All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
9.30.3 (2024-10-23)
- New constructor for GaYaIconButton use themes switch
9.30.2 (2024-10-15)
- New component GaYaRadiobutton
- New component GaYaCheckbox
- New component GaYaSwitch
- New component GaYaTag
- filled-content-christmasstocking
- filled-content-christmastree
- filled-content-crueltyfreebunny
- filled-content-daynight
- filled-content-energy
- filled-content-exfoliator
- filled-content-farmrows
- filled-content-giftpricefair
- filled-content-giftpricegreat
- filled-content-giftpricehigh
- filled-content-giftpricespecial
- filled-content-plasticfree
- filled-content-snorkelmask
- filled-content-teddybear
- filled-content-wetwipe
- filled-makeup-antiacne
- filled-makeup-hairdamaged
- filled-makeup-hairdandruff
- filled-makeup-hairreconstruction
- filled-product-eyeshadow
- filled-product-hairdetox
- filled-product-organicalcohol
- filled-product-recyclablepackaging
- filled-product-refill
- filled-product-shampooconditioner
- filled-social-pregnant
- filled-social-userlock
- outlined-content-christmasstocking
- outlined-content-christmastree
- outlined-content-crueltyfreebunny
- outlined-content-daynight
- outlined-content-energy
- outlined-content-exfoliator
- outlined-content-farmrows
- outlined-content-giftpricefair
- outlined-content-giftpricegreat
- outlined-content-giftpricehigh
- outlined-content-giftpricespecial
- outlined-content-plasticfree
- outlined-content-snorkelmask
- outlined-content-teddybear
- outlined-content-wetwipe
- outlined-makeup-antiacne
- outlined-makeup-hairdamaged
- outlined-makeup-hairdandruff
- outlined-makeup-hairreconstruction
- outlined-product-eyeshadow
- outlined-product-hairdetox
- outlined-product-organicalcohol
- outlined-product-recyclablepackaging
- outlined-product-refill
- outlined-product-shampooconditioner
- outlined-social-pregnant
- outlined-social-userlock
- filled-media-play
- filled-navigation-arrowctrlregulartop
- filled-navigation-arrowctrlregularright
- filled-navigation-arrowctrlregularleft
- filled-navigation-arrowctrlregularbottom
- outlined-media-play
- outlined-navigation-arrowctrlregulartop
- outlined-navigation-arrowctrlregularright
- outlined-navigation-arrowctrlregularleft
- outlined-navigation-arrowctrlregularbottom
9.30.1 (2024-08-30)
- New component GaYaShortcut
- New component GaYaIconButton
9.30.0 (2024-08-06)
- Migrate targetSDK from 31 to 34
- New component GaYaIconButton
- New theme Força de Vendas
- filled-action-like
- filled-action-opacity
- filled-action-transparent
- filled-content-bathtub
- filled-content-childfriendly
- filled-content-design
- filled-content-dropper
- filled-content-gymdumbbell
- filled-content-hairbeard
- filled-content-house
- filled-content-microscope
- filled-content-moonstars
- filled-content-mortar
- filled-content-palette
- filled-content-shower
- filled-content-soap
- filled-content-soapbubble
- filled-finance-intensityhigh
- filled-finance-intensitylow
- filled-finance-intensitymedium
- filled-makeup-haircoily
- filled-makeup-haircurly
- filled-makeup-hairtowel
- filled-makeup-hairwavy
- filled-makeup-hairwoman
- filled-product-ambientspray
- filled-product-blush
- filled-product-bodycream
- filled-product-bodysplash
- filled-product-candlearomatic
- filled-product-candlescented
- filled-product-combcream
- filled-product-conditioner
- filled-product-deodorantrollon
- filled-product-haircream
- filled-product-hairdresser
- filled-product-hairgel
- filled-product-makeconcealer
- filled-product-makeeyeliner
- filled-product-makefoundation
- filled-product-makemask
- filled-product-pencilblush
- filled-product-shampoo
- filled-product-soapliquid
- filled-social-fireworks
- filled-social-nightlife
- filled-social-sparks
- outlined-action-opacity
- outlined-action-transparent
- outlined-content-bathtub
- outlined-content-childfriendly
- outlined-content-design
- outlined-content-dropper
- outlined-content-gymdumbbell
- outlined-content-hairbeard
- outlined-content-house
- outlined-content-microscope
- outlined-content-moonstars
- outlined-content-mortar
- outlined-content-palette
- outlined-content-shower
- outlined-content-soap
- outlined-content-soapbubble
- outlined-finance-intensityhigh
- outlined-finance-intensitylow
- outlined-finance-intensitymedium
- outlined-makeup-haircoily
- outlined-makeup-haircurly
- outlined-makeup-hairtowel
- outlined-makeup-hairwavy
- outlined-makeup-hairwoman
- outlined-product-ambientspray
- outlined-product-blush
- outlined-product-bodycream
- outlined-product-bodysplash
- outlined-product-candlearomatic
- outlined-product-candlescented
- outlined-product-combcream
- outlined-product-conditioner
- outlined-product-deodorantrollon
- outlined-product-haircream
- outlined-product-hairdresser
- outlined-product-hairgel
- outlined-product-makeconcealer
- outlined-product-makeeyeliner
- outlined-product-makefoundation
- outlined-product-makemask
- outlined-product-pencilblush
- outlined-product-shampoo
- outlined-product-soapliquid
- outlined-social-fireworks
- outlined-social-nightlife
- outlined-social-sparks
9.29.0 (2024-06-18)
- New component GaYaChip
- Using GaYaButton programmatically
- Important fixes for theme ConsultoriaDeBeleza
- filled-finance-bag
- filled-finance-bagcheck
- filled-product-nailpolish
- outlined-finance-bagcheck
- outlined-product-nailpolish
9.28.0 (2024-05-17)
- GaYaButton
- Extern prop color for Badge component
- filled-action-zoomin
- filled-action-zoomout
- filled-alert-notificationunavailable
- filled-content-oil
- filled-finance-shield
- filled-finance-shieldcheck
- filled-navigation-arrowctrlcompactbottom
- filled-navigation-arrowctrlcompactleft
- filled-navigation-arrowctrlcompactright
- filled-navigation-arrowctrlcompacttop
- filled-navigation-arrowctrlregularbottom
- filled-navigation-arrowctrlregularleft
- filled-navigation-arrowctrlregularright
- filled-navigation-arrowctrlregulartop
- filled-navigation-arrowrunbottom
- filled-navigation-arrowrunleft
- filled-navigation-arrowrunright
- filled-navigation-arrowruntop
- filled-navigation-arrowtrianglebottom
- filled-navigation-arrowtriangleleft
- filled-navigation-arrowtriangleright
- filled-navigation-arrowtriangletop
- outlined-alert-notificationunavailable
- outlined-content-oil
- outlined-finance-addbag
- outlined-finance-shield
- outlined-finance-shieldcheck
- outlined-navigation-arrowctrlcompactbottom
- outlined-navigation-arrowctrlcompactleft
- outlined-navigation-arrowctrlcompactright
- outlined-navigation-arrowctrlcompacttop
- outlined-navigation-arrowctrlregularbottom
- outlined-navigation-arrowctrlregularleft
- outlined-navigation-arrowctrlregularright
- outlined-navigation-arrowctrlregulartop
- outlined-navigation-arrowrunbottom
- outlined-navigation-arrowrunleft
- outlined-navigation-arrowrunright
- outlined-navigation-arrowruntop
- outlined-place-target
- outlined-product-cube
- outlined-product-nailpolish
9.27.1 (2024-04-22)
- Fix typography for subtitle
9.27.0 (2024-04-12)
- Embedded Icons in NATDS project
- filled-action-half-rating
- filled-alert-cancel
- filled-alert-check
- filled-alert-empty
- filled-alert-indeterminate
- filled-alert-info
- filled-alert-notification
- filled-alert-notificationbadge
- filled-alert-warning
- filled-brand-avonshorthand
- filled-brand-tiktok
- filled-brand-x
- filled-communication-digital-service
- filled-content-gauge
- filled-content-handsoap
- filled-content-handwater
- filled-content-oilunavailable
- filled-content-sensitive
- filled-finance-shieldplus
- filled-media-volumeoff
- filled-media-volumeon
- filled-navigation-maximize
- filled-navigation-minimize
- filled-place-target
- filled-product-cube
- outlined-action-half-rating
- outlined-action-visibilitysleeping
- outlined-action-zoomin
- outlined-action-zoomout
- outlined-bag-emptybag
- outlined-brand-avonshorthand
- outlined-brand-tiktok
- outlined-brand-x
- outlined-communication-digital-service
- outlined-content-gauge
- outlined-content-handsoap
- outlined-content-handwater
- outlined-content-oilunavailable
- outlined-content-sensitive
- outlined-finance-addbag
- outlined-finance-pix
- outlined-finance-shieldplus
- outlined-makeup-age
- outlined-makeup-mixedskin
- outlined-makeup-typeacneic
- outlined-media-volumeoff
- outlined-media-volumeon
- outlined-navigation-maximize
- outlined-navigation-minimize
9.26.4 (2024-03-25)
- Extern prop buttonColor in IconButton
9.26.2 (2024-03-21)
- Adding new colorInfo tokens and other color tokens
9.26.1 (2024-03-19)
- Removing align title prop for StandardAppBarTop
9.26.0 (2024-03-19)
- Add NaturaV3 theme
- New button style to NaturaV3 theme
9.25.3 (2024-02-19)
- Fixing StandardAppBarTop to Fragments use.
9.25.2 (2024-02-09)
9.25.1 (2023-12-05)
- Add new colors for Button component
- Adding GaYaAvatar
9.25.0 (2023-11-30)
9.25.0 (2023-11-24)
- Add new tokens
- Update minor tag
9.24.22 (2023-10-26)
9.24.21 (2023-09-15)
- Fix Snackbar icon podition
9.24.20 (2023-09-04)
- Add Snackbar component
- Add align textview to left position in appbar component
9.24.19 (2023-08-28)
- Add option to set appbarcolor programmatically
9.24.18 (2023-08-22)
- Avon V2 changes
9.24.17 (2023-08-18)
- Adding new icons
- Fix empty bag icon
- Change appbar textColor programmatically when setting appbar color
- New prop for Logo component: language
- Adding new prop color to IconButton: onPrimary, onSecondary and inverse
- Adding leading icon to Textfield component
9.24.16 (2023-08-09)
- Fix standart appbar
9.24.14 (2023-07-26)
- Adding Natura V2 theme
- Adding Avon V2 theme
- Replacing Helvetica font family with Roboto
- StandardAppBar
9.24.9 (2023-05-26)
- Replacing Helvetica font family with Roboto
9.24.8 (2023-03-13)
- pipeline error (a3013c2)
9.24.7 (2023-03-13)
9.24.6 (2023-02-09)
- adds style and custom attributes to Consultoria de Beleza theme (388530a)
9.24.5 (2023-02-08)
- consultoria de beleza na tela (b53a3fe)
9.24.4 (2023-02-06)
- fixes 'consultoria de beleza' theme completing with 'no action bar' variation (7e7aa4d)
9.24.3 (2023-02-03)
- imports (d3de8db)
9.24.2 (2023-02-03)
- correcao na main (984f2de)
9.24.1 (2023-02-03)
9.24.0 (2023-01-31)
- added alert attributes (0b7a814)
- added menu button to open alert activity (33d0312)
- added sample alert activity to manifest (1a2b5df)
- added strings resources for sample alert activity (a7c351c)
- added the view and component logic (f2bf1bf)
- created sample activity for alert (3ff7874)
- font color and spacing adjustment in alert icon and title (e18392c)
- font color and spacing adjustment in alert sample activity items (b3f1673)
9.23.0 (2022-07-26)
- adapts the focus mechanism of the select component and adds background with arrow (8d5bfff)
- adds action feature and ripple effect at Chip component (30a2bfb)
- adds border radius, height and color attributes to chip component (ce5bbdc)
- adds chip documentation (11b7bdd)
- adds classes from new component Chip (184a0a8)
- adds script to add activity at manifest (ef29370)
- adds script to create base component skeleton (e9ae4de)
- adds select component and its use at sample app (c4e491b)
- adds unit test to Chip component (26ac911)
- fix label colors at Chip component to avoid contrast fail (e060da6)
- fixes behavor to define color to item selected at Select component (66cb73d)
- fixes text color at spinner item and update spinner documentation (96d33b8)
9.24.0 (2022-07-15)
- adds script to add activity at manifest (ef29370)
- adds script to create base component skeleton (e9ae4de)
9.23.0 (2022-06-27)
- adapts the focus mechanism of the select component and adds background with arrow (8d5bfff)
- adds select component and its use at sample app (c4e491b)
- fixes behavor to define color to item selected at Select component (66cb73d)
- fixes text color at spinner item and update spinner documentation (96d33b8)
9.22.1 (2022-06-09)
9.22.0 (2022-05-30)
- adds callback mechanism at DialogStandardFragment to get click in buttons (47991c2)
- adds functional test to DialogStandard Fragment and refactor Dialog documentation (61685d9)
- adds Standard Dialog variant extended from DialogFragment (d22d11b)
9.21.0 (2022-05-20)
- updates typography style component with new font assets (2d65be6)
- removes button typography referece at activity test (ea5eef7)
9.20.0 (2022-03-24)
- adds icon attribute and permission to define custom color to background and icon (1d8e8eb)
- adds tag example with small size and icon at sample app screen (f3b5ed9)
- adds tests and refactor documentation of tag Component (ff9c0ea)
9.19.0 (2022-03-23)
- adds Release Drafter to generate release notes automatically (20eacee)
9.18.0 (2022-03-16)
- sets the enable attribute for the shortcut component (e3f4799)
- updates and refactors Shortcut component (be5de99)
- updates Shorcut styles and theme attributes (047c1fd)
9.17.0 (2022-03-07)
- adds basic structure for new component - Counter (f767c98)
- applies attributes at Counter component and show it at Sample (72eaacd)
- inserts accessibility params for buttons at Counter component (0779db0)
- refactor mechanism to define number limits of Counter and adds new examples at sample (df39606)
- fixes code review appointments (bb11181)
- fixes code review appoitments (bf0fb78)
- fixes doc structure (d03c1c3)
- fixes dynamically updating attributes at Counter component (1d93299)
- fixes input view vertical alignment at Counter component (e5063df)
- fixes lint rules (7a9c38b)
9.16.0 (2022-02-16)
- update TextField component to use custom border radius from natds-commons (332d3b4)
9.15.0 (2022-02-16)
- adds custom border radius to AlertDialog component (9d4afa3)
- adds custom border radius to StandardDialog component (a21049d)
9.14.0 (2022-02-07)
- updates border radius attribute for the Expansion Panel component (193f26e)
9.13.1 (2022-02-04)
9.13.0 (2022-02-02)
- updates Tag component with custom border radius value (8df74fa)
- fixes attributes with the same name (57033d6)
9.12.0 (2022-02-01)
- updates card component with custom border radius attribute (d1ad535)
9.11.0 (2022-02-01)
- adds button attributes and refactor its styles at xml files (547d1da)
- creates button component and includes at Sample app (5ce19be)
- splits the button component into three subcomponents to reduce code (179789e)
- adds mechanism to set icon color at Button component (2a4d963)
- fixes background tint color of button (7a1026c)
- fixes mechanism to set icon at Button (b901e56)
9.10.0 (2022-01-24)
- adds custom border radius attribute for Shortcut (d6146f0)
9.9.4 (2022-01-21)
- fixes kotlin warnings (7d153de)
- fixes kotlin warnings in Dialog Activity (53b8357)
- fixes lint appoitments (1863d3d)
- fixes shell script warnings (d4af3ab)
- fixes shell script warnings (6d6a636)
- fixes the way to get the drawable to ensure backward compatibility with old android versions (ae32c30)
- fixes warning in create docs script (90e57eb)
- fixes warnings in Standard App Bar top layout and class (e27c019)
- fixes wrong property in ExpansionPanel layout (07650ce)
- removes broken reference at Expandable Navigation View (29f3bbe)
- removes unnused params and syntaxes (260e589)
9.9.3 (2022-01-19)
- adds mechanism to use outlined button (a2d98a8)
- changes visibility and read and write settings of variables (0f0d3e6)
- fixes dialog with outlined Button style and fixes documentations with correct link (413013c)
- fixes kotlin alerts from report issued by Android Studio (81fcf94)
- fixes kotlin and shell warnings (b8126fa)
- fixes namespaces not used at xml files (150017a)
- fixes shell warnings (78c03fc)
- fixes warnings in documentation files (ad69d0a)
9.9.2 (2022-01-14)
- fix avatar doc structure (fce5e07)
- fixes button documentations (6008bf7)
- fixes documentations content and structures (57a99f2)
9.9.1 (2021-12-23)
9.9.0 (2021-12-23)
- adds automatic release message script for channel in MSTeams (ba0a38d)
- fixes release message generation script (acb6003)
- fixes the format of the version identification in the regex that delimits the release content (0602879)
9.8.1 (2021-12-23)
9.8.0 (2021-12-22)
- adds Avatar Component createy through Jetpack Compose (6d44b2b)
- adds image option at Avatar Component (f3e3983)
- fixes Avatar doc structure (d1c580d)
- fixes Tag Activity because bindint is not being initialized (ba44e25)
- removes synthetic references (0d3bfbd)
9.7.0 (2021-12-13)
- branch STEM-2147-add-lint-checks add lint rules to DS (18189c5)
9.6.2 (2021-12-06)
9.6.1 (2021-12-03)
- fix: fixes title alignment when it is set dinamically (563627c)
9.6.0 (2021-11-24)
- deprecates ValueTextHighLight component (1868b63)
- refactor deprecation message of ValueTextHighLight component (7d1fd92)
9.5.0 (2021-11-23)
- adds style to the custom typography of the AppBarTop component (c46d239)
9.4.0 (2021-11-19)
- adds Shortcut custom typography (f5944c3)
9.3.0 (2021-11-18)
- adds RadioButton Component from its style and applies typography (1d3dc6c)
9.2.0 (2021-11-17)
- refactor themes files adding dialog attributes to ssot classes (5ea5934)
- restructures theme files to allow automatic update from natds-commons (5d0c5c4)
9.1.0 (2021-11-16)
- update Tag component to receive custom typography attributes (48bd67c)
9.0.0 (2021-11-16)
- refactor shortcut and progress indicator attributes
- adds prefixes in shorctut and progress indicator attributes to avoid conflicts with other libs (b8681d3)
8.8.0 (2021-11-08)
- adds custom typography to Textfield component (972278b)
- recreates the 8.7.0 tag generation due to an artifact publishing conflict (092d8ed)
8.7.0 (2021-11-08)
- adds custom style attributes for Dialog component (be0c366)
- adds dialog typography attributes to dialog component (1e8ef02)
- adds indeterminate variant to checkbox component (fbcedee)
- adds logic to get fallback fonts in fails at Dialog component (451993d)
- recreates the 8.7.0 tag generation due to an artifact publishing conflict (477fc22)
8.6.2 (2021-10-14)
- fixes textfield behavior when helpertext exceeds component limit (e619f4e)
- fixes UI test scenario at TextFieldActivityTest (fefff3a)
8.6.1 (2021-10-07)
- change navigationIcon to assignable at StandardAppBarTop (5fa8f3a)
8.6.0 (2021-10-04)
- adds badge theme attributes (d88d18a)
- adds isFontWeight attribute to change font style (daf0786)
- includes mediaHeight and mediaWidth attributes to resize image at AppBarTop (8903c31)
- includes menu attribute at StandardAppBarTop to inflate xml file (2a145f0)
- refactors BadgeDrawable class to adds color and fonts theme attributes (28e537c)
- replaces color atributes by custom at Badge class (4d522f6)
- fixes behavor of inflates menu at StandardAppBarTop (fdb8744)
- fixes call method of StandardAppBarTop (76ad8cb)
- fixes code review appointments (c428334)
- replaces badge borderradius because the old one didn't have dp unity (4a758d0)
8.5.0 (2021-09-29)
- adds new colors and dimensions relates a custom styles for brands (b54be07)
- adds theme button attributes to custom component (8109921)
- replace custom ripple to default (35bc43f)
8.4.0 (2021-09-17)
- adds new fonts and customizes theme typografy (86914e2)
- adds news fonts by brand and shows examples at sampleApp (e565add)
8.3.0 (2021-09-14)
- adds isLowEmphasis attribute at MenuView/SubMenuView/ExpandableNavigation to set label color (ca8dbdb)
- changes ripple color effect and label color when menu item is lowemphasis (7aaece0)
8.2.3 (2021-08-31)
- fixes the content position at center and creates setter to modify title dynamically (827d9cc)
8.2.2 (2021-08-31)
- makes public toolbar at StandardAppBarTop (07b05f5)
8.2.1 (2021-08-31)
- makes public the toolbar property at AppBarTop component (2527d40)
8.2.0 (2021-08-20)
- adds new attributes to badge (85a5064)
8.1.0 (2021-08-02)
- adds log and new constructors to show Dialog with icon Buttons at header and dividers (a66e962)
8.0.0 (2021-06-19)
- Refactor AppBar Top, removing and updating old attributes
- adds new screens to show AppBar top attributes at SampleApp (dd80d37)
- adds news attributes and configurations at Standard AppBar Top (99f229f)
- creates Standard AppBar top component (308d295)
- recreates appbar top component to allow two variations (41513a8)
become action clickable and fixes spacing at AppBar Top component (d7d1d65)
removes unnecessary appbar top's patterns and fixes bug with proeminent attribute (e269ce5)
update main appbartop button referens at Unit Tests (6a90716)
refactors AppBarTop doc (4937827)
7.1.1 (2021-05-21)
- fixes build script adding condition to try to upload docs in Jenkins Pipeline for Pull requests (ba0dc38)
7.1.0 (2021-05-21)
- adds avon official drawables and inserts attributes at Logo component (d5cb3f0)
- updates logo screen at sampleApp and refactor component to extend from ConstraintLayout (89afd23)
- fixes item order of Textfield at sample menu and refactor textfield screen at sample (6988168)
- replace textfield title at instrumentation test (496eb61)
7.0.0 (2021-05-11)
- The lines attribute can only be applied to multiline inputType
- adds image attribute at Textfield (9006edd)
- adds required attribute at Textfield and its unit test (d9acfca)
- adds size attribute and refactors required method call (cef4f06)
- includes readonly attribute at TextField (46edc40)
- fixes background color when readonly attribute is true and focused state is active at TextField (440051c)
- fixes padding right when there is no action component at textfield (7bf9ca6)
- fixes textfield behavior when inputType is multiline (530592e)
- fixes textfield layout when it's disabled (02f15d6)
- includes label as touch area at Textfield (f1cd100)
- removes focus in TextField when read only is true (49d7fbf)
- replaces LinearLayout footer container with ConstraintLayout to respect the two lines (fecb3f5)
6.0.0 (2021-04-30)
- Because of the color change in brand avon, there was a need to change apps.
- updates color tokens from Avon theme (c9f792f)
5.9.0 (2021-04-26)
- add position attribute for tag (2409bae)
- add size attribute to tag (8866a5b)
- update tag with new colors (8337861)
5.8.1 (2021-04-20)
5.8.0 (2021-04-16)
- Adds empty commit to test release generator (81f1a5b)
- adds other iconbuttons variations at SampleApp and includes new styles at iconButton component (cc23aac)
- adds size attribute at IconButton (3578c91)
- removes incorret constraint at IconButton Activity (9e5ed54)
5.6.0 (2021-03-05)
- updates code to test increase version (29f04e2)