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WibmoPay PG SDK (Wibmo Pay)

This is the documentation for integrating WibmoPay payment gateway on your iOS app.


  • UPI
  • Cards
  • Wallets
    • Paytm
    • Mobikwik


WibmoPay PG Integration Steps in Swift-Xcode

Step 1.

Add this to your project podfile pod WibmoPay.Minimum deployment target version for WibmoPay SDK is 9.0 and swift version 4.1 and WibmoPay SDK version is 0.1.10.

Step 2.

Go to terminals and go to project path and type pod install,By doing so WibmoPay SDK code is download to your project and you can invoke SDK methods as follow.

Step 3.

Added the import WibmoPay, Create a struct like below in your project controller(controller - where you would like to start calling SDK methods). create struct xxxx : MerchantTxnProtocol{} ,then you would be asked to add Protocol methods and adding so your struct would look like as below.

struct MerchantDetails: MerchantTxnProtocol {

    var merchantName: String
    var merchantKey: String
    var merchantCallbackUrl: String
    var merchantTxnAmount: String
    var merchantMessage: String
    var merchantTxnId: String
    var merchantPaymentOption: String
    var payerName: String
    var payerMobile: String
    var payerEmailId: String
    var buildEnv: BuildEnvironment  

Step 4.

Request Code [SWIFT]

Request Parameters Type Mandatory
"merchantName" String Yes
"merchantAmount" String Yes
"merchantTxnId" String Yes
"merchantKey" String Yes
"payerName" String No
"payerMobileNo" String No
"merchantMessage" String No
"payerEmailId" String No
"merchantPaymentOption" String No
"callbackurl" String Yes

Step 5.

Merchant Details are passed to SDK as below.

  let merchantDetails = MerchantDetails(merchantName: <YOUR-MERCHANT-ID>, merchantKey: <YOUR-MERCHANT-KEY>), merchantCallbackUrl: <YOUR-MERCHANT-CALLBACKURL>, merchantTxnAmount: <AMOUNT>, merchantMessage: <MESSAGE>, merchantTxnId: <UNIQUE-TRANSACTION-ID>, merchantPaymentOption: <PAYMENTOPTION>, payerName: <Name>, payerMobile: <MOBILE>, payerEmailId: <EMIAL ID>, buildEnv: <ENVINORMENT>).


let merchantDetails = MerchantDetails(merchantName: "test", merchantKey: "1f5abc6e46114094b7abdbbee19a5cb9", merchantCallbackUrl: "", merchantTxnAmount: "1", merchantMessage: "Test", merchantTxnId: merchantTxnId, merchantPaymentOption: "paytm,mobikwik,upi,cards", payerName: "Mypoolin", payerMobile: "9900456789", payerEmailId: "[email protected]", buildEnv:.staging)


  • buildEnv can either be .staging or .production depending on your choice, based on the buildEnv base URL is set accordingly.

Callback URL

The merchants are required to submit a redirection url to report the completion of the order. You can share your desired redirection url with our team on email - [email protected] or [email protected] and we will configure it for you.

The returning checksum is calculated by using username|order_id|merchant_txn_id|status|secret and then creating a hash with sha512 algorithm.

Example callback url can be as follow

  • PRODUCTION callback URL
  • Merchant CUSTOM callback url should be - https://<YOUR-DOMAIN-CALLBACK-URL> (NOTE: if setting then it Should be notified to the integration/Business team [[email protected]]).

Step 6.

Upadte merchant parameters and invoke transaction call as shown below

  WibmoPaySdk.sdkManager.merchantDetails = merchantDetails
  WibmoPaySdk.sdkManager.performTransactionFor(fromController: self) { (response, error) in
            if let result = response {
                print(result.status) // example printing status
            } else if let error = error {

performTransactionFor call will internally do the following:

  • check Internet(if not connected Error is thrown back to merchant app and merchant app can handle it accordingly).
  • Generates checkSum using the request parameter.


Response Parameters Type Mandatory
"merchant_name" String yes
"order_id" String yes
"merchant_txn_id" String yes
"status" String yes
"payment_mode" String yes
"checksum" String yes
"amount" String yes
"commission" String yes
"channel" String yes

Response will be received to the controller class where your initiated the SDK methods.

Status Code is as follow:

STATUS CODES Status Description
COMPLETED Success Success
FAILED (for cases where there is error in creation)
RETRIED (for cases where same merchant_txn_id is passed)

Sample code for Response Handling:

We have added Completion Handler for receiving response and error from the SDK, Once transaction is completed control comes back to app and Merchant Response and Error is received to performTransactionFor method as shown below and Response and error can be handled by merchant accordingly, Below is the sample code to print the erorr and response:

 WibmoPaySdk.sdkManager.performTransactionFor(fromController: self) { (response, error) in
            if let result = response {
                print(result.status) // example: we are printing status from the response.
            } else if let error = error {


Follow the below steps if any error/issues related to archiving

  • Go to root project and go to Build Phase and click on + symbol and select New Run Script Phase and the copy paste the below script inside run script before releasing the app to app store.
  • link to find the script:

For Integration reference a sample WibmoPaydemo app is pushed to GitHub with wibmoPay SDK integrated.