diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index f18419b..8d0e907 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Shell Page (generator)
### Usage
-[mvc-works/shell-page "0.1.5"]
+[mvc-works/shell-page "0.1.6"]
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ Shell Page (generator)
:icon "http://icon-url.png"
:ssr "respo-ssr"
:styles ["main.css"]
+ :inline-styles [".app{color: #ddd;}"]
:scripts ["main.js"]
:inline-html ""
:append-html ""})
diff --git a/build.boot b/build.boot
index 3845824..57d2325 100644
--- a/build.boot
+++ b/build.boot
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
:username "jiyinyiyong"
:password (read-password "Clojars password: ")}]))
-(def +version+ "0.1.5")
+(def +version+ "0.1.6")
(deftask deploy []
diff --git a/coir.edn b/coir.edn
index b07483e..18763b2 100644
--- a/coir.edn
+++ b/coir.edn
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{:ir {:package "shell-page", :root {:ns "main", :def "main!"}, :files {"shell-page.core" {:ns {:type :expr, :id "rkiMpyhiZ", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyeizTyhsW", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryWoM6Jhi-", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "shell-page.core"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SymeiG6JnsW", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkVxsGT1noW", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text ":require"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rk7YL3WCZ", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkBiGp1hjb", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "respo.macros"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ8ifpJnoZ", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text ":refer"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HJvjzaknib", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk_if6JhjW", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "[]"}, "yr" {:type :leaf, :id "ryxejzp13oZ", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "div"}, "yT" {:type :leaf, :id "ByRsza12sW", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "style"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryKozT1noZ", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "html"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "S1hoM612jb", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "title"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "SJooMakhj-", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "head"}, "yj" {:type :leaf, :id "rJkxizTJnoW", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "meta'"}, "yx" {:type :leaf, :id "B1MlizTynsW", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "body"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk9jGakhi-", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "<>"}, "y" {:type :leaf, :id "r16jzpJnjW", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "script"}, "yy" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509176960326, :text "list->", :id "B1gvYI2ZRW"}, "yv" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk-xjzpynjW", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "link"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Hk3eofpJhoZ", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJpxiMpJ3jb", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S10xjGTy2oZ", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "respo.render.html"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S11-szTk3sZ", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BJl-oG6kniZ", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1WbiG6yhib", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyGbsG6khiW", :author "root", :time 1508601796051, :text "make-string"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "B1Q-ifTy3sZ", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1E-sGTJ3jZ", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1BWif6J3sW", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "|fs"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HyUWoz6yhjZ", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text ":as"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "SkwZizakniZ", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "fs"}}}}}}}, :defs {"make-page" {:type :expr, :id "BytWiM6J3j-", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk9Zifa12oW", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJsbiMTy3ob", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "make-page"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Hknbizpy3sW", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJabsG6ynjW", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "html-content"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJAWsGT1njb", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "resources"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BkyGoM6kno-", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1eMsfpyhoW", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "assert"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SkZzsG6k2ob", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkfGozay3sW", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "string?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJQfszT12jb", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "html-content"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HJEfifTJ2oZ", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "|1st argument should be string"}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "BJSziz6k3sZ", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ8fiM6Jhjb", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "assert"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1PGjG6y2o-", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyOfsz6y2sZ", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "map?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyKGjzpJnjW", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "resources"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HJqMiGa1hs-", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "|2nd argument should be hashmap"}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "B1jGsfpyhjb", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJnGsGayhob", :author "root", :time 1508601790068, :text "make-string"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r1pGozp13sZ", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1CMoMTJhj-", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "html"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HkJ7izTy2i-", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BylQiMaJ2ob", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "{}"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rkWmofTy3jZ", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkGmoz6Jnj-", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "head"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r17miMaJhs-", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByNQsz612oZ", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "{}"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SJS7sfTJ3jW", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1UXsGaJno-", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "<>"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJw7sMp1hsb", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "title"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H1_7ozTJhjb", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1t7sM6kniZ", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text ":title"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H15Xof61ns-", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "resources"}}}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "rysQozTk2o-", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "nil"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "B1hXoz612ob", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkaQif6y2jZ", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "link"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJ0Qjzpynjb", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkkEiz6k2s-", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "{}"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rkx4ozak2o-", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rybVjGTJ3i-", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text ":rel"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1MVszTy2oZ", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "|icon"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1XEiMTJ3i-", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1NEiGpynsZ", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text ":type"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkBEsM6khsb", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "|image/png"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HkLVoMa1noW", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyvVsGp12s-", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text ":href"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Hk_VofT1nib", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJF4oGT1no-", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text ":icon"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ5NjMpk2i-", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "resources"}}}}}}}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "H1sEoz6khsb", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rk3EjfT1hob", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "link"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rkTEjMakhs-", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByRNiGa1no-", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "{}"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HyyrizTJnoW", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1lBsM6khjW", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text ":rel"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ-HoG612jb", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "|manifest"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ryfSofTk3oW", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk7HiG613jb", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text ":href"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy4HjMa1nob", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "|manifest.json"}}}}}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "B1rBiG6y2s-", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJLroGa1noW", 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:text "|viewport"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BymLiGaJ3s-", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1NLiGTk2iW", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text ":content"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJS8sfpy3ob", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "|width=device-width, initial-scale=1"}}}}}}}, "yj" {:type :expr, :id "HkL8jzak2j-", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkPIifTynjZ", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B1uIiMpk2i-", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1KUiM6k2sb", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "some?"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ByqLoMTy2j-", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1iLiz6JhiW", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text ":ssr"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1nIifaynoZ", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "resources"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SJpLsGak3ib", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkCLjfTJniZ", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "meta'"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r1kwjz6k2iZ", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkeDiGakhiZ", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "{}"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ryZwiGTJ2iW", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryzPjf6J3sb", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text ":class"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HkmPizT13jZ", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyEDiMpy2jZ", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text ":ssr"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByBwjGT1niZ", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "resources"}}}}}}}}}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "B1Uvjz6J2s-", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJDDoMpJ3jZ", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "body"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B1ODsGp12oZ", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJFvoG6J3jW", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "{}"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r15DszaJho-", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJsvsMpJhjW", :author "root", :time 1509176950529, :text ":div"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "S1hvsfTkhi-", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJpDjfayho-", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "{}"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ByRvsM6kns-", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1y_ofT13jW", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "->>"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B1gOszakniZ", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJZdif6J3sb", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text ":styles"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Bkf_sGaJ3o-", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "resources"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Hym_szp12jW", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1N_ozp1hsb", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "map-indexed"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SkrdjGa1hsW", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByIujz6Jhj-", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "fn"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rkDuoGTJ3sW", :time 1506700563333, 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:expr, :id "BkEtsfpJ2ob", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1HYsMTJniZ", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text ":type"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H18YoM6Jno-", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "|text/css"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "H1wFsGTyhjb", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkOKizpJ2sZ", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text ":href"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByYKiG61hiZ", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "path"}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509176948876, :text "list->", :id "SkgjdU2-C-"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BJqFiz6k3o-", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJjtsfp1hob", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "div"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Hk2YsfT12sb", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkaFoM6Jns-", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "{}"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJCYjzTkhsb", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rk1cjGa1hob", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text ":class-name"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Ske9sz61nib", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "|app"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HkW5oMTy3sW", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkzcjG6y2ob", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text ":innerHTML"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1mqizp12sb", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "html-content"}}}}}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "ByE9iG6ynsb", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByHqjGaJnjZ", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJIcjzpyhj-", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJv9oGTJnsW", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "some?"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJOcof61hjZ", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkYciGpJ2jW", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text ":inline-html"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy9qsMpy3sW", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "resources"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, 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\ No newline at end of file
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"r1xRjMTJ2oW", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "file-name"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkZCjG6khiZ", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "content"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HJfAsGTyhob", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJQAsMT12iZ", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "println"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1E0oMTkniW", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "|Writing to"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "B1BAsza1hob", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "file-name"}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "BJ8CizTk3oZ", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyDRsza12j-", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text ".writeFileSync"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJu0ozp1hjW", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "fs"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HyFCifTkhi-", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "file-name"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ9RjMTy3o-", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "content"}}}}}}, :proc {:type :expr, :id "rJOZszpkhj-", :time 1506700563333, :data {}}}, "shell-page.main" {:ns {:type :expr, :id "Sks0oz6kns-", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r12Rifpk2jb", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkT0jfa12iZ", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "shell-page.main"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SJC0izpJnj-", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkJJeoGT1hjW", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text ":require"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HJl1ejMpynsZ", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1bklizaknjW", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkfygjGTk3oW", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "shell-page.core"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ7ylifpyniW", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "rkEJxjzTkhjb", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1H1liz6k3ob", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJL1gjGpknib", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "make-page"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S1vyeofa12s-", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "slurp"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ_kxizTkhj-", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "spit"}}}}}}}}}, :defs {"main!" {:type :expr, :id "Hk5yxoGpJ3jZ", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1jkeiGTJnsW", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1hJeszakhsb", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "main!"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SJp1xoGTy2sZ", :time 1506700563333, :data {}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "ryCJgjz613jZ", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B11lxjGTJhi-", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "spit"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJglejM6y3sb", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "|target/index.html"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "S1-lgjfTynsb", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkzlejzpJ3iW", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "make-page"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1megjzpJhsb", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "|"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "B1VglsfTk3jW", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkHeloGaJ3ob", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "{}"}, "yT" {:type :expr, :id "B1tWeiGTJ3sb", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJcWxjG6J2sZ", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text ":inline-html"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJoZxifTy3jW", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "|"}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Sy8eeofT12i-", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJDelszTJniW", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text ":title"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1deljza12jW", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "|Shell Page Demo"}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "HkyZgozay3jb", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SygZljG613jZ", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text ":styles"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Sy--xjzTy2s-", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJzbgjM6k3o-", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkQZxofT12oZ", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "|/main.css"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BJ3glizTynj-", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJpgxiGTkhsb", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text ":ssr"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyAlejfTJni-", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "|respo-ssr"}}}, "yj" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1506700630082, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1506700633853, :text ":append-html", :id "Bk0LayhoZleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1506700648281, :text "|", :id "SkmP6k2o-"}}, :id "Bk0LayhoZ"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H1tgloMpJ2sb", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk5exsMT1niW", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text ":icon"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1iegofT1hjZ", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "|http://logo.mvc-works.org/mvc.png"}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "rkEbxjGpknoZ", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkS-giGakhob", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text ":scripts"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B18ZloMpy3jW", :time 1506700563333, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkDZljfakhjZ", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BydWlofp1hsZ", :author "root", :time 1506700563333, :text "|/main.js"}}}}}, "xT" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1510073008262, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1510073011770, :text ":inline-styles", :id "HyeOnfvJ1Mleaf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1510073012127, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1510073012495, :text "[]", :id "rkz2hzvJJG"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1510073025503, :text "|.app{color:#aaa;}", :id "rkT3MP1yz"}}, :id "SyXhnzPyJz"}}, :id "HyeOnfvJ1M"}}}}}}}}}}, :proc {:type :expr, :id "S1YJxjfpknib", :time 1506700563333, :data {}}}}}, :sessions {}, :users {"root" {:id "root", :name "root", :nickname "root", :password "", :avatar nil}}, :saved-files {}, :configs {:storage-key "coir.edn", :extension ".cljs", :output "src", :port 6001}}
\ No newline at end of file
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index 9e6d701..8c2ab6c 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
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"http-server": "^0.10.0",
- "shadow-cljs": "^2.0.32"
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"dependencies": {}
diff --git a/src/shell_page/core.cljs b/src/shell_page/core.cljs
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--- a/src/shell_page/core.cljs
+++ b/src/shell_page/core.cljs
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
(ns shell-page.core
- (:require (respo.macros :refer [html <> head title script style meta' div link body list->])
+ (:require (respo.macros
+ :refer
+ [html <> head title script style meta' div link body style list->])
[respo.render.html :refer [make-string]]
["fs" :as fs]))
@@ -26,6 +28,11 @@
(->> (:styles resources)
(fn [idx path] [idx (link {:rel "stylesheet", :type "text/css", :href path})]))))
+ (list->
+ :div
+ {}
+ (->> (:inline-styles resources)
+ (map-indexed (fn [idx content] [idx (style {:innerHTML content})]))))
(div {:class-name "app", :innerHTML html-content})
(if (some? (:inline-html resources)) (div {:innerHTML (:inline-html resources)}))
diff --git a/src/shell_page/main.cljs b/src/shell_page/main.cljs
index 7a9dbb6..899ba3b 100644
--- a/src/shell_page/main.cljs
+++ b/src/shell_page/main.cljs
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
:icon "http://logo.mvc-works.org/mvc.png",
:ssr "respo-ssr",
:styles ["/main.css"],
+ :inline-styles [".app{color:#aaa;}"],
:scripts ["/main.js"],
:inline-html "",
:append-html ""})))
diff --git a/yarn.lock b/yarn.lock
index 511f5b0..2e0a476 100644
--- a/yarn.lock
+++ b/yarn.lock
@@ -1188,9 +1188,9 @@ shadow-cljs-jar@^0.10.0:
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