- fixed forceSkip method for simple VAST, updated several libs, tests etc
- fixed videojs/browser bug where sometimes value of currentTime() is greater than duration()
- settings video src directly on IOS handled by player, fixes content HLS errors
- fixed vulnerabs, better logging of ima errors
- force skip button
- updated deps, fixed minor undefined error
- better handling of late init
- fixed unresponsive volume ad controls with moatwrapper
- fixed another mute/volume mess
- fixed volume/mute bug after IMA SDK new release
- updated some packages
- removed poster to reduce size
- hotfix to prevent resume if content not started
- fixed resume after skippable on ios
- fixed timeout for preroll/postroll if no ads
- fixed vulnerabilities and tests
- check already initialized contrib-ads
- npm publish
- fixed vulnerability
- contentchanged -> contentupdate
- removed always true condition
- dropped videojs v5 support
- added support from v6.0.1 (v6.0.0 does not use setSource by mw)
- fixed mute icon
- another resize fixes
- fixed ima triggering resize
- fixed vulnerabilities
- improved bundling
- added examples to npm
- added global videojs import
- removed prerollScheduled as it broke unscheduled ads
- fixed resize handling
- videojs up to v7
- upgraded geckodriver, webdriver, etc
- added playbackRate tech method
- more tests, fixed too fast webdriver click by ready event
- initial resize bound to content player
- added ima volume events to handle bar properly
- changed command order of start/end linear ad to fix undefined content player
- fixed initial dimensions
- fixed ima corner case where currentAd is not defined
- fixed timeout default value
- sorted timeouts
- README about timeouts
- autoplay and muted state passed to IMA SDK
- added autoplay example
- fixed contrib-ads loading spinner
- fixed tooltip's z-index when non-linear ad is playing
- fixed tech triggering internal adsready event
- fixed missing adsready after reset
- simplified nopreroll/nopostroll logic
- covers also silent ima errors like skippable on IOS
- fixed content tech change
- removed useless code
- fixed content tech element reference when content changes
- removed unsafe fullReset, now it fully resets always
- fixed contrib-ads loading-spinner bug
- implemented isWaitingForAdBreak() method
- updated contrib-ads dependency
- npm version
- fixed remainingTime layer index
- added showCountdown feature, removed allowVpaid option
- reset playToggle when ad skipped when paused
- fixed wrong order of tech's play method
- prevented ads-loading spinner from content player
- added v5 volumebar
- npm version
- added videojs v5 support
- Initial release.