This document describes the procedure to setup the Kubernetes development environment that is needed for DL cluster deployment in docs/deployment.
Currently, DL workspace requires a multi-gpu aware Kubernetes build. Please access the Kubernetes build from either: [branch multigpu-investigate1]
or [branch multigpu-investigate]
We will need to build a local binary, output at _output/bin. As such, we need to install golang. Kubernetes needs Go version 1.6 and up, which the apt-get utility for Ubuntu 12.04 and 14.04 will only install Go version 1.4. As such, we will need the following procedures (please see explanation on to install a moore latest Version of Go (1.7.4).
- Clone GVM Repo and Add to user directory.
bash < <(curl -s -S -L
- Open ~/.bashrc and Source the GVM directory.
[[ -s "$HOME/.gvm/scripts/gvm" ]] && source "$HOME/.gvm/scripts/gvm"
- Logout and relogin.
The changes in .bashrc will take effect.
- Check version of Go that are available.
gvm listall
- Install Go Version 1.4.
gvm install go1.4
- Use Go Version 1.4 as the bootstrap for more advanced Go version installation. Please note direct installation of a higher version of Go will fail without Go Version 1.4 to bootstrap.
gvm use go1.4
- You may now install and use more advanced Go version.
gvm install go1.7.4
gvm use go1.7.4
- After a proper Go version installed (Go 1.6+), you may build the needed Kubernetes binary by:
at Kubernetes home directory. The needed output is at _output/bin