diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile index 69b90b0..66af295 100644 --- a/Dockerfile +++ b/Dockerfile @@ -23,13 +23,16 @@ FROM scratch AS xx COPY --from=xx-build /out/ /usr/bin/ FROM --platform=$BUILDPLATFORM public.ecr.aws/docker/library/debian:bookworm-20240926-slim AS base -ARG TAGLIB_VERSION=2.0.2 -ARG TAGLIB_SHA=e3de03501ff66221d1f1f971022b248d5b38ba06 # Install platform agnostic build dependencies RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y clang lld cmake git COPY --from=xx / / +# TagLib version and SHA. This should be passed as build args and usually comes from the .version file +ARG TAGLIB_VERSION +ARG TAGLIB_SHA +RUN test -n "$TAGLIB_VERSION" || (echo "TAGLIB_VERSION and TAGLIB_SHA args are required. Try using `make build`" && exit 1) + # Download TagLib source for specified version RUN cd / && \ git clone https://github.com/taglib/taglib.git taglib-src && \