This repository contains the implementation of SC-CF (Serendipitous Clustering for Collaborative Filtering) as described in the paper Scalable Clustering Algorithm for Collaborative Filtering Paper is under camera ready revision and link to the paper will be updated here soon.
SC-CF is a clustering based algorithm that introduces the notion of "serendipity" in recommender systems. It employs a Scalable Spherical KMeans Plus Plus algorithm for carrying out clustering in the Collaborative Filtering part of the algorithm. The implementation assumes the dataset under consideration as Serendipity 2018 which includes user-rating information for Movies provided by MovieLens. The codes for clustering can be used for any other dataset that is in the matrix format of data points.
Aftering downloading the Serendipity 2018 dataset, the entire directory needs to be placed inside the Serendipitous-Clustering-for-Collaborative-Filtering
- Python3 (the code runs only on python3)
- numpy
- collections
- sklearn
The repository contains 3 sub-folders.
Inside data processing
, you can find all codes required for generating user_profiles, movie_features, etc inside the data processing
directory. Since the Serendipity data files have not been uploaded, we use a dummy datafile data processing/trial.csv
just to test these codes.
If you want to use the Serendipity 2018 dataset, comment out line no. 32
and uncomment line no. 31
. If not, just follow the subsequent instructions.
To run the codes, execute them in the following order
First to get the user-rating information in a matrix format
Then to extract genre and cast-directory features of the movies
Finally to generate user-profiles for each user
In order to validate the recommendations made by our algorithm at a later point, we need to find the set of users common to both our test set and answers.csv provided in the dataset. For this, run python3
which will produce validation_users.pickle
file inside data
file is just a helper file required by the above three files.
This folder contains all the pickle files generated by the above codes. These files include the user_ratings (both normalised and non-normalised), movies_map and user_map. These files will be required for further parts of the algorithm like clustering and predicting.
This folder contains all the python codes associated with the SPKM || clustering.
To execute the clustering code, run python3
This code will produce pickle files inside the data
folder which include the centroids and the labels of each data point (which cluster it belongs to). The naming convention for these files are centroids_{l}_{k}
where {l} can be half
or double
and {k} is the value of k. These file names will have to be mnaually changedi n the code when you use your own k values.
will inturn invoke the
code which makes use of
for calculating cosine distances. In order to change the metric of distance/similarity, only the distance
function in this file needs to be changed.
(used internally by
) has the code for the weighted k-means ++ part of the SPKM || algorithm for choosing the complete k-initial centers. The output of
is the conventional clusters of the data.
In order to obtain the serendepitous clusters, run python3
next. This will produce the serendipity_cluster.pickle
file inside the data
folder. Now the pre-processing and clustering parts are done. Prediction/recommendation and evaluation are remaining.
In order to make presentations, run python3
. It makes upto 1000 recommendations and prints the RMSE and MAE values of the predictions by comparing them with the ground truth (obtained from Serendipty dataset).