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Manjaro i3 Dracula

This repo contains the configs needed to reskin Manjaro i3 with Dracula theming (including dunst & lightdm).

Once updated it should look something like this: Manjaro i3 desktop with Dracula theme Manjaro i3 showing URxvt and pcmanfm with Dracula theme

Installation [Manual]

  1. First, obviously, install Manjaro i3
  2. I'd suggest making backups of the default configs we'll be replacing in case something goes wrong or you want to revert the look. For example, running the following in terminal:
    • cp ~/.i3/config ~/.i3/config.bk
    • cp ~/.config/dunst/dunstrc ~/.config/dunst/dunstrc.bk
    • cp ~/.dir_colors ~/.dir_colors.bk
    • cp ~/.dmenurc ~/.dmenurc.bk
    • cp ~/.Xresources ~/.Xresources.bk
    • sudo cp /etc/lightdm/slick-greeter.conf /etc/lightdm/slick-greeter.conf.bk (sudo needed since we're working in the protected /etc dir)
  3. Clone this repo:
    • git clone
  4. Copy the configs as follows (in the below replace <this repo> with the path to wherever you cloned this repo): NOTE: if you're using a file manager and can't see the files mentioned try hitting Ctrl+h to show hiddin files
    • Copy .dir_colors, .dmenurc, .Xresources from <this repo>/move_to_home/ folder to your home directory (~ or $HOME)
      • Run xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources in terminal, then close & re-open to see the change
    • Copy the i3 config from <this repo>/i3/ folder to ~/.i3/
    • Copy dunstrc from <this repo>/move_to_.config/dunst/ to ~/.config/dunst/
    • Copy the i3status config from <this repo>/move_to_.config/i3status/ to ~/.config/i3status/ (you may need to create this folder, e.g via terminal with mkdir ~/.config/i3status)
  5. Get the dracula theme & wallpaper so we can update GTK, lightdm etc
    • Grab the Dracula GTK files (including the separate icons download on the same page)
      • Extract the GKT-theme folder and copy to ~/.themes/ (just create the themes folder in your home dir if it doesn't already exist, you may want to rename the folder from "gtk-master" to something more memorable)
      • Extract the icons folder and copy to ~/.icons/ (create icons folder in home if not already there)
      • Launch lxappearance and select the themes in the Widget and Icon Theme tabs, then click Apply
    • Grab the Dracula Wallpapers and save the Manjaro & Base variants somewhere you'll remember
      • Launch nitrogen, click Preferences and add the directory you saved the wallpaper to, click OK etc
      • Back on the main nitrogen view, select whichever wallpaper you want and click apply (I think pairing base.png as desktop wallpaper with manjaro.png as lightdm background is a nice combo)
    • Grab the Orchis Purple theme by vinceliuice to use with lightdm (download the Orchis-purple.tar.xz from here
      • Extract the tarball and move/copy the Orchis-purple-dark folder to /usr/share/themes/
    • To update the lightdm login screen:
      • Copy the manjaro.png wallpaper to /usr/share/backgrounds/ (e.g. with sudo cp <folder you saved the wallpaper>/manjaro.png /usr/share/backgrounds/)
      • Move slick-greeter.conf from <this repo>/move_to_etc-lightdm/ to /etc/lightdm/ (e.g. with sudo cp <this repo>/move_to_etc-lightdm/slick-greeter.conf /etc/lightdm/)
  6. Some of the changes will only be visible after rebooting

Installation [Script based] BE CAREFUL

Make sure you take a look at the install script before running it so you understand what it's going to do and that it will work for your particular system. As of August 13th I've tested it on a fresh install using the current Manjaro i3 ISO on both a desktop and laptop without issues.

If you're a happy to proceed....

  • After cloning this repo, use cd to move (in terminal) to the cloned repo directory then run sh and wait for the "FINISHED" message.
  • Reboot to refresh everything.

Uninstall [Manual]

Whether you manually installed or used the script you just need to reverse those steps, so for example if you followed the naming conventsion I use above (or if you used the script):

  • Remove the .Xresources, .dmenurc, and .dir_colors files from your HOME dir ~/ e.g. run rm ~/.dmenurc && rm ~/.dir_colors && rm ~/.Xresources in terminal
  • Move the original files back e.g. mv ~/.Xresources.bk ~/.Xresources && mv ~/.dmenurc.bk ~/.dmenurc && mv ~/.dir_colors.bk ~/.dir_colors
  • Remove the slick-greeter.conf file from /etc/lightdm and move the original back sudo rm /etc/lightdm/slick-greeter.conf && mv /etc/lightdm/slick-greeter.conf.bk /etc/lightdm/slick-greeter.conf
  • Remove the dunstrc and replace the orig e.g. rm ~/.config/dunst/dunstrc && mv ~/.config/dunst/dunstrc.bk ~/.config/dunst/dunstrc
  • Remove the i3status folder altogether (the default is in /etc/i3status e.g. rm -r ~/.config/i3status
  • Remove the i3 config and replace the original e.g. rm ~/.i3/config && mv ~/.i3/config.bk ~/.i3/config
  • Lastly use lxappearance to change the Widgets & Icons and nitrogen to change the desktop wallpaper


URxvt letterspace seems to be a little off at first with Hack-Regular. If the spacing is too large you can set URxvt.letterspace: -1, however, I've found after a few reboots the spacing then seems to cramped and it's necessary to remove letterspacing value.
