- A working Kubernetes cluster
- Helm v3 binary
- Go 1.12.2 and install the tool chain:
make tools
Run with libraries fetched via go modules:
export GO111MODULE=on
Kubernetes allows developers to extend the objects its APIs process and store using Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs). We are creating four CRDs:
- BOSHDeployment
- QuarksJob
- QuarksSecret
- QuarksStatefulSet
The CRDs are also defined in code and applied automatically when cf-operator starts. If you are editing CRDs, you should update changes to this YAML files in sync.
create a new directory:
in that directory, create the following files:
You can safely use the implementation from another controller as inspiration. You can also copy the files and modify them.
file contains the definition of your resource. This is the file you care about. Make sure to runmake generate
every time you make a change. You can also check to see what changes would be done by runningmake verify-gen-kube
file contains some code that registers your new types. This file looks almost the same for all API resources.The
(deep object copy) is required to make thedeepcopy
generator work. It's safe to copy this file from another controller. -
, add your resource to theGROUP_VERSIONS
variable (separated by a space" "
):# ... GROUP_VERSIONS="boshdeployment:v1alpha1 <controller_name>:<version>" # ...
regenerate code
# int the root of the project make generate
create a directory structure like this for your actual controller code:
. +-- pkg +-- kube +-- controllers +-- <controller_name> ¦ +-- controller.go ¦ +-- reconciler.go +-- controller.go
is your controller implementation; this is where you should implement anAdd
function where register the controller with theManager
, and you watch for changes for resources that you care about.reconciler.go
contains the code that takes action and reconciles actual state with desired state.
Simple implementation to get you started below. As always, use the other implementations to get you started.
package mycontroller import ( "go.uber.org/zap" "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/controller" "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/controller/controllerutil" "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/handler" "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/manager" "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/source" mrcv1 "code.cloudfoundry.org/quarks-operator/pkg/kube/apis/myresourcecontroller/v1" ) func Add(log *zap.SugaredLogger, mgr manager.Manager) error { r := NewReconciler(log, mgr, controllerutil.SetControllerReference) // Create a new controller c, err := controller.New("myresource-controller", mgr, controller.Options{Reconciler: r}) if err != nil { return err } // Watch for changes to primary resource err = c.Watch(&source.Kind{Type: &mrcv1.MyResource{}}, &handler.EnqueueRequestForObject{}) if err != nil { return err } return nil }
package myresource import ( "go.uber.org/zap" metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime" "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/client" "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/manager" "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/reconcile" ) type setReferenceFunc func(owner, object metav1.Object, scheme *runtime.Scheme) error func NewReconciler(log *zap.SugaredLogger, mgr manager.Manager, srf setReferenceFunc) reconcile.Reconciler { return &ReconcileMyResource{ log: log, client: mgr.GetClient(), scheme: mgr.GetScheme(), setReference: srf, } } type ReconcileMyResource struct { client client.Client scheme *runtime.Scheme setReference setReferenceFunc log *zap.SugaredLogger } func (r *ReconcileMyResource) Reconcile(request reconcile.Request) (reconcile.Result, error) { r.log.Infof("Reconciling MyResource %s\n", request.NamespacedName) return reconcile.Result{}, nil }
add the new resource to
. -
add the new controller to
in the same file. -
create a custom resource definition and add docs to
// RequeueOnError will requeue if reconcile also returns an error
RequeueOnError = reconcile.Result{}
// Requeue will requeue the request, behaviour is different than returning an error
Requeue = reconcile.Result{Requeue: true}
// RequeueAfterDefault requeues after the default, unless reconcile also returns an error
RequeueAfterDefault = reconcile.Result{RequeueAfter: config.RequeueAfter}
// NoRequeue does not requeue, unless reconcile also returns an error
NoRequeue = reconcile.Result{Requeue: false}
- create functions in
- create functions in
A pattern that comes up quite often is that an object needs to be updated if it already exists or created if it doesn't. controller-runtime
provides the controller-util
package which has a CreateOrUpdate
function that can help with that. The object's desired state must be reconciled with the existing state inside the passed in callback MutateFn - type MutateFn func() error
. The MutateFn is called regardless of creating or updating an object.
_, err = controllerutil.CreateOrUpdate(ctx, r.client, someSecret, secretMutateFn(someSecret, someSecret.StringData, someSecret.Labels, someSecret.Annotations))
func secretMutateFn(s *corev1.Secret, secretData map[string]string, labels map[string]string, annotations map[string]string) controllerutil.MutateFn {
return func() error {
s.Labels = labels
s.Annotations = annotations
s.StringData = secretData
return nil
- Care must be taken when persisting objects that are already in their final state because they will be overwritten with the existing state if there already is such an object in the system.
s should not use blindlyDeepCopyInto
all the time, but make more precise changes.
We start with a single context and pass that down via controllers into
reconcilers. Reconcilers will create a context with timeout from the inherited
context and linting will check if the cancel()
function of that context is
being handled.
The ctxlog
module provides a context with a named zap logger and an event recorder to the reconcilers.
This is how it's set up for reconcilers:
// after logger is available
ctx := ctxlog.NewParentContext(log)
// adding named log and event recorder in controllers
ctx = ctxlog.NewContextWithRecorder(ctx, "example-reconciler", mgr.GetEventRecorderFor("example-recorder"))
// adding timeout in reconcilers
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, timeout)
defer cancel()
The ctxlog
package provides several logging functions. Infof
, Errorf
, Error
and such wrap the corresponding zap log methods.
The logging functions are also implemented on struct, to add event generation to the logging:
ctxlog.WithEvent(instance, "Reason").Infof("message: %s", v)
err := ctxlog.WithEvent(instance, "Reason").Errorf("message: %s", v)
err := ctxlog.WithEvent(instance, "Reason").Error("part", "part", "part")
The reason should be camel-case, so switch statements could match it.
Error funcs like WithEvent().Errorf()
also return an error, with the same message as the log message and event that were generated.
Calling WarningEvent
just creates a warning event, without logging.
The cf-operator uses quarks-job as an external component. The quarks-job operator is run in a separate process.
When using jobs that capture output, quarks-job needs to know its docker image, to run the persist-output
command in a container.
References to quarks job:
- as a library, for the API type, via git commit sha in
: 'b5dc240' - the docker image for integration tests is set via
: 'v0.0.0-0.gb5dc240' - releases and e2e test use the helm sub chart, build by
variable: '0.0.0-0.gb5dc240'
Both variables are set in bin/include/dependencies
To update a dependency in a project use go get
, e.g.:
go get -t -u code.cloudfoundry.org/quarks-job@aad515c
Using the git commit sha prevents caching problems, which might occur with branch names.
When working locally with multiple repositories it's helpful to replace github dependencies with local directories. The go mod edit -replace
will modify the go.mod
file to point to a local dir, e.g. '../quarks-job' instead:
go mod edit -replace code.cloudfoundry.org/quarks-utils=../quarks-utils
go mod edit -replace code.cloudfoundry.org/quarks-job=../quarks-job
The modified libraries are not visible to the container. As a workaround a vendor folder can be used, which is also faster:
GO111MODULE=on go mod vendor
GO111MODULE=off make build-image
rm -fr vendor
To use a local docker image export QUARKS_JOB_IMAGE_TAG
and make sure the image is available to the cluster, e.g. for kind:
kind load docker-image cfcontainerization/cf-operator:$DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG
kind load docker-image cfcontainerization/quarks-job:$QUARKS_JOB_IMAGE_TAG
To use a local docker image export QUARKS_JOB_IMAGE_TAG
and make sure the image is available to the cluster, e.g. for kind:
docker tag <cf-operator-tag> cfcontainerization/cf-operator:$DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG
docker tag <quarks-job-tag> cfcontainerization/quarks-job:$QUARKS_JOB_IMAGE_TAG
- In PR reviews, make sure only reviewed branches of dependencies are used.
- If several PRs across repos belong together, be careful to merge them together and in order, so that the master branches stay compatible if one of the merges fails.
- Make sure that the cf-operator repo PR has updated value of quarks image tag or version at these places
APIs and types follow the upstream versioning scheme described at: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/kubernetes-api/#api-versioning
Copy the grc (generic colouriser grcat) config file zap.grc.conf to /usr/share/grc/conf.zap
and pipe logs to grcat conf.zap
# install the custom log config
cp docs/zap.grc.conf /usr/share/grc/conf.zap
# running operator
kubectl get pods -A -l name=cf-operator --no-headers=true | tail -1 | read namespace name _
kubectl logs -f -n "$namespace" "$name" | grcat conf.zap
# integration tests example
grcat conf.zap < /tmp/cf-operator-tests.log