Documentation will follow once the pacakge becomes stable...
You can install the package via composer:
composer require ndeblauw/blue-admin
Or manually add the following line to composer.json for the legacy version:
"ndeblauw/blue-admin": "^1.0",
or for the newest version
"ndeblauw/blue-admin": "9999999-dev",
Add to your composer.json
"repositories": {
"blueadmin": {
"type": "path",
"url": "D:/HERD/blue-admin", // or whatever directory you use
"options": {
"symlink": true
"require": {
"ndeblauw/blue-admin": "@dev",
When using vite, don't forget to add to tailwind.config.js
the following line
export default {
content: [
// Existing paths
'./vendor/ndeblauw/blue-admin/resources/**/*.blade.php', // <-- ADD THIS
When using the Tinymceimage component, don't forget to add blueadmin/tinymce/upload
to the $except list in the \App\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken.php
middleware to make sure the image uploads will happen.
protected $except = [
'blueadmin/tinymce/upload', // add this line
composer test
Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.
The GNU GPLv3. Please see License File for more information.
This package was generated using the Laravel Package Boilerplate.