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748 lines (509 loc) · 12.6 KB

% Haskell Amuse-Bouche % Mark Lentczner

% 2011-10-14

Haskell is Scary

  • Oh noes! Where's my state?
  • Hey, I don't want my program to be lazy!
  • Yo, PHP don't need no templates or combinators...
  • Uhm, I thought dynamic languages were better?

Haskell is Scary Cool

  • Functional
  • Lazy
  • Higher order functions
  • Type inference
  • ...shhhh: Monads

Why I got hooked

  • It is a new way to thinking about programming.
  • It twists the brain in delightful ways.
  • It is very expressive, yet concise and clear.
  • It is beautiful.


  • I have a lot of code to show you

  • It's gonna look like crazy-moon language

  • Be brave

Wanna play along?

The slides and code are here:

Something Familiar

cat poem | sort
cat poem | rev | head
cat poem | tr a-z A-Z | sed -e 's/$/!!!/'

What do they all do?

  • Take input

  • Process the input.

  • Produce output as soon as they're able.

  • Don't modify any state.

  • In short, they are functional, pure, and lazy.

Let's write that in Haskell

main = readFile "poem" >>= putStr . process

process t = unlines (sort (lines t))

Put that in a file named Part1.hs and then at the shell:

runhaskell Part1.hs

Run it

Original poem:

occasional clouds
one gets a rest
from moon-viewing

Program output:

from moon-viewing
occasional clouds
one gets a rest

Ignoring the main behind the curtain...

process t = unlines (sort (lines t))

Remember f(g(x)) = (f⋅g)(x) from high school algebra?

process' t = (unlines . sort . lines) t

And algebraic simplificiation works here too:

process'' = unlines . sort . lines

We could code some other common ones:

sortLines     = unlines . sort . lines
reverseLines  = unlines . reverse . lines
firstTwoLines = unlines . take 2 . lines

Anyone spot a pattern?

We can factor it out!

byLines f = unlines . f . lines

sortLines'     = byLines sort
reverseLines'  = byLines reverse
firstTwoLines' = byLines (take 2)

What if we want to modify the lines?

indent s = "    " ++ s

and then, obviously:

indentLines = byLines indent


indentLines = byLines indent

doesn't compile:

    Couldn't match expected type `[Char]' with actual type `Char'
    Expected type: [String] -> [String]
      Actual type: String -> String
    In the first argument of `byLines', namely `indent'
    In the expression: byLines indent

How did it work before?

In this code

sortLines'     = byLines sort
reverseLines'  = byLines reverse
firstTwoLines' = byLines (take 2)

We apply byLines to arguments with these types

sort     :: [String] -> [String]
reverse  :: [String] -> [String]
(take 2) :: [String] -> [String]

(Don't look too hard at that last one.)

(This slide isn't in the video.)

What do we have now?

Type type of indent is

indent :: String -> String
indent s = "    " ++ s

and that isn't compatible with byLines

indentLines = byLines indent

(This slide isn't in the video.)

map to the rescue:

map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]

as in:

map reverse ["red", "yellow", "blue"]

map sort ["red", "yellow", "blue"]


reverse ["red", "yellow", "blue"]

sort ["red", "yellow", "blue"]

So then:

indentEachLine :: String -> String
indentEachLine = byLines (map indent)

eachLine :: (String -> String) -> String -> String
eachLine f = unlines . map f . lines

indentEachLine' :: String -> String
indentEachLine' = eachLine indent

and we get:

    occasional clouds
    one gets a rest
    from moon-viewing

But wait, where's the 2nd argument?

How can we write:

eachLine f = unlines . map f . lines

Think of map's type this way:

map :: (a -> b) -> ([a] -> [b])

It takes a function and transforms (lifts) it into a function over lists

Let's YELL!!!

yell :: String -> String
yell s = map toUpper s ++ "!!!"

yellEachLine :: String -> String
yellEachLine = eachLine yell



What if we wanted it by words?

eachWord :: (String -> String) -> String -> String
eachWord f = unwords . map f . words

yellEachWord :: String -> String
yellEachWord = eachWord yell



We want by words, by lines...

eachWordOnEachLine :: (String -> String) -> String -> String
eachWordOnEachLine f = eachLine (eachWord f)

yellEachWordOnEachLine :: String -> String
yellEachWordOnEachLine = eachWordOnEachLine yell

Ah, got it:

ONE!!! GETS!!! A!!! REST!!!

(This slide is fixed from the one in the video.)

What bus hit us?

Higher Order Functions

(Pause to catch breath)


#Structured data

By which I mean lists, of course...

data List α = EndOfList
            | Link α (List α)

we can make some values of this type:

empty = EndOfList
oneWord = Link "apple" EndOfList
twoWords = Link "banana" (Link "cantaloupe" EndOfList)

Pop quiz

Given these..

empty = EndOfList
oneWord = Link "apple" EndOfList
twoWords = Link "banana" (Link "cantaloupe" EndOfList)

What are these?

mystery1 = Link "pear" empty
mystery2 = Link "peach" oneWord
mystery3 = Link "pineapple" mystery3
mystery4 = Link 42 (Link "apple" EndOfList)

Some functions on List

dropOne :: List α -> List α
dropOne (Link first rest) = rest
dropOne EndOfList = EndOfList

justOne :: List α -> List α
justOne (Link a _) = Link a EndOfList
justOne EndOfList = EndOfList

Actually, we don't type so much

data [] a = [] | a : [a] -- this is in the standard library
infixr 5 :

empty = []
oneWord = "apple" : []
twoWords = "banana" : "cantaloupe" : []

mystery1 = "pear" : empty
mystery2 = "peach" : oneWord
mystery3 = "pineapple" : mystery3
mystery4 = 42 : "apple" : []

dropOne :: [a] -> [a]
dropOne (first:rest) = rest
dropOne [] = []

justOne :: [a] -> [a]
justOne (a:_) = a:[]
justOne [] = []

Actually, not even that much

data [] a = [] | a : [a] -- this is in the standard library
infixr 5 :

empty = []
oneWord = ["apple"]                 -- syntatic sugar
twoWords = ["banana", "cantaloupe"] -- two teaspoons full

mystery1 = "pear" : empty
mystery2 = "peach" : oneWord
mystery3 = "pineapple" : mystery3
mystery4 = [42, "apple"] -- sweet, but still won't compile

dropOne :: [a] -> [a]
dropOne (first:rest) = rest
dropOne [] = []

justOne :: [a] -> [a] -- don't confuse these "[a]"s
justOne (a:_) = [a]   -- with this "[a]"
justOne [] = []

Two more standard things:

type String = [Char]
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a

Use it like this

pickMessage :: Maybe Int -> String
pickMessage (Just n) = "Pick a number, like " ++ show n ++ "."
pickMessage Nothing = "Pick any number you like."

The awkward and the bad

This is awkward:

justOne :: [a] -> [a]
justOne (a:_) = [a]
justOne [] = []

This is bad:

firstOne :: [a] -> a
firstOne (a:_) = a
firstOne [] = error "O Noes!"

Maybe, there's a better way

firstOne' :: [a] -> Maybe a
firstOne' (a:_) = Just a
firstOne' [] = Nothing

Now, let's write some real code

Find the first character after a star:

findAfterStar :: String -> Maybe Char
findAfterStar (c:d:r) =
  if c == '*' then Just d
              else findAfterStar (d:r)
findAfterStar _ = Nothing

Make it a little bit more generic

Find the first character after some other character:

findAfterChar :: Char -> String -> Maybe Char
findAfterChar m (c:d:r) =
  if c == m then Just d
            else findAfterChar m (d:r)
findAfterChar _ _ = Nothing

More generic still

Find the first thing after some other thing:

findAfterElem :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Maybe a
findAfterElem m (c:d:r) =
  if c == m then Just d
            else findAfterElem m (d:r)
findAfterElem _ _ = Nothing

(Pause to catch breath)


The type that blew my mind

data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a

Maybe quite useful:

elemIndex :: a -> [a] -> Maybe Int

lookup :: k -> Map k a -> Maybe a

stripPrefix :: Text -> Text -> Maybe Text

port :: URIAuthority -> Maybe Int

Power lifting: fmap

addAWeek :: Day -> Day
addAWeek d = addDays 7 d

interestingDates :: [Day]
interestingDates = ...

anInterestingDate :: Maybe Day
anInterestingDate = firstOne' interestingDates

aWeekLater :: Maybe Day
aWeekLater = fmap addAWeek anInterestingDate

(See the source for some intersting dates.)

Thinking like a Haskeller

addAWeek :: Day -> Day
addAWeek d = addDays 7 d

maybeAddAWeek :: Maybe Day -> Maybe Day
maybeAddAWeek = fmap addAWeek

aWeekLater' :: Maybe Day
aWeekLater' = maybeAddAWeek anInterestingDate

Power alternatives: <|>

pickShow :: Person -> Maybe String
pickShow p =
    favoriteShow (name p)
    <|> showWithName (name p)
    <|> showForYear (year p)


favoriteShow :: String -> Maybe String

showWithName :: String -> Maybe String

showForYear :: Int -> Maybe String

Like short circuit due to lazy evaluation

Power injection: >>=

getHeader "Date" message >>= parseDate >>= mailboxForDate


getHeader :: String -> MimeMessage -> Maybe String

parseDate :: String -> Maybe Date

mailboxForDate :: Date -> Maybe Mailbox

>>= is actually pronounced "bind"

More generic

fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

(<|>) :: Alternative f => f a -> f a -> f a

(>>=) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b

Type classes and instances:

Functor       Maybe, [], (Either a), IO

Alternative   Maybe, []

Monad         Maybe, [], (Either a), IO

(Time for just one more?)


Types you don't type

runLengthEncode :: Eq a => [a] -> [(a, Int)]
runLengthEncode [] = []
runLengthEncode (x:xs) = nextGroup x 1 xs
    nextGroup e n [] = [(e, n)]
    nextGroup e n (y:ys)
      | e == y    =          nextGroup e (n + 1) ys
      | otherwise = (e, n) : nextGroup y  1      ys

Let's try that in C++

template<typename T>
list<pair<T,int> > runLengthEncode(const list<T>& as) {
    list<pair<T, int> > runs;
    if (!as.empty()) {
        typename list<T>::const_iterator it = as.begin();
        T elem = *it;
        int count = 0;
        for (; it != as.end(); it++) {
            if (elem != *it) {
                runs.push_back(make_pair(elem, count));
                elem = *it;
                count = 0;
            count += 1;
        runs.push_back(make_pair(elem, count));
    return runs;

Quick Check

Just write some properties that should hold:

rlePropLengthPreserved :: [Int] -> Bool
rlePropLengthPreserved as = length as == (sum $ map snd $ runLengthEncode as)

rlePropDupesCollapsed :: Int -> Bool
rlePropDupesCollapsed n
  | m == 0    = runLengthEncode "" == []
  | otherwise = runLengthEncode (replicate m 'x') == [('x', m)]
  where m = n `mod` 100

rlePropRoundTrip :: [Int] -> Bool
rlePropRoundTrip ns = runLengthEncode xs == is
  where is = zip ['a'..] $ map (\n -> n `mod` 100 + 1) ns
        xs = concatMap (\(i,n) -> replicate n i) is

Quick Check 'em:

> quickCheck rlePropRoundTrip
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.

> quickCheck rlePropDupesCollapsed
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.

> quickCheck rlePropRoundTrip
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.


Oh, and some more things:

  • ghci
  • cabal & hackage
  • haddock
  • Hoogle
  • #haskell on

Want a bigger helping?


Mark Lentczner

mark﹫glyphic·com <|> mzero﹫google·com

mzero on IRC