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This library provides methods for evaluating word embedding models loaded with gensim. Currently, it implements two methods designed specifically for the evaluation of low-resource models. The code allows users to automatically create custom test sets in any of the 581 languages supported by Wikidata and then to evaluate on them using the OddOneOut and Topk methods proposed in this paper.

Basic Usage


Install from PyPI

$ pip install gensim-evaluations

If you are using gensim >= 4.0.0 and have previously installed gensim-evaluations please upgrade to the latest version with

$ pip install --upgrade gensim-evaluations

Loading a model

These methods have been designed for evaluation of embedding models loaded through Gensim. As an example, we'll first load the famous pre-trained word2vec model from Mikolov et. al.

import gensim.downloader as api

model = api.load('word2vec-google-news-300')

A complete list of pre-trained models available through gensim can be found here. Of course, you can always use gensim to train and load your own model.

Generating custom language-specific test sets

In addition to a model, OddOneOut and Topk require a custom test set of categories. Each category contains a list of words belonging to it. We can easily generate a custom test set by selecting a few relevant items from Wikidata. Here are just a few of the many items we could choose from:

  • Capital - Q5119
  • Country - Q6256
  • Emotion - Q9415
  • Human Biblical Figure - Q20643955
  • Mythical Character - Q4271324
  • Negative Emotion - Q60539481
  • News Agency - Q192283
  • Tibetan Buddhist Monastery - Q54074585

Each of these items has an associated code in Wikidata. They are related to other items in the knowledgebase through certain properties. One of the most important of these is the instance of property P31 which finds specific examples of some item.

For example:

  • Wikinews is an instance of News Agency (Q192283)
  • abhorrence is an instance of Negative Emotion (Q60539481)

Following this basic idea, we can generate test set(s) for any of these categories in any language(s) supported by Wikidata. Below we create test sets for the negative emotions category in both English and Latin.

from gensim_evaluations import wikiqueries

categories = ['Q60539481']
langs = ['en','la']

For simplicity, we create test sets for only a single category and two languages, but in fact the generate_test_set function takes as many categories and language codes as you want. The test set(s) will be saved as .txt file(s) at location specified by the filename parameter. The appropriate language code is automatically appended to the corresponding filename.

Here are some useful links

It should also be noted that category sizes will vary. In particular a broad category such as human (Q5), contains 8,255,736 instances which is too large to work with as a single category. It is advised that you either use SQID to filter down to categories that have a reasonable number of entries or test your query on the Wikidata Query Service to make sure it runs before using it as a category.

Evaluation Using Topk and OddOneOut

We can now evaluate the word2vec model (loaded previously) on the newly generated test set using OddOneOut.

from gensim_evaluations import methods

odd_out_result = methods.OddOneOut(cat_file='neg_emotion_en.txt',model=model, k_in=3, allow_oov=True, sample_size=1000)
print('odd_out_result=', odd_out_result)


OddOneOut Evaluation
0 categories have fewer than k_in entries and will be skipped
2 words have been identified as out out of vocabulary
words_in_test= 43
out of vocab ratio is  0.05
Will calculate the 3 th order OddOneOut score for 1 categories
odd_out_result= (0.832, {':instance of negative emotion (en)': 0.832}, [], 832, {':instance of negative emotion (en)': 832})

and Topk

topk_result = methods.Topk(cat_file='neg_emotion_en.txt',model=model, k=3, allow_oov=True)
print('topk_result=', topk_result)


Performing Topk Evaluataion
0 categories do not have enough words and will be skipped
2 words have been identified as out out of vocabulary
43 total words in test set
out of vocab ratio is  0.05
topk_result= (0.1937984496124031, {':instance of negative emotion (en)': 0.1937984496124031}, [], 25, {':instance of negative emotion (en)': 25})

The Topk and OddOneOut functions both return a 5-tuple containing:

  1. overall accuracy
  2. category accuracy (float accuracy for each category)
  3. list of skipped categories
  4. overall raw score (total number of correct comparisons)
  5. category raw score (number of correct comparisons for each category)