All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- @mxenabled/widget-post-message-definitions to v1.3.0
- Context payload on backToSearch to optional
- onBackToSearch callback for backToSearch post message.
- Sending SDK information to widget.
- Updating default height/width to minimum recommended dimensions
- Distributing TypeScript type definitions.
- Updating @mxenabled/widget-post-message-definitions to v1.0.10.
- Documenting widget loader lifecycle methods.
- Documenting callback properties.
- Rename widgetContainer property to container.
- Fixing iframe element
bug in Safari.
- Adding iframeTitle widget option.
- Exporting base widget class.
- Distributing minified assets.
- Distributing UMD build.
- Making error messages more verbose.
- Allow widgetContainer property to accept a reference to a DOM node.
- Dispatching Post Message events.
- Unmount method on base Widget class.
- Exporting Accounts Widget class.
- Exporting Budgets Widget class.
- Exporting Connect Widget class.
- Exporting Connections Widget class.
- Exporting Debts Widget class.
- Exporting Finstrong Widget class.
- Exporting Goals Widget class.
- Exporting Help Widget class.
- Exporting Master Widget class.
- Exporting Mini Pulse Carousel Widget class.
- Exporting MiniBudgets Widget class.
- Exporting MiniFinstrong Widget class.
- Exporting MiniSpending Widget class.
- Exporting Pulse Widget class.
- Exporting Settings Widget class.
- Exporting Spending Widget class.
- Exporting Transactions Widget class.
- Exporting Trends Widget class.