This package includes various utilities and extensions for your Go code.
Inspired by lodash
go get
package main
import (
func main() {
// Capitalize
fmt.Println(strings.Capitalize("hello world")) // Hello World
// CamelCase
fmt.Println(strings.ToCamelCase("hello world")) // helloWorld
// SnakeCase
fmt.Println(strings.ToSnakeCase("hello world")) // hello_world
// Deburr
fmt.Println(strings.Deburr("éàèù")) // eaeu
// KebabCase
fmt.Println(strings.ToKebabCase("hello world")) // hello-world
// Paddings
fmt.Println("|" + strings.Pad("hello", 20) + "|") // | hello |
fmt.Println(strings.PadWith("hello", 20, "-")) // |-------hello--------|
fmt.Println(strings.PadLeft("hello", 20)) // | hello|
fmt.Println(strings.PadLeftWith("hello", 20, "-")) // |---------------hello|
fmt.Println(strings.PadRight("hello", 20)) // |hello |
fmt.Println(strings.PadRightWith("hello", 20, "-")) // |hello---------------|
// Slices (>1.18 needs generics)
fmt.Println(slices.Contains([]interface{}{"a", "b", "c"}, "b")) // true
fmt.Println(slices.Contains([]interface{}{"a", "b", "c"}, "x")) // false
fmt.Println(slices.Shuffle([]string{"a", "b", "c"})) // [c b a]
fmt.Println(slices.Shuffle([]int{1, 2, 3})) // [2 3 1]
fmt.Println(slices.Shuffle([]interface{}{1, "hello", 3})) // [hello 3 1]
All contributors are welcome to contribute to this project.
Cheers 🍺