- leave feedback to speakers; rate
Laura Bell @lady_nerd - SafeStack
- security
- #betteroffbad for questions or comments
- self responsibility for security on apps
3 steps to help security of your app
- think of attacks in the mind of a villian
- create a safe place (to play with attacks)
- don't be afraid to play (be creative and throw out the rule book)
- rules influence behavior and expectations, so you must throw those out
Feedback for speaker: Good awareness session on securing your app or system. She was entertaining and the metaphors (artisan box with a cat in it) she used in the beginning were carried successfully throughout her talk.
Dana Quinn @dquinn_devops - Intuit
Intuit moved workloads to the cloud for the usual reasons of cheaper processing and more flexibility and he's explaining his lessons learned.
Workload choice requirements
- build environments
- load test generation
- decoupled systems
Choice of toolset
- Hybrid was attractive, but went with cloud-native
- Cloud vendor lockin was a risk, but they feel comfortable with the choice
Cloud shouldn't feel like fog
- legacy mgmt patters into clouds shouldn't be brought in
- insist on right patterns
Track your costs
- Empower teams to manage own spending
Feedback for speaker: Decent content of the migration of workloads at Intuit. Could have used more key takeaways.
Addressing operational challenges: Building a faster, highly available data tier for active workloads
Dave McCrory - Basho Technologies
- scale or fail!
- data problem are arising due to massive amounts
- data consitency challenge
- CAP Theorem; tradeoffs in distibuted systems
- data gravity
- growth effect through apps/services funneling all data somewhere
Rob Peters @rjpcal - Verizon Digital Media Services
Verizon's Global Delivery Network
- Delivery on promises
- pefromance at the edge
- secure by design
- verizon-size network
Conway's law to influence organization on technology
- Conway's law alternate interpretation
- Standard
- Alternate
Example #1: canary/coalmine tools for release management
- Showing metrics on changes they can make in continuous releasing
Key Takeaways
- Tools need clearly defined team
- be strategic
- use/fine tune existing tools
Feedback for speaker: He spoke pretty fast so it was hard to keep up with and not sure he made his point across, but this could be that he only had 5 minutes to present.
Astrid Atkinson @shinynew_oz - Google
Managing distributed systems over a really long time What is the "long game"?
Rules of the long game
- imagine you'll be very successful
- complexity increases over time
Scale systems not teams
- good teams/people are previous
- teams outlast any piece of code
Diversification of growing systems
- they get too complex
- inevitable vertical/horizontal scaling
- high costs, many resources
Enable Growth
- manage software, not machines
- standarize your env
- consistency is key
- Google has splash status pages for each system to show all details about it
- also, shows who are the owners of the pages
Engineer for maintainability
- identify cost of maintaining
- use shared infrastructure
Be responsible and considerate when encountering issues such as timeouts or bad responses
Insights on consolidation of systems
- pick the right moment
- be ...
Engineering for flexibility
- shared systems have drawbacks though; requires coordination with cross teams
- moving workloads is challenging
Second systems
Iterate early and often (insights on moving to new systems)
- get changes in production early
- if new systems don't add better capabilities, then don't do it
- big changes require long lead times
- huge endeavor at Google with all of their systems
- move biggest customer first
Rules of the long game "Don't let the weeds get higher than the garden"
- question what's taking the longest time, what's costing the most
- no finish line, no end game, quickly evolving
- pay attention to what you're really trying to achieve and keep eyes on the outcomes
Feedback for speaker: Informative speaker and good content about scaling challenges. She'd be a good contact for advice or someone to follow.
Jessica DeVita @ubergeekgirl & Jennelle Crothers @jkc137 - Microsoft
Sponsored keynote just talking about how Microsoft is evolving -- not much content
Jason Ding @jding - Salesforce
Scalable Prevention
Customers of different sizes - how to address scaling
- scope, plan, test, optimize (iterative)
Expose lots of limitations with the iterative process
- Feedback is super valuable
- metrics of a/b testing of new features/changes also good to know
Scaling issues can be found through testing
- Simulations are key to find potential scaling problems
Feedback for speakers: Not so much valuble content, since it was a sponsored keynote. Lots of energy and some humorous slides/memes. I didn't need my coffee during this presentation.
Indy Young @indiyoung
Solving issues
- brainstorm with as many people as you can; this will increase your creativity
- subconsious will syntehsize all the ideas floating around when your brain is relaxed
- be more sensitive
- emotionally aware
How do you apply this to operations or development?
Types of empathy (8 but only listing 4)
- mirrored empathy
- smiling at another, and receiving a smile back
- personal distress
- empathy for someone who "cuts their finger in the kitchen"
- effective empathy
- feeling same emotion another person feeling
- emotional empathy
Most of this content is about empthy and consideration for outside factors. Pretty abstract talk and somewhat philosophical. Somewhat of a snoozer.
Feedback for speaker: Pretty serious tone, could use a joke or two to lighten the mood. Most content designers would know about.
Zach Leatherman @zachleat - Filament Group
- default behavior is harmful for the web
@font-face usage
- 47% on top of 1000 websites
- avg 97kb payload per site
- impact of fonts aren't as bad as images
Not all requests are created equal
Web fonts have non trivial performance on web pages
- Trigger a font download
- showing font-face syntax/declaration in css
- formats
- WOFF/WOFF2 (30% smaller than woff - use this instead)
- don't use SVG, lots of bugs
If font isn't used, then it isn't downloaded Browsers will download the font differently
- Some will download when content is in element, some won't
Unicode Range only allows a font to be downloaded (request) if a character matches the unicode range
, font-weight
, font-style
are declarations that become
"faux bold" or "faux italic" are terms to describe a font synthesis that happens when the browser programmatically figures out how much weight or style to give the font
- Font Synthesis only support by Firefox
Instagram uses the <i>
element for a login button which forced the page to download a font. Could have saved ~13k if set the i
element to font-style: normal;
- Behavior of page while downloading
While font-face is downloading
- see invisible text
- font loads, rerender text using webfont (flash of invisible text)
Showing examples of slow performance on Apple, Instagram, Facebook
Flash of Unstyled Text (FOUT)
Not just a performance problem, but it also affects the integrity of the content Showing example of Mitt Romney headline where 'not' text wasn't loading due to the slow font loading. Changed the full meaning of headline.
- CSS onload
- Overreliance on it
- Async CSS
- Same problem of blocking as CSS onload technique
- Filament group has discussion on this https://github.com/filamentgroup/loadCSS
Embrace more FOUT instead of FOIT
- font-rendering css property (not supported yet)
- css font loading api (js lib)
- Lots of tools to ease transition to web fonts to fallback fonts
- Default browser rendering of fonts is harmful to web font loading
- Thoughts about Flash of Faux Text http://www.zachleat.com/web/foft/
- Can use the css font loading polyfill for the time being https://github.com/bramstein/fontloader http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-font-loading/
Steve Souders @souders - SpeedCurve
Design / Devs are complementary forces to achieve same goal
Some designers have lack of awareness about performance
This should be a goal for developers to create this awareness
create small interdisciplinary teams
set some guiding principles
- "speed is more important than design embellishment"
prototype early in code, not photoshop
- use photoshop for assets
measure the performance
- set up "performance budgets"
- Etsy has a bar of performance metrics at top of page for staff members to see
- "in-page reminders"
- SpeedCurve has a bookmarklet that shows all the data being gathered during the page visit
Page load time doesn't equate to good user experience
webpagetest tool
- Speed Index is basically a median for the render time of pixels (when 50% of pixels have been rendered)
Comparison video of gmail and amazon that shows finish loading time
Hero image delay
- took only 500ms to download, but took 2.5s-3s to show on the page
- turns out that js/css blocking images
Preloading scripts
- putting js at bottom of page before body isn't a good practice anymore
- on bottom, it gives them higher priority to download
Custom Metrics
- define most important elements
- measure user User Timing api
- track with RUM (real-user monitoring) and synthetic (web browsing emulation)
- figure out what matters most to users
- forcus on UX exp/perf
- define custom metrics
Ian Malpass @indec - Etsy
How to learn from failure
3 truths
- we'll create bugs
- we'll build the wrong thing
- you'll not forsee the unexpected
Consequences to failure
- money, time, data, credibility loss
Failure is inevitible, expensive failure isn't
Speed & Trust == flexibility
Etsy has their own deploy tool that is open to everyone
- can deploy any time, but try not to do it during off-hours
Build in small chunks and do code reviews
- Good learning experience for everyone
When something breaks, roll forward, not roll backward
- I think he means instead of rolling back to revert changes, they try to fix the bugs to move forward
Mixture of automated/manual testing
program that compares the changes against automation tests
program that emulates changes in pre-production before they push to production
"Dark code" - code that isn't executed
"Feature flags" to throttle how many users get the new feature
- Ability for partial failures by usage of feature flags
Reducing the risk of building the wrong things by doing continous delivery on products Continous deployment permits adding/changing/fixing things quicker Unlike deployment at every 3-6 months where things need to be just right
Prototypes of new features by asking merchants to be "beta testers"
You can't avoid failure, but you can learn from mistakes
Blameless culture at Etsy
- post-mortems about what happened
- learn from mistakes
- share what they've learned
- celebrate failure by having annual awards
Push the envelope or else there's no progress Don't be timid to make changes
Speed makes us safe
Salil Ahuja @salilahuja - IBM
Watson creating APIs and used in the cloud Asked who's heard of Bluemix (only a few people raised their hands)
Acquisition of Alchemy Language API
Bluemix is down so live demos can't be shown
AlchemyData News Concept Insights
Lucasz Pater [email protected] - CERN
- Tries to answer deep questions about the universe by simulating atomic big bangs
- Composed of millions of components
Asset Management Challenge at CERN
- millions of physical assets
- site infrastructure over 700 buildings, tunnes, caverns roads
- accelerator complex: supra-conducting magnets, cryogenics, electronics
Mobile Strategy & Architecture
- developed a native one-size-fits-all app for field engineers
- was a disaster due to many outside factors such as expensive devices, training contractors, etc..
- native app for specific user tasks and HTML5 web apps were a success
Current architecture
Infor EAM
- Native web interface, SOAP, various auth methods
Web services hub (JAX-WS/RS + Tomcat)
- SOAP, REST, compression, checksumming, caching, extensive logging, web sockets, asynchronous communication
APIs made possible through REST/SOAP
Web Apps possible thanks to HTML5, JS/jQuery
CERN web/mobile apps using localStorage for offline usage
Native-based apps are a challenge because supporting multiple platforms is resource heavy
Availability of high-speed networks and web standards make HTML5 web apps
No mention of hybrid -- perhaps a plug for MF? :)
Bruce Lawson @brucel - Opera
4 billion people in asia Estimated to explode in growth even further
What do all the nations named in asia have in common
- people worldwide want to consume same goods/service
- they visit the similar sites, but majority of visits are on low-end phones
New manifest file developed with light metadata and icon
Responsive images
- scrset ...
Proxy Browsers
- QQ, UC Browser, Puffin, Microsoft Express
Opera mini can render content on their servers, then send compressed binary blob to client
Reduction in features of content during process
- no web fonts
- no custom animations
- no border-radius
- use svg icons
Opera Mini focuses on compression and compatibility
Patrick Lightbody @plightbo - New Relic
- All businesses are becoming a software companies
- Social has transformed companies
Ariya Hidayat @AriyaHidayat - Shape Security
Distance of communications can be a problem
History of communications
- Photophone from Alexander Bell
- Free space communication
- Telephone dominance (electricity over light communications)
Talking about fiber optics and lasers -- very technical in physics I can't follow lol
Improving new fiber type can get 255 Tb/s over 1km (50 channels x 5.1 Tb/s)
Shane Evans - Hewlett-Packard
QA & Testing has seen a growth spurt in enterprise
Inability to adopt agile is due to a failure to implement a testing process
Technology adoption curve looks like a chart from marketing (innovators - laggards)
5 billion connected devices by 2015,
DevOps is a prerequisite for IoT
- Build smarter automation
- address the legacy, simulate through virtualization
- think about the process scalability
Agile wasn't meant for enterprise, but can be
Mohammed Aboul-Magd @mohammedam - Akamai Technologies
Users demand rich experiences
over course of day akamai deliver 750,000,000 jpgs a day
Operational challenges delivering images
- delivering to different densities, formats, compression rates, composition, etc..
Ideal scenario
- have original asset
- all delivery will be automatic
- best size, quality, format chosen
Akamai Image Manager
- upload raw images > automatic policy/rules -> delivery?
Mikey Dickerson - Federal Government | United States Digital Services Team
Healthcare.gov funding for 20m in 2015
Congress passed bill in 2016 for 100+m
Processes such as green card replacements or VA claims had vast improvement by placing necessary materials and applications online
Not interested in being Bunjee bosses, not interested in making app for agency, then disappearing
Buddy Brewer @bbrewer - SOASTA
Relationships between data and people
Performance has a specific set of meanings to different people
User's definition of performance is unique
People's "languages" are different so it's important to create relationships of different meanings on performance
Laine Campbell @LaineVCampbell - Pythian
All employees are recruiting for a company (actively/passively), your actions, your language
Reduce skepticism in recruiting
create a culture of forgiveness, don't be afraid to speak out
Diversity is 2-dimensional
STEM will be the next middle class
- could bring us back to balance
meritocracy is broken
- governing group makes up teams
- group would rather hire for comfort than diversity
businesses should have codes of conduct
Kelsey Hightower @kelseyhightower - CoreOS
How can the design team gain any takeways from this heavy operations presentation
- Engineers love using the terminal and are very efficient
- Managing some apps with APIs
Using Ansible to automate apps/IT infrastructure
- great for automating starting instances of apps with variables
- Not great scaling down because instances will not be shut down when change made to config
Using scheduling (automatic/manual - actual people)
- must move past shell scripting
Decouple applications from the machines
- use configs to manage machines not apps
- better abstraction for apps (containers)
- use of app centric tools (Kubernetes)
- building containers has been problem
- payload size is really big for others to download
- ship build artifacts NOT build environments
- dockerfile can be called a "specification"
Managing containers
- kubernetes
- nodes, node manifest (specification)
- pods, representation of an application (also has a manifest)
Cluster of nodes on a system that Kubernetes works with
- Relication feature: anytime a pod goes down, kubernetes will find another pod with nodes that match the specification to start up
Real world demo time
- showing how powerful kubernetes can be with container management
- impressive example of rolling out new app deployment using rolling upgrade with Canary(?) pattern
Adam Auerbach @bugman31 - Capital One
Advanced Testing Agile transformation of testing group drive towards continuous delivery
Capital One more than bank company, they have retail, digital apps, etc.
CO Tech structure
- Shared Tech services
- LOB Tech org
DevOps & Agile
Agile Tranformation
- in the past, waterfall we got really good at
- everyone had a role/task
Leveraged Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) http://www.scaledagileframework.com/
- could get teams get up and running quickly
- ten teams in a few months
- release planning party every 3 months
Over 700 agile teams at CO
Agile training saw success
- devliery from 6 months to 3 months
- release planning much better
- align people on trains?
- dev sprints
- testing sprints
- integration / hardening
- Couldn't get anything out the door under 12 months
Creation of something called a System Team
- teams composed of release management, config mgmt, continuous builds/deployments, etc..
- aligned to 10 teams, 10-12 people on team
- represent release mgmnt
- ci (continuous integration)
- problem of not having enough bandwidth for each team to complete goals
Created standards for the teams to refer to
- place for source, templates, builds cycles
Lessons learned from System Teams
- treat as a new agile team
- team members are properly training
- team members are fully dedicated
- ensure acccess to all tools and systems need (stand)
- leverage a sprint 0 to focus on grooming backlog
- focus on early outcomes to develop creditbility
- scrum works well early but kanban is more sustaining
- teams will be large initially and reduce as maturity is achieved
System Teams in place, still needed more to address more issues
Continuous testing
- Implementation of BDD and TDD has permitted faster integration
- adoption 6-9 months for existing teams, shorter for new teams
Manual testers need to do automated testing
- they don't have the skills to do this, so training must be involved
Continous Toolsets SVN, Git, AWS, Chef, Hudson, uDeploy
New Dashboard
- Hygieia; OSS coming out soon - realtime view of all their platforms
Service virtualization
- enables robust testing if env has limitations
- meaning if front end is ready to test, but API isn't, you can virtualize the service
Test data
- tool built to support System Teams
Many processes for automated and continuous integration/deployment Many checks and balances through tools to maintain
Key Metrics
- output (will be replaced by cycle time)
- speed
- quality
Key outcomes
- drive adoption across the company, teams working together to advocate, showing results
- enterprise support groups help minimize upgront costs to getting started
Value Stream Analysis
- tool to communicate ROI for leadership hesitant to invest
- 6 person team, single person dedicated to builds, deployment,
- 1 week increments (pic on phone)
Other lessons learned
- reuse proven frameworks
- evangelists at every level/discipline
- education for everyone
- leverage dedicated resources who support/nurture the community
- be prepared
Huseyin Dursun @hsyndrsn - VMware
Some background
- VMWare release cadence 6/9/12 mo, quarterly service relesaes
- transition to quarterly cadence for regular on-premise releases
Goal is to increase the cadence
Had traditional organization up until last year
- vertical and overhead, working in silos
Engineering Transformation What are we doing
- quality is everyone's responsibility
- system centric rather than feature/func-centric
- moving func validation responsibility to developer
- forming engineering services/opertaions layers/teams to validation coverage and production support
Why are we doing it?
- achieving enterprise grade quality
- right level of coverage
- predictability
- transform to prepare for cloud
Transition from traditional model
- many checks and balances (pic on phone)
Specialized engineers for various components of development
Before transformation, need a baseline template in place first
Delivery pipeline: desktop to cloud
- vmware is using almost all their products for this process
- Code Stream, Orchestrator, Automation, Operations, Log Insight, etc.
Exploratory Testing
- new model has no room for manual testing
Cultural Transformation stages
- denial > resistance > commitment > exploration
- no perfet time for transformation
- piloting helps, not a panacea
- identify potential candidates for specialized roles early
- no over communication; keep evangelizing
- have backup plan dealing with backlog issue
- metrics, necessary but not sufficient
Katie Kovalcin @katiekovalcin - Sparkbox
Demise of beauty that doesn't perform
Common thought is that performance is a dev issue, but performance should be considered throughout the design process
Performance is a culture challenge, not a technical challenge pathtoperf.com
Survey findings
- most feel empowered to create change in their org
- over half are currently prioritizing performance
- advocacy is not adequate
Clients don't value performance
- should be educated about why it's important
- take the time to talk about perf at first contact
- use data to validate your point; comparison against competitors
Aesthetic heavy designers
- designers should work with developers early on
- ideate and work out potential perf issues
Establish a performance budget
- page weight
- example: 400kbps (100k fonts, 50k CSS, 50k JS, etc..)
- start render
- fully loaded
Designers should be sure that there are some performance guidelines that the team follows throughout the design/dev process
JP Castro @jphpsf - Sony
Playstation UI is composed of Native OS + Webstack
Top Menu is Native OS
What's New content is web stack
Details of Game area is all web stack
Playstation Store view is web stack
- Not HTML nodes, uses webGL and canvas
PS4 UI Architecture layers
- ps4 hardware
- native ui (ps4 os
- web view (webkit)
- web app (js+webgl)
Using web tech on UI due to tested standards/strong community Uses requirejs, grunt, karma, mocha, etc.
RUM is awesome
- measure UI & network latency with real users
- understand perf on prod
- identify bottlenecks & drive critical improvements
How to measure
- use js (capture timings)
- leverage w3c perf apis
- report when measure screen is done rendering
- Do they use performance.timing? Yep.
- Uses Navigation Timing API
Server-side stack
- PS -> nginx -> kafka -> ...
Tools using for profiling/monitoring
Beyond standard perf APIs
Measuring startup process
- custom APIs that look like JS based (window.playstation.performance() ...)
Measuring application side
- Using performance timing JS api
Custom Profiling Tools
- Sparrow (profiling)
Optimizations & Lessons Learned
- perf 101: using common best practices of web perf
- Remove redirects
PS4 Cache
- PS4 doesn't have disk cache
- HTML5 App Cache is great alternative
Application Cache DB grows over time, ran into problem due to their own unique URLs
LocalStorage use
Precompile templates
- UI templates = XML templates
- precompile at build time to shave off time render
- tries to create as many things async as they can
Business Impact
- Community feedback was favorable
- need improvements
Share what you learn with your team
- made UI much faster
- added RUM
- measure, optimize, verify
- setup reliable metrics/analytics
- evangelize with company/peers
Lots of mentions of automated testing in relation with continuous cycle: Should designers give requirements early to dev team before wireframes come out? Does this already happen?
Trend in all sorts of companies using HTML5/JS instead of full native apps such as CERN, PlayStation