso a outros dispositivos na mesma rede para partilha, impressão, etc. @@ -25,6 +28,7 @@ Conteúdo para adultos Jogos de azar Malware + Redes sociais Trackers LIGAÇÃO BLOQUEADA A bloquear a Internet @@ -52,6 +56,11 @@ Desative todos os <b>%1$s</b> abaixo para ativar esta definição. Ativar para adicionar pelo menos um servidor DNS. Introduzir IP + Introduzir porta + Remover porta personalizada + Definir porta + Porta personalizada WireGuard + Intervalos válidos: %1$s Não foi possível resolver o anfitrião do túnel personalizado. Experimente alterar as suas definições. Removeu este dispositivo. Para voltar a ligar o dispositivo, terá de voltar a iniciar a sessão. O dispositivo está desativado @@ -99,6 +108,9 @@ O seu dispositivo está offline. O túnel irá ligar-se automaticamente assim que o seu dispositivo estiver novamente online. menos de um dia restante há menos de um minuto + menos de um dia + A ligar... + A verificar compra... Partilha de rede local Para tal, permite a comunicação de rede fora do túnel para intervalos locais de multicast e difusão, bem como de e para estes intervalos de IPs privados: Esta funcionalidade permite o acesso a outros dispositivos na rede local, por exemplo, para partilha, impressão, streaming, etc. @@ -133,8 +145,18 @@ Sem tempo Pago até Para começar a utilizar a aplicação, primeiro tem de adicionar tempo à sua conta. + Não foi possível iniciar o processo de pagamento. Verifique se tem a versão mais recente do Google Play. + Google Play indisponível + 30 dias adicionados à sua conta. Tempo adicionado com sucesso + Não foi possível iniciar o processo de pagamento, tente novamente mais tarde. + Serviços Mullvad indisponíveis + Estamos atualmente a verificar a sua compra, o que poderá demorar algum tempo. O seu tempo será adicionado se a verificação for bem sucedida. + Verificação de compra + Pagamento Google Play pendente Porta + Para se certificar de que tem a versão mais segura e para o informar de quaisquer problemas com a versão atual em execução, a app efetua verificações de versão automaticamente. Esta envia a versão da app e a versão do sistema Android para os servidores da Mullvad. A Mullvad mantém um registo do número de versões da app e de versões do Android utilizadas. Os dados nunca são armazenados ou utilizados de forma a identificar o utilizador. + Se for utilizada a funcionalidade de divisão do túnel, a app consulta o seu sistema para obter uma lista de todas as aplicações instaladas. Esta lista só é recuperada na vista de divisão do túnel. A lista de aplicações instaladas nunca é enviada pelo dispositivo. Privacidade Política de privacidade Para ajudarmos de forma mais eficaz, o ficheiro de registo da sua aplicação será anexado a esta mensagem. Os seus dados permanecerão seguros e privados, pois são tornados anónimos antes de serem enviados através de um canal encriptado. @@ -194,6 +216,7 @@ Atualizar servidor DNS O seu email (opcional) Para o ajudar melhor, escreva em inglês ou sueco e indique o país de onde está a efetuar a ligação. + A verificar voucher… Ver os registos da app Erro de adaptador virtual O código do voucher já foi utilizado. @@ -207,4 +230,5 @@ Definir o valor WireGuard MTU. Intervalo válido: %1$d - %2$d. A definição automática escolherá aleatoriamente a partir do intervalo de portas válido apresentado abaixo. A porta personalizada pode ser qualquer valor dentro dos intervalos válidos: %1$s. + Porta WireGuard diff --git a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-ru/plurals.xml b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-ru/plurals.xml index 7aced4ad0d14..8334afa7aad5 100644 --- a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-ru/plurals.xml +++ b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-ru/plurals.xml @@ -18,6 +18,18 @@ Осталось %1$d лет Осталось %1$d года + + %1$d сутки + %1$d суток + %1$d суток + %1$d суток + + + %1$d месяц + %1$d месяца + %1$d месяцев + %1$d месяца + Срок действия баланса учетной записи истекает через %1$d день Срок действия баланса учетной записи истекает через %1$d дня diff --git a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-ru/strings.xml b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-ru/strings.xml index c2f122a86265..b366d0b2e488 100644 --- a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-ru/strings.xml +++ b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-ru/strings.xml @@ -7,9 +7,12 @@ Номер учетной записи Показывает уведомления, когда время на учетной записи скоро закончится Напоминания о времени на учетной записи + Добавить 30 дней + Добавить 30 дней (%1$s) Добавить сервер Добавить DNS-сервер Пополните баланс у нас на сайте или погасите ваучер. + На учетную запись добавлено время: %1$s. Согласиться и продолжить Все приложения Разрешить доступ к другим устройствам в той же сети для организации общего доступа, печати и т. д. @@ -25,6 +28,7 @@ Контент для взрослых Азартные игры Вредоносное ПО + Социальные сети Трекеры ПОДКЛЮЧЕНИЕ ЗАБЛОКИРОВАНО Блокируется доступ в Интернет @@ -52,6 +56,11 @@ Чтобы включить эту настройку, отключите все <b>%1$s</b> выше. Чтобы добавить как минимум один DNS-сервер, включите этот параметр. Введите IP-адрес + Введите порт + Удалить пользовательский порт + Установить порт + Пользовательский порт WireGuard + Допустимые диапазоны: %1$s Не удалось преобразовать имя узла пользовательского туннеля. Попробуйте изменить настройки. Вы удалили это устройство. Чтобы снова подключиться, нужно будет выполнить вход. Устройство неактивно @@ -99,6 +108,9 @@ Устройство отключено от Интернета. Туннельное соединение автоматически запустится, как только ваше устройство подключится к Интернету. осталось менее суток менее минуты назад + менее суток + Идет подключение... + Идет проверка оплаты... Обмен данными в локальной сети Это достигается путем разрешения сетевого взаимодействия вне туннеля с локальными многоадресными и широковещательными диапазонами, а также со следующими диапазонами частных IP-адресов: Эта функция позволяет получить доступ к другим устройствам в локальной сети, например, для организации общего доступа, печати, потоковой передачи и т. д. @@ -133,8 +145,18 @@ Закончилось время Оплачено до Чтобы пользоваться приложением, нужно добавить время на учетную запись. + Не удалось начать процесс оплаты — убедитесь, что у вас установлена последняя версия Google Play. + Google Play недоступен + На учетную запись добавлено 30 дней. Время добавлено + Не удалось начать процесс оплаты. Повторите попытку позже. + Службы Mullvad недоступны + Сейчас мы проверяем, прошла ли оплата; нужно немного подождать. Если проверка завершится успешно, мы добавим оплаченное время. + Идет проверка оплаты + Ожидается оплата в Google Play Порт + Чтобы удостовериться, что вы используете наиболее безопасную версию приложения, и сообщить вам о возможных проблемах в ней, приложение автоматически проверяет свою версию. При этом на серверы Mullvad передаются данные о версии приложения и системы Android. Mullvad ведет учет количества пользователей с определенными версиями приложения и ОС Android. Эти данные не хранятся и не используются каким бы то ни было образом, позволяющим вас идентифицировать. + Если используется функция раздельного туннелирования, то приложение запрашивает в системе список всех установленных приложений. Этот список запрашивается только на экране настройки раздельного туннелирования. Список установленных приложений никогда не передается за пределы устройства. Конфиденциальность Политика конфиденциальности Чтобы помощь была эффективнее, к этому сообщению будет прикреплен файл журнала из приложения. Ваши данные останутся защищенными и конфиденциальными: они обезличиваются и отправляются по зашифрованному каналу. @@ -194,6 +216,7 @@ Обновить DNS-сервер Ваша электронная почта (необязательно) Чтобы мы могли быстрее решить проблему, напишите нам на английском или шведском и укажите, из какой страны вы подключаетесь. + Идет проверка ваучера… Открыть журналы Ошибка виртуального адаптера Этот код ваучера уже использовался. @@ -207,4 +230,5 @@ Установите значение MTU для WireGuard. Диапазон значений: %1$d–%2$d. При автоматической настройке порт будет выбираться случайным образом из допустимого диапазона, показанного ниже. Пользовательский порт может принимать любое значение внутри допустимых диапазонов: %1$s. + Порт WireGuard diff --git a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-sv/plurals.xml b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-sv/plurals.xml index 1572b81e50d3..2622d12f68a2 100644 --- a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-sv/plurals.xml +++ b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-sv/plurals.xml @@ -12,6 +12,14 @@ 1 år kvar %1$d år kvar + + %1$d dag + %1$d dagar + + + %1$d månad + %1$d månader + Kontokrediten slutar gälla om en dag Kontokrediten slutar gälla om %1$d dagar diff --git a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-sv/strings.xml b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-sv/strings.xml index c453cb2fa9fa..e8369d38e4c0 100644 --- a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-sv/strings.xml +++ b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-sv/strings.xml @@ -7,9 +7,12 @@ Kontonummer Visar påminnelser när kontots tidsgräns uppnås Påminnelser om kontotid + Lägg till 30 dagar + Lägg till 30 dagar (%1$s) Lägg till en server Lägg till DNS-server Du kan antingen köpa kredit på vår webbplats eller lösa in en kupong. + %1$s har lagts till i ditt konto. Godkänn och fortsätt Alla applikationer Tillåter åtkomst till andra enheter på samma nätverk för delning, utskrift osv. @@ -25,6 +28,7 @@ Vuxet innehåll Hasardspel Skadlig kod + Sociala medier Spårare ANSLUTNINGEN BLOCKERAD Blockerar internet @@ -52,6 +56,11 @@ Inaktivera alla <b>%1$s</b> ovan för att aktivera inställningen. Aktivera för att lägga till minst en DNS-server. Ange IP + Ange port + Ta bort anpassad port + Ställ in port + Anpassad WireGuard-port + Giltiga intervall: %1$s Det går inte att lösa värd för anpassad tunnel. Försök att ändra inställningarna. Du har tagit bort den här enheten. Du måste logga in igen för att återansluta. Enheten är inaktiv @@ -99,6 +108,9 @@ Din enhet är offline. Tunneln ansluts automatiskt när din enhet är online igen. mindre än en dag kvar mindre än en minut sedan + mindre än en dag + Ansluter ... + Verifierar köp ... Lokal nätverksdelning Den gör det genom att tillåta nätverkskommunikation utanför tunneln till lokala multicast- och sändningsintervall, samt till och från dessa privata IP-intervall: Funktionen tillåter åtkomst till andra enheter på det lokala nätverket, t.ex. för att dela, skriva ut, streama osv. @@ -133,8 +145,18 @@ Ingen tid kvar Betalat till Om du vill börja använda appen måste du först lägga till tid i ditt konto. + Vi kunde inte starta betalningsprocessen. Se till att du har den senaste versionen av Google Play. + Google Play är inte tillgängligt + 30 dagar har lagts till i ditt konto. Tid har lagts till + Vi kunde inte starta betalningsprocessen, försök igen senare. + Mullvad-tjänster är inte tillgängliga + Vi verifierar ditt köp just nu och det kan ta en stund. Din tid läggs till om verifieringen lyckas. + Verifierar köp + Google Play-betalning väntar Port + Appen genomför automatiska versionskontroller för att se till att du har den säkraste versionen och för att informera dig om problem med den nuvarande versionen. Appversionen och Android-systemversionen skickas till Mullvad-servrarna. Mullvad registrerar antalet använda appversioner och Android-versioner. Dessa data lagras aldrig och används inte på något sätt som kan identifiera dig. + Om delade tunnlar används, frågar appen ditt system om en lista med alla installerade applikationer. Listan hämtas bara i vyn för delade tunnlar. Listan med installerade applikationer skickas aldrig från enheten. Sekretess Sekretesspolicy För att hjälpa dig mer effektivt kommer appens loggfil att bifogas i detta meddelande. Dina uppgifter förblir säkra och privata, eftersom de anonymiseras innan de skickas över en krypterad kanal. @@ -194,6 +216,7 @@ Uppdatera DNS-server Din e-postadress (valfritt) Skriv på engelska eller svenska och ange från vilket land du är ansluten så att vi kan hjälpa dig bättre. + Verifierar kupong … Visa appens loggar Fel med virtuell adapter Kupongkoden har redan använts. @@ -207,4 +230,5 @@ Ange WireGuard MTU-värde. Giltigt intervall: %1$d–%2$d. Den automatiska inställningen väljer slumpmässigt från giltiga portintervall som visas nedan. Den anpassade porten kan vara ett värde inom de giltiga intervallen: %1$s. + WireGuard-port diff --git a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-th/plurals.xml b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-th/plurals.xml index f5ce2a9980b2..9d0e66030f80 100644 --- a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-th/plurals.xml +++ b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-th/plurals.xml @@ -9,6 +9,12 @@ คงเหลือ %1$d ปี + + %1$d วัน + + + %1$d เดือน + เครดิตของบัญชีจะหมดอายุใน %1$d วัน diff --git a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-th/strings.xml b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-th/strings.xml index cce7148a7f83..7a7b63b2915b 100644 --- a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-th/strings.xml +++ b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-th/strings.xml @@ -7,9 +7,12 @@ หมายเลขบัญชี แสดงการแจ้งเตือน ในขณะที่เวลาบัญชีใกล้หมดอายุ การแจ้งเตือนเวลาบัญชี + เพิ่มเวลา 30 วัน + เพิ่มเวลา 30 วัน (%1$s) เพิ่มเซิร์ฟเวอร์ เพิ่มเซิร์ฟเวอร์ DNS ซื้อเครดิตบนเว็บไซต์ของเรา หรือแลกรับบัตรกำนัล + %1$s ถูกเพิ่มลงในบัญชีของคุณแล้ว ยอมรับและดำเนินการต่อ แอปพลิเคชันทั้งหมด อนุญาตให้เข้าถึงอุปกรณ์อื่นๆ บนเครือข่ายเดียวกัน เพื่อแชร์ พิมพ์ ฯลฯ @@ -25,6 +28,7 @@ เนื้อหาสำหรับผู้ใหญ่ การพนัน มัลแวร์ + โซเชียลมีเดีย ตัวติดตาม การเชื่อมต่อที่ถูกบล็อก กำลังบล็อกอินเทอร์เน็ต @@ -52,6 +56,11 @@ ปิดใช้งาน <b>%1$s</b> ด้านบนทั้งหมด เพื่อเปิดใช้การตั้งค่านี้ เปิดเพื่อเพิ่มเซิร์ฟเวอร์ DNS อย่างน้อยหนึ่งรายการ ป้อน IP + ป้อนพอร์ต + นำพอร์ตแบบกำหนดเองออก + ตั้งค่าพอร์ต + พอร์ต WireGuard แบบกำหนดเอง + ช่วงที่ใช้ได้: %1$s ไม่พบโฮสต์ของช่องทางแบบกำหนดเอง กรุณาลองเปลี่ยนการตั้งค่าของคุณ คุณได้ลบอุปกรณ์เครื่องนี้แล้ว หากต้องการเชื่อมต่ออีกครั้ง คุณจะต้องเข้าสู่ระบบใหม่อีกครั้ง อุปกรณ์ไม่ได้ใช้งาน @@ -99,6 +108,9 @@ อุปกรณ์ของคุณออฟไลน์อยู่ อุโมงค์จะเชื่อมต่อโดยอัตโนมัติ หลังจากที่อุปกรณ์ของคุณกลับมาออนไลน์ เหลือเวลาน้อยกว่าหนึ่งวัน น้อยกว่าหนึ่งนาทีก่อน + น้อยกว่าหนึ่งวัน + กำลังเชื่อมต่อ... + กำลังตรวจสอบยืนยันการซื้อ... การแชร์ในเครือข่ายท้องถิ่น ทำเช่นนี้ได้โดยการอนุญาตให้มีการสื่อสารเครือข่ายนอกอุโมงค์ ไปยังมัลติคาสต์และช่วงการเผยแพร่ในท้องถิ่น รวมถึงการสื่อสารไปมาในช่วง IP ส่วนตัวเหล่านี้: คุณสมบัตินี้จะช่วยให้สามารถเข้าถึงอุปกรณ์อื่นๆ บนเครือข่ายท้องถิ่น เช่น การแชร์ การพิมพ์ การสตรีม ฯลฯ @@ -133,8 +145,18 @@ หมดเวลา ชำระเงินแล้วจนถึง คุณจำเป็นต้องเพิ่มเวลาไปยังบัญชีของคุณก่อน เพื่อที่จะเริ่มใช้งานแอป + เราไม่สามารถเริ่มกระบวนการชำระเงินได้ โปรดตรวจสอบให้แน่ใจว่า คุณมี Google Play เวอร์ชันล่าสุด + Google Play ไม่พร้อมใช้งาน + 30 วัน ถูกเพิ่มลงในบัญชีของคุณแล้ว เพิ่มเวลาสำเร็จแล้ว + เราไม่สามารถเริ่มกระบวนการชำระเงินได้ โปรดลองอีกครั้งในภายหลัง + บริการ Mullavad ไม่พร้อมใช้งาน + เรากำลังตรวจสอบยืนยันการซื้อของคุณ ซึ่งอาจใช้เวลาสักครู่ คุณจะได้รับเวลาเพิ่ม หากการตรวจสอบยืนยันสำเร็จ + กำลังตรวจสอบยืนยันการซื้อ + กำลังชำระเงิน Google Play พอร์ต + แอปจะตรวจสอบเวอร์ชันโดยอัตโนมัติ เพื่อให้แน่ใจว่า คุณใช้งานเวอร์ชันที่ปลอดภัยที่สุด และเพื่อแจ้งปัญหาใดๆ ของเวอร์ชันปัจจุบันที่ใช้งานอยู่ให้คุณทราบ โดยระบบจะส่งเวอร์ชันแอปและเวอร์ชันระบบ Android ไปยังเซิร์ฟเวอร์ Mullavid ซึ่ง Mullvad จะติดตามจำนวนเวอร์ชันแอปที่ใช้และเวอร์ชัน Android ทั้งนี้ข้อมูลจะไม่ถูกจัดเก็บ หรือนำไปใช้ในลักษณะใดๆ ที่สามารถระบุตัวตนคุณได้ + หากมีการใช้งานคุณลักษณะการแยกอุโมงค์ แอปจะขอให้ระบบของคุณระบุแอปพลิเคชันที่ติดตั้งไว้ทั้งหมด รายการนี้จะได้รับการเรียกใช้งานในมุมมองการแยกอุโมงค์เท่านั้น รายการแอปพลิเคชันที่ติดตั้งไว้ทั้งหมด จะไม่ถูกส่งออกจากอุปกรณ์ ความเป็นส่วนตัว นโยบายความเป็นส่วนตัว ไฟล์บันทึกล็อกของแอปของคุณจะถูกแนบไปกับข้อความนี้ เพื่อที่เราจะช่วยเหลือคุณได้อย่างมีประสิทธิภาพมากขึ้น ข้อมูลของคุณจะยังคงมีความปลอดภัยและเป็นส่วนตัว เนื่องจากจะไม่มีการระบุตัวตนก่อนส่งข้อมูลผ่านช่องทางที่มีการเข้ารหัส @@ -194,6 +216,7 @@ อัปเดตเซิร์ฟเวอร์ DNS อีเมลของคุณ (ไม่บังคับ) โปรดเขียนเป็นภาษาอังกฤษหรือสวีเดน พร้อมระบุประเทศต้นทางที่คุณเชื่อมต่อ เพื่อให้รับความช่วยเหลือได้ดียิ่งขึ้น + กำลังตรวจสอบยืนยันบัตรกำนัล… ดูบันทึกของแอป ข้อผิดพลาดของอะแดปเตอร์เสมือน รหัสบัตรกำนัลถูกใช้ไปแล้ว @@ -207,4 +230,5 @@ ตั้งค่า WireGuard MTU ช่วงที่ใช้ได้: %1$d - %2$d การตั้งค่าอัตโนมัติจะเป็นการสุ่มเลือกจากช่วงพอร์ตที่ใช้งานได้ต่างๆ ซึ่งแสดงอยู่ด้านล่าง พอร์ตแบบกำหนดเองอาจมีค่าใดๆ ก็ได้ ภายในช่วงที่ใช้งานได้: %1$s + พอร์ต WireGuard diff --git a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-tr/plurals.xml b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-tr/plurals.xml index 5a772aeea2c8..1c288bef616e 100644 --- a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-tr/plurals.xml +++ b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-tr/plurals.xml @@ -12,6 +12,14 @@ 1 yıl kaldı %1$d yıl kaldı + + %1$d gün + %1$d gün + + + %1$d ay + %1$d ay + Hesap kredisi bir gün içinde sona eriyor Hesap kredisi %1$d gün içinde sona eriyor diff --git a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml index 92a18749f5c7..0e3f34dfa7b7 100644 --- a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml +++ b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml @@ -7,9 +7,12 @@ Hesap Kimliği Hesap süresinin dolmak üzere olduğunu bildiren hatırlatıcıları gösterir Hesap süresi hatırlatıcıları + 30 gün süre ekleyin + 30 gün süre ekleyin (%1$s) Sunucu ekle DNS sunucusu ekle Web sitemizden kredi satın alın veya kupon kullanın. + Hesabınıza %1$s eklendi. Kabul et ve devam et Tüm uygulamalar Paylaşım, yazdırma gibi özellikler için aynı ağdaki diğer cihazlara erişim izni verir. @@ -25,6 +28,7 @@ Yetişkinlere özel içerik Kumar Kötü amaçlı yazılım + Sosyal medya İzleyiciler ENGELLENEN BAĞLANTI İnternet bağlantısı engelleniyor @@ -52,6 +56,11 @@ Bu ayarı etkinleştirmek için yukarıdaki <b>%1$s</b> öğelerinin tümünü devre dışı bırakın. En az bir DNS sunucusu eklemek için etkinleştirin. IP\'yi girin + Portu girin + Özel portu kaldır + Portu ayarla + WireGuard özel portu + Geçerli aralıklar: %1$s Özel tünel ana bilgisayarı çözülemedi. Ayarlarınızı değiştirmeyi deneyin. Bu cihazı kaldırdın. Tekrar bağlanmak için yeniden giriş yapmanız gerekecek. Cihaz etkin değil @@ -99,6 +108,9 @@ Cihazınız çevrimdışı. Cihazınız tekrar çevrimiçi olduğunda tünel otomatik olarak bağlanacak. bir günden az kaldı bir dakikadan az + bir günden az + Bağlanılıyor... + Satın alma işlemi doğrulanıyor... Yerel ağ paylaşımı Bunu, yerel çok noktaya yayın ve yayın aralıklarının yanı sıra aşağıdaki özel IP aralıkları arasında tünel dışı ağ iletişimine izin vererek yapar: Bu özellik; paylaşım, yazdırma, akış sağlama gibi özellikler için yerel ağdaki diğer cihazlara erişim izni verir. @@ -133,8 +145,18 @@ Süre doldu Şu tarihe kadar ödendi: Uygulamayı kullanmaya başlamak için önce hesabınıza süre eklemeniz gerekir. + Ödeme işlemini başlatamadık. Lütfen Google Play\'in en son sürümüne sahip olduğunuzdan emin olun. + Google Play kullanılamıyor + Hesabınıza 30gün eklendi. Süre başarıyla eklendi + Ödeme işlemini başlatamadık, lütfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin. + Mullvad hizmetleri kullanılamıyor + Şu anda satın alma işleminizi doğruluyoruz. Bu işlem biraz zaman alabilir. Süreniz, doğrulama işleminin başarılı olması durumunda eklenecektir. + Satın alma işlemi doğrulanıyor + Google Play ödemesi bekleniyor Port + Uygulama, en güvenli sürüme sahip olduğunuzdan emin olmak ve çalışan mevcut sürümle ilgili sorunları size bildirmek için sürüm kontrollerini otomatik olarak gerçekleştirir. Bu işlem, uygulama sürümünü ve Android sistem sürümünü Mullvad sunucularına gönderir. Mullvad, kullanılan uygulama sürümlerinin ve Android sürümlerinin numarasını kaydeder. Veriler asla sizi tanımlayacak şekilde saklanmaz veya kullanılmaz. + Bölünmüş tünelleme özelliği kullanılıyorsa uygulama, yüklü tüm uygulamaların bir listesi için sisteminizi sorgular. Bu liste yalnızca bölünmüş tünelleme görünümünde alınır. Yüklü uygulamaların listesi hiçbir zaman cihazdan gönderilmez. Gizlilik Gizlilik politikası Size daha etkili bir şekilde yardımcı olmak için uygulamanızın günlük dosyası bu mesaja eklenecektir. Verileriniz şifrelenmiş bir kanal üzerinden gönderilmeden önce anonimleştirildiği için güvenli ve gizli kalacaktır. @@ -194,6 +216,7 @@ DNS sunucusunu güncelle E-posta adresiniz (isteğe bağlı) Size daha iyi yardımcı olabilmemiz için lütfen mesajınızı İngilizce veya İsveççe olarak yazın ve hangi ülkeden bağlandığınızı belirtin. + Kupon doğrulanıyor… Uygulama kayıtlarını görüntüle Sanal adaptör hatası Kupon kodu zaten kullanılmış. @@ -207,4 +230,5 @@ WireGuard MTU değerini ayarlayın. Geçerli aralık: %1$d - %2$d. Otomatik ayar, aşağıda gösterilen geçerli port aralıklarından rastgele seçim yapar. Özel port, geçerli aralıklar içindeki herhangi bir değer olabilir: %1$s. + WireGuard portu diff --git a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-zh-rCN/plurals.xml b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-zh-rCN/plurals.xml index e0bd494e0a0f..19d390b317e1 100644 --- a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-zh-rCN/plurals.xml +++ b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-zh-rCN/plurals.xml @@ -9,6 +9,12 @@ 剩余 %1$d 年 + + %1$d 天 + + + %1$d 个月 + 帐户额度将在 %1$d 天后到期 diff --git a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml index 26c61fa644b1..aeed27f93228 100644 --- a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml +++ b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml @@ -7,9 +7,12 @@ 帐号 在帐户时间即将到期时显示提醒 帐户时间提醒 + 增加 30 天 + 增加 30 天 (%1$s) 添加服务器 添加 DNS 服务器 在我们的网站上购买额度或兑换优惠券。 + 已向您的帐户增加 %1$s。 同意并继续 所有应用程序 允许访问同一网络上的其他设备,以进行共享、打印等 @@ -25,6 +28,7 @@ 成人内容 博彩 恶意软件 + 社交媒体 跟踪器 已阻止连接 正在阻止网络 @@ -52,6 +56,11 @@ 禁用上方的所有 <b>%1$s</b>以激活此设置。 启用以添加至少一个 DNS 服务器。 输入 IP + 输入端口 + 移除自定义端口 + 设置端口 + WireGuard 自定义端口 + 有效范围:%1$s 无法解析自定义隧道的主机。请尝试更改您的设置。 您已移除此设备。要重新连接,您需要重新登录。 设备处于非活动状态 @@ -99,6 +108,9 @@ 您的设备已离线。在您的设备重新上线后,隧道将自动连接。 剩余时间不足 1 天 不到 1 分钟前 + 不足 1 天 + 正在连接… + 正在验证购买… 本地网络共享 此功能通过允许隧道以外到本地组播和广播范围以及与以下私有 IP 范围的网络通信来实现访问。 此功能允许访问本地网络中的其他设备,以实现共享、打印、流式传输等 @@ -133,8 +145,18 @@ 已没有时间 到期时间 要开始使用本应用,您首先需要向帐户中充入时间。 + 我们无法启动付款流程,请确保拥有最新版本的 Google Play。 + Google Play 不可用 + 已向您的帐户增加 30 天。 时间已成功添加 + 我们无法启动付款流程,请稍后再试。 + Mullvad 服务不可用 + 我们目前正在验证您的购买,这可能需要一些时间。如果验证成功,您的时间将增加。 + 正在验证购买 + Google Play 付款待处理 端口 + 为确保您使用的是最安全的版本并通知您当前运行的版本存在的任何问题,应用会自动执行版本检查。此操作会将应用版本和 Android 系统版本发送到 Mullvad 服务器。Mullvad 会统计使用的应用版本和 Android 版本。数据永远不会通过任何可以识别您身份的方式存储或使用。 + 如果使用拆分隧道功能,应用会向您的系统查询所有已安装应用程序的列表。此列表仅在拆分隧道视图中检索。有关已安装应用程序的信息永远不会离开设备。 隐私 隐私政策 为了更有效地帮助您,您应用的日志文件将被附加到此消息。您的数据将保持安全和私密,因为所有数据在发送之前都将通过加密通道进行匿名处理。 @@ -194,6 +216,7 @@ 更新 DNS 服务器 您的电子邮件(可选) 为了更好地帮助您,请用英语或瑞典语书写,并包含您连接时所在的国家/地区。 + 正在验证优惠券… 查看应用日志 虚拟适配器错误 该优惠券码已被使用。 @@ -207,4 +230,5 @@ 设置 WireGuard MTU 值。有效范围:%1$d - %2$d。 自动设置将从下方显示的有效端口范围中随机选择。 自定义端口可以是有效范围内的任何值:%1$s。 + WireGuard 端口 diff --git a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-zh-rTW/plurals.xml b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-zh-rTW/plurals.xml index fda6a6586174..b17574801cd5 100644 --- a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-zh-rTW/plurals.xml +++ b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-zh-rTW/plurals.xml @@ -9,6 +9,12 @@ 剩餘 %1$d 年 + + %1$d 天 + + + %1$d 個月 + 帳戶點數將在 %1$d 天後到期 diff --git a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml index a3eee83ddea8..b1cd040ac9e5 100644 --- a/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml +++ b/android/lib/resource/src/main/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml @@ -7,9 +7,12 @@ 帳戶編號 在帳戶時間即將到期時顯示提醒 帳戶時間提醒 + 增加 30 天時間 + 增加 30 天時間 (%1$s) 新增伺服器 新增 DNS 伺服器 在我們網站上購買點數或兌換憑證。 + 已為您的帳戶新增 %1$s。 同意並繼續 所有應用程式 允許存取同一網路上的其他裝置,以進行分享、列印等。 @@ -25,6 +28,7 @@ 成人內容 賭博 惡意軟體 + 社群媒體 追蹤程式 被封鎖的連線 正在封鎖網路 @@ -52,6 +56,11 @@ 停用上方所有 <b>%1$s</b>以啟動此設定。 啟用以新增至少一個 DNS 伺服器。 輸入 IP + 輸入連接埠 + 移除自訂連接埠 + 設定連接埠 + WireGuard 自訂連接埠 + 有效範圍:%1$s 無法解析自訂通道的主機。請嘗試變更您的設定。 您已移除此裝置。若要重新連線,您需要重新登入。 裝置處於非活動狀態 @@ -99,6 +108,9 @@ 您的裝置已離線。在您的裝置重新上線後,通道將自動連線。 剩餘時間不足 1 天 不到 1 分鐘前 + 不足 1 天 + 正在連線… + 正在驗證購買… 本機網路分享 其原理是允許通道外的網路與本機網路進行通訊,包括以下私人 IP 範圍內的多點傳送和廣播: 此功能可允許存取本機網路上的其他裝置,以便用於分享、列印、串流等。 @@ -133,8 +145,18 @@ 逾時 支付至 需先在帳戶中加時,才能開始使用本應用程式。 + 我們無法啟動付款流程,請確認您是否擁有最新版本的 Google Play。 + Google Play 無法使用 + 已為您的帳戶新增 30 天。 已成功新增時間 + 我們無法啟動付款流程,請稍後再試一次。 + Mullvad 服務無法使用 + 我們目前正在驗證您的購買,這可能需要一些時間。如果驗證成功,您的時間就會增加。 + 正在驗證購買 + Google Play 付款尚待處理 連接埠 + 為確保您擁有最安全的版本,並告知您目前執行的版本有無任何問題,該應用程式會自動進行版本檢查。為此,應用程式會將其版本和 Android 系統版本傳送至 Mullvad 伺服器,以便讓 Mullvad 統計已使用的應用程式版本和 Android 版本的數量。這些資料永遠不會以任何方式儲存或用來辨識您的身分。 + 如果使用了分割通道功能,該應用程式會查詢您的系統,以取得所有已安裝應用程式的清單。我們只會在分割通道視圖中擷取這份清單,絕不會傳送至他處。 隱私權 隱私權政策 為了更有效協助您,會將應用程式的日誌檔將附加到此郵件。您的資料會保持安全和私密性,因為這些資料會先經過匿名處理,再透過加密通道傳送。 @@ -194,6 +216,7 @@ 更新 DNS 伺服器 您的電子郵件 (選填) 為了給您提供更完善的協助,請您使用英語或瑞典語書寫,並註明您是從哪個國家/地區進行連線。 + 正在驗證優惠券… 檢視應用程式日誌 虛擬配接器錯誤 此憑證兌換碼已有人用過。 @@ -207,4 +230,5 @@ 設定 WireGuard MTU 值。有效範圍:%1$d - %2$d。 自動設定將會隨機從下方顯示的有效連接埠範圍中進行選擇。 自訂連接埠可以是有效範圍內的任何值:%1$s。 + WireGuard 連接埠 diff --git a/gui/locales/da/messages.po b/gui/locales/da/messages.po index 01f722f2d72a..e49808e4fb13 100644 --- a/gui/locales/da/messages.po +++ b/gui/locales/da/messages.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mullvad-app\n" "Language-Team: Danish\n" "Language: da_DK\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-05 14:16\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-04 12:55\n" msgid "%(duration)s was added, account paid until %(expiry)s." msgstr "%(duration)s blev tilføjet, konto betalt indtil %(expiry)s." @@ -180,6 +180,9 @@ msgstr "Afslut" msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "Genopret forbindelse" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Gem" + msgid "Search for..." msgstr "Søg efter..." @@ -491,11 +494,6 @@ msgctxt "device-management" msgid "If you log out, the device and the device name is removed. When you log back in again, the device will get a new name." msgstr "Hvis du logger ud, fjernes enheden og enhedsnavnet. Når du logger på igen, får enheden et nyt navn." -#. Confirmation button when logging out -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "Log out anyway" -msgstr "Log ud alligevel" - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Please log out of at least one by removing it from the list below. You can find the corresponding device name under the device’s Account settings." msgstr "Log ud af mindst én ved at fjerne den fra listen nedenfor. Du kan finde det tilsvarende enhedsnavn under enhedens kontoindstillinger." @@ -506,20 +504,10 @@ msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Super!" msgstr "Super!" -#. This is is a further explanation of what happens when logging out. -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "The ports forwarded to this device will be deleted if you log out." -msgstr "De porte, der videresendes til denne enhed, slettes, hvis du logger ud." - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "This is the name assigned to the device. Each device logged in on a Mullvad account gets a unique name that helps you identify it when you manage your devices in the app or on the website." msgstr "Dette er det navn, der er tildelt enheden. Hver enhed, der er logget på en Mullvad-konto, får et unikt navn, der hjælper dig med at identificere den, når du administrerer dine enheder i appen eller på webstedet." -#. Further information about consequences of logging out device. -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "This will delete all forwarded ports. Local settings will be saved." -msgstr "Dette vil slette alle videresendte porte. Lokale indstillinger vil blive gemt." - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Time left: %(timeLeft)s" msgstr "Resterende tid: %(timeLeft)s" @@ -1021,6 +1009,10 @@ msgctxt "select-location-nav" msgid "Select location" msgstr "Vælg placering" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "(Added)" +msgstr "(Tilføjet)" + #. This is used for appending information about a location. #. E.g. "Gothenburg (Entry)" if Gothenburg has been selected as the entrypoint. #. Available placeholders: @@ -1030,6 +1022,33 @@ msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "%(location)s (%(info)s)" msgstr "%(location)s (%(info)s)" +#. This is a label shown above a list of options. +#. Available placeholder: +#. %(locationType) - Could be either "Country", "City" and "Relay" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Add %(locationType)s to list" +msgstr "Føj %(locationType)s til listen" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "All locations" +msgstr "Alle placeringer" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "City" +msgstr "By" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Country" +msgstr "Land" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Custom lists" +msgstr "Brugerdefinerede lister" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Edit list name" +msgstr "Rediger listenavn" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Entry" msgstr "Indgang" @@ -1042,10 +1061,22 @@ msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Filtered:" msgstr "Filtreret:" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "List names must be unique." +msgstr "Listenavne skal være unikke." + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Name is already taken." +msgstr "Navnet er allerede taget." + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Providers: %(numberOfProviders)d" msgstr "Udbydere: %(numberOfProviders)d" +msgctxt "select-location-viewThis refers to a VPN server which we also call relay since it relays internet traffic from the user onto the internet. It should probably say server here instead of relay. I'll look into if this should be changed until next relay but for now it will be \"Relay\"." +msgid "Relay" +msgstr "Relæ" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "The app selects a random bridge server, but servers have a higher probability the closer they are to you." msgstr "Appen vælger en tilfældig broserver, men jo tættere servere er på dig, jo større er sandsynligheden." @@ -1424,10 +1455,6 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Enable IPv6" msgstr "Aktiver IPv6" -msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" -msgid "Enable IPv6 communication through the tunnel." -msgstr "Aktiver IPv6-kommunikation gennem tunnelen." - #. The label next to the multihop settings toggle. msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Enable multihop" @@ -1453,6 +1480,10 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Increases anonymity by routing your traffic into one %(wireguard)s server and out another, making it harder to trace." msgstr "Øger anonymiteten ved at dirigere din trafik ind på én %(wireguard)s-server og ud af en anden, hvilket gør det sværere at spore." +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "IPv4 is always enabled and the majority of websites and applications use this protocol. We do not recommend enabling IPv6 unless you know you need it." +msgstr "IPv4 er altid aktiveret, og de fleste websteder og programmer bruger denne protokol. Vi anbefaler ikke at aktivere IPv6, medmindre du ved, at du har brug for det." + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "It does this by allowing network communication outside the tunnel to local multicast and broadcast ranges as well as to and from these private IP ranges:" msgstr "Det opnås ved at tillade netværkskommunikation uden for tunnelen til lokale multicast- og broadcast-områder samt til og fra disse private IP-intervaller:" @@ -1478,6 +1509,11 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Malware" msgstr "Malware" +#. Label for settings that enables block of social media. +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "Social media" +msgstr "Sociale medier" + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "The app’s built-in kill switch is always on. This setting will additionally block the internet if clicking Disconnect or Quit." msgstr "Appens indbyggede kill-switch er altid slået til. Denne indstilling blokerer desuden internettet, hvis du klikker på Afbryd forbindelse eller Afslut." @@ -1539,6 +1575,10 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "When this feature is enabled it stops the device from contacting certain domains or websites known for distributing ads, malware, trackers and more." msgstr "Når denne funktion er aktiveret, forhindrer den enheden i at kontakte bestemte domæner eller websteder, der er kendt for at distribuere annoncer, malware, trackere og lignende." +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "When this feature is enabled, IPv6 can be used alongside IPv4 in the VPN tunnel to communicate with internet services." +msgstr "Når denne funktion er aktiveret, kan IPv6 bruges sammen med IPv4 i VPN-tunnelen til at kommunikere med internettjenester." + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "With Lockdown Mode enabled, you must be connected to a Mullvad VPN server to be able to reach the internet. Manually disconnecting or quitting the app will block your connection." msgstr "Med Lockdown-tilstand aktiveret, skal du være forbundet til en Mullvad VPN-server for at kunne nå internettet. Manuel afbrydelse eller nedlukning af appen vil blokere din forbindelse." @@ -1627,6 +1667,13 @@ msgctxt "wireguard-settings-view" msgid "Which TCP port the UDP-over-TCP obfuscation protocol should connect to on the VPN server." msgstr "Hvilken TCP-port UDP-over-TCP tilsløringsprotokollen skal forbinde til på VPN-serveren." +msgctxt "Message shown after successfully adding subscription time to an account, where \"%s\" represent the amount of time, like for example \"1 day\" or \"4 months\".Full examples: \"1 day was added to your account.\"\"4 months was added to your account.\"" +msgid "%s was added to your account." +msgstr "%s blev føjet til din konto." + +msgid "30 days was added to your account." +msgstr "30 dage blev føjet til din konto." + msgid "Account credit expires in a few minutes" msgstr "Kontokredit udløber om få minutter" @@ -1636,6 +1683,12 @@ msgstr "Kontokredit udløber snart" msgid "Account time reminders" msgstr "Påmindelser om kontotid" +msgid "Add 30 days time" +msgstr "Tilføj 30 dages tid" + +msgid "Add 30 days time (%s)" +msgstr "Tilføj 30 dages tid (%s)" + msgid "Add DNS server" msgstr "Tilføj DNS-server" @@ -1663,6 +1716,9 @@ msgstr "Blokering af internet (enhed offline)" msgid "Changes to DNS related settings might not go into effect immediately due to cached results." msgstr "Ændringer af DNS-relaterede indstillinger træder muligvis ikke i kraft med det samme på grund af cachelagrede resultater." +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "Tilslutter..." + msgid "Copied Mullvad account number to clipboard" msgstr "Kopierede Mullvad-kontonummer til udklipsholder" @@ -1687,12 +1743,25 @@ msgstr "Aktiver" msgid "Enter MTU" msgstr "Indtast MTU" +msgctxt "Placeholder in port number input field." +msgid "Enter port" +msgstr "Indtast port" + msgid "Excluded applications" msgstr "Ekskluderede applikationer" msgid "Going to login will unblock the internet on this device." msgstr "Hvis du logger på, ophæves blokeringen af internettet på denne enhed." +msgid "Google Play payment pending" +msgstr "Google Play-betaling afventer" + +msgid "Google Play unavailable" +msgstr "Google Play er ikke tilgængelig" + +msgid "If the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device." +msgstr "Hvis funktionen split tunneling bruges, beder appen dit system om en liste over alle installerede programmer. Denne liste hentes kun i split tunnel-visningen. Listen over installerede programmer sendes aldrig fra enheden." + msgid "Install Mullvad VPN (%s) to stay up to date" msgstr "Installer Mullvad VPN (%s) for at holde dig opdateret" @@ -1702,6 +1771,9 @@ msgstr "Administrer konto" msgid "Mullvad account number" msgstr "Mullvad-kontonummer" +msgid "Mullvad services unavailable" +msgstr "Mullvad-tjenester er ikke tilgængelige" + msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Indstillinger" @@ -1714,6 +1786,9 @@ msgstr "Fortrolighedspolitik" msgid "Remove" msgstr "Fjern" +msgid "Remove custom port" +msgstr "Fjern brugerdefineret port" + msgid "Reset to default" msgstr "Nulstil til standard" @@ -1723,6 +1798,9 @@ msgstr "Sikret" msgid "Set WireGuard MTU value. Valid range: %d - %d." msgstr "Indstil WireGuard MTU-værdi. Gyldigt område: %d - %d." +msgid "Set port" +msgstr "Indstil port" + msgid "Show system apps" msgstr "Vis systemapps" @@ -1732,9 +1810,6 @@ msgstr "Viser den aktuelle VPN-tunnelstatus" msgid "Shows reminders when the account time is about to expire" msgstr "Viser påmindelser, når kontotiden er ved at udløbe" -msgid "Split tunneling makes it possible to select which applications should not be routed through the VPN tunnel." -msgstr "Split tunneling gør det muligt at vælge, hvilke applikationer der ikke skal dirigeres gennem VPN-tunnelen." - msgid "Submit" msgstr "Indsend" @@ -1747,8 +1822,8 @@ msgstr "Denne adresse er allerede blevet indtastet." msgid "This might cause issues on certain websites, services, and apps." msgstr "Dette kan forårsage problemer på visse websteder, tjenester og apps." -msgid "To make sure that you have the most secure version and to inform you of any issues with the current version that is running, the app performs version checks automatically. This sends the app version and Android system version to Mullvad servers. Mullvad keeps counters on number of used app versions and Android versions. The data is never stored or used in any way that can identify you.\\n\\nIf the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device." -msgstr "For at sørge for at du har den mest sikre version og informere dig om eventuelle problemer med den aktuelle version, der kører, kontrolleres app-versionen automatisk. I den forbindelse sendes appversionen og Android-systemversionen til Mullvad-serverne. Mullvad registrerer antallet af brugte app-versioner og Android-versioner. Dataene bliver aldrig gemt eller brugt på nogen måde, der kan identificere dig.\\n\\nHvis split tunneling-funktionen bruges, beder appen dit system om en liste over alle installerede programmer. Denne liste hentes kun i split tunneling-visningen. Listen over installerede programmer sendes aldrig fra enheden." +msgid "To make sure that you have the most secure version and to inform you of any issues with the current version that is running, the app performs version checks automatically. This sends the app version and Android system version to Mullvad servers. Mullvad keeps counters on number of used app versions and Android versions. The data is never stored or used in any way that can identify you." +msgstr "For at sørge for, at du har den mest sikre version og for at informere dig om eventuelle problemer med den aktuelle version, der kører, udfører appen automatisk versionstjek. Dette sender app-versionen og Android-systemversionen til Mullvad-servere. Mullvad holder tal på antallet af brugte app-versioner og Android-versioner. Dataene bliver aldrig opbevaret eller brugt på nogen måde, der kan identificere dig." msgid "Toggle VPN" msgstr "Slå VPN til/fra" @@ -1780,18 +1855,46 @@ msgstr "VPN-tunnelstatus" msgid "Valid WireGuard key is missing. Manage keys under Advanced settings." msgstr "Gyldig WireGuard-nøgle mangler. Administrer nøgler under Avancerede indstillinger." +msgctxt "Used to inform the user about a set of valid network port number ranges, for example: \"Valid ranges: 1-10, 100-200, 30000-31000\" " +msgid "Valid ranges: %s" +msgstr "Gyldige intervaller: %s" + +msgid "Verifying purchase" +msgstr "Bekræfter køb" + +msgid "Verifying purchase..." +msgstr "Bekræfter køb..." + +msgid "Verifying voucher…" +msgstr "Bekræfter kupon…" + msgid "Virtual adapter error" msgstr "Fejl ved virtuel adapter" +msgid "We are currently verifying your purchase, this might take some time. Your time will be added if the verification is successful." +msgstr "Vi er i øjeblikket ved at bekræfte dit køb, det kan tage noget tid. Din tid vil blive tilføjet, hvis bekræftelsen lykkes." + +msgid "We were unable to start the payment process, please make sure you have the latest version of Google Play." +msgstr "Vi kunne ikke starte betalingsprocessen. Sørg for, at du har den nyeste version af Google Play." + +msgid "We were unable to start the payment process, please try again later." +msgstr "Vi kunne ikke starte betalingsprocessen. Prøv igen senere." + msgid "While connected, your real location is masked with a private and secure location in the selected region." msgstr "Når du er tilsluttet, maskeres din virkelige placering med en privat og sikker placering i den valgte region." msgid "WireGuard MTU" msgstr "WireGuard MTU" +msgid "WireGuard custom port" +msgstr "Brugerdefineret WireGuard-port" + msgid "WireGuard obfuscation" msgstr "WireGuard-tilsløring" +msgid "WireGuard port" +msgstr "WireGuard-port" + msgid "YOU MIGHT BE LEAKING NETWORK TRAFFIC" msgstr "DU LÆKKER MÅSKE NETVÆRKSTRAFIK" @@ -1801,6 +1904,19 @@ msgstr "Du kører en ikke-understøttet appversion." msgid "less than a minute ago" msgstr "mindre end et minut siden" +msgid "less than one day" +msgstr "mindre end én dag" + +msgid "%d day" +msgid_plural "%d days" +msgstr[0] "%d dag" +msgstr[1] "%d dage" + +msgid "%d month" +msgid_plural "%d months" +msgstr[0] "%d måned" +msgstr[1] "%d måneder" + msgid "Account credit expires in a day" msgid_plural "Account credit expires in %d days" msgstr[0] "Kontokredit udløber om en dag" diff --git a/gui/locales/da/relay-locations.po b/gui/locales/da/relay-locations.po index 664032f54e64..0f444a354252 100644 --- a/gui/locales/da/relay-locations.po +++ b/gui/locales/da/relay-locations.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mullvad-app\n" "Language-Team: Danish\n" "Language: da_DK\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-05 14:16\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-04 12:55\n" #. AU ADL msgid "Adelaide" @@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ msgstr "Belgien" msgid "Belgrade" msgstr "Beograd" +#. DE BER +msgid "Berlin" +msgstr "Berlin" + #. CO BOG msgid "Bogota" msgstr "Bogota" @@ -92,6 +96,10 @@ msgstr "Budapest" msgid "Bulgaria" msgstr "Bulgarien" +#. CA YYC +msgid "Calgary" +msgstr "Calgary" + #. CA msgid "Canada" msgstr "Canada" @@ -240,6 +248,10 @@ msgstr "Johannesburg" msgid "Kiev" msgstr "Kiev" +#. UA IEV +msgid "Kyiv" +msgstr "Kyiv" + #. LV msgid "Latvia" msgstr "Letland" @@ -284,6 +296,10 @@ msgstr "Marseille" msgid "Melbourne" msgstr "Melbourne" +#. MX +msgid "Mexico" +msgstr "Mexico" + #. US MIA msgid "Miami, FL" msgstr "Miami, FL" @@ -384,6 +400,10 @@ msgstr "Prag" msgid "Pune" msgstr "Pune" +#. MX QRO +msgid "Queretaro" +msgstr "Queretaro" + #. US RAG msgid "Raleigh, NC" msgstr "Raleigh, NC" diff --git a/gui/locales/de/messages.po b/gui/locales/de/messages.po index d3559298836d..a563bd955136 100644 --- a/gui/locales/de/messages.po +++ b/gui/locales/de/messages.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mullvad-app\n" "Language-Team: German\n" "Language: de_DE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-05 14:16\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-04 12:55\n" msgid "%(duration)s was added, account paid until %(expiry)s." msgstr "%(duration)s hinzugefügt. Konto bezahlt bis %(expiry)s." @@ -180,6 +180,9 @@ msgstr "Beenden" msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "Erneut verbinden" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Speichern" + msgid "Search for..." msgstr "Suchen nach …" @@ -491,11 +494,6 @@ msgctxt "device-management" msgid "If you log out, the device and the device name is removed. When you log back in again, the device will get a new name." msgstr "Wenn Sie sich abmelden, werden das Gerät und der Gerätename entfernt. Wenn Sie sich wieder anmelden, erhält das Gerät einen neuen Namen." -#. Confirmation button when logging out -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "Log out anyway" -msgstr "Dennoch abmelden" - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Please log out of at least one by removing it from the list below. You can find the corresponding device name under the device’s Account settings." msgstr "Bitte melden Sie sich von mindestens einem Gerät ab, indem Sie es aus der Liste unten entfernen. Sie finden den entsprechenden Gerätenamen unter den Kontoeinstellungen des Geräts." @@ -506,20 +504,10 @@ msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Super!" msgstr "Super!" -#. This is is a further explanation of what happens when logging out. -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "The ports forwarded to this device will be deleted if you log out." -msgstr "Die an dieses Gerät weitergeleiteten Ports werden gelöscht, wenn Sie sich abmelden." - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "This is the name assigned to the device. Each device logged in on a Mullvad account gets a unique name that helps you identify it when you manage your devices in the app or on the website." msgstr "Dies ist der dem Gerät zugewiesene Name. Jedes Gerät, das in einem Mullvad-Konto angemeldet ist, erhält einen eindeutigen Namen, mit dem Sie es identifizieren können, wenn Sie Ihre Geräte in der App oder auf der Website verwalten." -#. Further information about consequences of logging out device. -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "This will delete all forwarded ports. Local settings will be saved." -msgstr "Dadurch werden alle weitergeleiteten Ports gelöscht. Die lokalen Einstellungen werden gespeichert." - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Time left: %(timeLeft)s" msgstr "Verbleibende Zeit: %(timeLeft)s" @@ -1021,6 +1009,10 @@ msgctxt "select-location-nav" msgid "Select location" msgstr "Ort auswählen" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "(Added)" +msgstr "(Hinzugefügt)" + #. This is used for appending information about a location. #. E.g. "Gothenburg (Entry)" if Gothenburg has been selected as the entrypoint. #. Available placeholders: @@ -1030,6 +1022,33 @@ msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "%(location)s (%(info)s)" msgstr "%(location)s (%(info)s)" +#. This is a label shown above a list of options. +#. Available placeholder: +#. %(locationType) - Could be either "Country", "City" and "Relay" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Add %(locationType)s to list" +msgstr "%(locationType)s zur Liste hinzufügen" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "All locations" +msgstr "Alle Standorte" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "City" +msgstr "Stadt" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Country" +msgstr "Land" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Custom lists" +msgstr "Eigene Listen" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Edit list name" +msgstr "Name der Liste bearbeiten" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Entry" msgstr "Eingang" @@ -1042,10 +1061,22 @@ msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Filtered:" msgstr "Gefiltert:" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "List names must be unique." +msgstr "Die Namen der Listen müssen eindeutig sein." + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Name is already taken." +msgstr "Der Name ist bereits vergeben." + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Providers: %(numberOfProviders)d" msgstr "Provider: %(numberOfProviders)d" +msgctxt "select-location-viewThis refers to a VPN server which we also call relay since it relays internet traffic from the user onto the internet. It should probably say server here instead of relay. I'll look into if this should be changed until next relay but for now it will be \"Relay\"." +msgid "Relay" +msgstr "Relay" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "The app selects a random bridge server, but servers have a higher probability the closer they are to you." msgstr "Die App wählt einen zufälligen Brückenserver aus. Je näher ein Server an Ihnen liegt, desto wahrscheinlicher wird er ausgewählt." @@ -1425,10 +1456,6 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Enable IPv6" msgstr "IPv6 aktivieren" -msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" -msgid "Enable IPv6 communication through the tunnel." -msgstr "IPv6-Kommunikation durch Tunnel aktivieren." - #. The label next to the multihop settings toggle. msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Enable multihop" @@ -1454,6 +1481,10 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Increases anonymity by routing your traffic into one %(wireguard)s server and out another, making it harder to trace." msgstr "Erhöht Ihre Anonymität, indem Ihr Datenverkehr in einen %(wireguard)s-Server hinein und aus einem anderen heraus geleitet wird, was eine Rückverfolgung extrem erschwert." +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "IPv4 is always enabled and the majority of websites and applications use this protocol. We do not recommend enabling IPv6 unless you know you need it." +msgstr "IPv4 ist immer aktiviert und die meisten Websites und Anwendungen verwenden dieses Protokoll. Wir empfehlen nicht, IPv6 zu aktivieren, es sei denn, Sie wissen, dass Sie es benötigen." + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "It does this by allowing network communication outside the tunnel to local multicast and broadcast ranges as well as to and from these private IP ranges:" msgstr "Das geschieht, indem die Netzwerkkommunikation außerhalb des Tunnels zu lokalen Multicast- und Broadcast-Bereichen sowie zu und von diesen privaten IP-Bereichen zugelassen wird:" @@ -1479,6 +1510,11 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Malware" msgstr "Malware" +#. Label for settings that enables block of social media. +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "Social media" +msgstr "Social Media" + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "The app’s built-in kill switch is always on. This setting will additionally block the internet if clicking Disconnect or Quit." msgstr "Der integrierte Killswitch der App ist immer aktiv. Diese Einstellung wird außerdem das Internet sperren, wenn Sie auf Trennen oder Beenden klicken." @@ -1540,6 +1576,10 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "When this feature is enabled it stops the device from contacting certain domains or websites known for distributing ads, malware, trackers and more." msgstr "Wenn diese Funktion aktiviert ist, wird das Gerät daran gehindert, bestimmte Domains oder Websites zu kontaktieren, die für die Verbreitung von Werbung, Malware, Trackern und mehr bekannt sind." +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "When this feature is enabled, IPv6 can be used alongside IPv4 in the VPN tunnel to communicate with internet services." +msgstr "Wenn diese Funktion aktiviert ist, kann IPv6 neben IPv4 im VPN-Tunnel für die Kommunikation mit Internetdiensten verwendet werden." + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "With Lockdown Mode enabled, you must be connected to a Mullvad VPN server to be able to reach the internet. Manually disconnecting or quitting the app will block your connection." msgstr "Wenn der Sperrmodus aktiviert ist, müssen Sie mit einem Mullvad-VPN-Server verbunden sein, um das Internet zu erreichen. Das manuelle Trennen der Verbindung oder das Beenden der App blockiert Ihre Verbindung." @@ -1628,6 +1668,13 @@ msgctxt "wireguard-settings-view" msgid "Which TCP port the UDP-over-TCP obfuscation protocol should connect to on the VPN server." msgstr "Mit welchem TCP-Port sich das UDP-über-TCP-Verschleierungsprotokoll auf dem VPN-Server verbinden soll." +msgctxt "Message shown after successfully adding subscription time to an account, where \"%s\" represent the amount of time, like for example \"1 day\" or \"4 months\".Full examples: \"1 day was added to your account.\"\"4 months was added to your account.\"" +msgid "%s was added to your account." +msgstr "%s wurde(n) zu Ihrem Konto hinzugefügt." + +msgid "30 days was added to your account." +msgstr "30 Tage wurden zu Ihrem Konto hinzugefügt." + msgid "Account credit expires in a few minutes" msgstr "Kontoguthaben läuft in wenigen Minuten ab" @@ -1637,6 +1684,12 @@ msgstr "Kontoguthaben läuft bald ab" msgid "Account time reminders" msgstr "Erinnerungen an die Kontozeit" +msgid "Add 30 days time" +msgstr "30 Tage Zeit hinzufügen" + +msgid "Add 30 days time (%s)" +msgstr "30 Tage Zeit hinzufügen (%s)" + msgid "Add DNS server" msgstr "DNS-Server hinzufügen" @@ -1664,6 +1717,9 @@ msgstr "Internet sperren (Gerät offline)" msgid "Changes to DNS related settings might not go into effect immediately due to cached results." msgstr "Änderungen an DNS-Einstellungen werden aufgrund von zwischengespeicherten Daten möglicherweise nicht sofort wirksam." +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "Verbinden …" + msgid "Copied Mullvad account number to clipboard" msgstr "Mullvad-Kontonummer wurde in die Zwischenablage kopiert" @@ -1688,12 +1744,25 @@ msgstr "Aktivieren" msgid "Enter MTU" msgstr "MTU eingeben" +msgctxt "Placeholder in port number input field." +msgid "Enter port" +msgstr "Port eingeben" + msgid "Excluded applications" msgstr "Ausgeschlossene Anwendungen" msgid "Going to login will unblock the internet on this device." msgstr "Wenn Sie mit der Anmeldung fortfahren, wird die Internetsperre auf diesem Gerät aufgehoben." +msgid "Google Play payment pending" +msgstr "Google-Play-Zahlung ausstehend" + +msgid "Google Play unavailable" +msgstr "Google Play nicht verfügbar" + +msgid "If the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device." +msgstr "Wenn Split Tunneling verwendet wird, fragt die App Ihr System nach einer Liste aller installierten Anwendungen ab. Diese Liste wird nur in der Split-Tunneling-Ansicht abgerufen. Die Liste der installierten Anwendungen wird nie vom Gerät gesendet." + msgid "Install Mullvad VPN (%s) to stay up to date" msgstr "Installieren Sie Mullvad VPN (%s), um auf dem neuesten Stand zu bleiben" @@ -1703,6 +1772,9 @@ msgstr "Konto verwalten" msgid "Mullvad account number" msgstr "Mullvad-Kontonummer" +msgid "Mullvad services unavailable" +msgstr "Mullvad-Dienste nicht verfügbar" + msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Präferenzen" @@ -1715,6 +1787,9 @@ msgstr "Datenschutzrichtlinie" msgid "Remove" msgstr "Entfernen" +msgid "Remove custom port" +msgstr "Eigenen Port entfernen" + msgid "Reset to default" msgstr "Auf Standard zurücksetzen" @@ -1724,6 +1799,9 @@ msgstr "Gesichert" msgid "Set WireGuard MTU value. Valid range: %d - %d." msgstr "WireGuard-MTU-Wert einstellen. Gültiger Bereich: %d – %d." +msgid "Set port" +msgstr "Port festlegen" + msgid "Show system apps" msgstr "System-Apps anzeigen" @@ -1733,9 +1811,6 @@ msgstr "Zeigt den aktuellen Status des VPN-Tunnels an" msgid "Shows reminders when the account time is about to expire" msgstr "Erinnerungen anzeigen, wenn die Kontozeit bald abläuft" -msgid "Split tunneling makes it possible to select which applications should not be routed through the VPN tunnel." -msgstr "Split-Tunnel-Steuerung macht es möglich, auszuwählen, welche Anwendungen nicht durch den VPN-Tunnel geroutet werden." - msgid "Submit" msgstr "Absenden" @@ -1748,8 +1823,8 @@ msgstr "Diese Adresse wurde bereits eingetragen." msgid "This might cause issues on certain websites, services, and apps." msgstr "Dies kann bei bestimmten Websites, Diensten und Apps zu Problemen führen." -msgid "To make sure that you have the most secure version and to inform you of any issues with the current version that is running, the app performs version checks automatically. This sends the app version and Android system version to Mullvad servers. Mullvad keeps counters on number of used app versions and Android versions. The data is never stored or used in any way that can identify you.\\n\\nIf the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device." -msgstr "Um zu gewährleisten, dass Sie die sicherste Version haben und um Sie über eventuelle Probleme mit der aktuellen Version zu informieren, führt die App automatisch Versionsprüfungen durch. Dabei werden die App-Version und die Android-Systemversion an die Mullvad-Server gesendet. Mullvad verwendet Zähler für die Anzahl der verwendeten App-Versionen und Android-Versionen. Die Daten werden niemals gespeichert oder in einer Weise verwendet, die Sie identifizieren könnte.\\n\\nWenn Split Tunneling verwendet wird, fragt die App Ihr System nach einer Liste aller installierten Anwendungen ab. Diese Liste wird nur in der Split-Tunneling-Ansicht abgerufen. Die Liste der installierten Anwendungen wird nie vom Gerät gesendet." +msgid "To make sure that you have the most secure version and to inform you of any issues with the current version that is running, the app performs version checks automatically. This sends the app version and Android system version to Mullvad servers. Mullvad keeps counters on number of used app versions and Android versions. The data is never stored or used in any way that can identify you." +msgstr "Um zu gewährleisten, dass Sie die sicherste Version haben und um Sie über eventuelle Probleme mit der aktuellen Version zu informieren, führt die App automatisch Versionsprüfungen durch. Dabei werden die App-Version und die Android-Systemversion an die Mullvad-Server gesendet. Mullvad führt Zähler für die Anzahl der verwendeten App-Versionen und Android-Versionen. Die Daten werden niemals gespeichert oder in einer Weise verwendet, die Sie identifizieren könnte." msgid "Toggle VPN" msgstr "VPN umschalten" @@ -1781,18 +1856,46 @@ msgstr "Status des VPN-Tunnels" msgid "Valid WireGuard key is missing. Manage keys under Advanced settings." msgstr "Gültiger WireGuard-Schlüssel fehlt. Sie können Ihre Schlüssel in den erweiterten Einstellungen verwalten." +msgctxt "Used to inform the user about a set of valid network port number ranges, for example: \"Valid ranges: 1-10, 100-200, 30000-31000\" " +msgid "Valid ranges: %s" +msgstr "Gültige Bereiche: %s" + +msgid "Verifying purchase" +msgstr "Kauf verifizieren" + +msgid "Verifying purchase..." +msgstr "Kauf verifizieren …" + +msgid "Verifying voucher…" +msgstr "Gutschein verifizieren …" + msgid "Virtual adapter error" msgstr "Virtueller Adapterfehler" +msgid "We are currently verifying your purchase, this might take some time. Your time will be added if the verification is successful." +msgstr "Wir verifizieren gerade Ihren Kauf, dies kann einige Zeit dauern. Ihre Zeit wird hinzugefügt, wenn die Verifizierung erfolgreich ist." + +msgid "We were unable to start the payment process, please make sure you have the latest version of Google Play." +msgstr "Wir konnten den Zahlungsvorgang nicht starten. Bitte vergewissern Sie sich, dass Sie die neueste Version von Google Play haben." + +msgid "We were unable to start the payment process, please try again later." +msgstr "Wir konnten den Zahlungsvorgang nicht starten, bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal." + msgid "While connected, your real location is masked with a private and secure location in the selected region." msgstr "Wenn Sie verbunden sind, wird Ihr tatsächlicher Standort durch einem privaten und sicheren Standort in der ausgewählten Region maskiert." msgid "WireGuard MTU" msgstr "WireGuard-MTU" +msgid "WireGuard custom port" +msgstr "Eigener WireGuard-Port" + msgid "WireGuard obfuscation" msgstr "WireGuard-Verschleierung" +msgid "WireGuard port" +msgstr "WireGuard-Port" + msgid "YOU MIGHT BE LEAKING NETWORK TRAFFIC" msgstr "MÖGLICHERWEISE IST IHR NETZWERKVERKEHR UNSICHER" @@ -1802,6 +1905,19 @@ msgstr "Sie verwenden eine nicht unterstützte Version der App. " msgid "less than a minute ago" msgstr "vor weniger als einer Minute" +msgid "less than one day" +msgstr "weniger als ein Tag" + +msgid "%d day" +msgid_plural "%d days" +msgstr[0] "%d Tag" +msgstr[1] "%d Tage" + +msgid "%d month" +msgid_plural "%d months" +msgstr[0] "%d Monat" +msgstr[1] "%d Monate" + msgid "Account credit expires in a day" msgid_plural "Account credit expires in %d days" msgstr[0] "Kontoguthaben läuft in einem Tag ab" diff --git a/gui/locales/de/relay-locations.po b/gui/locales/de/relay-locations.po index d1d9e47777c8..12490ba244e2 100644 --- a/gui/locales/de/relay-locations.po +++ b/gui/locales/de/relay-locations.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mullvad-app\n" "Language-Team: German\n" "Language: de_DE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-05 14:16\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-04 12:55\n" #. AU ADL msgid "Adelaide" @@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ msgstr "Belgien" msgid "Belgrade" msgstr "Belgrad" +#. DE BER +msgid "Berlin" +msgstr "Berlin" + #. CO BOG msgid "Bogota" msgstr "Bogotá" @@ -92,6 +96,10 @@ msgstr "Budapest" msgid "Bulgaria" msgstr "Bulgarien" +#. CA YYC +msgid "Calgary" +msgstr "Calgary" + #. CA msgid "Canada" msgstr "Kanada" @@ -240,6 +248,10 @@ msgstr "Johannesburg" msgid "Kiev" msgstr "Kiew" +#. UA IEV +msgid "Kyiv" +msgstr "Kiew" + #. LV msgid "Latvia" msgstr "Lettland" @@ -284,6 +296,10 @@ msgstr "Marseille" msgid "Melbourne" msgstr "Melbourne" +#. MX +msgid "Mexico" +msgstr "Mexiko" + #. US MIA msgid "Miami, FL" msgstr "Miami, FL" @@ -384,6 +400,10 @@ msgstr "Prag" msgid "Pune" msgstr "Pune" +#. MX QRO +msgid "Queretaro" +msgstr "Santiago de Querétaro" + #. US RAG msgid "Raleigh, NC" msgstr "Raleigh, NC" diff --git a/gui/locales/es/messages.po b/gui/locales/es/messages.po index aba4afd63c7a..d1b7dc0e8283 100644 --- a/gui/locales/es/messages.po +++ b/gui/locales/es/messages.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mullvad-app\n" "Language-Team: Spanish\n" "Language: es_ES\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-05 14:16\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-04 12:55\n" msgid "%(duration)s was added, account paid until %(expiry)s." msgstr "Tiempo añadido: %(duration)s. Cuenta pagada hasta el %(expiry)s." @@ -180,6 +180,9 @@ msgstr "Salir" msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "Reconectar" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Guardar" + msgid "Search for..." msgstr "Buscar..." @@ -491,11 +494,6 @@ msgctxt "device-management" msgid "If you log out, the device and the device name is removed. When you log back in again, the device will get a new name." msgstr "Si cierra sesión, se quita el dispositivo y el nombre del dispositivo. Cuando vuelve a iniciar sesión, el dispositivo recibirá un nombre nuevo." -#. Confirmation button when logging out -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "Log out anyway" -msgstr "Cerrar sesión" - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Please log out of at least one by removing it from the list below. You can find the corresponding device name under the device’s Account settings." msgstr "Cierre la sesión como mínimo en un dispositivo (para hacerlo, quítelo de la lista siguiente). Consulte el nombre del dispositivo en la configuración de la cuenta del dispositivo." @@ -506,20 +504,10 @@ msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Super!" msgstr "¡Genial!" -#. This is is a further explanation of what happens when logging out. -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "The ports forwarded to this device will be deleted if you log out." -msgstr "Si cierra la sesión, se eliminarán los puertos reenviados a este dispositivo." - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "This is the name assigned to the device. Each device logged in on a Mullvad account gets a unique name that helps you identify it when you manage your devices in the app or on the website." msgstr "Este es el nombre asignado al dispositivo. Cada dispositivo conectado a una cuenta de Mullvad recibe un nombre único que ayuda a identificarlo cuando gestiona sus dispositivos en la aplicación o en el sitio web." -#. Further information about consequences of logging out device. -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "This will delete all forwarded ports. Local settings will be saved." -msgstr "Se eliminarán todos los puertos reenviados. La configuración local se guardará." - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Time left: %(timeLeft)s" msgstr "Tiempo restante: %(timeLeft)s" @@ -1021,6 +1009,10 @@ msgctxt "select-location-nav" msgid "Select location" msgstr "Seleccionar ubicación" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "(Added)" +msgstr "(Añadido)" + #. This is used for appending information about a location. #. E.g. "Gothenburg (Entry)" if Gothenburg has been selected as the entrypoint. #. Available placeholders: @@ -1030,6 +1022,33 @@ msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "%(location)s (%(info)s)" msgstr "%(location)s (%(info)s)" +#. This is a label shown above a list of options. +#. Available placeholder: +#. %(locationType) - Could be either "Country", "City" and "Relay" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Add %(locationType)s to list" +msgstr "Añadir %(locationType)s a la lista" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "All locations" +msgstr "Todas las ubicaciones" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "City" +msgstr "Ciudad" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Country" +msgstr "País" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Custom lists" +msgstr "Listas personalizadas" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Edit list name" +msgstr "Editar nombre de lista" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Entry" msgstr "Entrada" @@ -1042,10 +1061,22 @@ msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Filtered:" msgstr "Filtros aplicados:" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "List names must be unique." +msgstr "Los nombres de las listas deben ser únicos." + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Name is already taken." +msgstr "Este nombre ya se está utilizando." + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Providers: %(numberOfProviders)d" msgstr "Proveedores: %(numberOfProviders)d" +msgctxt "select-location-viewThis refers to a VPN server which we also call relay since it relays internet traffic from the user onto the internet. It should probably say server here instead of relay. I'll look into if this should be changed until next relay but for now it will be \"Relay\"." +msgid "Relay" +msgstr "Repetidor" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "The app selects a random bridge server, but servers have a higher probability the closer they are to you." msgstr "La aplicación selecciona un servidor puente aleatorio, pero es más probable que se conecte a los servidores más próximos al usuario." @@ -1424,10 +1455,6 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Enable IPv6" msgstr "Habilitar IPv6" -msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" -msgid "Enable IPv6 communication through the tunnel." -msgstr "Permite la comunicación IPv6 a través del túnel." - #. The label next to the multihop settings toggle. msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Enable multihop" @@ -1453,6 +1480,10 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Increases anonymity by routing your traffic into one %(wireguard)s server and out another, making it harder to trace." msgstr "Mejora el anonimato al enrutar el tráfico de entrada en un servidor de %(wireguard)s y el tráfico de salida en otro, por lo que es más difícil de rastrear." +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "IPv4 is always enabled and the majority of websites and applications use this protocol. We do not recommend enabling IPv6 unless you know you need it." +msgstr "IPv4 está siempre habilitado y la mayoría de sitios web y aplicaciones usan este protocolo. No recomendamos habilitar IPv6 a menos que sepa que lo necesita." + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "It does this by allowing network communication outside the tunnel to local multicast and broadcast ranges as well as to and from these private IP ranges:" msgstr "Lo realiza permitiendo la comnunicación de red fuera del túnel hacia rangos de emisión y multidifusión locales y también hacia y desde estos rangos de IP privados:" @@ -1478,6 +1509,11 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Malware" msgstr "Malware" +#. Label for settings that enables block of social media. +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "Social media" +msgstr "Redes sociales" + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "The app’s built-in kill switch is always on. This setting will additionally block the internet if clicking Disconnect or Quit." msgstr "La función de desconexión de seguridad integrada en la aplicación siempre está activada. Esta configuración bloqueará también el acceso a Internet si hace clic en Desconectar o Salir." @@ -1539,6 +1575,10 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "When this feature is enabled it stops the device from contacting certain domains or websites known for distributing ads, malware, trackers and more." msgstr "Al activar esta opción se evita que el dispositivo contacte con determinados dominios o sitios web que se sabe que distribuyen anuncios, malware, rastreadores y más." +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "When this feature is enabled, IPv6 can be used alongside IPv4 in the VPN tunnel to communicate with internet services." +msgstr "Cuando esta característica está habilitada, se puede usar IPv6 junto a IPv4 en el túnel VPN para comunicarse con los servicios de internet." + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "With Lockdown Mode enabled, you must be connected to a Mullvad VPN server to be able to reach the internet. Manually disconnecting or quitting the app will block your connection." msgstr "Si está habilitado el «Modo de bloqueo», deberá estar conectado a un servidor VPN de Mullvad para acceder a Internet. Al desconectar o salir de la aplicación de forma manual, se bloqueará la conexión." @@ -1627,6 +1667,13 @@ msgctxt "wireguard-settings-view" msgid "Which TCP port the UDP-over-TCP obfuscation protocol should connect to on the VPN server." msgstr "El puerto TCP al que se conectará el protocolo de ofuscación de UDP sobre TCP en el servidor VPN." +msgctxt "Message shown after successfully adding subscription time to an account, where \"%s\" represent the amount of time, like for example \"1 day\" or \"4 months\".Full examples: \"1 day was added to your account.\"\"4 months was added to your account.\"" +msgid "%s was added to your account." +msgstr "Se ha(n) añadido %s a su cuenta." + +msgid "30 days was added to your account." +msgstr "Se han añadido 30 días a su cuenta." + msgid "Account credit expires in a few minutes" msgstr "El crédito de la cuenta caduca en unos minutos" @@ -1636,6 +1683,12 @@ msgstr "El crédito de la cuenta caduca pronto" msgid "Account time reminders" msgstr "Recordatorios de tiempo de la cuenta" +msgid "Add 30 days time" +msgstr "Añadir 30 días" + +msgid "Add 30 days time (%s)" +msgstr "Añadir 30 días (%s)" + msgid "Add DNS server" msgstr "Añadir servidor DNS" @@ -1663,6 +1716,9 @@ msgstr "Bloqueo de Internet (dispositivo sin conexión)" msgid "Changes to DNS related settings might not go into effect immediately due to cached results." msgstr "Los cambios en la configuración relacionada con el DNS no surtirán efecto inmediatamente debido a los resultados en caché." +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "Conectando..." + msgid "Copied Mullvad account number to clipboard" msgstr "El número de cuenta de Mullvad se copió en el Portapapeles" @@ -1687,12 +1743,25 @@ msgstr "Habilitar" msgid "Enter MTU" msgstr "Introducir MTU" +msgctxt "Placeholder in port number input field." +msgid "Enter port" +msgstr "Introducir puerto" + msgid "Excluded applications" msgstr "Aplicaciones excluidas" msgid "Going to login will unblock the internet on this device." msgstr "Al iniciar la sesión, se desbloqueará el acceso a Internet en este dispositivo." +msgid "Google Play payment pending" +msgstr "Pago a Google Play pendiente" + +msgid "Google Play unavailable" +msgstr "Google Play no disponible" + +msgid "If the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device." +msgstr "Si se utiliza la característica de túnel dividido, la aplicación consultará a su sistema la lista de todas las aplicaciones instaladas. Esta lista solo se recupera en la vista de túnel dividido. La lista de aplicaciones instaladas nunca se envía desde el dispositivo." + msgid "Install Mullvad VPN (%s) to stay up to date" msgstr "Instale Mullvad VPN (%s) para seguir actualizado" @@ -1702,6 +1771,9 @@ msgstr "Administrar cuenta" msgid "Mullvad account number" msgstr "Número de cuenta de Mullvad" +msgid "Mullvad services unavailable" +msgstr "Servicios de Mullvad no disponibles" + msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Preferencias" @@ -1714,6 +1786,9 @@ msgstr "Política de privacidad" msgid "Remove" msgstr "Quitar" +msgid "Remove custom port" +msgstr "Quitar puerto personalizado" + msgid "Reset to default" msgstr "Restablecer a valores predeterminados" @@ -1723,6 +1798,9 @@ msgstr "Protegido" msgid "Set WireGuard MTU value. Valid range: %d - %d." msgstr "Establezca el valor de MTU de WireGuard. Intervalo válido: %d-%d." +msgid "Set port" +msgstr "Establecer puerto" + msgid "Show system apps" msgstr "Mostrar aplicaciones del sistema" @@ -1732,9 +1810,6 @@ msgstr "Muestra el estado actual del túnel VPN" msgid "Shows reminders when the account time is about to expire" msgstr "Muestra avisos cuando el tiempo de la cuenta está a punto de caducar" -msgid "Split tunneling makes it possible to select which applications should not be routed through the VPN tunnel." -msgstr "La tunelización dividida permite seleccionar qué aplicaciones no deben enrutarse a través del túnel VPN." - msgid "Submit" msgstr "Enviar" @@ -1747,8 +1822,8 @@ msgstr "Esta dirección ya se ha introducido." msgid "This might cause issues on certain websites, services, and apps." msgstr "Esto podría causar problemas con determinados sitios web, servicios y aplicaciones." -msgid "To make sure that you have the most secure version and to inform you of any issues with the current version that is running, the app performs version checks automatically. This sends the app version and Android system version to Mullvad servers. Mullvad keeps counters on number of used app versions and Android versions. The data is never stored or used in any way that can identify you.\\n\\nIf the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device." -msgstr "Para garantizar que tiene la versión más segura e informarle de cualquier problema en la versión actual que se está ejecutando, la aplicación realiza comprobaciones de versión automáticamente. Esto envía la versión de la aplicación y la versión del sistema Android a los servidores de Mullvad. Mullvad mantiene contadores del número de versiones de aplicación utilizadas y de las versiones de Android. Los datos nunca se almacenan ni se usan de forma que puedan identificarle.\\n\\nSi se utiliza la característica de tunelización dividida, la aplicación pide a su sistema una lista de todas las aplicaciones instaladas. Esta lista solo se obtiene en la vista de tunelización dividida. La lista de aplicaciones instaladas nunca se envía desde el dispositivo." +msgid "To make sure that you have the most secure version and to inform you of any issues with the current version that is running, the app performs version checks automatically. This sends the app version and Android system version to Mullvad servers. Mullvad keeps counters on number of used app versions and Android versions. The data is never stored or used in any way that can identify you." +msgstr "Para garantizar que tiene la versión más segura e informarle de cualquier problema con la versión actual que está ejecutando, la aplicación realiza verificaciones de versiones automáticamente. Esto envía la versión de la aplicación y la versión del sistema Android a los servidores de Mullvad. Mullvad mantiene contadores del número de versiones de la aplicación y versiones de Android usadas. Los datos nunca se almacenan ni utilizan de forma que puedan identificarle." msgid "Toggle VPN" msgstr "Alternar VPN" @@ -1780,18 +1855,46 @@ msgstr "Estado del túnel VPN" msgid "Valid WireGuard key is missing. Manage keys under Advanced settings." msgstr "Falta una clave de WireGuard válida. Para administrar las claves, vaya a Configuración avanzada." +msgctxt "Used to inform the user about a set of valid network port number ranges, for example: \"Valid ranges: 1-10, 100-200, 30000-31000\" " +msgid "Valid ranges: %s" +msgstr "Intervalos válidos: %s" + +msgid "Verifying purchase" +msgstr "Verificando la compra" + +msgid "Verifying purchase..." +msgstr "Verificando la compra…" + +msgid "Verifying voucher…" +msgstr "Verificando el cupón…" + msgid "Virtual adapter error" msgstr "Error del adaptador virtual" +msgid "We are currently verifying your purchase, this might take some time. Your time will be added if the verification is successful." +msgstr "Estamos verificando su compra en este momento. Esto podría tardar algún tiempo. Su tiempo se añadirá si pasa la verificación." + +msgid "We were unable to start the payment process, please make sure you have the latest version of Google Play." +msgstr "No hemos podido iniciar el proceso de pago. Asegúrese de tener la última versión de Google Play." + +msgid "We were unable to start the payment process, please try again later." +msgstr "No hemos podido iniciar el proceso de pago. Inténtelo de nuevo más tarde." + msgid "While connected, your real location is masked with a private and secure location in the selected region." msgstr "Mientras esté conectado, su ubicación real permanecerá oculta con una ubicación privada y segura en la región seleccionada." msgid "WireGuard MTU" msgstr "MTU de WireGuard" +msgid "WireGuard custom port" +msgstr "Puerto personalizado de WireGuard" + msgid "WireGuard obfuscation" msgstr "Ofuscación de WireGuard" +msgid "WireGuard port" +msgstr "Puerto de WireGuard" + msgid "YOU MIGHT BE LEAKING NETWORK TRAFFIC" msgstr "PUEDE QUE SE ESTÉ FILTRANDO EL TRÁFICO DE RED" @@ -1801,6 +1904,19 @@ msgstr "Ejecuta una versión de la aplicación que no es compatible." msgid "less than a minute ago" msgstr "hace menos de un minuto" +msgid "less than one day" +msgstr "menos de un día" + +msgid "%d day" +msgid_plural "%d days" +msgstr[0] "%d día" +msgstr[1] "%d días" + +msgid "%d month" +msgid_plural "%d months" +msgstr[0] "%d mes" +msgstr[1] "%d meses" + msgid "Account credit expires in a day" msgid_plural "Account credit expires in %d days" msgstr[0] "El crédito de la cuenta caduca en un día" diff --git a/gui/locales/es/relay-locations.po b/gui/locales/es/relay-locations.po index b4bd3be92102..ee5aa77d72b2 100644 --- a/gui/locales/es/relay-locations.po +++ b/gui/locales/es/relay-locations.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mullvad-app\n" "Language-Team: Spanish\n" "Language: es_ES\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-05 14:16\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-04 12:55\n" #. AU ADL msgid "Adelaide" @@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ msgstr "Bélgica" msgid "Belgrade" msgstr "Belgrado" +#. DE BER +msgid "Berlin" +msgstr "Berlín" + #. CO BOG msgid "Bogota" msgstr "Bogotá" @@ -92,6 +96,10 @@ msgstr "Budapest" msgid "Bulgaria" msgstr "Bulgaria" +#. CA YYC +msgid "Calgary" +msgstr "Calgary" + #. CA msgid "Canada" msgstr "Canadá" @@ -240,6 +248,10 @@ msgstr "Johannesburgo" msgid "Kiev" msgstr "Kiev" +#. UA IEV +msgid "Kyiv" +msgstr "Kiev" + #. LV msgid "Latvia" msgstr "Letonia" @@ -284,6 +296,10 @@ msgstr "Marsella" msgid "Melbourne" msgstr "Melbourne" +#. MX +msgid "Mexico" +msgstr "México" + #. US MIA msgid "Miami, FL" msgstr "Miami, FL" @@ -384,6 +400,10 @@ msgstr "Praga" msgid "Pune" msgstr "Pune" +#. MX QRO +msgid "Queretaro" +msgstr "Querétaro" + #. US RAG msgid "Raleigh, NC" msgstr "Raleigh, NC" diff --git a/gui/locales/fi/messages.po b/gui/locales/fi/messages.po index e600c4dca77e..1694dbed808a 100644 --- a/gui/locales/fi/messages.po +++ b/gui/locales/fi/messages.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mullvad-app\n" "Language-Team: Finnish\n" "Language: fi_FI\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-05 14:16\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-04 12:55\n" msgid "%(duration)s was added, account paid until %(expiry)s." msgstr "%(duration)s lisättiin: tilin käyttö maksettu %(expiry)s asti." @@ -180,6 +180,9 @@ msgstr "Sulje" msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "Yhdistä uudelleen" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Tallenna" + msgid "Search for..." msgstr "Hae..." @@ -491,11 +494,6 @@ msgctxt "device-management" msgid "If you log out, the device and the device name is removed. When you log back in again, the device will get a new name." msgstr "Jos kirjaudut ulos, laite ja laitteen nimi poistetaan. Kun kirjaudut sisään uudelleen, laitteelle annetaan uusi nimi." -#. Confirmation button when logging out -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "Log out anyway" -msgstr "Kirjaudu silti ulos" - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Please log out of at least one by removing it from the list below. You can find the corresponding device name under the device’s Account settings." msgstr "Kirjaudu ulos vähintään yhdestä luettelon laitteesta poistamalla se. Löydät vastaavan laitteen nimen laitteen tiliasetuksista." @@ -506,20 +504,10 @@ msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Super!" msgstr "Mahtavaa!" -#. This is is a further explanation of what happens when logging out. -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "The ports forwarded to this device will be deleted if you log out." -msgstr "Tälle laitteelle välitetyt portit poistetaan, jos kirjaudut ulos." - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "This is the name assigned to the device. Each device logged in on a Mullvad account gets a unique name that helps you identify it when you manage your devices in the app or on the website." msgstr "Tämä on laitteelle annettu nimi. Jokainen Mullvad-tilille kirjautunut laite saa yksilöllisen nimen, jonka avulla sen voi tunnistaa laitteiden hallinnassa sovelluksessa tai verkkosivustolla." -#. Further information about consequences of logging out device. -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "This will delete all forwarded ports. Local settings will be saved." -msgstr "Toiminto poistaa kaikki välitetyt portit. Paikalliset asetukset tallennetaan." - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Time left: %(timeLeft)s" msgstr "Aikaa jäljellä: %(timeLeft)s" @@ -1021,6 +1009,10 @@ msgctxt "select-location-nav" msgid "Select location" msgstr "Valitse sijainti" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "(Added)" +msgstr "(Lisätty)" + #. This is used for appending information about a location. #. E.g. "Gothenburg (Entry)" if Gothenburg has been selected as the entrypoint. #. Available placeholders: @@ -1030,6 +1022,33 @@ msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "%(location)s (%(info)s)" msgstr "%(location)s (%(info)s)" +#. This is a label shown above a list of options. +#. Available placeholder: +#. %(locationType) - Could be either "Country", "City" and "Relay" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Add %(locationType)s to list" +msgstr "Lisää %(locationType)s luetteloon" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "All locations" +msgstr "Kaikki sijainnit" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "City" +msgstr "Kaupunki" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Country" +msgstr "Maa" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Custom lists" +msgstr "Mukautetut luettelot" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Edit list name" +msgstr "Muokkaa luettelon nimeä" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Entry" msgstr "Tulo" @@ -1042,10 +1061,22 @@ msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Filtered:" msgstr "Suodatettu:" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "List names must be unique." +msgstr "Luettelon nimen tulee olla ainutlaatuinen." + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Name is already taken." +msgstr "Nimi on jo olemassa." + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Providers: %(numberOfProviders)d" msgstr "Palveluntarjoajat: %(numberOfProviders)d" +msgctxt "select-location-viewThis refers to a VPN server which we also call relay since it relays internet traffic from the user onto the internet. It should probably say server here instead of relay. I'll look into if this should be changed until next relay but for now it will be \"Relay\"." +msgid "Relay" +msgstr "Välitys" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "The app selects a random bridge server, but servers have a higher probability the closer they are to you." msgstr "Sovellus valitsee satunnaisen siltauspalvelimen, mutta palvelimen valinnan todennäköisyys on sitä suurempi, mitä lähempänä palvelin on sinua." @@ -1424,10 +1455,6 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Enable IPv6" msgstr "Salli IPv6" -msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" -msgid "Enable IPv6 communication through the tunnel." -msgstr "Salli IPv6-yhteys tunnelin kautta." - #. The label next to the multihop settings toggle. msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Enable multihop" @@ -1453,6 +1480,10 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Increases anonymity by routing your traffic into one %(wireguard)s server and out another, making it harder to trace." msgstr "Paranna anonymiteettia reitittämällä liikenteen yhdelle %(wireguard)s-palvelimelle ja sitten toisen kautta ulos, mikä tekee jäljittämisestä vaikeampaa." +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "IPv4 is always enabled and the majority of websites and applications use this protocol. We do not recommend enabling IPv6 unless you know you need it." +msgstr "IPv4 on aina käytössä, ja suurin osa verkkosivustoista ja sovelluksista käyttää kyseistä protokollaa. Emme suosittele IPv6:n käyttöönottoa, ellet varta vasten tarvitse sitä." + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "It does this by allowing network communication outside the tunnel to local multicast and broadcast ranges as well as to and from these private IP ranges:" msgstr "Ominaisuus siis sallii verkkoviestinnän tunnelin ulkopuolella paikallisille lähetys- ja monilähetysalueille sekä näillä yksityisillä IP-alueilla kumpaankin suuntaan:" @@ -1478,6 +1509,11 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Malware" msgstr "Haittaohjelmat" +#. Label for settings that enables block of social media. +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "Social media" +msgstr "Sosiaalinen media" + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "The app’s built-in kill switch is always on. This setting will additionally block the internet if clicking Disconnect or Quit." msgstr "Sovelluksen sisäänrakennettu tappokytkin on aina käytössä. Tämä asetus estää lisäksi verkkoyhteyden, jos katkaiset sovellusyhteyden tai suljet sovelluksen." @@ -1539,6 +1575,10 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "When this feature is enabled it stops the device from contacting certain domains or websites known for distributing ads, malware, trackers and more." msgstr "Kun tämä ominaisuus on käytössä, se estää laitetta ottamasta yhteyttä tiettyihin verkkotunnuksiin tai -sivustoihin, jotka tunnetaan mainosten, haittaohjelmien, seurantaohjelmien tai muiden vastaavien jakelijoina." +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "When this feature is enabled, IPv6 can be used alongside IPv4 in the VPN tunnel to communicate with internet services." +msgstr "Kun tämä ominaisuus on käytössä, IPv6:ta voidaan käyttää IPv4:n rinnalla VPN-tunnelissa yhteydenpidossa internetpalveluiden kanssa." + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "With Lockdown Mode enabled, you must be connected to a Mullvad VPN server to be able to reach the internet. Manually disconnecting or quitting the app will block your connection." msgstr "Kun lukitustila on käytössä, voit muodostaa yhteyden internetiin ainoastaan Mullvadin VPN-palvelimen kautta. Sovelluksen yhteyden manuaalinen katkaiseminen tai sovelluksen sulkeminen estävät verkkoyhteyden muodostamisen." @@ -1627,6 +1667,13 @@ msgctxt "wireguard-settings-view" msgid "Which TCP port the UDP-over-TCP obfuscation protocol should connect to on the VPN server." msgstr "Määrittää, mihin VPN-palvelimen TCP-porttiin \"UDP TCP:n kautta\" -hämäysteknologia-protokollan tulee muodostaa yhteys." +msgctxt "Message shown after successfully adding subscription time to an account, where \"%s\" represent the amount of time, like for example \"1 day\" or \"4 months\".Full examples: \"1 day was added to your account.\"\"4 months was added to your account.\"" +msgid "%s was added to your account." +msgstr "Tilillesi lisättiin %s käyttöaikaa." + +msgid "30 days was added to your account." +msgstr "Tilillesi lisättiin 30 päivää käyttöaikaa." + msgid "Account credit expires in a few minutes" msgstr "Tilin käyttöaika päättyy muutaman minuutin kuluttua" @@ -1636,6 +1683,12 @@ msgstr "Tilin käyttöaika päättyy pian" msgid "Account time reminders" msgstr "Muistutukset tilin käyttöajasta" +msgid "Add 30 days time" +msgstr "Lisää 30 päivää käyttöaikaa" + +msgid "Add 30 days time (%s)" +msgstr "Lisää 30 päivää käyttöaikaa (%s)" + msgid "Add DNS server" msgstr "Lisää DNS-palvelin" @@ -1663,6 +1716,9 @@ msgstr "Internetyhteys on estetty (laite on offline-tilassa)" msgid "Changes to DNS related settings might not go into effect immediately due to cached results." msgstr "DNS-asetuksiin tehdyt muutokset eivät välttämättä astu voimaan välittömästi välimuistissa olevien tulosten vuoksi." +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "Yhdistetään..." + msgid "Copied Mullvad account number to clipboard" msgstr "Mullvad-tilin numero kopioitu leikepöydälle" @@ -1687,12 +1743,25 @@ msgstr "Ota käyttöön" msgid "Enter MTU" msgstr "Syötä MTU" +msgctxt "Placeholder in port number input field." +msgid "Enter port" +msgstr "Anna portti" + msgid "Excluded applications" msgstr "Poissuljetut sovellukset" msgid "Going to login will unblock the internet on this device." msgstr "Kirjautumiseen siirtyminen purkaa internetin käytön eston tältä laitteelta." +msgid "Google Play payment pending" +msgstr "Google Play -maksu odottaa" + +msgid "Google Play unavailable" +msgstr "Google Play ei ole käytettävissä" + +msgid "If the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device." +msgstr "Jos käytetään sovelluskohtaista yhdistämistä, sovellus pyytää järjestelmältäsi luettelon kaikista siihen asennetuista sovelluksista. Luettelo noudetaan vain sovelluskohtaisen yhdistämisen näkymässä. Asennettujen sovellusten luetteloa ei koskaan lähetetä laitteelta." + msgid "Install Mullvad VPN (%s) to stay up to date" msgstr "Asenna Mullvad VPN (%s) pysyäksesi ajan tasalla" @@ -1702,6 +1771,9 @@ msgstr "Tilin hallinta" msgid "Mullvad account number" msgstr "Mullvad-tilin numero" +msgid "Mullvad services unavailable" +msgstr "Mullvad-palvelut eivät ole käytettävissä" + msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Asetukset" @@ -1714,6 +1786,9 @@ msgstr "Tietosuojakäytäntö" msgid "Remove" msgstr "Poista" +msgid "Remove custom port" +msgstr "Poista mukautettu portti" + msgid "Reset to default" msgstr "Palauta oletusarvo" @@ -1723,6 +1798,9 @@ msgstr "Suojattu" msgid "Set WireGuard MTU value. Valid range: %d - %d." msgstr "Aseta WireGuardin MTU-arvo väliltä %d–%d." +msgid "Set port" +msgstr "Määritä portti" + msgid "Show system apps" msgstr "Näytä järjestelmäsovellukset" @@ -1732,9 +1810,6 @@ msgstr "Näyttää VPN-tunnelin nykyisen tilan" msgid "Shows reminders when the account time is about to expire" msgstr "Näyttää muistutuksia, kun tilin käyttöaika on umpeutumassa" -msgid "Split tunneling makes it possible to select which applications should not be routed through the VPN tunnel." -msgstr "Jaettu tunnelointi antaa mahdollisuuden valita, mitä sovelluksia ei reititetä VPN-tunnelin kautta." - msgid "Submit" msgstr "Lähetä" @@ -1747,8 +1822,8 @@ msgstr "Tämä osoite on annettu jo." msgid "This might cause issues on certain websites, services, and apps." msgstr "Tämä voi aiheuttaa ongelmia tietyillä verkkosivustoilla, palveluissa ja sovelluksissa." -msgid "To make sure that you have the most secure version and to inform you of any issues with the current version that is running, the app performs version checks automatically. This sends the app version and Android system version to Mullvad servers. Mullvad keeps counters on number of used app versions and Android versions. The data is never stored or used in any way that can identify you.\\n\\nIf the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device." -msgstr "Sovellus suorittaa versiotarkistuksia automaattisesti varmistaakseen, että käytössäsi on turvallisin versio ja ilmoittaakseen mahdollisista ongelmista nykyisessä käynnissä olevassa versiossa. Toiminto lähettää tiedon sovellusversiosta ja Android-järjestelmäversiosta Mullvadin palvelimille. Mullvad pitää laskuria käytettyjen sovellusversioiden ja Android-versioiden määrästä. Tietoja ei koskaan tallenneta tai käytetä tavalla, josta sinut voisi tunnistaa.\\n\\nJos käytetään sovelluskohtaista yhdistämistä, sovellus pyytää järjestelmältäsi luettelon kaikista muista asennetuista sovelluksista. Kyseinen luettelo noudetaan vain sovelluskohtaisen yhdistämisen näkymässä. Asennettujen sovellusten luetteloa ei koskaan lähetetä laitteelta." +msgid "To make sure that you have the most secure version and to inform you of any issues with the current version that is running, the app performs version checks automatically. This sends the app version and Android system version to Mullvad servers. Mullvad keeps counters on number of used app versions and Android versions. The data is never stored or used in any way that can identify you." +msgstr "Sovellus suorittaa versiotarkistuksia automaattisesti varmistaakseen, että käytät kaikkein turvallisinta versiota, ja ilmoittaakseen sinulle kaikista parhaillaan käynnissä olevan version ongelmista. Se lähettää Mullvadin palvelimille tiedot sovellusversiosta ja Android-järjestelmäversiosta. Mullvad pitää lukua käytettyjen sovellusversioiden ja Android-versioiden määristä. Tietoja ei koskaan tallenneta tai käytetä tavalla, joka voisi mahdollistaa tunnistamisesi." msgid "Toggle VPN" msgstr "Vaihda VPN:ää" @@ -1780,18 +1855,46 @@ msgstr "VPN-tunnelin tila" msgid "Valid WireGuard key is missing. Manage keys under Advanced settings." msgstr "Käypä WireGuard-avain puuttuu. Voit hallinnoida avaimia lisäasetuksissa." +msgctxt "Used to inform the user about a set of valid network port number ranges, for example: \"Valid ranges: 1-10, 100-200, 30000-31000\" " +msgid "Valid ranges: %s" +msgstr "Kelvolliset portit: %s" + +msgid "Verifying purchase" +msgstr "Ostoksen vahvistaminen" + +msgid "Verifying purchase..." +msgstr "Ostosta vahvistetaan..." + +msgid "Verifying voucher…" +msgstr "Kuponkia vahvistetaan…" + msgid "Virtual adapter error" msgstr "Virtuaalisovittimen virhe" +msgid "We are currently verifying your purchase, this might take some time. Your time will be added if the verification is successful." +msgstr "Vahvistamme ostostasi parhaillaan. Siinä saattaa vierähtää jonkin aikaa. Tilillesi lisätään käyttöaikaa, kunhan ostoksen vahvistus onnistuu." + +msgid "We were unable to start the payment process, please make sure you have the latest version of Google Play." +msgstr "Emme pystyneet aloittamaan maksun käsittelyä. Varmista, että käytät Google Playn uusinta versiota." + +msgid "We were unable to start the payment process, please try again later." +msgstr "Emme pystyneet aloittamaan maksun käsittelyä. Yritä myöhemmin uudelleen." + msgid "While connected, your real location is masked with a private and secure location in the selected region." msgstr "Kun yhteys on muodostettu, yksityinen ja suojattu sijainti valitulta alueelta naamioi todellisen sijaintisi." msgid "WireGuard MTU" msgstr "WireGuard MTU" +msgid "WireGuard custom port" +msgstr "Mukautettu WireGuard-portti" + msgid "WireGuard obfuscation" msgstr "WireGuard-obfuskointi" +msgid "WireGuard port" +msgstr "WireGuard-portti" + msgid "YOU MIGHT BE LEAKING NETWORK TRAFFIC" msgstr "VERKKOLIIKENTEESI SAATTAA VUOTAA" @@ -1801,6 +1904,19 @@ msgstr "Sovellusversiotasi ei tueta." msgid "less than a minute ago" msgstr "alle minuutti sitten" +msgid "less than one day" +msgstr "alle vuorokausi" + +msgid "%d day" +msgid_plural "%d days" +msgstr[0] "%d päivä" +msgstr[1] "%d päivää" + +msgid "%d month" +msgid_plural "%d months" +msgstr[0] "%d kuukausi" +msgstr[1] "%d kuukautta" + msgid "Account credit expires in a day" msgid_plural "Account credit expires in %d days" msgstr[0] "Tilin käyttöaika päättyy vuorokauden kuluttua" diff --git a/gui/locales/fi/relay-locations.po b/gui/locales/fi/relay-locations.po index 202faf129ea7..a5d649d32eff 100644 --- a/gui/locales/fi/relay-locations.po +++ b/gui/locales/fi/relay-locations.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mullvad-app\n" "Language-Team: Finnish\n" "Language: fi_FI\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-05 14:16\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-04 12:55\n" #. AU ADL msgid "Adelaide" @@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ msgstr "Belgia" msgid "Belgrade" msgstr "Belgrad" +#. DE BER +msgid "Berlin" +msgstr "Berliini" + #. CO BOG msgid "Bogota" msgstr "Bogota" @@ -92,6 +96,10 @@ msgstr "Budapest" msgid "Bulgaria" msgstr "Bulgaria" +#. CA YYC +msgid "Calgary" +msgstr "Calgary" + #. CA msgid "Canada" msgstr "Kanada" @@ -240,6 +248,10 @@ msgstr "Johannesburg" msgid "Kiev" msgstr "Kiova" +#. UA IEV +msgid "Kyiv" +msgstr "Kiova" + #. LV msgid "Latvia" msgstr "Latvia" @@ -284,6 +296,10 @@ msgstr "Marseille" msgid "Melbourne" msgstr "Melbourne" +#. MX +msgid "Mexico" +msgstr "Meksiko" + #. US MIA msgid "Miami, FL" msgstr "Miami, FL" @@ -384,6 +400,10 @@ msgstr "Praha" msgid "Pune" msgstr "Pune" +#. MX QRO +msgid "Queretaro" +msgstr "Queretaro" + #. US RAG msgid "Raleigh, NC" msgstr "Raleigh, NC" diff --git a/gui/locales/fr/messages.po b/gui/locales/fr/messages.po index fdd1213e7bfa..ed72bb34db37 100644 --- a/gui/locales/fr/messages.po +++ b/gui/locales/fr/messages.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mullvad-app\n" "Language-Team: French\n" "Language: fr_FR\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-05 14:16\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-04 12:55\n" msgid "%(duration)s was added, account paid until %(expiry)s." msgstr "%(duration)s ont été ajouté(es), compte payé jusqu’au %(expiry)s." @@ -180,6 +180,9 @@ msgstr "Quitter" msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "Reconnexion" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Enregistrer" + msgid "Search for..." msgstr "Rechercher..." @@ -491,11 +494,6 @@ msgctxt "device-management" msgid "If you log out, the device and the device name is removed. When you log back in again, the device will get a new name." msgstr "Si vous vous déconnectez, l'appareil et son nom sont supprimés. Lorsque vous vous reconnectez, l'appareil reçoit un nouveau nom." -#. Confirmation button when logging out -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "Log out anyway" -msgstr "Se déconnecter quand même" - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Please log out of at least one by removing it from the list below. You can find the corresponding device name under the device’s Account settings." msgstr "Merci de vous déconnecter d'au moins un appareil en le supprimant de la liste ci-dessous. Vous trouverez le nom de l'appareil correspondant dans les paramètres du compte de l'appareil." @@ -506,20 +504,10 @@ msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Super!" msgstr "Super !" -#. This is is a further explanation of what happens when logging out. -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "The ports forwarded to this device will be deleted if you log out." -msgstr "Les ports transférés vers cet appareil seront supprimés si vous vous déconnectez." - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "This is the name assigned to the device. Each device logged in on a Mullvad account gets a unique name that helps you identify it when you manage your devices in the app or on the website." msgstr "Il s'agit du nom attribué à l'appareil. Chaque appareil connecté à un compte Mullvad reçoit un nom unique qui vous aide à l'identifier lorsque vous gérez vos appareils dans l'application ou sur le site Web." -#. Further information about consequences of logging out device. -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "This will delete all forwarded ports. Local settings will be saved." -msgstr "Ceci supprimera tous les ports transférés. Les paramètres locaux seront enregistrés." - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Time left: %(timeLeft)s" msgstr "Temps restant : %(timeLeft)s" @@ -1021,6 +1009,10 @@ msgctxt "select-location-nav" msgid "Select location" msgstr "Sélectionner une localisation" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "(Added)" +msgstr "(Ajouté)" + #. This is used for appending information about a location. #. E.g. "Gothenburg (Entry)" if Gothenburg has been selected as the entrypoint. #. Available placeholders: @@ -1030,6 +1022,33 @@ msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "%(location)s (%(info)s)" msgstr "%(location)s (%(info)s)" +#. This is a label shown above a list of options. +#. Available placeholder: +#. %(locationType) - Could be either "Country", "City" and "Relay" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Add %(locationType)s to list" +msgstr "Ajouter %(locationType)s à la liste" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "All locations" +msgstr "Toutes les localisations" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "City" +msgstr "Ville" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Country" +msgstr "Pays" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Custom lists" +msgstr "Listes personnalisées" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Edit list name" +msgstr "Modifier le nom de la liste" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Entry" msgstr "Entrée" @@ -1042,10 +1061,22 @@ msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Filtered:" msgstr "Filtré :" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "List names must be unique." +msgstr "Les noms de listes doivent être uniques." + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Name is already taken." +msgstr "Le nom est déjà pris." + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Providers: %(numberOfProviders)d" msgstr "Fournisseurs : %(numberOfProviders)d" +msgctxt "select-location-viewThis refers to a VPN server which we also call relay since it relays internet traffic from the user onto the internet. It should probably say server here instead of relay. I'll look into if this should be changed until next relay but for now it will be \"Relay\"." +msgid "Relay" +msgstr "Relai" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "The app selects a random bridge server, but servers have a higher probability the closer they are to you." msgstr "L'application sélectionne un serveur de pont au hasard, mais les serveurs ont une probabilité plus élevée plus ils sont proches de vous." @@ -1424,10 +1455,6 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Enable IPv6" msgstr "Activer IPv6" -msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" -msgid "Enable IPv6 communication through the tunnel." -msgstr "Activer la communication IPv6 via le tunnel." - #. The label next to the multihop settings toggle. msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Enable multihop" @@ -1453,6 +1480,10 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Increases anonymity by routing your traffic into one %(wireguard)s server and out another, making it harder to trace." msgstr "Augmente la confidentialité en routant votre trafic d'un serveur %(wireguard)s à un autre, le rendant plus difficile à suivre." +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "IPv4 is always enabled and the majority of websites and applications use this protocol. We do not recommend enabling IPv6 unless you know you need it." +msgstr "Le protocole IPv4 est toujours activé et la majorité des sites Web et des applications utilisent ce protocole. Nous ne recommandons pas d'activer IPv6 à moins que vous ne sachiez que vous en avez besoin." + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "It does this by allowing network communication outside the tunnel to local multicast and broadcast ranges as well as to and from these private IP ranges:" msgstr "Pour ce faire, il autorise la communication réseau à l'extérieur du tunnel vers les plages locales de multidiffusion et de diffusion, ainsi que vers et à partir de ces plages IP privées :" @@ -1478,6 +1509,11 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Malware" msgstr "Malware" +#. Label for settings that enables block of social media. +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "Social media" +msgstr "Réseaux sociaux" + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "The app’s built-in kill switch is always on. This setting will additionally block the internet if clicking Disconnect or Quit." msgstr "Le coupe-circuit intégré à l'application est toujours activé. Ce paramètre bloquera en plus Internet si vous cliquez sur Déconnecter ou Quitter." @@ -1539,6 +1575,10 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "When this feature is enabled it stops the device from contacting certain domains or websites known for distributing ads, malware, trackers and more." msgstr "Lorsque cette fonctionnalité est activée, elle empêche l'appareil de contacter certains domaines ou sites Web connus pour distribuer des publicités, des logiciels malveillants, des trackers et plus." +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "When this feature is enabled, IPv6 can be used alongside IPv4 in the VPN tunnel to communicate with internet services." +msgstr "Lorsque cette fonctionnalité est activée, IPv6 peut être utilisé parallèlement à IPv4 dans le tunnel VPN pour communiquer avec les services internet." + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "With Lockdown Mode enabled, you must be connected to a Mullvad VPN server to be able to reach the internet. Manually disconnecting or quitting the app will block your connection." msgstr "Avec le mode verrouillage activé, vous devez être connecté à un serveur Mullvad VPN pour utiliser Internet. Une déconnexion manuelle ou la fermeture de l'application bloquera votre connexion." @@ -1627,6 +1667,13 @@ msgctxt "wireguard-settings-view" msgid "Which TCP port the UDP-over-TCP obfuscation protocol should connect to on the VPN server." msgstr "Le port TCP auquel le protocole de dissimulation UDP sur TCP doit se connecter sur le serveur VPN." +msgctxt "Message shown after successfully adding subscription time to an account, where \"%s\" represent the amount of time, like for example \"1 day\" or \"4 months\".Full examples: \"1 day was added to your account.\"\"4 months was added to your account.\"" +msgid "%s was added to your account." +msgstr "%s ajouté à votre compte." + +msgid "30 days was added to your account." +msgstr "30 jours ont été ajoutés à votre compte." + msgid "Account credit expires in a few minutes" msgstr "Les crédits du compte expirent dans quelques minutes" @@ -1636,6 +1683,12 @@ msgstr "Les crédits du compte expirent bientôt" msgid "Account time reminders" msgstr "Rappels de temps pour le compte" +msgid "Add 30 days time" +msgstr "Ajouter 30 jours de temps" + +msgid "Add 30 days time (%s)" +msgstr "Ajouter 30 jours de temps (%s)" + msgid "Add DNS server" msgstr "Ajouter un serveur DNS" @@ -1663,6 +1716,9 @@ msgstr "Internet bloqué (appareil hors ligne)" msgid "Changes to DNS related settings might not go into effect immediately due to cached results." msgstr "Les modifications apportées aux paramètres liés au DNS peuvent ne pas prendre effet immédiatement en raison de la mise en cache des résultats." +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "Connexion..." + msgid "Copied Mullvad account number to clipboard" msgstr "Numéro de compte Mullvad copié dans le presse-papiers" @@ -1687,21 +1743,37 @@ msgstr "Activer" msgid "Enter MTU" msgstr "Saisir le MTU" +msgctxt "Placeholder in port number input field." +msgid "Enter port" +msgstr "Saisir le port" + msgid "Excluded applications" msgstr "Applications exclues" msgid "Going to login will unblock the internet on this device." msgstr "Aller à la connexion débloquera la connexion Internet sur cet appareil." +msgid "Google Play payment pending" +msgstr "Paiement Google Play en attente" + +msgid "Google Play unavailable" +msgstr "Google Play indisponible" + +msgid "If the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device." +msgstr "Si la fonctionnalité de split tunneling est utilisée, l'application demande à votre système la liste de toutes les applications installées. Cette liste n'est récupérée que dans la vue de split tunneling. La liste des applications installées n'est jamais envoyée par l'appareil." + msgid "Install Mullvad VPN (%s) to stay up to date" msgstr "Installez Mullvad VPN (%s) pour rester à jour" msgid "Manage account" -msgstr "Générer le compte" +msgstr "Gérer le compte" msgid "Mullvad account number" msgstr "Numéro de compte Mullvad" +msgid "Mullvad services unavailable" +msgstr "Services Mullvad indisponibles" + msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Préférences" @@ -1714,6 +1786,9 @@ msgstr "Politique de confidentialité" msgid "Remove" msgstr "Supprimer" +msgid "Remove custom port" +msgstr "Supprimer le port personnalisé" + msgid "Reset to default" msgstr "Réinitialiser à la valeur par défaut" @@ -1723,6 +1798,9 @@ msgstr "Sécurisé" msgid "Set WireGuard MTU value. Valid range: %d - %d." msgstr "Définir la valeur MTU WireGuard. Plage valide : %d - %d." +msgid "Set port" +msgstr "Définir le port" + msgid "Show system apps" msgstr "Afficher les applications système" @@ -1732,9 +1810,6 @@ msgstr "Affiche l'état actuel du tunnel VPN" msgid "Shows reminders when the account time is about to expire" msgstr "Affiche des rappels lorsque le temps du compte va expirer" -msgid "Split tunneling makes it possible to select which applications should not be routed through the VPN tunnel." -msgstr "Le split tunneling permet de sélectionner quelles applications ne doivent pas passer par le tunnel VPN." - msgid "Submit" msgstr "Envoyer" @@ -1747,8 +1822,8 @@ msgstr "Cette adresse a déjà été saisie." msgid "This might cause issues on certain websites, services, and apps." msgstr "Cela peut causer des problèmes sur certains sites Web, services et applications." -msgid "To make sure that you have the most secure version and to inform you of any issues with the current version that is running, the app performs version checks automatically. This sends the app version and Android system version to Mullvad servers. Mullvad keeps counters on number of used app versions and Android versions. The data is never stored or used in any way that can identify you.\\n\\nIf the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device." -msgstr "Pour vous assurer que vous disposez de la version la plus sécurisée et pour vous informer de tout problème lié à la version en cours d'exécution, l'application effectue automatiquement des vérifications de version. Elle envoie ainsi la version de l'application et la version du système Android aux serveurs de Mullvad. Mullvad tient des compteurs sur le nombre de versions d'applications et de versions d'Android utilisées. Les données ne sont jamais stockées ou utilisées de manière à vous identifier.\\n\\nDans le cas où la fonctionnalité de split tunnelling est utilisée, l'application interroge votre système pour obtenir une liste de toutes les applications installées. Cette liste n'est récupérée que dans la vue fractionnée du tunnel. La liste des applications installées n'est jamais envoyée par l'appareil." +msgid "To make sure that you have the most secure version and to inform you of any issues with the current version that is running, the app performs version checks automatically. This sends the app version and Android system version to Mullvad servers. Mullvad keeps counters on number of used app versions and Android versions. The data is never stored or used in any way that can identify you." +msgstr "Pour vous assurer que vous disposez de la version la plus sécurisée et pour vous informer de tout problème lié à la version en cours d'exécution, l'application effectue automatiquement des vérifications de version. Elle envoie ainsi la version de l'application et la version du système Android aux serveurs de Mullvad. Mullvad tient des compteurs sur le nombre de versions d'applications et de versions d'Android utilisées. Les données ne sont jamais stockées ou utilisées de manière à vous identifier." msgid "Toggle VPN" msgstr "Activer/désactiver le VPN" @@ -1780,18 +1855,46 @@ msgstr "État du tunnel VPN" msgid "Valid WireGuard key is missing. Manage keys under Advanced settings." msgstr "Une clé WireGuard valide manque. Gérez les clés dans les paramètres avancés." +msgctxt "Used to inform the user about a set of valid network port number ranges, for example: \"Valid ranges: 1-10, 100-200, 30000-31000\" " +msgid "Valid ranges: %s" +msgstr "Plages valides : %s" + +msgid "Verifying purchase" +msgstr "Vérification de l'achat" + +msgid "Verifying purchase..." +msgstr "Vérification de l'achat..." + +msgid "Verifying voucher…" +msgstr "Vérification du bon…" + msgid "Virtual adapter error" msgstr "Erreur d'adaptateur virtuel" +msgid "We are currently verifying your purchase, this might take some time. Your time will be added if the verification is successful." +msgstr "Nous vérifions actuellement votre achat, ce qui peut prendre un certain temps. Votre temps sera ajouté si la vérification réussit." + +msgid "We were unable to start the payment process, please make sure you have the latest version of Google Play." +msgstr "Nous n'avons pas pu lancer le processus de paiement, merci de vérifier que vous disposez de la dernière version de Google Play." + +msgid "We were unable to start the payment process, please try again later." +msgstr "Nous n'avons pas pu lancer le processus de paiement, merci de réessayer plus tard." + msgid "While connected, your real location is masked with a private and secure location in the selected region." msgstr "Quand vous êtes connecté, votre vraie localisation est masquée par une localisation privée et sécurisée de la région sélectionnée." msgid "WireGuard MTU" msgstr "MTU WireGuard" +msgid "WireGuard custom port" +msgstr "Port WireGuard personnalisé" + msgid "WireGuard obfuscation" msgstr "Obfuscation WireGuard" +msgid "WireGuard port" +msgstr "Port WireGuard" + msgid "YOU MIGHT BE LEAKING NETWORK TRAFFIC" msgstr "VOUS POURRIEZ AVOIR DES FUITES DE TRAFIC RÉSEAU" @@ -1801,6 +1904,19 @@ msgstr "Vous utilisez une version de l'application non prise en charge." msgid "less than a minute ago" msgstr "il y a moins d'une minute" +msgid "less than one day" +msgstr "moins d'un jour" + +msgid "%d day" +msgid_plural "%d days" +msgstr[0] "%d jour" +msgstr[1] "%d jours" + +msgid "%d month" +msgid_plural "%d months" +msgstr[0] "%d mois" +msgstr[1] "%d mois" + msgid "Account credit expires in a day" msgid_plural "Account credit expires in %d days" msgstr[0] "Les crédits du compte expirent dans un jour" diff --git a/gui/locales/fr/relay-locations.po b/gui/locales/fr/relay-locations.po index 6da8c1054c7f..fd9a9904ea77 100644 --- a/gui/locales/fr/relay-locations.po +++ b/gui/locales/fr/relay-locations.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mullvad-app\n" "Language-Team: French\n" "Language: fr_FR\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-05 14:16\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-04 12:55\n" #. AU ADL msgid "Adelaide" @@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ msgstr "Belgique" msgid "Belgrade" msgstr "Belgrade" +#. DE BER +msgid "Berlin" +msgstr "Berlin" + #. CO BOG msgid "Bogota" msgstr "Bogota" @@ -92,6 +96,10 @@ msgstr "Budapest" msgid "Bulgaria" msgstr "Bulgarie" +#. CA YYC +msgid "Calgary" +msgstr "Calgary" + #. CA msgid "Canada" msgstr "Canada" @@ -240,6 +248,10 @@ msgstr "Johannesbourg" msgid "Kiev" msgstr "Kiev" +#. UA IEV +msgid "Kyiv" +msgstr "Kiev" + #. LV msgid "Latvia" msgstr "Lettonie" @@ -284,6 +296,10 @@ msgstr "Marseille" msgid "Melbourne" msgstr "Melbourne" +#. MX +msgid "Mexico" +msgstr "Mexique" + #. US MIA msgid "Miami, FL" msgstr "Miami, FL" @@ -384,6 +400,10 @@ msgstr "Prague" msgid "Pune" msgstr "Pune" +#. MX QRO +msgid "Queretaro" +msgstr "Santiago de Querétaro" + #. US RAG msgid "Raleigh, NC" msgstr "Raleigh, NC" diff --git a/gui/locales/it/messages.po b/gui/locales/it/messages.po index e63282e7b038..cd187d4543e4 100644 --- a/gui/locales/it/messages.po +++ b/gui/locales/it/messages.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mullvad-app\n" "Language-Team: Italian\n" "Language: it_IT\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-05 14:16\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-04 12:55\n" msgid "%(duration)s was added, account paid until %(expiry)s." msgstr "Aggiunta di %(duration)s effettuata, account pagato fino al %(expiry)s." @@ -180,6 +180,9 @@ msgstr "Esci" msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "Riconnetti" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Salva" + msgid "Search for..." msgstr "Cerca..." @@ -491,11 +494,6 @@ msgctxt "device-management" msgid "If you log out, the device and the device name is removed. When you log back in again, the device will get a new name." msgstr "Se ti disconnetti, il dispositivo e il relativo nome verranno rimossi. Quando accedi nuovamente, il dispositivo assumerà un nuovo nome." -#. Confirmation button when logging out -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "Log out anyway" -msgstr "Disconnetti comunque" - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Please log out of at least one by removing it from the list below. You can find the corresponding device name under the device’s Account settings." msgstr "Disconnettiti da almeno un dispositivo rimuovendolo dall'elenco seguente. Puoi trovare il nome del dispositivo corrispondente nelle impostazioni dell'account del dispositivo." @@ -506,20 +504,10 @@ msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Super!" msgstr "Fantastico!" -#. This is is a further explanation of what happens when logging out. -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "The ports forwarded to this device will be deleted if you log out." -msgstr "Le porte inoltrate a questo dispositivo verranno eliminate in caso di disconnessione." - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "This is the name assigned to the device. Each device logged in on a Mullvad account gets a unique name that helps you identify it when you manage your devices in the app or on the website." msgstr "Questo è il nome assegnato al dispositivo. Ogni dispositivo connesso a un account Mullvad riceve un nome univoco che ti aiuta a identificarlo quando gestisci i tuoi dispositivi nell'app o sul sito web." -#. Further information about consequences of logging out device. -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "This will delete all forwarded ports. Local settings will be saved." -msgstr "Questa operazione eliminerà tutte le porte inoltrate. Le impostazioni locali verranno salvate." - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Time left: %(timeLeft)s" msgstr "Tempo rimasto: %(timeLeft)s" @@ -1021,6 +1009,10 @@ msgctxt "select-location-nav" msgid "Select location" msgstr "Seleziona posizione" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "(Added)" +msgstr "(aggiunto)" + #. This is used for appending information about a location. #. E.g. "Gothenburg (Entry)" if Gothenburg has been selected as the entrypoint. #. Available placeholders: @@ -1030,6 +1022,33 @@ msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "%(location)s (%(info)s)" msgstr "%(location)s (%(info)s)" +#. This is a label shown above a list of options. +#. Available placeholder: +#. %(locationType) - Could be either "Country", "City" and "Relay" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Add %(locationType)s to list" +msgstr "Aggiungi %(locationType)s all'elenco" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "All locations" +msgstr "Tutti i luoghi" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "City" +msgstr "Città" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Country" +msgstr "Nazione" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Custom lists" +msgstr "Elenchi personalizzati" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Edit list name" +msgstr "Modifica nome elenco" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Entry" msgstr "Ingresso" @@ -1042,10 +1061,22 @@ msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Filtered:" msgstr "Filtrato:" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "List names must be unique." +msgstr "I nomi degli elenchi devono essere univoci." + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Name is already taken." +msgstr "Il nome è già preso." + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Providers: %(numberOfProviders)d" msgstr "Fornitori: %(numberOfProviders)d" +msgctxt "select-location-viewThis refers to a VPN server which we also call relay since it relays internet traffic from the user onto the internet. It should probably say server here instead of relay. I'll look into if this should be changed until next relay but for now it will be \"Relay\"." +msgid "Relay" +msgstr "Relay" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "The app selects a random bridge server, but servers have a higher probability the closer they are to you." msgstr "L'app seleziona un server bridge casuale, dando comunque priorità ai server geograficamente più vicini a te." @@ -1424,10 +1455,6 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Enable IPv6" msgstr "Abilita IPv6" -msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" -msgid "Enable IPv6 communication through the tunnel." -msgstr "Abilita comunicazione IPv6 nel tunnel." - #. The label next to the multihop settings toggle. msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Enable multihop" @@ -1453,6 +1480,10 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Increases anonymity by routing your traffic into one %(wireguard)s server and out another, making it harder to trace." msgstr "Aumenta l'anonimato instradando il tuo traffico in un server %(wireguard)s in entrata e in un altro in uscita, rendendo così più difficile il tracciamento." +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "IPv4 is always enabled and the majority of websites and applications use this protocol. We do not recommend enabling IPv6 unless you know you need it." +msgstr "IPv4 è sempre abilitato e la maggior parte dei siti web e delle applicazioni utilizza questo protocollo. Non consigliamo di abilitare IPv6 a meno che tu non sappia di averne bisogno." + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "It does this by allowing network communication outside the tunnel to local multicast and broadcast ranges as well as to and from these private IP ranges:" msgstr "Lo fa consentendo la comunicazione di rete al di fuori del tunnel verso intervalli multicast e broadcast locali, nonché da e verso questi intervalli IP privati:" @@ -1478,6 +1509,11 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Malware" msgstr "Malware" +#. Label for settings that enables block of social media. +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "Social media" +msgstr "Social media" + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "The app’s built-in kill switch is always on. This setting will additionally block the internet if clicking Disconnect or Quit." msgstr "Il kill switch integrato dell'app è sempre attivo. Questa impostazione serve inoltre a bloccare Internet quando si clicca su Disconnetti o Esci." @@ -1539,6 +1575,10 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "When this feature is enabled it stops the device from contacting certain domains or websites known for distributing ads, malware, trackers and more." msgstr "Quando è abilitata, questa funzionalità impedisce al dispositivo di contattare determinati domini o siti Web noti per la distribuzione di annunci, malware, tracker e altro." +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "When this feature is enabled, IPv6 can be used alongside IPv4 in the VPN tunnel to communicate with internet services." +msgstr "Quando questa funzione è abilitata, IPv6 può essere utilizzato insieme a IPv4 nel tunnel VPN per comunicare con i servizi Internet." + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "With Lockdown Mode enabled, you must be connected to a Mullvad VPN server to be able to reach the internet. Manually disconnecting or quitting the app will block your connection." msgstr "Con la Modalità Blocco abilitata, devi essere connesso a un server Mullvad VPN per poter raggiungere Internet. La disconnessione o la chiusura manuale dell'app bloccherà la connessione." @@ -1627,6 +1667,13 @@ msgctxt "wireguard-settings-view" msgid "Which TCP port the UDP-over-TCP obfuscation protocol should connect to on the VPN server." msgstr "A quale porta TCP deve connettersi il protocollo di offuscamento UDP-over-TCP sul server VPN." +msgctxt "Message shown after successfully adding subscription time to an account, where \"%s\" represent the amount of time, like for example \"1 day\" or \"4 months\".Full examples: \"1 day was added to your account.\"\"4 months was added to your account.\"" +msgid "%s was added to your account." +msgstr "%s aggiunti al tuo account." + +msgid "30 days was added to your account." +msgstr "30 giorni aggiunti al tuo account." + msgid "Account credit expires in a few minutes" msgstr "Il credito dell'account scadrà tra pochi minuti" @@ -1636,6 +1683,12 @@ msgstr "Il credito dell'account scadrà presto" msgid "Account time reminders" msgstr "Promemoria temporali per l'account" +msgid "Add 30 days time" +msgstr "Aggiungi 30 giorni di tempo" + +msgid "Add 30 days time (%s)" +msgstr "Aggiungi 30 giorni di tempo (%s)" + msgid "Add DNS server" msgstr "Aggiungi server DNS" @@ -1663,6 +1716,9 @@ msgstr "Blocco di Internet (dispositivo offline)" msgid "Changes to DNS related settings might not go into effect immediately due to cached results." msgstr "Le modifiche alle impostazioni relative al DNS potrebbero non avere effetto immediato a causa dei risultati memorizzati nella cache." +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "Connessione..." + msgid "Copied Mullvad account number to clipboard" msgstr "Numero account di Mullvad copiato negli appunti" @@ -1687,12 +1743,25 @@ msgstr "Abilita" msgid "Enter MTU" msgstr "Inserisci MTU" +msgctxt "Placeholder in port number input field." +msgid "Enter port" +msgstr "Inserisci porta" + msgid "Excluded applications" msgstr "Applicazioni escluse" msgid "Going to login will unblock the internet on this device." msgstr "Andare al login sbloccherà Internet su questo dispositivo." +msgid "Google Play payment pending" +msgstr "Pagamento Google Play in sospeso" + +msgid "Google Play unavailable" +msgstr "Google Play non disponibile" + +msgid "If the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device." +msgstr "Se viene utilizzata la funzionalità di split tunneling, l'app richiede al tuo sistema un elenco di tutte le applicazioni installate. Questo elenco viene recuperato solo nella vista split tunneling. L'elenco delle applicazioni installate non viene mai inviato dal dispositivo." + msgid "Install Mullvad VPN (%s) to stay up to date" msgstr "Installa Mullvad VPN (%s) per rimanere aggiornato" @@ -1702,6 +1771,9 @@ msgstr "Gestisci account" msgid "Mullvad account number" msgstr "Numero di account Mullvad" +msgid "Mullvad services unavailable" +msgstr "Servizi Mullvad non disponibili" + msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Preferenze" @@ -1714,6 +1786,9 @@ msgstr "Informativa sulla privacy" msgid "Remove" msgstr "Rimuovi" +msgid "Remove custom port" +msgstr "Rimuovi porta personalizzata" + msgid "Reset to default" msgstr "Ripristina predefiniti" @@ -1723,6 +1798,9 @@ msgstr "Protetto" msgid "Set WireGuard MTU value. Valid range: %d - %d." msgstr "Imposta il valore MTU WireGuard. Intervallo valido: %d - %d." +msgid "Set port" +msgstr "Imposta porta" + msgid "Show system apps" msgstr "Mostra app di sistema" @@ -1732,9 +1810,6 @@ msgstr "Mostra lo stato attuale del tunnel VPN" msgid "Shows reminders when the account time is about to expire" msgstr "Mostra promemoria quando il tempo dell'account sta per scadere" -msgid "Split tunneling makes it possible to select which applications should not be routed through the VPN tunnel." -msgstr "Lo split tunneling consente di selezionare quali applicazioni non devono essere instradate attraverso il tunnel VPN." - msgid "Submit" msgstr "Invia" @@ -1747,8 +1822,8 @@ msgstr "Questo indirizzo è già stato inserito." msgid "This might cause issues on certain websites, services, and apps." msgstr "Ciò potrebbe causare problemi su determinati siti web, servizi e app." -msgid "To make sure that you have the most secure version and to inform you of any issues with the current version that is running, the app performs version checks automatically. This sends the app version and Android system version to Mullvad servers. Mullvad keeps counters on number of used app versions and Android versions. The data is never stored or used in any way that can identify you.\\n\\nIf the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device." -msgstr "Per assicurarti di avere la versione più sicura e per informarti di eventuali problemi con la versione corrente in esecuzione, l'app esegue automaticamente i controlli della versione. Questa operazione invia la versione dell'app e la versione del sistema Android ai server Mullvad. Mullvad mantiene i contatori sul numero di versioni dell'app utilizzate e versioni di Android. I dati non vengono mai archiviati o utilizzati in alcun modo che possa identificarti.\\n\\nSe viene utilizzata la funzione di split tunneling, l'app richiede al tuo sistema un elenco di tutte le applicazioni installate. Questo elenco viene recuperato solo nella visualizzazione split tunneling. L'elenco delle applicazioni installate non viene mai inviato dal dispositivo." +msgid "To make sure that you have the most secure version and to inform you of any issues with the current version that is running, the app performs version checks automatically. This sends the app version and Android system version to Mullvad servers. Mullvad keeps counters on number of used app versions and Android versions. The data is never stored or used in any way that can identify you." +msgstr "Per assicurarti di avere la versione più sicura e per informarti di eventuali problemi con la versione attualmente in esecuzione, l'app esegue automaticamente i controlli di versione. Questa operazione invia la versione dell'app e la versione del sistema Android ai server Mullvad. Mullvad mantiene traccia dei numeri di versione dell'app utilizzati e delle versioni di Android. I dati non vengono mai archiviati o utilizzati in alcun modo che possa identificarti." msgid "Toggle VPN" msgstr "Attiva/disattiva VPN" @@ -1780,18 +1855,46 @@ msgstr "Stato del tunnel VPN" msgid "Valid WireGuard key is missing. Manage keys under Advanced settings." msgstr "Manca una chiave WireGuard valida. Gestisci le chiavi da Impostazioni avanzate." +msgctxt "Used to inform the user about a set of valid network port number ranges, for example: \"Valid ranges: 1-10, 100-200, 30000-31000\" " +msgid "Valid ranges: %s" +msgstr "Intervalli validi: %s" + +msgid "Verifying purchase" +msgstr "Verifica dell'acquisto" + +msgid "Verifying purchase..." +msgstr "Verifica dell'acquisto..." + +msgid "Verifying voucher…" +msgstr "Verifica del voucher…" + msgid "Virtual adapter error" msgstr "Errore scheda virtuale" +msgid "We are currently verifying your purchase, this might take some time. Your time will be added if the verification is successful." +msgstr "Stiamo verificando il tuo acquisto, l'operazione potrebbe richiedere del tempo. Il tuo tempo verrà aggiunto quando la verifica avrà avuto esito positivo." + +msgid "We were unable to start the payment process, please make sure you have the latest version of Google Play." +msgstr "Non siamo riusciti ad avviare il processo di pagamento, assicurati di avere la versione più recente di Google Play." + +msgid "We were unable to start the payment process, please try again later." +msgstr "Non siamo riusciti ad avviare il processo di pagamento, riprova più tardi." + msgid "While connected, your real location is masked with a private and secure location in the selected region." msgstr "Durante la connessione, la tua posizione reale è nascosta da una posizione privata e protetta nell'area selezionata." msgid "WireGuard MTU" msgstr "MTU WireGuard" +msgid "WireGuard custom port" +msgstr "Porta personalizzata WireGuard" + msgid "WireGuard obfuscation" msgstr "Offuscamento WireGuard" +msgid "WireGuard port" +msgstr "Porta WireGuard" + msgid "YOU MIGHT BE LEAKING NETWORK TRAFFIC" msgstr "POSSIBILI PERDITE NEL TRAFFICO DI RETE" @@ -1801,6 +1904,19 @@ msgstr "Stai eseguendo una versione dell'app non supportata." msgid "less than a minute ago" msgstr "meno di un minuto fa" +msgid "less than one day" +msgstr "meno di un giorno" + +msgid "%d day" +msgid_plural "%d days" +msgstr[0] "%d giorno" +msgstr[1] "%d giorni" + +msgid "%d month" +msgid_plural "%d months" +msgstr[0] "%d mese" +msgstr[1] "%d mesi" + msgid "Account credit expires in a day" msgid_plural "Account credit expires in %d days" msgstr[0] "Il credito dell'account scade tra un giorno" diff --git a/gui/locales/it/relay-locations.po b/gui/locales/it/relay-locations.po index a01a09679fba..c3766a4acda2 100644 --- a/gui/locales/it/relay-locations.po +++ b/gui/locales/it/relay-locations.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mullvad-app\n" "Language-Team: Italian\n" "Language: it_IT\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-05 14:16\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-04 12:55\n" #. AU ADL msgid "Adelaide" @@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ msgstr "Belgio" msgid "Belgrade" msgstr "Belgrado" +#. DE BER +msgid "Berlin" +msgstr "Berlino" + #. CO BOG msgid "Bogota" msgstr "Bogotà" @@ -92,6 +96,10 @@ msgstr "Budapest" msgid "Bulgaria" msgstr "Bulgaria" +#. CA YYC +msgid "Calgary" +msgstr "Calgary" + #. CA msgid "Canada" msgstr "Canada" @@ -240,6 +248,10 @@ msgstr "Johannesburg" msgid "Kiev" msgstr "Kiev" +#. UA IEV +msgid "Kyiv" +msgstr "Kiev" + #. LV msgid "Latvia" msgstr "Lettonia" @@ -284,6 +296,10 @@ msgstr "Marsiglia" msgid "Melbourne" msgstr "Melbourne" +#. MX +msgid "Mexico" +msgstr "Messico" + #. US MIA msgid "Miami, FL" msgstr "Miami, FL" @@ -384,6 +400,10 @@ msgstr "Praga" msgid "Pune" msgstr "Pune" +#. MX QRO +msgid "Queretaro" +msgstr "Santiago de Querétaro" + #. US RAG msgid "Raleigh, NC" msgstr "Raleigh, NC" diff --git a/gui/locales/ja/messages.po b/gui/locales/ja/messages.po index 055ccdb4d478..af48966db455 100644 --- a/gui/locales/ja/messages.po +++ b/gui/locales/ja/messages.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mullvad-app\n" "Language-Team: Japanese\n" "Language: ja_JP\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-05 14:16\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-04 12:55\n" msgid "%(duration)s was added, account paid until %(expiry)s." msgstr "%(duration)sが追加され、アカウントは%(expiry)sまでに支払われます。" @@ -174,6 +174,9 @@ msgstr "終了" msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "再接続" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "保存" + msgid "Search for..." msgstr "検索..." @@ -485,11 +488,6 @@ msgctxt "device-management" msgid "If you log out, the device and the device name is removed. When you log back in again, the device will get a new name." msgstr "ログアウトすると、デバイスとデバイス名が削除されます。もう一度ログインすると、デバイスに新しい名前が付けられます。" -#. Confirmation button when logging out -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "Log out anyway" -msgstr "ログアウトする" - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Please log out of at least one by removing it from the list below. You can find the corresponding device name under the device’s Account settings." msgstr "以下のリストから少なくとも1つを削除してログアウトしてください。対応するデバイス名はデバイスのアカウント設定で確認できます。" @@ -500,20 +498,10 @@ msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Super!" msgstr "素晴らしい!" -#. This is is a further explanation of what happens when logging out. -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "The ports forwarded to this device will be deleted if you log out." -msgstr "ログアウトするとこのデバイスに転送されたポートが削除されます。" - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "This is the name assigned to the device. Each device logged in on a Mullvad account gets a unique name that helps you identify it when you manage your devices in the app or on the website." msgstr "これはデバイスに割り当てられる名前です。Mullvadアカウントにログインするデバイスごとに一意の名前が付けられるため、アプリまたはウェブサイトでデバイスを管理する際にデバイスを区別しやすくなります。" -#. Further information about consequences of logging out device. -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "This will delete all forwarded ports. Local settings will be saved." -msgstr "これにより、転送されたポートがすべて削除されます。ローカル設定は保存されます。" - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Time left: %(timeLeft)s" msgstr "残り時間: %(timeLeft)s" @@ -1015,6 +1003,10 @@ msgctxt "select-location-nav" msgid "Select location" msgstr "場所を選択する" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "(Added)" +msgstr "(追加済み)" + #. This is used for appending information about a location. #. E.g. "Gothenburg (Entry)" if Gothenburg has been selected as the entrypoint. #. Available placeholders: @@ -1024,6 +1016,33 @@ msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "%(location)s (%(info)s)" msgstr "%(location)s (%(info)s)" +#. This is a label shown above a list of options. +#. Available placeholder: +#. %(locationType) - Could be either "Country", "City" and "Relay" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Add %(locationType)s to list" +msgstr "%(locationType)sをリストに追加します" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "All locations" +msgstr "すべての場所" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "City" +msgstr "都市" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Country" +msgstr "国" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Custom lists" +msgstr "カスタムリスト" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Edit list name" +msgstr "リスト名を編集します" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Entry" msgstr "入口" @@ -1036,10 +1055,22 @@ msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Filtered:" msgstr "絞り込み結果:" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "List names must be unique." +msgstr "リスト名は一意である必要があります。" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Name is already taken." +msgstr "名前はすでに使用されています。" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Providers: %(numberOfProviders)d" msgstr "プロバイダ数: %(numberOfProviders)d" +msgctxt "select-location-viewThis refers to a VPN server which we also call relay since it relays internet traffic from the user onto the internet. It should probably say server here instead of relay. I'll look into if this should be changed until next relay but for now it will be \"Relay\"." +msgid "Relay" +msgstr "中継サーバー" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "The app selects a random bridge server, but servers have a higher probability the closer they are to you." msgstr "ブリッジサーバーはアプリによってランダムに選択されますが、現在地に近いサーバーほど高い確率で選択されます。" @@ -1418,10 +1449,6 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Enable IPv6" msgstr "IPv6を有効にする" -msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" -msgid "Enable IPv6 communication through the tunnel." -msgstr "トンネル経由のIPv6通信を有効にする" - #. The label next to the multihop settings toggle. msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Enable multihop" @@ -1447,6 +1474,10 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Increases anonymity by routing your traffic into one %(wireguard)s server and out another, making it harder to trace." msgstr "トラフィックをある%(wireguard)sサーバーから別サーバーにルーティングすることで匿名性を高め、追跡を困難にします。" +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "IPv4 is always enabled and the majority of websites and applications use this protocol. We do not recommend enabling IPv6 unless you know you need it." +msgstr "IPv4は常に有効であり、Webサイトとアプリケーションの大半がこのプロトコルを使用しています。必要であることがわかっていない限り、IPv6を有効にすることはお勧めしません。" + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "It does this by allowing network communication outside the tunnel to local multicast and broadcast ranges as well as to and from these private IP ranges:" msgstr "これは、トンネル外のネットワーク通信をローカルのマルチキャストおよびブロードキャスト範囲、および以下のプライベート IP 範囲との間で許可することによって行われます。" @@ -1472,6 +1503,11 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Malware" msgstr "マルウェア" +#. Label for settings that enables block of social media. +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "Social media" +msgstr "ソーシャルメディア" + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "The app’s built-in kill switch is always on. This setting will additionally block the internet if clicking Disconnect or Quit." msgstr "アプリに組み込まれているキルスイッチは常にオンになっています。この設定を有効にすると、\"接続解除\" または \"終了\" をクリックした場合にインターネットが補助的にブロックされます。" @@ -1533,6 +1569,10 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "When this feature is enabled it stops the device from contacting certain domains or websites known for distributing ads, malware, trackers and more." msgstr "この機能を有効にすると、広告、マルウェア、トラッカーなどの配信が確認されている特定のドメインまたはWebサイトへのデバイスの接続が阻止されます。" +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "When this feature is enabled, IPv6 can be used alongside IPv4 in the VPN tunnel to communicate with internet services." +msgstr "この機能が有効である場合、VPNトンネルにIPv6とIPv4を併用してインターネットサービスと通信できます。" + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "With Lockdown Mode enabled, you must be connected to a Mullvad VPN server to be able to reach the internet. Manually disconnecting or quitting the app will block your connection." msgstr "ロックダウンモードが有効な場合はMullvad VPNサーバーに接続しなければインターネットにアクセスできません。手動で接続を解除するか、アプリを終了すると接続がブロックされます。" @@ -1621,6 +1661,13 @@ msgctxt "wireguard-settings-view" msgid "Which TCP port the UDP-over-TCP obfuscation protocol should connect to on the VPN server." msgstr "UDP-over-TCP難読化プロトコルで接続する必要のあるVPNサーバーのTCPポートです。" +msgctxt "Message shown after successfully adding subscription time to an account, where \"%s\" represent the amount of time, like for example \"1 day\" or \"4 months\".Full examples: \"1 day was added to your account.\"\"4 months was added to your account.\"" +msgid "%s was added to your account." +msgstr "アカウントに%s分が追加されました。" + +msgid "30 days was added to your account." +msgstr "アカウントに30日分が追加されました。" + msgid "Account credit expires in a few minutes" msgstr "アカウントのクレジットが数分後に無効になります" @@ -1630,6 +1677,12 @@ msgstr "アカウントのクレジットがもうすぐ無効になります" msgid "Account time reminders" msgstr "アカウント時間のリマインダー" +msgid "Add 30 days time" +msgstr "30日分を追加する" + +msgid "Add 30 days time (%s)" +msgstr "30日分を追加する (%s)" + msgid "Add DNS server" msgstr "DNS サーバーを追加" @@ -1657,6 +1710,9 @@ msgstr "インターネットをブロック中 (デバイスがオフライン) msgid "Changes to DNS related settings might not go into effect immediately due to cached results." msgstr "結果がキャッシュされているため、DNS関連の設定の変更はすぐには適用されない可能性があります。" +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "接続中..." + msgid "Copied Mullvad account number to clipboard" msgstr "Mullvadアカウント番号をクリップボードにコピーしました" @@ -1681,12 +1737,25 @@ msgstr "有効にする" msgid "Enter MTU" msgstr "MTU を入力" +msgctxt "Placeholder in port number input field." +msgid "Enter port" +msgstr "ポートを入力してください" + msgid "Excluded applications" msgstr "除外対象アプリケーション" msgid "Going to login will unblock the internet on this device." msgstr "ログインに進むと、このデバイスのインターネットのブロックが解除されます。" +msgid "Google Play payment pending" +msgstr "Google Playの決済は未完了です" + +msgid "Google Play unavailable" +msgstr "Google Playを使用できません" + +msgid "If the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device." +msgstr "スプリットトンネリング機能が使用されている場合、アプリはシステムにインストール済みの全アプリケーションのリストを照会します。このリストはスプリットトンネリングビューでのみ取得されます。インストール済みアプリケーションのリストがデバイスから送信されることはありません。" + msgid "Install Mullvad VPN (%s) to stay up to date" msgstr "Mullvad VPN (%s) をインストールして常に最新の状態を保ちましょう" @@ -1696,6 +1765,9 @@ msgstr "アカウントを管理する" msgid "Mullvad account number" msgstr "Mullvadアカウント番号" +msgid "Mullvad services unavailable" +msgstr "Mullvadサービスを使用できません" + msgid "Preferences" msgstr "環境設定" @@ -1708,6 +1780,9 @@ msgstr "プライバシーポリシー" msgid "Remove" msgstr "削除" +msgid "Remove custom port" +msgstr "カスタムポートを削除" + msgid "Reset to default" msgstr "デフォルトにリセット" @@ -1717,6 +1792,9 @@ msgstr "セキュリティ保護されています" msgid "Set WireGuard MTU value. Valid range: %d - %d." msgstr "WireGuard MTUの値を設定します。有効範囲: %d ~ %d" +msgid "Set port" +msgstr "ポートを設定" + msgid "Show system apps" msgstr "システムアプリの表示" @@ -1726,9 +1804,6 @@ msgstr "現在のVPNトンネルのステータスを表示します" msgid "Shows reminders when the account time is about to expire" msgstr "アカウントの期限切れが迫っているときにリマインダーを表示します" -msgid "Split tunneling makes it possible to select which applications should not be routed through the VPN tunnel." -msgstr "スプリットトンネリングを使用すると、VPNトンネル経由でルーティングしないアプリケーションを選択できます。" - msgid "Submit" msgstr "送信" @@ -1741,8 +1816,8 @@ msgstr "このアドレスは入力済みです。" msgid "This might cause issues on certain websites, services, and apps." msgstr "これにより、特定のWebサイト、サービス、アプリで問題が発生する可能性があります。" -msgid "To make sure that you have the most secure version and to inform you of any issues with the current version that is running, the app performs version checks automatically. This sends the app version and Android system version to Mullvad servers. Mullvad keeps counters on number of used app versions and Android versions. The data is never stored or used in any way that can identify you.\\n\\nIf the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device." -msgstr "このアプリは最も安全なバージョンを使用していることを確認し、実行中の現在のバージョンに関する問題を報告できるよう、バージョンチェックを自動的に実行します。これにより、アプリのバージョンと Android システムのバージョンが Mullvad サーバーに送信されます。Mullvad は使用されているアプリのバージョンと Android のバージョンの数を継続的にカウントしています。このデータは保管されることも、ユーザーを特定する目的で使用されることもありません。\\n\\nスプリットトンネル機能が使用される場合、アプリはシステムにインストールされている全アプリケーションのリストを照会します。このリストはスプリットトンネルビューでのみ取得されます。インストール済みアプリケーションのリストがデバイスから送信されることはありません。" +msgid "To make sure that you have the most secure version and to inform you of any issues with the current version that is running, the app performs version checks automatically. This sends the app version and Android system version to Mullvad servers. Mullvad keeps counters on number of used app versions and Android versions. The data is never stored or used in any way that can identify you." +msgstr "このアプリは最も安全なバージョンを使用していることを確認し、実行中の現在のバージョンに関する問題を通知できるよう、バージョンチェックを自動的に実行します。このチェックによってアプリのバージョンとAndroidシステムのバージョンがMullvadサーバーに送信されます。Mullvadは使用されているアプリのバージョンとAndroidのバージョンの数字を記憶しています。このデータがユーザーを特定できる方法で保存されたり、使用されたりすることはありません。" msgid "Toggle VPN" msgstr "VPNの切り替え" @@ -1774,18 +1849,46 @@ msgstr "VPNトンネルのステータス" msgid "Valid WireGuard key is missing. Manage keys under Advanced settings." msgstr "有効なWireGuard鍵が見つかりません。詳細設定で鍵を管理してください。" +msgctxt "Used to inform the user about a set of valid network port number ranges, for example: \"Valid ranges: 1-10, 100-200, 30000-31000\" " +msgid "Valid ranges: %s" +msgstr "有効な範囲: %s" + +msgid "Verifying purchase" +msgstr "購入を確認中" + +msgid "Verifying purchase..." +msgstr "購入を確認中..." + +msgid "Verifying voucher…" +msgstr "バウチャーを確認中…" + msgid "Virtual adapter error" msgstr "仮想アダプタのエラー" +msgid "We are currently verifying your purchase, this might take some time. Your time will be added if the verification is successful." +msgstr "購入を確認中です。これにはしばらく時間がかかる場合があります。正常に確認されると、この時間が追加されます。" + +msgid "We were unable to start the payment process, please make sure you have the latest version of Google Play." +msgstr "決済処理を開始できませんでした。最新バージョンのGoogle Playを使用していることを確認してください。" + +msgid "We were unable to start the payment process, please try again later." +msgstr "決済処理を開始できませんでした。後でもう一度お試しください。" + msgid "While connected, your real location is masked with a private and secure location in the selected region." msgstr "接続中、あなたの実際の場所は選択した地域内の非公開かつセキュリティ保護された場所で隠されます。" msgid "WireGuard MTU" msgstr "WireGuard MTU" +msgid "WireGuard custom port" +msgstr "WireGuardカスタムポート" + msgid "WireGuard obfuscation" msgstr "WireGuardの難読化" +msgid "WireGuard port" +msgstr "WireGuardポート" + msgid "YOU MIGHT BE LEAKING NETWORK TRAFFIC" msgstr "ネットワーク通信が漏洩している可能性があります" @@ -1795,6 +1898,17 @@ msgstr "サポート対象外バージョンのアプリを実行しています msgid "less than a minute ago" msgstr "1分未満前" +msgid "less than one day" +msgstr "1日未満" + +msgid "%d day" +msgid_plural "%d days" +msgstr[0] "%d日" + +msgid "%d month" +msgid_plural "%d months" +msgstr[0] "%dヶ月" + msgid "Account credit expires in a day" msgid_plural "Account credit expires in %d days" msgstr[0] "アカウントのクレジットが%d日後に無効になります" diff --git a/gui/locales/ja/relay-locations.po b/gui/locales/ja/relay-locations.po index 0e82e4b6529e..2696d8eab18c 100644 --- a/gui/locales/ja/relay-locations.po +++ b/gui/locales/ja/relay-locations.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mullvad-app\n" "Language-Team: Japanese\n" "Language: ja_JP\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-05 14:16\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-04 12:55\n" #. AU ADL msgid "Adelaide" @@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ msgstr "ベルギー" msgid "Belgrade" msgstr "ベオグラード" +#. DE BER +msgid "Berlin" +msgstr "ベルリン" + #. CO BOG msgid "Bogota" msgstr "ボゴタ" @@ -92,6 +96,10 @@ msgstr "ブダペスト" msgid "Bulgaria" msgstr "ブルガリア" +#. CA YYC +msgid "Calgary" +msgstr "カルガリー" + #. CA msgid "Canada" msgstr "カナダ" @@ -240,6 +248,10 @@ msgstr "ヨハネスブルグ" msgid "Kiev" msgstr "キエフ" +#. UA IEV +msgid "Kyiv" +msgstr "キエフ" + #. LV msgid "Latvia" msgstr "ラトビア" @@ -284,6 +296,10 @@ msgstr "マルセイユ" msgid "Melbourne" msgstr "メルボルン" +#. MX +msgid "Mexico" +msgstr "メキシコ" + #. US MIA msgid "Miami, FL" msgstr "マイアミ、FL" @@ -384,6 +400,10 @@ msgstr "プラハ" msgid "Pune" msgstr "プネー" +#. MX QRO +msgid "Queretaro" +msgstr "ケレタロ" + #. US RAG msgid "Raleigh, NC" msgstr "ローリー、NC" diff --git a/gui/locales/ko/messages.po b/gui/locales/ko/messages.po index 0b61f3c4fd5c..c057e76ec63b 100644 --- a/gui/locales/ko/messages.po +++ b/gui/locales/ko/messages.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mullvad-app\n" "Language-Team: Korean\n" "Language: ko_KR\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-05 14:16\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-04 12:55\n" msgid "%(duration)s was added, account paid until %(expiry)s." msgstr "%(duration)s 추가됨, %(expiry)s까지 계정 결제함" @@ -174,6 +174,9 @@ msgstr "종료" msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "다시 연결" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "저장" + msgid "Search for..." msgstr "검색..." @@ -485,11 +488,6 @@ msgctxt "device-management" msgid "If you log out, the device and the device name is removed. When you log back in again, the device will get a new name." msgstr "로그아웃하면 해당 장치와 장치 이름이 제거됩니다. 다시 로그인하면 장치에 새 이름이 부여됩니다." -#. Confirmation button when logging out -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "Log out anyway" -msgstr "로그아웃" - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Please log out of at least one by removing it from the list below. You can find the corresponding device name under the device’s Account settings." msgstr "하나 이상의 항목을 아래 목록에서 제거하여 로그아웃하세요. 장치의 계정 설정에서 해당 장치 이름을 찾을 수 있습니다." @@ -500,20 +498,10 @@ msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Super!" msgstr "좋습니다!" -#. This is is a further explanation of what happens when logging out. -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "The ports forwarded to this device will be deleted if you log out." -msgstr "이 장치로 전달된 포트는 로그아웃하면 삭제됩니다." - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "This is the name assigned to the device. Each device logged in on a Mullvad account gets a unique name that helps you identify it when you manage your devices in the app or on the website." msgstr "이것은 장치에 할당된 이름입니다. Mullvad 계정에 로그인된 각 장치에는 앱이나 웹사이트에서 장치를 관리할 때 장치를 보다 쉽게 식별할 수 있는 고유한 이름이 부여됩니다." -#. Further information about consequences of logging out device. -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "This will delete all forwarded ports. Local settings will be saved." -msgstr "전달된 모든 포트가 삭제됩니다. 로컬 설정이 저장됩니다." - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Time left: %(timeLeft)s" msgstr "남은 시간: %(timeLeft)s" @@ -1015,6 +1003,10 @@ msgctxt "select-location-nav" msgid "Select location" msgstr "위치 선택" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "(Added)" +msgstr "(추가됨)" + #. This is used for appending information about a location. #. E.g. "Gothenburg (Entry)" if Gothenburg has been selected as the entrypoint. #. Available placeholders: @@ -1024,6 +1016,33 @@ msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "%(location)s (%(info)s)" msgstr "%(location)s(%(info)s)" +#. This is a label shown above a list of options. +#. Available placeholder: +#. %(locationType) - Could be either "Country", "City" and "Relay" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Add %(locationType)s to list" +msgstr "목록에 %(locationType)s 추가" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "All locations" +msgstr "모든 위치" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "City" +msgstr "도시" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Country" +msgstr "국가" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Custom lists" +msgstr "사용자 지정 목록" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Edit list name" +msgstr "목록 이름 수정" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Entry" msgstr "시작" @@ -1036,10 +1055,22 @@ msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Filtered:" msgstr "필터링됨:" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "List names must be unique." +msgstr "목록 이름은 고유해야 합니다." + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Name is already taken." +msgstr "이미 사용 중인 이름입니다." + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Providers: %(numberOfProviders)d" msgstr "제공업체: %(numberOfProviders)d" +msgctxt "select-location-viewThis refers to a VPN server which we also call relay since it relays internet traffic from the user onto the internet. It should probably say server here instead of relay. I'll look into if this should be changed until next relay but for now it will be \"Relay\"." +msgid "Relay" +msgstr "릴레이" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "The app selects a random bridge server, but servers have a higher probability the closer they are to you." msgstr "앱에서 임의의 브리지 서버를 선택하지만, 사용자에게 가까운 서버일수록 확률이 더 높습니다." @@ -1418,10 +1449,6 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Enable IPv6" msgstr "IPv6 사용" -msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" -msgid "Enable IPv6 communication through the tunnel." -msgstr "터널을 통한 IPv6 통신 사용" - #. The label next to the multihop settings toggle. msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Enable multihop" @@ -1447,6 +1474,10 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Increases anonymity by routing your traffic into one %(wireguard)s server and out another, making it harder to trace." msgstr "트래픽을 하나의 %(wireguard)s 서버로 라우팅하고 다른 서버로 전달하여 익명성을 높이고 추적을 더 어렵게 만듭니다." +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "IPv4 is always enabled and the majority of websites and applications use this protocol. We do not recommend enabling IPv6 unless you know you need it." +msgstr "IPv4는 항상 활성화되어 있으며 대부분의 웹사이트와 애플리케이션이 이 프로토콜을 사용합니다. IPv6이 필요하다고 확신하지 않는 한 IPv6을 활성화하지 않는 것이 좋습니다." + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "It does this by allowing network communication outside the tunnel to local multicast and broadcast ranges as well as to and from these private IP ranges:" msgstr "이를 위해 터널 외부에서 로컬 멀티캐스트 및 브로드캐스트 범위는 물론 다음 개인 IP 범위와의 네트워크 통신을 허용합니다." @@ -1472,6 +1503,11 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Malware" msgstr "맬웨어" +#. Label for settings that enables block of social media. +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "Social media" +msgstr "소셜 미디어" + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "The app’s built-in kill switch is always on. This setting will additionally block the internet if clicking Disconnect or Quit." msgstr "앱에서 기본 제공되는 중단 스위치는 항상 켜져 있습니다. 연결 끊기 또는 종료를 클릭하면 이 설정으로 인해 인터넷이 추가로 차단됩니다." @@ -1533,6 +1569,10 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "When this feature is enabled it stops the device from contacting certain domains or websites known for distributing ads, malware, trackers and more." msgstr "이 기능이 활성화되면 광고, 맬웨어, 트래커 등을 배포하는 것으로 알려진 특정 도메인이나 웹사이트에 장치가 연결하지 않게 방지됩니다." +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "When this feature is enabled, IPv6 can be used alongside IPv4 in the VPN tunnel to communicate with internet services." +msgstr "이 기능을 활성화하면 VPN 터널에서 IPv4와 함께 IPv6을 사용하여 인터넷 서비스와 통신할 수 있습니다." + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "With Lockdown Mode enabled, you must be connected to a Mullvad VPN server to be able to reach the internet. Manually disconnecting or quitting the app will block your connection." msgstr "잠금 모드가 활성화된 상태에서 인터넷에 연결하려면 Mullvad VPN 서버에 연결해야 합니다. 앱을 수동으로 연결 해제하거나 종료하면 연결이 차단됩니다." @@ -1621,6 +1661,13 @@ msgctxt "wireguard-settings-view" msgid "Which TCP port the UDP-over-TCP obfuscation protocol should connect to on the VPN server." msgstr "UDP-over-TCP 난독 처리 프로토콜이 VPN 서버에서 연결해야 하는 TCP 포트입니다." +msgctxt "Message shown after successfully adding subscription time to an account, where \"%s\" represent the amount of time, like for example \"1 day\" or \"4 months\".Full examples: \"1 day was added to your account.\"\"4 months was added to your account.\"" +msgid "%s was added to your account." +msgstr "%s이(가) 귀하의 계정에 추가되었습니다." + +msgid "30 days was added to your account." +msgstr "귀하의 계정에 30일이 추가되었습니다." + msgid "Account credit expires in a few minutes" msgstr "계정 크레딧이 몇 분 후에 만료됨" @@ -1630,6 +1677,12 @@ msgstr "계정 크레딧이 곧 만료됨" msgid "Account time reminders" msgstr "계정 시간 알림" +msgid "Add 30 days time" +msgstr "30일 시간 추가" + +msgid "Add 30 days time (%s)" +msgstr "30일 시간 추가(%s)" + msgid "Add DNS server" msgstr "DNS 서버 추가" @@ -1657,6 +1710,9 @@ msgstr "인터넷 차단(장치 오프라인)" msgid "Changes to DNS related settings might not go into effect immediately due to cached results." msgstr "DNS 관련 설정에 대한 변경 사항은 캐시된 결과로 인해 즉시 적용되지 않을 수도 있습니다." +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "연결 중..." + msgid "Copied Mullvad account number to clipboard" msgstr "클립보드에 Mullvad 계정 번호 복사됨" @@ -1681,12 +1737,25 @@ msgstr "사용" msgid "Enter MTU" msgstr "MTU 입력" +msgctxt "Placeholder in port number input field." +msgid "Enter port" +msgstr "포트 입력" + msgid "Excluded applications" msgstr "제외된 애플리케이션" msgid "Going to login will unblock the internet on this device." msgstr "로그인하면 이 장치에서 인터넷 차단이 해제됩니다." +msgid "Google Play payment pending" +msgstr "Google Play 결제 보류 중" + +msgid "Google Play unavailable" +msgstr "Google Play 사용 불가" + +msgid "If the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device." +msgstr "분할 터널링 기능을 사용하는 경우, 이 앱은 설치된 모든 애플리케이션 목록을 시스템에 쿼리합니다. 이 목록은 분할 터널링 보기에서만 검색됩니다. 설치된 애플리케이션 목록은 장치에서 전송되지 않습니다." + msgid "Install Mullvad VPN (%s) to stay up to date" msgstr "Mullvad VPN(%s)을 설치하여 최신 상태로 유지하세요." @@ -1696,6 +1765,9 @@ msgstr "계정 관리" msgid "Mullvad account number" msgstr "Mullvad 계정 번호" +msgid "Mullvad services unavailable" +msgstr "Mullvad 서비스 사용 불가" + msgid "Preferences" msgstr "환경 설정" @@ -1708,6 +1780,9 @@ msgstr "개인정보 보호정책" msgid "Remove" msgstr "제거" +msgid "Remove custom port" +msgstr "사용자 지정 포트 제거" + msgid "Reset to default" msgstr "기본값으로 재설정" @@ -1717,6 +1792,9 @@ msgstr "안전함" msgid "Set WireGuard MTU value. Valid range: %d - %d." msgstr "WireGuard MTU 값을 설정하세요. 유효 범위: %d ~ %d" +msgid "Set port" +msgstr "포트 설정" + msgid "Show system apps" msgstr "시스템 앱 표시" @@ -1726,9 +1804,6 @@ msgstr "현재 VPN 터널 상태 표시" msgid "Shows reminders when the account time is about to expire" msgstr "계정 시간이 만료되려고 할 때 알림 표시" -msgid "Split tunneling makes it possible to select which applications should not be routed through the VPN tunnel." -msgstr "분할 터널링을 사용하면 VPN 터널을 통해 라우팅되지 않아야 하는 애플리케이션을 선택할 수 있습니다." - msgid "Submit" msgstr "제출" @@ -1741,8 +1816,8 @@ msgstr "이 주소는 이미 입력되었습니다." msgid "This might cause issues on certain websites, services, and apps." msgstr "이 기능을 사용하면 특정 웹 사이트, 서비스 및 앱에서 문제가 발생할 수 있습니다." -msgid "To make sure that you have the most secure version and to inform you of any issues with the current version that is running, the app performs version checks automatically. This sends the app version and Android system version to Mullvad servers. Mullvad keeps counters on number of used app versions and Android versions. The data is never stored or used in any way that can identify you.\\n\\nIf the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device." -msgstr "가장 안전한 버전인지 확인하고 실행 중인 현재 버전 관련 문제를 알리기 위해 앱에서 버전 확인을 자동으로 수행합니다. 그러면 앱 버전과 Android 시스템 버전이 Mullvad 서버로 전송됩니다. Mullvad는 사용된 앱 버전과 Android 버전 수에 대한 카운터를 유지합니다. 데이터는 사용자를 식별할 수 있는 어떤 방식으로도 저장되거나 사용되지 않습니다.\\n\\n분할 터널링 기능이 사용되는 경우 앱은 설치된 모든 애플리케이션 목록을 시스템에 쿼리합니다. 이 목록은 분할 터널링 보기에서만 검색됩니다. 설치된 애플리케이션 목록은 절대 장치에서 전송되지 않습니다." +msgid "To make sure that you have the most secure version and to inform you of any issues with the current version that is running, the app performs version checks automatically. This sends the app version and Android system version to Mullvad servers. Mullvad keeps counters on number of used app versions and Android versions. The data is never stored or used in any way that can identify you." +msgstr "가장 안전한 버전인지 확인하고 현재 실행 중인 버전에 문제가 있으면 알려드리기 위해 앱에서 자동으로 버전 확인을 수행합니다. 그러면 앱 버전과 Android 시스템 버전이 Mullvad 서버로 전송됩니다. Mullvad는 사용된 앱 버전 및 Android 버전 수에 대한 카운터를 유지합니다. 이 데이터는 귀하를 식별할 수 있는 어떤 방식으로도 저장되거나 사용되지 않습니다." msgid "Toggle VPN" msgstr "VPN 전환" @@ -1774,18 +1849,46 @@ msgstr "VPN 터널 상태" msgid "Valid WireGuard key is missing. Manage keys under Advanced settings." msgstr "유효한 WireGuard 키가 없습니다. 고급 설정에서 키를 관리하세요." +msgctxt "Used to inform the user about a set of valid network port number ranges, for example: \"Valid ranges: 1-10, 100-200, 30000-31000\" " +msgid "Valid ranges: %s" +msgstr "유효한 범위: %s" + +msgid "Verifying purchase" +msgstr "구매 확인 중" + +msgid "Verifying purchase..." +msgstr "구매 확인 중..." + +msgid "Verifying voucher…" +msgstr "바우처 확인 중…" + msgid "Virtual adapter error" msgstr "가상 어댑터 오류" +msgid "We are currently verifying your purchase, this might take some time. Your time will be added if the verification is successful." +msgstr "구매를 현재 확인하는 중이므로 다소 시간이 걸릴 수 있습니다. 확인을 성공적으로 마치면 시간이 추가됩니다." + +msgid "We were unable to start the payment process, please make sure you have the latest version of Google Play." +msgstr "결제 프로세스를 시작할 수 없습니다. Google Play가 최신 버전인지 확인하세요." + +msgid "We were unable to start the payment process, please try again later." +msgstr "결제 프로세스를 시작할 수 없습니다. 나중에 다시 시도해 주세요." + msgid "While connected, your real location is masked with a private and secure location in the selected region." msgstr "연결되어 있는 동안 실제 위치는 선택한 지역의 안전한 비공개 위치로 마스킹됩니다." msgid "WireGuard MTU" msgstr "WireGuard MTU" +msgid "WireGuard custom port" +msgstr "WireGuard 사용자 지정 포트" + msgid "WireGuard obfuscation" msgstr "WireGuard 난독화" +msgid "WireGuard port" +msgstr "WireGuard 포트" + msgid "YOU MIGHT BE LEAKING NETWORK TRAFFIC" msgstr "네트워크 트래픽이 유출될 수 있습니다." @@ -1795,6 +1898,17 @@ msgstr "지원되지 않는 앱 버전을 실행 중입니다." msgid "less than a minute ago" msgstr "1분 이내" +msgid "less than one day" +msgstr "1일 미만" + +msgid "%d day" +msgid_plural "%d days" +msgstr[0] "%d일" + +msgid "%d month" +msgid_plural "%d months" +msgstr[0] "%d개월" + msgid "Account credit expires in a day" msgid_plural "Account credit expires in %d days" msgstr[0] "계정 크레딧이 %d일 후에 만료됩니다." diff --git a/gui/locales/ko/relay-locations.po b/gui/locales/ko/relay-locations.po index 5317e29fdede..31d33fd2cf7a 100644 --- a/gui/locales/ko/relay-locations.po +++ b/gui/locales/ko/relay-locations.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mullvad-app\n" "Language-Team: Korean\n" "Language: ko_KR\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-05 14:16\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-04 12:55\n" #. AU ADL msgid "Adelaide" @@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ msgstr "벨기에" msgid "Belgrade" msgstr "베오그라드" +#. DE BER +msgid "Berlin" +msgstr "베를린" + #. CO BOG msgid "Bogota" msgstr "보고타" @@ -92,6 +96,10 @@ msgstr "부다페스트" msgid "Bulgaria" msgstr "불가리아" +#. CA YYC +msgid "Calgary" +msgstr "캘거리" + #. CA msgid "Canada" msgstr "캐나다" @@ -240,6 +248,10 @@ msgstr "요하네스버그" msgid "Kiev" msgstr "키예프" +#. UA IEV +msgid "Kyiv" +msgstr "키예프" + #. LV msgid "Latvia" msgstr "라트비아" @@ -284,6 +296,10 @@ msgstr "마르세이유" msgid "Melbourne" msgstr "멜버른" +#. MX +msgid "Mexico" +msgstr "멕시코" + #. US MIA msgid "Miami, FL" msgstr "마이애미, FL" @@ -384,6 +400,10 @@ msgstr "프라하" msgid "Pune" msgstr "푸네" +#. MX QRO +msgid "Queretaro" +msgstr "케레타로" + #. US RAG msgid "Raleigh, NC" msgstr "노스캐롤라이나, 롤리" diff --git a/gui/locales/my/messages.po b/gui/locales/my/messages.po index a9dcbcdcc8a9..978d9c69da78 100644 --- a/gui/locales/my/messages.po +++ b/gui/locales/my/messages.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mullvad-app\n" "Language-Team: Burmese\n" "Language: my_MM\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-05 14:16\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-04 12:55\n" msgid "%(duration)s was added, account paid until %(expiry)s." msgstr "%(duration)s ထပ်ပေါင်းပြီးပါပြီ၊ %(expiry)s မတိုင်ခင်ထိ အကောင့် ငွေပေးချေပြီးပါပြီ။" @@ -174,6 +174,9 @@ msgstr "ထွက်ရန်" msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "ပြန်ချိတ်ဆက်ရန်" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "သိမ်းမည်" + msgid "Search for..." msgstr "ရှာရန်..." @@ -485,11 +488,6 @@ msgctxt "device-management" msgid "If you log out, the device and the device name is removed. When you log back in again, the device will get a new name." msgstr "ထွက်လိုက်ပါက စက်နှင့် စက်အမည်ကို ဖယ်ရှားပါသည်။ နောက်တစ်ကြိမ် ပြန်ဝင်ရောက်သည့်အခါ စက်သည် အမည်သစ်တစ်ခု ရရှိပါမည်။" -#. Confirmation button when logging out -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "Log out anyway" -msgstr "မည်သို့ပင်ဖြစ်စေ ထွက်မည်" - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Please log out of at least one by removing it from the list below. You can find the corresponding device name under the device’s Account settings." msgstr "အောက်ပါစာရင်းမှ အနည်းဆုံး တစ်ခုကို ဖယ်ရှားခြင်းဖြင့် ၎င်းမှ ထွက်ပါ။ စက်၏ အကောင့်ဆက်တင်အောက်တွင် သက်ဆိုင်သော စက်အမည်ကို သင် ရှာနိုင်သည်။" @@ -500,20 +498,10 @@ msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Super!" msgstr "အလွန်ကောင်း။" -#. This is is a further explanation of what happens when logging out. -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "The ports forwarded to this device will be deleted if you log out." -msgstr "သင် ထွက်ပါက ဤစက်သို့ ပေးပို့ထားသော ports ကို ဖျက်ပါမည်။" - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "This is the name assigned to the device. Each device logged in on a Mullvad account gets a unique name that helps you identify it when you manage your devices in the app or on the website." msgstr "ဤအမည်မှာ စက်အတွက် သတ်မှတ်ထားသော အမည် ဖြစ်ပါသည်။ Mullvad အကောင့်တစ်ခုတွင် ဝင်ရောက်ထားသည့် စက်တစ်ခုစီသည် တစ်မူထူးခြားသည့် အမည်တစ်ခု ရရှိမည်ဖြစ်ပြီး အက်ပ် သို့မဟုတ် ဝက်ဘ်ဆိုက်ပေါ်တွင် သင့်စက်များကို စီမံသည့်အခါ သင်အနေဖြင့် ကွဲကွဲပြားပြားသိရှိအောင် ကူညီပေးပါသည်။" -#. Further information about consequences of logging out device. -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "This will delete all forwarded ports. Local settings will be saved." -msgstr "၎င်းသည် ပေးပို့ထားသော ports ကို ဖျက်ပါမည်။ စက်တွင်းဆက်တင်ကို သိမ်းထားပါမည်။" - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Time left: %(timeLeft)s" msgstr "ကျန်သည့် အချိန်- %(timeLeft)s" @@ -1015,6 +1003,10 @@ msgctxt "select-location-nav" msgid "Select location" msgstr "တည်နေရာ ရွေးရန်" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "(Added)" +msgstr "(ပေါင်းထည့်ပြီး)" + #. This is used for appending information about a location. #. E.g. "Gothenburg (Entry)" if Gothenburg has been selected as the entrypoint. #. Available placeholders: @@ -1024,6 +1016,33 @@ msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "%(location)s (%(info)s)" msgstr "%(location)s (%(info)s)" +#. This is a label shown above a list of options. +#. Available placeholder: +#. %(locationType) - Could be either "Country", "City" and "Relay" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Add %(locationType)s to list" +msgstr "%(locationType)s ကို စာရင်းထဲသို့ ပေါင်းထည့်ရန်" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "All locations" +msgstr "တည်နေရာအာလုံး" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "City" +msgstr "မြို့" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Country" +msgstr "နိုင်ငံ" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Custom lists" +msgstr "စိတ်ကြိုက်စာရင်းများ" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Edit list name" +msgstr "စာရင်းအမည် တည်းဖြတ်ရန်" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Entry" msgstr "အဝင်" @@ -1036,10 +1055,22 @@ msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Filtered:" msgstr "စစ်ထုတ်ထားသော-" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "List names must be unique." +msgstr "စာရင်းအမည်များသည် တမူထူးခြားရပါမည်။" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Name is already taken." +msgstr "အမည်သည် ရှိနှင့်ပြီး ဖြစ်သည်။" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Providers: %(numberOfProviders)d" msgstr "ပံ့ပိုးသူများ- %(numberOfProviders)d" +msgctxt "select-location-viewThis refers to a VPN server which we also call relay since it relays internet traffic from the user onto the internet. It should probably say server here instead of relay. I'll look into if this should be changed until next relay but for now it will be \"Relay\"." +msgid "Relay" +msgstr "Relay" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "The app selects a random bridge server, but servers have a higher probability the closer they are to you." msgstr "ဤအက်ပ်သည် ကျပန်းပေါင်းကူးဆာဗာကို ရွေးချယ်သော်လည်း ဆာဗာများသည် သင့်အနီးနားရှိလေ ဖြစ်နိုင်ချေ ပိုများလေ ဖြစ်သည်။" @@ -1418,10 +1449,6 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Enable IPv6" msgstr "IPv6 ကို ဖွင့်ရန်" -msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" -msgid "Enable IPv6 communication through the tunnel." -msgstr "Tunnel မှတစ်ဆင့် IPv6 ဆက်သွယ်ရေးကို လုပ်ဆောင်စေနိုင်ပါသည်။" - #. The label next to the multihop settings toggle. msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Enable multihop" @@ -1447,6 +1474,10 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Increases anonymity by routing your traffic into one %(wireguard)s server and out another, making it harder to trace." msgstr "သင်၏ ကူးလူးမှုကို %(wireguard)s ဆာဗာတစ်ခုသို့ လမ်းကြောင်း ပို့ပြီး အခြားတစ်ခုမှ ထုတ်ခြင်းဖြင့် သိုသိပ်ထားမှုကို တိုးစေပြီး ခြေရာခံရန် ခက်ခဲစေပါသည်။" +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "IPv4 is always enabled and the majority of websites and applications use this protocol. We do not recommend enabling IPv6 unless you know you need it." +msgstr "IPv4 ကို အမြဲဖွင့်ထားပြီး ဝက်ဘ်ဆိုက်နှင့် အက်ပလီကေးရှင်း အများစုသည် ဤပရိုတိုကောလ်ကို အသုံးပြုပါသည်။ ၎င်းကို သင် လိုအပ်ကြောင်းကို မသိလျှင် IPv6 ကို ဖွင့်ခြင်းအား ကျွန်ုပ်တို့ အကြံမပြုပါ။" + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "It does this by allowing network communication outside the tunnel to local multicast and broadcast ranges as well as to and from these private IP ranges:" msgstr "ဒေသတွင်း Multicast နှင့် Broadcast အပိုင်းအခြားများဆီသို့ သာမက ဤသီးသန့် IP အပိုင်းအခြားများထံမှနှင့် ၎င်းတို့ဆီသို့ Tunnel ပြင်ပ ကွန်ရက် ဆက်သွယ်မှုကို ခွင့်ပြုခြင်းဖြင့် ဤသည်ကို လုပ်ဆောင်ပါသည်။" @@ -1472,6 +1503,11 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Malware" msgstr "မဲလ်ဝဲရ်" +#. Label for settings that enables block of social media. +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "Social media" +msgstr "လူမှုမီဒီယာ" + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "The app’s built-in kill switch is always on. This setting will additionally block the internet if clicking Disconnect or Quit." msgstr "ဤအက်ပ်၏ မူလပါရှိသော Kill Switch ကို အမြဲဖွင့်ထားပါသည်။ ချိတ်ဆက်မှုဖြုတ်ရန် သို့မဟုတ် ထွက်ရန်ကို နှိပ်ပါက ဤဆက်တင်သည် အင်တာနက်ကို နောက်ထပ် ပိတ်ဆို့သွားပါလိမ့်မည်။" @@ -1533,6 +1569,10 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "When this feature is enabled it stops the device from contacting certain domains or websites known for distributing ads, malware, trackers and more." msgstr "ဤလုပ်ဆောင်ချက်ကို ဖွင့်ထားသည့်အခါ အနှောင့်အယှက်ဖြစ်စေသည့် ကြော်ငြာများ၊ မဲလ်ဝဲရ်၊ ခြေရာခံများနှင့် အစရှိသည်တို့နှင့်စပ်လျဉ်း၍ သိရှိထားသော အချို့သော Domain များ သို့မဟုတ် ဝဘ်ဆိုက်များနှင့် ဆက်သွယ်ခြင်းမှ စက်ကို ရပ်တန့်ပေးပါသည်။" +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "When this feature is enabled, IPv6 can be used alongside IPv4 in the VPN tunnel to communicate with internet services." +msgstr "ဤလုပ်ဆောင်ချက်ကို ဖွင့်လိုက်သည့်အခါ အင်တာနက် ဝန်ဆောင်မှုများနှင့် ဆက်သွယ်ရန် IPv6 ကို IPv4 နှင့်အတူ VPN Tunnel တွင် အသုံးပြုနိုင်ပါသည်။" + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "With Lockdown Mode enabled, you must be connected to a Mullvad VPN server to be able to reach the internet. Manually disconnecting or quitting the app will block your connection." msgstr "လော့ခ်ဒေါင်းစနစ်ကို ဖွင့်ထားပါက အင်တာနက် ရရှိနိုင်ရန် Mullvad VPN ဆာဗာနှင့် ချိတ်ဆက်ရပါမည်။ ချိတ်ဆက်မှုဖြုတ်ခြင်း သို့မဟုတ် ဤအက်ပ်မှ ထွက်လိုက်ခြင်းဖြင့် သင့်ချိတ်ဆက်မှုကို ပိတ်ဆို့သွားပါမည်။" @@ -1621,6 +1661,13 @@ msgctxt "wireguard-settings-view" msgid "Which TCP port the UDP-over-TCP obfuscation protocol should connect to on the VPN server." msgstr "VPN ဆာဗာကို ဖွင့်ရန် ၎င်း TCP ပေါ့တ် UDP-over-TCP Obfuscation ပရိုတိုကောလ်နှင့် ချိတ်ဆက်ထားသင့်ပါသည်။" +msgctxt "Message shown after successfully adding subscription time to an account, where \"%s\" represent the amount of time, like for example \"1 day\" or \"4 months\".Full examples: \"1 day was added to your account.\"\"4 months was added to your account.\"" +msgid "%s was added to your account." +msgstr "သင့်အကောင့်ထဲသို့ %s ပေါင်းထည့်ပြီးပါပြီ။" + +msgid "30 days was added to your account." +msgstr "သင့်အကောင့်ထဲသို့ ရက် 30 ကို ပေါင်းထည့်ပြီးပါပြီ။" + msgid "Account credit expires in a few minutes" msgstr "မိနစ်အနည်းငယ်အကြာတွင် အကောင့်ခရက်ဒစ် သက်တမ်းကုန်ပါတော့မည်" @@ -1630,6 +1677,12 @@ msgstr "မကြာမီ အကောင့် ခရက်ဒစ် သက် msgid "Account time reminders" msgstr "အကောင့်အချိန် သတိပေးချက်များ" +msgid "Add 30 days time" +msgstr "အချိန် ရက် 30 ကို‌ ပေါင်းထည့်ရန်" + +msgid "Add 30 days time (%s)" +msgstr "အချိန် ရက် 30 ကို‌ ပေါင်းထည့်ရန် (%s)" + msgid "Add DNS server" msgstr "DNS ဆာဗာကို ပေါင်းထည့်ရန်" @@ -1657,6 +1710,9 @@ msgstr "အင်တာနက် ပိတ်ဆို့နေဆဲ (စက် msgid "Changes to DNS related settings might not go into effect immediately due to cached results." msgstr "DNS နှင့်ဆက်စပ်သော ဆက်တင်များ၌ ပြုလုပ်သည့် ပြောင်းလဲမှုများသည် ယာယီသိမ်းထားသော ရလဒ်များကြောင့် ချက်ချင်း အကျိုးမသက်ရောက်နိုင်ပါ။" +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "ချိတ်ဆက်နေဆဲ..." + msgid "Copied Mullvad account number to clipboard" msgstr "Mullvad အကောင့်နံပါတ်ကို ကလစ်ဘုတ်တွင် ကူးထားပါသည်" @@ -1681,12 +1737,25 @@ msgstr "ဖွင့်ရန်" msgid "Enter MTU" msgstr "MTU ကို ရိုက်ထည့်ရန်" +msgctxt "Placeholder in port number input field." +msgid "Enter port" +msgstr "ပေါ့တ် ရိုက်ထည့်ရန်" + msgid "Excluded applications" msgstr "အပလီကေးရှင်းများ ဖယ်ထားပြီး" msgid "Going to login will unblock the internet on this device." msgstr "ဝင်ရောက်ရန်သွားခြင်းဖြင့် ဤစက်တွင် အင်တာနက်ကို ပိတ်ဆို့ထားမှုမှ ဖယ်ရှားပါလိမ့်မည်။" +msgid "Google Play payment pending" +msgstr "Google Play ပေးချေမှုကို ဆိုင်းငံ့ထားဆဲ" + +msgid "Google Play unavailable" +msgstr "Google Play ကို မရရှိနိုင်ပါ" + +msgid "If the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device." +msgstr "Split Tunneling လုပ်ဆောင်ချက်ကို အသုံးပြုထားပါက အက်ပ်သည် ထည့်သွင်းထားသော အက်ပလီကေးရှင်းများအားလုံး၏ စာရင်းကို မေးမြန်းပါသည်။ ဤစာရင်းကို Split Tunneling ပြသမှုတွင်သာ ပြန်ရယူပါသည်။ ထည့်သွင်းထားသော အက်ပလီကေးရှင်းများ၏ စာရင်းကို စက်မှ မည်သည့်အခါမျှ မပေးပို့ပါ။" + msgid "Install Mullvad VPN (%s) to stay up to date" msgstr "အပ်ဒိတ် ဖြစ်နေစေရန် Mullvad VPN (%s) ကို ထည့်သွင်းပါ" @@ -1696,6 +1765,9 @@ msgstr "အကောင့် စီမံခန့်ခွဲရန်" msgid "Mullvad account number" msgstr "Mullvad အကောင့်နံပါတ်" +msgid "Mullvad services unavailable" +msgstr "Mullvad ဝန်ဆောင်မှုများကို မရရှိနိုင်ပါ" + msgid "Preferences" msgstr "လိုလားမှုများ" @@ -1708,6 +1780,9 @@ msgstr "ကိုယ်ပိုင်အချက်အလက် မူဝါ msgid "Remove" msgstr "ဖယ်ရှားရန်" +msgid "Remove custom port" +msgstr "စိတ်ကြိုက် ပေါ့တ်ကို ဖယ်ရှားရန်" + msgid "Reset to default" msgstr "ပုံသေသို့ ပြန်လည်သတ်မှတ်ရန်" @@ -1717,6 +1792,9 @@ msgstr "လုံခြုံပါသည်" msgid "Set WireGuard MTU value. Valid range: %d - %d." msgstr "WireGuard MTU တန်ဖိုးကို သတ်မှတ်ပါ။ အကျုံးဝင်သည့် အပိုင်းအခြား- %d - %d ။" +msgid "Set port" +msgstr "ပေါ့တ် သတ်မှတ်ရန်" + msgid "Show system apps" msgstr "စနစ်အက်ပ်များ ပြရန်" @@ -1726,9 +1804,6 @@ msgstr "လက်ရှိ VPN Tunnel အခြေအနေကို ပြသ msgid "Shows reminders when the account time is about to expire" msgstr "အကောင့်အချိန် သက်တမ်းကုန်ခါနီးချိန်၌ သတိပေးချက်များ ပြသပေးပါသည်" -msgid "Split tunneling makes it possible to select which applications should not be routed through the VPN tunnel." -msgstr "Split Tunneling သည် VPN Tunnel မှတစ်ဆင့် လမ်းကြောင်းအတိုင်း မပို့သင့်သည့် အက်ပ်များကို ရွေးချယ်နိုင်ပါသည်။" - msgid "Submit" msgstr "ပေးပို့ရန်" @@ -1741,8 +1816,8 @@ msgstr "ဤလိပ်စာကို ရိုက်ထည့်ထားပ msgid "This might cause issues on certain websites, services, and apps." msgstr "၎င်းသည် အချို့သော ဝဘ်ဆိုက်များ၊ ဝန်ဆောင်မှုများနှင့် အက်ပ်များတွင် ပြဿနာများကို ဖြစ်စေနိုင်သည်။" -msgid "To make sure that you have the most secure version and to inform you of any issues with the current version that is running, the app performs version checks automatically. This sends the app version and Android system version to Mullvad servers. Mullvad keeps counters on number of used app versions and Android versions. The data is never stored or used in any way that can identify you.\\n\\nIf the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device." -msgstr "အလုံခြုံဆုံး ဗားရှင်းကို ရရှိကြောင်း သေချာစေရန်နှင့် လုပ်ဆောင်နေသည့် လက်ရှိဗားရှင်းနှင့်ပတ်သက်သော ပြဿနာများအကြောင်း သင့်အား အသိပေးရန် အက်ပ်သည် ဗားရှင်း စစ်ဆေးမှုများကို အော်တိုလုပ်ဆောင်ပါသည်။ ၎င်းသည် Mullvad ဆာဗာများသို့ အက်ပ် ဗားရှင်းနှင့် Android စနစ်ဗားရှင်းတို့ကို ပေးပို့ပါသည်။ အသုံးပြုထားသည့် အက်ပ် ဗားရှင်းများနှင့် Android ဗားရှင်းများ၏ အရေအတွက်ကို Mullvad က ရေတွက်ထားပါသည်။ ဒေတာကို မည်သည့်အခါမျှ မသိမ်းဆည်းထားပါ သို့မဟုတ် သင့်အား ခွဲခြားဖော်ထုတ်နိုင်သော မည်သည့်နည်းလမ်းတွင်မျှ အသုံးမပြုထားပါ။\\n\\nSplit Tunneling လုပ်ဆောင်ချက်ကို အသုံးပြုပါက ၎င်းနောက် အက်ပ်သည် သင့်စနစ်အား ထည့်သွင်းထားသော အက်ပလီကေးရှင်းအားလုံး၏ စာရင်းအတွက် မေးမြန်းပါသည်။ ဤစာရင်းကို Split tunneling ပြသမှုတွင်သာ ပြန်ရယူနိုင်ပါသည်။ ထည့်သွင်းထားသော အက်ပလီကေးရှင်းများ၏ စာရင်းကို စက်မှ မည်သည့်အခါမျှ မပေးပို့ပါ။" +msgid "To make sure that you have the most secure version and to inform you of any issues with the current version that is running, the app performs version checks automatically. This sends the app version and Android system version to Mullvad servers. Mullvad keeps counters on number of used app versions and Android versions. The data is never stored or used in any way that can identify you." +msgstr "အလုံခြုံဆုံး ဗားရှင်းကို ရရှိကြောင်း သေချာစေရန်နှင့် လုပ်ဆောင်နေသည့် လက်ရှိဗားရှင်းနှင့်ပတ်သက်သော ပြဿနာများအကြောင်း သင့်အား အသိပေးရန် အက်ပ်သည် ဗားရှင်း စစ်ဆေးမှုများကို အော်တိုလုပ်ဆောင်ပါသည်။ ၎င်းသည် Mullvad ဆာဗာများသို့ အက်ပ် ဗားရှင်းနှင့် Android စနစ်ဗားရှင်းတို့ကို ပေးပို့ပါသည်။ အသုံးပြုထားသည့် အက်ပ် ဗားရှင်းများနှင့် Android ဗားရှင်းများ၏ အရေအတွက်ကို Mullvad က ရေတွက်ထားပါသည်။ ဒေတာကို မည်သည့်အခါမျှ မသိမ်းဆည်းထားပါ သို့မဟုတ် သင့်အား ခွဲခြားဖော်ထုတ်နိုင်သော မည်သည့်နည်းလမ်းတွင်မျှ အသုံးမပြုထားပါ။" msgid "Toggle VPN" msgstr "VPN ရွေးသုံးရန်" @@ -1774,18 +1849,46 @@ msgstr "VPN Tunnel အခြေအနေ" msgid "Valid WireGuard key is missing. Manage keys under Advanced settings." msgstr "အကျုံးဝင်သည့် WireGuard ကီး မရှိပါ။ အဆင့်မြင့်ဆက်တင် အောက်တွင် ကီးများကို စီမံခန့်ခွဲပါ။" +msgctxt "Used to inform the user about a set of valid network port number ranges, for example: \"Valid ranges: 1-10, 100-200, 30000-31000\" " +msgid "Valid ranges: %s" +msgstr "အကျုံးဝင်သည့် အပိုင်းအခြားများ- %s" + +msgid "Verifying purchase" +msgstr "ဝယ်ယူမှုကို စစ်ဆေးနေဆဲ" + +msgid "Verifying purchase..." +msgstr "ဝယ်ယူမှုကို စစ်ဆေးနေဆဲ..." + +msgid "Verifying voucher…" +msgstr "ဘောက်ချာကို စစ်ဆေးနေဆဲ…" + msgid "Virtual adapter error" msgstr "စက်တွင်း အဒက်တာ ချို့ယွင်းချက်" +msgid "We are currently verifying your purchase, this might take some time. Your time will be added if the verification is successful." +msgstr "သင့်ဝယ်ယူမှုကို လက်ရှိတွင် ကျွန်ုပ်တို့ စစ်ဆေး အတည်ပြုနေဆဲဖြစ်ပြီး အချိန်အနည်းငယ်ကြာနိုင်ပါသည်။ စစ်ဆေး အတည်ပြုမှု အောင်မြင်ပါက သင့်အချိန်များကို ပေါင်းထည့်သွားပါမည်။" + +msgid "We were unable to start the payment process, please make sure you have the latest version of Google Play." +msgstr "လက်ရှိတွင် ပေးချေမှု လုပ်ငန်းစဉ်ကို စတင်၍ မရနိုင်ပါ၊ Google Play နောက်ဆုံး ဗားရှင်း သင့်တွင်ရှိနေကြောင်း သေချာပါစေ။" + +msgid "We were unable to start the payment process, please try again later." +msgstr "လက်ရှိတွင် ပေးချေမှု လုပ်ငန်းစဉ်ကို စတင်၍ မရနိုင်ပါ၊ နောက်မှ ထပ်ကြိုးစားကြည့်ပါ။" + msgid "While connected, your real location is masked with a private and secure location in the selected region." msgstr "ချိတ်ဆက်ထားချိန်တွင် သင့်တည်နေရာအမှန်ကို ရွေးချယ်ထားသည့် ဒေသရှိ လျှို့ဝှက်လုံခြုံသည့် တည်နေရာဖြင့် ဖုံးကွယ်ထားပါသည်။" msgid "WireGuard MTU" msgstr "WireGuard MTU" +msgid "WireGuard custom port" +msgstr "စိတ်ကြိုက် WireGuard ပေါ့တ်" + msgid "WireGuard obfuscation" msgstr "WireGuard Obfuscation\n" +msgid "WireGuard port" +msgstr "WireGuard ပေါ့တ်" + msgid "YOU MIGHT BE LEAKING NETWORK TRAFFIC" msgstr "ကွန်ရက် ကူးလူးမှု ပေါက်ကြားနေနိုင်ပါသည်" @@ -1795,6 +1898,17 @@ msgstr "တွဲဖက်မလုပ်ဆောင်နိုင်သည့ msgid "less than a minute ago" msgstr "လွန်ခဲ့သော စက္ကန့်ပိုင်း" +msgid "less than one day" +msgstr "တစ်ရက်အောက် နည်းသည်။" + +msgid "%d day" +msgid_plural "%d days" +msgstr[0] "%d ရက်" + +msgid "%d month" +msgid_plural "%d months" +msgstr[0] "%d လ" + msgid "Account credit expires in a day" msgid_plural "Account credit expires in %d days" msgstr[0] "%d ရက်အကြာတွင် အကောင့်ခရက်ဒစ် သက်တမ်းကုန်ပါတော့မည်" diff --git a/gui/locales/my/relay-locations.po b/gui/locales/my/relay-locations.po index ad7e75e6cb29..4be8ff3c9ae5 100644 --- a/gui/locales/my/relay-locations.po +++ b/gui/locales/my/relay-locations.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mullvad-app\n" "Language-Team: Burmese\n" "Language: my_MM\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-05 14:16\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-04 12:55\n" #. AU ADL msgid "Adelaide" @@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ msgstr "ဘယ်လ်ဂျီယံ" msgid "Belgrade" msgstr "ဘဲလ်ဂရိတ်" +#. DE BER +msgid "Berlin" +msgstr "ဘာလင်" + #. CO BOG msgid "Bogota" msgstr "ဘိုဂိုတာ" @@ -92,6 +96,10 @@ msgstr "ဘူဒါပက်" msgid "Bulgaria" msgstr "ဘူလ်ဂေးရီးယား" +#. CA YYC +msgid "Calgary" +msgstr "ကယ်ဂယ်ရီ" + #. CA msgid "Canada" msgstr "ကနေဒါ" @@ -240,6 +248,10 @@ msgstr "ဂျိုဟန်နက်စ်ဘတ်" msgid "Kiev" msgstr "ကိယက်ဗ်" +#. UA IEV +msgid "Kyiv" +msgstr "ကိယက်ဗ်" + #. LV msgid "Latvia" msgstr "လတ်ဗီးယား" @@ -284,6 +296,10 @@ msgstr "မာဆေး" msgid "Melbourne" msgstr "မဲလ်ဘုန်း" +#. MX +msgid "Mexico" +msgstr "မက္ကဆီကို" + #. US MIA msgid "Miami, FL" msgstr "မိုင်ယာမီ၊ ဖလော်ရီဒါ" @@ -384,6 +400,10 @@ msgstr "ပရာ့ဂ်" msgid "Pune" msgstr "ပူနာ" +#. MX QRO +msgid "Queretaro" +msgstr "ကီရင်တာရို (Queretaro)" + #. US RAG msgid "Raleigh, NC" msgstr "ရာလီ၊ မြောက်ကာရိုလိုင်းနား" diff --git a/gui/locales/nb/messages.po b/gui/locales/nb/messages.po index 18697657cefd..d00fdc0f8097 100644 --- a/gui/locales/nb/messages.po +++ b/gui/locales/nb/messages.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mullvad-app\n" "Language-Team: Norwegian Bokmal\n" "Language: nb_NO\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-05 14:16\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-04 12:55\n" msgid "%(duration)s was added, account paid until %(expiry)s." msgstr "%(duration)s ble lagt til, konto betalt til %(expiry)s." @@ -180,6 +180,9 @@ msgstr "Avslutt" msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "Koble til på nytt" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Lagre" + msgid "Search for..." msgstr "Søk etter ..." @@ -491,11 +494,6 @@ msgctxt "device-management" msgid "If you log out, the device and the device name is removed. When you log back in again, the device will get a new name." msgstr "Hvis du logger ut, vil enheten og enhetsnavnet bli fjernet. Når du logger inn igjen, vil enheten få et nytt navn." -#. Confirmation button when logging out -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "Log out anyway" -msgstr "Logg av likevel" - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Please log out of at least one by removing it from the list below. You can find the corresponding device name under the device’s Account settings." msgstr "Logg ut av minst én ved å fjerne den fra listen nedenfor. Du finner det tilsvarende enhetsnavnet under enhetens kontoinnstillinger." @@ -506,20 +504,10 @@ msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Super!" msgstr "Supert!" -#. This is is a further explanation of what happens when logging out. -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "The ports forwarded to this device will be deleted if you log out." -msgstr "Portene som er formidlet til denne enheten vil bli slettet hvis du logger ut." - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "This is the name assigned to the device. Each device logged in on a Mullvad account gets a unique name that helps you identify it when you manage your devices in the app or on the website." msgstr "Dette er navnet som er tildelt enheten. Enhver enhet som er logget inn på en Mullvad-konto, får et unikt navn som gjør det enklere for deg å identifisere den når du administrerer enheten i appen eller på nettsiden." -#. Further information about consequences of logging out device. -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "This will delete all forwarded ports. Local settings will be saved." -msgstr "Dette vil slette alle formidlede porter. Lokale innstillinger blir lagret." - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Time left: %(timeLeft)s" msgstr "Tid igjen: %(timeLeft)s" @@ -1021,6 +1009,10 @@ msgctxt "select-location-nav" msgid "Select location" msgstr "Velg plassering" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "(Added)" +msgstr "(lagt til)" + #. This is used for appending information about a location. #. E.g. "Gothenburg (Entry)" if Gothenburg has been selected as the entrypoint. #. Available placeholders: @@ -1030,6 +1022,33 @@ msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "%(location)s (%(info)s)" msgstr "%(location)s (%(info)s)" +#. This is a label shown above a list of options. +#. Available placeholder: +#. %(locationType) - Could be either "Country", "City" and "Relay" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Add %(locationType)s to list" +msgstr "Legg til %(locationType)s i listen" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "All locations" +msgstr "Alle steder" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "City" +msgstr "By" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Country" +msgstr "Land" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Custom lists" +msgstr "Tilpassede lister" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Edit list name" +msgstr "Endre listenavn" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Entry" msgstr "Inngang" @@ -1042,10 +1061,22 @@ msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Filtered:" msgstr "Filtrert:" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "List names must be unique." +msgstr "Listenavnene må være unike." + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Name is already taken." +msgstr "Navn allerede i bruk." + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Providers: %(numberOfProviders)d" msgstr "Leverandører: %(numberOfProviders)d" +msgctxt "select-location-viewThis refers to a VPN server which we also call relay since it relays internet traffic from the user onto the internet. It should probably say server here instead of relay. I'll look into if this should be changed until next relay but for now it will be \"Relay\"." +msgid "Relay" +msgstr "Relé" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "The app selects a random bridge server, but servers have a higher probability the closer they are to you." msgstr "Appen velger en tilfeldig bro-server, men servere har en større sannsynlighet desto nærmere de er deg." @@ -1424,10 +1455,6 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Enable IPv6" msgstr "Aktiver IPv6" -msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" -msgid "Enable IPv6 communication through the tunnel." -msgstr "Aktiver IPv6-kommunikasjon gjennom tunnelen." - #. The label next to the multihop settings toggle. msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Enable multihop" @@ -1453,6 +1480,10 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Increases anonymity by routing your traffic into one %(wireguard)s server and out another, making it harder to trace." msgstr "Øker anonymiteten ved å dirigere trafikken til én %(wireguard)s-server og ut en annen, noe som gjør det vanskeligere å spore." +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "IPv4 is always enabled and the majority of websites and applications use this protocol. We do not recommend enabling IPv6 unless you know you need it." +msgstr "IPv4 er alltid aktivert, og de aller fleste nettsteder og applikasjoner benytter denne protokollen. Vi anbefaler å ikke aktivere IPv6 hvis du ikke vet at du trenger det." + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "It does this by allowing network communication outside the tunnel to local multicast and broadcast ranges as well as to and from these private IP ranges:" msgstr "Den gjør det ved å tillate nettverkkommunikasjon utenfor tunnelen til lokale multicast- og sendingsintervall, samt mellom følgende privat IP-intervall:" @@ -1478,6 +1509,11 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Malware" msgstr "Skadelig programvare" +#. Label for settings that enables block of social media. +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "Social media" +msgstr "Sosiale medier" + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "The app’s built-in kill switch is always on. This setting will additionally block the internet if clicking Disconnect or Quit." msgstr "Appens innebygde avbruddsbryter er alltid på. Innstillingen vil også blokkere tilgangen til internettet hvis du trykker på Koble fra eller Lukk." @@ -1539,6 +1575,10 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "When this feature is enabled it stops the device from contacting certain domains or websites known for distributing ads, malware, trackers and more." msgstr "Når denne funksjonen er aktivert, forhindrer den enheten fra å kontakte bestemte domener og nettsteder som er kjent for å spre annonser, skadelig programvare, sporingsenheter og mer." +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "When this feature is enabled, IPv6 can be used alongside IPv4 in the VPN tunnel to communicate with internet services." +msgstr "Når denne funksjonen er aktivert, kan IPv6 brukes sammen med IPv4 i VPN-tunnelen til å kommunisere med internettjenester." + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "With Lockdown Mode enabled, you must be connected to a Mullvad VPN server to be able to reach the internet. Manually disconnecting or quitting the app will block your connection." msgstr "Med Låsemodus aktivert må du være tilkoblet en Mullvad VPN-server for å kunne koble deg til internettet. Manuell frakobling eller avslutning av appen vil blokkere tilkoblingen din." @@ -1627,6 +1667,13 @@ msgctxt "wireguard-settings-view" msgid "Which TCP port the UDP-over-TCP obfuscation protocol should connect to on the VPN server." msgstr "TCP-porten som UDP-over-TCP-tilsløringen skal koble til på VPN-serveren." +msgctxt "Message shown after successfully adding subscription time to an account, where \"%s\" represent the amount of time, like for example \"1 day\" or \"4 months\".Full examples: \"1 day was added to your account.\"\"4 months was added to your account.\"" +msgid "%s was added to your account." +msgstr "%s ble lagt til kontoen din." + +msgid "30 days was added to your account." +msgstr "30 dager ble lagt til kontoen din." + msgid "Account credit expires in a few minutes" msgstr "Kontokreditt utløper om noen få minutter" @@ -1636,6 +1683,12 @@ msgstr "Kontokreditt utløper snart" msgid "Account time reminders" msgstr "Påminnelser om tidsavbrudd for konto" +msgid "Add 30 days time" +msgstr "Legg til 30 dager" + +msgid "Add 30 days time (%s)" +msgstr "Legg til 30 dager (%s)" + msgid "Add DNS server" msgstr "Legg til DNS-server" @@ -1663,6 +1716,9 @@ msgstr "Blokkerer internett (enhet frakoblet)" msgid "Changes to DNS related settings might not go into effect immediately due to cached results." msgstr "Endringer til DNS-relaterte innstillinger vil kanskje ikke tre i kraft umiddelbart på grunn av bufrede resultater." +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "Kobler til ..." + msgid "Copied Mullvad account number to clipboard" msgstr "Kopierte Mullvad-kontonummer til utklippstavlen" @@ -1687,12 +1743,25 @@ msgstr "Aktiver" msgid "Enter MTU" msgstr "Angi MTU" +msgctxt "Placeholder in port number input field." +msgid "Enter port" +msgstr "Angi port" + msgid "Excluded applications" msgstr "Ekskluder applikasjoner" msgid "Going to login will unblock the internet on this device." msgstr "Å gå til pålogging vil oppheve blokkeringen av internettet på denne enheten." +msgid "Google Play payment pending" +msgstr "Google Play-betaling venter" + +msgid "Google Play unavailable" +msgstr "Google Play utilgjengelig" + +msgid "If the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device." +msgstr "Hvis funksjonen delt tunnelering brukes, vil appen be systemet ditt om en liste over alle installerte applikasjoner. Denne listen hentes bare i delt tunnelering-visningen. Listen over installerte apper sendes aldri ut fra enheten." + msgid "Install Mullvad VPN (%s) to stay up to date" msgstr "Installer Mullvad VPN (%s) for å holde deg oppdatert" @@ -1702,6 +1771,9 @@ msgstr "Administrer konto" msgid "Mullvad account number" msgstr "Mullvad-kontonummer" +msgid "Mullvad services unavailable" +msgstr "Mullvad-tjenester utilgjengelig" + msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Preferanser" @@ -1714,6 +1786,9 @@ msgstr "Retningslinjer for personvern" msgid "Remove" msgstr "Fjern" +msgid "Remove custom port" +msgstr "Fjern tilpasset port" + msgid "Reset to default" msgstr "Tilbakestill til standard" @@ -1723,6 +1798,9 @@ msgstr "Sikret" msgid "Set WireGuard MTU value. Valid range: %d - %d." msgstr "Angi WireGuard MTU-verdi. Verdiområde: %d–%d." +msgid "Set port" +msgstr "Konfigurer port" + msgid "Show system apps" msgstr "Vis systemapper" @@ -1732,9 +1810,6 @@ msgstr "Viser gjeldende VPN-tunnelstatus" msgid "Shows reminders when the account time is about to expire" msgstr "Viser påminnelser når tidsavbrudd for kontoen er i ferd med å inntreffe" -msgid "Split tunneling makes it possible to select which applications should not be routed through the VPN tunnel." -msgstr "Tunneldeling gjør det mulig å velge hvilke applikasjoner som ikke skal rutes gjennom VPN-tunnelen." - msgid "Submit" msgstr "Send inn" @@ -1747,8 +1822,8 @@ msgstr "Denne adressen er allerede skrevet inn." msgid "This might cause issues on certain websites, services, and apps." msgstr "Dette kan føre til problemer på enkelte nettsteder, tjenester og apper." -msgid "To make sure that you have the most secure version and to inform you of any issues with the current version that is running, the app performs version checks automatically. This sends the app version and Android system version to Mullvad servers. Mullvad keeps counters on number of used app versions and Android versions. The data is never stored or used in any way that can identify you.\\n\\nIf the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device." -msgstr "For å sørge for at du har den sikreste appversjonen, og informere deg om eventuelle problemer med den versjonen som kjøres, vil appen automatisk sjekke appversjonen. Appversjonen og Android-systemversjonen blir da sendt til Mullvad-servere. Mullvad registrerer antallet brukte appversjoner og Android-versjoner. Dataen blir aldri lagret eller brukt på noen som helst måte som kan identifisere deg.\\n\\nHvis funksjonen delt tunnelering brukes, spør appen systemet ditt om en liste av alle installerte applikasjoner. Denne listen hentes bare i delt tunnelering-visningen. Listen over installerte applikasjoner sendes aldri ut fra enheten." +msgid "To make sure that you have the most secure version and to inform you of any issues with the current version that is running, the app performs version checks automatically. This sends the app version and Android system version to Mullvad servers. Mullvad keeps counters on number of used app versions and Android versions. The data is never stored or used in any way that can identify you." +msgstr "For å sørge for at du har den sikreste appversjonen, og informere deg om eventuelle problemer med den versjonen som kjøres, vil appen automatisk sjekke appversjonen. Appversjonen og Android-systemversjonen blir da sendt til Mullvad-servere. Mullvad registrerer antallet brukte appversjoner og Android-versjoner. Dataen blir aldri lagret eller brukt på noen som helst måte som kan identifisere deg." msgid "Toggle VPN" msgstr "Velg VPN" @@ -1780,18 +1855,46 @@ msgstr "VPN-tunnelstatus" msgid "Valid WireGuard key is missing. Manage keys under Advanced settings." msgstr "Det mangler en gyldig WireGuard-nøkkel. Du kan behandle nøklene under avanserte innstillinger." +msgctxt "Used to inform the user about a set of valid network port number ranges, for example: \"Valid ranges: 1-10, 100-200, 30000-31000\" " +msgid "Valid ranges: %s" +msgstr "Gyldige verdiområder: %s" + +msgid "Verifying purchase" +msgstr "Bekrefter kjøp" + +msgid "Verifying purchase..." +msgstr "Bekrefter kjøp ..." + +msgid "Verifying voucher…" +msgstr "Bekrefter kupong …" + msgid "Virtual adapter error" msgstr "Virtuell adapterfeil" +msgid "We are currently verifying your purchase, this might take some time. Your time will be added if the verification is successful." +msgstr "Vi behandler kjøpet. Det kan ta litt tid. Hvis kjøpet blir bekreftet, legges tiden din til." + +msgid "We were unable to start the payment process, please make sure you have the latest version of Google Play." +msgstr "Vi kunne ikke starte betalingsprosessen. Kontroller om du har siste versjon av Google Play." + +msgid "We were unable to start the payment process, please try again later." +msgstr "Vi kunne ikke starte betalingsprosessen. Prøv igjen senere." + msgid "While connected, your real location is masked with a private and secure location in the selected region." msgstr "Mens du er tilkoblet vil din egentlige plassering være skjult med en privat og sikker plassering i den valgte regionen." msgid "WireGuard MTU" msgstr "WireGuard MTU" +msgid "WireGuard custom port" +msgstr "Tilpasset WireGuard-port" + msgid "WireGuard obfuscation" msgstr "Tilsløring av WireGuard" +msgid "WireGuard port" +msgstr "WireGuard-port" + msgid "YOU MIGHT BE LEAKING NETWORK TRAFFIC" msgstr "DET KAN VÆRE EN NETTVERKSLEKKASJE HOS DEG" @@ -1801,6 +1904,19 @@ msgstr "Du kjører en appversjon som ikke støttes." msgid "less than a minute ago" msgstr "mindre enn ett minutt siden" +msgid "less than one day" +msgstr "mindre enn én dag" + +msgid "%d day" +msgid_plural "%d days" +msgstr[0] "%d dag" +msgstr[1] "%d dager" + +msgid "%d month" +msgid_plural "%d months" +msgstr[0] "%d måned" +msgstr[1] "%d måneder" + msgid "Account credit expires in a day" msgid_plural "Account credit expires in %d days" msgstr[0] "Kontokreditt utløper om én dag" diff --git a/gui/locales/nb/relay-locations.po b/gui/locales/nb/relay-locations.po index eb55f0b1aed0..fd28c31b10df 100644 --- a/gui/locales/nb/relay-locations.po +++ b/gui/locales/nb/relay-locations.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mullvad-app\n" "Language-Team: Norwegian Bokmal\n" "Language: nb_NO\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-05 14:16\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-04 12:55\n" #. AU ADL msgid "Adelaide" @@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ msgstr "Belgia" msgid "Belgrade" msgstr "Beograd" +#. DE BER +msgid "Berlin" +msgstr "Berlin" + #. CO BOG msgid "Bogota" msgstr "Bogotá" @@ -92,6 +96,10 @@ msgstr "Budapest" msgid "Bulgaria" msgstr "Bulgaria" +#. CA YYC +msgid "Calgary" +msgstr "Calgary" + #. CA msgid "Canada" msgstr "Canada" @@ -240,6 +248,10 @@ msgstr "Johannesburg" msgid "Kiev" msgstr "Kiev" +#. UA IEV +msgid "Kyiv" +msgstr "Kyiv" + #. LV msgid "Latvia" msgstr "Latvia" @@ -284,6 +296,10 @@ msgstr "Marseille" msgid "Melbourne" msgstr "Melbourne" +#. MX +msgid "Mexico" +msgstr "Mexico" + #. US MIA msgid "Miami, FL" msgstr "Miami, FL" @@ -384,6 +400,10 @@ msgstr "Praha" msgid "Pune" msgstr "Pune" +#. MX QRO +msgid "Queretaro" +msgstr "Queretaro" + #. US RAG msgid "Raleigh, NC" msgstr "Raleigh, NC" diff --git a/gui/locales/nl/messages.po b/gui/locales/nl/messages.po index 0fa89b1b096b..5ce46cbcea96 100644 --- a/gui/locales/nl/messages.po +++ b/gui/locales/nl/messages.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mullvad-app\n" "Language-Team: Dutch\n" "Language: nl_NL\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-05 14:16\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-04 12:55\n" msgid "%(duration)s was added, account paid until %(expiry)s." msgstr "%(duration)s is toegevoegd, account betaald tot %(expiry)s." @@ -180,6 +180,9 @@ msgstr "Afsluiten" msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "Opnieuw verbinden" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Opslaan" + msgid "Search for..." msgstr "Zoeken naar..." @@ -491,11 +494,6 @@ msgctxt "device-management" msgid "If you log out, the device and the device name is removed. When you log back in again, the device will get a new name." msgstr "Als u zich afmeldt, worden het apparaat en de apparaatnaam verwijderd. Wanneer u zich weer aanmeldt, krijgt het apparaat een nieuwe naam." -#. Confirmation button when logging out -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "Log out anyway" -msgstr "Toch afmelden" - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Please log out of at least one by removing it from the list below. You can find the corresponding device name under the device’s Account settings." msgstr "Meld u bij minstens één apparaat af door het te verwijderen uit de onderstaande lijst. U kunt de bijbehorende apparaatnaam vinden in de accountinstellingen van het apparaat." @@ -506,20 +504,10 @@ msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Super!" msgstr "Super!" -#. This is is a further explanation of what happens when logging out. -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "The ports forwarded to this device will be deleted if you log out." -msgstr "De naar dit apparaat doorgestuurde poorten worden verwijderd als u zich afmeldt." - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "This is the name assigned to the device. Each device logged in on a Mullvad account gets a unique name that helps you identify it when you manage your devices in the app or on the website." msgstr "Dit is de naam die aan het apparaat is toegewezen. Elk apparaat dat is aangemeld op een Mullvad-account, krijgt een unieke naam waarmee u het kunt identificeren wanneer u uw apparaten beheert in de app of op de website." -#. Further information about consequences of logging out device. -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "This will delete all forwarded ports. Local settings will be saved." -msgstr "Hiermee worden alle doorgestuurde poorten verwijderd. De lokale instellingen worden opgeslagen." - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Time left: %(timeLeft)s" msgstr "Resterende tijd: %(timeLeft)s" @@ -1021,6 +1009,10 @@ msgctxt "select-location-nav" msgid "Select location" msgstr "Locatie selecteren" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "(Added)" +msgstr "(Toegevoegd)" + #. This is used for appending information about a location. #. E.g. "Gothenburg (Entry)" if Gothenburg has been selected as the entrypoint. #. Available placeholders: @@ -1030,6 +1022,33 @@ msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "%(location)s (%(info)s)" msgstr "%(location)s (%(info)s)" +#. This is a label shown above a list of options. +#. Available placeholder: +#. %(locationType) - Could be either "Country", "City" and "Relay" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Add %(locationType)s to list" +msgstr "Voeg %(locationType)s toe aan de lijst" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "All locations" +msgstr "Alle locaties" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "City" +msgstr "Plaats" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Country" +msgstr "Land" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Custom lists" +msgstr "Aangepaste lijsten" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Edit list name" +msgstr "Lijstnaam bewerken" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Entry" msgstr "Ingang" @@ -1042,10 +1061,22 @@ msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Filtered:" msgstr "Gefilterd:" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "List names must be unique." +msgstr "Lijstnamen moeten uniek zijn." + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Name is already taken." +msgstr "Naam wordt al gebruikt." + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Providers: %(numberOfProviders)d" msgstr "Providers: %(numberOfProviders)d" +msgctxt "select-location-viewThis refers to a VPN server which we also call relay since it relays internet traffic from the user onto the internet. It should probably say server here instead of relay. I'll look into if this should be changed until next relay but for now it will be \"Relay\"." +msgid "Relay" +msgstr "Relay" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "The app selects a random bridge server, but servers have a higher probability the closer they are to you." msgstr "De app kiest een willekeurige brugserver, maar hoe dichter de server in de buurt staat, hoe groter de kans dat deze wordt gekozen." @@ -1424,10 +1455,6 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Enable IPv6" msgstr "IPv6 inschakelen" -msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" -msgid "Enable IPv6 communication through the tunnel." -msgstr "Schakel IPv6-communicatie door de tunnel in." - #. The label next to the multihop settings toggle. msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Enable multihop" @@ -1453,6 +1480,10 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Increases anonymity by routing your traffic into one %(wireguard)s server and out another, making it harder to trace." msgstr "Verhoogt de anonimiteit doordat uw verkeer in de ene %(wireguard)s-server binnenkomt en bij een andere server eruit gaat, waardoor het moeilijker te traceren is." +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "IPv4 is always enabled and the majority of websites and applications use this protocol. We do not recommend enabling IPv6 unless you know you need it." +msgstr "IPv4 is altijd ingeschakeld en de meeste websites en toepassingen gebruiken dit protocol. We raden niet aan om IPv6 in te schakelen, tenzij je weet dat je het nodig hebt." + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "It does this by allowing network communication outside the tunnel to local multicast and broadcast ranges as well as to and from these private IP ranges:" msgstr "De functie doet dit door netwerkcommunicatie buiten de tunnel naar lokale multicast- en broadcastbereiken toe te staan, alsmede van en naar deze private IP-adresbereiken:" @@ -1478,6 +1509,11 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Malware" msgstr "Malware" +#. Label for settings that enables block of social media. +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "Social media" +msgstr "Sociale media" + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "The app’s built-in kill switch is always on. This setting will additionally block the internet if clicking Disconnect or Quit." msgstr "De ingebouwde killswitch van de app staat altijd aan. Deze instelling blokkeert het internet bovendien als men op Verbinding verbreken of Afsluiten klikt." @@ -1539,6 +1575,10 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "When this feature is enabled it stops the device from contacting certain domains or websites known for distributing ads, malware, trackers and more." msgstr "Als deze functie is ingeschakeld, maakt het apparaat geen contact meer met bepaalde domeinen of websites waarvan bekend is dat ze advertenties, malware, trackers en meer verspreiden." +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "When this feature is enabled, IPv6 can be used alongside IPv4 in the VPN tunnel to communicate with internet services." +msgstr "Als deze functie is ingeschakeld, kan IPv6 naast IPv4 worden gebruikt in de VPN-tunnel om te communiceren met internetdiensten." + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "With Lockdown Mode enabled, you must be connected to a Mullvad VPN server to be able to reach the internet. Manually disconnecting or quitting the app will block your connection." msgstr "Met de Lockdownmodus ingeschakeld, moet u verbonden zijn met een Mullvad VPN-server om het internet te kunnen bereiken. Wanneer u handmatig de verbinding van de app verbreekt of de app afsluit, wordt uw verbinding geblokkeerd." @@ -1627,6 +1667,13 @@ msgctxt "wireguard-settings-view" msgid "Which TCP port the UDP-over-TCP obfuscation protocol should connect to on the VPN server." msgstr "Met welke TCP-poort moet het UDP-over-TCP-obfuscatieprotocol verbinding maken op de VPN-server." +msgctxt "Message shown after successfully adding subscription time to an account, where \"%s\" represent the amount of time, like for example \"1 day\" or \"4 months\".Full examples: \"1 day was added to your account.\"\"4 months was added to your account.\"" +msgid "%s was added to your account." +msgstr "Er is %s toegevoegd aan uw account." + +msgid "30 days was added to your account." +msgstr "Er zijn 30 dagen toegevoegd aan uw account." + msgid "Account credit expires in a few minutes" msgstr "Accountkrediet verloopt over enkele minuten" @@ -1636,6 +1683,12 @@ msgstr "Accountkrediet verloopt binnenkort" msgid "Account time reminders" msgstr "Accounttijdherinneringen" +msgid "Add 30 days time" +msgstr "30 dagen tijd toevoegen" + +msgid "Add 30 days time (%s)" +msgstr "30 dagen tijd toevoegen (%s)" + msgid "Add DNS server" msgstr "DNS-server toevoegen" @@ -1663,6 +1716,9 @@ msgstr "Internet wordt geblokkeerd (apparaat offline)" msgid "Changes to DNS related settings might not go into effect immediately due to cached results." msgstr "Wijzigingen in DNS-gerelateerde instellingen worden mogelijk niet onmiddellijk van kracht vanwege gecachete resultaten." +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "Verbinden ..." + msgid "Copied Mullvad account number to clipboard" msgstr "Mullvad-accountnummer gekopieerd naar klembord" @@ -1687,12 +1743,25 @@ msgstr "Inschakelen" msgid "Enter MTU" msgstr "Voer MTU in" +msgctxt "Placeholder in port number input field." +msgid "Enter port" +msgstr "Voer poort in" + msgid "Excluded applications" msgstr "Uitgesloten toepassingen" msgid "Going to login will unblock the internet on this device." msgstr "Als u naar aanmelden gaat, wordt het blokkeren van internet op dit apparaat opgeheven." +msgid "Google Play payment pending" +msgstr "Google Play-betaling in behandeling" + +msgid "Google Play unavailable" +msgstr "Google Play niet beschikbaar" + +msgid "If the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device." +msgstr "Als de split-tunnelingfunctie wordt gebruikt, vraagt de app het systeem om een lijst van alle geïnstalleerde toepassingen. Deze lijst wordt alleen opgehaald in de split-tunnelingweergave. De lijst van geïnstalleerde toepassingen wordt nooit verzonden vanaf het apparaat." + msgid "Install Mullvad VPN (%s) to stay up to date" msgstr "Installeer Mullvad VPN (%s) om up-to-date te blijven" @@ -1702,6 +1771,9 @@ msgstr "Account beheren" msgid "Mullvad account number" msgstr "Mullvad-accountnummer" +msgid "Mullvad services unavailable" +msgstr "Mullvad-diensten niet beschikbaar" + msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Voorkeuren" @@ -1714,6 +1786,9 @@ msgstr "Privacybeleid" msgid "Remove" msgstr "Verwijderen" +msgid "Remove custom port" +msgstr "Aangepaste poort verwijderen" + msgid "Reset to default" msgstr "Standaardwaarde herstellen" @@ -1723,6 +1798,9 @@ msgstr "Beveiligd" msgid "Set WireGuard MTU value. Valid range: %d - %d." msgstr "Stel de MTU-waarde voor WireGuard in. Geldig bereik: %d - %d." +msgid "Set port" +msgstr "Poort instellen" + msgid "Show system apps" msgstr "Systeemapps weergeven" @@ -1732,9 +1810,6 @@ msgstr "Toont de huidige status van de VPN-tunnel" msgid "Shows reminders when the account time is about to expire" msgstr "Toont herinneringen wanneer de accounttijd op het punt staat te verlopen" -msgid "Split tunneling makes it possible to select which applications should not be routed through the VPN tunnel." -msgstr "Split tunneling maakt het mogelijk te kiezen welke toepassingen niet via de VPN-tunnel moeten worden geleid." - msgid "Submit" msgstr "Verzenden" @@ -1747,8 +1822,8 @@ msgstr "Dit adres is al ingevoerd." msgid "This might cause issues on certain websites, services, and apps." msgstr "Dit kan problemen veroorzaken met bepaalde websites, diensten en apps." -msgid "To make sure that you have the most secure version and to inform you of any issues with the current version that is running, the app performs version checks automatically. This sends the app version and Android system version to Mullvad servers. Mullvad keeps counters on number of used app versions and Android versions. The data is never stored or used in any way that can identify you.\\n\\nIf the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device." -msgstr "Om er zeker van te zijn dat u de meest veilige versie hebt en om u te informeren over eventuele problemen met de huidige versie die wordt uitgevoerd, voert de app automatisch versiecontroles uit. Daarbij worden de appversie en de Android-systeemversie naar de servers van Mullvad gestuurd. Mullvad houdt tellers bij over gebruiksaantallen van appversies en Android-versies. De gegevens worden nooit opgeslagen of gebruikt op een manier die u kan identificeren.\\n\\nAls de functie split tunneling wordt gebruikt, dan vraagt de app uw systeem om een lijst van alle geïnstalleerde apps. Deze lijst wordt alleen opgehaald in de split-tunneling-weergave. De lijst van geïnstalleerde apps wordt nooit verzonden vanaf het apparaat." +msgid "To make sure that you have the most secure version and to inform you of any issues with the current version that is running, the app performs version checks automatically. This sends the app version and Android system version to Mullvad servers. Mullvad keeps counters on number of used app versions and Android versions. The data is never stored or used in any way that can identify you." +msgstr "Om zeker te zijn dat u de meest veilige versie hebt en om u te informeren over eventuele problemen met de huidige geactiveerde versie, voert de app automatisch versiecontroles uit. Hierbij worden de appversie en de Android-systeemversie naar de servers van Mullvad gestuurd. Mullvad houdt tellers bij voor gebruikte appversies en Android-versies. De gegevens worden nooit opgeslagen of gebruikt op een manier die u kan identificeren." msgid "Toggle VPN" msgstr "VPN in-/uitschakelen" @@ -1780,18 +1855,46 @@ msgstr "Status VPN-tunnel" msgid "Valid WireGuard key is missing. Manage keys under Advanced settings." msgstr "Geldige WireGuard-sleutel ontbreekt. Beheer sleutels onder Geavanceerde instellingen." +msgctxt "Used to inform the user about a set of valid network port number ranges, for example: \"Valid ranges: 1-10, 100-200, 30000-31000\" " +msgid "Valid ranges: %s" +msgstr "Geldige bereiken: %s" + +msgid "Verifying purchase" +msgstr "Aankoop verifiëren" + +msgid "Verifying purchase..." +msgstr "Aankoop controleren ..." + +msgid "Verifying voucher…" +msgstr "Voucher verifiëren …" + msgid "Virtual adapter error" msgstr "Fout virtuele adapter" +msgid "We are currently verifying your purchase, this might take some time. Your time will be added if the verification is successful." +msgstr "We verifiëren momenteel uw aankoop, dit kan even duren. Uw tijd wordt toegevoegd als de controle succesvol is." + +msgid "We were unable to start the payment process, please make sure you have the latest version of Google Play." +msgstr "We kunnen het betalingsproces niet starten. Controleer of u de nieuwste versie van Google Play hebt." + +msgid "We were unable to start the payment process, please try again later." +msgstr "We kunnen het betalingsproces niet starten, probeer het later opnieuw." + msgid "While connected, your real location is masked with a private and secure location in the selected region." msgstr "Wanneer u verbonden bent, wordt uw daadwerkelijke locatie gemaskeerd met een privé en veilige locatie in de geselecteerde regio." msgid "WireGuard MTU" msgstr "WireGuard-MTU" +msgid "WireGuard custom port" +msgstr "Aangepaste WireGuard-poort" + msgid "WireGuard obfuscation" msgstr "WireGuard-obfuscatie" +msgid "WireGuard port" +msgstr "WireGuard-poort" + msgid "YOU MIGHT BE LEAKING NETWORK TRAFFIC" msgstr "U LEKT MOGELIJK NETWERKVERKEER" @@ -1801,6 +1904,19 @@ msgstr "U gebruikt een niet-ondersteunde versie van de app." msgid "less than a minute ago" msgstr "minder dan een minuut geleden" +msgid "less than one day" +msgstr "minder dan één dag" + +msgid "%d day" +msgid_plural "%d days" +msgstr[0] "%d dag" +msgstr[1] "%d dagen" + +msgid "%d month" +msgid_plural "%d months" +msgstr[0] "%d maand" +msgstr[1] "%d maanden" + msgid "Account credit expires in a day" msgid_plural "Account credit expires in %d days" msgstr[0] "Accountkrediet verloopt over een dag" diff --git a/gui/locales/nl/relay-locations.po b/gui/locales/nl/relay-locations.po index 7f14f0615f10..40254f826f0b 100644 --- a/gui/locales/nl/relay-locations.po +++ b/gui/locales/nl/relay-locations.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mullvad-app\n" "Language-Team: Dutch\n" "Language: nl_NL\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-05 14:16\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-04 12:55\n" #. AU ADL msgid "Adelaide" @@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ msgstr "België" msgid "Belgrade" msgstr "Belgrado" +#. DE BER +msgid "Berlin" +msgstr "Berlijn" + #. CO BOG msgid "Bogota" msgstr "Bogota" @@ -92,6 +96,10 @@ msgstr "Boedapest" msgid "Bulgaria" msgstr "Bulgarije" +#. CA YYC +msgid "Calgary" +msgstr "Calgary" + #. CA msgid "Canada" msgstr "Canada" @@ -240,6 +248,10 @@ msgstr "Johannesburg" msgid "Kiev" msgstr "Kiev" +#. UA IEV +msgid "Kyiv" +msgstr "Kiev" + #. LV msgid "Latvia" msgstr "Letland" @@ -284,6 +296,10 @@ msgstr "Marseille" msgid "Melbourne" msgstr "Melbourne" +#. MX +msgid "Mexico" +msgstr "Mexico" + #. US MIA msgid "Miami, FL" msgstr "Miami, FL" @@ -384,6 +400,10 @@ msgstr "Praag" msgid "Pune" msgstr "Pune" +#. MX QRO +msgid "Queretaro" +msgstr "Querétaro" + #. US RAG msgid "Raleigh, NC" msgstr "Raleigh, NC" diff --git a/gui/locales/pl/messages.po b/gui/locales/pl/messages.po index 8d09a106b870..0d4a6678fb64 100644 --- a/gui/locales/pl/messages.po +++ b/gui/locales/pl/messages.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mullvad-app\n" "Language-Team: Polish\n" "Language: pl_PL\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-05 14:16\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-04 12:55\n" msgid "%(duration)s was added, account paid until %(expiry)s." msgstr "Dodano %(duration)s, konto opłacone do %(expiry)s." @@ -192,6 +192,9 @@ msgstr "Wyjdź" msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "Połącz ponownie" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Zapisz" + msgid "Search for..." msgstr "Wyszukaj..." @@ -503,11 +506,6 @@ msgctxt "device-management" msgid "If you log out, the device and the device name is removed. When you log back in again, the device will get a new name." msgstr "Przy wylogowaniu urządzenie i jego nazwa zostają usunięte. Po ponownym zalogowaniu urządzenie otrzymuje nową nazwę." -#. Confirmation button when logging out -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "Log out anyway" -msgstr "Wyloguj się mimo to" - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Please log out of at least one by removing it from the list below. You can find the corresponding device name under the device’s Account settings." msgstr "Wyloguj się z co najmniej jednego urządzenia, usuwając je z poniższej listy. Odpowiednią nazwę urządzenia można znaleźć w ustawieniach konta urządzenia." @@ -518,20 +516,10 @@ msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Super!" msgstr "Super!" -#. This is is a further explanation of what happens when logging out. -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "The ports forwarded to this device will be deleted if you log out." -msgstr "Porty przekierowane do tego urządzenia zostaną usunięte po wylogowaniu." - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "This is the name assigned to the device. Each device logged in on a Mullvad account gets a unique name that helps you identify it when you manage your devices in the app or on the website." msgstr "Jest to nazwa przypisana do urządzenia. Każde urządzenie zalogowane na koncie Mullvad otrzymuje unikalną nazwę, która pozwala zidentyfikować je podczas zarządzania urządzeniami w aplikacji lub za pośrednictwem witryny internetowej." -#. Further information about consequences of logging out device. -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "This will delete all forwarded ports. Local settings will be saved." -msgstr "Spowoduje to usunięcie wszystkich przekierowanych portów. Ustawienia lokalne zostaną zapisane." - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Time left: %(timeLeft)s" msgstr "Pozostało: %(timeLeft)s" @@ -1033,6 +1021,10 @@ msgctxt "select-location-nav" msgid "Select location" msgstr "Wybierz lokalizację" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "(Added)" +msgstr "(dodano)" + #. This is used for appending information about a location. #. E.g. "Gothenburg (Entry)" if Gothenburg has been selected as the entrypoint. #. Available placeholders: @@ -1042,6 +1034,33 @@ msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "%(location)s (%(info)s)" msgstr "%(location)s (%(info)s)" +#. This is a label shown above a list of options. +#. Available placeholder: +#. %(locationType) - Could be either "Country", "City" and "Relay" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Add %(locationType)s to list" +msgstr "Dodaj %(locationType)s do listy" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "All locations" +msgstr "Wszystkie lokalizacje" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "City" +msgstr "Miasto" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Country" +msgstr "Kraj" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Custom lists" +msgstr "Listy niestandardowe" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Edit list name" +msgstr "Edytuj nazwę listy" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Entry" msgstr "Wejście" @@ -1054,10 +1073,22 @@ msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Filtered:" msgstr "Odfiltrowane:" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "List names must be unique." +msgstr "Nazwy list muszą być unikalne." + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Name is already taken." +msgstr "Nazwa jest już zajęta." + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Providers: %(numberOfProviders)d" msgstr "Dostawcy: %(numberOfProviders)d" +msgctxt "select-location-viewThis refers to a VPN server which we also call relay since it relays internet traffic from the user onto the internet. It should probably say server here instead of relay. I'll look into if this should be changed until next relay but for now it will be \"Relay\"." +msgid "Relay" +msgstr "przekaźnik" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "The app selects a random bridge server, but servers have a higher probability the closer they are to you." msgstr "Aplikacja wybiera losowy serwer mostowy, jednak pobliskie serwery mają większe szanse." @@ -1436,10 +1467,6 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Enable IPv6" msgstr "Włącz IPv6" -msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" -msgid "Enable IPv6 communication through the tunnel." -msgstr "Włącz komunikację IPv6 przez tunel." - #. The label next to the multihop settings toggle. msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Enable multihop" @@ -1465,6 +1492,10 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Increases anonymity by routing your traffic into one %(wireguard)s server and out another, making it harder to trace." msgstr "Zwiększa anonimowość, kierując ruch do jednego serwera %(wireguard)s i wyprowadzając go z drugiego, co utrudnia śledzenie." +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "IPv4 is always enabled and the majority of websites and applications use this protocol. We do not recommend enabling IPv6 unless you know you need it." +msgstr "Protokół IPv4 jest zawsze włączony, a używa go większość witryn internetowych oraz aplikacji. Nie zalecamy włączania protokołu IPv6, chyba że jest to konieczne." + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "It does this by allowing network communication outside the tunnel to local multicast and broadcast ranges as well as to and from these private IP ranges:" msgstr "Zapewnia to poprzez umożliwienie komunikacji sieciowej poza tunelem do lokalnych zakresów adresów IP multiemisji i emisji, a także do i z następujących prywatnych zakresów adresów IP:" @@ -1490,6 +1521,11 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Malware" msgstr "Złośliwe oprogramowanie" +#. Label for settings that enables block of social media. +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "Social media" +msgstr "Media społecznościowe" + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "The app’s built-in kill switch is always on. This setting will additionally block the internet if clicking Disconnect or Quit." msgstr "Wbudowany kill switch aplikacji jest zawsze włączony. To ustawienie dodatkowo blokuje dostęp do Internetu w razie kliknięcia przycisku Rozłącz lub Zamknij." @@ -1551,6 +1587,10 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "When this feature is enabled it stops the device from contacting certain domains or websites known for distributing ads, malware, trackers and more." msgstr "Po włączeniu funkcja ta uniemożliwia urządzeniu kontakt z określonymi domenami lub witrynami internetowymi, które rozpowszechniają reklamy, złośliwe oprogramowanie itd." +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "When this feature is enabled, IPv6 can be used alongside IPv4 in the VPN tunnel to communicate with internet services." +msgstr "Gdy ta funkcja jest włączona, protokołu IPv6 można używać wraz z protokołem IPv4 w tunelu VPN do komunikacji z usługami internetowymi." + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "With Lockdown Mode enabled, you must be connected to a Mullvad VPN server to be able to reach the internet. Manually disconnecting or quitting the app will block your connection." msgstr "Przy włączonym trybie Lockdown, aby móc połączyć się z Internetem, nawiązane musi być połączenie z serwerem Mullvad VPN. Ręczne rozłączenie lub zamknięcie aplikacji spowoduje zablokowanie połączenia." @@ -1639,6 +1679,13 @@ msgctxt "wireguard-settings-view" msgid "Which TCP port the UDP-over-TCP obfuscation protocol should connect to on the VPN server." msgstr "Port TCP, z którym powinien łączyć się protokół zaciemniania UDP-przez-TCP na serwerze VPN." +msgctxt "Message shown after successfully adding subscription time to an account, where \"%s\" represent the amount of time, like for example \"1 day\" or \"4 months\".Full examples: \"1 day was added to your account.\"\"4 months was added to your account.\"" +msgid "%s was added to your account." +msgstr "Do konta dodano %s." + +msgid "30 days was added to your account." +msgstr "Do konta dodano 30 dni." + msgid "Account credit expires in a few minutes" msgstr "Doładowanie konta wygasa za kilka minut" @@ -1648,6 +1695,12 @@ msgstr "Doładowanie konta wkrótce wygasa" msgid "Account time reminders" msgstr "Przypomnienia o czasie na koncie" +msgid "Add 30 days time" +msgstr "Dodaj 30 dni" + +msgid "Add 30 days time (%s)" +msgstr "Dodaj 30 dni (%s)" + msgid "Add DNS server" msgstr "Dodaj serwer DNS" @@ -1675,6 +1728,9 @@ msgstr "Blokowanie Internetu (urządzenie rozłączone)" msgid "Changes to DNS related settings might not go into effect immediately due to cached results." msgstr "Zmiany w ustawieniach związanych z usługą DNS mogą nie zostać wprowadzone natychmiast ze względu na zbuforowane wyniki." +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "Łączenie..." + msgid "Copied Mullvad account number to clipboard" msgstr "Skopiowano numer konta Mullvad do schowka" @@ -1699,12 +1755,25 @@ msgstr "Włącz" msgid "Enter MTU" msgstr "Wprowadź MTU" +msgctxt "Placeholder in port number input field." +msgid "Enter port" +msgstr "Wprowadź port" + msgid "Excluded applications" msgstr "Wykluczone aplikacje" msgid "Going to login will unblock the internet on this device." msgstr "Przejście do logowania odblokuje Internet na tym urządzeniu." +msgid "Google Play payment pending" +msgstr "Oczekiwanie na płatność Google Play" + +msgid "Google Play unavailable" +msgstr "Sklep Google Play jest niedostępny" + +msgid "If the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device." +msgstr "Jeśli używana jest funkcja dzielonego tunelowania, aplikacja wysyła do systemu zapytanie o listę wszystkich zainstalowanych aplikacji. Lista ta jest pobierana wyłącznie w widoku dzielonego tunelowania. Lista zainstalowanych aplikacji nigdy nie jest wysyłana z urządzenia." + msgid "Install Mullvad VPN (%s) to stay up to date" msgstr "Aby być na bieżąco, zainstaluj Mullvad VPN (%s)" @@ -1714,6 +1783,9 @@ msgstr "Zarządzaj kontem" msgid "Mullvad account number" msgstr "Numer konta Mullvad" +msgid "Mullvad services unavailable" +msgstr "Usługi Mullvad są niedostępne" + msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Preferencje" @@ -1726,6 +1798,9 @@ msgstr "Polityka prywatności" msgid "Remove" msgstr "Usuń" +msgid "Remove custom port" +msgstr "Usuń port niestandardowy" + msgid "Reset to default" msgstr "Przywróć domyślne" @@ -1735,6 +1810,9 @@ msgstr "Zabezpieczone" msgid "Set WireGuard MTU value. Valid range: %d - %d." msgstr "Ustaw wartość MTU WireGuard. Prawidłowy zakres: %d–%d." +msgid "Set port" +msgstr "Ustaw port" + msgid "Show system apps" msgstr "Pokaż aplikacje systemowe" @@ -1744,9 +1822,6 @@ msgstr "Pokazuje bieżący status tunelu VPN" msgid "Shows reminders when the account time is about to expire" msgstr "Pokazuje przypomnienia, gdy kończy się czas na koncie" -msgid "Split tunneling makes it possible to select which applications should not be routed through the VPN tunnel." -msgstr "Dzielone tunelowanie umożliwia wybranie aplikacji, które nie powinny być kierowane przez tunel VPN." - msgid "Submit" msgstr "Prześlij" @@ -1759,8 +1834,8 @@ msgstr "Ten adres został już wprowadzony." msgid "This might cause issues on certain websites, services, and apps." msgstr "Może to powodować problemy z niektórymi witrynami internetowymi, usługami i aplikacjami." -msgid "To make sure that you have the most secure version and to inform you of any issues with the current version that is running, the app performs version checks automatically. This sends the app version and Android system version to Mullvad servers. Mullvad keeps counters on number of used app versions and Android versions. The data is never stored or used in any way that can identify you.\\n\\nIf the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device." -msgstr "Aby upewnić się, że masz najbezpieczniejszą wersję i poinformować Cię o wszelkich problemach z aktualnie uruchomioną wersją, aplikacja automatycznie sprawdza wersję. Powoduje to wysłanie wersji aplikacji i wersji systemu Android na serwery Mullvad. Mullvad prowadzi liczniki używanych wersji aplikacji i wersji systemu Android. Dane te nigdy nie są przechowywane ani wykorzystywane w żaden sposób umożlwiiający zidentyfikowanie Ciebie.\\n\\nJeśli używana jest funkcja dzielonego tunelowania, aplikacja wysyła do systemu zapytanie o listę wszystkich zainstalowanych aplikacji. Lista ta jest pobierana wyłącznie w widoku dzielonego tunelowania. Lista zainstalowanych aplikacji nigdy nie jest wysyłana z urządzenia." +msgid "To make sure that you have the most secure version and to inform you of any issues with the current version that is running, the app performs version checks automatically. This sends the app version and Android system version to Mullvad servers. Mullvad keeps counters on number of used app versions and Android versions. The data is never stored or used in any way that can identify you." +msgstr "Aby upewnić się, że masz najbezpieczniejszą wersję i poinformować Cię o wszelkich problemach z aktualnie uruchomioną wersją, aplikacja automatycznie sprawdza wersję. Powoduje to wysłanie wersji aplikacji i wersji systemu Android na serwery Mullvad. Mullvad prowadzi liczniki używanych wersji aplikacji i wersji systemu Android. Dane te nigdy nie są przechowywane ani wykorzystywane w żaden sposób, który umożliwiłby zidentyfikowanie Ciebie jako osoby." msgid "Toggle VPN" msgstr "Przełącz VPN" @@ -1792,18 +1867,46 @@ msgstr "Status tunelu VPN" msgid "Valid WireGuard key is missing. Manage keys under Advanced settings." msgstr "Brak prawidłowego klucza WireGuard. Zarządzaj kluczami w Ustawieniach zaawansowanych." +msgctxt "Used to inform the user about a set of valid network port number ranges, for example: \"Valid ranges: 1-10, 100-200, 30000-31000\" " +msgid "Valid ranges: %s" +msgstr "Prawidłowe zakresy: %s" + +msgid "Verifying purchase" +msgstr "Weryfikowanie zakupu" + +msgid "Verifying purchase..." +msgstr "Weryfikowanie zakupu..." + +msgid "Verifying voucher…" +msgstr "Weryfikowanie kuponu…" + msgid "Virtual adapter error" msgstr "Błąd wirtualnej karty sieciowej" +msgid "We are currently verifying your purchase, this might take some time. Your time will be added if the verification is successful." +msgstr "Weryfikujemy zakup. Może to zająć trochę czasu. Jeśli weryfikacja powiedzie się, czas zostanie dodany." + +msgid "We were unable to start the payment process, please make sure you have the latest version of Google Play." +msgstr "Nie mogliśmy rozpocząć procesu płatności. Upewnij się, że masz najnowszą wersję aplikacji Google Play." + +msgid "We were unable to start the payment process, please try again later." +msgstr "Nie mogliśmy rozpocząć procesu płatności. Spróbuj ponownie później." + msgid "While connected, your real location is masked with a private and secure location in the selected region." msgstr "Podczas połączenia Twoja prawdziwa lokalizacja jest maskowana prywatną, bezpieczną lokalizacją w wybranym regionie." msgid "WireGuard MTU" msgstr "MTU WireGuard" +msgid "WireGuard custom port" +msgstr "Niestandardowy port WireGuard" + msgid "WireGuard obfuscation" msgstr "Zaciemnianie WireGuard" +msgid "WireGuard port" +msgstr "Port WireGuard" + msgid "YOU MIGHT BE LEAKING NETWORK TRAFFIC" msgstr "TWÓJ RUCH SIECIOWY MOŻE WYCIEKAĆ" @@ -1813,6 +1916,23 @@ msgstr "Używasz nieobsługiwanej wersji aplikacji." msgid "less than a minute ago" msgstr "mniej niż minutę temu" +msgid "less than one day" +msgstr "mniej niż jeden dzień" + +msgid "%d day" +msgid_plural "%d days" +msgstr[0] "%d dzień" +msgstr[1] "%d dni" +msgstr[2] "%d dni" +msgstr[3] "%d dnia" + +msgid "%d month" +msgid_plural "%d months" +msgstr[0] "%d miesiąc" +msgstr[1] "%d miesiące" +msgstr[2] "%d miesięcy" +msgstr[3] "%d miesiąca" + msgid "Account credit expires in a day" msgid_plural "Account credit expires in %d days" msgstr[0] "Doładowanie konta wygasa za 1 dzień" diff --git a/gui/locales/pl/relay-locations.po b/gui/locales/pl/relay-locations.po index edde309e3f3f..8b3b95a7fceb 100644 --- a/gui/locales/pl/relay-locations.po +++ b/gui/locales/pl/relay-locations.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mullvad-app\n" "Language-Team: Polish\n" "Language: pl_PL\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-05 14:16\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-04 12:55\n" #. AU ADL msgid "Adelaide" @@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ msgstr "Belgia" msgid "Belgrade" msgstr "Belgrad" +#. DE BER +msgid "Berlin" +msgstr "Berlin" + #. CO BOG msgid "Bogota" msgstr "Bogota" @@ -92,6 +96,10 @@ msgstr "Budapeszt" msgid "Bulgaria" msgstr "Bułgaria" +#. CA YYC +msgid "Calgary" +msgstr "Calgary" + #. CA msgid "Canada" msgstr "Kanada" @@ -240,6 +248,10 @@ msgstr "Johannesburg" msgid "Kiev" msgstr "Kijów" +#. UA IEV +msgid "Kyiv" +msgstr "Kijów" + #. LV msgid "Latvia" msgstr "Łotwa" @@ -284,6 +296,10 @@ msgstr "Marsylia" msgid "Melbourne" msgstr "Melbourne" +#. MX +msgid "Mexico" +msgstr "Meksyk" + #. US MIA msgid "Miami, FL" msgstr "Miami, FL" @@ -384,6 +400,10 @@ msgstr "Praga" msgid "Pune" msgstr "Pune" +#. MX QRO +msgid "Queretaro" +msgstr "Querétaro" + #. US RAG msgid "Raleigh, NC" msgstr "Raleigh, NC" diff --git a/gui/locales/pt/messages.po b/gui/locales/pt/messages.po index d4f772f73949..be01226b758f 100644 --- a/gui/locales/pt/messages.po +++ b/gui/locales/pt/messages.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mullvad-app\n" "Language-Team: Portuguese\n" "Language: pt_PT\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-05 14:16\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-04 12:55\n" msgid "%(duration)s was added, account paid until %(expiry)s." msgstr "foi adicionado %(duration)s, conta paga até %(expiry)s." @@ -180,6 +180,9 @@ msgstr "Sair" msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "Religar" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Guardar" + msgid "Search for..." msgstr "Pesquisar por..." @@ -491,11 +494,6 @@ msgctxt "device-management" msgid "If you log out, the device and the device name is removed. When you log back in again, the device will get a new name." msgstr "Se terminar a sessão, o dispositivo e o nome do dispositivo são removidos. Quando voltar a iniciar sessão, o dispositivo recebe um novo nome." -#. Confirmation button when logging out -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "Log out anyway" -msgstr "Desligar mesmo assim" - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Please log out of at least one by removing it from the list below. You can find the corresponding device name under the device’s Account settings." msgstr "Desligue-se de pelo menos um dos dispositivos removendo-o da lista abaixo. Pode encontrar o nome do dispositivo correspondente nas definições de Conta do dispositivo." @@ -506,20 +504,10 @@ msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Super!" msgstr "Excelente!" -#. This is is a further explanation of what happens when logging out. -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "The ports forwarded to this device will be deleted if you log out." -msgstr "As portas reencaminhadas para este dispositivo serão apagadas caso se desligue." - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "This is the name assigned to the device. Each device logged in on a Mullvad account gets a unique name that helps you identify it when you manage your devices in the app or on the website." msgstr "Este é o nome atribuído ao dispositivo. Cada dispositivo com sessão iniciada numa conta Mullvad recebe um nome único que lhe ajuda a identificá-lo quando gere os seus dispositivos na app ou no site." -#. Further information about consequences of logging out device. -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "This will delete all forwarded ports. Local settings will be saved." -msgstr "Esta ação irá apagar todas as portas reencaminhadas. As definições locais serão guardadas." - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Time left: %(timeLeft)s" msgstr "Tempo restante: %(timeLeft)s" @@ -1021,6 +1009,10 @@ msgctxt "select-location-nav" msgid "Select location" msgstr "Selecionar local" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "(Added)" +msgstr "(adicionado)" + #. This is used for appending information about a location. #. E.g. "Gothenburg (Entry)" if Gothenburg has been selected as the entrypoint. #. Available placeholders: @@ -1030,6 +1022,33 @@ msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "%(location)s (%(info)s)" msgstr "%(location)s (%(info)s)" +#. This is a label shown above a list of options. +#. Available placeholder: +#. %(locationType) - Could be either "Country", "City" and "Relay" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Add %(locationType)s to list" +msgstr "Adicionar %(locationType)s à lista" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "All locations" +msgstr "Todas as localizações" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "City" +msgstr "Cidade" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Country" +msgstr "País" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Custom lists" +msgstr "Listas personalizadas" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Edit list name" +msgstr "Editar nome da lista" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Entry" msgstr "Entrada" @@ -1042,10 +1061,22 @@ msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Filtered:" msgstr "Filtrado:" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "List names must be unique." +msgstr "Os nomes de listas devem ser únicos." + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Name is already taken." +msgstr "O nome já está a ser utilizado." + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Providers: %(numberOfProviders)d" msgstr "Fornecedores: %(numberOfProviders)d" +msgctxt "select-location-viewThis refers to a VPN server which we also call relay since it relays internet traffic from the user onto the internet. It should probably say server here instead of relay. I'll look into if this should be changed until next relay but for now it will be \"Relay\"." +msgid "Relay" +msgstr "Retransmissão" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "The app selects a random bridge server, but servers have a higher probability the closer they are to you." msgstr "A aplicação seleciona um servidor ponte aleatório, mas os servidores mais perto de si têm uma probabilidade mais elevada." @@ -1424,10 +1455,6 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Enable IPv6" msgstr "Ativar IPv6" -msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" -msgid "Enable IPv6 communication through the tunnel." -msgstr "Ativar comunicação IPv6 através do túnel." - #. The label next to the multihop settings toggle. msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Enable multihop" @@ -1453,6 +1480,10 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Increases anonymity by routing your traffic into one %(wireguard)s server and out another, making it harder to trace." msgstr "Aumenta o anonimato ao redirecionar o seu tráfego para entrar num servidor %(wireguard)s e sair noutro, tornando-o mais difícil de seguir." +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "IPv4 is always enabled and the majority of websites and applications use this protocol. We do not recommend enabling IPv6 unless you know you need it." +msgstr "O IPv4 está sempre ativado e a maioria dos websites e aplicações utilizam este protocolo. Não recomendamos a ativação do IPv6, a menos que saiba que precisa dele." + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "It does this by allowing network communication outside the tunnel to local multicast and broadcast ranges as well as to and from these private IP ranges:" msgstr "Para tal, permite a comunicação de rede fora do túnel para intervalos locais de multicast e difusão, bem como de e para estes intervalos de IPs privados:" @@ -1478,6 +1509,11 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Malware" msgstr "Malware" +#. Label for settings that enables block of social media. +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "Social media" +msgstr "Redes sociais" + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "The app’s built-in kill switch is always on. This setting will additionally block the internet if clicking Disconnect or Quit." msgstr "O kill switch integrado da aplicação está sempre ligado. Esta definição bloqueará adicionalmente a Internet caso o utilizador se desligue ou saia da aplicação." @@ -1539,6 +1575,10 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "When this feature is enabled it stops the device from contacting certain domains or websites known for distributing ads, malware, trackers and more." msgstr "Quando esta funcionalidade é ativada, impede que o dispositivo contacte certos domínios ou sites conhecidos por distribuir anúncios, malware, trackers e muito mais." +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "When this feature is enabled, IPv6 can be used alongside IPv4 in the VPN tunnel to communicate with internet services." +msgstr "Quando esta funcionalidade está ativada, o IPv6 pode ser utilizado juntamente com o IPv4 no túnel VPN para comunicar com os serviços Internet." + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "With Lockdown Mode enabled, you must be connected to a Mullvad VPN server to be able to reach the internet. Manually disconnecting or quitting the app will block your connection." msgstr "Com o Modo de bloqueio ativado, deve estar ligado a um servidor VPN Mullvad para poder aceder à Internet. Desligar manualmente ou sair da aplicação irá bloquear a sua ligação." @@ -1627,6 +1667,13 @@ msgctxt "wireguard-settings-view" msgid "Which TCP port the UDP-over-TCP obfuscation protocol should connect to on the VPN server." msgstr "A que porta TCP o protocolo de ofuscação UDP sobre TCP deve ligar-se no servidor VPN." +msgctxt "Message shown after successfully adding subscription time to an account, where \"%s\" represent the amount of time, like for example \"1 day\" or \"4 months\".Full examples: \"1 day was added to your account.\"\"4 months was added to your account.\"" +msgid "%s was added to your account." +msgstr "%s adicionado(s) à sua conta." + +msgid "30 days was added to your account." +msgstr "30 dias adicionados à sua conta." + msgid "Account credit expires in a few minutes" msgstr "O crédito da conta expira dentro de alguns minutos" @@ -1636,6 +1683,12 @@ msgstr "O crédito da conta expira brevemente" msgid "Account time reminders" msgstr "Lembretes de tempo da conta" +msgid "Add 30 days time" +msgstr "Adicionar 30 dias" + +msgid "Add 30 days time (%s)" +msgstr "Adicionar 30 dias (%s)" + msgid "Add DNS server" msgstr "Adicionar servidor DNS" @@ -1663,6 +1716,9 @@ msgstr "Bloqueio de Internet (dispositivo offline)" msgid "Changes to DNS related settings might not go into effect immediately due to cached results." msgstr "As alterações às definições relacionadas com o DNS podem não fazer efeito imediatamente devido aos resultados em cache." +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "A ligar..." + msgid "Copied Mullvad account number to clipboard" msgstr "Número de conta Mullvad copiado para a área de transferência" @@ -1687,12 +1743,25 @@ msgstr "Ativar" msgid "Enter MTU" msgstr "Introduzir MTU" +msgctxt "Placeholder in port number input field." +msgid "Enter port" +msgstr "Introduzir porta" + msgid "Excluded applications" msgstr "Aplicações excluídas" msgid "Going to login will unblock the internet on this device." msgstr "Ir para a ligação irá desbloquear a Internet neste dispositivo." +msgid "Google Play payment pending" +msgstr "Pagamento Google Play pendente" + +msgid "Google Play unavailable" +msgstr "Google Play indisponível" + +msgid "If the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device." +msgstr "Se for utilizada a funcionalidade de divisão do túnel, a app consulta o seu sistema para obter uma lista de todas as aplicações instaladas. Esta lista só é recuperada na vista de divisão do túnel. A lista de aplicações instaladas nunca é enviada pelo dispositivo." + msgid "Install Mullvad VPN (%s) to stay up to date" msgstr "Instalar o Mullvad VPN (%s) para ficar atualizado" @@ -1702,6 +1771,9 @@ msgstr "Gerir conta" msgid "Mullvad account number" msgstr "Número de conta Mullvad" +msgid "Mullvad services unavailable" +msgstr "Serviços Mullvad indisponíveis" + msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Preferências" @@ -1714,6 +1786,9 @@ msgstr "Política de privacidade" msgid "Remove" msgstr "Remover" +msgid "Remove custom port" +msgstr "Remover porta personalizada" + msgid "Reset to default" msgstr "Repor para as predefinições" @@ -1723,6 +1798,9 @@ msgstr "Seguro" msgid "Set WireGuard MTU value. Valid range: %d - %d." msgstr "Definir o valor WireGuard MTU. Intervalo válido: %d - %d." +msgid "Set port" +msgstr "Definir porta" + msgid "Show system apps" msgstr "Mostrar aplicações do sistema" @@ -1732,9 +1810,6 @@ msgstr "Indica o estado atual do túnel VPN" msgid "Shows reminders when the account time is about to expire" msgstr "Mostra lembretes quando o tempo da conta está prestes a expirar" -msgid "Split tunneling makes it possible to select which applications should not be routed through the VPN tunnel." -msgstr "A divisão do túnel permite selecionar quais as aplicações que devem ser direcionadas através do túnel VPN." - msgid "Submit" msgstr "Enviar" @@ -1747,8 +1822,8 @@ msgstr "Este endereço já foi introduzido." msgid "This might cause issues on certain websites, services, and apps." msgstr "Pode causar problemas em alguns sites, serviços e apps." -msgid "To make sure that you have the most secure version and to inform you of any issues with the current version that is running, the app performs version checks automatically. This sends the app version and Android system version to Mullvad servers. Mullvad keeps counters on number of used app versions and Android versions. The data is never stored or used in any way that can identify you.\\n\\nIf the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device." -msgstr "Para se certificar de que tem a versão mais segura e para o informar de quaisquer problemas com a versão atual em execução, a app efetua verificações de versão automaticamente. Isto envia a versão da app e a versão do sistema Android para os servidores do Mullvad. O Mullvad mantém um registo do número de versões da app e de versões do Android utilizadas. Os dados nunca são armazenados ou utilizados de forma a identificá-lo.\\n\\nSe for utilizada a funcionalidade de divisão do túnel, a app consulta o seu sistema para obter uma lista de todas as aplicações instaladas. Esta lista apenas é obtida na vista de divisão do túnel. A lista de aplicações instaladas nunca é enviada do dispositivo." +msgid "To make sure that you have the most secure version and to inform you of any issues with the current version that is running, the app performs version checks automatically. This sends the app version and Android system version to Mullvad servers. Mullvad keeps counters on number of used app versions and Android versions. The data is never stored or used in any way that can identify you." +msgstr "Para se certificar de que tem a versão mais segura e para o informar de quaisquer problemas com a versão atual em execução, a app efetua verificações de versão automaticamente. Esta envia a versão da app e a versão do sistema Android para os servidores da Mullvad. A Mullvad mantém um registo do número de versões da app e de versões do Android utilizadas. Os dados nunca são armazenados ou utilizados de forma a identificar o utilizador." msgid "Toggle VPN" msgstr "Alternar VPN" @@ -1780,18 +1855,46 @@ msgstr "Estado do túnel VPN" msgid "Valid WireGuard key is missing. Manage keys under Advanced settings." msgstr "Chave WireGuard válida em falta. Faça a gestão das chaves em Definições Avançadas." +msgctxt "Used to inform the user about a set of valid network port number ranges, for example: \"Valid ranges: 1-10, 100-200, 30000-31000\" " +msgid "Valid ranges: %s" +msgstr "Intervalos válidos: %s" + +msgid "Verifying purchase" +msgstr "Verificação de compra" + +msgid "Verifying purchase..." +msgstr "A verificar compra..." + +msgid "Verifying voucher…" +msgstr "A verificar voucher…" + msgid "Virtual adapter error" msgstr "Erro de adaptador virtual" +msgid "We are currently verifying your purchase, this might take some time. Your time will be added if the verification is successful." +msgstr "Estamos atualmente a verificar a sua compra, o que poderá demorar algum tempo. O seu tempo será adicionado se a verificação for bem sucedida." + +msgid "We were unable to start the payment process, please make sure you have the latest version of Google Play." +msgstr "Não foi possível iniciar o processo de pagamento. Verifique se tem a versão mais recente do Google Play." + +msgid "We were unable to start the payment process, please try again later." +msgstr "Não foi possível iniciar o processo de pagamento, tente novamente mais tarde." + msgid "While connected, your real location is masked with a private and secure location in the selected region." msgstr "Enquanto estiver ligado, a sua localização real será mascarada com uma localização privada e segura na região selecionada." msgid "WireGuard MTU" msgstr "WireGuard MTU" +msgid "WireGuard custom port" +msgstr "Porta personalizada WireGuard" + msgid "WireGuard obfuscation" msgstr "Ofuscação WireGuard" +msgid "WireGuard port" +msgstr "Porta WireGuard" + msgid "YOU MIGHT BE LEAKING NETWORK TRAFFIC" msgstr "PODERÁ ESTAR A PERDER TRÁFEGO DE REDE" @@ -1801,6 +1904,19 @@ msgstr "Está a executar uma versão da aplicação não suportada." msgid "less than a minute ago" msgstr "há menos de um minuto" +msgid "less than one day" +msgstr "menos de um dia" + +msgid "%d day" +msgid_plural "%d days" +msgstr[0] "%d dia" +msgstr[1] "%d dias" + +msgid "%d month" +msgid_plural "%d months" +msgstr[0] "%d mês" +msgstr[1] "%d meses" + msgid "Account credit expires in a day" msgid_plural "Account credit expires in %d days" msgstr[0] "O crédito da conta expira dentro de um dia" diff --git a/gui/locales/pt/relay-locations.po b/gui/locales/pt/relay-locations.po index 1661f9804151..d128d4ec7796 100644 --- a/gui/locales/pt/relay-locations.po +++ b/gui/locales/pt/relay-locations.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mullvad-app\n" "Language-Team: Portuguese\n" "Language: pt_PT\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-05 14:16\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-04 12:55\n" #. AU ADL msgid "Adelaide" @@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ msgstr "Bélgica" msgid "Belgrade" msgstr "Belgrado" +#. DE BER +msgid "Berlin" +msgstr "Berlim" + #. CO BOG msgid "Bogota" msgstr "Bogotá" @@ -92,6 +96,10 @@ msgstr "Budapeste" msgid "Bulgaria" msgstr "Bulgária" +#. CA YYC +msgid "Calgary" +msgstr "Calgary" + #. CA msgid "Canada" msgstr "Canadá" @@ -240,6 +248,10 @@ msgstr "Joanesburgo" msgid "Kiev" msgstr "Kiev" +#. UA IEV +msgid "Kyiv" +msgstr "Kiev" + #. LV msgid "Latvia" msgstr "Letónia" @@ -284,6 +296,10 @@ msgstr "Marselha" msgid "Melbourne" msgstr "Melbourne" +#. MX +msgid "Mexico" +msgstr "México" + #. US MIA msgid "Miami, FL" msgstr "Miami, FL" @@ -384,6 +400,10 @@ msgstr "Praga" msgid "Pune" msgstr "Pune" +#. MX QRO +msgid "Queretaro" +msgstr "Querétaro" + #. US RAG msgid "Raleigh, NC" msgstr "Raleigh, NC" diff --git a/gui/locales/relay-locations.pot b/gui/locales/relay-locations.pot index 825eb44fde34..807fa8af8401 100644 --- a/gui/locales/relay-locations.pot +++ b/gui/locales/relay-locations.pot @@ -46,6 +46,10 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Belgrade" msgstr "" +#. DE BER +msgid "Berlin" +msgstr "" + #. CO BOG msgid "Bogota" msgstr "" @@ -82,6 +86,10 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Bulgaria" msgstr "" +#. CA YYC +msgid "Calgary" +msgstr "" + #. CA msgid "Canada" msgstr "" @@ -230,6 +238,10 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Kiev" msgstr "" +#. UA IEV +msgid "Kyiv" +msgstr "" + #. LV msgid "Latvia" msgstr "" @@ -274,6 +286,10 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Melbourne" msgstr "" +#. MX +msgid "Mexico" +msgstr "" + #. US MIA msgid "Miami, FL" msgstr "" @@ -374,6 +390,10 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Pune" msgstr "" +#. MX QRO +msgid "Queretaro" +msgstr "" + #. US RAG msgid "Raleigh, NC" msgstr "" diff --git a/gui/locales/ru/messages.po b/gui/locales/ru/messages.po index 9a39d8b27394..1a94ed34bf1e 100644 --- a/gui/locales/ru/messages.po +++ b/gui/locales/ru/messages.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mullvad-app\n" "Language-Team: Russian\n" "Language: ru_RU\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-05 14:16\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-04 12:55\n" msgid "%(duration)s was added, account paid until %(expiry)s." msgstr "Добавлено: %(duration)s. Учетная запись оплачена до %(expiry)s." @@ -192,6 +192,9 @@ msgstr "Выйти" msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "Переподключить" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Сохранить" + msgid "Search for..." msgstr "Поиск..." @@ -503,11 +506,6 @@ msgctxt "device-management" msgid "If you log out, the device and the device name is removed. When you log back in again, the device will get a new name." msgstr "Если вы выйдете, устройство и его имя удалятся. При повторном входе устройство получит новое имя." -#. Confirmation button when logging out -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "Log out anyway" -msgstr "Всё равно выйти" - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Please log out of at least one by removing it from the list below. You can find the corresponding device name under the device’s Account settings." msgstr "Выйдите из учетной записи хотя бы на одном из устройств, удалив его из списка ниже. Имя устройства указано в настройках учетной записи." @@ -518,20 +516,10 @@ msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Super!" msgstr "Отлично!" -#. This is is a further explanation of what happens when logging out. -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "The ports forwarded to this device will be deleted if you log out." -msgstr "При выходе будет очищен список перенаправленных портов для этого устройства." - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "This is the name assigned to the device. Each device logged in on a Mullvad account gets a unique name that helps you identify it when you manage your devices in the app or on the website." msgstr "Это имя, присвоенное устройству. Каждое устройство, подключенное к учетной записи Mullvad, получает уникальное имя, которое помогает вам идентифицировать его при управлении устройствами в приложении или на сайте." -#. Further information about consequences of logging out device. -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "This will delete all forwarded ports. Local settings will be saved." -msgstr "Будут удалены все перенаправленные порты. Локальные настройки сохранятся." - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Time left: %(timeLeft)s" msgstr "Осталось времени: %(timeLeft)s" @@ -1033,6 +1021,10 @@ msgctxt "select-location-nav" msgid "Select location" msgstr "Выбор местоположения" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "(Added)" +msgstr "(добавлено)" + #. This is used for appending information about a location. #. E.g. "Gothenburg (Entry)" if Gothenburg has been selected as the entrypoint. #. Available placeholders: @@ -1042,6 +1034,33 @@ msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "%(location)s (%(info)s)" msgstr "%(location)s (%(info)s)" +#. This is a label shown above a list of options. +#. Available placeholder: +#. %(locationType) - Could be either "Country", "City" and "Relay" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Add %(locationType)s to list" +msgstr "%(locationType)s — добавить в список" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "All locations" +msgstr "Все местоположения" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "City" +msgstr "Город" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Country" +msgstr "Страна" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Custom lists" +msgstr "Свои списки" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Edit list name" +msgstr "Изменение названия списка" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Entry" msgstr "Вход" @@ -1054,10 +1073,22 @@ msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Filtered:" msgstr "Фильтр:" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "List names must be unique." +msgstr "Названия списков должны быть уникальными." + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Name is already taken." +msgstr "Такое название уже используется." + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Providers: %(numberOfProviders)d" msgstr "провайдеры: %(numberOfProviders)d" +msgctxt "select-location-viewThis refers to a VPN server which we also call relay since it relays internet traffic from the user onto the internet. It should probably say server here instead of relay. I'll look into if this should be changed until next relay but for now it will be \"Relay\"." +msgid "Relay" +msgstr "Сервер ретрансляции" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "The app selects a random bridge server, but servers have a higher probability the closer they are to you." msgstr "Приложение выбирает случайный сервер-мост, но это могут быть серверы, близкие к вашему текущему местоположению." @@ -1436,10 +1467,6 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Enable IPv6" msgstr "Включить IPv6" -msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" -msgid "Enable IPv6 communication through the tunnel." -msgstr "Включить передачу данных по IPv6 через туннель." - #. The label next to the multihop settings toggle. msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Enable multihop" @@ -1465,6 +1492,10 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Increases anonymity by routing your traffic into one %(wireguard)s server and out another, making it harder to trace." msgstr "Повышает анонимность, направляя трафик с одного сервера %(wireguard)s на другой, что затрудняет отслеживание." +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "IPv4 is always enabled and the majority of websites and applications use this protocol. We do not recommend enabling IPv6 unless you know you need it." +msgstr "Протокол IPv4 всегда включен; его используют большинство веб-сайтов и приложений. Мы не рекомендуем включать IPv6, если вы не уверены, что он вам нужен." + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "It does this by allowing network communication outside the tunnel to local multicast and broadcast ranges as well as to and from these private IP ranges:" msgstr "Это достигается путем разрешения сетевого взаимодействия вне туннеля с локальными многоадресными и широковещательными диапазонами, а также со следующими диапазонами частных IP-адресов:" @@ -1490,6 +1521,11 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Malware" msgstr "Вредоносное ПО" +#. Label for settings that enables block of social media. +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "Social media" +msgstr "Социальные сети" + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "The app’s built-in kill switch is always on. This setting will additionally block the internet if clicking Disconnect or Quit." msgstr "Функция аварийного отключения, встроенная в приложение, всегда включена. Эта опция дополнительно блокирует Интернет при нажатии «Отключить» или «Выход»." @@ -1551,6 +1587,10 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "When this feature is enabled it stops the device from contacting certain domains or websites known for distributing ads, malware, trackers and more." msgstr "При включенной опции устройство не будет устанавливать соединение с определенными доменами и сайтами, известными распространением рекламы, вредоносного ПО, трекеров и т. д." +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "When this feature is enabled, IPv6 can be used alongside IPv4 in the VPN tunnel to communicate with internet services." +msgstr "Когда эта функция включена, IPv6 может использоваться наряду с IPv4 для связи с интернет-сервисами через VPN-туннель." + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "With Lockdown Mode enabled, you must be connected to a Mullvad VPN server to be able to reach the internet. Manually disconnecting or quitting the app will block your connection." msgstr "При включенной опции «Режим блокировки» для выхода в Интернет вы должны быть подключены к VPN-серверу Mullvad. Ручное отключение или выход из приложения заблокирует соединение." @@ -1639,6 +1679,13 @@ msgctxt "wireguard-settings-view" msgid "Which TCP port the UDP-over-TCP obfuscation protocol should connect to on the VPN server." msgstr "TCP-порт, к которому должен подключаться протокол обфускации UDP через TCP на VPN-сервере." +msgctxt "Message shown after successfully adding subscription time to an account, where \"%s\" represent the amount of time, like for example \"1 day\" or \"4 months\".Full examples: \"1 day was added to your account.\"\"4 months was added to your account.\"" +msgid "%s was added to your account." +msgstr "На учетную запись добавлено время: %s." + +msgid "30 days was added to your account." +msgstr "На учетную запись добавлено 30 дней." + msgid "Account credit expires in a few minutes" msgstr "Баланс учетной записи закончится через несколько минут" @@ -1648,6 +1695,12 @@ msgstr "Баланс учетной записи скоро закончится msgid "Account time reminders" msgstr "Напоминания о времени на учетной записи" +msgid "Add 30 days time" +msgstr "Добавить 30 дней" + +msgid "Add 30 days time (%s)" +msgstr "Добавить 30 дней (%s)" + msgid "Add DNS server" msgstr "Добавить DNS-сервер" @@ -1675,6 +1728,9 @@ msgstr "Блокируется доступ в Интернет (устройс msgid "Changes to DNS related settings might not go into effect immediately due to cached results." msgstr "Изменения в настройках, связанные с DNS, могут не сразу вступить в силу из-за кешированных результатов." +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "Идет подключение..." + msgid "Copied Mullvad account number to clipboard" msgstr "Номер учетной записи Mullvad скопирован в буфер обмена" @@ -1699,12 +1755,25 @@ msgstr "Включить" msgid "Enter MTU" msgstr "Введите MTU" +msgctxt "Placeholder in port number input field." +msgid "Enter port" +msgstr "Введите порт" + msgid "Excluded applications" msgstr "Исключенные приложения" msgid "Going to login will unblock the internet on this device." msgstr "Вход в профиль разблокирует Интернет на этом устройстве." +msgid "Google Play payment pending" +msgstr "Ожидается оплата в Google Play" + +msgid "Google Play unavailable" +msgstr "Google Play недоступен" + +msgid "If the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device." +msgstr "Если используется функция раздельного туннелирования, то приложение запрашивает в системе список всех установленных приложений. Этот список запрашивается только на экране настройки раздельного туннелирования. Список установленных приложений никогда не передается за пределы устройства." + msgid "Install Mullvad VPN (%s) to stay up to date" msgstr "Пользуйтесь актуальной версией — установите Mullvad VPN (%s)" @@ -1714,6 +1783,9 @@ msgstr "Управление учетной записью" msgid "Mullvad account number" msgstr "Номер учетной записи Mullvad" +msgid "Mullvad services unavailable" +msgstr "Службы Mullvad недоступны" + msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Параметры" @@ -1726,6 +1798,9 @@ msgstr "Политика конфиденциальности" msgid "Remove" msgstr "Удалить" +msgid "Remove custom port" +msgstr "Удалить пользовательский порт" + msgid "Reset to default" msgstr "Восстановить значение по умолчанию" @@ -1735,6 +1810,9 @@ msgstr "Подключение защищено" msgid "Set WireGuard MTU value. Valid range: %d - %d." msgstr "Установите значение MTU для WireGuard. Диапазон значений: %d–%d." +msgid "Set port" +msgstr "Установить порт" + msgid "Show system apps" msgstr "Показывать системные приложения" @@ -1744,9 +1822,6 @@ msgstr "Показывает текущее состояние VPN-туннел msgid "Shows reminders when the account time is about to expire" msgstr "Показывает уведомления, когда время на учетной записи скоро закончится" -msgid "Split tunneling makes it possible to select which applications should not be routed through the VPN tunnel." -msgstr "Раздельное туннелирование позволяет выбрать, какие приложения не должны маршрутизироваться через VPN-туннель." - msgid "Submit" msgstr "Отправить" @@ -1759,8 +1834,8 @@ msgstr "Этот адрес уже введен." msgid "This might cause issues on certain websites, services, and apps." msgstr "Это может привести к проблемам при использовании некоторых сайтов, служб и приложений." -msgid "To make sure that you have the most secure version and to inform you of any issues with the current version that is running, the app performs version checks automatically. This sends the app version and Android system version to Mullvad servers. Mullvad keeps counters on number of used app versions and Android versions. The data is never stored or used in any way that can identify you.\\n\\nIf the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device." -msgstr "Для обеспечения безопасности и информирования о проблемах текущей версии приложение автоматически проверяет установленную версию. Собираются и отправляются на серверы Mullvad только данные о версиях приложения и системы Android. Сбор и хранение данных никоим образом вас не идентифицируют.\\n\\nЕсли используется функция раздельного туннелирования, приложение Mullvad запрашивает список всех установленных приложений на устройстве. Это список никогда не отправляется с устройства." +msgid "To make sure that you have the most secure version and to inform you of any issues with the current version that is running, the app performs version checks automatically. This sends the app version and Android system version to Mullvad servers. Mullvad keeps counters on number of used app versions and Android versions. The data is never stored or used in any way that can identify you." +msgstr "Чтобы удостовериться, что вы используете наиболее безопасную версию приложения, и сообщить вам о возможных проблемах в ней, приложение автоматически проверяет свою версию. При этом на серверы Mullvad передаются данные о версии приложения и системы Android. Mullvad ведет учет количества пользователей с определенными версиями приложения и ОС Android. Эти данные не хранятся и не используются каким бы то ни было образом, позволяющим вас идентифицировать." msgid "Toggle VPN" msgstr "Включение VPN" @@ -1792,18 +1867,46 @@ msgstr "Состояние туннеля VPN" msgid "Valid WireGuard key is missing. Manage keys under Advanced settings." msgstr "Не найден действительный ключ WireGuard. Управлять ключами можно в дополнительных настройках." +msgctxt "Used to inform the user about a set of valid network port number ranges, for example: \"Valid ranges: 1-10, 100-200, 30000-31000\" " +msgid "Valid ranges: %s" +msgstr "Допустимые диапазоны: %s" + +msgid "Verifying purchase" +msgstr "Идет проверка оплаты" + +msgid "Verifying purchase..." +msgstr "Идет проверка оплаты..." + +msgid "Verifying voucher…" +msgstr "Идет проверка ваучера…" + msgid "Virtual adapter error" msgstr "Ошибка виртуального адаптера" +msgid "We are currently verifying your purchase, this might take some time. Your time will be added if the verification is successful." +msgstr "Сейчас мы проверяем, прошла ли оплата; нужно немного подождать. Если проверка завершится успешно, мы добавим оплаченное время." + +msgid "We were unable to start the payment process, please make sure you have the latest version of Google Play." +msgstr "Не удалось начать процесс оплаты — убедитесь, что у вас установлена последняя версия Google Play." + +msgid "We were unable to start the payment process, please try again later." +msgstr "Не удалось начать процесс оплаты. Повторите попытку позже." + msgid "While connected, your real location is masked with a private and secure location in the selected region." msgstr "При подключении реальное местоположение маскируется защищенным конфиденциальным местоположением в выбранном регионе." msgid "WireGuard MTU" msgstr "MTU для WireGuard" +msgid "WireGuard custom port" +msgstr "Пользовательский порт WireGuard" + msgid "WireGuard obfuscation" msgstr "Обфускация WireGuard" +msgid "WireGuard port" +msgstr "Порт WireGuard" + msgid "YOU MIGHT BE LEAKING NETWORK TRAFFIC" msgstr "ВОЗМОЖНА УТЕЧКА СЕТЕВОГО ТРАФИКА" @@ -1813,6 +1916,23 @@ msgstr "Версия приложения, с которой вы работае msgid "less than a minute ago" msgstr "менее минуты назад" +msgid "less than one day" +msgstr "менее суток" + +msgid "%d day" +msgid_plural "%d days" +msgstr[0] "%d сутки" +msgstr[1] "%d суток" +msgstr[2] "%d суток" +msgstr[3] "%d суток" + +msgid "%d month" +msgid_plural "%d months" +msgstr[0] "%d месяц" +msgstr[1] "%d месяца" +msgstr[2] "%d месяцев" +msgstr[3] "%d месяца" + msgid "Account credit expires in a day" msgid_plural "Account credit expires in %d days" msgstr[0] "Срок действия баланса учетной записи истекает через %d день" diff --git a/gui/locales/ru/relay-locations.po b/gui/locales/ru/relay-locations.po index 1220317c54b8..347e8a797279 100644 --- a/gui/locales/ru/relay-locations.po +++ b/gui/locales/ru/relay-locations.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mullvad-app\n" "Language-Team: Russian\n" "Language: ru_RU\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-05 14:16\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-04 12:55\n" #. AU ADL msgid "Adelaide" @@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ msgstr "Бельгия" msgid "Belgrade" msgstr "Белград" +#. DE BER +msgid "Berlin" +msgstr "Берлин" + #. CO BOG msgid "Bogota" msgstr "Богота" @@ -92,6 +96,10 @@ msgstr "Будапешт" msgid "Bulgaria" msgstr "Болгария" +#. CA YYC +msgid "Calgary" +msgstr "Калгари" + #. CA msgid "Canada" msgstr "Канада" @@ -240,6 +248,10 @@ msgstr "Йоханнесбург" msgid "Kiev" msgstr "Киев" +#. UA IEV +msgid "Kyiv" +msgstr "Киев" + #. LV msgid "Latvia" msgstr "Латвия" @@ -284,6 +296,10 @@ msgstr "Марсель" msgid "Melbourne" msgstr "Мельбурн" +#. MX +msgid "Mexico" +msgstr "Мексика" + #. US MIA msgid "Miami, FL" msgstr "Майами, FL" @@ -384,6 +400,10 @@ msgstr "Прага" msgid "Pune" msgstr "Пуна" +#. MX QRO +msgid "Queretaro" +msgstr "Сантьяго-де-Керетаро" + #. US RAG msgid "Raleigh, NC" msgstr "Роли, NC" diff --git a/gui/locales/sv/messages.po b/gui/locales/sv/messages.po index 36281df0653d..e7c74b010378 100644 --- a/gui/locales/sv/messages.po +++ b/gui/locales/sv/messages.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mullvad-app\n" "Language-Team: Swedish\n" "Language: sv_SE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-05 14:16\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-04 12:55\n" msgid "%(duration)s was added, account paid until %(expiry)s." msgstr "%(duration)s har lagts till. Kontot är betalt till och med %(expiry)s." @@ -180,6 +180,9 @@ msgstr "Avsluta" msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "Återanslut" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Spara" + msgid "Search for..." msgstr "Sök efter …" @@ -491,11 +494,6 @@ msgctxt "device-management" msgid "If you log out, the device and the device name is removed. When you log back in again, the device will get a new name." msgstr "Om du loggar ut tas enheten och enhetsnamnet bort. När du loggar in igen får enheten ett nytt namn." -#. Confirmation button when logging out -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "Log out anyway" -msgstr "Logga ut ändå" - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Please log out of at least one by removing it from the list below. You can find the corresponding device name under the device’s Account settings." msgstr "Logga ut på minst en enhet genom att ta bort den från listan nedan. Du hittar motsvarande enhetsnamn i enhetens kontoinställningar." @@ -506,20 +504,10 @@ msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Super!" msgstr "Super!" -#. This is is a further explanation of what happens when logging out. -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "The ports forwarded to this device will be deleted if you log out." -msgstr "Portarna som vidarebefordrats till den här enheten tas bort om du loggar ut." - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "This is the name assigned to the device. Each device logged in on a Mullvad account gets a unique name that helps you identify it when you manage your devices in the app or on the website." msgstr "Det här är namnet som tilldelas enheten. Varje enhet som är inloggad på ett Mullvad-konto får ett unikt namn som hjälper dig att identifiera den när du hanterar dina enheter i appen eller på webbplatsen." -#. Further information about consequences of logging out device. -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "This will delete all forwarded ports. Local settings will be saved." -msgstr "Detta tar bort alla vidarebefordrade portar. Lokala inställningar sparas." - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Time left: %(timeLeft)s" msgstr "Tid kvar: %(timeLeft)s" @@ -1021,6 +1009,10 @@ msgctxt "select-location-nav" msgid "Select location" msgstr "Välj plats" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "(Added)" +msgstr "(Tillagt)" + #. This is used for appending information about a location. #. E.g. "Gothenburg (Entry)" if Gothenburg has been selected as the entrypoint. #. Available placeholders: @@ -1030,6 +1022,33 @@ msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "%(location)s (%(info)s)" msgstr "%(location)s (%(info)s)" +#. This is a label shown above a list of options. +#. Available placeholder: +#. %(locationType) - Could be either "Country", "City" and "Relay" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Add %(locationType)s to list" +msgstr "Lägg till %(locationType)s i listan" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "All locations" +msgstr "Alla platser" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "City" +msgstr "Ort" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Country" +msgstr "Land" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Custom lists" +msgstr "Anpassade listor" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Edit list name" +msgstr "Redigera listnamn" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Entry" msgstr "Ingång" @@ -1042,10 +1061,22 @@ msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Filtered:" msgstr "Filtrerat:" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "List names must be unique." +msgstr "Listnamnen måste vara unika." + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Name is already taken." +msgstr "Namnet används redan." + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Providers: %(numberOfProviders)d" msgstr "Leverantörer: %(numberOfProviders)d" +msgctxt "select-location-viewThis refers to a VPN server which we also call relay since it relays internet traffic from the user onto the internet. It should probably say server here instead of relay. I'll look into if this should be changed until next relay but for now it will be \"Relay\"." +msgid "Relay" +msgstr "Relä" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "The app selects a random bridge server, but servers have a higher probability the closer they are to you." msgstr "Appen väljer en slumpmässig bryggserver, men ju närmare servrarna ligger desto större sannolikhet är det att de väljs." @@ -1424,10 +1455,6 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Enable IPv6" msgstr "Aktivera IPv6" -msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" -msgid "Enable IPv6 communication through the tunnel." -msgstr "Aktivera IPv6-kommunikation genom tunneln." - #. The label next to the multihop settings toggle. msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Enable multihop" @@ -1453,6 +1480,10 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Increases anonymity by routing your traffic into one %(wireguard)s server and out another, making it harder to trace." msgstr "Förbättrar anonymiteten genom att dirigera trafiken till en %(wireguard)s-server och ut genom en annan, vilket gör det svårare att spåra." +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "IPv4 is always enabled and the majority of websites and applications use this protocol. We do not recommend enabling IPv6 unless you know you need it." +msgstr "IPv4 är alltid aktiverat och de flesta webbplatserna och applikationerna använder det här protokollet. Vi rekommenderar inte att du aktiverar IPv6 om du vet att du inte behöver det." + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "It does this by allowing network communication outside the tunnel to local multicast and broadcast ranges as well as to and from these private IP ranges:" msgstr "Den gör det genom att tillåta nätverkskommunikation utanför tunneln till lokala multicast- och sändningsintervall, samt till och från dessa privata IP-intervall:" @@ -1478,6 +1509,11 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Malware" msgstr "Skadlig kod" +#. Label for settings that enables block of social media. +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "Social media" +msgstr "Sociala medier" + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "The app’s built-in kill switch is always on. This setting will additionally block the internet if clicking Disconnect or Quit." msgstr "Appens inbyggda Kill Switch är alltid på. Den här inställningen kommer dessutom att blockera internet när du klickar på Koppla från eller Avsluta." @@ -1539,6 +1575,10 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "When this feature is enabled it stops the device from contacting certain domains or websites known for distributing ads, malware, trackers and more." msgstr "När den här funktionen är aktiverad stoppas enheten från att kontakta vissa domäner eller webbplatser som är kända för att sprida annonser, skadlig kod, spårare med mera." +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "When this feature is enabled, IPv6 can be used alongside IPv4 in the VPN tunnel to communicate with internet services." +msgstr "När funktionen är aktiverad kan IPv6 användas tillsammans med IPv4 i VPN-tunneln för att kommunicera med internettjänster." + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "With Lockdown Mode enabled, you must be connected to a Mullvad VPN server to be able to reach the internet. Manually disconnecting or quitting the app will block your connection." msgstr "När Låsningsläge är aktiverat måste du vara ansluten till en Mullvad VPN-server för att kunna nå internet. Om du kopplar från automatiskt eller avslutar appen blockeras din anslutning." @@ -1627,6 +1667,13 @@ msgctxt "wireguard-settings-view" msgid "Which TCP port the UDP-over-TCP obfuscation protocol should connect to on the VPN server." msgstr "Vilken TCP-port som UDP-över-TCP-obfuskeringsprotokoll bör ansluta till på VPN-servern." +msgctxt "Message shown after successfully adding subscription time to an account, where \"%s\" represent the amount of time, like for example \"1 day\" or \"4 months\".Full examples: \"1 day was added to your account.\"\"4 months was added to your account.\"" +msgid "%s was added to your account." +msgstr "%s har lagts till i ditt konto." + +msgid "30 days was added to your account." +msgstr "30 dagar har lagts till i ditt konto." + msgid "Account credit expires in a few minutes" msgstr "Kontokrediten slutar gälla om några minuter" @@ -1636,6 +1683,12 @@ msgstr "Kontokrediten slutar snart gälla" msgid "Account time reminders" msgstr "Påminnelser om kontotid" +msgid "Add 30 days time" +msgstr "Lägg till 30 dagar" + +msgid "Add 30 days time (%s)" +msgstr "Lägg till 30 dagar (%s)" + msgid "Add DNS server" msgstr "Lägg till DNS-server" @@ -1663,6 +1716,9 @@ msgstr "Blockerar internet (enheten är offline)" msgid "Changes to DNS related settings might not go into effect immediately due to cached results." msgstr "Ändringar i DNS-relaterade inställningar kanske inte börjar gälla direkt på grund av cachade resultat." +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "Ansluter ..." + msgid "Copied Mullvad account number to clipboard" msgstr "Kopierade Mullvad-kontonummer till urklipp" @@ -1687,12 +1743,25 @@ msgstr "Aktivera" msgid "Enter MTU" msgstr "Ange MTU" +msgctxt "Placeholder in port number input field." +msgid "Enter port" +msgstr "Ange port" + msgid "Excluded applications" msgstr "Exkluderade applikationer" msgid "Going to login will unblock the internet on this device." msgstr "Om du loggar in tas blockering av internet bort på den här enheten." +msgid "Google Play payment pending" +msgstr "Google Play-betalning väntar" + +msgid "Google Play unavailable" +msgstr "Google Play är inte tillgängligt" + +msgid "If the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device." +msgstr "Om delade tunnlar används, frågar appen ditt system om en lista med alla installerade applikationer. Listan hämtas bara i vyn för delade tunnlar. Listan med installerade applikationer skickas aldrig från enheten." + msgid "Install Mullvad VPN (%s) to stay up to date" msgstr "Installera Mullvad VPN (%s) för att hålla dig uppdaterad" @@ -1702,6 +1771,9 @@ msgstr "Hantera konto" msgid "Mullvad account number" msgstr "Mullvad-kontonummer" +msgid "Mullvad services unavailable" +msgstr "Mullvad-tjänster är inte tillgängliga" + msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Inställningar" @@ -1714,6 +1786,9 @@ msgstr "Sekretesspolicy" msgid "Remove" msgstr "Ta bort" +msgid "Remove custom port" +msgstr "Ta bort anpassad port" + msgid "Reset to default" msgstr "Återställ till standard" @@ -1723,6 +1798,9 @@ msgstr "Skyddad" msgid "Set WireGuard MTU value. Valid range: %d - %d." msgstr "Ange WireGuard MTU-värde. Giltigt intervall: %d–%d." +msgid "Set port" +msgstr "Ställ in port" + msgid "Show system apps" msgstr "Visa systemappar" @@ -1732,9 +1810,6 @@ msgstr "Visar nuvarande status för VPN-tunnel" msgid "Shows reminders when the account time is about to expire" msgstr "Visar påminnelser när kontots tidsgräns uppnås" -msgid "Split tunneling makes it possible to select which applications should not be routed through the VPN tunnel." -msgstr "Delade tunnlar gör det möjligt att välja vilka applikationer som inte ska dirigeras genom VPN-tunneln." - msgid "Submit" msgstr "Skicka" @@ -1747,8 +1822,8 @@ msgstr "Adressen har redan angetts." msgid "This might cause issues on certain websites, services, and apps." msgstr "Detta kan orsaka problem på vissa webbplatser, tjänster och appar." -msgid "To make sure that you have the most secure version and to inform you of any issues with the current version that is running, the app performs version checks automatically. This sends the app version and Android system version to Mullvad servers. Mullvad keeps counters on number of used app versions and Android versions. The data is never stored or used in any way that can identify you.\\n\\nIf the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device." -msgstr "Appen genomför automatiska versionskontroller för att se till att du har den säkraste versionen och för att informera dig om problem med den nuvarande versionen. Appversionen och Android-systemversionen skickas till Mullvad-servrarna. Mullvad registrerar antalet använda appversioner och Android-versioner. Dessa data lagras aldrig och används inte på något sätt som kan identifiera dig.\\n\\nOm delade tunnlar används, ber appen ditt system om en lista med alla installerade applikationer. Listan hämtas bara i vyn för delade tunnlar. Listan med installerade applikationer skickas aldrig från enheten." +msgid "To make sure that you have the most secure version and to inform you of any issues with the current version that is running, the app performs version checks automatically. This sends the app version and Android system version to Mullvad servers. Mullvad keeps counters on number of used app versions and Android versions. The data is never stored or used in any way that can identify you." +msgstr "Appen genomför automatiska versionskontroller för att se till att du har den säkraste versionen och för att informera dig om problem med den nuvarande versionen. Appversionen och Android-systemversionen skickas till Mullvad-servrarna. Mullvad registrerar antalet använda appversioner och Android-versioner. Dessa data lagras aldrig och används inte på något sätt som kan identifiera dig." msgid "Toggle VPN" msgstr "Växla VPN" @@ -1780,18 +1855,46 @@ msgstr "VPN-tunnelstatus" msgid "Valid WireGuard key is missing. Manage keys under Advanced settings." msgstr "Giltig WireGuard-nyckel saknas. Hantera nycklar i Avancerade inställningar." +msgctxt "Used to inform the user about a set of valid network port number ranges, for example: \"Valid ranges: 1-10, 100-200, 30000-31000\" " +msgid "Valid ranges: %s" +msgstr "Giltiga intervall: %s" + +msgid "Verifying purchase" +msgstr "Verifierar köp" + +msgid "Verifying purchase..." +msgstr "Verifierar köp ..." + +msgid "Verifying voucher…" +msgstr "Verifierar kupong …" + msgid "Virtual adapter error" msgstr "Fel med virtuell adapter" +msgid "We are currently verifying your purchase, this might take some time. Your time will be added if the verification is successful." +msgstr "Vi verifierar ditt köp just nu och det kan ta en stund. Din tid läggs till om verifieringen lyckas." + +msgid "We were unable to start the payment process, please make sure you have the latest version of Google Play." +msgstr "Vi kunde inte starta betalningsprocessen. Se till att du har den senaste versionen av Google Play." + +msgid "We were unable to start the payment process, please try again later." +msgstr "Vi kunde inte starta betalningsprocessen, försök igen senare." + msgid "While connected, your real location is masked with a private and secure location in the selected region." msgstr "Medan du är ansluten maskeras din riktiga plats med en privat och säker plats i den valda regionen." msgid "WireGuard MTU" msgstr "WireGuard MTU" +msgid "WireGuard custom port" +msgstr "Anpassad WireGuard-port" + msgid "WireGuard obfuscation" msgstr "WireGuard-obfuskering" +msgid "WireGuard port" +msgstr "WireGuard-port" + msgid "YOU MIGHT BE LEAKING NETWORK TRAFFIC" msgstr "DU KANSKE HAR LÄCKAGE I NÄTVERKSTRAFIKEN" @@ -1801,6 +1904,19 @@ msgstr "Du kör en appversion som inte stöds." msgid "less than a minute ago" msgstr "mindre än en minut sedan" +msgid "less than one day" +msgstr "mindre än en dag" + +msgid "%d day" +msgid_plural "%d days" +msgstr[0] "%d dag" +msgstr[1] "%d dagar" + +msgid "%d month" +msgid_plural "%d months" +msgstr[0] "%d månad" +msgstr[1] "%d månader" + msgid "Account credit expires in a day" msgid_plural "Account credit expires in %d days" msgstr[0] "Kontokrediten slutar gälla om en dag" diff --git a/gui/locales/sv/relay-locations.po b/gui/locales/sv/relay-locations.po index 97eb5bf785fa..8eff2ba27c44 100644 --- a/gui/locales/sv/relay-locations.po +++ b/gui/locales/sv/relay-locations.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mullvad-app\n" "Language-Team: Swedish\n" "Language: sv_SE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-05 14:16\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-04 12:55\n" #. AU ADL msgid "Adelaide" @@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ msgstr "Belgien" msgid "Belgrade" msgstr "Belgrad" +#. DE BER +msgid "Berlin" +msgstr "Berlin" + #. CO BOG msgid "Bogota" msgstr "Bogotá" @@ -92,6 +96,10 @@ msgstr "Budapest" msgid "Bulgaria" msgstr "Bulgarien" +#. CA YYC +msgid "Calgary" +msgstr "Calgary" + #. CA msgid "Canada" msgstr "Kanada" @@ -240,6 +248,10 @@ msgstr "Johannesburg" msgid "Kiev" msgstr "Kiev" +#. UA IEV +msgid "Kyiv" +msgstr "Kiev" + #. LV msgid "Latvia" msgstr "Lettland" @@ -284,6 +296,10 @@ msgstr "Marseille" msgid "Melbourne" msgstr "Melbourne" +#. MX +msgid "Mexico" +msgstr "Mexiko" + #. US MIA msgid "Miami, FL" msgstr "Miami, FL" @@ -384,6 +400,10 @@ msgstr "Prag" msgid "Pune" msgstr "Pune" +#. MX QRO +msgid "Queretaro" +msgstr "Querétaro" + #. US RAG msgid "Raleigh, NC" msgstr "Raleigh, NC" diff --git a/gui/locales/th/messages.po b/gui/locales/th/messages.po index e28f2a20e328..196e0a34953b 100644 --- a/gui/locales/th/messages.po +++ b/gui/locales/th/messages.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mullvad-app\n" "Language-Team: Thai\n" "Language: th_TH\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-05 14:16\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-04 12:55\n" msgid "%(duration)s was added, account paid until %(expiry)s." msgstr "มีการเพิ่ม %(duration)s แล้ว บัญชีได้ชำระเงินจนถึง %(expiry)s" @@ -174,6 +174,9 @@ msgstr "ออก" msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "เชื่อมต่อใหม่" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "บันทึก" + msgid "Search for..." msgstr "ค้นหา…" @@ -485,11 +488,6 @@ msgctxt "device-management" msgid "If you log out, the device and the device name is removed. When you log back in again, the device will get a new name." msgstr "หากคุณออกจากระบบ อุปกรณ์และชื่ออุปกรณ์จะถูกลบออก และเมื่อคุณลงชื่อเข้าใช้อีกครั้ง อุปกรณ์จะได้รับชื่อใหม่" -#. Confirmation button when logging out -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "Log out anyway" -msgstr "ออกจากระบบ" - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Please log out of at least one by removing it from the list below. You can find the corresponding device name under the device’s Account settings." msgstr "โปรดลงชื่อออกจากระบบบนอุปกรณ์อย่างน้อยหนึ่งเครื่อง เพื่อนำอุปกรณ์ออกจากรายการด้านล่าง คุณสามารถดูชื่ออุปกรณ์ที่เกี่ยวข้องได้ ภายใต้การตั้งค่าบัญชีของอุปกรณ์" @@ -500,20 +498,10 @@ msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Super!" msgstr "เยี่ยมยอด!" -#. This is is a further explanation of what happens when logging out. -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "The ports forwarded to this device will be deleted if you log out." -msgstr "พอร์ตที่ส่งต่อไปยังอุปกรณ์นี้จะถูกลบหากคุณออกจากระบบ" - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "This is the name assigned to the device. Each device logged in on a Mullvad account gets a unique name that helps you identify it when you manage your devices in the app or on the website." msgstr "นี่เป็นชื่อที่มอบหมายให้กับอุปกรณ์ อุปกรณ์แต่ละเครื่องที่ลงชื่อเข้าใช้บนบัญชี Mullvad จะได้รับชื่อเฉพาะ ที่จะช่วยคุณระบุอุปกรณ์ ในขณะที่คุณจัดการอุปกรณ์ของคุณในแอปหรือบนเว็บไซต์" -#. Further information about consequences of logging out device. -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "This will delete all forwarded ports. Local settings will be saved." -msgstr "นี่จะเป็นการลบพอร์ตที่ส่งต่อทั้งหมด และการตั้งค่าบนอุปกรณ์จะได้รับการบันทึกไว้" - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Time left: %(timeLeft)s" msgstr "เหลือเวลา: %(timeLeft)s" @@ -1015,6 +1003,10 @@ msgctxt "select-location-nav" msgid "Select location" msgstr "เลือกตำแหน่งที่ตั้ง" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "(Added)" +msgstr "(เพิ่มแล้ว)" + #. This is used for appending information about a location. #. E.g. "Gothenburg (Entry)" if Gothenburg has been selected as the entrypoint. #. Available placeholders: @@ -1024,6 +1016,33 @@ msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "%(location)s (%(info)s)" msgstr "%(location)s (%(info)s)" +#. This is a label shown above a list of options. +#. Available placeholder: +#. %(locationType) - Could be either "Country", "City" and "Relay" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Add %(locationType)s to list" +msgstr "เพิ่ม %(locationType)s ลงในรายการ" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "All locations" +msgstr "ตำแหน่งที่ตั้งทั้งหมด" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "City" +msgstr "เมือง" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Country" +msgstr "ประเทศ" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Custom lists" +msgstr "รายการกำหนดเอง" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Edit list name" +msgstr "แก้ไขชื่อรายการ" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Entry" msgstr "เข้า" @@ -1036,10 +1055,22 @@ msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Filtered:" msgstr "กรอง:" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "List names must be unique." +msgstr "ชื่อรายการจะต้องไม่ซ้ำกัน" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Name is already taken." +msgstr "ชื่อนี้ถูกใช้ไปแล้ว" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Providers: %(numberOfProviders)d" msgstr "ผู้ให้บริการ: %(numberOfProviders)d" +msgctxt "select-location-viewThis refers to a VPN server which we also call relay since it relays internet traffic from the user onto the internet. It should probably say server here instead of relay. I'll look into if this should be changed until next relay but for now it will be \"Relay\"." +msgid "Relay" +msgstr "รีเลย์" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "The app selects a random bridge server, but servers have a higher probability the closer they are to you." msgstr "แอปจะเลือกเซิร์ฟเวอร์บริดจ์แบบสุ่ม แต่เซิร์ฟเวอร์จะยิ่งมีโอกาสถูกเลือกมากขึ้น หากเซิร์ฟเวอร์ยิ่งอยู่ใกล้คุณ" @@ -1418,10 +1449,6 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Enable IPv6" msgstr "เปิดใช้งาน IPv6" -msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" -msgid "Enable IPv6 communication through the tunnel." -msgstr "เปิดใช้งานการสื่อสาร IPv6 ผ่านอุโมงค์" - #. The label next to the multihop settings toggle. msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Enable multihop" @@ -1447,6 +1474,10 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Increases anonymity by routing your traffic into one %(wireguard)s server and out another, making it harder to trace." msgstr "ยกระดับการไม่ระบุตัวตน ด้วยการกำหนดเส้นทางการรับส่งข้อมูลของคุณไปยังเซิร์ฟเวอร์ %(wireguard)s เดียว และออกไปยังอีกเซิร์ฟเวอร์ เพื่อทำให้ติดตามได้ยากขึ้น" +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "IPv4 is always enabled and the majority of websites and applications use this protocol. We do not recommend enabling IPv6 unless you know you need it." +msgstr "IPv4 จะเปิดใช้งานอยู่เสมอ และเว็บไซต์และแอปพลิเคชันส่วนใหญ่ใช้งานโพรโทคอลนี้ เราไม่แนะนำให้เปิดใช้งาน IPv6 เว้นแต่ในกรณีที่คุณจำเป็นต้องใช้งาน" + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "It does this by allowing network communication outside the tunnel to local multicast and broadcast ranges as well as to and from these private IP ranges:" msgstr "ทำเช่นนี้ได้โดยการอนุญาตให้มีการสื่อสารเครือข่ายนอกอุโมงค์ ไปยังมัลติคาสต์และช่วงการเผยแพร่ในท้องถิ่น รวมถึงการสื่อสารไปมาในช่วง IP ส่วนตัวเหล่านี้:" @@ -1472,6 +1503,11 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Malware" msgstr "มัลแวร์" +#. Label for settings that enables block of social media. +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "Social media" +msgstr "โซเชียลมีเดีย" + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "The app’s built-in kill switch is always on. This setting will additionally block the internet if clicking Disconnect or Quit." msgstr "คิลสวิตช์ภายในแอปจะเปิดใช้งานอยู่เสมอ การตั้งค่านี้จะบล็อกอินเทอร์เน็ตเพิ่มเติม หากมีการคลิก ตัดการเชื่อมต่อ หรือ ออก" @@ -1533,6 +1569,10 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "When this feature is enabled it stops the device from contacting certain domains or websites known for distributing ads, malware, trackers and more." msgstr "ในขณะที่เปิดใช้งานคุณสมบัตินี้ คุณสมบัตินี้จะหยุดไม่ให้อุปกรณ์ติดต่อโดเมน หรือเว็บไซต์ใดๆ ที่เป็นที่ทราบกันว่า ใช้ในการเผยแพร่โฆษณา มัลแวร์ ตัวติดตาม และอื่นๆ" +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "When this feature is enabled, IPv6 can be used alongside IPv4 in the VPN tunnel to communicate with internet services." +msgstr "ในขณะที่เปิดใช้งานคุณลักษณะนี้ คุณจะสามารถใช้งาน IPv6 ร่วมกับ IPv4 ในอุโมงค์ VPN เพื่อสื่อสารกับบริการอินเทอร์เน็ตได้" + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "With Lockdown Mode enabled, you must be connected to a Mullvad VPN server to be able to reach the internet. Manually disconnecting or quitting the app will block your connection." msgstr "เมื่อเปิดใช้งานโหมดล็อกดาวน์ คุณจำเป็นต้องเชื่อมต่อเซิร์ฟเวอร์ Mullvad VPN เพื่อเข้าถึงอินเทอร์เน็ต ทั้งนี้การตัดการเชื่อมต่อด้วยตนเอง หรือออกจากแอป จะเป็นบล็อกการเชื่อมต่อของคุณ" @@ -1621,6 +1661,13 @@ msgctxt "wireguard-settings-view" msgid "Which TCP port the UDP-over-TCP obfuscation protocol should connect to on the VPN server." msgstr "พอร์ต TCP ใดที่โพรโทคอลการทำให้ข้อมูลยุ่งเหยิง UDP-ผ่าน-TCP ควรเชื่อมต่อบนเซิร์ฟเวอร์ VPN" +msgctxt "Message shown after successfully adding subscription time to an account, where \"%s\" represent the amount of time, like for example \"1 day\" or \"4 months\".Full examples: \"1 day was added to your account.\"\"4 months was added to your account.\"" +msgid "%s was added to your account." +msgstr "%s ถูกเพิ่มลงในบัญชีของคุณแล้ว" + +msgid "30 days was added to your account." +msgstr "30 วัน ถูกเพิ่มลงในบัญชีของคุณแล้ว" + msgid "Account credit expires in a few minutes" msgstr "เครดิตของบัญชีจะหมดอายุในอีกไม่กี่นาที" @@ -1630,6 +1677,12 @@ msgstr "เครดิตของบัญชีจะหมดอายุใ msgid "Account time reminders" msgstr "การแจ้งเตือนเวลาบัญชี" +msgid "Add 30 days time" +msgstr "เพิ่มเวลา 30 วัน" + +msgid "Add 30 days time (%s)" +msgstr "เพิ่มเวลา 30 วัน (%s)" + msgid "Add DNS server" msgstr "เพิ่มเซิร์ฟเวอร์ DNS" @@ -1657,6 +1710,9 @@ msgstr "กำลังบล็อกอินเทอร์เน็ต (อ msgid "Changes to DNS related settings might not go into effect immediately due to cached results." msgstr "การเปลี่ยนแปลงการตั้งค่าที่เกี่ยวข้องกับ DNS อาจไม่มีผลทันที เนื่องจากผลลัพธ์ที่แคชไว้" +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "กำลังเชื่อมต่อ..." + msgid "Copied Mullvad account number to clipboard" msgstr "คัดลอกหมายเลขบัญชี Mullvad ไปยังคลิปบอร์ดแล้ว" @@ -1681,12 +1737,25 @@ msgstr "เปิดใช้งาน" msgid "Enter MTU" msgstr "ป้อน MTU" +msgctxt "Placeholder in port number input field." +msgid "Enter port" +msgstr "ป้อนพอร์ต" + msgid "Excluded applications" msgstr "แอปพลิเคชันที่แยกออก" msgid "Going to login will unblock the internet on this device." msgstr "การไปที่ส่วนเข้าสู่ระบบจะปลดบล็อกอินเทอร์เน็ตบนอุปกรณ์เครื่องนี้" +msgid "Google Play payment pending" +msgstr "กำลังชำระเงิน Google Play" + +msgid "Google Play unavailable" +msgstr "Google Play ไม่พร้อมใช้งาน" + +msgid "If the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device." +msgstr "หากมีการใช้งานคุณลักษณะการแยกอุโมงค์ แอปจะขอให้ระบบของคุณระบุแอปพลิเคชันที่ติดตั้งไว้ทั้งหมด รายการนี้จะได้รับการเรียกใช้งานในมุมมองการแยกอุโมงค์เท่านั้น รายการแอปพลิเคชันที่ติดตั้งไว้ทั้งหมด จะไม่ถูกส่งออกจากอุปกรณ์" + msgid "Install Mullvad VPN (%s) to stay up to date" msgstr "ติดตั้ง Mullvad VPN (%s) เพื่อรับอัปเดตล่าสุดอยู่เสมอ" @@ -1696,6 +1765,9 @@ msgstr "จัดการบัญชี" msgid "Mullvad account number" msgstr "หมายเลขบัญชี Mullvad" +msgid "Mullvad services unavailable" +msgstr "บริการ Mullavad ไม่พร้อมใช้งาน" + msgid "Preferences" msgstr "การกำหนดค่า" @@ -1708,6 +1780,9 @@ msgstr "นโยบายความเป็นส่วนตัว" msgid "Remove" msgstr "ลบ" +msgid "Remove custom port" +msgstr "นำพอร์ตแบบกำหนดเองออก" + msgid "Reset to default" msgstr "รีเซ็ตเป็นค่าเริ่มต้น" @@ -1717,6 +1792,9 @@ msgstr "ปลอดภัย" msgid "Set WireGuard MTU value. Valid range: %d - %d." msgstr "ตั้งค่า WireGuard MTU ช่วงที่ใช้ได้: %d - %d" +msgid "Set port" +msgstr "ตั้งค่าพอร์ต" + msgid "Show system apps" msgstr "แสดงแอประบบ" @@ -1726,9 +1804,6 @@ msgstr "แสดงสถานะอุโมงค์ VPN ในปัจจ msgid "Shows reminders when the account time is about to expire" msgstr "แสดงการแจ้งเตือน ในขณะที่เวลาบัญชีใกล้หมดอายุ" -msgid "Split tunneling makes it possible to select which applications should not be routed through the VPN tunnel." -msgstr "การแยกอุโมงค์ทำให้สามารถเลือกได้ว่า แอปพลิเคชันใดไม่ควรได้รับการกำหนดเส้นทางผ่านอุโมงค์ VPN" - msgid "Submit" msgstr "ส่ง" @@ -1741,8 +1816,8 @@ msgstr "ที่อยู่นี้ได้รับการป้อนไ msgid "This might cause issues on certain websites, services, and apps." msgstr "นี่อาจก่อให้เกิดปัญหากับบางเว็บไซต์ บริการ และแอปได้" -msgid "To make sure that you have the most secure version and to inform you of any issues with the current version that is running, the app performs version checks automatically. This sends the app version and Android system version to Mullvad servers. Mullvad keeps counters on number of used app versions and Android versions. The data is never stored or used in any way that can identify you.\\n\\nIf the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device." -msgstr "แอปจะดำเนินการตรวจสอบเวอร์ชันโดยอัตโนมัติ เพื่อให้มั่นใจว่า คุณมีเวอร์ชันที่ปลอดภัยที่สุด และแจ้งปัญหาใดๆ เกี่ยวกับเวอร์ชันปัจจุบันที่ใช้อยู่ให้คุณทราบ การดำเนินการนี้จะส่งเวอร์ชันแอป และเวอร์ชันระบบ Android ไปยังเซิร์ฟเวอร์ Mullvad โดย Mullvad จะเก็บหมายเลขเวอร์ชันแอปที่ใช้ และเวอร์ชัน Andriod เอาไว้ และข้อมูลจะได้รับการจัดเก็บ หรือใช้ในรูปแบบที่ไม่สามารถระบุตัวตนของคุณได้\\n\\nหากมีการใช้งานคุณสมบัติการแยกอุโมงค์อยู่ แอปจะสอบถามระบบของคุณ เพื่อดูรายการแอปพลิเคชันที่ติดตั้งทั้งหมด รายการนี้จะได้รับข้อมูลที่อยู่ในมุมมองการแยกอุโมงค์เท่านั้น โดยจะไม่มีการส่งรายการแอปพลิเคชันที่ติดตั้งออกไปจากอุปกรณ์" +msgid "To make sure that you have the most secure version and to inform you of any issues with the current version that is running, the app performs version checks automatically. This sends the app version and Android system version to Mullvad servers. Mullvad keeps counters on number of used app versions and Android versions. The data is never stored or used in any way that can identify you." +msgstr "แอปจะตรวจสอบเวอร์ชันโดยอัตโนมัติ เพื่อให้แน่ใจว่า คุณใช้งานเวอร์ชันที่ปลอดภัยที่สุด และเพื่อแจ้งปัญหาใดๆ ของเวอร์ชันปัจจุบันที่ใช้งานอยู่ให้คุณทราบ โดยระบบจะส่งเวอร์ชันแอปและเวอร์ชันระบบ Android ไปยังเซิร์ฟเวอร์ Mullavid ซึ่ง Mullvad จะติดตามจำนวนเวอร์ชันแอปที่ใช้และเวอร์ชัน Android ทั้งนี้ข้อมูลจะไม่ถูกจัดเก็บ หรือนำไปใช้ในลักษณะใดๆ ที่สามารถระบุตัวตนคุณได้" msgid "Toggle VPN" msgstr "เปิด/ปิด VPN" @@ -1774,18 +1849,46 @@ msgstr "สถานะอุโมงค์ VPN" msgid "Valid WireGuard key is missing. Manage keys under Advanced settings." msgstr "คีย์ WireGuard ที่ใช้ได้ขาดหายไป จัดการคีย์ภายใต้การตั้งค่าขั้นสูง" +msgctxt "Used to inform the user about a set of valid network port number ranges, for example: \"Valid ranges: 1-10, 100-200, 30000-31000\" " +msgid "Valid ranges: %s" +msgstr "ช่วงที่ใช้ได้: %s" + +msgid "Verifying purchase" +msgstr "กำลังตรวจสอบยืนยันการซื้อ" + +msgid "Verifying purchase..." +msgstr "กำลังตรวจสอบยืนยันการซื้อ..." + +msgid "Verifying voucher…" +msgstr "กำลังตรวจสอบยืนยันบัตรกำนัล…" + msgid "Virtual adapter error" msgstr "ข้อผิดพลาดของอะแดปเตอร์เสมือน" +msgid "We are currently verifying your purchase, this might take some time. Your time will be added if the verification is successful." +msgstr "เรากำลังตรวจสอบยืนยันการซื้อของคุณ ซึ่งอาจใช้เวลาสักครู่ คุณจะได้รับเวลาเพิ่ม หากการตรวจสอบยืนยันสำเร็จ" + +msgid "We were unable to start the payment process, please make sure you have the latest version of Google Play." +msgstr "เราไม่สามารถเริ่มกระบวนการชำระเงินได้ โปรดตรวจสอบให้แน่ใจว่า คุณมี Google Play เวอร์ชันล่าสุด " + +msgid "We were unable to start the payment process, please try again later." +msgstr "เราไม่สามารถเริ่มกระบวนการชำระเงินได้ โปรดลองอีกครั้งในภายหลัง" + msgid "While connected, your real location is masked with a private and secure location in the selected region." msgstr "ในขณะที่เชื่อมต่อ ตำแหน่งที่ตั้งจริงของคุณจะถูกปิดบัง ด้วยตำแหน่งที่ตั้งที่เป็นส่วนตัวและปลอดภัย ในภูมิภาคที่เลือก" msgid "WireGuard MTU" msgstr "WireGuard MTU" +msgid "WireGuard custom port" +msgstr "พอร์ต WireGuard แบบกำหนดเอง" + msgid "WireGuard obfuscation" msgstr "การทำให้ข้อมูลยุ่งเหยิงของ WireGuard" +msgid "WireGuard port" +msgstr "พอร์ต WireGuard" + msgid "YOU MIGHT BE LEAKING NETWORK TRAFFIC" msgstr "คุณอาจมีการรับส่งข้อมูลทางเครือข่ายที่รั่วไหลอยู่" @@ -1795,6 +1898,17 @@ msgstr "คุณกำลังใช้งานเวอร์ชันแอ msgid "less than a minute ago" msgstr "น้อยกว่าหนึ่งนาทีก่อน" +msgid "less than one day" +msgstr "น้อยกว่าหนึ่งวัน" + +msgid "%d day" +msgid_plural "%d days" +msgstr[0] "%d วัน" + +msgid "%d month" +msgid_plural "%d months" +msgstr[0] "%d เดือน" + msgid "Account credit expires in a day" msgid_plural "Account credit expires in %d days" msgstr[0] "เครดิตของบัญชีจะหมดอายุใน %d วัน" diff --git a/gui/locales/th/relay-locations.po b/gui/locales/th/relay-locations.po index 880c16c7deab..a7858c3549e2 100644 --- a/gui/locales/th/relay-locations.po +++ b/gui/locales/th/relay-locations.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mullvad-app\n" "Language-Team: Thai\n" "Language: th_TH\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-05 14:16\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-04 12:55\n" #. AU ADL msgid "Adelaide" @@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ msgstr "เบลเยียม" msgid "Belgrade" msgstr "เบลเกรด" +#. DE BER +msgid "Berlin" +msgstr "เบอร์ลิน" + #. CO BOG msgid "Bogota" msgstr "โบโกตา" @@ -92,6 +96,10 @@ msgstr "บูดาเปสต์" msgid "Bulgaria" msgstr "บัลแกเรีย" +#. CA YYC +msgid "Calgary" +msgstr "แคลกะรี" + #. CA msgid "Canada" msgstr "แคนาดา" @@ -240,6 +248,10 @@ msgstr "โจฮันเนสเบิร์ก" msgid "Kiev" msgstr "เคียฟ" +#. UA IEV +msgid "Kyiv" +msgstr "เคียฟ" + #. LV msgid "Latvia" msgstr " ลัตเวีย" @@ -284,6 +296,10 @@ msgstr "มาร์แซย์" msgid "Melbourne" msgstr "เมลเบิร์น" +#. MX +msgid "Mexico" +msgstr "เม็กซิโก" + #. US MIA msgid "Miami, FL" msgstr "ไมแอมี รัฐฟลอริดา" @@ -384,6 +400,10 @@ msgstr "ปราก" msgid "Pune" msgstr "ปูเน" +#. MX QRO +msgid "Queretaro" +msgstr "เกเรตาโร" + #. US RAG msgid "Raleigh, NC" msgstr "ราลี นอร์ทแคโรไลนา" diff --git a/gui/locales/tr/messages.po b/gui/locales/tr/messages.po index 7e83241af7e3..8da0020070b2 100644 --- a/gui/locales/tr/messages.po +++ b/gui/locales/tr/messages.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mullvad-app\n" "Language-Team: Turkish\n" "Language: tr_TR\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-05 14:16\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-04 12:55\n" msgid "%(duration)s was added, account paid until %(expiry)s." msgstr "%(duration)s eklendi, hesap için %(expiry)s tarihine kadar ödeme yapıldı." @@ -180,6 +180,9 @@ msgstr "Çık" msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "Yeniden Bağlan" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Kaydet" + msgid "Search for..." msgstr "Ara..." @@ -491,11 +494,6 @@ msgctxt "device-management" msgid "If you log out, the device and the device name is removed. When you log back in again, the device will get a new name." msgstr "Oturumu kapatırsanız cihaz ve cihaz adı kaldırılır. Tekrar oturum açtığınızda cihaza yeni bir ad verilir." -#. Confirmation button when logging out -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "Log out anyway" -msgstr "Yine de çıkış yap" - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Please log out of at least one by removing it from the list below. You can find the corresponding device name under the device’s Account settings." msgstr "Lütfen aşağıdaki listeden en az bir cihazı kaldırarak çıkış yapın. İlgili cihaz adını cihazın Hesap ayarları altında bulabilirsiniz." @@ -506,20 +504,10 @@ msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Super!" msgstr "Süper!" -#. This is is a further explanation of what happens when logging out. -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "The ports forwarded to this device will be deleted if you log out." -msgstr "Çıkış yaparsanız bu cihaza yönlendirilen portlar silinecektir." - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "This is the name assigned to the device. Each device logged in on a Mullvad account gets a unique name that helps you identify it when you manage your devices in the app or on the website." msgstr "Bu, cihaza atanan addır. Mullvad hesabında oturum açan her cihaza, uygulamadaki veya web sitesindeki cihazlarınızı yönetirken tanımlamanıza yardımcı olacak benzersiz bir ad verilir." -#. Further information about consequences of logging out device. -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "This will delete all forwarded ports. Local settings will be saved." -msgstr "Bu işlem, yönlendirilen tüm portları silecek. Yerel ayarlar kaydedilecektir." - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Time left: %(timeLeft)s" msgstr "Kalan süre: %(timeLeft)s" @@ -1021,6 +1009,10 @@ msgctxt "select-location-nav" msgid "Select location" msgstr "Konum seçin" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "(Added)" +msgstr "(Eklendi)" + #. This is used for appending information about a location. #. E.g. "Gothenburg (Entry)" if Gothenburg has been selected as the entrypoint. #. Available placeholders: @@ -1030,6 +1022,33 @@ msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "%(location)s (%(info)s)" msgstr "%(location)s (%(info)s)" +#. This is a label shown above a list of options. +#. Available placeholder: +#. %(locationType) - Could be either "Country", "City" and "Relay" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Add %(locationType)s to list" +msgstr "%(locationType)s konumunu listeye ekle" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "All locations" +msgstr "Tüm konumlar" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "City" +msgstr "Şehir" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Country" +msgstr "Ülke" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Custom lists" +msgstr "Özel listeler" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Edit list name" +msgstr "Liste adını düzenleyin" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Entry" msgstr "Giriş" @@ -1042,10 +1061,22 @@ msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Filtered:" msgstr "Filtrelendi:" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "List names must be unique." +msgstr "Liste adları benzersiz olmalıdır." + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Name is already taken." +msgstr "İsim zaten kullanılıyor." + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Providers: %(numberOfProviders)d" msgstr "Hizmet sağlayıcılar: %(numberOfProviders)d" +msgctxt "select-location-viewThis refers to a VPN server which we also call relay since it relays internet traffic from the user onto the internet. It should probably say server here instead of relay. I'll look into if this should be changed until next relay but for now it will be \"Relay\"." +msgid "Relay" +msgstr "Aktarma" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "The app selects a random bridge server, but servers have a higher probability the closer they are to you." msgstr "Uygulama rastgele bir köprü sunucusu seçer, ancak sunucular size ne kadar yakınsa seçilme olasılığı da o kadar fazladır." @@ -1424,10 +1455,6 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Enable IPv6" msgstr "IPv6'yı etkinleştir" -msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" -msgid "Enable IPv6 communication through the tunnel." -msgstr "Tünel üzerinden IPv6 iletişimini etkinleştir." - #. The label next to the multihop settings toggle. msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Enable multihop" @@ -1453,6 +1480,10 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Increases anonymity by routing your traffic into one %(wireguard)s server and out another, making it harder to trace." msgstr "Trafiğinizi bir %(wireguard)s sunucusundan diğerine yönlendirerek gizliliği artırır ve izlemeyi zorlaştırır." +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "IPv4 is always enabled and the majority of websites and applications use this protocol. We do not recommend enabling IPv6 unless you know you need it." +msgstr "IPv4 her zaman etkindir ve web sitelerinin ve uygulamaların çoğu bu protokolü kullanır. İhtiyacınız olduğundan emin olmadığınız sürece IPv6'yı etkinleştirmenizi önermiyoruz." + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "It does this by allowing network communication outside the tunnel to local multicast and broadcast ranges as well as to and from these private IP ranges:" msgstr "Bunu, yerel çok noktaya yayın ve yayın aralıklarının yanı sıra aşağıdaki özel IP aralıkları arasında tünel dışı ağ iletişimine izin vererek yapar:" @@ -1478,6 +1509,11 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Malware" msgstr "Kötü amaçlı yazılım" +#. Label for settings that enables block of social media. +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "Social media" +msgstr "Sosyal medya" + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "The app’s built-in kill switch is always on. This setting will additionally block the internet if clicking Disconnect or Quit." msgstr "Uygulamanın dahili kill switch seçeneği her zaman açıktır. Ayrıca bu ayar, Bağlantıyı Kes veya Çık seçeneklerini tıkladığınızda interneti de engeller." @@ -1539,6 +1575,10 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "When this feature is enabled it stops the device from contacting certain domains or websites known for distributing ads, malware, trackers and more." msgstr "Bu özellik etkinleştirildiğinde, cihazınızın reklamlar, kötü amaçlı yazılımlar, izleyiciler ve daha fazlasını dağıttığı bilinen belirli alan adlarıyla veya web siteleriyle iletişim kurmasını durdurur." +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "When this feature is enabled, IPv6 can be used alongside IPv4 in the VPN tunnel to communicate with internet services." +msgstr "Bu özellik etkinleştirildiğinde IPv6, internet hizmetleriyle iletişim kurmak için VPN tünelinde IPv4 ile birlikte kullanılabilir." + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "With Lockdown Mode enabled, you must be connected to a Mullvad VPN server to be able to reach the internet. Manually disconnecting or quitting the app will block your connection." msgstr "Kilitleme Modu etkinken, internete erişebilmek için bir Mullvad VPN sunucusuna bağlı olmanız gerekir. Uygulamanın bağlantısını manuel olarak kesmek veya uygulamadan çıkmak bağlantınızı engeller." @@ -1627,6 +1667,13 @@ msgctxt "wireguard-settings-view" msgid "Which TCP port the UDP-over-TCP obfuscation protocol should connect to on the VPN server." msgstr "TCP üzerinden UDP gizleme protokolünün VPN sunucusunda hangi TCP portuna bağlanması gerekiyor." +msgctxt "Message shown after successfully adding subscription time to an account, where \"%s\" represent the amount of time, like for example \"1 day\" or \"4 months\".Full examples: \"1 day was added to your account.\"\"4 months was added to your account.\"" +msgid "%s was added to your account." +msgstr "Hesabınıza %s eklendi." + +msgid "30 days was added to your account." +msgstr "Hesabınıza 30gün eklendi." + msgid "Account credit expires in a few minutes" msgstr "Hesap kredisinin süresi birkaç dakika içinde doluyor" @@ -1636,6 +1683,12 @@ msgstr "Hesap kredisinin süresi yakında doluyor" msgid "Account time reminders" msgstr "Hesap süresi hatırlatıcıları" +msgid "Add 30 days time" +msgstr "30 gün süre ekleyin" + +msgid "Add 30 days time (%s)" +msgstr "30 gün süre ekleyin (%s)" + msgid "Add DNS server" msgstr "DNS sunucusu ekle" @@ -1663,6 +1716,9 @@ msgstr "İnternet bağlantısı engelleniyor (cihaz çevrimdışı)" msgid "Changes to DNS related settings might not go into effect immediately due to cached results." msgstr "DNS ile ilgili ayarlarda yapılan değişiklikler, önbelleğe alınan sonuçlar nedeniyle hemen etkili olmayabilir." +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "Bağlanılıyor..." + msgid "Copied Mullvad account number to clipboard" msgstr "Mullvad hesap numarası panoya kopyalandı" @@ -1687,12 +1743,25 @@ msgstr "Etkinleştir" msgid "Enter MTU" msgstr "MTU'yu girin" +msgctxt "Placeholder in port number input field." +msgid "Enter port" +msgstr "Portu girin" + msgid "Excluded applications" msgstr "Hariç tutulan uygulamalar" msgid "Going to login will unblock the internet on this device." msgstr "Giriş yapmak bu cihazdaki internet engelini kaldıracaktır." +msgid "Google Play payment pending" +msgstr "Google Play ödemesi bekleniyor" + +msgid "Google Play unavailable" +msgstr "Google Play kullanılamıyor" + +msgid "If the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device." +msgstr "Bölünmüş tünelleme özelliği kullanılıyorsa uygulama, yüklü tüm uygulamaların bir listesi için sisteminizi sorgular. Bu liste yalnızca bölünmüş tünelleme görünümünde alınır. Yüklü uygulamaların listesi hiçbir zaman cihazdan gönderilmez." + msgid "Install Mullvad VPN (%s) to stay up to date" msgstr "Güncel kalmak için Mullvad VPN (%s) yükleyin" @@ -1702,6 +1771,9 @@ msgstr "Hesabı yönet" msgid "Mullvad account number" msgstr "Mullvad hesap numarası" +msgid "Mullvad services unavailable" +msgstr "Mullvad hizmetleri kullanılamıyor" + msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Tercihler" @@ -1714,6 +1786,9 @@ msgstr "Gizlilik politikası" msgid "Remove" msgstr "Kaldır" +msgid "Remove custom port" +msgstr "Özel portu kaldır" + msgid "Reset to default" msgstr "Varsayılana sıfırla" @@ -1723,6 +1798,9 @@ msgstr "Güvenli" msgid "Set WireGuard MTU value. Valid range: %d - %d." msgstr "WireGuard MTU değerini ayarlayın. Geçerli aralık: %d - %d." +msgid "Set port" +msgstr "Portu ayarla" + msgid "Show system apps" msgstr "Sistem uygulamalarını göster" @@ -1732,9 +1810,6 @@ msgstr "Mevcut VPN tünelinin durumunu gösterir" msgid "Shows reminders when the account time is about to expire" msgstr "Hesap süresinin dolmak üzere olduğunu bildiren hatırlatıcıları gösterir" -msgid "Split tunneling makes it possible to select which applications should not be routed through the VPN tunnel." -msgstr "Bölünmüş tünelleme, VPN tüneli üzerinden yönlendirilmemesi gereken uygulamaları seçmenize imkan sağlar." - msgid "Submit" msgstr "Gönder" @@ -1747,8 +1822,8 @@ msgstr "Bu adres zaten girilmiş." msgid "This might cause issues on certain websites, services, and apps." msgstr "Bu özellik belirli web sitelerinde, hizmetlerde ve uygulamalarda sorunlara neden olabilir." -msgid "To make sure that you have the most secure version and to inform you of any issues with the current version that is running, the app performs version checks automatically. This sends the app version and Android system version to Mullvad servers. Mullvad keeps counters on number of used app versions and Android versions. The data is never stored or used in any way that can identify you.\\n\\nIf the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device." -msgstr "Uygulama, en güvenli sürüme sahip olduğunuzdan emin olmak ve çalışan mevcut sürümle ilgili sorunları size bildirmek için sürüm kontrollerini otomatik olarak gerçekleştirir. Bu işlem, uygulama sürümünü ve Android sistem sürümünü Mullvad sunucularına gönderir. Mullvad, kullanılan uygulama sürümlerinin ve Android sürümlerinin numarasını kaydeder. Veriler asla sizi tanımlayacak şekilde saklanmaz veya kullanılmaz.\\n\\nUygulama, bölünmüş tünel oluşturma özelliği kullanılıyorsa yüklü tüm uygulamaların listesini çıkarmak için sisteminizi sorgular. Bu liste yalnızca bölünmüş tünel görünümünde alınabilir. Cihazdaki yüklü uygulamaların listesi asla gönderilmez." +msgid "To make sure that you have the most secure version and to inform you of any issues with the current version that is running, the app performs version checks automatically. This sends the app version and Android system version to Mullvad servers. Mullvad keeps counters on number of used app versions and Android versions. The data is never stored or used in any way that can identify you." +msgstr "Uygulama, en güvenli sürüme sahip olduğunuzdan emin olmak ve çalışan mevcut sürümle ilgili sorunları size bildirmek için sürüm kontrollerini otomatik olarak gerçekleştirir. Bu işlem, uygulama sürümünü ve Android sistem sürümünü Mullvad sunucularına gönderir. Mullvad, kullanılan uygulama sürümlerinin ve Android sürümlerinin numarasını kaydeder. Veriler asla sizi tanımlayacak şekilde saklanmaz veya kullanılmaz." msgid "Toggle VPN" msgstr "VPN'i aç/kapat" @@ -1780,18 +1855,46 @@ msgstr "VPN tüneli durumu" msgid "Valid WireGuard key is missing. Manage keys under Advanced settings." msgstr "Geçerli WireGuard anahtarı eksik. Gelişmiş ayarlardan anahtarları yönetin." +msgctxt "Used to inform the user about a set of valid network port number ranges, for example: \"Valid ranges: 1-10, 100-200, 30000-31000\" " +msgid "Valid ranges: %s" +msgstr "Geçerli aralıklar: %s" + +msgid "Verifying purchase" +msgstr "Satın alma işlemi doğrulanıyor" + +msgid "Verifying purchase..." +msgstr "Satın alma işlemi doğrulanıyor..." + +msgid "Verifying voucher…" +msgstr "Kupon doğrulanıyor…" + msgid "Virtual adapter error" msgstr "Sanal adaptör hatası" +msgid "We are currently verifying your purchase, this might take some time. Your time will be added if the verification is successful." +msgstr "Şu anda satın alma işleminizi doğruluyoruz. Bu işlem biraz zaman alabilir. Süreniz, doğrulama işleminin başarılı olması durumunda eklenecektir." + +msgid "We were unable to start the payment process, please make sure you have the latest version of Google Play." +msgstr "Ödeme işlemini başlatamadık. Lütfen Google Play'in en son sürümüne sahip olduğunuzdan emin olun." + +msgid "We were unable to start the payment process, please try again later." +msgstr "Ödeme işlemini başlatamadık, lütfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin." + msgid "While connected, your real location is masked with a private and secure location in the selected region." msgstr "Bağlıyken gerçek konumunuz, seçilen bölgedeki özel ve gizli bir konumla maskelenir." msgid "WireGuard MTU" msgstr "WireGuard MTU" +msgid "WireGuard custom port" +msgstr "WireGuard özel portu" + msgid "WireGuard obfuscation" msgstr "WireGuard gizlemesi" +msgid "WireGuard port" +msgstr "WireGuard portu" + msgid "YOU MIGHT BE LEAKING NETWORK TRAFFIC" msgstr "AĞ TRAFİĞİNİZDE SIZINTI OLABİLİR" @@ -1801,6 +1904,19 @@ msgstr "Desteklenmeyen bir uygulama sürümünü kullanıyorsunuz." msgid "less than a minute ago" msgstr "bir dakikadan az" +msgid "less than one day" +msgstr "bir günden az" + +msgid "%d day" +msgid_plural "%d days" +msgstr[0] "%d gün" +msgstr[1] "%d gün" + +msgid "%d month" +msgid_plural "%d months" +msgstr[0] "%d ay" +msgstr[1] "%d ay" + msgid "Account credit expires in a day" msgid_plural "Account credit expires in %d days" msgstr[0] "Hesap kredisi bir gün içinde sona eriyor" diff --git a/gui/locales/tr/relay-locations.po b/gui/locales/tr/relay-locations.po index d3d5a885ab21..9ad8aac20e25 100644 --- a/gui/locales/tr/relay-locations.po +++ b/gui/locales/tr/relay-locations.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mullvad-app\n" "Language-Team: Turkish\n" "Language: tr_TR\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-05 14:16\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-04 12:55\n" #. AU ADL msgid "Adelaide" @@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ msgstr "Belçika" msgid "Belgrade" msgstr "Belgrad" +#. DE BER +msgid "Berlin" +msgstr "Berlin" + #. CO BOG msgid "Bogota" msgstr "Bogota" @@ -92,6 +96,10 @@ msgstr "Budapeşte" msgid "Bulgaria" msgstr "Bulgaristan" +#. CA YYC +msgid "Calgary" +msgstr "Calgary" + #. CA msgid "Canada" msgstr "Kanada" @@ -240,6 +248,10 @@ msgstr "Johannesburg" msgid "Kiev" msgstr "Kiev" +#. UA IEV +msgid "Kyiv" +msgstr "Kiev" + #. LV msgid "Latvia" msgstr "Letonya" @@ -284,6 +296,10 @@ msgstr "Marsilya" msgid "Melbourne" msgstr "Melbourne" +#. MX +msgid "Mexico" +msgstr "Meksika" + #. US MIA msgid "Miami, FL" msgstr "Miami, FL" @@ -384,6 +400,10 @@ msgstr "Prag" msgid "Pune" msgstr "Pune" +#. MX QRO +msgid "Queretaro" +msgstr "Santiago de Querétaro" + #. US RAG msgid "Raleigh, NC" msgstr "Raleigh, NC" diff --git a/gui/locales/zh-CN/messages.po b/gui/locales/zh-CN/messages.po index 8e5681411c9c..e8cd9d28d2ba 100644 --- a/gui/locales/zh-CN/messages.po +++ b/gui/locales/zh-CN/messages.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mullvad-app\n" "Language-Team: Chinese Simplified\n" "Language: zh_CN\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-05 14:16\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-04 12:55\n" msgid "%(duration)s was added, account paid until %(expiry)s." msgstr "已添加 %(duration)s,帐户到期时间为 %(expiry)s。" @@ -174,6 +174,9 @@ msgstr "退出" msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "重新连接" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "保存" + msgid "Search for..." msgstr "搜索…" @@ -485,11 +488,6 @@ msgctxt "device-management" msgid "If you log out, the device and the device name is removed. When you log back in again, the device will get a new name." msgstr "如果您退出登录,设备和设备名称将被移除。当您再次登录时,设备将获得新名称。" -#. Confirmation button when logging out -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "Log out anyway" -msgstr "仍然退出" - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Please log out of at least one by removing it from the list below. You can find the corresponding device name under the device’s Account settings." msgstr "请通过从以下列表中移除的方式退出至少一个帐户。您可以在设备的帐户设置下找到相应设备名称。" @@ -500,20 +498,10 @@ msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Super!" msgstr "太棒了!" -#. This is is a further explanation of what happens when logging out. -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "The ports forwarded to this device will be deleted if you log out." -msgstr "如果您退出,转发到此设备的端口将被删除。" - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "This is the name assigned to the device. Each device logged in on a Mullvad account gets a unique name that helps you identify it when you manage your devices in the app or on the website." msgstr "这是为设备分配的名称。每台登录 Mulvad 帐户的设备都会获得一个唯一名称,有助于您在应用或网站上管理设备时识别各个设备。" -#. Further information about consequences of logging out device. -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "This will delete all forwarded ports. Local settings will be saved." -msgstr "这将删除所有转发的端口。将保存本地设置。" - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Time left: %(timeLeft)s" msgstr "剩余时间:%(timeLeft)s" @@ -1015,6 +1003,10 @@ msgctxt "select-location-nav" msgid "Select location" msgstr "选择位置" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "(Added)" +msgstr "(已添加)" + #. This is used for appending information about a location. #. E.g. "Gothenburg (Entry)" if Gothenburg has been selected as the entrypoint. #. Available placeholders: @@ -1024,6 +1016,33 @@ msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "%(location)s (%(info)s)" msgstr "%(location)s(%(info)s)" +#. This is a label shown above a list of options. +#. Available placeholder: +#. %(locationType) - Could be either "Country", "City" and "Relay" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Add %(locationType)s to list" +msgstr "将%(locationType)s添加到列表" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "All locations" +msgstr "所有位置" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "City" +msgstr "城市" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Country" +msgstr "国家/地区" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Custom lists" +msgstr "自定义列表" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Edit list name" +msgstr "编辑列表名称" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Entry" msgstr "入口" @@ -1036,10 +1055,22 @@ msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Filtered:" msgstr "已筛选:" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "List names must be unique." +msgstr "列表名称必须唯一。" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Name is already taken." +msgstr "名称已被占用。" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Providers: %(numberOfProviders)d" msgstr "提供商:%(numberOfProviders)d" +msgctxt "select-location-viewThis refers to a VPN server which we also call relay since it relays internet traffic from the user onto the internet. It should probably say server here instead of relay. I'll look into if this should be changed until next relay but for now it will be \"Relay\"." +msgid "Relay" +msgstr "中继" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "The app selects a random bridge server, but servers have a higher probability the closer they are to you." msgstr "应用会随机选择一个桥接服务器,但服务器离您越近,被选中的概率就越高。" @@ -1418,10 +1449,6 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Enable IPv6" msgstr "启用 IPv6" -msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" -msgid "Enable IPv6 communication through the tunnel." -msgstr "启用通过隧道进行 IPv6 通信。" - #. The label next to the multihop settings toggle. msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Enable multihop" @@ -1447,6 +1474,10 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Increases anonymity by routing your traffic into one %(wireguard)s server and out another, making it harder to trace." msgstr "通过将您的流量路由到一个 %(wireguard)s 服务器中并从另一个服务器传出的方式增加匿名性,提高追踪难度。" +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "IPv4 is always enabled and the majority of websites and applications use this protocol. We do not recommend enabling IPv6 unless you know you need it." +msgstr "IPv4 始终处于启用状态,大多数网站和应用程序都使用此协议。不建议启用 IPv6,除非您知道自己需要使用该协议。" + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "It does this by allowing network communication outside the tunnel to local multicast and broadcast ranges as well as to and from these private IP ranges:" msgstr "此功能通过允许隧道以外到本地组播和广播范围以及与以下私有 IP 范围的网络通信来实现访问。" @@ -1472,6 +1503,11 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Malware" msgstr "恶意软件" +#. Label for settings that enables block of social media. +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "Social media" +msgstr "社交媒体" + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "The app’s built-in kill switch is always on. This setting will additionally block the internet if clicking Disconnect or Quit." msgstr "应用的内置安全开关始终处于开启状态。如果点击“断开连接”或“退出”,此设置还将阻止您的网络连接。" @@ -1533,6 +1569,10 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "When this feature is enabled it stops the device from contacting certain domains or websites known for distributing ads, malware, trackers and more." msgstr "启用此功能后,它将阻止设备与已知的分发广告、恶意软件、跟踪器等内容的特定域或网站联系。" +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "When this feature is enabled, IPv6 can be used alongside IPv4 in the VPN tunnel to communicate with internet services." +msgstr "启用此功能后,IPv6 可以在 VPN 隧道中与 IPv4 一起使用来通过互联网服务通信。" + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "With Lockdown Mode enabled, you must be connected to a Mullvad VPN server to be able to reach the internet. Manually disconnecting or quitting the app will block your connection." msgstr "启用锁定模式后,您必须连接到 Mullvad VPN 服务器才能访问网络。手动断开或退出应用将阻止您的连接。" @@ -1621,6 +1661,13 @@ msgctxt "wireguard-settings-view" msgid "Which TCP port the UDP-over-TCP obfuscation protocol should connect to on the VPN server." msgstr "UDP-over-TCP 混淆协议应连接到 VPN 服务器上的哪个 TCP 端口。" +msgctxt "Message shown after successfully adding subscription time to an account, where \"%s\" represent the amount of time, like for example \"1 day\" or \"4 months\".Full examples: \"1 day was added to your account.\"\"4 months was added to your account.\"" +msgid "%s was added to your account." +msgstr "已向您的帐户增加 %s。" + +msgid "30 days was added to your account." +msgstr "已向您的帐户增加 30 天。" + msgid "Account credit expires in a few minutes" msgstr "帐户额度将在几分钟后到期" @@ -1630,6 +1677,12 @@ msgstr "帐户额度即将到期" msgid "Account time reminders" msgstr "帐户时间提醒" +msgid "Add 30 days time" +msgstr "增加 30 天" + +msgid "Add 30 days time (%s)" +msgstr "增加 30 天 (%s)" + msgid "Add DNS server" msgstr "添加 DNS 服务器" @@ -1657,6 +1710,9 @@ msgstr "正在阻止网络(设备离线)" msgid "Changes to DNS related settings might not go into effect immediately due to cached results." msgstr "由于缓存结果,对 DNS 相关设置的更改可能不会立即生效。" +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "正在连接…" + msgid "Copied Mullvad account number to clipboard" msgstr "已将 Mullvad 帐号复制到剪贴板" @@ -1681,12 +1737,25 @@ msgstr "启用" msgid "Enter MTU" msgstr "输入 MTU" +msgctxt "Placeholder in port number input field." +msgid "Enter port" +msgstr "输入端口" + msgid "Excluded applications" msgstr "排除的应用程序" msgid "Going to login will unblock the internet on this device." msgstr "前往登录将在此设备上解除阻止互联网。" +msgid "Google Play payment pending" +msgstr "Google Play 付款待处理" + +msgid "Google Play unavailable" +msgstr "Google Play 不可用" + +msgid "If the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device." +msgstr "如果使用拆分隧道功能,应用会向您的系统查询所有已安装应用程序的列表。此列表仅在拆分隧道视图中检索。有关已安装应用程序的信息永远不会离开设备。" + msgid "Install Mullvad VPN (%s) to stay up to date" msgstr "安装 Mullvad VPN (%s) 以保持最新状态" @@ -1696,6 +1765,9 @@ msgstr "管理帐户" msgid "Mullvad account number" msgstr "Mullvad 帐号" +msgid "Mullvad services unavailable" +msgstr "Mullvad 服务不可用" + msgid "Preferences" msgstr "偏好设置" @@ -1708,6 +1780,9 @@ msgstr "隐私政策" msgid "Remove" msgstr "移除" +msgid "Remove custom port" +msgstr "移除自定义端口" + msgid "Reset to default" msgstr "重置为默认值" @@ -1717,6 +1792,9 @@ msgstr "已受保护" msgid "Set WireGuard MTU value. Valid range: %d - %d." msgstr "设置 WireGuard MTU 值。有效范围:%d - %d。" +msgid "Set port" +msgstr "设置端口" + msgid "Show system apps" msgstr "显示系统应用" @@ -1726,9 +1804,6 @@ msgstr "显示当前的 VPN 隧道状态" msgid "Shows reminders when the account time is about to expire" msgstr "在帐户时间即将到期时显示提醒" -msgid "Split tunneling makes it possible to select which applications should not be routed through the VPN tunnel." -msgstr "利用拆分隧道,您可以选择哪些应用程序不应通过 VPN 隧道进行路由。" - msgid "Submit" msgstr "提交" @@ -1741,8 +1816,8 @@ msgstr "此地址已输入过。" msgid "This might cause issues on certain websites, services, and apps." msgstr "这可能会导致某些网站、服务和应用出现问题。" -msgid "To make sure that you have the most secure version and to inform you of any issues with the current version that is running, the app performs version checks automatically. This sends the app version and Android system version to Mullvad servers. Mullvad keeps counters on number of used app versions and Android versions. The data is never stored or used in any way that can identify you.\\n\\nIf the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device." -msgstr "为确保您使用的是最安全的版本并通知您当前运行版本存在的任何问题,应用会自动执行版本检查。此操作会将应用版本和 Android 系统版本发送到 Mullvad 服务器。Mullvad 会统计使用的应用版本和 Android 版本。数据绝不会通过任何可识别您身份的方式存储或使用。\\n\\n如果使用拆分隧道功能,则应用会对您的系统进行查询,以获取所有已安装应用程序的列表。此列表仅在拆分隧道视图中检索。已安装应用程序的列表绝不会从设备发出。" +msgid "To make sure that you have the most secure version and to inform you of any issues with the current version that is running, the app performs version checks automatically. This sends the app version and Android system version to Mullvad servers. Mullvad keeps counters on number of used app versions and Android versions. The data is never stored or used in any way that can identify you." +msgstr "为确保您使用的是最安全的版本并通知您当前运行的版本存在的任何问题,应用会自动执行版本检查。此操作会将应用版本和 Android 系统版本发送到 Mullvad 服务器。Mullvad 会统计使用的应用版本和 Android 版本。数据永远不会通过任何可以识别您身份的方式存储或使用。" msgid "Toggle VPN" msgstr "切换 VPN" @@ -1774,18 +1849,46 @@ msgstr "VPN 隧道状态" msgid "Valid WireGuard key is missing. Manage keys under Advanced settings." msgstr "缺少有效的 WireGuard 密钥。在“高级”设置下管理密钥。" +msgctxt "Used to inform the user about a set of valid network port number ranges, for example: \"Valid ranges: 1-10, 100-200, 30000-31000\" " +msgid "Valid ranges: %s" +msgstr "有效范围:%s" + +msgid "Verifying purchase" +msgstr "正在验证购买" + +msgid "Verifying purchase..." +msgstr "正在验证购买…" + +msgid "Verifying voucher…" +msgstr "正在验证优惠券…" + msgid "Virtual adapter error" msgstr "虚拟适配器错误" +msgid "We are currently verifying your purchase, this might take some time. Your time will be added if the verification is successful." +msgstr "我们目前正在验证您的购买,这可能需要一些时间。如果验证成功,您的时间将增加。" + +msgid "We were unable to start the payment process, please make sure you have the latest version of Google Play." +msgstr "我们无法启动付款流程,请确保拥有最新版本的 Google Play。" + +msgid "We were unable to start the payment process, please try again later." +msgstr "我们无法启动付款流程,请稍后再试。" + msgid "While connected, your real location is masked with a private and secure location in the selected region." msgstr "连接时,将使用所选区域中一个私密且安全的位置隐藏您的真实位置。" msgid "WireGuard MTU" msgstr "WireGuard MTU" +msgid "WireGuard custom port" +msgstr "WireGuard 自定义端口" + msgid "WireGuard obfuscation" msgstr "WireGuard 混淆" +msgid "WireGuard port" +msgstr "WireGuard 端口" + msgid "YOU MIGHT BE LEAKING NETWORK TRAFFIC" msgstr "您的网络流量可能在泄露" @@ -1795,6 +1898,17 @@ msgstr "您正在运行不受支持的应用版本。" msgid "less than a minute ago" msgstr "不到 1 分钟前" +msgid "less than one day" +msgstr "不足 1 天" + +msgid "%d day" +msgid_plural "%d days" +msgstr[0] "%d 天" + +msgid "%d month" +msgid_plural "%d months" +msgstr[0] "%d 个月" + msgid "Account credit expires in a day" msgid_plural "Account credit expires in %d days" msgstr[0] "帐户额度将在 %d 天后到期" diff --git a/gui/locales/zh-CN/relay-locations.po b/gui/locales/zh-CN/relay-locations.po index a9a70cc68e08..91dd9ad691c5 100644 --- a/gui/locales/zh-CN/relay-locations.po +++ b/gui/locales/zh-CN/relay-locations.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mullvad-app\n" "Language-Team: Chinese Simplified\n" "Language: zh_CN\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-05 14:16\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-04 12:55\n" #. AU ADL msgid "Adelaide" @@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ msgstr "比利时" msgid "Belgrade" msgstr "贝尔格莱德" +#. DE BER +msgid "Berlin" +msgstr "柏林" + #. CO BOG msgid "Bogota" msgstr "波哥大" @@ -92,6 +96,10 @@ msgstr "布达佩斯" msgid "Bulgaria" msgstr "保加利亚" +#. CA YYC +msgid "Calgary" +msgstr "卡尔加里" + #. CA msgid "Canada" msgstr "加拿大" @@ -240,6 +248,10 @@ msgstr "约翰内斯堡" msgid "Kiev" msgstr "基辅" +#. UA IEV +msgid "Kyiv" +msgstr "基辅" + #. LV msgid "Latvia" msgstr "拉脱维亚" @@ -284,6 +296,10 @@ msgstr "马赛" msgid "Melbourne" msgstr "墨尔本" +#. MX +msgid "Mexico" +msgstr "墨西哥" + #. US MIA msgid "Miami, FL" msgstr "佛罗里达州迈阿密" @@ -384,6 +400,10 @@ msgstr "布拉格" msgid "Pune" msgstr "浦那" +#. MX QRO +msgid "Queretaro" +msgstr "克雷塔罗" + #. US RAG msgid "Raleigh, NC" msgstr "罗利,北卡罗来纳州" diff --git a/gui/locales/zh-TW/messages.po b/gui/locales/zh-TW/messages.po index c2b6b205cf22..a81fdea35110 100644 --- a/gui/locales/zh-TW/messages.po +++ b/gui/locales/zh-TW/messages.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mullvad-app\n" "Language-Team: Chinese Traditional\n" "Language: zh_TW\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-05 14:16\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-04 12:55\n" msgid "%(duration)s was added, account paid until %(expiry)s." msgstr "已新增 %(duration)s,帳戶到期時間為 %(expiry)s。" @@ -174,6 +174,9 @@ msgstr "結束" msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "重新連線" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "儲存" + msgid "Search for..." msgstr "搜尋…" @@ -485,11 +488,6 @@ msgctxt "device-management" msgid "If you log out, the device and the device name is removed. When you log back in again, the device will get a new name." msgstr "如果您登出,則系統會移除裝置和裝置名稱。當您再次登入時,裝置則會獲得新名稱。" -#. Confirmation button when logging out -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "Log out anyway" -msgstr "仍然登出" - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Please log out of at least one by removing it from the list below. You can find the corresponding device name under the device’s Account settings." msgstr "請從底下清單至少移除一個裝置來將其登出。您可以在裝置的「帳戶」設定下找到相應裝置名稱。" @@ -500,20 +498,10 @@ msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Super!" msgstr "太好了!" -#. This is is a further explanation of what happens when logging out. -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "The ports forwarded to this device will be deleted if you log out." -msgstr "如果您登出,將會刪除轉送到此裝置的連接埠。" - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "This is the name assigned to the device. Each device logged in on a Mullvad account gets a unique name that helps you identify it when you manage your devices in the app or on the website." msgstr "這是系統指派給裝置的名稱。每台登入 Mulvad 帳戶的裝置都會獲得一個獨特名稱,有助於您在應用程式或網站上管理裝置時識別各台裝置。" -#. Further information about consequences of logging out device. -msgctxt "device-management" -msgid "This will delete all forwarded ports. Local settings will be saved." -msgstr "這將刪除所有轉送的連接埠。將儲存本機設定。" - msgctxt "device-management" msgid "Time left: %(timeLeft)s" msgstr "剩餘時間:%(timeLeft)s" @@ -1015,6 +1003,10 @@ msgctxt "select-location-nav" msgid "Select location" msgstr "選擇位置" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "(Added)" +msgstr "(已新增)" + #. This is used for appending information about a location. #. E.g. "Gothenburg (Entry)" if Gothenburg has been selected as the entrypoint. #. Available placeholders: @@ -1024,6 +1016,33 @@ msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "%(location)s (%(info)s)" msgstr "%(location)s (%(info)s)" +#. This is a label shown above a list of options. +#. Available placeholder: +#. %(locationType) - Could be either "Country", "City" and "Relay" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Add %(locationType)s to list" +msgstr "將%(locationType)s新增至清單" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "All locations" +msgstr "所有位置" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "City" +msgstr "城市" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Country" +msgstr "國家/地區" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Custom lists" +msgstr "自訂清單" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Edit list name" +msgstr "編輯清單名稱" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Entry" msgstr "入口" @@ -1036,10 +1055,22 @@ msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Filtered:" msgstr "已篩選:" +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "List names must be unique." +msgstr "清單名稱不可重複。" + +msgctxt "select-location-view" +msgid "Name is already taken." +msgstr "名稱已在別處使用。" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "Providers: %(numberOfProviders)d" msgstr "供應商:%(numberOfProviders)d" +msgctxt "select-location-viewThis refers to a VPN server which we also call relay since it relays internet traffic from the user onto the internet. It should probably say server here instead of relay. I'll look into if this should be changed until next relay but for now it will be \"Relay\"." +msgid "Relay" +msgstr "轉送" + msgctxt "select-location-view" msgid "The app selects a random bridge server, but servers have a higher probability the closer they are to you." msgstr "應用程式會隨機選擇一個橋接伺服器,而離您越近的伺服器就越有可能獲選。" @@ -1418,10 +1449,6 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Enable IPv6" msgstr "啟用 IPv6" -msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" -msgid "Enable IPv6 communication through the tunnel." -msgstr "透過通道啟用 IPv6 通訊。" - #. The label next to the multihop settings toggle. msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Enable multihop" @@ -1447,6 +1474,10 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Increases anonymity by routing your traffic into one %(wireguard)s server and out another, making it harder to trace." msgstr "藉由將您的流量路由到某個 %(wireguard)s 伺服器,再從另一個伺服器傳出,以此增加匿名性,提高追蹤難度。" +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "IPv4 is always enabled and the majority of websites and applications use this protocol. We do not recommend enabling IPv6 unless you know you need it." +msgstr "IPv4 始終處於啟用狀態,大多數網站和應用程式都使用此通訊協定。不建議啟用 IPv6,除非您知道自己需要使用該通訊協定。" + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "It does this by allowing network communication outside the tunnel to local multicast and broadcast ranges as well as to and from these private IP ranges:" msgstr "其原理是允許通道外的網路與本機網路進行通訊,包括以下私人 IP 範圍內的多點傳送和廣播:" @@ -1472,6 +1503,11 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "Malware" msgstr "惡意軟體" +#. Label for settings that enables block of social media. +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "Social media" +msgstr "社群媒體" + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "The app’s built-in kill switch is always on. This setting will additionally block the internet if clicking Disconnect or Quit." msgstr "應用程式內建終止開關 (Kill Switch) 始終處於開啟狀態。如果按一下「中斷連線」或「退出」,此設定還將封鎖您的網路。" @@ -1533,6 +1569,10 @@ msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "When this feature is enabled it stops the device from contacting certain domains or websites known for distributing ads, malware, trackers and more." msgstr "此功能啟用後,便會禁止裝置聯繫某些已知會傳播廣告、惡意軟體、追蹤程式等內容的網域或網站。" +msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" +msgid "When this feature is enabled, IPv6 can be used alongside IPv4 in the VPN tunnel to communicate with internet services." +msgstr "啟用此功能後,即可在 VPN 通道中同時使用 IPv6 和 IPv4,以便與網際網路服務進行通訊。" + msgctxt "vpn-settings-view" msgid "With Lockdown Mode enabled, you must be connected to a Mullvad VPN server to be able to reach the internet. Manually disconnecting or quitting the app will block your connection." msgstr "啟用鎖定模式後,您必須連線到 Mullvad VPN 伺服器才能存取網路。手動中斷連線或結束應用程式,都將封鎖您的連線。" @@ -1621,6 +1661,13 @@ msgctxt "wireguard-settings-view" msgid "Which TCP port the UDP-over-TCP obfuscation protocol should connect to on the VPN server." msgstr "UDP-over-TCP 混淆通訊協定應連線到 VPN 伺服器上的哪個 TCP 連接埠。" +msgctxt "Message shown after successfully adding subscription time to an account, where \"%s\" represent the amount of time, like for example \"1 day\" or \"4 months\".Full examples: \"1 day was added to your account.\"\"4 months was added to your account.\"" +msgid "%s was added to your account." +msgstr "已為您的帳戶新增 %s。" + +msgid "30 days was added to your account." +msgstr "已為您的帳戶新增 30 天。" + msgid "Account credit expires in a few minutes" msgstr "帳戶點數將在數分鐘後到期" @@ -1630,6 +1677,12 @@ msgstr "帳戶點數即將到期" msgid "Account time reminders" msgstr "帳戶時間提醒" +msgid "Add 30 days time" +msgstr "增加 30 天時間" + +msgid "Add 30 days time (%s)" +msgstr "增加 30 天時間 (%s)" + msgid "Add DNS server" msgstr "新增 DNS 伺服器" @@ -1657,6 +1710,9 @@ msgstr "封鎖網際網路 (裝置離線)" msgid "Changes to DNS related settings might not go into effect immediately due to cached results." msgstr "由於快取的結果,對 DNS 相關設定所做的變更可能不會立即生效。" +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "正在連線…" + msgid "Copied Mullvad account number to clipboard" msgstr "已將 Mullvad 帳號複製到剪貼簿" @@ -1681,12 +1737,25 @@ msgstr "啟用" msgid "Enter MTU" msgstr "輸入 MTU" +msgctxt "Placeholder in port number input field." +msgid "Enter port" +msgstr "輸入連接埠" + msgid "Excluded applications" msgstr "已排除的應用程式" msgid "Going to login will unblock the internet on this device." msgstr "若前往登入,則會在此裝置上解除對網際網路的封鎖。" +msgid "Google Play payment pending" +msgstr "Google Play 付款尚待處理" + +msgid "Google Play unavailable" +msgstr "Google Play 無法使用" + +msgid "If the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device." +msgstr "如果使用了分割通道功能,該應用程式會查詢您的系統,以取得所有已安裝應用程式的清單。我們只會在分割通道視圖中擷取這份清單,絕不會傳送至他處。" + msgid "Install Mullvad VPN (%s) to stay up to date" msgstr "安裝 Mullvad VPN (%s) 以維持最新狀態" @@ -1696,6 +1765,9 @@ msgstr "管理帳戶" msgid "Mullvad account number" msgstr "Mullvad 帳號" +msgid "Mullvad services unavailable" +msgstr "Mullvad 服務無法使用" + msgid "Preferences" msgstr "喜好設定" @@ -1708,6 +1780,9 @@ msgstr "隱私權政策" msgid "Remove" msgstr "移除" +msgid "Remove custom port" +msgstr "移除自訂連接埠" + msgid "Reset to default" msgstr "重設為預設值" @@ -1717,6 +1792,9 @@ msgstr "安全" msgid "Set WireGuard MTU value. Valid range: %d - %d." msgstr "設定 WireGuard MTU 值。有效範圍:%d - %d。" +msgid "Set port" +msgstr "設定連接埠" + msgid "Show system apps" msgstr "顯示系統應用程式" @@ -1726,9 +1804,6 @@ msgstr "顯示目前的 VPN 通道狀態" msgid "Shows reminders when the account time is about to expire" msgstr "在帳戶時間即將到期時顯示提醒" -msgid "Split tunneling makes it possible to select which applications should not be routed through the VPN tunnel." -msgstr "利用拆分通道,您可以選擇哪些應用程式不應透過 VPN 通道進行路由。" - msgid "Submit" msgstr "提交" @@ -1741,8 +1816,8 @@ msgstr "此地址已輸入過。" msgid "This might cause issues on certain websites, services, and apps." msgstr "這可能會導致某些網站、服務和應用程式出現問題。" -msgid "To make sure that you have the most secure version and to inform you of any issues with the current version that is running, the app performs version checks automatically. This sends the app version and Android system version to Mullvad servers. Mullvad keeps counters on number of used app versions and Android versions. The data is never stored or used in any way that can identify you.\\n\\nIf the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device." -msgstr "為確保您擁有最安全的版本,並告知您目前執行的版本有無任何問題,該應用程式會自動進行版本檢查。為此,應用程式會將其版本和 Android 系統版本傳送至 Mullvad 伺服器,以便讓 Mullvad 統計已使用的應用程式版本和 Android 版本的數量。這些資料永遠不會以任何方式儲存或用來辨識您的身分。\\n\\n如果使用了分割通道功能,該應用程式會查詢您的系統,以取得所有已安裝應用程式的清單。這份清單只在分割通道的視圖中檢視,絕不會傳送至他處。" +msgid "To make sure that you have the most secure version and to inform you of any issues with the current version that is running, the app performs version checks automatically. This sends the app version and Android system version to Mullvad servers. Mullvad keeps counters on number of used app versions and Android versions. The data is never stored or used in any way that can identify you." +msgstr "為確保您擁有最安全的版本,並告知您目前執行的版本有無任何問題,該應用程式會自動進行版本檢查。為此,應用程式會將其版本和 Android 系統版本傳送至 Mullvad 伺服器,以便讓 Mullvad 統計已使用的應用程式版本和 Android 版本的數量。這些資料永遠不會以任何方式儲存或用來辨識您的身分。" msgid "Toggle VPN" msgstr "切換 VPN" @@ -1774,18 +1849,46 @@ msgstr "VPN 通道狀態" msgid "Valid WireGuard key is missing. Manage keys under Advanced settings." msgstr "缺少有效的 WireGuard 金鑰。在「進階」設定下管理金鑰。" +msgctxt "Used to inform the user about a set of valid network port number ranges, for example: \"Valid ranges: 1-10, 100-200, 30000-31000\" " +msgid "Valid ranges: %s" +msgstr "有效範圍:%s" + +msgid "Verifying purchase" +msgstr "正在驗證購買" + +msgid "Verifying purchase..." +msgstr "正在驗證購買…" + +msgid "Verifying voucher…" +msgstr "正在驗證優惠券…" + msgid "Virtual adapter error" msgstr "虛擬配接器錯誤" +msgid "We are currently verifying your purchase, this might take some time. Your time will be added if the verification is successful." +msgstr "我們目前正在驗證您的購買,這可能需要一些時間。如果驗證成功,您的時間就會增加。" + +msgid "We were unable to start the payment process, please make sure you have the latest version of Google Play." +msgstr "我們無法啟動付款流程,請確認您是否擁有最新版本的 Google Play。" + +msgid "We were unable to start the payment process, please try again later." +msgstr "我們無法啟動付款流程,請稍後再試一次。" + msgid "While connected, your real location is masked with a private and secure location in the selected region." msgstr "連線時,會使用所選區域的一個私密安全位置,將您的真實位置遮住。" msgid "WireGuard MTU" msgstr "WireGuard MTU" +msgid "WireGuard custom port" +msgstr "WireGuard 自訂連接埠" + msgid "WireGuard obfuscation" msgstr "WireGuard 混淆" +msgid "WireGuard port" +msgstr "WireGuard 連接埠" + msgid "YOU MIGHT BE LEAKING NETWORK TRAFFIC" msgstr "您的網路流量可能正在洩露" @@ -1795,6 +1898,17 @@ msgstr "您所執行的應用程式版本不受支援。" msgid "less than a minute ago" msgstr "不到 1 分鐘前" +msgid "less than one day" +msgstr "不足 1 天" + +msgid "%d day" +msgid_plural "%d days" +msgstr[0] "%d 天" + +msgid "%d month" +msgid_plural "%d months" +msgstr[0] "%d 個月" + msgid "Account credit expires in a day" msgid_plural "Account credit expires in %d days" msgstr[0] "帳戶點數將在 %d 天後到期" diff --git a/gui/locales/zh-TW/relay-locations.po b/gui/locales/zh-TW/relay-locations.po index 10bbdf372069..e2eaaeee45b1 100644 --- a/gui/locales/zh-TW/relay-locations.po +++ b/gui/locales/zh-TW/relay-locations.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mullvad-app\n" "Language-Team: Chinese Traditional\n" "Language: zh_TW\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-05 14:16\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-04 12:55\n" #. AU ADL msgid "Adelaide" @@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ msgstr "比利時" msgid "Belgrade" msgstr "貝爾格勒" +#. DE BER +msgid "Berlin" +msgstr "柏林" + #. CO BOG msgid "Bogota" msgstr "波哥大" @@ -92,6 +96,10 @@ msgstr "布達佩斯" msgid "Bulgaria" msgstr "保加利亞" +#. CA YYC +msgid "Calgary" +msgstr "卡加利" + #. CA msgid "Canada" msgstr "加拿大" @@ -240,6 +248,10 @@ msgstr "約翰尼斯堡" msgid "Kiev" msgstr "基輔" +#. UA IEV +msgid "Kyiv" +msgstr "基輔" + #. LV msgid "Latvia" msgstr "拉脫維亞" @@ -284,6 +296,10 @@ msgstr "馬賽" msgid "Melbourne" msgstr "墨爾本" +#. MX +msgid "Mexico" +msgstr "墨西哥" + #. US MIA msgid "Miami, FL" msgstr "佛羅里達州,邁阿密" @@ -384,6 +400,10 @@ msgstr "布拉格" msgid "Pune" msgstr "浦那" +#. MX QRO +msgid "Queretaro" +msgstr "克雷塔羅" + #. US RAG msgid "Raleigh, NC" msgstr "羅利,NC"