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GIS datasets


  • Data source: MODIS data 2013 (Terra & Aqua)
  • Coordinate system: WGS84
  • Resolution: 15 arcseconds
  • Data type: Byte (8bits, Little end ordering (Intel x86))


  1. Broadleaf Evergreen Forest
  2. Broadleaf Deciduous Forest
  3. Needleleaf Evergreen Forest
  4. Needleleaf Deciduous Forest
  5. Mixed Forest
  6. Tree Open
  7. Shrub
  8. Herbaceous
  9. Herbaceous with Sparse Tree/Shrub
  10. Sparse vegetation
  11. Cropland
  12. Paddy field
  13. Cropland / Other Vegetation Mosaic
  14. Mangrove
  15. Wetland
  16. Bare area, consolidated (gravel,rock)
  17. Bare area, unconsolidated (sand)
  18. Urban
  19. Snow / Ice
  20. Water bodies


Shape file:


  1. Boreal Forests/Taiga
  2. Deserts & Xeric Shrublands
  3. Flooded Grasslands & Savannas
  4. Mangroves
  5. Mediterranean Forests, Woodlands & Scrub
  6. Montane Grasslands & Shrublands
  7. Rock and Ice
  8. Temperate Broadleaf & Mixed Forests
  9. Temperate Conifer Forests
  10. Temperate Grasslands, Savannas & Shrublands
  11. Tropical & Subtropical Coniferous Forests
  12. Tropical & Subtropical Dry Broadleaf Forests
  13. Tropical & Subtropical Grasslands, Savannas & Shrublands
  14. Tropical & Subtropical Moist Broadleaf Forests
  15. Tundra


Both the Bioclim dataset and the ENVIREM dataset are used as climatic variables.

Datasets Bioclim

  1. BIO1 Annual Mean Temperature
  2. BIO2 Mean Diurnal Range (Mean of monthly (max temp - min temp))
  3. BIO3 Isothermality (BIO2/BIO7) (* 100)
  4. BIO4 Temperature Seasonality (standard deviation *100)
  5. BIO5 Max Temperature of Warmest Month
  6. BIO6 Min Temperature of Coldest Month
  7. BIO7 Temperature Annual Range (BIO5-BIO6)
  8. BIO8 Mean Temperature of Wettest Quarter
  9. BIO9 Mean Temperature of Driest Quarter
  10. BIO10 Mean Temperature of Warmest Quarter
  11. BIO11 Mean Temperature of Coldest Quarter
  12. BIO12 Annual Precipitation
  13. BIO13 Precipitation of Wettest Month
  14. BIO14 Precipitation of Driest Month
  15. BIO15 Precipitation Seasonality (Coefficient of Variation)
  16. BIO16 Precipitation of Wettest Quarter
  17. BIO17 Precipitation of Driest Quarter
  18. BIO18 Precipitation of Warmest Quarter
  19. BIO19 Precipitation of Coldest Quarter

Datasets ENVIREM

  1. annualPET Annual potential evapotranspiration
  2. aridityIndexThornthwaite Thornthwaite aridity index
  3. climaticMoistureIndex Metric of relative wetness and aridity
  4. continentality Average temp. of warmest and coldest month
  5. embergerQ Emberger’s pluviothermic quotient
  6. growingDegDays0 Sum of months with temperatures greater than 0 degrees
  7. growingDegDays5 Sum of months with temperatures greater than 5 degrees
  8. maxTempColdestMonth Maximum temp. of the coldest month
  9. minTempWarmestMonth Minimum temp. of the warmest month
  10. monthCountByTemp10 Sum of months with temperatures greater than 10 degrees
  11. PETColdestQuarter Mean monthly PET of coldest quarter
  12. PETDriestQuarter Mean monthly PET of driest quarter
  13. PETseasonality Monthly variability in potential evapotranspiration
  14. PETWarmestQuarter Mean monthly PET of warmest quarter
  15. PETWettestQuarter Mean monthly PET of wettest quarter
  16. thermInd Compensated thermicity index


Median elevation variables were extracted from the Harmonized World Soil Database and have a spatial resolution of 30 arcseconds. The topographic wetness index and the terrain roughness index are extracted from the ENVIREM dataset and have a spatial resolution of 30 arcseconds.


  1. Slope
  2. Aspect
  3. Topographic wetness index
  4. Terrain roughness index


The soil characteristics are extracted from the Land-Atmosphere Interaction Research Group with a spatial resolution of 5 arcminutes.

  1. Bulk density
  2. Clay percentage
  3. pH CaCL
  4. Organic carbon