diff --git a/.idea/.gitignore b/.idea/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13566b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Default ignored files
+# Editor-based HTTP Client requests
+# Datasource local storage ignored files
diff --git a/.idea/getvod.iml b/.idea/getvod.iml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c956989
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/getvod.iml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.idea/modules.xml b/.idea/modules.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0df8d71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/modules.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.idea/vcs.xml b/.idea/vcs.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94a25f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/vcs.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/getvod.php b/getvod.php
index 26e6b6f..f445ea7 100644
--- a/getvod.php
+++ b/getvod.php
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
+ print("\n\n");
+ die();
- fclose($fp);
- fclose($in);
- /*
- * Curl Implementation
- *
- set_time_limit(0);
- $path = $strmdir.$strm; // the json strm file we'll download
- $fp = fopen($path, 'w+') or die ('Error opening STRM file for write ! Check working directory permissions ! ');
- $ch = curl_init($mwlistsurl);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);
- $data = curl_exec($ch);
- if (curl_errno($ch)) {
- echo "the cURL error is : " . curl_error($ch);
- curl_close($ch);
- fclose($fp);
- die;
+ switch (json_last_error()) {
+ //echo " - No errors\n";
+ break;
+ echo " JSON - Maximum stack depth exceeded $downloadurl\n";
+ die();
+ echo " JSON - Underflow or the modes mismatch $downloadurl\n";
+ die();
+ echo " JSON - Unexpected control character found $downloadurl\n";
+ die();
+ echo " JSON - Syntax error, malformed JSON $downloadurl\n";
+ die();
+ echo " JSON - Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded $downloadurl\n";
+ die();
+ default:
+ echo " JSON - Unknown error $downloadurl\n";
+ die();
- curl_close($ch);
- fclose($fp);
- */
- $obj = json_decode(file_get_contents($strmdir . $strm)); // load the file into a object; would probably not work on a pi due to memory
-} catch (exception $e) {
- print("\n Tragedy struck contacting RockMyM3U, try again later\n\n");
- echo $e->getMessage();
- print("\n\n");
- die();
-if (json_last_error() != 0) {
- print("\n File does not seem to be a JSON file\n\n");
- die();
-if ($obj === null || is_bool($obj)) {
- print("\n Error geting file from MWLISTS; not a json file or file corrupt\n\n");
- die();
+ if ($obj === null || is_bool($obj)) {
+ print("\n Error geting file from MWLISTS; not a json file or file corrupt\n\n");
+ die();
+ }
-if (count($obj) < 100) { //less than 100 VODs maybe it died?
- print("\n File seems incomplete less then 100 vod? If so modify source code.\n\n");
- die();
-print("Processing File for new VOD\n");
+ if (count($obj) < 100) { //less than 100 VODs maybe it died?
+ print("\n WARNING: File seems incomplete less then 100 vod? If so modify source code.\n\n");
+ die;
+ }
+ print("Processing File for new VOD from $downloadurl \n");
//Loop through the list from rockmym3u and create the file for emby to read
-foreach ($obj as $key) {
- $file = str_replace(' ', '_', $key->tvg_name);
- $file = str_replace('[', "(", $file);
- $file = str_replace(']', ")", $file);
- $file = str_replace($remove, "", $file);
- $group = str_replace(' ', '_', $key->group_title);
- $group = str_replace($remove, "", $group);
- $url = $key->url;
- if ($lefttrim != null) { // leave as null and nothing gets removed
- $file = ltrim($file, $lefttrim); //remove left characters
- } // we should probably add a rtrim here but nobody asked so, Bob's your uncle?
- $safe_filename = Vod::sanitizeFileName($file); // use a safe file name
- // in this if else code we are -
- // checking to see if the .strm is a movie or tv show
- // depending on the type we are going to set the directory structure
- // based on the user prefs. At the end $dir will contain the
- // intended destination for the stream
- //
- if ((preg_match("/S(?:100|\d{1,2})/", $file) || isin($file, $thisisatvshow)) && !(isin($file, $thisisamovie))) { // this is a TV Episode
- $type = 0;//tv
- $x = preg_split('/S(?:100|\d{1,2})/', $file);
- $n = rtrim($x[0], '_'); // this is the name of the series
- preg_match_all('/S(?:100|\d{1,2})/', $file, $m);
- $s = $m[0][0];// this is the season number
- //printf("Series Name: $n Season: $s Stream url: $url\n");
- if ($includegroup) {
- $dir = $tv . $group . '/' . $n . '/' . $s . '/'; // this is the full directory path the season episode
- } else {
- $dir = $tv . $n . '/' . $s . '/'; // this is the full directory path the season episode
- }
- } else { // this is a Movie
- $type = 1;//movie
+ foreach ($obj as $key) {
+ $file = str_replace(' ', '_', $key->tvg_name);
+ $file = str_replace('[', "(", $file);
+ $file = str_replace(']', ")", $file);
+ $file = str_replace($remove, "", $file);
+ $group = str_replace(' ', '_', $key->group_title);
+ $group = str_replace($remove, "", $group);
+ $url = $key->url;
+ if ($lefttrim != null) { // leave as null and nothing gets removed
+ $file = ltrim($file, $lefttrim); //remove left characters
+ } // we should probably add a rtrim here but nobody asked so, Bob's your uncle?
+ $safe_filename = Vod::sanitizeFileName($file); // use a safe file name
+ // in this if else code we are -
+ // checking to see if the .strm is a movie or tv show
+ // depending on the type we are going to set the directory structure
+ // based on the user prefs. At the end $dir will contain the
+ // intended destination for the stream
+ //
+ if ((preg_match("/S(?:100|\d{1,2})/", $file) || isin($file, $thisisatvshow)) && !(isin($file, $thisisamovie))) { // this is a TV Episode
+ $type = 0; //tv
+ $x = preg_split('/S(?:100|\d{1,2})/', $file);
+ $n = rtrim($x[0], '_'); // this is the name of the series
- if ($includegroup) {
- if ($moviedir) { // place the strm in it's own folder
- $dir = $movie . $group . '/' . $safe_filename . '/';
+ preg_match_all('/S(?:100|\d{1,2})/', $file, $m);
+ $s = $m[0][0]; // this is the season number
+ //printf("Series Name: $n Season: $s Stream url: $url\n");
+ if ($includegroup) {
+ $dir = $tv . $group . '/' . $n . '/' . $s . '/'; // this is the full directory path the season episode
} else {
- $dir = $movie . $group . '/';
+ $dir = $tv . $n . '/' . $s . '/'; // this is the full directory path the season episode
- } else {
- if ($moviedir) { // place the strm into it's own folder
- $dir = $movie . $safe_filename . '/'; // for emby we don't need an elaborate path for the movies
+ } else { // this is a Movie
+ $type = 1; //movie
+ if ($includegroup) {
+ if ($moviedir) { // place the strm in it's own folder
+ $dir = $movie . $group . '/' . $safe_filename . '/';
+ } else {
+ $dir = $movie . $group . '/';
+ }
} else {
- $dir = $movie;
+ if ($moviedir) { // place the strm into it's own folder
+ $dir = $movie . $safe_filename . '/'; // for emby we don't need an elaborate path for the movies
+ } else {
+ $dir = $movie;
+ }
- }
- //
- //if type is tv, create the structure and maintain an array of stream names
- //
- if ($type == 0) { //tv items need a season stucture
- $tvitems[] = ($dir . $safe_filename . ".strm"); // add the stream file name to an array; use later to delete streams provide does not have
- //create the directory structure
+ //if type is tv, create the structure and maintain an array of stream names
- if ($includegroup) { // group directory name
- if (!file_exists($tv . $group)) {
- mkdir($tv . $group, 0777, true); //season name
- }
+ if ($type == 0) { //tv items need a season stucture
+ $tvitems[] = ($dir . $safe_filename . ".strm"); // add the stream file name to an array; use later to delete streams provide does not have
+ //
+ //create the directory structure
+ //
+ if ($includegroup) { // group directory name
+ if (!file_exists($tv . $group)) {
+ mkdir($tv . $group, 0777, true); //season name
+ }
- if (!file_exists($tv . $group . '/' . $n)) {
- mkdir($tv . $group . '/' . $n, 0777, true); //season name
- }
+ if (!file_exists($tv . $group . '/' . $n)) {
+ mkdir($tv . $group . '/' . $n, 0777, true); //season name
+ }
- if (!file_exists($tv . $group . '/' . $n . '/' . $s)) {
- mkdir($tv . $group . '/' . $n . '/' . $s, 0777, true); //season i.e. 01
- }
- } else {
- //
- if (!file_exists($tv . $n)) {
- mkdir($tv . $n, 0777, true); //season name
+ if (!file_exists($tv . $group . '/' . $n . '/' . $s)) {
+ mkdir($tv . $group . '/' . $n . '/' . $s, 0777, true); //season i.e. 01
+ }
+ } else {
+ //
+ if (!file_exists($tv . $n)) {
+ mkdir($tv . $n, 0777, true); //season name
+ }
+ if (!file_exists($tv . $n . '/' . $s)) {
+ mkdir($tv . $n . '/' . $s, 0777, true); //season i.e. 01
+ }
- if (!file_exists($tv . $n . '/' . $s)) {
- mkdir($tv . $n . '/' . $s, 0777, true); //season i.e. 01
+ } else { // this is a movie, so let's create the directories
+ $movieitems[] = ($dir . $safe_filename . ".strm"); //Add the name of the stream to an array
+ if ($includegroup) { // group directory name
+ if (!file_exists($movie . $group)) {
+ mkdir($movie . $group, 0777, true); //group title in directory name
+ }
+ if (!file_exists($movie . $group . '/' . $safe_filename)) {
+ mkdir($movie . $group . '/' . $safe_filename, 0777, true); //group title in directory name
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!file_exists($movie . $safe_filename)) {
+ mkdir($movie . $safe_filename, 0777, true); // don't need group title
+ }
- } else { // this is a movie, so let's create the directories
- $movieitems[] = ($dir . $safe_filename . ".strm"); //Add the name of the stream to an array
- if ($includegroup) { // group directory name
- if (!file_exists($movie . $group)) {
- mkdir($movie . $group, 0777, true); //group title in directory name
- }
- if (!file_exists($movie . $group . '/' . $safe_filename)) {
- mkdir($movie . $group . '/' . $safe_filename, 0777, true); //group title in directory name
- }
- } else {
- if (!file_exists($movie . $safe_filename)) {
- mkdir($movie . $safe_filename, 0777, true); // don't need group title
- }
+ // now we have the file name, and the directory it's intened for, lets write the strm file
+ if (!is_file($dir . $safe_filename . ".strm")) { // if the stream does not exist create it and add the url
+ print("Created: " . $dir . $safe_filename . ".strm\n");
+ file_put_contents($dir . $safe_filename . ".strm", $url); // Save our content to the file.
+ } elseif ($overwritecontents) {
+ print("Updated: " . $dir . $safe_filename . ".strm\n");
+ file_put_contents($dir . $safe_filename . ".strm", $url); // Save our content to the file.
+} //end processing playlists; Let's remove stuff we don't have
- // now we have the file name, and the directory it's intened for, lets write the strm file
- if (!is_file($dir . $safe_filename . ".strm")) { // if the stream does not exist create it and add the url
- print("Created: " . $dir . $safe_filename . ".strm\n");
- file_put_contents($dir . $safe_filename . ".strm", $url); // Save our content to the file.
- } elseif ($overwritecontents) {
- print("Updated: " . $dir . $safe_filename . ".strm\n");
- file_put_contents($dir . $safe_filename . ".strm", $url); // Save our content to the file.
- }
-print_r("Crosscheck anything we have the provider deleted\n");
+print_r("Crosscheck anything we have the provider(s) deleted\n");
-$dirtv = getDirContents($tv);// directory contents tv only .strm files will be added to array
+$dirtv = getDirContents($tv); // directory contents tv only .strm files will be added to array
$dirmovie = getDirContents($movie); //directory contents movie only .strm files will be added to array`
//delete tv strm not in provider
foreach ($dirtv as $n) {
- if (!(in_array($n, $tvitems))) {
- print_r("Delete $n\n");//the getDirContents only collects .strm files, therefore we don't have to check the file name we are about to delete
- unlink($n);
- }
+ if (!(in_array($n, $tvitems))) {
+ print_r("Delete $n\n"); //the getDirContents only collects .strm files, therefore we don't have to check the file name we are about to delete
+ unlink($n);
+ }
//delete movie strm not in provider
foreach ($dirmovie as $n) {
- if (!(in_array($n, $movieitems))) {
- print_r("Delete $n\n"); //the getDirContents only collects .strm files, therefore we don't have to check the file name we are about to delete
- unlink($n);
- }
+ if (!(in_array($n, $movieitems))) {
+ print_r("Delete $n\n"); //the getDirContents only collects .strm files, therefore we don't have to check the file name we are about to delete
+ unlink($n);
+ }
//print_r("Checking for empty directories in Movie Library\n");
@@ -314,11 +309,11 @@ function fatal_handler()
//Built in php functions are too slow; so we built our own
-function getDirContents($dir, &$results = array())
+function getDirContents($dir, &$results = array()) {
$files = scandir($dir);
foreach ($files as $key => $value) {
@@ -336,8 +331,7 @@ function getDirContents($dir, &$results = array())
return $results;
-function stringEndsWith($haystack, $needle, $case = true)
+function stringEndsWith($haystack, $needle, $case = true) {
$expectedPosition = strlen($haystack) - strlen($needle);
if ($case) {
return strrpos($haystack, $needle, 0) === $expectedPosition;
@@ -345,8 +339,7 @@ function stringEndsWith($haystack, $needle, $case = true)
return strripos($haystack, $needle, 0) === $expectedPosition;
-function RemoveEmptySubFolders($path)
+function RemoveEmptySubFolders($path) {
$empty = true;
foreach (glob($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "*") as $file) {
$empty &= is_dir($file) && RemoveEmptySubFolders($file);
@@ -357,15 +350,13 @@ function RemoveEmptySubFolders($path)
return $empty && rmdir($path);
-function isin($search, $needles)
-{ // seach the string of array values
+function isin($search, $needles) { // seach the string of array values
$find = ($search != str_ireplace($needles, "XX", $search)) ? true : false;
return ($find);
-class Vod
+class Vod {
* Returns a safe filename, for a given platform (OS), by replacing all
* dangerous characters with an underscore.
@@ -375,8 +366,7 @@ class Vod
* @return Boolean string A safe version of the input filename
- public static function sanitizeFileName($dangerous_filename, $platform = 'Unix')
- {
+ public static function sanitizeFileName($dangerous_filename, $platform = 'Unix') {
if (in_array(strtolower($platform), array('unix', 'linux'))) {
// our list of "dangerous characters", add/remove characters if necessary
$dangerous_characters = array(" ", '"', "'", "&", "/", "\\", "?", "#");