docker run -d --name mongo -p " 27017:27017" --restart always mongo
Show all collections within the selected DB
Show all records in a given collection in a DB
db.<collection_name>.find().pretty ()
Insert a document into a collection
db.< collection_name> .insert( { item: " car" , qty: 24 } )
Delete a single document that matches a given filter from a collection
db.< collection_name> .deleteOne( { " <key>" : < value> ) } );
Delete all documents that match a given filter from a collection
db.< collection_name> .deleteMany( { " <key>" : < value> } );
Delete all documents from a collection
db.< collection_name> .remove({})
db.<collection_name>.drop ()
Delete a DB (run 'use <db_name_to_drop>'' first)
Find all documents according to a nested field
db.< collection_name> .find( { " <top_level_field_name>.<second_level_field_name>" : " <field_value_to_find>" } ).pretty ()
Find all documents that match 2 fields
db.< collection_name> .find(
{$and :[
{" <top_level_field_name>.<second_level_field_name>" :{" $in " :[" <field_value_to_find>" ]}},
{" <top_level_field_name>.<second_level_field_name>" :{" $in " :[" <field_value_to_find>" ]}}
Show status of cluster, including which node is primary (see "syncingTo" field)
Find documents with a specific field being a non-empty string
db.collection.find({" lastname" : {" $exists " : true, " $ne " : " " }})
Find the N most recently added documents
db.collection.find().limit(N).sort({$natural:-1}).pretty ()
Find oldest/newest record
db.people.insert({name: " Bob" , age: 42, dateAdded: new Date ()})
db.people.insert({name: " Sally" , age: 58, dateAdded: new Date ()})
// find oldest record by date field
db.people.find ().sort({dateAdded: 1}).limit(1)
_id: ObjectId(" 64147bdf169b4546e6db2970" ),
name: ' Bob' ,
age: 42,
dateAdded: ISODate(" 2023-03-17T14:40:31.415Z" )
// find newest record by date field
db.people.find ().sort({dateAdded: -1}).limit(1)
_id: ObjectId(" 64147be5169b4546e6db2971" ),
name: ' Sally' ,
age: 58,
dateAdded: ISODate(" 2023-03-17T14:40:37.035Z" )
docker exec -i 418f46e5595d mongoexport --db saveInfo --collection infoobjects --type=csv --fields _id,postLink,postTitle,contactPhone --out ./info.csv