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Default Function

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101 lines (74 loc) · 3.45 KB

Default Function Parameters

Default function parameters, introduced in ECMAScript 6 (ES6) and supported in both JavaScript and TypeScript, allow you to specify default values for function parameters. This feature provides a more concise way to handle optional parameters and ensures that a function can still be called successfully even if some parameters are not provided.

Default Function Parameters in JavaScript:

  1. Syntax:

    // ES6 Default Parameter Syntax
    function greet(name = "Guest", greeting = "Hello") {
      console.log(`${greeting}, ${name}!`);
    // Calling the function without providing parameters
    greet(); // Output: Hello, Guest!
    // Calling the function with provided parameters
    greet("John", "Hi"); // Output: Hi, John!
  2. Positional Defaults: Default parameters are positional, meaning that if a default value is specified for a parameter, all subsequent parameters must also have default values.

    // Valid: Defaults are provided for both parameters
    function example(a = 1, b = 2) {
      // Function body
    // Invalid: If a default is provided for 'b', a default must be provided for 'a' as well
    function invalidExample(a, b = 2) {
      // Function body

Default Function Parameters in TypeScript:

  1. Syntax: In TypeScript, default parameters work similarly to JavaScript. You can specify default values and optionally include type annotations.

    // TypeScript Default Parameter Syntax
    function greet(name: string = "Guest", greeting: string = "Hello"): void {
      console.log(`${greeting}, ${name}!`);
  2. Type Annotations: TypeScript allows you to include type annotations for default parameters to enforce the expected types.

    // TypeScript Default Parameter with Type Annotations
    function add(a: number, b: number = 0): number {
      return a + b;
  3. Rest Parameters and Default Values: You can use rest parameters ( along with default values to handle an arbitrary number of additional parameters.

    // TypeScript Rest Parameter with Default Values
    function concatenate(separator: string = ", ", ...strings: string[]): string {
      return strings.join(separator);

Use Cases:

  • Handling Optional Parameters: Default parameters are useful for making function parameters optional without explicitly checking for undefined or using conditional logic.

    function printDetails(name: string, age?: number, city: string = "Unknown"): void {
      console.log(`Name: ${name}, Age: ${age || "Not specified"}, City: ${city}`);
  • Providing Default Values: When a parameter is not provided, the default value ensures that the function still behaves as expected.

    function greet(name: string = "Guest", greeting: string = "Hello"): void {
      console.log(`${greeting}, ${name}!`);
  • Avoiding undefined: Default parameters can help avoid issues related to undefined values when a parameter is not provided.

    function processData(data: string[] = []): void {
      // Process the data array

Default function parameters provide a convenient way to make functions more flexible, handle optional parameters, and set default values, improving the readability and maintainability of code.