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GeoServer GRASS raster datastore

Combining the C- and Java-tribe FOSS4G greatness of GRASS and GeoServer.

GRASS loves GeoServer!

ℹ️ Homepage

Prerequisites and Installation

You'll need Java 11, maven 3.5, GDAL (gdal-java) and the standalone GRASS GIS driver for GDAL.

  • build with mvn install


  • copy into Geoserver's WEB-INF/lib to enable the GRASS datastore:
    • e.g., cp target/geoserver-grass-raster-datastore-*.jar /usr/share/geoserver/webapps/geoserver/WEB-INF/lib/
  • from GDAL's gdal-java package, copy gdal.jar:
    • (cd /usr/share/geoserver/webapps/geoserver/WEB-INF/lib ; cp /usr/lib/java/gdal/gdal.jar .)

Geoserver Launch:

  • set environment variable: export JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.library.path=/usr/lib/java/gdal/"
  • (re)start GeoServer: /usr/share/geoserver/bin/
  • find the running GeoServer at http://localhost:8080/geoserver/web/


You can also download released versions from here.


You can create datastore pointing to a single raster by pointing the file to an appropriate entry in the GRASS cellhd directory. If you have a timeseries raster dataset, you can also point the file to the sqlite database containing the timeseries information (found in tgis/sqlite.db inside the mapset containing the timeseries).

In case of a timeseries raster dataset you may get multiple layers in case you have multiple timeseries stored in the database. When publishing a layer, make sure to enable WMS-TIME-support by checking the box in the dimensions tab.

For more usage instructions, have a look at the homepage.


This work has been co-financed under Grant Agreement Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Telecom project 2018-EU-IA-0095 by the European Union (

This work has been partly developed as joint contribution of mundialis and terrestris to the mFUND project Anwenderfreundliche Bereitstellung von Klima- und Wetterdaten – FAIR.