% CISTERN(1) | version <version> % Nicolas Bedos
cistern – Continuous Integration Table Of Pipelines
cistern [-r REPOSITORY | --repository REPOSITORY] [COMMIT]
cistern -h | --help
cistern --version
cistern monitors the CI pipelines associated to a specific commit of a git repository.
cistern currently integrates with the following online services. Each of the service is one or both of the following:
- A "source provider" that is used to list the pipelines associated to a given commit of an online repository
- A "CI provider" that is used to get detailed information about CI builds
Service Source CI URL
GitHub yes no https://github.com/
GitLab yes yes https://gitlab.com/
AppVeyor no yes https://www.appveyor.com/
CircleCI no yes https://circleci.com/
Travis CI no yes https://travis-ci.org/ https://travis-ci.com/
Azure Devops no yes https://dev.azure.com
Specify the commit to monitor. COMMIT is expected to be the SHA identifier of a commit, or the name of a tag or a branch. If this option is missing cistern will monitor the commit referenced by HEAD.
# Show pipelines for commit 64be3c6
cistern 64be3c6
# Show pipelines for the commit referenced by the tag '0.9.0'
cistern 0.9.0
# Show pipelines for the commit at the tip of a branch
cistern feature/doc
Specify the git repository to monitor. If REPOSITORY is the path of a local repository, cistern will monitor all the associated remotes. If REPOSITORY is a URL, cistern will monitor the corresponding online repository.
If this option is not set, cistern will behave as if it had been set to the path of the current directory.
Note that cistern will only monitor repositories hosted on GitLab or GitHub.
# Monitor pipelines of the git repository in the current directory
# Monitor pipelines of the repository specified by a web URL
cistern -r https://gitlab.com/nbedos/cistern
cistern -r github.com/nbedos/cistern
# Git URLs are accepted
cistern -r [email protected]:nbedos/cistern.git
# A path referring to a local repository is valid too
cistern -r /home/user/repos/myrepo
Show usage of cistern
Print the version of cistern being run
Tag or branch associated to the pipeline
Identifier of the pipeline
Either "P" (Pipeline), "S" (Stage), "J" (Job) or "T" (Task)
State of the pipeline
Expected failure. Boolean indicating whether this step is allowed to fail without impacting the overall state of the pipeline
Date when the pipeline was created, started or finished
Time it took for the pipeline to finish
Name of the provider followed by the name of the pipeline, if any
URL of the step on the website of the provider
Below are the default commands for interacting with cistern.
Key Action
Up, k, Ctrl-p Move cursor up by one line
Down, j, Ctrl-n Move cursor down by one line
Right, l Scroll right
Left, h Scroll left
Ctrl-u Move cursor up by half a page
Page Up, Ctrl-B Move cursor up by one page
Ctrl-d Move cursor down by half a page
Page Down, Ctrl-F Move cursor down by one page
Home Move cursor to the first line
End Move cursor to the last line
< Move sort column left
! Reverse sort order
o, + Open the fold at the cursor
O Open the fold at the cursor and all sub-folds
c, - Close the fold at the cursor
C Close the fold at the cursor and all sub-folds
Tab Toggle fold open/closed
b Open associated web page in $BROWSER
v View the log of the job at the cursor
/ Open search prompt
Escape Close search prompt
Enter, n Move to the next search match
N Move to the previous search match
f Follow the current git reference to the commit it points to
g Open git reference selection prompt
r, F5 Refresh pipeline data
?, F1 Show help screen
q Quit
Key Action
Enter Search
Backspace Delete last character
Ctrl-U Delete whole line
Escape Close prompt
Key Action
Enter Validate
Backspace Delete last character
Ctrl-U Delete whole line
Tab, Shift-Tab Complete
Up, Ctrl-P Move the cursor to the previous suggestion
Down, Ctrl-N Move the cursor to the next suggestion
Page up, Ctrl-B Move the cursor up by one page
Page down, Ctrl-F Move the cursor down by one page
Escape Close prompt
Key Action
j, Down, Ctrl-N Scroll down by one line
k, Up, Ctrl-P Scroll up by one line
Page up, Ctrl-B Scroll up by one page
Page down, Ctrl-F Scroll down by one page
Ctrl-U Scroll up by half a page
Ctrl-D Scroll down by half a page
q Exit help screen
cistern follows the XDG base directory specification [2] and expects to find the configuration file
at one of the following locations depending on the value of the two environment variables
for every directoryDIR
in the comma-separated list"$XDG_CONFIG_DIRS"
) is not set, cistern uses the default value
(resp. "/etc/xdg"
) instead.
cistern uses a configuration file in TOML version v0.5.0 format.
The complete format of the configuration file is described in the example included in the release archives which is also available on GitHub
This is a minimal example of a configuration file focused mostly on setting up credentials. It should be enough to get you started running cistern.
# This is a configuration file for cistern that should be located at
# $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/cistern/cistern.toml
# List of columns displayed on screen. Available columns are
# "ref", "pipeline", "type", "state", "created", "started",
# "finished", "duration", "xfail", "name", "url"
columns = ["ref", "pipeline", "type", "state", "started", "duration", "name", "url"]
# Name of the column used for sorting the table prefixed by an
# optional "+" (ascending order) or "-" (descending order).
sort = "-started"
# The sections below define credentials for accessing source
# providers (GitHub, GitLab) and CI providers (GitLab, Travis,
# AppVeyor, Azure Devops, CircleCI).
# Feel free to remove any section as long as you leave one
# section for a source provider and one for a CI provider.
# When an API token is not set or set to the empty string,
# cistern will still run but with some limitations:
# - GitHub: cistern will hit the rate-limit for
# unauthenticated requests in a few minutes
# - GitLab: cistern will NOT be able to access pipeline
# jobs
### GITHUB ###
# GitHub API token (optional, string)
# GitHub token management: https://github.com/settings/tokens
token = ""
### GITLAB ###
# GitLab instance URL (optional, string, default:
# "https://gitlab.com")
# (the GitLab instance must support GitLab REST API V4)
url = "https://gitlab.com"
# GitLab API token (optional, string)
# gitlab.com token management:
# https://gitlab.com/profile/personal_access_tokens
token = ""
### TRAVIS CI ###
# URL of the Travis instance. "org" and "com" can be used as
# shorthands for the full URL of travis.org and travis.com
# (string, mandatory)
url = "org"
# API access token for the travis API (string, optional).
# Travis tokens are managed at:
# - https://travis-ci.org/account/preferences
# - https://travis-ci.com/account/preferences
token = ""
# Define another account for accessing travis.com
url = "com"
token = ""
### APPVEYOR ###
# AppVeyor API token (optional, string)
# AppVeyor token managemement: https://ci.appveyor.com/api-keys
token = ""
### CIRCLECI ###
# Circle CI API token (optional, string)
# See https://circleci.com/account/api
token = ""
# Azure API token (optional, string)
# Azure token management is done at https://dev.azure.com/ via
# the user settings menu
token = ""
is used to find the path of the default web browserPAGER
is used to view log files. If the variable is not set, cistern will callless
are used to locate the configuration file
cistern relies on the following local executables:
to view log files, unlessPAGER
is setgit
(optional) to translate the abbreviated SHA identifier of a commit into a non-abbreviated SHA and also to support 'insteadOf' and 'pushInsteadOf' configuration options for remote URLs
Monitor pipelines of the current git repository
# Move to a directory containing a git repository of your choosing
git clone [email protected]:nbedos/cistern.git && cd cistern
# Run cistern to list the pipelines associated to the last commit of the repository
# Show pipelines associated to a specific commit, tag or branch
cistern a24840c
cistern 0.1.0
cistern master
Monitor pipelines of other repositories
# Show pipelines of a repository identified by a URL or path
cistern -r https://gitlab.com/nbedos/cistern # Web URL
cistern -r [email protected]:nbedos/cistern.git # Git URL
cistern -r github.com/nbedos/cistern # URL without scheme
cistern -r /home/user/repos/repo # Path to a repository
# Specify both repository and git reference
cistern -r github.com/nbedos/cistern master
Questions, bug reports and feature requests are welcome and should be submitted on GitHub.
- cistern repository
- XDG base directory specification