diff --git a/Gruntfile.js b/Gruntfile.js
index a6d13e5..abe5ff8 100644
--- a/Gruntfile.js
+++ b/Gruntfile.js
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module.exports = function(grunt)
var sBanner = '/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' +
'\n\n jQuery DateTimePicker - Responsive flat design jQuery DateTime Picker plugin for Web & Mobile' +
'\n Version <%= pkg.version %>' +
- '\n Copyright (c)<%= grunt.template.today("yyyy") %> Lajpat Shah' +
+ '\n Copyright (c)2014-<%= grunt.template.today("yyyy") %> Lajpat Shah' +
'\n Contributors : https://github.com/nehakadam/DateTimePicker/contributors' +
'\n Repository : https://github.com/nehakadam/DateTimePicker' +
'\n Documentation : https://nehakadam.github.io/DateTimePicker' +
@@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ module.exports = function(grunt)
separator: '\n\n\n\n',
- stripBanners: true,
+ stripBanners: true,
banner: sBanner
- src: ['src/i18n/*', '!src/i18n/DateTimePicker-i18n.js'],
- dest: 'src/i18n/DateTimePicker-i18n.js',
+ src: ['src/i18n/*', '!src/i18n/DateTimePicker-i18n.js'],
+ dest: 'src/i18n/DateTimePicker-i18n.js',
nonull: true
@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ module.exports = function(grunt)
banner: sBanner,
compress: {
- drop_console: true
- }
+ drop_console: true
+ }
@@ -98,12 +98,10 @@ module.exports = function(grunt)
strict: false,
curly: false,
- eqeqeq: true,
- eqnull: true,
- browser: true,
+ eqeqeq: true,
+ eqnull: true,
+ browser: true,
devel: true,
//unused: true,
//undef: true,
@@ -111,14 +109,14 @@ module.exports = function(grunt)
$: false,
- jQuery: false,
- define: false,
- require: false,
- module: false,
- DateTimePicker: true
- },
- force: true
+ jQuery: false,
+ define: false,
+ require: false,
+ module: false,
+ DateTimePicker: true
+ },
+ force: true
@@ -147,8 +145,9 @@ module.exports = function(grunt)
- // Default task(s).
- grunt.registerTask('default', ['uglify', 'cssmin', 'copy']);
- grunt.registerTask('lang', ['concat:lang', 'copy:lang']);
- grunt.registerTask('lint', ['jshint', 'csslint']);
+ // Default task(s).
+ //
+ grunt.registerTask('default', ['uglify', 'cssmin', 'copy']);
+ grunt.registerTask('lang', ['concat:lang', 'copy:lang']);
+ grunt.registerTask('lint', ['jshint', 'csslint']);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dist/DateTimePicker-Zepto.js b/dist/DateTimePicker-Zepto.js
index 636fd72..0e6cd7f 100755
--- a/dist/DateTimePicker-Zepto.js
+++ b/dist/DateTimePicker-Zepto.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
jQuery DateTimePicker - Responsive flat design jQuery DateTime Picker plugin for Web & Mobile
Version 0.1.17
- Copyright (c)2017 Lajpat Shah
+ Copyright (c)2014-2019 Lajpat Shah
Contributors : https://github.com/nehakadam/DateTimePicker/contributors
Repository : https://nehakadam.github.io/DateTimePicker
Documentation : https://github.com/nehakadam/DateTimePicker
diff --git a/dist/DateTimePicker-ltie9.css b/dist/DateTimePicker-ltie9.css
index 2f65bf2..b0fbd70 100755
--- a/dist/DateTimePicker-ltie9.css
+++ b/dist/DateTimePicker-ltie9.css
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
jQuery DateTimePicker - Responsive flat design jQuery DateTime Picker plugin for Web & Mobile
Version 0.1.38
- Copyright (c)2017 Lajpat Shah
+ Copyright (c)2014-2019 Lajpat Shah
Contributors : https://github.com/nehakadam/DateTimePicker/contributors
Repository : https://github.com/nehakadam/DateTimePicker
Documentation : https://nehakadam.github.io/DateTimePicker
diff --git a/dist/DateTimePicker-ltie9.js b/dist/DateTimePicker-ltie9.js
index b166570..3c9ffac 100755
--- a/dist/DateTimePicker-ltie9.js
+++ b/dist/DateTimePicker-ltie9.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
jQuery DateTimePicker - Responsive flat design jQuery DateTime Picker plugin for Web & Mobile
Version 0.1.38
- Copyright (c)2017 Lajpat Shah
+ Copyright (c)2014-2019 Lajpat Shah
Contributors : https://github.com/nehakadam/DateTimePicker/contributors
Repository : https://github.com/nehakadam/DateTimePicker
Documentation : https://nehakadam.github.io/DateTimePicker
diff --git a/dist/DateTimePicker-ltie9.min.css b/dist/DateTimePicker-ltie9.min.css
index a37e6ac..2006950 100644
--- a/dist/DateTimePicker-ltie9.min.css
+++ b/dist/DateTimePicker-ltie9.min.css
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
jQuery DateTimePicker - Responsive flat design jQuery DateTime Picker plugin for Web & Mobile
Version 0.1.38
- Copyright (c)2017 Lajpat Shah
+ Copyright (c)2014-2019 Lajpat Shah
Contributors : https://github.com/nehakadam/DateTimePicker/contributors
Repository : https://github.com/nehakadam/DateTimePicker
Documentation : https://nehakadam.github.io/DateTimePicker
diff --git a/dist/DateTimePicker-ltie9.min.js b/dist/DateTimePicker-ltie9.min.js
index 26fb8b5..2aeea77 100644
--- a/dist/DateTimePicker-ltie9.min.js
+++ b/dist/DateTimePicker-ltie9.min.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
jQuery DateTimePicker - Responsive flat design jQuery DateTime Picker plugin for Web & Mobile
Version 0.1.38
- Copyright (c)2017 Lajpat Shah
+ Copyright (c)2014-2019 Lajpat Shah
Contributors : https://github.com/nehakadam/DateTimePicker/contributors
Repository : https://github.com/nehakadam/DateTimePicker
Documentation : https://nehakadam.github.io/DateTimePicker
diff --git a/dist/DateTimePicker.css b/dist/DateTimePicker.css
index af0338f..afbe65f 100755
--- a/dist/DateTimePicker.css
+++ b/dist/DateTimePicker.css
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
jQuery DateTimePicker - Responsive flat design jQuery DateTime Picker plugin for Web & Mobile
Version 0.1.38
- Copyright (c)2017 Lajpat Shah
+ Copyright (c)2014-2019 Lajpat Shah
Contributors : https://github.com/nehakadam/DateTimePicker/contributors
Repository : https://github.com/nehakadam/DateTimePicker
Documentation : https://nehakadam.github.io/DateTimePicker
diff --git a/dist/DateTimePicker.js b/dist/DateTimePicker.js
index 97fde5f..2adceeb 100644
--- a/dist/DateTimePicker.js
+++ b/dist/DateTimePicker.js
@@ -1,3007 +1,3008 @@
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- jQuery DateTimePicker - Responsive flat design jQuery DateTime Picker plugin for Web & Mobile
- Version 0.1.38
- Copyright (c)2017 Lajpat Shah
- Contributors : https://github.com/nehakadam/DateTimePicker/contributors
- Repository : https://github.com/nehakadam/DateTimePicker
- Documentation : https://nehakadam.github.io/DateTimePicker
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Support Object.keys in IE8 */
- Object.keys = function(obj)
- {
- var keys = [];
- for (var i in obj)
- {
- if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i))
- {
- keys.push(i);
- }
- }
- return keys;
- };
-$.DateTimePicker = $.DateTimePicker || {
- name: "DateTimePicker",
- i18n: {}, // Internationalization Objects
- defaults: //Plugin Defaults
- {
- mode: "date",
- defaultDate: null,
- dateSeparator: "-",
- timeSeparator: ":",
- timeMeridiemSeparator: " ",
- dateTimeSeparator: " ",
- monthYearSeparator: " ",
- dateTimeFormat: "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm",
- dateFormat: "dd-MM-yyyy",
- timeFormat: "HH:mm",
- maxDate: null,
- minDate: null,
- maxTime: null,
- minTime: null,
- maxDateTime: null,
- minDateTime: null,
- shortDayNames: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"],
- fullDayNames: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"],
- shortMonthNames: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"],
- fullMonthNames: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"],
- labels: null, /*{"year": "Year", "month": "Month", "day": "Day", "hour": "Hour", "minutes": "Minutes", "seconds": "Seconds", "meridiem": "Meridiem"}*/
- minuteInterval: 1,
- roundOffMinutes: true,
- secondsInterval: 1,
- roundOffSeconds: true,
- showHeader: true,
- titleContentDate: "Set Date",
- titleContentTime: "Set Time",
- titleContentDateTime: "Set Date & Time",
- buttonsToDisplay: ["HeaderCloseButton", "SetButton", "ClearButton"],
- setButtonContent: "Set",
- clearButtonContent: "Clear",
- incrementButtonContent: "+",
- decrementButtonContent: "-",
- setValueInTextboxOnEveryClick: false,
- readonlyInputs: false,
- animationDuration: 400,
- touchHoldInterval: 300, // in Milliseconds
- captureTouchHold: false, // capture Touch Hold Event
- mouseHoldInterval: 50, // in Milliseconds
- captureMouseHold: false, // capture Mouse Hold Event
- isPopup: true,
- parentElement: "body",
- isInline: false,
- inputElement: null,
- language: "",
- init: null, // init(oDateTimePicker)
- addEventHandlers: null, // addEventHandlers(oDateTimePicker)
- beforeShow: null, // beforeShow(oInputElement)
- afterShow: null, // afterShow(oInputElement)
- beforeHide: null, // beforeHide(oInputElement)
- afterHide: null, // afterHide(oInputElement)
- buttonClicked: null, // buttonClicked(sButtonType, oInputElement) where sButtonType = "SET"|"CLEAR"|"CANCEL"|"TAB"
- settingValueOfElement: null, // settingValueOfElement(sValue, dDateTime, oInputElement)
- formatHumanDate: null, // formatHumanDate(oDateTime, sMode, sFormat)
- parseDateTimeString: null, // parseDateTimeString(sDateTime, sMode, sFormat, oInputField)
- formatDateTimeString: null // formatDateTimeString(oDateTime, sMode, sFormat, oInputField)
- },
- dataObject: // Temporary Variables For Calculation Specific to DateTimePicker Instance
- {
- dCurrentDate: new Date(),
- iCurrentDay: 0,
- iCurrentMonth: 0,
- iCurrentYear: 0,
- iCurrentHour: 0,
- iCurrentMinutes: 0,
- iCurrentSeconds: 0,
- sCurrentMeridiem: "",
- iMaxNumberOfDays: 0,
- sDateFormat: "",
- sTimeFormat: "",
- sDateTimeFormat: "",
- dMinValue: null,
- dMaxValue: null,
- sArrInputDateFormats: [],
- sArrInputTimeFormats: [],
- sArrInputDateTimeFormats: [],
- bArrMatchFormat: [],
- bDateMode: false,
- bTimeMode: false,
- bDateTimeMode: false,
- oInputElement: null,
- iTabIndex: 0,
- bElemFocused: false,
- bIs12Hour: false,
- sTouchButton: null,
- iTouchStart: null,
- oTimeInterval: null,
- bIsTouchDevice: "ontouchstart" in document.documentElement
- }
-$.cf = {
- _isValid: function(sValue)
- {
- return (sValue !== undefined && sValue !== null && sValue !== "");
- },
- _compare: function(sString1, sString2)
- {
- var bString1 = (sString1 !== undefined && sString1 !== null),
- bString2 = (sString2 !== undefined && sString2 !== null);
- if(bString1 && bString2)
- {
- if(sString1.toLowerCase() === sString2.toLowerCase())
- return true;
- else
- return false;
- }
- else
- return false;
- }
-(function (factory)
- if(typeof define === "function" && define.amd)
- {
- // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
- define(["jquery"], factory);
- }
- else if(typeof exports === "object")
- {
- // Node/CommonJS
- module.exports = factory(require("jquery"));
- }
- else
- {
- // Browser globals
- factory(jQuery);
- }
-}(function ($)
- "use strict";
- function DateTimePicker(element, options)
- {
- this.element = element;
- var sLanguage = "";
- sLanguage = ($.cf._isValid(options) && $.cf._isValid(options.language)) ? options.language : $.DateTimePicker.defaults.language;
- this.settings = $.extend({}, $.DateTimePicker.defaults, $.DateTimePicker.i18n[sLanguage], options);
- this.options = options;
- this.oData = $.extend({}, $.DateTimePicker.dataObject);
- this._defaults = $.DateTimePicker.defaults;
- this._name = $.DateTimePicker.name;
- this.init();
- }
- $.fn.DateTimePicker = function (options)
- {
- var oDTP = $(this).data(),
- sArrDataKeys = oDTP ? Object.keys(oDTP) : [],
- iKey, sKey;
- if(typeof options === "string")
- {
- if($.cf._isValid(oDTP))
- {
- if(options === "destroy")
- {
- if(sArrDataKeys.length > 0)
- {
- for(iKey in sArrDataKeys)
- {
- sKey = sArrDataKeys[iKey];
- if(sKey.search("plugin_DateTimePicker") !== -1)
- {
- $(document).unbind("click.DateTimePicker keydown.DateTimePicker keyup.DateTimePicker");
- $(this).children().remove();
- $(this).removeData();
- $(this).unbind();
- $(this).removeClass("dtpicker-overlay dtpicker-mobile dtpicker-inline");
- oDTP = oDTP[sKey];
- console.log("Destroyed DateTimePicker Object");
- console.log(oDTP);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- console.log("No DateTimePicker Object Defined For This Element");
- }
- }
- else if(options === "object")
- {
- if(sArrDataKeys.length > 0)
- {
- for(iKey in sArrDataKeys)
- {
- sKey = sArrDataKeys[iKey];
- if(sKey.search("plugin_DateTimePicker") !== -1)
- {
- return oDTP[sKey];
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- console.log("No DateTimePicker Object Defined For This Element");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- return this.each(function()
- {
- $.removeData(this, "plugin_DateTimePicker");
- if(!$.data(this, "plugin_DateTimePicker"))
- $.data(this, "plugin_DateTimePicker", new DateTimePicker(this, options));
- });
- }
- };
- DateTimePicker.prototype = {
- // Public Method
- init: function ()
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- oDTP._setDateFormatArray(); // Set DateFormatArray
- oDTP._setTimeFormatArray(); // Set TimeFormatArray
- oDTP._setDateTimeFormatArray(); // Set DateTimeFormatArray
- console.log($(oDTP.element).data('parentelement') + " " + $(oDTP.element).attr('data-parentelement'));
- if($(oDTP.element).data('parentelement') !== undefined)
- {
- oDTP.settings.parentElement = $(oDTP.element).data('parentelement');
- }
- if(oDTP.settings.isPopup && !oDTP.settings.isInline)
- {
- oDTP._createPicker();
- $(oDTP.element).addClass("dtpicker-mobile");
- }
- if(oDTP.settings.isInline)
- {
- oDTP._createPicker();
- oDTP._showPicker(oDTP.settings.inputElement);
- }
- if(oDTP.settings.init)
- oDTP.settings.init.call(oDTP);
- oDTP._addEventHandlersForInput();
- },
- _setDateFormatArray: function()
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateFormats = [];
- var sDate = "";
- // 0 - "dd-MM-yyyy"
- sDate = "dd" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "MM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "yyyy";
- oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateFormats.push(sDate);
- // 1 - "MM-dd-yyyy"
- sDate = "MM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "dd" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "yyyy";
- oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateFormats.push(sDate);
- // 2 - "yyyy-MM-dd"
- sDate = "yyyy" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "MM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "dd";
- oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateFormats.push(sDate);
- // 3 - "dd-MMM-yyyy"
- sDate = "dd" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "MMM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "yyyy";
- oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateFormats.push(sDate);
- // 4 - "MM yyyy"
- sDate = "MM" + oDTP.settings.monthYearSeparator + "yyyy";
- oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateFormats.push(sDate);
- // 5 - "MMM yyyy"
- sDate = "MMM" + oDTP.settings.monthYearSeparator + "yyyy";
- oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateFormats.push(sDate);
- // 6 - "MMM yyyy"
- sDate = "MMMM" + oDTP.settings.monthYearSeparator + "yyyy";
- oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateFormats.push(sDate);
- // 7 - "yyyy MM"
- sDate = "yyyy" + oDTP.settings.monthYearSeparator + "MM";
- oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateFormats.push(sDate);
- },
- _setTimeFormatArray: function()
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- oDTP.oData.sArrInputTimeFormats = [];
- var sTime = "";
- // 0 - "hh:mm:ss AA"
- sTime = "hh" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "ss" + oDTP.settings.timeMeridiemSeparator + "AA";
- oDTP.oData.sArrInputTimeFormats.push(sTime);
- // 1 - "HH:mm:ss"
- sTime = "HH" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "ss";
- oDTP.oData.sArrInputTimeFormats.push(sTime);
- // 2 - "hh:mm AA"
- sTime = "hh" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm" + oDTP.settings.timeMeridiemSeparator + "AA";
- oDTP.oData.sArrInputTimeFormats.push(sTime);
- // 3 - "HH:mm"
- sTime = "HH" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm";
- oDTP.oData.sArrInputTimeFormats.push(sTime);
- },
- _setDateTimeFormatArray: function()
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateTimeFormats = [];
- var sDate = "", sTime = "", sDateTime = "";
- // 0 - "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
- sDate = "dd" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "MM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "yyyy";
- sTime = "HH" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "ss";
- sDateTime = sDate + oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator + sTime;
- oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateTimeFormats.push(sDateTime);
- // 1 - "dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss AA"
- sDate = "dd" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "MM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "yyyy";
- sTime = "hh" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "ss" + oDTP.settings.timeMeridiemSeparator + "AA";
- sDateTime = sDate + oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator + sTime;
- oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateTimeFormats.push(sDateTime);
- // 2 - "MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
- sDate = "MM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "dd" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "yyyy";
- sTime = "HH" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "ss";
- sDateTime = sDate + oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator + sTime;
- oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateTimeFormats.push(sDateTime);
- // 3 - "MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss AA"
- sDate = "MM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "dd" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "yyyy";
- sTime = "hh" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "ss" + oDTP.settings.timeMeridiemSeparator + "AA";
- sDateTime = sDate + oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator + sTime;
- oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateTimeFormats.push(sDateTime);
- // 4 - "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
- sDate = "yyyy" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "MM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "dd";
- sTime = "HH" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "ss";
- sDateTime = sDate + oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator + sTime;
- oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateTimeFormats.push(sDateTime);
- // 5 - "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss AA"
- sDate = "yyyy" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "MM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "dd";
- sTime = "hh" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "ss" + oDTP.settings.timeMeridiemSeparator + "AA";
- sDateTime = sDate + oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator + sTime;
- oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateTimeFormats.push(sDateTime);
- // 6 - "dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss"
- sDate = "dd" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "MMM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "yyyy";
- sTime = "hh" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "ss";
- sDateTime = sDate + oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator + sTime;
- oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateTimeFormats.push(sDateTime);
- // 7 - "dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss AA"
- sDate = "dd" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "MMM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "yyyy";
- sTime = "hh" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "ss" + oDTP.settings.timeMeridiemSeparator + "AA";
- sDateTime = sDate + oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator + sTime;
- oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateTimeFormats.push(sDateTime);
- //--------------
- // 8 - "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm"
- sDate = "dd" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "MM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "yyyy";
- sTime = "HH" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm";
- sDateTime = sDate + oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator + sTime;
- oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateTimeFormats.push(sDateTime);
- // 9 - "dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm AA"
- sDate = "dd" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "MM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "yyyy";
- sTime = "hh" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm" + oDTP.settings.timeMeridiemSeparator + "AA";
- sDateTime = sDate + oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator + sTime;
- oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateTimeFormats.push(sDateTime);
- // 10 - "MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm"
- sDate = "MM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "dd" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "yyyy";
- sTime = "HH" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm";
- sDateTime = sDate + oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator + sTime;
- oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateTimeFormats.push(sDateTime);
- // 11 - "MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm AA"
- sDate = "MM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "dd" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "yyyy";
- sTime = "hh" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm" + oDTP.settings.timeMeridiemSeparator + "AA";
- sDateTime = sDate + oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator + sTime;
- oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateTimeFormats.push(sDateTime);
- // 12 - "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"
- sDate = "yyyy" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "MM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "dd";
- sTime = "HH" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm";
- sDateTime = sDate + oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator + sTime;
- oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateTimeFormats.push(sDateTime);
- // 13 - "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm AA"
- sDate = "yyyy" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "MM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "dd";
- sTime = "hh" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm" + oDTP.settings.timeMeridiemSeparator + "AA";
- sDateTime = sDate + oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator + sTime;
- oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateTimeFormats.push(sDateTime);
- // 14 - "dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm"
- sDate = "dd" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "MMM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "yyyy";
- sTime = "hh" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm";
- sDateTime = sDate + oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator + sTime;
- oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateTimeFormats.push(sDateTime);
- // 15 - "dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm AA"
- sDate = "dd" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "MMM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "yyyy";
- sTime = "hh" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm" + oDTP.settings.timeMeridiemSeparator + "AA";
- sDateTime = sDate + oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator + sTime;
- oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateTimeFormats.push(sDateTime);
- },
- _matchFormat: function(sMode, sFormat)
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat = [];
- oDTP.oData.bDateMode = false;
- oDTP.oData.bTimeMode = false;
- oDTP.oData.bDateTimeMode = false;
- var oArrInput = [], iTempIndex;
- sMode = $.cf._isValid(sMode) ? sMode : oDTP.settings.mode;
- if($.cf._compare(sMode, "date"))
- {
- sFormat = $.cf._isValid(sFormat) ? sFormat : oDTP.oData.sDateFormat;
- oDTP.oData.bDateMode = true;
- oArrInput = oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateFormats;
- }
- else if($.cf._compare(sMode, "time"))
- {
- sFormat = $.cf._isValid(sFormat) ? sFormat : oDTP.oData.sTimeFormat;
- oDTP.oData.bTimeMode = true;
- oArrInput = oDTP.oData.sArrInputTimeFormats;
- }
- else if($.cf._compare(sMode, "datetime"))
- {
- sFormat = $.cf._isValid(sFormat) ? sFormat : oDTP.oData.sDateTimeFormat;
- oDTP.oData.bDateTimeMode = true;
- oArrInput = oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateTimeFormats;
- }
- for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < oArrInput.length; iTempIndex++)
- {
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat.push(
- $.cf._compare(sFormat, oArrInput[iTempIndex])
- );
- }
- },
- _setMatchFormat: function(iArgsLength, sMode, sFormat)
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- if(iArgsLength > 0)
- oDTP._matchFormat(sMode, sFormat);
- },
- _createPicker: function()
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- if(oDTP.settings.isInline)
- {
- $(oDTP.element).addClass("dtpicker-inline");
- }
- else
- {
- $(oDTP.element).addClass("dtpicker-overlay");
- $(".dtpicker-overlay").click(function(e)
- {
- oDTP._hidePicker("");
- });
- }
- var sTempStr = "";
- sTempStr += "
- sTempStr += "
- sTempStr += "
- sTempStr += "
- sTempStr += "
- sTempStr += "
- sTempStr += "
- sTempStr += "
- $(oDTP.element).html(sTempStr);
- },
- _addEventHandlersForInput: function()
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- if(!oDTP.settings.isInline)
- {
- oDTP.oData.oInputElement = null;
- $(oDTP.settings.parentElement).find("input[type='date'], input[type='time'], input[type='datetime']").each(function()
- {
- $(this).attr("data-field", $(this).attr("type"));
- $(this).attr("type", "text");
- });
- var sel = "[data-field='date'], [data-field='time'], [data-field='datetime']";
- $(oDTP.settings.parentElement).off("focus", sel, oDTP._inputFieldFocus)
- .on ("focus", sel, {"obj": oDTP}, oDTP._inputFieldFocus)
- $(oDTP.settings.parentElement).off("click", sel, oDTP._inputFieldClick)
- .on ("click", sel, {"obj": oDTP}, oDTP._inputFieldClick);
- }
- if(oDTP.settings.addEventHandlers)
- oDTP.settings.addEventHandlers.call(oDTP);
- },
- _inputFieldFocus: function(e)
- {
- var oDTP = e.data.obj;
- oDTP.showDateTimePicker(this);
- oDTP.oData.bMouseDown = false;
- },
- _inputFieldClick: function(e)
- {
- var oDTP = e.data.obj;
- if(!$.cf._compare($(this).prop("tagName"), "input"))
- {
- oDTP.showDateTimePicker(this);
- }
- e.stopPropagation();
- },
- // Public Method
- getDateObjectForInputField: function(oInputField)
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- if($.cf._isValid(oInputField))
- {
- var sDateTime = oDTP._getValueOfElement(oInputField),
- sMode = $(oInputField).data("field"),
- sFormat = "",
- dInput;
- if(!$.cf._isValid(sMode))
- sMode = oDTP.settings.mode;
- if(! oDTP.settings.formatDateTimeString)
- {
- sFormat = $(oInputField).data("format");
- if(!$.cf._isValid(sFormat))
- {
- if($.cf._compare(sMode, "date"))
- sFormat = oDTP.settings.dateFormat;
- else if($.cf._compare(sMode, "time"))
- sFormat = oDTP.settings.timeFormat;
- else if($.cf._compare(sMode, "datetime"))
- sFormat = oDTP.settings.dateTimeFormat;
- }
- oDTP._matchFormat(sMode, sFormat);
- if($.cf._compare(sMode, "date"))
- dInput = oDTP._parseDate(sDateTime);
- else if($.cf._compare(sMode, "time"))
- dInput = oDTP._parseTime(sDateTime);
- else if($.cf._compare(sMode, "datetime"))
- dInput = oDTP._parseDateTime(sDateTime);
- }
- else
- {
- dInput = oDTP.settings.parseDateTimeString.call(oDTP, sDateTime, sMode, sFormat, $(oInputField));
- }
- return dInput;
- }
- },
- // Public Method
- setDateTimeStringInInputField: function(oInputField, dInput)
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- dInput = dInput || oDTP.oData.dCurrentDate;
- var oArrElements;
- if($.cf._isValid(oInputField))
- {
- oArrElements = [];
- if(typeof oInputField === "string")
- oArrElements.push(oInputField);
- else if(typeof oInputField === "object")
- oArrElements = oInputField;
- }
- else
- {
- if($.cf._isValid(oDTP.settings.parentElement))
- {
- oArrElements = $(oDTP.settings.parentElement).find("[data-field='date'], [data-field='time'], [data-field='datetime']");
- }
- else
- {
- oArrElements = $("[data-field='date'], [data-field='time'], [data-field='datetime']");
- }
- }
- oArrElements.each(function()
- {
- var oElement = this,
- sMode, sFormat, bIs12Hour, sOutput;
- sMode = $(oElement).data("field");
- if(!$.cf._isValid(sMode))
- sMode = oDTP.settings.mode;
- sFormat = "Custom";
- bIs12Hour = false;
- if(! oDTP.settings.formatDateTimeString)
- {
- sFormat = $(oElement).data("format");
- if(!$.cf._isValid(sFormat))
- {
- if($.cf._compare(sMode, "date"))
- sFormat = oDTP.settings.dateFormat;
- else if($.cf._compare(sMode, "time"))
- sFormat = oDTP.settings.timeFormat;
- else if($.cf._compare(sMode, "datetime"))
- sFormat = oDTP.settings.dateTimeFormat;
- }
- bIs12Hour = oDTP.getIs12Hour(sMode, sFormat);
- }
- sOutput = oDTP._setOutput(sMode, sFormat, bIs12Hour, dInput, oElement);
- oDTP._setValueOfElement(sOutput, $(oElement));
- });
- },
- // Public Method
- getDateTimeStringInFormat: function(sMode, sFormat, dInput)
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- return oDTP._setOutput(sMode, sFormat, oDTP.getIs12Hour(sMode, sFormat), dInput);
- },
- // Public Method
- showDateTimePicker: function(oElement)
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- if(oDTP.oData.oInputElement !== null)
- {
- if(!oDTP.settings.isInline)
- oDTP._hidePicker(0, oElement);
- }
- else
- oDTP._showPicker(oElement);
- },
- _setButtonAction: function(bFromTab)
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- if(oDTP.oData.oInputElement !== null)
- {
- oDTP._setValueOfElement(oDTP._setOutput());
- if(bFromTab)
- {
- if(oDTP.settings.buttonClicked)
- oDTP.settings.buttonClicked.call(oDTP, "TAB", oDTP.oData.oInputElement);
- if(!oDTP.settings.isInline)
- oDTP._hidePicker(0);
- }
- else
- {
- if(!oDTP.settings.isInline)
- oDTP._hidePicker("");
- }
- }
- },
- _setOutput: function(sMode, sFormat, bIs12Hour, dCurrentDate, oElement)
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- dCurrentDate = $.cf._isValid(dCurrentDate) ? dCurrentDate : oDTP.oData.dCurrentDate;
- bIs12Hour = bIs12Hour || oDTP.oData.bIs12Hour;
- var oDTV = oDTP._setVariablesForDate(dCurrentDate, true, true);
- var sOutput = "",
- oFDate = oDTP._formatDate(oDTV),
- oFTime = oDTP._formatTime(oDTV),
- oFDT = $.extend({}, oFDate, oFTime),
- sDateStr = "", sTimeStr = "",
- iArgsLength = Function.length,
- bAddSeconds;
- if(oDTP.settings.formatDateTimeString)
- {
- sOutput = oDTP.settings.formatDateTimeString.call(oDTP, oFDT, sMode, sFormat, oElement);
- }
- else
- {
- // Set bDate, bTime, bDateTime & bArrMatchFormat based on arguments of this function
- oDTP._setMatchFormat(iArgsLength, sMode, sFormat);
- if(oDTP.oData.bDateMode)
- {
- if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[0])
- {
- sOutput = oFDT.dd + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + oFDT.MM + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + oFDT.yyyy;
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[1])
- {
- sOutput = oFDT.MM + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + oFDT.dd + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + oFDT.yyyy;
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[2])
- {
- sOutput = oFDT.yyyy + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + oFDT.MM + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + oFDT.dd;
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[3])
- {
- sOutput = oFDT.dd + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + oFDT.monthShort + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + oFDT.yyyy;
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[4])
- {
- sOutput = oFDT.MM + oDTP.settings.monthYearSeparator + oFDT.yyyy;
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[5])
- {
- sOutput = oFDT.monthShort + oDTP.settings.monthYearSeparator + oFDT.yyyy;
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[6])
- {
- sOutput = oFDT.month + oDTP.settings.monthYearSeparator + oFDT.yyyy;
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[7])
- {
- sOutput = oFDT.yyyy + oDTP.settings.monthYearSeparator + oFDT.MM;
- }
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bTimeMode)
- {
- if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[0])
- {
- sOutput = oFDT.hh + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + oFDT.mm + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + oFDT.ss + oDTP.settings.timeMeridiemSeparator + oFDT.ME;
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[1])
- {
- sOutput = oFDT.HH + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + oFDT.mm + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + oFDT.ss;
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[2])
- {
- sOutput = oFDT.hh + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + oFDT.mm + oDTP.settings.timeMeridiemSeparator + oFDT.ME;
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[3])
- {
- sOutput = oFDT.HH + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + oFDT.mm;
- }
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bDateTimeMode)
- {
- // Date Part - "dd-MM-yyyy"
- if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[0] ||
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[1] ||
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[8] ||
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[9])
- {
- sDateStr = oFDT.dd + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + oFDT.MM + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + oFDT.yyyy;
- }
- // Date Part - "MM-dd-yyyy"
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[2] ||
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[3] ||
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[10] ||
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[11])
- {
- sDateStr = oFDT.MM + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + oFDT.dd + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + oFDT.yyyy;
- }
- // Date Part - "yyyy-MM-dd"
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[4] ||
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[5] ||
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[12] ||
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[13])
- {
- sDateStr = oFDT.yyyy + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + oFDT.MM + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + oFDT.dd;
- }
- // Date Part - "dd-MMM-yyyy"
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[6] ||
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[7] ||
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[14] ||
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[15])
- {
- sDateStr = oFDT.dd + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + oFDT.monthShort + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + oFDT.yyyy;
- }
- bAddSeconds = oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[0] ||
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[1] ||
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[2] ||
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[3] ||
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[4] ||
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[5] ||
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[6] ||
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[7];
- if(bIs12Hour)
- {
- if(bAddSeconds)
- {
- sTimeStr = oFDT.hh + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + oFDT.mm + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + oFDT.ss + oDTP.settings.timeMeridiemSeparator + oFDT.ME;
- }
- else
- {
- sTimeStr = oFDT.hh + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + oFDT.mm + oDTP.settings.timeMeridiemSeparator + oFDT.ME;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(bAddSeconds)
- {
- sTimeStr = oFDT.HH + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + oFDT.mm + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + oFDT.ss;
- }
- else
- {
- sTimeStr = oFDT.HH + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + oFDT.mm;
- }
- }
- if(sDateStr !== "" && sTimeStr !== "")
- sOutput = sDateStr + oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator + sTimeStr;
- }
- // Reset bDate, bTime, bDateTime & bArrMatchFormat to original values
- oDTP._setMatchFormat(iArgsLength);
- }
- return sOutput;
- },
- _clearButtonAction: function()
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- if(oDTP.oData.oInputElement !== null)
- {
- oDTP._setValueOfElement("");
- }
- if(!oDTP.settings.isInline)
- oDTP._hidePicker("");
- },
- _setOutputOnIncrementOrDecrement: function()
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- if($.cf._isValid(oDTP.oData.oInputElement) && oDTP.settings.setValueInTextboxOnEveryClick)
- {
- oDTP._setValueOfElement(oDTP._setOutput());
- }
- },
- _showPicker: function(oElement)
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- if(oDTP.oData.oInputElement === null)
- {
- oDTP.oData.oInputElement = oElement;
- oDTP.oData.iTabIndex = parseInt($(oElement).attr("tabIndex"));
- var sMode = $(oElement).data("field") || "",
- sMinValue = $(oElement).data("min") || "",
- sMaxValue = $(oElement).data("max") || "",
- sFormat = $(oElement).data("format") || "",
- sView = $(oElement).data("view") || "",
- sStartEnd = $(oElement).data("startend") || "",
- sStartEndElem = $(oElement).data("startendelem") || "",
- sCurrent = oDTP._getValueOfElement(oElement) || "";
- if(sView !== "")
- {
- if($.cf._compare(sView, "Popup"))
- oDTP.setIsPopup(true);
- else
- oDTP.setIsPopup(false);
- }
- if(!oDTP.settings.isPopup && !oDTP.settings.isInline)
- {
- oDTP._createPicker();
- var iElemTop = $(oDTP.oData.oInputElement).offset().top + $(oDTP.oData.oInputElement).outerHeight(),
- iElemLeft = $(oDTP.oData.oInputElement).offset().left,
- iElemWidth = $(oDTP.oData.oInputElement).outerWidth();
- $(oDTP.element).css({position: "absolute", top: iElemTop, left: iElemLeft, width: iElemWidth, height: "auto"});
- }
- if(oDTP.settings.beforeShow)
- oDTP.settings.beforeShow.call(oDTP, oElement);
- sMode = $.cf._isValid(sMode) ? sMode : oDTP.settings.mode;
- oDTP.settings.mode = sMode;
- if(!$.cf._isValid(sFormat))
- {
- if($.cf._compare(sMode, "date"))
- sFormat = oDTP.settings.dateFormat;
- else if($.cf._compare(sMode, "time"))
- sFormat = oDTP.settings.timeFormat;
- else if($.cf._compare(sMode, "datetime"))
- sFormat = oDTP.settings.dateTimeFormat;
- }
- oDTP._matchFormat(sMode, sFormat);
- oDTP.oData.dMinValue = null;
- oDTP.oData.dMaxValue = null;
- oDTP.oData.bIs12Hour = false;
- var sMin, sMax,
- sTempDate, dTempDate,
- sTempTime, dTempTime,
- sTempDateTime, dTempDateTime;
- if(oDTP.oData.bDateMode)
- {
- sMin = sMinValue || oDTP.settings.minDate;
- sMax = sMaxValue || oDTP.settings.maxDate;
- oDTP.oData.sDateFormat = sFormat;
- if($.cf._isValid(sMin))
- oDTP.oData.dMinValue = oDTP._parseDate(sMin);
- if($.cf._isValid(sMax))
- oDTP.oData.dMaxValue = oDTP._parseDate(sMax);
- if(sStartEnd !== "" && ($.cf._compare(sStartEnd, "start") || $.cf._compare(sStartEnd, "end")) && sStartEndElem !== "")
- {
- if($(sStartEndElem).length >= 1)
- {
- sTempDate = oDTP._getValueOfElement($(sStartEndElem));
- if(sTempDate !== "")
- {
- if(oDTP.settings.parseDateTimeString)
- dTempDate = oDTP.settings.parseDateTimeString.call(oDTP, sTempDate, sMode, sFormat, $(sStartEndElem));
- else
- dTempDate = oDTP._parseDate(sTempDate);
- if($.cf._compare(sStartEnd, "start"))
- {
- if($.cf._isValid(sMax))
- {
- if(oDTP._compareDates(dTempDate, oDTP.oData.dMaxValue) < 0)
- oDTP.oData.dMaxValue = new Date(dTempDate);
- }
- else
- oDTP.oData.dMaxValue = new Date(dTempDate);
- }
- else if($.cf._compare(sStartEnd, "end"))
- {
- if($.cf._isValid(sMin))
- {
- if(oDTP._compareDates(dTempDate, oDTP.oData.dMinValue) > 0)
- oDTP.oData.dMinValue = new Date(dTempDate);
- }
- else
- oDTP.oData.dMinValue = new Date(dTempDate);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(oDTP.settings.parseDateTimeString)
- oDTP.oData.dCurrentDate = oDTP.settings.parseDateTimeString.call(oDTP, sCurrent, sMode, sFormat, $(oElement));
- else
- oDTP.oData.dCurrentDate = oDTP._parseDate(sCurrent);
- oDTP.oData.dCurrentDate.setHours(0);
- oDTP.oData.dCurrentDate.setMinutes(0);
- oDTP.oData.dCurrentDate.setSeconds(0);
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bTimeMode)
- {
- sMin = sMinValue || oDTP.settings.minTime;
- sMax = sMaxValue || oDTP.settings.maxTime;
- oDTP.oData.sTimeFormat = sFormat;
- oDTP.oData.bIs12Hour = oDTP.getIs12Hour();
- if($.cf._isValid(sMin))
- {
- oDTP.oData.dMinValue = oDTP._parseTime(sMin);
- if(!$.cf._isValid(sMax))
- {
- if(oDTP.oData.sTimeFormat === oDTP.oData.sArrInputTimeFormats[0])
- sMax = "11:59:59 PM";
- else if(oDTP.oData.sTimeFormat === oDTP.oData.sArrInputTimeFormats[1])
- sMax = "23:59:59";
- else if(oDTP.oData.sTimeFormat === oDTP.oData.sArrInputTimeFormats[2])
- sMax = "11:59 PM";
- else if(oDTP.oData.sTimeFormat === oDTP.oData.sArrInputTimeFormats[3])
- sMax = "23:59";
- oDTP.oData.dMaxValue = oDTP._parseTime(sMax);
- }
- }
- if($.cf._isValid(sMax))
- {
- oDTP.oData.dMaxValue = oDTP._parseTime(sMax);
- if(!$.cf._isValid(sMin))
- {
- if(oDTP.oData.sTimeFormat === oDTP.oData.sArrInputTimeFormats[0])
- sMin = "12:00:00 AM";
- else if(oDTP.oData.sTimeFormat === oDTP.oData.sArrInputTimeFormats[1])
- sMin = "00:00:00";
- else if(oDTP.oData.sTimeFormat === oDTP.oData.sArrInputTimeFormats[2])
- sMin = "12:00 AM";
- else if(oDTP.oData.sTimeFormat === oDTP.oData.sArrInputTimeFormats[3])
- sMin = "00:00";
- oDTP.oData.dMinValue = oDTP._parseTime(sMin);
- }
- }
- if(sStartEnd !== "" && ($.cf._compare(sStartEnd, "start") || $.cf._compare(sStartEnd, "end")) && sStartEndElem !== "")
- {
- if($(sStartEndElem).length >= 1)
- {
- sTempTime = oDTP._getValueOfElement($(sStartEndElem));
- if(sTempTime !== "")
- {
- if(oDTP.settings.parseDateTimeString)
- dTempDate = oDTP.settings.parseDateTimeString.call(oDTP, sTempTime, sMode, sFormat, $(sStartEndElem));
- else
- dTempTime = oDTP._parseTime(sTempTime);
- if($.cf._compare(sStartEnd, "start"))
- {
- dTempTime.setMinutes(dTempTime.getMinutes() - 1);
- if($.cf._isValid(sMax))
- {
- if(oDTP._compareTime(dTempTime, oDTP.oData.dMaxValue) === 2)
- oDTP.oData.dMaxValue = new Date(dTempTime);
- }
- else
- oDTP.oData.dMaxValue = new Date(dTempTime);
- }
- else if($.cf._compare(sStartEnd, "end"))
- {
- dTempTime.setMinutes(dTempTime.getMinutes() + 1);
- if($.cf._isValid(sMin))
- {
- if(oDTP._compareTime(dTempTime, oDTP.oData.dMinValue) === 3)
- oDTP.oData.dMinValue = new Date(dTempTime);
- }
- else
- oDTP.oData.dMinValue = new Date(dTempTime);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(oDTP.settings.parseDateTimeString)
- oDTP.oData.dCurrentDate = oDTP.settings.parseDateTimeString.call(oDTP, sCurrent, sMode, sFormat, $(oElement));
- else
- oDTP.oData.dCurrentDate = oDTP._parseTime(sCurrent);
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bDateTimeMode)
- {
- sMin = sMinValue || oDTP.settings.minDateTime;
- sMax = sMaxValue || oDTP.settings.maxDateTime;
- oDTP.oData.sDateTimeFormat = sFormat;
- oDTP.oData.bIs12Hour = oDTP.getIs12Hour();
- if($.cf._isValid(sMin))
- oDTP.oData.dMinValue = oDTP._parseDateTime(sMin);
- if($.cf._isValid(sMax))
- oDTP.oData.dMaxValue = oDTP._parseDateTime(sMax);
- if(sStartEnd !== "" && ($.cf._compare(sStartEnd, "start") || $.cf._compare(sStartEnd, "end")) && sStartEndElem !== "")
- {
- if($(sStartEndElem).length >= 1)
- {
- sTempDateTime = oDTP._getValueOfElement($(sStartEndElem));
- if(sTempDateTime !== "")
- {
- if(oDTP.settings.parseDateTimeString)
- dTempDateTime = oDTP.settings.parseDateTimeString.call(oDTP, sTempDateTime, sMode, sFormat, $(sStartEndElem));
- else
- dTempDateTime = oDTP._parseDateTime(sTempDateTime);
- if($.cf._compare(sStartEnd, "start"))
- {
- if($.cf._isValid(sMax))
- {
- if(oDTP._compareDateTime(dTempDateTime, oDTP.oData.dMaxValue) < 0)
- oDTP.oData.dMaxValue = new Date(dTempDateTime);
- }
- else
- oDTP.oData.dMaxValue = new Date(dTempDateTime);
- }
- else if($.cf._compare(sStartEnd, "end"))
- {
- if($.cf._isValid(sMin))
- {
- if(oDTP._compareDateTime(dTempDateTime, oDTP.oData.dMinValue) > 0)
- oDTP.oData.dMinValue = new Date(dTempDateTime);
- }
- else
- oDTP.oData.dMinValue = new Date(dTempDateTime);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(oDTP.settings.parseDateTimeString)
- oDTP.oData.dCurrentDate = oDTP.settings.parseDateTimeString.call(oDTP, sCurrent, sMode, sFormat, $(oElement));
- else
- oDTP.oData.dCurrentDate = oDTP._parseDateTime(sCurrent);
- }
- oDTP._setVariablesForDate();
- oDTP._modifyPicker();
- $(oDTP.element).fadeIn(oDTP.settings.animationDuration);
- if(oDTP.settings.afterShow)
- {
- setTimeout(function()
- {
- oDTP.settings.afterShow.call(oDTP, oElement);
- }, oDTP.settings.animationDuration);
- }
- }
- },
- _hidePicker: function(iDuration, oElementToShow)
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- var oElement = oDTP.oData.oInputElement;
- if(oDTP.settings.beforeHide)
- oDTP.settings.beforeHide.call(oDTP, oElement);
- if(!$.cf._isValid(iDuration))
- iDuration = oDTP.settings.animationDuration;
- if($.cf._isValid(oDTP.oData.oInputElement))
- {
- $(oDTP.oData.oInputElement).blur();
- oDTP.oData.oInputElement = null;
- }
- $(oDTP.element).fadeOut(iDuration);
- if(iDuration === 0)
- {
- $(oDTP.element).find(".dtpicker-subcontent").html("");
- }
- else
- {
- setTimeout(function()
- {
- $(oDTP.element).find(".dtpicker-subcontent").html("");
- }, iDuration);
- }
- $(document).unbind("click.DateTimePicker keydown.DateTimePicker keyup.DateTimePicker");
- if(oDTP.settings.afterHide)
- {
- if(iDuration === 0)
- {
- oDTP.settings.afterHide.call(oDTP, oElement);
- }
- else
- {
- setTimeout(function()
- {
- oDTP.settings.afterHide.call(oDTP, oElement);
- }, iDuration);
- }
- }
- if($.cf._isValid(oElementToShow))
- oDTP._showPicker(oElementToShow);
- },
- _modifyPicker: function()
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- var sTitleContent, iNumberOfColumns;
- var sArrFields = [];
- if(oDTP.oData.bDateMode)
- {
- sTitleContent = oDTP.settings.titleContentDate;
- iNumberOfColumns = 3;
- if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[0]) // "dd-MM-yyyy"
- {
- sArrFields = ["day", "month", "year"];
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[1]) // "MM-dd-yyyy"
- {
- sArrFields = ["month", "day", "year"];
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[2]) // "yyyy-MM-dd"
- {
- sArrFields = ["year", "month", "day"];
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[3]) // "dd-MMM-yyyy"
- {
- sArrFields = ["day", "month", "year"];
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[4]) // "MM-yyyy"
- {
- iNumberOfColumns = 2;
- sArrFields = ["month", "year"];
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[5]) // "MMM yyyy"
- {
- iNumberOfColumns = 2;
- sArrFields = ["month", "year"];
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[6]) // "MMMM yyyy"
- {
- iNumberOfColumns = 2;
- sArrFields = ["month", "year"];
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[7]) // "yyyy-MM"
- {
- iNumberOfColumns = 2;
- sArrFields = ["year", "month"];
- }
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bTimeMode)
- {
- sTitleContent = oDTP.settings.titleContentTime;
- if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[0]) // hh:mm:ss AA
- {
- iNumberOfColumns = 4;
- sArrFields = ["hour", "minutes", "seconds", "meridiem"];
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[1]) // HH:mm:ss
- {
- iNumberOfColumns = 3;
- sArrFields = ["hour", "minutes", "seconds"];
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[2]) // hh:mm AA
- {
- iNumberOfColumns = 3;
- sArrFields = ["hour", "minutes", "meridiem"];
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[3]) // HH:mm
- {
- iNumberOfColumns = 2;
- sArrFields = ["hour", "minutes"];
- }
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bDateTimeMode)
- {
- sTitleContent = oDTP.settings.titleContentDateTime;
- if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[0])
- {
- iNumberOfColumns = 6;
- sArrFields = ["day", "month", "year", "hour", "minutes", "seconds"];
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[1])
- {
- iNumberOfColumns = 7;
- sArrFields = ["day", "month", "year", "hour", "minutes", "seconds", "meridiem"];
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[2])
- {
- iNumberOfColumns = 6;
- sArrFields = ["month", "day", "year", "hour", "minutes", "seconds"];
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[3])
- {
- iNumberOfColumns = 7;
- sArrFields = ["month", "day", "year", "hour", "minutes", "seconds", "meridiem"];
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[4])
- {
- iNumberOfColumns = 6;
- sArrFields = ["year", "month", "day", "hour", "minutes", "seconds"];
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[5])
- {
- iNumberOfColumns = 7;
- sArrFields = ["year", "month", "day", "hour", "minutes", "seconds", "meridiem"];
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[6])
- {
- iNumberOfColumns = 6;
- sArrFields = ["day", "month", "year", "hour", "minutes", "seconds"];
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[7])
- {
- iNumberOfColumns = 7;
- sArrFields = ["day", "month", "year", "hour", "minutes", "seconds", "meridiem"];
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[8])
- {
- iNumberOfColumns = 5;
- sArrFields = ["day", "month", "year", "hour", "minutes"];
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[9])
- {
- iNumberOfColumns = 6;
- sArrFields = ["day", "month", "year", "hour", "minutes", "meridiem"];
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[10])
- {
- iNumberOfColumns = 5;
- sArrFields = ["month", "day", "year", "hour", "minutes"];
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[11])
- {
- iNumberOfColumns = 6;
- sArrFields = ["month", "day", "year", "hour", "minutes", "meridiem"];
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[12])
- {
- iNumberOfColumns = 5;
- sArrFields = ["year", "month", "day", "hour", "minutes"];
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[13])
- {
- iNumberOfColumns = 6;
- sArrFields = ["year", "month", "day", "hour", "minutes", "meridiem"];
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[14])
- {
- iNumberOfColumns = 5;
- sArrFields = ["day", "month", "year", "hour", "minutes"];
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[15])
- {
- iNumberOfColumns = 6;
- sArrFields = ["day", "month", "year", "hour", "minutes", "meridiem"];
- }
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- var sColumnClass = "dtpicker-comp" + iNumberOfColumns,
- bDisplayHeaderCloseButton = false,
- bDisplaySetButton = false,
- bDisplayClearButton = false,
- iTempIndex;
- for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < oDTP.settings.buttonsToDisplay.length; iTempIndex++)
- {
- if($.cf._compare(oDTP.settings.buttonsToDisplay[iTempIndex], "HeaderCloseButton"))
- bDisplayHeaderCloseButton = true;
- else if($.cf._compare(oDTP.settings.buttonsToDisplay[iTempIndex], "SetButton"))
- bDisplaySetButton = true;
- else if($.cf._compare(oDTP.settings.buttonsToDisplay[iTempIndex], "ClearButton"))
- bDisplayClearButton = true;
- }
- var sHeader = "";
- if(oDTP.settings.showHeader)
- {
- sHeader += "";
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- var sDTPickerComp = "";
- sDTPickerComp += "";
- for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < iNumberOfColumns; iTempIndex++)
- {
- var sFieldName = sArrFields[iTempIndex];
- sDTPickerComp += "
- sDTPickerComp += "
- sDTPickerComp += "
- }
- sDTPickerComp += "
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- var sButtonContClass = "";
- if(bDisplaySetButton && bDisplayClearButton)
- sButtonContClass = " dtpicker-twoButtons";
- else
- sButtonContClass = " dtpicker-singleButton";
- var sDTPickerButtons = "";
- sDTPickerButtons += "";
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- var sTempStr = sHeader + sDTPickerComp + sDTPickerButtons;
- $(oDTP.element).find(".dtpicker-subcontent").html(sTempStr);
- oDTP._setCurrentDate();
- oDTP._addEventHandlersForPicker();
- },
- _addEventHandlersForPicker: function()
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- var classType, keyCode, $nextElem;
- if(!oDTP.settings.isInline)
- {
- $(document).on("click.DateTimePicker", function(e)
- {
- oDTP._hidePicker("");
- });
- }
- $(document).on("keydown.DateTimePicker", function(e)
- {
- keyCode = parseInt(e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which);
- if(! $(".dtpicker-compValue").is(":focus") && keyCode === 9) // TAB
- {
- oDTP._setButtonAction(true);
- $("[tabIndex=" + (oDTP.oData.iTabIndex + 1) + "]").focus();
- return false;
- }
- else if($(".dtpicker-compValue").is(":focus"))
- {
- /*if(keyCode === 37) // Left Arrow
- {
- oDTP._setButtonAction(true);
- $nextElem = $(".dtpicker-compValue:focus").parent().prev().children(".dtpicker-compValue");
- $nextElem.focus();
- console.log('Left Arrow ');
- console.log($nextElem);
- return false;
- }
- else if(keyCode === 39) // Right Arrow
- {
- oDTP._setButtonAction(true);
- var compVal = $(".dtpicker-compValue:focus");
- $nextElem = $(".dtpicker-compValue:focus").parent(".dtpicker-comp").next().children(".dtpicker-compValue");
- $nextElem.focus();
- console.log('Right Arrow ');
- console.log($nextElem);
- return false;
- }
- else*/
- if(keyCode === 38) // Up Arrow
- {
- classType = $(".dtpicker-compValue:focus").parent().attr("class");
- oDTP._incrementDecrementActionsUsingArrowAndMouse(classType, "inc");
- return false;
- }
- else if(keyCode === 40) // Down Arrow
- {
- classType = $(".dtpicker-compValue:focus").parent().attr("class");
- oDTP._incrementDecrementActionsUsingArrowAndMouse(classType, "dec");
- return false;
- }
- }
- });
- if(!oDTP.settings.isInline)
- {
- $(document).on("keydown.DateTimePicker", function(e)
- {
- keyCode = parseInt(e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which);
- // console.log("keydown " + keyCode);
- if(! $(".dtpicker-compValue").is(":focus") && keyCode !== 9)
- {
- //if(keyCode !== 37 && keyCode !== 39)
- oDTP._hidePicker("");
- }
- });
- }
- $(".dtpicker-cont *").click(function(e)
- {
- e.stopPropagation();
- });
- if(!oDTP.settings.readonlyInputs)
- {
- $(".dtpicker-compValue").not(".month .dtpicker-compValue, .meridiem .dtpicker-compValue").keyup(function()
- {
- this.value = this.value.replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,"");
- });
- $(".dtpicker-compValue").focus(function()
- {
- oDTP.oData.bElemFocused = true;
- $(this).select();
- });
- $(".dtpicker-compValue").blur(function()
- {
- oDTP._getValuesFromInputBoxes();
- oDTP._setCurrentDate();
- oDTP.oData.bElemFocused = false;
- var $oParentElem = $(this).parent().parent();
- setTimeout(function()
- {
- if($oParentElem.is(":last-child") && !oDTP.oData.bElemFocused)
- {
- oDTP._setButtonAction(false);
- }
- }, 50);
- });
- $(".dtpicker-compValue").keyup(function(e)
- {
- var $oTextField = $(this),
- sTextBoxVal = $oTextField.val(),
- iLength = sTextBoxVal.length,
- sNewTextBoxVal;
- if($oTextField.parent().hasClass("day") || $oTextField.parent().hasClass("hour") || $oTextField.parent().hasClass("minutes") || $oTextField.parent().hasClass("meridiem"))
- {
- if(iLength > 2)
- {
- sNewTextBoxVal = sTextBoxVal.slice(0, 2);
- $oTextField.val(sNewTextBoxVal);
- }
- }
- else if($oTextField.parent().hasClass("month"))
- {
- if(iLength > 3)
- {
- sNewTextBoxVal = sTextBoxVal.slice(0, 3);
- $oTextField.val(sNewTextBoxVal);
- }
- }
- else if($oTextField.parent().hasClass("year"))
- {
- if(iLength > 4)
- {
- sNewTextBoxVal = sTextBoxVal.slice(0, 4);
- $oTextField.val(sNewTextBoxVal);
- }
- }
- if(parseInt(e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which) === 9)
- $(this).select();
- });
- }
- $(oDTP.element).find(".dtpicker-compValue").on("mousewheel DOMMouseScroll onmousewheel", function(e)
- {
- if($(".dtpicker-compValue").is(":focus"))
- {
- var delta = Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, e.originalEvent.wheelDelta));
- if(delta > 0)
- {
- classType = $(".dtpicker-compValue:focus").parent().attr("class");
- oDTP._incrementDecrementActionsUsingArrowAndMouse(classType, "inc");
- }
- else
- {
- classType = $(".dtpicker-compValue:focus").parent().attr("class");
- oDTP._incrementDecrementActionsUsingArrowAndMouse(classType, "dec");
- }
- return false;
- }
- });
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- $(oDTP.element).find(".dtpicker-close").click(function(e)
- {
- if(oDTP.settings.buttonClicked)
- oDTP.settings.buttonClicked.call(oDTP, "CLOSE", oDTP.oData.oInputElement);
- if(!oDTP.settings.isInline)
- oDTP._hidePicker("");
- });
- $(oDTP.element).find(".dtpicker-buttonSet").click(function(e)
- {
- if(oDTP.settings.buttonClicked)
- oDTP.settings.buttonClicked.call(oDTP, "SET", oDTP.oData.oInputElement);
- oDTP._setButtonAction(false);
- });
- $(oDTP.element).find(".dtpicker-buttonClear").click(function(e)
- {
- if(oDTP.settings.buttonClicked)
- oDTP.settings.buttonClicked.call(oDTP, "CLEAR", oDTP.oData.oInputElement);
- oDTP._clearButtonAction();
- });
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //console.log((oDTP.settings.captureTouchHold || oDTP.settings.captureMouseHold));
- if(oDTP.settings.captureTouchHold || oDTP.settings.captureMouseHold)
- {
- var sHoldEvents = "";
- if(oDTP.settings.captureTouchHold && oDTP.oData.bIsTouchDevice)
- sHoldEvents += "touchstart touchmove touchend ";
- if(oDTP.settings.captureMouseHold)
- sHoldEvents += "mousedown mouseup";
- $(".dtpicker-cont *").on(sHoldEvents, function(e)
- {
- oDTP._clearIntervalForTouchEvents();
- });
- oDTP._bindTouchEvents("day");
- oDTP._bindTouchEvents("month");
- oDTP._bindTouchEvents("year");
- oDTP._bindTouchEvents("hour");
- oDTP._bindTouchEvents("minutes");
- oDTP._bindTouchEvents("seconds");
- }
- else
- {
- $(oDTP.element).find(".day .increment, .day .increment *").click(function(e)
- {
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay++;
- oDTP._setCurrentDate();
- oDTP._setOutputOnIncrementOrDecrement();
- });
- $(oDTP.element).find(".day .decrement, .day .decrement *").click(function(e)
- {
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay--;
- oDTP._setCurrentDate();
- oDTP._setOutputOnIncrementOrDecrement();
- });
- $(oDTP.element).find(".month .increment, .month .increment *").click(function(e)
- {
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth++;
- oDTP._setCurrentDate();
- oDTP._setOutputOnIncrementOrDecrement();
- });
- $(oDTP.element).find(".month .decrement, .month .decrement *").click(function(e)
- {
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth--;
- oDTP._setCurrentDate();
- oDTP._setOutputOnIncrementOrDecrement();
- });
- $(oDTP.element).find(".year .increment, .year .increment *").click(function(e)
- {
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear++;
- oDTP._setCurrentDate();
- oDTP._setOutputOnIncrementOrDecrement();
- });
- $(oDTP.element).find(".year .decrement, .year .decrement *").click(function(e)
- {
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear--;
- oDTP._setCurrentDate();
- oDTP._setOutputOnIncrementOrDecrement();
- });
- $(oDTP.element).find(".hour .increment, .hour .increment *").click(function(e)
- {
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour++;
- oDTP._setCurrentDate();
- oDTP._setOutputOnIncrementOrDecrement();
- });
- $(oDTP.element).find(".hour .decrement, .hour .decrement *").click(function(e)
- {
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour--;
- oDTP._setCurrentDate();
- oDTP._setOutputOnIncrementOrDecrement();
- });
- $(oDTP.element).find(".minutes .increment, .minutes .increment *").click(function(e)
- {
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes += oDTP.settings.minuteInterval;
- oDTP._setCurrentDate();
- oDTP._setOutputOnIncrementOrDecrement();
- });
- $(oDTP.element).find(".minutes .decrement, .minutes .decrement *").click(function(e)
- {
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes -= oDTP.settings.minuteInterval;
- oDTP._setCurrentDate();
- oDTP._setOutputOnIncrementOrDecrement();
- });
- $(oDTP.element).find(".seconds .increment, .seconds .increment *").click(function(e)
- {
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds += oDTP.settings.secondsInterval;
- oDTP._setCurrentDate();
- oDTP._setOutputOnIncrementOrDecrement();
- });
- $(oDTP.element).find(".seconds .decrement, .seconds .decrement *").click(function(e)
- {
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds -= oDTP.settings.secondsInterval;
- oDTP._setCurrentDate();
- oDTP._setOutputOnIncrementOrDecrement();
- });
- }
- $(oDTP.element).find(".meridiem .dtpicker-compButton, .meridiem .dtpicker-compButton *").click(function(e)
- {
- if($.cf._compare(oDTP.oData.sCurrentMeridiem, "AM"))
- {
- oDTP.oData.sCurrentMeridiem = "PM";
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour += 12;
- }
- else if($.cf._compare(oDTP.oData.sCurrentMeridiem, "PM"))
- {
- oDTP.oData.sCurrentMeridiem = "AM";
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour -= 12;
- }
- oDTP._setCurrentDate();
- oDTP._setOutputOnIncrementOrDecrement();
- });
- },
- _adjustMinutes: function(iMinutes)
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- if(oDTP.settings.roundOffMinutes && oDTP.settings.minuteInterval !== 1)
- {
- iMinutes = (iMinutes % oDTP.settings.minuteInterval) ? (iMinutes - (iMinutes % oDTP.settings.minuteInterval) + oDTP.settings.minuteInterval) : iMinutes;
- }
- return iMinutes;
- },
- _adjustSeconds: function(iSeconds)
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- if(oDTP.settings.roundOffSeconds && oDTP.settings.secondsInterval !== 1)
- {
- iSeconds = (iSeconds % oDTP.settings.secondsInterval) ? (iSeconds - (iSeconds % oDTP.settings.secondsInterval) + oDTP.settings.secondsInterval) : iSeconds;
- }
- return iSeconds;
- },
- _getValueOfElement: function(oElem)
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- var sElemValue = "";
- if($.cf._compare($(oElem).prop("tagName"), "INPUT"))
- sElemValue = $(oElem).val();
- else
- sElemValue = $(oElem).html();
- return sElemValue;
- },
- _setValueOfElement: function(sElemValue, $oElem)
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- if(!$.cf._isValid($oElem))
- $oElem = $(oDTP.oData.oInputElement);
- if($.cf._compare($oElem.prop("tagName"), "INPUT"))
- $oElem.val(sElemValue);
- else
- $oElem.html(sElemValue);
- var dElemValue = oDTP.getDateObjectForInputField($oElem);
- if(oDTP.settings.settingValueOfElement)
- oDTP.settings.settingValueOfElement.call(oDTP, sElemValue, dElemValue, $oElem);
- $oElem.change();
- return sElemValue;
- },
- _bindTouchEvents: function(type)
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- $(oDTP.element).find("." + type + " .increment, ." + type + " .increment *").on("touchstart mousedown", function(e)
- {
- e.stopPropagation();
- if(!$.cf._isValid(oDTP.oData.sTouchButton))
- {
- oDTP.oData.iTouchStart = (new Date()).getTime();
- oDTP.oData.sTouchButton = type + "-inc";
- oDTP._setIntervalForTouchEvents();
- }
- });
- $(oDTP.element).find("." + type + " .increment, ." + type + " .increment *").on("touchend mouseup", function(e)
- {
- e.stopPropagation();
- oDTP._clearIntervalForTouchEvents();
- });
- $(oDTP.element).find("." + type + " .decrement, ." + type + " .decrement *").on("touchstart mousedown", function(e)
- {
- e.stopPropagation();
- if(!$.cf._isValid(oDTP.oData.sTouchButton))
- {
- oDTP.oData.iTouchStart = (new Date()).getTime();
- oDTP.oData.sTouchButton = type + "-dec";
- oDTP._setIntervalForTouchEvents();
- }
- });
- $(oDTP.element).find("." + type + " .decrement, ." + type + " .decrement *").on("touchend mouseup", function(e)
- {
- e.stopPropagation();
- oDTP._clearIntervalForTouchEvents();
- });
- },
- _setIntervalForTouchEvents: function()
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- var iInterval = oDTP.oData.bIsTouchDevice ? oDTP.settings.touchHoldInterval : oDTP.settings.mouseHoldInterval;
- if(!$.cf._isValid(oDTP.oData.oTimeInterval))
- {
- var iDiff;
- oDTP.oData.oTimeInterval = setInterval(function()
- {
- iDiff = ((new Date()).getTime() - oDTP.oData.iTouchStart);
- if(iDiff > iInterval && $.cf._isValid(oDTP.oData.sTouchButton))
- {
- if(oDTP.oData.sTouchButton === "day-inc")
- {
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay++;
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.sTouchButton === "day-dec")
- {
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay--;
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.sTouchButton === "month-inc")
- {
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth++;
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.sTouchButton === "month-dec")
- {
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth--;
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.sTouchButton === "year-inc")
- {
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear++;
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.sTouchButton === "year-dec")
- {
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear--;
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.sTouchButton === "hour-inc")
- {
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour++;
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.sTouchButton === "hour-dec")
- {
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour--;
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.sTouchButton === "minute-inc")
- {
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes += oDTP.settings.minuteInterval;
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.sTouchButton === "minute-dec")
- {
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes -= oDTP.settings.minuteInterval;
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.sTouchButton === "second-inc")
- {
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds += oDTP.settings.secondsInterval;
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.sTouchButton === "second-dec")
- {
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds -= oDTP.settings.secondsInterval;
- }
- oDTP._setCurrentDate();
- oDTP._setOutputOnIncrementOrDecrement();
- oDTP.oData.iTouchStart = (new Date()).getTime();
- }
- }, iInterval);
- }
- },
- _clearIntervalForTouchEvents: function()
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- clearInterval(oDTP.oData.oTimeInterval);
- if($.cf._isValid(oDTP.oData.sTouchButton))
- {
- oDTP.oData.sTouchButton = null;
- oDTP.oData.iTouchStart = 0;
- }
- oDTP.oData.oTimeInterval = null;
- },
- _incrementDecrementActionsUsingArrowAndMouse: function(type, action)
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- if(type.includes("day"))
- {
- if (action === "inc") oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay++;
- else if (action === "dec") oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay--;
- }
- else if(type.includes("month"))
- {
- if (action === "inc") oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth++;
- else if (action === "dec") oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth--;
- }
- else if(type.includes("year"))
- {
- if (action === "inc") oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear++;
- else if (action === "dec") oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear--;
- }
- else if(type.includes("hour"))
- {
- if (action === "inc") oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour++;
- else if (action === "dec") oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour--;
- }
- else if(type.includes("minutes"))
- {
- if (action === "inc") oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes += oDTP.settings.minuteInterval;
- else if (action === "dec") oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes -= oDTP.settings.minuteInterval;
- }
- else if(type.includes("seconds"))
- {
- if (action === "inc") oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds += oDTP.settings.secondsInterval;
- else if (action === "dec") oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds -= oDTP.settings.secondsInterval;
- }
- oDTP._setCurrentDate();
- oDTP._setOutputOnIncrementOrDecrement();
- },
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- _parseDate: function(sDate)
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- var dTempDate = (oDTP.settings.defaultDate ? new Date(oDTP.settings.defaultDate) : new Date()),
- iDate = dTempDate.getDate(),
- iMonth = dTempDate.getMonth(),
- iYear = dTempDate.getFullYear();
- if($.cf._isValid(sDate))
- {
- if(typeof sDate === "string")
- {
- var sArrDate;
- if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[4] || oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[5] || oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[6])
- sArrDate = sDate.split(oDTP.settings.monthYearSeparator);
- else
- sArrDate = sDate.split(oDTP.settings.dateSeparator);
- if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[0]) // "dd-MM-yyyy"
- {
- iDate = parseInt(sArrDate[0]);
- iMonth = parseInt(sArrDate[1] - 1);
- iYear = parseInt(sArrDate[2]);
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[1]) // "MM-dd-yyyy"
- {
- iMonth = parseInt(sArrDate[0] - 1);
- iDate = parseInt(sArrDate[1]);
- iYear = parseInt(sArrDate[2]);
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[2]) // "yyyy-MM-dd"
- {
- iYear = parseInt(sArrDate[0]);
- iMonth = parseInt(sArrDate[1] - 1);
- iDate = parseInt(sArrDate[2]);
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[3]) // "dd-MMM-yyyy"
- {
- iDate = parseInt(sArrDate[0]);
- iMonth = oDTP._getShortMonthIndex(sArrDate[1]);
- iYear = parseInt(sArrDate[2]);
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[4]) // "MM-yyyy"
- {
- iDate = 1;
- iMonth = parseInt(sArrDate[0]) - 1;
- iYear = parseInt(sArrDate[1]);
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[5]) // "MMM yyyy"
- {
- iDate = 1;
- iMonth = oDTP._getShortMonthIndex(sArrDate[0]);
- iYear = parseInt(sArrDate[1]);
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[6]) // "MMMM yyyy"
- {
- iDate = 1;
- iMonth = oDTP._getFullMonthIndex(sArrDate[0]);
- iYear = parseInt(sArrDate[1]);
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[7]) // "yyyy MM"
- {
- iDate = 1;
- iMonth = parseInt(sArrDate[1]) - 1;
- iYear = parseInt(sArrDate[0]);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- iDate = sDate.getDate();
- iMonth = sDate.getMonth();
- iYear = sDate.getFullYear();
- }
- }
- dTempDate = new Date(iYear, iMonth, iDate, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- return dTempDate;
- },
- _parseTime: function(sTime)
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- var dTempDate = (oDTP.settings.defaultDate ? new Date(oDTP.settings.defaultDate) : new Date()),
- iDate = dTempDate.getDate(),
- iMonth = dTempDate.getMonth(),
- iYear = dTempDate.getFullYear(),
- iHour = dTempDate.getHours(),
- iMinutes = dTempDate.getMinutes(),
- iSeconds = dTempDate.getSeconds(),
- sArrTime, sMeridiem, sArrTimeComp,
- bShowSeconds = oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[0] ||
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[1];
- iSeconds = bShowSeconds ? oDTP._adjustSeconds(iSeconds) : 0;
- if($.cf._isValid(sTime))
- {
- if(typeof sTime === "string")
- {
- if(oDTP.oData.bIs12Hour)
- {
- sArrTime = sTime.split(oDTP.settings.timeMeridiemSeparator);
- sTime = sArrTime[0];
- sMeridiem = sArrTime[1];
- if(!($.cf._compare(sMeridiem, "AM") || $.cf._compare(sMeridiem, "PM")))
- sMeridiem = "";
- }
- sArrTimeComp = sTime.split(oDTP.settings.timeSeparator);
- iHour = parseInt(sArrTimeComp[0]);
- iMinutes = parseInt(sArrTimeComp[1]);
- if(bShowSeconds)
- {
- iSeconds = parseInt(sArrTimeComp[2]);
- iSeconds = oDTP._adjustSeconds(iSeconds);
- }
- if(iHour === 12 && $.cf._compare(sMeridiem, "AM"))
- iHour = 0;
- else if(iHour < 12 && $.cf._compare(sMeridiem, "PM"))
- iHour += 12;
- }
- else
- {
- iHour = sTime.getHours();
- iMinutes = sTime.getMinutes();
- if(bShowSeconds)
- {
- iSeconds = sTime.getSeconds();
- iSeconds = oDTP._adjustSeconds(iSeconds);
- }
- }
- }
- iMinutes = oDTP._adjustMinutes(iMinutes);
- dTempDate = new Date(iYear, iMonth, iDate, iHour, iMinutes, iSeconds, 0);
- return dTempDate;
- },
- _parseDateTime: function(sDateTime)
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- var dTempDate = (oDTP.settings.defaultDate ? new Date(oDTP.settings.defaultDate) : new Date()),
- iDate = dTempDate.getDate(),
- iMonth = dTempDate.getMonth(),
- iYear = dTempDate.getFullYear(),
- iHour = dTempDate.getHours(),
- iMinutes = dTempDate.getMinutes(),
- iSeconds = dTempDate.getSeconds(),
- sMeridiem = "",
- sArrDateTime, sArrDate, sTime, sArrTimeComp, sArrTime,
- bShowSeconds = oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[0] || // "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[1] || // ""dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss AA"
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[2] || // "MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[3] || // "MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss AA"
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[4] || // "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[5] || // "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss AA"
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[6] || // "dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[7]; // "dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss AA"
- iSeconds = bShowSeconds ? oDTP._adjustSeconds(iSeconds) : 0;
- if($.cf._isValid(sDateTime))
- {
- if(typeof sDateTime === "string")
- {
- sArrDateTime = sDateTime.split(oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator);
- sArrDate = sArrDateTime[0].split(oDTP.settings.dateSeparator);
- if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[0] || // "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[1] || // ""dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss AA"
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[8] || // "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm"
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[9]) // "dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm AA"
- {
- iDate = parseInt(sArrDate[0]);
- iMonth = parseInt(sArrDate[1] - 1);
- iYear = parseInt(sArrDate[2]);
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[2] || // "MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[3] || // "MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss AA"
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[10] || // "MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm"
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[11]) // "MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm AA"
- {
- iMonth = parseInt(sArrDate[0] - 1);
- iDate = parseInt(sArrDate[1]);
- iYear = parseInt(sArrDate[2]);
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[4] || // "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[5] || // "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss AA"
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[12] || // "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[13]) // "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm AA"
- {
- iYear = parseInt(sArrDate[0]);
- iMonth = parseInt(sArrDate[1] - 1);
- iDate = parseInt(sArrDate[2]);
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[6] || // "dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[7] || // "dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss AA"
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[14] || // "dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[15]) // "dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss AA"
- {
- iDate = parseInt(sArrDate[0]);
- iMonth = oDTP._getShortMonthIndex(sArrDate[1]);
- iYear = parseInt(sArrDate[2]);
- }
- sTime = sArrDateTime[1];
- if($.cf._isValid(sTime))
- {
- if(oDTP.oData.bIs12Hour)
- {
- if($.cf._compare(oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator, oDTP.settings.timeMeridiemSeparator) && (sArrDateTime.length === 3))
- sMeridiem = sArrDateTime[2];
- else
- {
- sArrTimeComp = sTime.split(oDTP.settings.timeMeridiemSeparator);
- sTime = sArrTimeComp[0];
- sMeridiem = sArrTimeComp[1];
- }
- if(!($.cf._compare(sMeridiem, "AM") || $.cf._compare(sMeridiem, "PM")))
- sMeridiem = "";
- }
- sArrTime = sTime.split(oDTP.settings.timeSeparator);
- iHour = parseInt(sArrTime[0]);
- iMinutes = parseInt(sArrTime[1]);
- if(bShowSeconds)
- {
- iSeconds = parseInt(sArrTime[2]);
- }
- if(iHour === 12 && $.cf._compare(sMeridiem, "AM"))
- iHour = 0;
- else if(iHour < 12 && $.cf._compare(sMeridiem, "PM"))
- iHour += 12;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- iDate = sDateTime.getDate();
- iMonth = sDateTime.getMonth();
- iYear = sDateTime.getFullYear();
- iHour = sDateTime.getHours();
- iMinutes = sDateTime.getMinutes();
- if(bShowSeconds)
- {
- iSeconds = sDateTime.getSeconds();
- iSeconds = oDTP._adjustSeconds(iSeconds);
- }
- }
- }
- iMinutes = oDTP._adjustMinutes(iMinutes);
- dTempDate = new Date(iYear, iMonth, iDate, iHour, iMinutes, iSeconds, 0);
- return dTempDate;
- },
- _getShortMonthIndex: function(sMonthName)
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- for(var iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < oDTP.settings.shortMonthNames.length; iTempIndex++)
- {
- if($.cf._compare(sMonthName, oDTP.settings.shortMonthNames[iTempIndex]))
- return iTempIndex;
- }
- },
- _getFullMonthIndex: function(sMonthName)
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- for(var iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < oDTP.settings.fullMonthNames.length; iTempIndex++)
- {
- if($.cf._compare(sMonthName, oDTP.settings.fullMonthNames[iTempIndex]))
- return iTempIndex;
- }
- },
- // Public Method
- getIs12Hour: function(sMode, sFormat)
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- var bIs12Hour = false,
- iArgsLength = Function.length;
- oDTP._setMatchFormat(iArgsLength, sMode, sFormat);
- if(oDTP.oData.bTimeMode)
- {
- bIs12Hour = oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[0] ||
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[2];
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.bDateTimeMode)
- {
- bIs12Hour = oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[1] ||
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[3] ||
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[5] ||
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[7] ||
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[9] ||
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[11] ||
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[13] ||
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[15];
- }
- oDTP._setMatchFormat(iArgsLength);
- return bIs12Hour;
- },
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- _setVariablesForDate: function(dInput, bIncludeTime, bSetMeridiem)
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- var dTemp, oDTV = {},
- bValidInput = $.cf._isValid(dInput);
- if(bValidInput)
- {
- dTemp = new Date(dInput);
- if(!$.cf._isValid(bIncludeTime))
- bIncludeTime = true;
- if(!$.cf._isValid(bSetMeridiem))
- bSetMeridiem = true;
- }
- else
- {
- if (Object.prototype.toString.call(oDTP.oData.dCurrentDate) === "[object Date]" && isFinite(oDTP.oData.dCurrentDate))
- dTemp = new Date(oDTP.oData.dCurrentDate);
- else
- dTemp = new Date();
- if(!$.cf._isValid(bIncludeTime))
- bIncludeTime = (oDTP.oData.bTimeMode || oDTP.oData.bDateTimeMode);
- if(!$.cf._isValid(bSetMeridiem))
- bSetMeridiem = oDTP.oData.bIs12Hour;
- }
- oDTV.iCurrentDay = dTemp.getDate();
- oDTV.iCurrentMonth = dTemp.getMonth();
- oDTV.iCurrentYear = dTemp.getFullYear();
- oDTV.iCurrentWeekday = dTemp.getDay();
- if(bIncludeTime)
- {
- oDTV.iCurrentHour = dTemp.getHours();
- oDTV.iCurrentMinutes = dTemp.getMinutes();
- oDTV.iCurrentSeconds = dTemp.getSeconds();
- if(bSetMeridiem)
- {
- oDTV.sCurrentMeridiem = oDTP._determineMeridiemFromHourAndMinutes(oDTV.iCurrentHour, oDTV.iCurrentMinutes);
- }
- }
- if(bValidInput)
- return oDTV;
- else
- oDTP.oData = $.extend(oDTP.oData, oDTV);
- },
- _getValuesFromInputBoxes: function()
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- if(oDTP.oData.bDateMode || oDTP.oData.bDateTimeMode)
- {
- var sMonth, iMonth;
- sMonth = $(oDTP.element).find(".month .dtpicker-compValue").val();
- if(sMonth.length > 1)
- sMonth = sMonth.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + sMonth.slice(1);
- iMonth = oDTP.settings.shortMonthNames.indexOf(sMonth);
- if(iMonth !== -1)
- {
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth = parseInt(iMonth);
- }
- else
- {
- if(sMonth.match("^[+|-]?[0-9]+$"))
- {
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth = parseInt(sMonth - 1);
- }
- }
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay = parseInt($(oDTP.element).find(".day .dtpicker-compValue").val()) || oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay;
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear = parseInt($(oDTP.element).find(".year .dtpicker-compValue").val()) || oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear;
- }
- if(oDTP.oData.bTimeMode || oDTP.oData.bDateTimeMode)
- {
- var iTempHour, iTempMinutes, iTempSeconds, sMeridiem;
- iTempHour = parseInt($(oDTP.element).find(".hour .dtpicker-compValue").val());
- iTempMinutes = oDTP._adjustMinutes(parseInt($(oDTP.element).find(".minutes .dtpicker-compValue").val()));
- iTempSeconds = oDTP._adjustMinutes(parseInt($(oDTP.element).find(".seconds .dtpicker-compValue").val()));
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour = isNaN(iTempHour) ? oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour : iTempHour;
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes = isNaN(iTempMinutes) ? oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes : iTempMinutes;
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds = isNaN(iTempSeconds) ? oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds : iTempSeconds;
- if(oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds > 59)
- {
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes += oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds / 60;
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds = oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds % 60;
- }
- if(oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes > 59)
- {
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour += oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes / 60;
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes = oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes % 60;
- }
- if(oDTP.oData.bIs12Hour)
- {
- if(oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour > 12)
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour = (oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour % 12);
- }
- else
- {
- if(oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour > 23)
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour = (oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour % 23);
- }
- if(oDTP.oData.bIs12Hour)
- {
- sMeridiem = $(oDTP.element).find(".meridiem .dtpicker-compValue").val();
- if($.cf._compare(sMeridiem, "AM") || $.cf._compare(sMeridiem, "PM"))
- oDTP.oData.sCurrentMeridiem = sMeridiem;
- if($.cf._compare(oDTP.oData.sCurrentMeridiem, "PM"))
- {
- if(oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour !== 12 && oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour < 13)
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour += 12;
- }
- if($.cf._compare(oDTP.oData.sCurrentMeridiem, "AM") && oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour === 12)
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour = 0;
- }
- }
- },
- _setCurrentDate: function()
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- if(oDTP.oData.bTimeMode || oDTP.oData.bDateTimeMode)
- {
- if(oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds > 59)
- {
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes += oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds / 60;
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds = oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds % 60;
- }
- else if(oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds < 0)
- {
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes -= oDTP.settings.minuteInterval;
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds += 60;
- }
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes = oDTP._adjustMinutes(oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes);
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds = oDTP._adjustSeconds(oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds);
- }
- var dTempDate = new Date(oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth, oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay, oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes, oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds, 0),
- bGTMaxDate = false, bLTMinDate = false,
- sFormat, oDate, oFormattedDate, oFormattedTime,
- sDate, sTime, sDateTime;
- if(oDTP.oData.dMaxValue !== null)
- bGTMaxDate = (dTempDate.getTime() > oDTP.oData.dMaxValue.getTime());
- if(oDTP.oData.dMinValue !== null)
- bLTMinDate = (dTempDate.getTime() < oDTP.oData.dMinValue.getTime());
- if(bGTMaxDate || bLTMinDate)
- {
- var bCDGTMaxDate = false, bCDLTMinDate = false;
- if(oDTP.oData.dMaxValue !== null)
- bCDGTMaxDate = (oDTP.oData.dCurrentDate.getTime() > oDTP.oData.dMaxValue.getTime());
- if(oDTP.oData.dMinValue !== null)
- bCDLTMinDate = (oDTP.oData.dCurrentDate.getTime() < oDTP.oData.dMinValue.getTime());
- if(!(bCDGTMaxDate || bCDLTMinDate))
- dTempDate = new Date(oDTP.oData.dCurrentDate);
- else
- {
- if(bCDGTMaxDate)
- {
- dTempDate = new Date(oDTP.oData.dMaxValue);
- console.log("Info : Date/Time/DateTime you entered is later than Maximum value, so DateTimePicker is showing Maximum value in Input Field.");
- }
- if(bCDLTMinDate)
- {
- dTempDate = new Date(oDTP.oData.dMinValue);
- console.log("Info : Date/Time/DateTime you entered is earlier than Minimum value, so DateTimePicker is showing Minimum value in Input Field.");
- }
- console.log("Please enter proper Date/Time/DateTime values.");
- }
- }
- oDTP.oData.dCurrentDate = new Date(dTempDate);
- oDTP._setVariablesForDate();
- oDate = {}; sDate = ""; sTime = ""; sDateTime = "";
- if(oDTP.oData.bDateMode || oDTP.oData.bDateTimeMode)
- {
- if(oDTP.oData.bDateMode && (oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[4] || oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[5] || oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[6]))
- oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay = 1;
- oFormattedDate = oDTP._formatDate();
- $(oDTP.element).find(".day .dtpicker-compValue").val(oFormattedDate.dd);
- if(oDTP.oData.bDateMode)
- {
- if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[4] || oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[7]) // "MM-yyyy"
- $(oDTP.element).find(".month .dtpicker-compValue").val(oFormattedDate.MM);
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[6]) // "MMMM yyyy"
- $(oDTP.element).find(".month .dtpicker-compValue").val(oFormattedDate.month);
- else
- $(oDTP.element).find(".month .dtpicker-compValue").val(oFormattedDate.monthShort);
- }
- else
- $(oDTP.element).find(".month .dtpicker-compValue").val(oFormattedDate.monthShort);
- $(oDTP.element).find(".year .dtpicker-compValue").val(oFormattedDate.yyyy);
- if(oDTP.settings.formatHumanDate)
- {
- oDate = $.extend(oDate, oFormattedDate);
- }
- else
- {
- if(oDTP.oData.bDateMode && (oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[4] || oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[5] || oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[6] || oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[7]))
- {
- if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[4])
- sDate = oFormattedDate.MM + oDTP.settings.monthYearSeparator + oFormattedDate.yyyy;
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[5])
- sDate = oFormattedDate.monthShort + oDTP.settings.monthYearSeparator + oFormattedDate.yyyy;
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[6])
- sDate = oFormattedDate.month + oDTP.settings.monthYearSeparator + oFormattedDate.yyyy;
- else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[7])
- sDate = oFormattedDate.yyyy + oDTP.settings.monthYearSeparator + oFormattedDate.MM;
- }
- else
- sDate = oFormattedDate.dayShort + ", " + oFormattedDate.month + " " + oFormattedDate.dd + ", " + oFormattedDate.yyyy;
- }
- }
- if(oDTP.oData.bTimeMode || oDTP.oData.bDateTimeMode)
- {
- oFormattedTime = oDTP._formatTime();
- if(oDTP.oData.bIs12Hour)
- $(oDTP.element).find(".meridiem .dtpicker-compValue").val(oDTP.oData.sCurrentMeridiem);
- $(oDTP.element).find(".hour .dtpicker-compValue").val(oFormattedTime.hour);
- $(oDTP.element).find(".minutes .dtpicker-compValue").val(oFormattedTime.mm);
- $(oDTP.element).find(".seconds .dtpicker-compValue").val(oFormattedTime.ss);
- if(oDTP.settings.formatHumanDate)
- {
- oDate = $.extend(oDate, oFormattedTime);
- }
- else
- {
- var bShowSecondsTime = (oDTP.oData.bTimeMode && (
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[0] ||
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[1])),
- bShowSecondsDateTime = (oDTP.oData.bDateTimeMode &&
- (oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[0] ||
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[1] ||
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[2] ||
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[3] ||
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[4] ||
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[5] ||
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[6] ||
- oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[7]));
- if(bShowSecondsTime || bShowSecondsDateTime)
- sTime = oFormattedTime.hour + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + oFormattedTime.mm + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + oFormattedTime.ss;
- else
- sTime = oFormattedTime.hour + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + oFormattedTime.mm;
- if(oDTP.oData.bIs12Hour)
- sTime += oDTP.settings.timeMeridiemSeparator + oDTP.oData.sCurrentMeridiem;
- }
- }
- if(oDTP.settings.formatHumanDate)
- {
- if(oDTP.oData.bDateTimeMode)
- sFormat = oDTP.oData.sDateFormat;
- else if(oDTP.oData.bDateMode)
- sFormat = oDTP.oData.sTimeFormat;
- else if(oDTP.oData.bTimeMode)
- sFormat = oDTP.oData.sDateTimeFormat;
- sDateTime = oDTP.settings.formatHumanDate.call(oDTP, oDate, oDTP.settings.mode, sFormat);
- }
- else
- {
- if(oDTP.oData.bDateTimeMode)
- sDateTime = sDate + oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator + sTime;
- else if(oDTP.oData.bDateMode)
- sDateTime = sDate;
- else if(oDTP.oData.bTimeMode)
- sDateTime = sTime;
- }
- $(oDTP.element).find(".dtpicker-value").html(sDateTime);
- oDTP._setButtons();
- },
- _formatDate: function(oDTVP)
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- var oDTV = {},
- sDay, sYear,
- iMonth, sMonth, sMonthShort, sMonthFull,
- iDayOfTheWeek, sDayOfTheWeek, sDayOfTheWeekFull;
- if($.cf._isValid(oDTVP))
- oDTV = $.extend({}, oDTVP);
- else
- {
- oDTV.iCurrentDay = oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay;
- oDTV.iCurrentMonth = oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth;
- oDTV.iCurrentYear = oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear;
- oDTV.iCurrentWeekday = oDTP.oData.iCurrentWeekday;
- }
- sDay = oDTV.iCurrentDay;
- sDay = (sDay < 10) ? ("0" + sDay) : sDay;
- iMonth = oDTV.iCurrentMonth;
- sMonth = oDTV.iCurrentMonth + 1;
- sMonth = (sMonth < 10) ? ("0" + sMonth) : sMonth;
- sMonthShort = oDTP.settings.shortMonthNames[iMonth];
- sMonthFull = oDTP.settings.fullMonthNames[iMonth];
- sYear = oDTV.iCurrentYear;
- iDayOfTheWeek = oDTV.iCurrentWeekday;
- sDayOfTheWeek = oDTP.settings.shortDayNames[iDayOfTheWeek];
- sDayOfTheWeekFull = oDTP.settings.fullDayNames[iDayOfTheWeek];
- return {
- "dd": sDay,
- "MM": sMonth,
- "monthShort": sMonthShort,
- "month": sMonthFull,
- "yyyy": sYear,
- "dayShort": sDayOfTheWeek,
- "day": sDayOfTheWeekFull
- };
- },
- _formatTime: function(oDTVP)
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- var oDTV = {},
- iHour24, sHour24, iHour12, sHour12, sHour,
- sMinutes, sSeconds;
- if($.cf._isValid(oDTVP))
- oDTV = $.extend({}, oDTVP);
- else
- {
- oDTV.iCurrentHour = oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour;
- oDTV.iCurrentMinutes = oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes;
- oDTV.iCurrentSeconds = oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds;
- oDTV.sCurrentMeridiem = oDTP.oData.sCurrentMeridiem;
- }
- iHour24 = oDTV.iCurrentHour;
- sHour24 = (iHour24 < 10) ? ("0" + iHour24) : iHour24;
- sHour = sHour24;
- iHour12 = oDTV.iCurrentHour;
- if(iHour12 > 12)
- iHour12 -= 12;
- if(sHour === "00")
- iHour12 = 12;
- sHour12 = (iHour12 < 10) ? ("0" + iHour12) : iHour12;
- if(oDTP.oData.bIs12Hour)
- sHour = sHour12;
- sMinutes = oDTV.iCurrentMinutes;
- sMinutes = (sMinutes < 10) ? ("0" + sMinutes) : sMinutes;
- sSeconds = oDTV.iCurrentSeconds;
- sSeconds = (sSeconds < 10) ? ("0" + sSeconds) : sSeconds;
- return {
- "H": iHour24,
- "HH": sHour24,
- "h": iHour12,
- "hh": sHour12,
- "hour": sHour,
- "m": oDTV.iCurrentMinutes,
- "mm": sMinutes,
- "s": oDTV.iCurrentSeconds,
- "ss": sSeconds,
- "ME": oDTV.sCurrentMeridiem
- };
- },
- _setButtons: function()
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- $(oDTP.element).find(".dtpicker-compButton").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable");
- var dTempDate;
- if(oDTP.oData.dMaxValue !== null)
- {
- if(oDTP.oData.bTimeMode)
- {
- // Decrement Hour
- if((oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour + 1) > oDTP.oData.dMaxValue.getHours() || ((oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour + 1) === oDTP.oData.dMaxValue.getHours() && oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes > oDTP.oData.dMaxValue.getMinutes()))
- $(oDTP.element).find(".hour .increment").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
- // Decrement Minutes
- if(oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour >= oDTP.oData.dMaxValue.getHours() && (oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes + 1) > oDTP.oData.dMaxValue.getMinutes())
- $(oDTP.element).find(".minutes .increment").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
- }
- else
- {
- // Increment Day
- dTempDate = new Date(oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth, (oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay + 1), oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes, oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds, 0);
- if(dTempDate.getTime() > oDTP.oData.dMaxValue.getTime())
- $(oDTP.element).find(".day .increment").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
- // Increment Month
- dTempDate = new Date(oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear, (oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth + 1), oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay, oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes, oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds, 0);
- if(dTempDate.getTime() > oDTP.oData.dMaxValue.getTime())
- $(oDTP.element).find(".month .increment").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
- // Increment Year
- dTempDate = new Date((oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear + 1), oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth, oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay, oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes, oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds, 0);
- if(dTempDate.getTime() > oDTP.oData.dMaxValue.getTime())
- $(oDTP.element).find(".year .increment").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
- // Increment Hour
- dTempDate = new Date(oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth, oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay, (oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour + 1), oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes, oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds, 0);
- if(dTempDate.getTime() > oDTP.oData.dMaxValue.getTime())
- $(oDTP.element).find(".hour .increment").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
- // Increment Minutes
- dTempDate = new Date(oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth, oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay, oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour, (oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes + 1), oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds, 0);
- if(dTempDate.getTime() > oDTP.oData.dMaxValue.getTime())
- $(oDTP.element).find(".minutes .increment").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
- // Increment Seconds
- dTempDate = new Date(oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth, oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay, oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes, (oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds + 1), 0);
- if(dTempDate.getTime() > oDTP.oData.dMaxValue.getTime())
- $(oDTP.element).find(".seconds .increment").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
- }
- }
- if(oDTP.oData.dMinValue !== null)
- {
- if(oDTP.oData.bTimeMode)
- {
- // Decrement Hour
- if((oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour - 1) < oDTP.oData.dMinValue.getHours() || ((oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour - 1) === oDTP.oData.dMinValue.getHours() && oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes < oDTP.oData.dMinValue.getMinutes()))
- $(oDTP.element).find(".hour .decrement").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
- // Decrement Minutes
- if(oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour <= oDTP.oData.dMinValue.getHours() && (oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes - 1) < oDTP.oData.dMinValue.getMinutes())
- $(oDTP.element).find(".minutes .decrement").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
- }
- else
- {
- // Decrement Day
- dTempDate = new Date(oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth, (oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay - 1), oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes, oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds, 0);
- if(dTempDate.getTime() < oDTP.oData.dMinValue.getTime())
- $(oDTP.element).find(".day .decrement").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
- // Decrement Month
- dTempDate = new Date(oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear, (oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth - 1), oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay, oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes, oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds, 0);
- if(dTempDate.getTime() < oDTP.oData.dMinValue.getTime())
- $(oDTP.element).find(".month .decrement").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
- // Decrement Year
- dTempDate = new Date((oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear - 1), oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth, oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay, oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes, oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds, 0);
- if(dTempDate.getTime() < oDTP.oData.dMinValue.getTime())
- $(oDTP.element).find(".year .decrement").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
- // Decrement Hour
- dTempDate = new Date(oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth, oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay, (oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour - 1), oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes, oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds, 0);
- if(dTempDate.getTime() < oDTP.oData.dMinValue.getTime())
- $(oDTP.element).find(".hour .decrement").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
- // Decrement Minutes
- dTempDate = new Date(oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth, oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay, oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour, (oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes - 1), oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds, 0);
- if(dTempDate.getTime() < oDTP.oData.dMinValue.getTime())
- $(oDTP.element).find(".minutes .decrement").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
- // Decrement Seconds
- dTempDate = new Date(oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth, oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay, oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes, (oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds - 1), 0);
- if(dTempDate.getTime() < oDTP.oData.dMinValue.getTime())
- $(oDTP.element).find(".seconds .decrement").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
- }
- }
- if(oDTP.oData.bIs12Hour)
- {
- var iTempHour, iTempMinutes;
- if(oDTP.oData.dMaxValue !== null || oDTP.oData.dMinValue !== null)
- {
- iTempHour = oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour;
- if($.cf._compare(oDTP.oData.sCurrentMeridiem, "AM"))
- iTempHour += 12;
- else if($.cf._compare(oDTP.oData.sCurrentMeridiem, "PM"))
- iTempHour -= 12;
- dTempDate = new Date(oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth, oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay, iTempHour, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes, oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds, 0);
- if(oDTP.oData.dMaxValue !== null)
- {
- if(oDTP.oData.bTimeMode)
- {
- iTempMinutes = oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes;
- if(iTempHour > oDTP.oData.dMaxValue.getHours() || (iTempHour === oDTP.oData.dMaxValue.getHours() && iTempMinutes > oDTP.oData.dMaxValue.getMinutes()))
- $(oDTP.element).find(".meridiem .dtpicker-compButton").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
- }
- else
- {
- if(dTempDate.getTime() > oDTP.oData.dMaxValue.getTime())
- $(oDTP.element).find(".meridiem .dtpicker-compButton").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
- }
- }
- if(oDTP.oData.dMinValue !== null)
- {
- if(oDTP.oData.bTimeMode)
- {
- iTempMinutes = oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes;
- if(iTempHour < oDTP.oData.dMinValue.getHours() || (iTempHour === oDTP.oData.dMinValue.getHours() && iTempMinutes < oDTP.oData.dMinValue.getMinutes()))
- $(oDTP.element).find(".meridiem .dtpicker-compButton").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
- }
- else
- {
- if(dTempDate.getTime() < oDTP.oData.dMinValue.getTime())
- $(oDTP.element).find(".meridiem .dtpicker-compButton").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- // Public Method
- setIsPopup: function(bIsPopup)
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- if(!oDTP.settings.isInline)
- {
- oDTP.settings.isPopup = bIsPopup;
- if($(oDTP.element).css("display") !== "none")
- oDTP._hidePicker(0);
- if(oDTP.settings.isPopup)
- {
- $(oDTP.element).addClass("dtpicker-mobile");
- $(oDTP.element).css({position: "fixed", top: 0, left: 0, width: "100%", height: "100%"});
- }
- else
- {
- $(oDTP.element).removeClass("dtpicker-mobile");
- if(oDTP.oData.oInputElement !== null)
- {
- var iElemTop = $(oDTP.oData.oInputElement).offset().top + $(oDTP.oData.oInputElement).outerHeight(),
- iElemLeft = $(oDTP.oData.oInputElement).offset().left,
- iElemWidth = $(oDTP.oData.oInputElement).outerWidth();
- $(oDTP.element).css({position: "absolute", top: iElemTop, left: iElemLeft, width: iElemWidth, height: "auto"});
- }
- }
- }
- },
- _compareDates: function(dDate1, dDate2)
- {
- dDate1 = new Date(dDate1.getDate(), dDate1.getMonth(), dDate1.getFullYear(), 0, 0, 0, 0);
- var iDateDiff = (dDate1.getTime() - dDate2.getTime()) / 864E5;
- return (iDateDiff === 0) ? iDateDiff: (iDateDiff/Math.abs(iDateDiff));
- },
- _compareTime: function(dTime1, dTime2)
- {
- var iTimeMatch = 0;
- if((dTime1.getHours() === dTime2.getHours()) && (dTime1.getMinutes() === dTime2.getMinutes()))
- iTimeMatch = 1; // 1 = Exact Match
- else
- {
- if(dTime1.getHours() < dTime2.getHours())
- iTimeMatch = 2; // time1 < time2
- else if(dTime1.getHours() > dTime2.getHours())
- iTimeMatch = 3; // time1 > time2
- else if(dTime1.getHours() === dTime2.getHours())
- {
- if(dTime1.getMinutes() < dTime2.getMinutes())
- iTimeMatch = 2; // time1 < time2
- else if(dTime1.getMinutes() > dTime2.getMinutes())
- iTimeMatch = 3; // time1 > time2
- }
- }
- return iTimeMatch;
- },
- _compareDateTime: function(dDate1, dDate2)
- {
- var iDateTimeDiff = (dDate1.getTime() - dDate2.getTime()) / 6E4;
- return (iDateTimeDiff === 0) ? iDateTimeDiff: (iDateTimeDiff/Math.abs(iDateTimeDiff));
- },
- _determineMeridiemFromHourAndMinutes: function(iHour, iMinutes)
- {
- if(iHour > 12 || (iHour === 12 && iMinutes >= 0))
- {
- return "PM";
- }
- else
- {
- return "AM";
- }
- },
- // Public Method
- setLanguage: function(sLanguage)
- {
- var oDTP = this;
- oDTP.settings = $.extend({}, $.DateTimePicker.defaults, $.DateTimePicker.i18n[sLanguage], oDTP.options);
- oDTP.settings.language = sLanguage;
- oDTP._setDateFormatArray(); // Set DateFormatArray
- oDTP._setTimeFormatArray(); // Set TimeFormatArray
- oDTP._setDateTimeFormatArray(); // Set DateTimeFormatArray
- return oDTP;
- }
- };
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ jQuery DateTimePicker - Responsive flat design jQuery DateTime Picker plugin for Web & Mobile
+ Version 0.1.38
+ Copyright (c)2014-2019 Lajpat Shah
+ Contributors : https://github.com/nehakadam/DateTimePicker/contributors
+ Repository : https://github.com/nehakadam/DateTimePicker
+ Documentation : https://nehakadam.github.io/DateTimePicker
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Support Object.keys in IE8 */
+ Object.keys = function(obj)
+ {
+ var keys = [];
+ for (var i in obj)
+ {
+ if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i))
+ {
+ keys.push(i);
+ }
+ }
+ return keys;
+ };
+$.DateTimePicker = $.DateTimePicker || {
+ name: "DateTimePicker",
+ i18n: {}, // Internationalization Objects
+ defaults: //Plugin Defaults
+ {
+ mode: "date",
+ defaultDate: null,
+ dateSeparator: "-",
+ timeSeparator: ":",
+ timeMeridiemSeparator: " ",
+ dateTimeSeparator: " ",
+ monthYearSeparator: " ",
+ dateTimeFormat: "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm",
+ dateFormat: "dd-MM-yyyy",
+ timeFormat: "HH:mm",
+ maxDate: null,
+ minDate: null,
+ maxTime: null,
+ minTime: null,
+ maxDateTime: null,
+ minDateTime: null,
+ shortDayNames: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"],
+ fullDayNames: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"],
+ shortMonthNames: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"],
+ fullMonthNames: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"],
+ labels: null, /*{"year": "Year", "month": "Month", "day": "Day", "hour": "Hour", "minutes": "Minutes", "seconds": "Seconds", "meridiem": "Meridiem"}*/
+ minuteInterval: 1,
+ roundOffMinutes: true,
+ secondsInterval: 1,
+ roundOffSeconds: true,
+ showHeader: true,
+ titleContentDate: "Set Date",
+ titleContentTime: "Set Time",
+ titleContentDateTime: "Set Date & Time",
+ buttonsToDisplay: ["HeaderCloseButton", "SetButton", "ClearButton"],
+ setButtonContent: "Set",
+ clearButtonContent: "Clear",
+ incrementButtonContent: "+",
+ decrementButtonContent: "-",
+ setValueInTextboxOnEveryClick: false,
+ readonlyInputs: false,
+ animationDuration: 400,
+ touchHoldInterval: 300, // in Milliseconds
+ captureTouchHold: false, // capture Touch Hold Event
+ mouseHoldInterval: 50, // in Milliseconds
+ captureMouseHold: false, // capture Mouse Hold Event
+ isPopup: true,
+ parentElement: "body",
+ isInline: false,
+ inputElement: null,
+ language: "",
+ init: null, // init(oDateTimePicker)
+ addEventHandlers: null, // addEventHandlers(oDateTimePicker)
+ beforeShow: null, // beforeShow(oInputElement)
+ afterShow: null, // afterShow(oInputElement)
+ beforeHide: null, // beforeHide(oInputElement)
+ afterHide: null, // afterHide(oInputElement)
+ buttonClicked: null, // buttonClicked(sButtonType, oInputElement) where sButtonType = "SET"|"CLEAR"|"CANCEL"|"TAB"
+ settingValueOfElement: null, // settingValueOfElement(sValue, dDateTime, oInputElement)
+ formatHumanDate: null, // formatHumanDate(oDateTime, sMode, sFormat)
+ parseDateTimeString: null, // parseDateTimeString(sDateTime, sMode, sFormat, oInputField)
+ formatDateTimeString: null // formatDateTimeString(oDateTime, sMode, sFormat, oInputField)
+ },
+ dataObject: // Temporary Variables For Calculation Specific to DateTimePicker Instance
+ {
+ dCurrentDate: new Date(),
+ iCurrentDay: 0,
+ iCurrentMonth: 0,
+ iCurrentYear: 0,
+ iCurrentHour: 0,
+ iCurrentMinutes: 0,
+ iCurrentSeconds: 0,
+ sCurrentMeridiem: "",
+ iMaxNumberOfDays: 0,
+ sDateFormat: "",
+ sTimeFormat: "",
+ sDateTimeFormat: "",
+ dMinValue: null,
+ dMaxValue: null,
+ sArrInputDateFormats: [],
+ sArrInputTimeFormats: [],
+ sArrInputDateTimeFormats: [],
+ bArrMatchFormat: [],
+ bDateMode: false,
+ bTimeMode: false,
+ bDateTimeMode: false,
+ oInputElement: null,
+ iTabIndex: 0,
+ bElemFocused: false,
+ bIs12Hour: false,
+ sTouchButton: null,
+ iTouchStart: null,
+ oTimeInterval: null,
+ bIsTouchDevice: "ontouchstart" in document.documentElement
+ }
+$.cf = {
+ _isValid: function(sValue)
+ {
+ return (sValue !== undefined && sValue !== null && sValue !== "");
+ },
+ _compare: function(sString1, sString2)
+ {
+ var bString1 = (sString1 !== undefined && sString1 !== null),
+ bString2 = (sString2 !== undefined && sString2 !== null);
+ if(bString1 && bString2)
+ {
+ if(sString1.toLowerCase() === sString2.toLowerCase())
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+(function (factory)
+ if(typeof define === "function" && define.amd)
+ {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define(["jquery"], factory);
+ }
+ else if(typeof exports === "object")
+ {
+ // Node/CommonJS
+ module.exports = factory(require("jquery"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Browser globals
+ factory(jQuery);
+ }
+}(function ($)
+ "use strict";
+ function DateTimePicker(element, options)
+ {
+ this.element = element;
+ var sLanguage = "";
+ sLanguage = ($.cf._isValid(options) && $.cf._isValid(options.language)) ? options.language : $.DateTimePicker.defaults.language;
+ this.settings = $.extend({}, $.DateTimePicker.defaults, $.DateTimePicker.i18n[sLanguage], options);
+ this.options = options;
+ this.oData = $.extend({}, $.DateTimePicker.dataObject);
+ this._defaults = $.DateTimePicker.defaults;
+ this._name = $.DateTimePicker.name;
+ this.init();
+ }
+ $.fn.DateTimePicker = function (options)
+ {
+ var oDTP = $(this).data(),
+ sArrDataKeys = oDTP ? Object.keys(oDTP) : [],
+ iKey, sKey;
+ if(typeof options === "string")
+ {
+ if($.cf._isValid(oDTP))
+ {
+ if(options === "destroy")
+ {
+ if(sArrDataKeys.length > 0)
+ {
+ for(iKey in sArrDataKeys)
+ {
+ sKey = sArrDataKeys[iKey];
+ if(sKey.search("plugin_DateTimePicker") !== -1)
+ {
+ $(document).unbind("click.DateTimePicker keydown.DateTimePicker keyup.DateTimePicker");
+ $(this).children().remove();
+ $(this).removeData();
+ $(this).unbind();
+ $(this).removeClass("dtpicker-overlay dtpicker-mobile dtpicker-inline");
+ oDTP = oDTP[sKey];
+ console.log("Destroyed DateTimePicker Object");
+ console.log(oDTP);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ console.log("No DateTimePicker Object Defined For This Element");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(options === "object")
+ {
+ if(sArrDataKeys.length > 0)
+ {
+ for(iKey in sArrDataKeys)
+ {
+ sKey = sArrDataKeys[iKey];
+ if(sKey.search("plugin_DateTimePicker") !== -1)
+ {
+ return oDTP[sKey];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ console.log("No DateTimePicker Object Defined For This Element");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return this.each(function()
+ {
+ $.removeData(this, "plugin_DateTimePicker");
+ if(!$.data(this, "plugin_DateTimePicker"))
+ $.data(this, "plugin_DateTimePicker", new DateTimePicker(this, options));
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ DateTimePicker.prototype = {
+ // Public Method
+ init: function ()
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ oDTP._setDateFormatArray(); // Set DateFormatArray
+ oDTP._setTimeFormatArray(); // Set TimeFormatArray
+ oDTP._setDateTimeFormatArray(); // Set DateTimeFormatArray
+ console.log($(oDTP.element).data('parentelement') + " " + $(oDTP.element).attr('data-parentelement'));
+ if($(oDTP.element).data('parentelement') !== undefined)
+ {
+ oDTP.settings.parentElement = $(oDTP.element).data('parentelement');
+ }
+ if(oDTP.settings.isPopup && !oDTP.settings.isInline)
+ {
+ oDTP._createPicker();
+ $(oDTP.element).addClass("dtpicker-mobile");
+ }
+ if(oDTP.settings.isInline)
+ {
+ oDTP._createPicker();
+ oDTP._showPicker(oDTP.settings.inputElement);
+ }
+ if(oDTP.settings.init)
+ oDTP.settings.init.call(oDTP);
+ oDTP._addEventHandlersForInput();
+ },
+ _setDateFormatArray: function()
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateFormats = [];
+ var sDate = "";
+ // 0 - "dd-MM-yyyy"
+ sDate = "dd" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "MM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "yyyy";
+ oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateFormats.push(sDate);
+ // 1 - "MM-dd-yyyy"
+ sDate = "MM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "dd" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "yyyy";
+ oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateFormats.push(sDate);
+ // 2 - "yyyy-MM-dd"
+ sDate = "yyyy" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "MM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "dd";
+ oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateFormats.push(sDate);
+ // 3 - "dd-MMM-yyyy"
+ sDate = "dd" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "MMM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "yyyy";
+ oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateFormats.push(sDate);
+ // 4 - "MM yyyy"
+ sDate = "MM" + oDTP.settings.monthYearSeparator + "yyyy";
+ oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateFormats.push(sDate);
+ // 5 - "MMM yyyy"
+ sDate = "MMM" + oDTP.settings.monthYearSeparator + "yyyy";
+ oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateFormats.push(sDate);
+ // 6 - "MMM yyyy"
+ sDate = "MMMM" + oDTP.settings.monthYearSeparator + "yyyy";
+ oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateFormats.push(sDate);
+ // 7 - "yyyy MM"
+ sDate = "yyyy" + oDTP.settings.monthYearSeparator + "MM";
+ oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateFormats.push(sDate);
+ },
+ _setTimeFormatArray: function()
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ oDTP.oData.sArrInputTimeFormats = [];
+ var sTime = "";
+ // 0 - "hh:mm:ss AA"
+ sTime = "hh" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "ss" + oDTP.settings.timeMeridiemSeparator + "AA";
+ oDTP.oData.sArrInputTimeFormats.push(sTime);
+ // 1 - "HH:mm:ss"
+ sTime = "HH" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "ss";
+ oDTP.oData.sArrInputTimeFormats.push(sTime);
+ // 2 - "hh:mm AA"
+ sTime = "hh" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm" + oDTP.settings.timeMeridiemSeparator + "AA";
+ oDTP.oData.sArrInputTimeFormats.push(sTime);
+ // 3 - "HH:mm"
+ sTime = "HH" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm";
+ oDTP.oData.sArrInputTimeFormats.push(sTime);
+ },
+ _setDateTimeFormatArray: function()
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateTimeFormats = [];
+ var sDate = "", sTime = "", sDateTime = "";
+ // 0 - "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
+ sDate = "dd" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "MM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "yyyy";
+ sTime = "HH" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "ss";
+ sDateTime = sDate + oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator + sTime;
+ oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateTimeFormats.push(sDateTime);
+ // 1 - "dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss AA"
+ sDate = "dd" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "MM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "yyyy";
+ sTime = "hh" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "ss" + oDTP.settings.timeMeridiemSeparator + "AA";
+ sDateTime = sDate + oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator + sTime;
+ oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateTimeFormats.push(sDateTime);
+ // 2 - "MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
+ sDate = "MM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "dd" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "yyyy";
+ sTime = "HH" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "ss";
+ sDateTime = sDate + oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator + sTime;
+ oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateTimeFormats.push(sDateTime);
+ // 3 - "MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss AA"
+ sDate = "MM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "dd" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "yyyy";
+ sTime = "hh" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "ss" + oDTP.settings.timeMeridiemSeparator + "AA";
+ sDateTime = sDate + oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator + sTime;
+ oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateTimeFormats.push(sDateTime);
+ // 4 - "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
+ sDate = "yyyy" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "MM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "dd";
+ sTime = "HH" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "ss";
+ sDateTime = sDate + oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator + sTime;
+ oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateTimeFormats.push(sDateTime);
+ // 5 - "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss AA"
+ sDate = "yyyy" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "MM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "dd";
+ sTime = "hh" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "ss" + oDTP.settings.timeMeridiemSeparator + "AA";
+ sDateTime = sDate + oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator + sTime;
+ oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateTimeFormats.push(sDateTime);
+ // 6 - "dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss"
+ sDate = "dd" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "MMM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "yyyy";
+ sTime = "hh" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "ss";
+ sDateTime = sDate + oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator + sTime;
+ oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateTimeFormats.push(sDateTime);
+ // 7 - "dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss AA"
+ sDate = "dd" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "MMM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "yyyy";
+ sTime = "hh" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "ss" + oDTP.settings.timeMeridiemSeparator + "AA";
+ sDateTime = sDate + oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator + sTime;
+ oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateTimeFormats.push(sDateTime);
+ //--------------
+ // 8 - "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm"
+ sDate = "dd" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "MM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "yyyy";
+ sTime = "HH" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm";
+ sDateTime = sDate + oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator + sTime;
+ oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateTimeFormats.push(sDateTime);
+ // 9 - "dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm AA"
+ sDate = "dd" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "MM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "yyyy";
+ sTime = "hh" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm" + oDTP.settings.timeMeridiemSeparator + "AA";
+ sDateTime = sDate + oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator + sTime;
+ oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateTimeFormats.push(sDateTime);
+ // 10 - "MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm"
+ sDate = "MM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "dd" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "yyyy";
+ sTime = "HH" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm";
+ sDateTime = sDate + oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator + sTime;
+ oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateTimeFormats.push(sDateTime);
+ // 11 - "MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm AA"
+ sDate = "MM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "dd" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "yyyy";
+ sTime = "hh" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm" + oDTP.settings.timeMeridiemSeparator + "AA";
+ sDateTime = sDate + oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator + sTime;
+ oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateTimeFormats.push(sDateTime);
+ // 12 - "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"
+ sDate = "yyyy" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "MM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "dd";
+ sTime = "HH" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm";
+ sDateTime = sDate + oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator + sTime;
+ oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateTimeFormats.push(sDateTime);
+ // 13 - "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm AA"
+ sDate = "yyyy" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "MM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "dd";
+ sTime = "hh" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm" + oDTP.settings.timeMeridiemSeparator + "AA";
+ sDateTime = sDate + oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator + sTime;
+ oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateTimeFormats.push(sDateTime);
+ // 14 - "dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm"
+ sDate = "dd" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "MMM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "yyyy";
+ sTime = "hh" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm";
+ sDateTime = sDate + oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator + sTime;
+ oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateTimeFormats.push(sDateTime);
+ // 15 - "dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm AA"
+ sDate = "dd" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "MMM" + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + "yyyy";
+ sTime = "hh" + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + "mm" + oDTP.settings.timeMeridiemSeparator + "AA";
+ sDateTime = sDate + oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator + sTime;
+ oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateTimeFormats.push(sDateTime);
+ },
+ _matchFormat: function(sMode, sFormat)
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat = [];
+ oDTP.oData.bDateMode = false;
+ oDTP.oData.bTimeMode = false;
+ oDTP.oData.bDateTimeMode = false;
+ var oArrInput = [], iTempIndex;
+ sMode = $.cf._isValid(sMode) ? sMode : oDTP.settings.mode;
+ if($.cf._compare(sMode, "date"))
+ {
+ sFormat = $.cf._isValid(sFormat) ? sFormat : oDTP.oData.sDateFormat;
+ oDTP.oData.bDateMode = true;
+ oArrInput = oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateFormats;
+ }
+ else if($.cf._compare(sMode, "time"))
+ {
+ sFormat = $.cf._isValid(sFormat) ? sFormat : oDTP.oData.sTimeFormat;
+ oDTP.oData.bTimeMode = true;
+ oArrInput = oDTP.oData.sArrInputTimeFormats;
+ }
+ else if($.cf._compare(sMode, "datetime"))
+ {
+ sFormat = $.cf._isValid(sFormat) ? sFormat : oDTP.oData.sDateTimeFormat;
+ oDTP.oData.bDateTimeMode = true;
+ oArrInput = oDTP.oData.sArrInputDateTimeFormats;
+ }
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < oArrInput.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat.push(
+ $.cf._compare(sFormat, oArrInput[iTempIndex])
+ );
+ }
+ },
+ _setMatchFormat: function(iArgsLength, sMode, sFormat)
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ if(iArgsLength > 0)
+ oDTP._matchFormat(sMode, sFormat);
+ },
+ _createPicker: function()
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ if(oDTP.settings.isInline)
+ {
+ $(oDTP.element).addClass("dtpicker-inline");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $(oDTP.element).addClass("dtpicker-overlay");
+ $(".dtpicker-overlay").click(function(e)
+ {
+ oDTP._hidePicker("");
+ });
+ }
+ var sTempStr = "";
+ sTempStr += "";
+ sTempStr += "
+ sTempStr += "
+ sTempStr += "
+ sTempStr += "
+ sTempStr += "
+ sTempStr += "
+ sTempStr += "
+ $(oDTP.element).html(sTempStr);
+ },
+ _addEventHandlersForInput: function()
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ if(!oDTP.settings.isInline)
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.oInputElement = null;
+ $(oDTP.settings.parentElement).find("input[type='date'], input[type='time'], input[type='datetime']").each(function()
+ {
+ $(this).attr("data-field", $(this).attr("type"));
+ $(this).attr("type", "text");
+ });
+ var sel = "[data-field='date'], [data-field='time'], [data-field='datetime']";
+ $(oDTP.settings.parentElement).off("focus", sel, oDTP._inputFieldFocus)
+ .on ("focus", sel, {"obj": oDTP}, oDTP._inputFieldFocus)
+ $(oDTP.settings.parentElement).off("click", sel, oDTP._inputFieldClick)
+ .on ("click", sel, {"obj": oDTP}, oDTP._inputFieldClick);
+ }
+ if(oDTP.settings.addEventHandlers)
+ oDTP.settings.addEventHandlers.call(oDTP);
+ },
+ _inputFieldFocus: function(e)
+ {
+ var oDTP = e.data.obj;
+ oDTP.showDateTimePicker(this);
+ oDTP.oData.bMouseDown = false;
+ },
+ _inputFieldClick: function(e)
+ {
+ var oDTP = e.data.obj;
+ if(!$.cf._compare($(this).prop("tagName"), "input"))
+ {
+ oDTP.showDateTimePicker(this);
+ }
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ getDateObjectForInputField: function(oInputField)
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ if($.cf._isValid(oInputField))
+ {
+ var sDateTime = oDTP._getValueOfElement(oInputField),
+ sMode = $(oInputField).data("field"),
+ sFormat = "",
+ dInput;
+ if(!$.cf._isValid(sMode))
+ sMode = oDTP.settings.mode;
+ if(! oDTP.settings.formatDateTimeString)
+ {
+ sFormat = $(oInputField).data("format");
+ if(!$.cf._isValid(sFormat))
+ {
+ if($.cf._compare(sMode, "date"))
+ sFormat = oDTP.settings.dateFormat;
+ else if($.cf._compare(sMode, "time"))
+ sFormat = oDTP.settings.timeFormat;
+ else if($.cf._compare(sMode, "datetime"))
+ sFormat = oDTP.settings.dateTimeFormat;
+ }
+ oDTP._matchFormat(sMode, sFormat);
+ if($.cf._compare(sMode, "date"))
+ dInput = oDTP._parseDate(sDateTime);
+ else if($.cf._compare(sMode, "time"))
+ dInput = oDTP._parseTime(sDateTime);
+ else if($.cf._compare(sMode, "datetime"))
+ dInput = oDTP._parseDateTime(sDateTime);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dInput = oDTP.settings.parseDateTimeString.call(oDTP, sDateTime, sMode, sFormat, $(oInputField));
+ }
+ return dInput;
+ }
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ setDateTimeStringInInputField: function(oInputField, dInput)
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ dInput = dInput || oDTP.oData.dCurrentDate;
+ var oArrElements;
+ if($.cf._isValid(oInputField))
+ {
+ oArrElements = [];
+ if(typeof oInputField === "string")
+ oArrElements.push(oInputField);
+ else if(typeof oInputField === "object")
+ oArrElements = oInputField;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if($.cf._isValid(oDTP.settings.parentElement))
+ {
+ oArrElements = $(oDTP.settings.parentElement).find("[data-field='date'], [data-field='time'], [data-field='datetime']");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ oArrElements = $("[data-field='date'], [data-field='time'], [data-field='datetime']");
+ }
+ }
+ oArrElements.each(function()
+ {
+ var oElement = this,
+ sMode, sFormat, bIs12Hour, sOutput;
+ sMode = $(oElement).data("field");
+ if(!$.cf._isValid(sMode))
+ sMode = oDTP.settings.mode;
+ sFormat = "Custom";
+ bIs12Hour = false;
+ if(! oDTP.settings.formatDateTimeString)
+ {
+ sFormat = $(oElement).data("format");
+ if(!$.cf._isValid(sFormat))
+ {
+ if($.cf._compare(sMode, "date"))
+ sFormat = oDTP.settings.dateFormat;
+ else if($.cf._compare(sMode, "time"))
+ sFormat = oDTP.settings.timeFormat;
+ else if($.cf._compare(sMode, "datetime"))
+ sFormat = oDTP.settings.dateTimeFormat;
+ }
+ bIs12Hour = oDTP.getIs12Hour(sMode, sFormat);
+ }
+ sOutput = oDTP._setOutput(sMode, sFormat, bIs12Hour, dInput, oElement);
+ oDTP._setValueOfElement(sOutput, $(oElement));
+ });
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ getDateTimeStringInFormat: function(sMode, sFormat, dInput)
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ return oDTP._setOutput(sMode, sFormat, oDTP.getIs12Hour(sMode, sFormat), dInput);
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ showDateTimePicker: function(oElement)
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ if(oDTP.oData.oInputElement !== null)
+ {
+ if(!oDTP.settings.isInline)
+ oDTP._hidePicker(0, oElement);
+ }
+ else
+ oDTP._showPicker(oElement);
+ },
+ _setButtonAction: function(bFromTab)
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ if(oDTP.oData.oInputElement !== null)
+ {
+ oDTP._setValueOfElement(oDTP._setOutput());
+ if(bFromTab)
+ {
+ if(oDTP.settings.buttonClicked)
+ oDTP.settings.buttonClicked.call(oDTP, "TAB", oDTP.oData.oInputElement);
+ if(!oDTP.settings.isInline)
+ oDTP._hidePicker(0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(!oDTP.settings.isInline)
+ oDTP._hidePicker("");
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _setOutput: function(sMode, sFormat, bIs12Hour, dCurrentDate, oElement)
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ dCurrentDate = $.cf._isValid(dCurrentDate) ? dCurrentDate : oDTP.oData.dCurrentDate;
+ bIs12Hour = bIs12Hour || oDTP.oData.bIs12Hour;
+ var oDTV = oDTP._setVariablesForDate(dCurrentDate, true, true);
+ var sOutput = "",
+ oFDate = oDTP._formatDate(oDTV),
+ oFTime = oDTP._formatTime(oDTV),
+ oFDT = $.extend({}, oFDate, oFTime),
+ sDateStr = "", sTimeStr = "",
+ iArgsLength = Function.length,
+ bAddSeconds;
+ if(oDTP.settings.formatDateTimeString)
+ {
+ sOutput = oDTP.settings.formatDateTimeString.call(oDTP, oFDT, sMode, sFormat, oElement);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Set bDate, bTime, bDateTime & bArrMatchFormat based on arguments of this function
+ oDTP._setMatchFormat(iArgsLength, sMode, sFormat);
+ if(oDTP.oData.bDateMode)
+ {
+ if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[0])
+ {
+ sOutput = oFDT.dd + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + oFDT.MM + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + oFDT.yyyy;
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[1])
+ {
+ sOutput = oFDT.MM + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + oFDT.dd + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + oFDT.yyyy;
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[2])
+ {
+ sOutput = oFDT.yyyy + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + oFDT.MM + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + oFDT.dd;
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[3])
+ {
+ sOutput = oFDT.dd + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + oFDT.monthShort + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + oFDT.yyyy;
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[4])
+ {
+ sOutput = oFDT.MM + oDTP.settings.monthYearSeparator + oFDT.yyyy;
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[5])
+ {
+ sOutput = oFDT.monthShort + oDTP.settings.monthYearSeparator + oFDT.yyyy;
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[6])
+ {
+ sOutput = oFDT.month + oDTP.settings.monthYearSeparator + oFDT.yyyy;
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[7])
+ {
+ sOutput = oFDT.yyyy + oDTP.settings.monthYearSeparator + oFDT.MM;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bTimeMode)
+ {
+ if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[0])
+ {
+ sOutput = oFDT.hh + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + oFDT.mm + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + oFDT.ss + oDTP.settings.timeMeridiemSeparator + oFDT.ME;
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[1])
+ {
+ sOutput = oFDT.HH + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + oFDT.mm + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + oFDT.ss;
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[2])
+ {
+ sOutput = oFDT.hh + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + oFDT.mm + oDTP.settings.timeMeridiemSeparator + oFDT.ME;
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[3])
+ {
+ sOutput = oFDT.HH + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + oFDT.mm;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bDateTimeMode)
+ {
+ // Date Part - "dd-MM-yyyy"
+ if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[0] ||
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[1] ||
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[8] ||
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[9])
+ {
+ sDateStr = oFDT.dd + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + oFDT.MM + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + oFDT.yyyy;
+ }
+ // Date Part - "MM-dd-yyyy"
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[2] ||
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[3] ||
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[10] ||
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[11])
+ {
+ sDateStr = oFDT.MM + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + oFDT.dd + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + oFDT.yyyy;
+ }
+ // Date Part - "yyyy-MM-dd"
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[4] ||
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[5] ||
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[12] ||
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[13])
+ {
+ sDateStr = oFDT.yyyy + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + oFDT.MM + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + oFDT.dd;
+ }
+ // Date Part - "dd-MMM-yyyy"
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[6] ||
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[7] ||
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[14] ||
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[15])
+ {
+ sDateStr = oFDT.dd + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + oFDT.monthShort + oDTP.settings.dateSeparator + oFDT.yyyy;
+ }
+ bAddSeconds = oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[0] ||
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[1] ||
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[2] ||
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[3] ||
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[4] ||
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[5] ||
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[6] ||
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[7];
+ if(bIs12Hour)
+ {
+ if(bAddSeconds)
+ {
+ sTimeStr = oFDT.hh + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + oFDT.mm + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + oFDT.ss + oDTP.settings.timeMeridiemSeparator + oFDT.ME;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sTimeStr = oFDT.hh + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + oFDT.mm + oDTP.settings.timeMeridiemSeparator + oFDT.ME;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(bAddSeconds)
+ {
+ sTimeStr = oFDT.HH + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + oFDT.mm + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + oFDT.ss;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sTimeStr = oFDT.HH + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + oFDT.mm;
+ }
+ }
+ if(sDateStr !== "" && sTimeStr !== "")
+ sOutput = sDateStr + oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator + sTimeStr;
+ }
+ // Reset bDate, bTime, bDateTime & bArrMatchFormat to original values
+ oDTP._setMatchFormat(iArgsLength);
+ }
+ return sOutput;
+ },
+ _clearButtonAction: function()
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ if(oDTP.oData.oInputElement !== null)
+ {
+ oDTP._setValueOfElement("");
+ }
+ if(!oDTP.settings.isInline)
+ oDTP._hidePicker("");
+ },
+ _setOutputOnIncrementOrDecrement: function()
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ if($.cf._isValid(oDTP.oData.oInputElement) && oDTP.settings.setValueInTextboxOnEveryClick)
+ {
+ oDTP._setValueOfElement(oDTP._setOutput());
+ }
+ },
+ _showPicker: function(oElement)
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ if(oDTP.oData.oInputElement === null)
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.oInputElement = oElement;
+ oDTP.oData.iTabIndex = parseInt($(oElement).attr("tabIndex"));
+ var sMode = $(oElement).data("field") || "",
+ sMinValue = $(oElement).data("min") || "",
+ sMaxValue = $(oElement).data("max") || "",
+ sFormat = $(oElement).data("format") || "",
+ sView = $(oElement).data("view") || "",
+ sStartEnd = $(oElement).data("startend") || "",
+ sStartEndElem = $(oElement).data("startendelem") || "",
+ sCurrent = oDTP._getValueOfElement(oElement) || "";
+ if(sView !== "")
+ {
+ if($.cf._compare(sView, "Popup"))
+ oDTP.setIsPopup(true);
+ else
+ oDTP.setIsPopup(false);
+ }
+ if(!oDTP.settings.isPopup && !oDTP.settings.isInline)
+ {
+ oDTP._createPicker();
+ var iElemTop = $(oDTP.oData.oInputElement).offset().top + $(oDTP.oData.oInputElement).outerHeight(),
+ iElemLeft = $(oDTP.oData.oInputElement).offset().left,
+ iElemWidth = $(oDTP.oData.oInputElement).outerWidth();
+ $(oDTP.element).css({position: "absolute", top: iElemTop, left: iElemLeft, width: iElemWidth, height: "auto"});
+ }
+ if(oDTP.settings.beforeShow)
+ oDTP.settings.beforeShow.call(oDTP, oElement);
+ sMode = $.cf._isValid(sMode) ? sMode : oDTP.settings.mode;
+ oDTP.settings.mode = sMode;
+ if(!$.cf._isValid(sFormat))
+ {
+ if($.cf._compare(sMode, "date"))
+ sFormat = oDTP.settings.dateFormat;
+ else if($.cf._compare(sMode, "time"))
+ sFormat = oDTP.settings.timeFormat;
+ else if($.cf._compare(sMode, "datetime"))
+ sFormat = oDTP.settings.dateTimeFormat;
+ }
+ oDTP._matchFormat(sMode, sFormat);
+ oDTP.oData.dMinValue = null;
+ oDTP.oData.dMaxValue = null;
+ oDTP.oData.bIs12Hour = false;
+ var sMin, sMax,
+ sTempDate, dTempDate,
+ sTempTime, dTempTime,
+ sTempDateTime, dTempDateTime;
+ if(oDTP.oData.bDateMode)
+ {
+ sMin = sMinValue || oDTP.settings.minDate;
+ sMax = sMaxValue || oDTP.settings.maxDate;
+ oDTP.oData.sDateFormat = sFormat;
+ if($.cf._isValid(sMin))
+ oDTP.oData.dMinValue = oDTP._parseDate(sMin);
+ if($.cf._isValid(sMax))
+ oDTP.oData.dMaxValue = oDTP._parseDate(sMax);
+ if(sStartEnd !== "" && ($.cf._compare(sStartEnd, "start") || $.cf._compare(sStartEnd, "end")) && sStartEndElem !== "")
+ {
+ if($(sStartEndElem).length >= 1)
+ {
+ sTempDate = oDTP._getValueOfElement($(sStartEndElem));
+ if(sTempDate !== "")
+ {
+ if(oDTP.settings.parseDateTimeString)
+ dTempDate = oDTP.settings.parseDateTimeString.call(oDTP, sTempDate, sMode, sFormat, $(sStartEndElem));
+ else
+ dTempDate = oDTP._parseDate(sTempDate);
+ if($.cf._compare(sStartEnd, "start"))
+ {
+ if($.cf._isValid(sMax))
+ {
+ if(oDTP._compareDates(dTempDate, oDTP.oData.dMaxValue) < 0)
+ oDTP.oData.dMaxValue = new Date(dTempDate);
+ }
+ else
+ oDTP.oData.dMaxValue = new Date(dTempDate);
+ }
+ else if($.cf._compare(sStartEnd, "end"))
+ {
+ if($.cf._isValid(sMin))
+ {
+ if(oDTP._compareDates(dTempDate, oDTP.oData.dMinValue) > 0)
+ oDTP.oData.dMinValue = new Date(dTempDate);
+ }
+ else
+ oDTP.oData.dMinValue = new Date(dTempDate);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(oDTP.settings.parseDateTimeString)
+ oDTP.oData.dCurrentDate = oDTP.settings.parseDateTimeString.call(oDTP, sCurrent, sMode, sFormat, $(oElement));
+ else
+ oDTP.oData.dCurrentDate = oDTP._parseDate(sCurrent);
+ oDTP.oData.dCurrentDate.setHours(0);
+ oDTP.oData.dCurrentDate.setMinutes(0);
+ oDTP.oData.dCurrentDate.setSeconds(0);
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bTimeMode)
+ {
+ sMin = sMinValue || oDTP.settings.minTime;
+ sMax = sMaxValue || oDTP.settings.maxTime;
+ oDTP.oData.sTimeFormat = sFormat;
+ oDTP.oData.bIs12Hour = oDTP.getIs12Hour();
+ if($.cf._isValid(sMin))
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.dMinValue = oDTP._parseTime(sMin);
+ if(!$.cf._isValid(sMax))
+ {
+ if(oDTP.oData.sTimeFormat === oDTP.oData.sArrInputTimeFormats[0])
+ sMax = "11:59:59 PM";
+ else if(oDTP.oData.sTimeFormat === oDTP.oData.sArrInputTimeFormats[1])
+ sMax = "23:59:59";
+ else if(oDTP.oData.sTimeFormat === oDTP.oData.sArrInputTimeFormats[2])
+ sMax = "11:59 PM";
+ else if(oDTP.oData.sTimeFormat === oDTP.oData.sArrInputTimeFormats[3])
+ sMax = "23:59";
+ oDTP.oData.dMaxValue = oDTP._parseTime(sMax);
+ }
+ }
+ if($.cf._isValid(sMax))
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.dMaxValue = oDTP._parseTime(sMax);
+ if(!$.cf._isValid(sMin))
+ {
+ if(oDTP.oData.sTimeFormat === oDTP.oData.sArrInputTimeFormats[0])
+ sMin = "12:00:00 AM";
+ else if(oDTP.oData.sTimeFormat === oDTP.oData.sArrInputTimeFormats[1])
+ sMin = "00:00:00";
+ else if(oDTP.oData.sTimeFormat === oDTP.oData.sArrInputTimeFormats[2])
+ sMin = "12:00 AM";
+ else if(oDTP.oData.sTimeFormat === oDTP.oData.sArrInputTimeFormats[3])
+ sMin = "00:00";
+ oDTP.oData.dMinValue = oDTP._parseTime(sMin);
+ }
+ }
+ if(sStartEnd !== "" && ($.cf._compare(sStartEnd, "start") || $.cf._compare(sStartEnd, "end")) && sStartEndElem !== "")
+ {
+ if($(sStartEndElem).length >= 1)
+ {
+ sTempTime = oDTP._getValueOfElement($(sStartEndElem));
+ if(sTempTime !== "")
+ {
+ if(oDTP.settings.parseDateTimeString)
+ dTempDate = oDTP.settings.parseDateTimeString.call(oDTP, sTempTime, sMode, sFormat, $(sStartEndElem));
+ else
+ dTempTime = oDTP._parseTime(sTempTime);
+ if($.cf._compare(sStartEnd, "start"))
+ {
+ dTempTime.setMinutes(dTempTime.getMinutes() - 1);
+ if($.cf._isValid(sMax))
+ {
+ if(oDTP._compareTime(dTempTime, oDTP.oData.dMaxValue) === 2)
+ oDTP.oData.dMaxValue = new Date(dTempTime);
+ }
+ else
+ oDTP.oData.dMaxValue = new Date(dTempTime);
+ }
+ else if($.cf._compare(sStartEnd, "end"))
+ {
+ dTempTime.setMinutes(dTempTime.getMinutes() + 1);
+ if($.cf._isValid(sMin))
+ {
+ if(oDTP._compareTime(dTempTime, oDTP.oData.dMinValue) === 3)
+ oDTP.oData.dMinValue = new Date(dTempTime);
+ }
+ else
+ oDTP.oData.dMinValue = new Date(dTempTime);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(oDTP.settings.parseDateTimeString)
+ oDTP.oData.dCurrentDate = oDTP.settings.parseDateTimeString.call(oDTP, sCurrent, sMode, sFormat, $(oElement));
+ else
+ oDTP.oData.dCurrentDate = oDTP._parseTime(sCurrent);
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bDateTimeMode)
+ {
+ sMin = sMinValue || oDTP.settings.minDateTime;
+ sMax = sMaxValue || oDTP.settings.maxDateTime;
+ oDTP.oData.sDateTimeFormat = sFormat;
+ oDTP.oData.bIs12Hour = oDTP.getIs12Hour();
+ if($.cf._isValid(sMin))
+ oDTP.oData.dMinValue = oDTP._parseDateTime(sMin);
+ if($.cf._isValid(sMax))
+ oDTP.oData.dMaxValue = oDTP._parseDateTime(sMax);
+ if(sStartEnd !== "" && ($.cf._compare(sStartEnd, "start") || $.cf._compare(sStartEnd, "end")) && sStartEndElem !== "")
+ {
+ if($(sStartEndElem).length >= 1)
+ {
+ sTempDateTime = oDTP._getValueOfElement($(sStartEndElem));
+ if(sTempDateTime !== "")
+ {
+ if(oDTP.settings.parseDateTimeString)
+ dTempDateTime = oDTP.settings.parseDateTimeString.call(oDTP, sTempDateTime, sMode, sFormat, $(sStartEndElem));
+ else
+ dTempDateTime = oDTP._parseDateTime(sTempDateTime);
+ if($.cf._compare(sStartEnd, "start"))
+ {
+ if($.cf._isValid(sMax))
+ {
+ if(oDTP._compareDateTime(dTempDateTime, oDTP.oData.dMaxValue) < 0)
+ oDTP.oData.dMaxValue = new Date(dTempDateTime);
+ }
+ else
+ oDTP.oData.dMaxValue = new Date(dTempDateTime);
+ }
+ else if($.cf._compare(sStartEnd, "end"))
+ {
+ if($.cf._isValid(sMin))
+ {
+ if(oDTP._compareDateTime(dTempDateTime, oDTP.oData.dMinValue) > 0)
+ oDTP.oData.dMinValue = new Date(dTempDateTime);
+ }
+ else
+ oDTP.oData.dMinValue = new Date(dTempDateTime);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(oDTP.settings.parseDateTimeString)
+ oDTP.oData.dCurrentDate = oDTP.settings.parseDateTimeString.call(oDTP, sCurrent, sMode, sFormat, $(oElement));
+ else
+ oDTP.oData.dCurrentDate = oDTP._parseDateTime(sCurrent);
+ }
+ oDTP._setVariablesForDate();
+ oDTP._modifyPicker();
+ $(oDTP.element).fadeIn(oDTP.settings.animationDuration);
+ if(oDTP.settings.afterShow)
+ {
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ oDTP.settings.afterShow.call(oDTP, oElement);
+ }, oDTP.settings.animationDuration);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _hidePicker: function(iDuration, oElementToShow)
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ var oElement = oDTP.oData.oInputElement;
+ if(oDTP.settings.beforeHide)
+ oDTP.settings.beforeHide.call(oDTP, oElement);
+ if(!$.cf._isValid(iDuration))
+ iDuration = oDTP.settings.animationDuration;
+ if($.cf._isValid(oDTP.oData.oInputElement))
+ {
+ $(oDTP.oData.oInputElement).blur();
+ oDTP.oData.oInputElement = null;
+ }
+ $(oDTP.element).fadeOut(iDuration);
+ if(iDuration === 0)
+ {
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".dtpicker-subcontent").html("");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".dtpicker-subcontent").html("");
+ }, iDuration);
+ }
+ $(document).unbind("click.DateTimePicker keydown.DateTimePicker keyup.DateTimePicker");
+ if(oDTP.settings.afterHide)
+ {
+ if(iDuration === 0)
+ {
+ oDTP.settings.afterHide.call(oDTP, oElement);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ oDTP.settings.afterHide.call(oDTP, oElement);
+ }, iDuration);
+ }
+ }
+ if($.cf._isValid(oElementToShow))
+ oDTP._showPicker(oElementToShow);
+ },
+ _modifyPicker: function()
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ var sTitleContent, iNumberOfColumns;
+ var sArrFields = [];
+ if(oDTP.oData.bDateMode)
+ {
+ sTitleContent = oDTP.settings.titleContentDate;
+ iNumberOfColumns = 3;
+ if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[0]) // "dd-MM-yyyy"
+ {
+ sArrFields = ["day", "month", "year"];
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[1]) // "MM-dd-yyyy"
+ {
+ sArrFields = ["month", "day", "year"];
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[2]) // "yyyy-MM-dd"
+ {
+ sArrFields = ["year", "month", "day"];
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[3]) // "dd-MMM-yyyy"
+ {
+ sArrFields = ["day", "month", "year"];
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[4]) // "MM-yyyy"
+ {
+ iNumberOfColumns = 2;
+ sArrFields = ["month", "year"];
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[5]) // "MMM yyyy"
+ {
+ iNumberOfColumns = 2;
+ sArrFields = ["month", "year"];
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[6]) // "MMMM yyyy"
+ {
+ iNumberOfColumns = 2;
+ sArrFields = ["month", "year"];
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[7]) // "yyyy-MM"
+ {
+ iNumberOfColumns = 2;
+ sArrFields = ["year", "month"];
+ }
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bTimeMode)
+ {
+ sTitleContent = oDTP.settings.titleContentTime;
+ if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[0]) // hh:mm:ss AA
+ {
+ iNumberOfColumns = 4;
+ sArrFields = ["hour", "minutes", "seconds", "meridiem"];
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[1]) // HH:mm:ss
+ {
+ iNumberOfColumns = 3;
+ sArrFields = ["hour", "minutes", "seconds"];
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[2]) // hh:mm AA
+ {
+ iNumberOfColumns = 3;
+ sArrFields = ["hour", "minutes", "meridiem"];
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[3]) // HH:mm
+ {
+ iNumberOfColumns = 2;
+ sArrFields = ["hour", "minutes"];
+ }
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bDateTimeMode)
+ {
+ sTitleContent = oDTP.settings.titleContentDateTime;
+ if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[0])
+ {
+ iNumberOfColumns = 6;
+ sArrFields = ["day", "month", "year", "hour", "minutes", "seconds"];
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[1])
+ {
+ iNumberOfColumns = 7;
+ sArrFields = ["day", "month", "year", "hour", "minutes", "seconds", "meridiem"];
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[2])
+ {
+ iNumberOfColumns = 6;
+ sArrFields = ["month", "day", "year", "hour", "minutes", "seconds"];
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[3])
+ {
+ iNumberOfColumns = 7;
+ sArrFields = ["month", "day", "year", "hour", "minutes", "seconds", "meridiem"];
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[4])
+ {
+ iNumberOfColumns = 6;
+ sArrFields = ["year", "month", "day", "hour", "minutes", "seconds"];
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[5])
+ {
+ iNumberOfColumns = 7;
+ sArrFields = ["year", "month", "day", "hour", "minutes", "seconds", "meridiem"];
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[6])
+ {
+ iNumberOfColumns = 6;
+ sArrFields = ["day", "month", "year", "hour", "minutes", "seconds"];
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[7])
+ {
+ iNumberOfColumns = 7;
+ sArrFields = ["day", "month", "year", "hour", "minutes", "seconds", "meridiem"];
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[8])
+ {
+ iNumberOfColumns = 5;
+ sArrFields = ["day", "month", "year", "hour", "minutes"];
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[9])
+ {
+ iNumberOfColumns = 6;
+ sArrFields = ["day", "month", "year", "hour", "minutes", "meridiem"];
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[10])
+ {
+ iNumberOfColumns = 5;
+ sArrFields = ["month", "day", "year", "hour", "minutes"];
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[11])
+ {
+ iNumberOfColumns = 6;
+ sArrFields = ["month", "day", "year", "hour", "minutes", "meridiem"];
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[12])
+ {
+ iNumberOfColumns = 5;
+ sArrFields = ["year", "month", "day", "hour", "minutes"];
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[13])
+ {
+ iNumberOfColumns = 6;
+ sArrFields = ["year", "month", "day", "hour", "minutes", "meridiem"];
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[14])
+ {
+ iNumberOfColumns = 5;
+ sArrFields = ["day", "month", "year", "hour", "minutes"];
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[15])
+ {
+ iNumberOfColumns = 6;
+ sArrFields = ["day", "month", "year", "hour", "minutes", "meridiem"];
+ }
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ var sColumnClass = "dtpicker-comp" + iNumberOfColumns,
+ bDisplayHeaderCloseButton = false,
+ bDisplaySetButton = false,
+ bDisplayClearButton = false,
+ iTempIndex;
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < oDTP.settings.buttonsToDisplay.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ if($.cf._compare(oDTP.settings.buttonsToDisplay[iTempIndex], "HeaderCloseButton"))
+ bDisplayHeaderCloseButton = true;
+ else if($.cf._compare(oDTP.settings.buttonsToDisplay[iTempIndex], "SetButton"))
+ bDisplaySetButton = true;
+ else if($.cf._compare(oDTP.settings.buttonsToDisplay[iTempIndex], "ClearButton"))
+ bDisplayClearButton = true;
+ }
+ var sHeader = "";
+ if(oDTP.settings.showHeader)
+ {
+ sHeader += "";
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ var sDTPickerComp = "";
+ sDTPickerComp += "";
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < iNumberOfColumns; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ var sFieldName = sArrFields[iTempIndex];
+ sDTPickerComp += "
+ sDTPickerComp += "
+ sDTPickerComp += "
+ }
+ sDTPickerComp += "
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ var sButtonContClass = "";
+ if(bDisplaySetButton && bDisplayClearButton)
+ sButtonContClass = " dtpicker-twoButtons";
+ else
+ sButtonContClass = " dtpicker-singleButton";
+ var sDTPickerButtons = "";
+ sDTPickerButtons += "";
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ var sTempStr = sHeader + sDTPickerComp + sDTPickerButtons;
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".dtpicker-subcontent").html(sTempStr);
+ oDTP._setCurrentDate();
+ oDTP._addEventHandlersForPicker();
+ },
+ _addEventHandlersForPicker: function()
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ var classType, keyCode, $nextElem;
+ if(!oDTP.settings.isInline)
+ {
+ $(document).on("click.DateTimePicker", function(e)
+ {
+ if (oDTP.oData.bElemFocused)
+ oDTP._hidePicker("");
+ });
+ }
+ $(document).on("keydown.DateTimePicker", function(e)
+ {
+ keyCode = parseInt(e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which);
+ if(! $(".dtpicker-compValue").is(":focus") && keyCode === 9) // TAB
+ {
+ oDTP._setButtonAction(true);
+ $("[tabIndex=" + (oDTP.oData.iTabIndex + 1) + "]").focus();
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if($(".dtpicker-compValue").is(":focus"))
+ {
+ /*if(keyCode === 37) // Left Arrow
+ {
+ oDTP._setButtonAction(true);
+ $nextElem = $(".dtpicker-compValue:focus").parent().prev().children(".dtpicker-compValue");
+ $nextElem.focus();
+ console.log('Left Arrow ');
+ console.log($nextElem);
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if(keyCode === 39) // Right Arrow
+ {
+ oDTP._setButtonAction(true);
+ var compVal = $(".dtpicker-compValue:focus");
+ $nextElem = $(".dtpicker-compValue:focus").parent(".dtpicker-comp").next().children(".dtpicker-compValue");
+ $nextElem.focus();
+ console.log('Right Arrow ');
+ console.log($nextElem);
+ return false;
+ }
+ else*/
+ if(keyCode === 38) // Up Arrow
+ {
+ classType = $(".dtpicker-compValue:focus").parent().attr("class");
+ oDTP._incrementDecrementActionsUsingArrowAndMouse(classType, "inc");
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if(keyCode === 40) // Down Arrow
+ {
+ classType = $(".dtpicker-compValue:focus").parent().attr("class");
+ oDTP._incrementDecrementActionsUsingArrowAndMouse(classType, "dec");
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if(!oDTP.settings.isInline)
+ {
+ $(document).on("keydown.DateTimePicker", function(e)
+ {
+ keyCode = parseInt(e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which);
+ // console.log("keydown " + keyCode);
+ if(! $(".dtpicker-compValue").is(":focus") && keyCode !== 9)
+ {
+ //if(keyCode !== 37 && keyCode !== 39)
+ oDTP._hidePicker("");
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ $(".dtpicker-cont *").click(function(e)
+ {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ if(!oDTP.settings.readonlyInputs)
+ {
+ $(".dtpicker-compValue").not(".month .dtpicker-compValue, .meridiem .dtpicker-compValue").keyup(function()
+ {
+ this.value = this.value.replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,"");
+ });
+ $(".dtpicker-compValue").focus(function()
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.bElemFocused = true;
+ $(this).select();
+ });
+ $(".dtpicker-compValue").blur(function()
+ {
+ oDTP._getValuesFromInputBoxes();
+ oDTP._setCurrentDate();
+ oDTP.oData.bElemFocused = false;
+ var $oParentElem = $(this).parent().parent();
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ if($oParentElem.is(":last-child") && !oDTP.oData.bElemFocused)
+ {
+ oDTP._setButtonAction(false);
+ }
+ }, 50);
+ });
+ $(".dtpicker-compValue").keyup(function(e)
+ {
+ var $oTextField = $(this),
+ sTextBoxVal = $oTextField.val(),
+ iLength = sTextBoxVal.length,
+ sNewTextBoxVal;
+ if($oTextField.parent().hasClass("day") || $oTextField.parent().hasClass("hour") || $oTextField.parent().hasClass("minutes") || $oTextField.parent().hasClass("meridiem"))
+ {
+ if(iLength > 2)
+ {
+ sNewTextBoxVal = sTextBoxVal.slice(0, 2);
+ $oTextField.val(sNewTextBoxVal);
+ }
+ }
+ else if($oTextField.parent().hasClass("month"))
+ {
+ if(iLength > 3)
+ {
+ sNewTextBoxVal = sTextBoxVal.slice(0, 3);
+ $oTextField.val(sNewTextBoxVal);
+ }
+ }
+ else if($oTextField.parent().hasClass("year"))
+ {
+ if(iLength > 4)
+ {
+ sNewTextBoxVal = sTextBoxVal.slice(0, 4);
+ $oTextField.val(sNewTextBoxVal);
+ }
+ }
+ if(parseInt(e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which) === 9)
+ $(this).select();
+ });
+ }
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".dtpicker-compValue").on("mousewheel DOMMouseScroll onmousewheel", function(e)
+ {
+ if($(".dtpicker-compValue").is(":focus"))
+ {
+ var delta = Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, e.originalEvent.wheelDelta));
+ if(delta > 0)
+ {
+ classType = $(".dtpicker-compValue:focus").parent().attr("class");
+ oDTP._incrementDecrementActionsUsingArrowAndMouse(classType, "inc");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ classType = $(".dtpicker-compValue:focus").parent().attr("class");
+ oDTP._incrementDecrementActionsUsingArrowAndMouse(classType, "dec");
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".dtpicker-close").click(function(e)
+ {
+ if(oDTP.settings.buttonClicked)
+ oDTP.settings.buttonClicked.call(oDTP, "CLOSE", oDTP.oData.oInputElement);
+ if(!oDTP.settings.isInline)
+ oDTP._hidePicker("");
+ });
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".dtpicker-buttonSet").click(function(e)
+ {
+ if(oDTP.settings.buttonClicked)
+ oDTP.settings.buttonClicked.call(oDTP, "SET", oDTP.oData.oInputElement);
+ oDTP._setButtonAction(false);
+ });
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".dtpicker-buttonClear").click(function(e)
+ {
+ if(oDTP.settings.buttonClicked)
+ oDTP.settings.buttonClicked.call(oDTP, "CLEAR", oDTP.oData.oInputElement);
+ oDTP._clearButtonAction();
+ });
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //console.log((oDTP.settings.captureTouchHold || oDTP.settings.captureMouseHold));
+ if(oDTP.settings.captureTouchHold || oDTP.settings.captureMouseHold)
+ {
+ var sHoldEvents = "";
+ if(oDTP.settings.captureTouchHold && oDTP.oData.bIsTouchDevice)
+ sHoldEvents += "touchstart touchmove touchend ";
+ if(oDTP.settings.captureMouseHold)
+ sHoldEvents += "mousedown mouseup";
+ $(".dtpicker-cont *").on(sHoldEvents, function(e)
+ {
+ oDTP._clearIntervalForTouchEvents();
+ });
+ oDTP._bindTouchEvents("day");
+ oDTP._bindTouchEvents("month");
+ oDTP._bindTouchEvents("year");
+ oDTP._bindTouchEvents("hour");
+ oDTP._bindTouchEvents("minutes");
+ oDTP._bindTouchEvents("seconds");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".day .increment, .day .increment *").click(function(e)
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay++;
+ oDTP._setCurrentDate();
+ oDTP._setOutputOnIncrementOrDecrement();
+ });
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".day .decrement, .day .decrement *").click(function(e)
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay--;
+ oDTP._setCurrentDate();
+ oDTP._setOutputOnIncrementOrDecrement();
+ });
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".month .increment, .month .increment *").click(function(e)
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth++;
+ oDTP._setCurrentDate();
+ oDTP._setOutputOnIncrementOrDecrement();
+ });
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".month .decrement, .month .decrement *").click(function(e)
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth--;
+ oDTP._setCurrentDate();
+ oDTP._setOutputOnIncrementOrDecrement();
+ });
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".year .increment, .year .increment *").click(function(e)
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear++;
+ oDTP._setCurrentDate();
+ oDTP._setOutputOnIncrementOrDecrement();
+ });
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".year .decrement, .year .decrement *").click(function(e)
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear--;
+ oDTP._setCurrentDate();
+ oDTP._setOutputOnIncrementOrDecrement();
+ });
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".hour .increment, .hour .increment *").click(function(e)
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour++;
+ oDTP._setCurrentDate();
+ oDTP._setOutputOnIncrementOrDecrement();
+ });
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".hour .decrement, .hour .decrement *").click(function(e)
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour--;
+ oDTP._setCurrentDate();
+ oDTP._setOutputOnIncrementOrDecrement();
+ });
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".minutes .increment, .minutes .increment *").click(function(e)
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes += oDTP.settings.minuteInterval;
+ oDTP._setCurrentDate();
+ oDTP._setOutputOnIncrementOrDecrement();
+ });
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".minutes .decrement, .minutes .decrement *").click(function(e)
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes -= oDTP.settings.minuteInterval;
+ oDTP._setCurrentDate();
+ oDTP._setOutputOnIncrementOrDecrement();
+ });
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".seconds .increment, .seconds .increment *").click(function(e)
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds += oDTP.settings.secondsInterval;
+ oDTP._setCurrentDate();
+ oDTP._setOutputOnIncrementOrDecrement();
+ });
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".seconds .decrement, .seconds .decrement *").click(function(e)
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds -= oDTP.settings.secondsInterval;
+ oDTP._setCurrentDate();
+ oDTP._setOutputOnIncrementOrDecrement();
+ });
+ }
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".meridiem .dtpicker-compButton, .meridiem .dtpicker-compButton *").click(function(e)
+ {
+ if($.cf._compare(oDTP.oData.sCurrentMeridiem, "AM"))
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.sCurrentMeridiem = "PM";
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour += 12;
+ }
+ else if($.cf._compare(oDTP.oData.sCurrentMeridiem, "PM"))
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.sCurrentMeridiem = "AM";
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour -= 12;
+ }
+ oDTP._setCurrentDate();
+ oDTP._setOutputOnIncrementOrDecrement();
+ });
+ },
+ _adjustMinutes: function(iMinutes)
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ if(oDTP.settings.roundOffMinutes && oDTP.settings.minuteInterval !== 1)
+ {
+ iMinutes = (iMinutes % oDTP.settings.minuteInterval) ? (iMinutes - (iMinutes % oDTP.settings.minuteInterval) + oDTP.settings.minuteInterval) : iMinutes;
+ }
+ return iMinutes;
+ },
+ _adjustSeconds: function(iSeconds)
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ if(oDTP.settings.roundOffSeconds && oDTP.settings.secondsInterval !== 1)
+ {
+ iSeconds = (iSeconds % oDTP.settings.secondsInterval) ? (iSeconds - (iSeconds % oDTP.settings.secondsInterval) + oDTP.settings.secondsInterval) : iSeconds;
+ }
+ return iSeconds;
+ },
+ _getValueOfElement: function(oElem)
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ var sElemValue = "";
+ if($.cf._compare($(oElem).prop("tagName"), "INPUT"))
+ sElemValue = $(oElem).val();
+ else
+ sElemValue = $(oElem).html();
+ return sElemValue;
+ },
+ _setValueOfElement: function(sElemValue, $oElem)
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ if(!$.cf._isValid($oElem))
+ $oElem = $(oDTP.oData.oInputElement);
+ if($.cf._compare($oElem.prop("tagName"), "INPUT"))
+ $oElem.val(sElemValue);
+ else
+ $oElem.html(sElemValue);
+ var dElemValue = oDTP.getDateObjectForInputField($oElem);
+ if(oDTP.settings.settingValueOfElement)
+ oDTP.settings.settingValueOfElement.call(oDTP, sElemValue, dElemValue, $oElem);
+ $oElem.change();
+ return sElemValue;
+ },
+ _bindTouchEvents: function(type)
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ $(oDTP.element).find("." + type + " .increment, ." + type + " .increment *").on("touchstart mousedown", function(e)
+ {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ if(!$.cf._isValid(oDTP.oData.sTouchButton))
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.iTouchStart = (new Date()).getTime();
+ oDTP.oData.sTouchButton = type + "-inc";
+ oDTP._setIntervalForTouchEvents();
+ }
+ });
+ $(oDTP.element).find("." + type + " .increment, ." + type + " .increment *").on("touchend mouseup", function(e)
+ {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ oDTP._clearIntervalForTouchEvents();
+ });
+ $(oDTP.element).find("." + type + " .decrement, ." + type + " .decrement *").on("touchstart mousedown", function(e)
+ {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ if(!$.cf._isValid(oDTP.oData.sTouchButton))
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.iTouchStart = (new Date()).getTime();
+ oDTP.oData.sTouchButton = type + "-dec";
+ oDTP._setIntervalForTouchEvents();
+ }
+ });
+ $(oDTP.element).find("." + type + " .decrement, ." + type + " .decrement *").on("touchend mouseup", function(e)
+ {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ oDTP._clearIntervalForTouchEvents();
+ });
+ },
+ _setIntervalForTouchEvents: function()
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ var iInterval = oDTP.oData.bIsTouchDevice ? oDTP.settings.touchHoldInterval : oDTP.settings.mouseHoldInterval;
+ if(!$.cf._isValid(oDTP.oData.oTimeInterval))
+ {
+ var iDiff;
+ oDTP.oData.oTimeInterval = setInterval(function()
+ {
+ iDiff = ((new Date()).getTime() - oDTP.oData.iTouchStart);
+ if(iDiff > iInterval && $.cf._isValid(oDTP.oData.sTouchButton))
+ {
+ if(oDTP.oData.sTouchButton === "day-inc")
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay++;
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.sTouchButton === "day-dec")
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay--;
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.sTouchButton === "month-inc")
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth++;
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.sTouchButton === "month-dec")
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth--;
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.sTouchButton === "year-inc")
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear++;
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.sTouchButton === "year-dec")
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear--;
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.sTouchButton === "hour-inc")
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour++;
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.sTouchButton === "hour-dec")
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour--;
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.sTouchButton === "minute-inc")
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes += oDTP.settings.minuteInterval;
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.sTouchButton === "minute-dec")
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes -= oDTP.settings.minuteInterval;
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.sTouchButton === "second-inc")
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds += oDTP.settings.secondsInterval;
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.sTouchButton === "second-dec")
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds -= oDTP.settings.secondsInterval;
+ }
+ oDTP._setCurrentDate();
+ oDTP._setOutputOnIncrementOrDecrement();
+ oDTP.oData.iTouchStart = (new Date()).getTime();
+ }
+ }, iInterval);
+ }
+ },
+ _clearIntervalForTouchEvents: function()
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ clearInterval(oDTP.oData.oTimeInterval);
+ if($.cf._isValid(oDTP.oData.sTouchButton))
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.sTouchButton = null;
+ oDTP.oData.iTouchStart = 0;
+ }
+ oDTP.oData.oTimeInterval = null;
+ },
+ _incrementDecrementActionsUsingArrowAndMouse: function(type, action)
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ if(type.includes("day"))
+ {
+ if (action === "inc") oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay++;
+ else if (action === "dec") oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay--;
+ }
+ else if(type.includes("month"))
+ {
+ if (action === "inc") oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth++;
+ else if (action === "dec") oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth--;
+ }
+ else if(type.includes("year"))
+ {
+ if (action === "inc") oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear++;
+ else if (action === "dec") oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear--;
+ }
+ else if(type.includes("hour"))
+ {
+ if (action === "inc") oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour++;
+ else if (action === "dec") oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour--;
+ }
+ else if(type.includes("minutes"))
+ {
+ if (action === "inc") oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes += oDTP.settings.minuteInterval;
+ else if (action === "dec") oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes -= oDTP.settings.minuteInterval;
+ }
+ else if(type.includes("seconds"))
+ {
+ if (action === "inc") oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds += oDTP.settings.secondsInterval;
+ else if (action === "dec") oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds -= oDTP.settings.secondsInterval;
+ }
+ oDTP._setCurrentDate();
+ oDTP._setOutputOnIncrementOrDecrement();
+ },
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------
+ _parseDate: function(sDate)
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ var dTempDate = (oDTP.settings.defaultDate ? new Date(oDTP.settings.defaultDate) : new Date()),
+ iDate = dTempDate.getDate(),
+ iMonth = dTempDate.getMonth(),
+ iYear = dTempDate.getFullYear();
+ if($.cf._isValid(sDate))
+ {
+ if(typeof sDate === "string")
+ {
+ var sArrDate;
+ if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[4] || oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[5] || oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[6])
+ sArrDate = sDate.split(oDTP.settings.monthYearSeparator);
+ else
+ sArrDate = sDate.split(oDTP.settings.dateSeparator);
+ if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[0]) // "dd-MM-yyyy"
+ {
+ iDate = parseInt(sArrDate[0]);
+ iMonth = parseInt(sArrDate[1] - 1);
+ iYear = parseInt(sArrDate[2]);
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[1]) // "MM-dd-yyyy"
+ {
+ iMonth = parseInt(sArrDate[0] - 1);
+ iDate = parseInt(sArrDate[1]);
+ iYear = parseInt(sArrDate[2]);
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[2]) // "yyyy-MM-dd"
+ {
+ iYear = parseInt(sArrDate[0]);
+ iMonth = parseInt(sArrDate[1] - 1);
+ iDate = parseInt(sArrDate[2]);
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[3]) // "dd-MMM-yyyy"
+ {
+ iDate = parseInt(sArrDate[0]);
+ iMonth = oDTP._getShortMonthIndex(sArrDate[1]);
+ iYear = parseInt(sArrDate[2]);
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[4]) // "MM-yyyy"
+ {
+ iDate = 1;
+ iMonth = parseInt(sArrDate[0]) - 1;
+ iYear = parseInt(sArrDate[1]);
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[5]) // "MMM yyyy"
+ {
+ iDate = 1;
+ iMonth = oDTP._getShortMonthIndex(sArrDate[0]);
+ iYear = parseInt(sArrDate[1]);
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[6]) // "MMMM yyyy"
+ {
+ iDate = 1;
+ iMonth = oDTP._getFullMonthIndex(sArrDate[0]);
+ iYear = parseInt(sArrDate[1]);
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[7]) // "yyyy MM"
+ {
+ iDate = 1;
+ iMonth = parseInt(sArrDate[1]) - 1;
+ iYear = parseInt(sArrDate[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iDate = sDate.getDate();
+ iMonth = sDate.getMonth();
+ iYear = sDate.getFullYear();
+ }
+ }
+ dTempDate = new Date(iYear, iMonth, iDate, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ return dTempDate;
+ },
+ _parseTime: function(sTime)
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ var dTempDate = (oDTP.settings.defaultDate ? new Date(oDTP.settings.defaultDate) : new Date()),
+ iDate = dTempDate.getDate(),
+ iMonth = dTempDate.getMonth(),
+ iYear = dTempDate.getFullYear(),
+ iHour = dTempDate.getHours(),
+ iMinutes = dTempDate.getMinutes(),
+ iSeconds = dTempDate.getSeconds(),
+ sArrTime, sMeridiem, sArrTimeComp,
+ bShowSeconds = oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[0] ||
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[1];
+ iSeconds = bShowSeconds ? oDTP._adjustSeconds(iSeconds) : 0;
+ if($.cf._isValid(sTime))
+ {
+ if(typeof sTime === "string")
+ {
+ if(oDTP.oData.bIs12Hour)
+ {
+ sArrTime = sTime.split(oDTP.settings.timeMeridiemSeparator);
+ sTime = sArrTime[0];
+ sMeridiem = sArrTime[1];
+ if(!($.cf._compare(sMeridiem, "AM") || $.cf._compare(sMeridiem, "PM")))
+ sMeridiem = "";
+ }
+ sArrTimeComp = sTime.split(oDTP.settings.timeSeparator);
+ iHour = parseInt(sArrTimeComp[0]);
+ iMinutes = parseInt(sArrTimeComp[1]);
+ if(bShowSeconds)
+ {
+ iSeconds = parseInt(sArrTimeComp[2]);
+ iSeconds = oDTP._adjustSeconds(iSeconds);
+ }
+ if(iHour === 12 && $.cf._compare(sMeridiem, "AM"))
+ iHour = 0;
+ else if(iHour < 12 && $.cf._compare(sMeridiem, "PM"))
+ iHour += 12;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iHour = sTime.getHours();
+ iMinutes = sTime.getMinutes();
+ if(bShowSeconds)
+ {
+ iSeconds = sTime.getSeconds();
+ iSeconds = oDTP._adjustSeconds(iSeconds);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ iMinutes = oDTP._adjustMinutes(iMinutes);
+ dTempDate = new Date(iYear, iMonth, iDate, iHour, iMinutes, iSeconds, 0);
+ return dTempDate;
+ },
+ _parseDateTime: function(sDateTime)
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ var dTempDate = (oDTP.settings.defaultDate ? new Date(oDTP.settings.defaultDate) : new Date()),
+ iDate = dTempDate.getDate(),
+ iMonth = dTempDate.getMonth(),
+ iYear = dTempDate.getFullYear(),
+ iHour = dTempDate.getHours(),
+ iMinutes = dTempDate.getMinutes(),
+ iSeconds = dTempDate.getSeconds(),
+ sMeridiem = "",
+ sArrDateTime, sArrDate, sTime, sArrTimeComp, sArrTime,
+ bShowSeconds = oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[0] || // "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[1] || // ""dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss AA"
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[2] || // "MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[3] || // "MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss AA"
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[4] || // "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[5] || // "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss AA"
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[6] || // "dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[7]; // "dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss AA"
+ iSeconds = bShowSeconds ? oDTP._adjustSeconds(iSeconds) : 0;
+ if($.cf._isValid(sDateTime))
+ {
+ if(typeof sDateTime === "string")
+ {
+ sArrDateTime = sDateTime.split(oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator);
+ sArrDate = sArrDateTime[0].split(oDTP.settings.dateSeparator);
+ if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[0] || // "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[1] || // ""dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss AA"
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[8] || // "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm"
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[9]) // "dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm AA"
+ {
+ iDate = parseInt(sArrDate[0]);
+ iMonth = parseInt(sArrDate[1] - 1);
+ iYear = parseInt(sArrDate[2]);
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[2] || // "MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[3] || // "MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss AA"
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[10] || // "MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm"
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[11]) // "MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm AA"
+ {
+ iMonth = parseInt(sArrDate[0] - 1);
+ iDate = parseInt(sArrDate[1]);
+ iYear = parseInt(sArrDate[2]);
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[4] || // "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[5] || // "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss AA"
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[12] || // "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[13]) // "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm AA"
+ {
+ iYear = parseInt(sArrDate[0]);
+ iMonth = parseInt(sArrDate[1] - 1);
+ iDate = parseInt(sArrDate[2]);
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[6] || // "dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[7] || // "dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss AA"
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[14] || // "dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[15]) // "dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss AA"
+ {
+ iDate = parseInt(sArrDate[0]);
+ iMonth = oDTP._getShortMonthIndex(sArrDate[1]);
+ iYear = parseInt(sArrDate[2]);
+ }
+ sTime = sArrDateTime[1];
+ if($.cf._isValid(sTime))
+ {
+ if(oDTP.oData.bIs12Hour)
+ {
+ if($.cf._compare(oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator, oDTP.settings.timeMeridiemSeparator) && (sArrDateTime.length === 3))
+ sMeridiem = sArrDateTime[2];
+ else
+ {
+ sArrTimeComp = sTime.split(oDTP.settings.timeMeridiemSeparator);
+ sTime = sArrTimeComp[0];
+ sMeridiem = sArrTimeComp[1];
+ }
+ if(!($.cf._compare(sMeridiem, "AM") || $.cf._compare(sMeridiem, "PM")))
+ sMeridiem = "";
+ }
+ sArrTime = sTime.split(oDTP.settings.timeSeparator);
+ iHour = parseInt(sArrTime[0]);
+ iMinutes = parseInt(sArrTime[1]);
+ if(bShowSeconds)
+ {
+ iSeconds = parseInt(sArrTime[2]);
+ }
+ if(iHour === 12 && $.cf._compare(sMeridiem, "AM"))
+ iHour = 0;
+ else if(iHour < 12 && $.cf._compare(sMeridiem, "PM"))
+ iHour += 12;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iDate = sDateTime.getDate();
+ iMonth = sDateTime.getMonth();
+ iYear = sDateTime.getFullYear();
+ iHour = sDateTime.getHours();
+ iMinutes = sDateTime.getMinutes();
+ if(bShowSeconds)
+ {
+ iSeconds = sDateTime.getSeconds();
+ iSeconds = oDTP._adjustSeconds(iSeconds);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ iMinutes = oDTP._adjustMinutes(iMinutes);
+ dTempDate = new Date(iYear, iMonth, iDate, iHour, iMinutes, iSeconds, 0);
+ return dTempDate;
+ },
+ _getShortMonthIndex: function(sMonthName)
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ for(var iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < oDTP.settings.shortMonthNames.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ if($.cf._compare(sMonthName, oDTP.settings.shortMonthNames[iTempIndex]))
+ return iTempIndex;
+ }
+ },
+ _getFullMonthIndex: function(sMonthName)
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ for(var iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < oDTP.settings.fullMonthNames.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ if($.cf._compare(sMonthName, oDTP.settings.fullMonthNames[iTempIndex]))
+ return iTempIndex;
+ }
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ getIs12Hour: function(sMode, sFormat)
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ var bIs12Hour = false,
+ iArgsLength = Function.length;
+ oDTP._setMatchFormat(iArgsLength, sMode, sFormat);
+ if(oDTP.oData.bTimeMode)
+ {
+ bIs12Hour = oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[0] ||
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[2];
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bDateTimeMode)
+ {
+ bIs12Hour = oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[1] ||
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[3] ||
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[5] ||
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[7] ||
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[9] ||
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[11] ||
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[13] ||
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[15];
+ }
+ oDTP._setMatchFormat(iArgsLength);
+ return bIs12Hour;
+ },
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------
+ _setVariablesForDate: function(dInput, bIncludeTime, bSetMeridiem)
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ var dTemp, oDTV = {},
+ bValidInput = $.cf._isValid(dInput);
+ if(bValidInput)
+ {
+ dTemp = new Date(dInput);
+ if(!$.cf._isValid(bIncludeTime))
+ bIncludeTime = true;
+ if(!$.cf._isValid(bSetMeridiem))
+ bSetMeridiem = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (Object.prototype.toString.call(oDTP.oData.dCurrentDate) === "[object Date]" && isFinite(oDTP.oData.dCurrentDate))
+ dTemp = new Date(oDTP.oData.dCurrentDate);
+ else
+ dTemp = new Date();
+ if(!$.cf._isValid(bIncludeTime))
+ bIncludeTime = (oDTP.oData.bTimeMode || oDTP.oData.bDateTimeMode);
+ if(!$.cf._isValid(bSetMeridiem))
+ bSetMeridiem = oDTP.oData.bIs12Hour;
+ }
+ oDTV.iCurrentDay = dTemp.getDate();
+ oDTV.iCurrentMonth = dTemp.getMonth();
+ oDTV.iCurrentYear = dTemp.getFullYear();
+ oDTV.iCurrentWeekday = dTemp.getDay();
+ if(bIncludeTime)
+ {
+ oDTV.iCurrentHour = dTemp.getHours();
+ oDTV.iCurrentMinutes = dTemp.getMinutes();
+ oDTV.iCurrentSeconds = dTemp.getSeconds();
+ if(bSetMeridiem)
+ {
+ oDTV.sCurrentMeridiem = oDTP._determineMeridiemFromHourAndMinutes(oDTV.iCurrentHour, oDTV.iCurrentMinutes);
+ }
+ }
+ if(bValidInput)
+ return oDTV;
+ else
+ oDTP.oData = $.extend(oDTP.oData, oDTV);
+ },
+ _getValuesFromInputBoxes: function()
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ if(oDTP.oData.bDateMode || oDTP.oData.bDateTimeMode)
+ {
+ var sMonth, iMonth;
+ sMonth = $(oDTP.element).find(".month .dtpicker-compValue").val();
+ if(sMonth.length > 1)
+ sMonth = sMonth.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + sMonth.slice(1);
+ iMonth = oDTP.settings.shortMonthNames.indexOf(sMonth);
+ if(iMonth !== -1)
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth = parseInt(iMonth);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(sMonth.match("^[+|-]?[0-9]+$"))
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth = parseInt(sMonth - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay = parseInt($(oDTP.element).find(".day .dtpicker-compValue").val()) || oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay;
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear = parseInt($(oDTP.element).find(".year .dtpicker-compValue").val()) || oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear;
+ }
+ if(oDTP.oData.bTimeMode || oDTP.oData.bDateTimeMode)
+ {
+ var iTempHour, iTempMinutes, iTempSeconds, sMeridiem;
+ iTempHour = parseInt($(oDTP.element).find(".hour .dtpicker-compValue").val());
+ iTempMinutes = oDTP._adjustMinutes(parseInt($(oDTP.element).find(".minutes .dtpicker-compValue").val()));
+ iTempSeconds = oDTP._adjustMinutes(parseInt($(oDTP.element).find(".seconds .dtpicker-compValue").val()));
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour = isNaN(iTempHour) ? oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour : iTempHour;
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes = isNaN(iTempMinutes) ? oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes : iTempMinutes;
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds = isNaN(iTempSeconds) ? oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds : iTempSeconds;
+ if(oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds > 59)
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes += oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds / 60;
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds = oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds % 60;
+ }
+ if(oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes > 59)
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour += oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes / 60;
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes = oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes % 60;
+ }
+ if(oDTP.oData.bIs12Hour)
+ {
+ if(oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour > 12)
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour = (oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour % 12);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour > 23)
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour = (oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour % 23);
+ }
+ if(oDTP.oData.bIs12Hour)
+ {
+ sMeridiem = $(oDTP.element).find(".meridiem .dtpicker-compValue").val();
+ if($.cf._compare(sMeridiem, "AM") || $.cf._compare(sMeridiem, "PM"))
+ oDTP.oData.sCurrentMeridiem = sMeridiem;
+ if($.cf._compare(oDTP.oData.sCurrentMeridiem, "PM"))
+ {
+ if(oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour !== 12 && oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour < 13)
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour += 12;
+ }
+ if($.cf._compare(oDTP.oData.sCurrentMeridiem, "AM") && oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour === 12)
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _setCurrentDate: function()
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ if(oDTP.oData.bTimeMode || oDTP.oData.bDateTimeMode)
+ {
+ if(oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds > 59)
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes += oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds / 60;
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds = oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds % 60;
+ }
+ else if(oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds < 0)
+ {
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes -= oDTP.settings.minuteInterval;
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds += 60;
+ }
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes = oDTP._adjustMinutes(oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes);
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds = oDTP._adjustSeconds(oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds);
+ }
+ var dTempDate = new Date(oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth, oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay, oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes, oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds, 0),
+ bGTMaxDate = false, bLTMinDate = false,
+ sFormat, oDate, oFormattedDate, oFormattedTime,
+ sDate, sTime, sDateTime;
+ if(oDTP.oData.dMaxValue !== null)
+ bGTMaxDate = (dTempDate.getTime() > oDTP.oData.dMaxValue.getTime());
+ if(oDTP.oData.dMinValue !== null)
+ bLTMinDate = (dTempDate.getTime() < oDTP.oData.dMinValue.getTime());
+ if(bGTMaxDate || bLTMinDate)
+ {
+ var bCDGTMaxDate = false, bCDLTMinDate = false;
+ if(oDTP.oData.dMaxValue !== null)
+ bCDGTMaxDate = (oDTP.oData.dCurrentDate.getTime() > oDTP.oData.dMaxValue.getTime());
+ if(oDTP.oData.dMinValue !== null)
+ bCDLTMinDate = (oDTP.oData.dCurrentDate.getTime() < oDTP.oData.dMinValue.getTime());
+ if(!(bCDGTMaxDate || bCDLTMinDate))
+ dTempDate = new Date(oDTP.oData.dCurrentDate);
+ else
+ {
+ if(bCDGTMaxDate)
+ {
+ dTempDate = new Date(oDTP.oData.dMaxValue);
+ console.log("Info : Date/Time/DateTime you entered is later than Maximum value, so DateTimePicker is showing Maximum value in Input Field.");
+ }
+ if(bCDLTMinDate)
+ {
+ dTempDate = new Date(oDTP.oData.dMinValue);
+ console.log("Info : Date/Time/DateTime you entered is earlier than Minimum value, so DateTimePicker is showing Minimum value in Input Field.");
+ }
+ console.log("Please enter proper Date/Time/DateTime values.");
+ }
+ }
+ oDTP.oData.dCurrentDate = new Date(dTempDate);
+ oDTP._setVariablesForDate();
+ oDate = {}; sDate = ""; sTime = ""; sDateTime = "";
+ if(oDTP.oData.bDateMode || oDTP.oData.bDateTimeMode)
+ {
+ if(oDTP.oData.bDateMode && (oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[4] || oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[5] || oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[6]))
+ oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay = 1;
+ oFormattedDate = oDTP._formatDate();
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".day .dtpicker-compValue").val(oFormattedDate.dd);
+ if(oDTP.oData.bDateMode)
+ {
+ if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[4] || oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[7]) // "MM-yyyy"
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".month .dtpicker-compValue").val(oFormattedDate.MM);
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[6]) // "MMMM yyyy"
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".month .dtpicker-compValue").val(oFormattedDate.month);
+ else
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".month .dtpicker-compValue").val(oFormattedDate.monthShort);
+ }
+ else
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".month .dtpicker-compValue").val(oFormattedDate.monthShort);
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".year .dtpicker-compValue").val(oFormattedDate.yyyy);
+ if(oDTP.settings.formatHumanDate)
+ {
+ oDate = $.extend(oDate, oFormattedDate);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(oDTP.oData.bDateMode && (oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[4] || oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[5] || oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[6] || oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[7]))
+ {
+ if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[4])
+ sDate = oFormattedDate.MM + oDTP.settings.monthYearSeparator + oFormattedDate.yyyy;
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[5])
+ sDate = oFormattedDate.monthShort + oDTP.settings.monthYearSeparator + oFormattedDate.yyyy;
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[6])
+ sDate = oFormattedDate.month + oDTP.settings.monthYearSeparator + oFormattedDate.yyyy;
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[7])
+ sDate = oFormattedDate.yyyy + oDTP.settings.monthYearSeparator + oFormattedDate.MM;
+ }
+ else
+ sDate = oFormattedDate.dayShort + ", " + oFormattedDate.month + " " + oFormattedDate.dd + ", " + oFormattedDate.yyyy;
+ }
+ }
+ if(oDTP.oData.bTimeMode || oDTP.oData.bDateTimeMode)
+ {
+ oFormattedTime = oDTP._formatTime();
+ if(oDTP.oData.bIs12Hour)
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".meridiem .dtpicker-compValue").val(oDTP.oData.sCurrentMeridiem);
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".hour .dtpicker-compValue").val(oFormattedTime.hour);
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".minutes .dtpicker-compValue").val(oFormattedTime.mm);
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".seconds .dtpicker-compValue").val(oFormattedTime.ss);
+ if(oDTP.settings.formatHumanDate)
+ {
+ oDate = $.extend(oDate, oFormattedTime);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var bShowSecondsTime = (oDTP.oData.bTimeMode && (
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[0] ||
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[1])),
+ bShowSecondsDateTime = (oDTP.oData.bDateTimeMode &&
+ (oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[0] ||
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[1] ||
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[2] ||
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[3] ||
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[4] ||
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[5] ||
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[6] ||
+ oDTP.oData.bArrMatchFormat[7]));
+ if(bShowSecondsTime || bShowSecondsDateTime)
+ sTime = oFormattedTime.hour + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + oFormattedTime.mm + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + oFormattedTime.ss;
+ else
+ sTime = oFormattedTime.hour + oDTP.settings.timeSeparator + oFormattedTime.mm;
+ if(oDTP.oData.bIs12Hour)
+ sTime += oDTP.settings.timeMeridiemSeparator + oDTP.oData.sCurrentMeridiem;
+ }
+ }
+ if(oDTP.settings.formatHumanDate)
+ {
+ if(oDTP.oData.bDateTimeMode)
+ sFormat = oDTP.oData.sDateFormat;
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bDateMode)
+ sFormat = oDTP.oData.sTimeFormat;
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bTimeMode)
+ sFormat = oDTP.oData.sDateTimeFormat;
+ sDateTime = oDTP.settings.formatHumanDate.call(oDTP, oDate, oDTP.settings.mode, sFormat);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(oDTP.oData.bDateTimeMode)
+ sDateTime = sDate + oDTP.settings.dateTimeSeparator + sTime;
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bDateMode)
+ sDateTime = sDate;
+ else if(oDTP.oData.bTimeMode)
+ sDateTime = sTime;
+ }
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".dtpicker-value").html(sDateTime);
+ oDTP._setButtons();
+ },
+ _formatDate: function(oDTVP)
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ var oDTV = {},
+ sDay, sYear,
+ iMonth, sMonth, sMonthShort, sMonthFull,
+ iDayOfTheWeek, sDayOfTheWeek, sDayOfTheWeekFull;
+ if($.cf._isValid(oDTVP))
+ oDTV = $.extend({}, oDTVP);
+ else
+ {
+ oDTV.iCurrentDay = oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay;
+ oDTV.iCurrentMonth = oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth;
+ oDTV.iCurrentYear = oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear;
+ oDTV.iCurrentWeekday = oDTP.oData.iCurrentWeekday;
+ }
+ sDay = oDTV.iCurrentDay;
+ sDay = (sDay < 10) ? ("0" + sDay) : sDay;
+ iMonth = oDTV.iCurrentMonth;
+ sMonth = oDTV.iCurrentMonth + 1;
+ sMonth = (sMonth < 10) ? ("0" + sMonth) : sMonth;
+ sMonthShort = oDTP.settings.shortMonthNames[iMonth];
+ sMonthFull = oDTP.settings.fullMonthNames[iMonth];
+ sYear = oDTV.iCurrentYear;
+ iDayOfTheWeek = oDTV.iCurrentWeekday;
+ sDayOfTheWeek = oDTP.settings.shortDayNames[iDayOfTheWeek];
+ sDayOfTheWeekFull = oDTP.settings.fullDayNames[iDayOfTheWeek];
+ return {
+ "dd": sDay,
+ "MM": sMonth,
+ "monthShort": sMonthShort,
+ "month": sMonthFull,
+ "yyyy": sYear,
+ "dayShort": sDayOfTheWeek,
+ "day": sDayOfTheWeekFull
+ };
+ },
+ _formatTime: function(oDTVP)
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ var oDTV = {},
+ iHour24, sHour24, iHour12, sHour12, sHour,
+ sMinutes, sSeconds;
+ if($.cf._isValid(oDTVP))
+ oDTV = $.extend({}, oDTVP);
+ else
+ {
+ oDTV.iCurrentHour = oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour;
+ oDTV.iCurrentMinutes = oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes;
+ oDTV.iCurrentSeconds = oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds;
+ oDTV.sCurrentMeridiem = oDTP.oData.sCurrentMeridiem;
+ }
+ iHour24 = oDTV.iCurrentHour;
+ sHour24 = (iHour24 < 10) ? ("0" + iHour24) : iHour24;
+ sHour = sHour24;
+ iHour12 = oDTV.iCurrentHour;
+ if(iHour12 > 12)
+ iHour12 -= 12;
+ if(sHour === "00")
+ iHour12 = 12;
+ sHour12 = (iHour12 < 10) ? ("0" + iHour12) : iHour12;
+ if(oDTP.oData.bIs12Hour)
+ sHour = sHour12;
+ sMinutes = oDTV.iCurrentMinutes;
+ sMinutes = (sMinutes < 10) ? ("0" + sMinutes) : sMinutes;
+ sSeconds = oDTV.iCurrentSeconds;
+ sSeconds = (sSeconds < 10) ? ("0" + sSeconds) : sSeconds;
+ return {
+ "H": iHour24,
+ "HH": sHour24,
+ "h": iHour12,
+ "hh": sHour12,
+ "hour": sHour,
+ "m": oDTV.iCurrentMinutes,
+ "mm": sMinutes,
+ "s": oDTV.iCurrentSeconds,
+ "ss": sSeconds,
+ "ME": oDTV.sCurrentMeridiem
+ };
+ },
+ _setButtons: function()
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".dtpicker-compButton").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable");
+ var dTempDate;
+ if(oDTP.oData.dMaxValue !== null)
+ {
+ if(oDTP.oData.bTimeMode)
+ {
+ // Decrement Hour
+ if((oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour + 1) > oDTP.oData.dMaxValue.getHours() || ((oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour + 1) === oDTP.oData.dMaxValue.getHours() && oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes > oDTP.oData.dMaxValue.getMinutes()))
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".hour .increment").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
+ // Decrement Minutes
+ if(oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour >= oDTP.oData.dMaxValue.getHours() && (oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes + 1) > oDTP.oData.dMaxValue.getMinutes())
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".minutes .increment").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Increment Day
+ dTempDate = new Date(oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth, (oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay + 1), oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes, oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds, 0);
+ if(dTempDate.getTime() > oDTP.oData.dMaxValue.getTime())
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".day .increment").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
+ // Increment Month
+ dTempDate = new Date(oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear, (oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth + 1), oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay, oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes, oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds, 0);
+ if(dTempDate.getTime() > oDTP.oData.dMaxValue.getTime())
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".month .increment").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
+ // Increment Year
+ dTempDate = new Date((oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear + 1), oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth, oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay, oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes, oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds, 0);
+ if(dTempDate.getTime() > oDTP.oData.dMaxValue.getTime())
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".year .increment").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
+ // Increment Hour
+ dTempDate = new Date(oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth, oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay, (oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour + 1), oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes, oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds, 0);
+ if(dTempDate.getTime() > oDTP.oData.dMaxValue.getTime())
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".hour .increment").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
+ // Increment Minutes
+ dTempDate = new Date(oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth, oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay, oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour, (oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes + 1), oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds, 0);
+ if(dTempDate.getTime() > oDTP.oData.dMaxValue.getTime())
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".minutes .increment").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
+ // Increment Seconds
+ dTempDate = new Date(oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth, oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay, oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes, (oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds + 1), 0);
+ if(dTempDate.getTime() > oDTP.oData.dMaxValue.getTime())
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".seconds .increment").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
+ }
+ }
+ if(oDTP.oData.dMinValue !== null)
+ {
+ if(oDTP.oData.bTimeMode)
+ {
+ // Decrement Hour
+ if((oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour - 1) < oDTP.oData.dMinValue.getHours() || ((oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour - 1) === oDTP.oData.dMinValue.getHours() && oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes < oDTP.oData.dMinValue.getMinutes()))
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".hour .decrement").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
+ // Decrement Minutes
+ if(oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour <= oDTP.oData.dMinValue.getHours() && (oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes - 1) < oDTP.oData.dMinValue.getMinutes())
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".minutes .decrement").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Decrement Day
+ dTempDate = new Date(oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth, (oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay - 1), oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes, oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds, 0);
+ if(dTempDate.getTime() < oDTP.oData.dMinValue.getTime())
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".day .decrement").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
+ // Decrement Month
+ dTempDate = new Date(oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear, (oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth - 1), oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay, oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes, oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds, 0);
+ if(dTempDate.getTime() < oDTP.oData.dMinValue.getTime())
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".month .decrement").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
+ // Decrement Year
+ dTempDate = new Date((oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear - 1), oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth, oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay, oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes, oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds, 0);
+ if(dTempDate.getTime() < oDTP.oData.dMinValue.getTime())
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".year .decrement").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
+ // Decrement Hour
+ dTempDate = new Date(oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth, oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay, (oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour - 1), oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes, oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds, 0);
+ if(dTempDate.getTime() < oDTP.oData.dMinValue.getTime())
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".hour .decrement").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
+ // Decrement Minutes
+ dTempDate = new Date(oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth, oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay, oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour, (oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes - 1), oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds, 0);
+ if(dTempDate.getTime() < oDTP.oData.dMinValue.getTime())
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".minutes .decrement").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
+ // Decrement Seconds
+ dTempDate = new Date(oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth, oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay, oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes, (oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds - 1), 0);
+ if(dTempDate.getTime() < oDTP.oData.dMinValue.getTime())
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".seconds .decrement").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
+ }
+ }
+ if(oDTP.oData.bIs12Hour)
+ {
+ var iTempHour, iTempMinutes;
+ if(oDTP.oData.dMaxValue !== null || oDTP.oData.dMinValue !== null)
+ {
+ iTempHour = oDTP.oData.iCurrentHour;
+ if($.cf._compare(oDTP.oData.sCurrentMeridiem, "AM"))
+ iTempHour += 12;
+ else if($.cf._compare(oDTP.oData.sCurrentMeridiem, "PM"))
+ iTempHour -= 12;
+ dTempDate = new Date(oDTP.oData.iCurrentYear, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMonth, oDTP.oData.iCurrentDay, iTempHour, oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes, oDTP.oData.iCurrentSeconds, 0);
+ if(oDTP.oData.dMaxValue !== null)
+ {
+ if(oDTP.oData.bTimeMode)
+ {
+ iTempMinutes = oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes;
+ if(iTempHour > oDTP.oData.dMaxValue.getHours() || (iTempHour === oDTP.oData.dMaxValue.getHours() && iTempMinutes > oDTP.oData.dMaxValue.getMinutes()))
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".meridiem .dtpicker-compButton").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(dTempDate.getTime() > oDTP.oData.dMaxValue.getTime())
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".meridiem .dtpicker-compButton").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
+ }
+ }
+ if(oDTP.oData.dMinValue !== null)
+ {
+ if(oDTP.oData.bTimeMode)
+ {
+ iTempMinutes = oDTP.oData.iCurrentMinutes;
+ if(iTempHour < oDTP.oData.dMinValue.getHours() || (iTempHour === oDTP.oData.dMinValue.getHours() && iTempMinutes < oDTP.oData.dMinValue.getMinutes()))
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".meridiem .dtpicker-compButton").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(dTempDate.getTime() < oDTP.oData.dMinValue.getTime())
+ $(oDTP.element).find(".meridiem .dtpicker-compButton").removeClass("dtpicker-compButtonEnable").addClass("dtpicker-compButtonDisable");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ setIsPopup: function(bIsPopup)
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ if(!oDTP.settings.isInline)
+ {
+ oDTP.settings.isPopup = bIsPopup;
+ if($(oDTP.element).css("display") !== "none")
+ oDTP._hidePicker(0);
+ if(oDTP.settings.isPopup)
+ {
+ $(oDTP.element).addClass("dtpicker-mobile");
+ $(oDTP.element).css({position: "fixed", top: 0, left: 0, width: "100%", height: "100%"});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $(oDTP.element).removeClass("dtpicker-mobile");
+ if(oDTP.oData.oInputElement !== null)
+ {
+ var iElemTop = $(oDTP.oData.oInputElement).offset().top + $(oDTP.oData.oInputElement).outerHeight(),
+ iElemLeft = $(oDTP.oData.oInputElement).offset().left,
+ iElemWidth = $(oDTP.oData.oInputElement).outerWidth();
+ $(oDTP.element).css({position: "absolute", top: iElemTop, left: iElemLeft, width: iElemWidth, height: "auto"});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _compareDates: function(dDate1, dDate2)
+ {
+ dDate1 = new Date(dDate1.getDate(), dDate1.getMonth(), dDate1.getFullYear(), 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ var iDateDiff = (dDate1.getTime() - dDate2.getTime()) / 864E5;
+ return (iDateDiff === 0) ? iDateDiff: (iDateDiff/Math.abs(iDateDiff));
+ },
+ _compareTime: function(dTime1, dTime2)
+ {
+ var iTimeMatch = 0;
+ if((dTime1.getHours() === dTime2.getHours()) && (dTime1.getMinutes() === dTime2.getMinutes()))
+ iTimeMatch = 1; // 1 = Exact Match
+ else
+ {
+ if(dTime1.getHours() < dTime2.getHours())
+ iTimeMatch = 2; // time1 < time2
+ else if(dTime1.getHours() > dTime2.getHours())
+ iTimeMatch = 3; // time1 > time2
+ else if(dTime1.getHours() === dTime2.getHours())
+ {
+ if(dTime1.getMinutes() < dTime2.getMinutes())
+ iTimeMatch = 2; // time1 < time2
+ else if(dTime1.getMinutes() > dTime2.getMinutes())
+ iTimeMatch = 3; // time1 > time2
+ }
+ }
+ return iTimeMatch;
+ },
+ _compareDateTime: function(dDate1, dDate2)
+ {
+ var iDateTimeDiff = (dDate1.getTime() - dDate2.getTime()) / 6E4;
+ return (iDateTimeDiff === 0) ? iDateTimeDiff: (iDateTimeDiff/Math.abs(iDateTimeDiff));
+ },
+ _determineMeridiemFromHourAndMinutes: function(iHour, iMinutes)
+ {
+ if(iHour > 12 || (iHour === 12 && iMinutes >= 0))
+ {
+ return "PM";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return "AM";
+ }
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ setLanguage: function(sLanguage)
+ {
+ var oDTP = this;
+ oDTP.settings = $.extend({}, $.DateTimePicker.defaults, $.DateTimePicker.i18n[sLanguage], oDTP.options);
+ oDTP.settings.language = sLanguage;
+ oDTP._setDateFormatArray(); // Set DateFormatArray
+ oDTP._setTimeFormatArray(); // Set TimeFormatArray
+ oDTP._setDateTimeFormatArray(); // Set DateTimeFormatArray
+ return oDTP;
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/dist/DateTimePicker.min.css b/dist/DateTimePicker.min.css
index c70fc9b..6686c54 100644
--- a/dist/DateTimePicker.min.css
+++ b/dist/DateTimePicker.min.css
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
jQuery DateTimePicker - Responsive flat design jQuery DateTime Picker plugin for Web & Mobile
Version 0.1.38
- Copyright (c)2017 Lajpat Shah
+ Copyright (c)2014-2019 Lajpat Shah
Contributors : https://github.com/nehakadam/DateTimePicker/contributors
Repository : https://github.com/nehakadam/DateTimePicker
Documentation : https://nehakadam.github.io/DateTimePicker
diff --git a/dist/DateTimePicker.min.js b/dist/DateTimePicker.min.js
index c16c997..39a8810 100644
--- a/dist/DateTimePicker.min.js
+++ b/dist/DateTimePicker.min.js
@@ -2,12 +2,11 @@
jQuery DateTimePicker - Responsive flat design jQuery DateTime Picker plugin for Web & Mobile
Version 0.1.38
- Copyright (c)2017 Lajpat Shah
+ Copyright (c)2014-2019 Lajpat Shah
Contributors : https://github.com/nehakadam/DateTimePicker/contributors
Repository : https://github.com/nehakadam/DateTimePicker
Documentation : https://nehakadam.github.io/DateTimePicker
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-Object.keys||(Object.keys=function(a){var b=[];for(var c in a)a.hasOwnProperty(c)&&b.push(c);return b}),$.DateTimePicker=$.DateTimePicker||{name:"DateTimePicker",i18n:{},defaults:{mode:"date",defaultDate:null,dateSeparator:"-",timeSeparator:":",timeMeridiemSeparator:" ",dateTimeSeparator:" ",monthYearSeparator:" ",dateTimeFormat:"dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm",dateFormat:"dd-MM-yyyy",timeFormat:"HH:mm",maxDate:null,minDate:null,maxTime:null,minTime:null,maxDateTime:null,minDateTime:null,shortDayNames:["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"],fullDayNames:["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"],shortMonthNames:["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"],fullMonthNames:["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"],labels:null,minuteInterval:1,roundOffMinutes:!0,secondsInterval:1,roundOffSeconds:!0,showHeader:!0,titleContentDate:"Set Date",titleContentTime:"Set Time",titleContentDateTime:"Set Date & Time",buttonsToDisplay:["HeaderCloseButton","SetButton","ClearButton"],setButtonContent:"Set",clearButtonContent:"Clear",incrementButtonContent:"+",decrementButtonContent:"-",setValueInTextboxOnEveryClick:!1,readonlyInputs:!1,animationDuration:400,touchHoldInterval:300,captureTouchHold:!1,mouseHoldInterval:50,captureMouseHold:!1,isPopup:!0,parentElement:"body",isInline:!1,inputElement:null,language:"",init:null,addEventHandlers:null,beforeShow:null,afterShow:null,beforeHide:null,afterHide:null,buttonClicked:null,settingValueOfElement:null,formatHumanDate:null,parseDateTimeString:null,formatDateTimeString:null},dataObject:{dCurrentDate:new Date,iCurrentDay:0,iCurrentMonth:0,iCurrentYear:0,iCurrentHour:0,iCurrentMinutes:0,iCurrentSeconds:0,sCurrentMeridiem:"",iMaxNumberOfDays:0,sDateFormat:"",sTimeFormat:"",sDateTimeFormat:"",dMinValue:null,dMaxValue:null,sArrInputDateFormats:[],sArrInputTimeFormats:[],sArrInputDateTimeFormats:[],bArrMatchFormat:[],bDateMode:!1,bTimeMode:!1,bDateTimeMode:!1,oInputElement:null,iTabIndex:0,bElemFocused:!1,bIs12Hour:!1,sTouchButton:null,iTouchStart:null,oTimeInterval:null,bIsTouchDevice:"ontouchstart"in document.documentElement}},$.cf={_isValid:function(a){return void 0!==a&&null!==a&&""!==a},_compare:function(a,b){var c=void 0!==a&&null!==a,d=void 0!==b&&null!==b;return!(!c||!d)&&a.toLowerCase()===b.toLowerCase()}},function(a){"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["jquery"],a):"object"==typeof exports?module.exports=a(require("jquery")):a(jQuery)}(function(a){"use strict";function b(b,c){this.element=b;var d="";d=a.cf._isValid(c)&&a.cf._isValid(c.language)?c.language:a.DateTimePicker.defaults.language,this.settings=a.extend({},a.DateTimePicker.defaults,a.DateTimePicker.i18n[d],c),this.options=c,this.oData=a.extend({},a.DateTimePicker.dataObject),this._defaults=a.DateTimePicker.defaults,this._name=a.DateTimePicker.name,this.init()}a.fn.DateTimePicker=function(c){var d,e,f=a(this).data(),g=f?Object.keys(f):[];if("string"!=typeof c)return this.each(function(){a.removeData(this,"plugin_DateTimePicker"),a.data(this,"plugin_DateTimePicker")||a.data(this,"plugin_DateTimePicker",new b(this,c))});if(a.cf._isValid(f))if("destroy"===c){if(g.length>0)for(d in g)if(e=g[d],e.search("plugin_DateTimePicker")!==-1){a(document).unbind("click.DateTimePicker keydown.DateTimePicker keyup.DateTimePicker"),a(this).children().remove(),a(this).removeData(),a(this).unbind(),a(this).removeClass("dtpicker-overlay dtpicker-mobile dtpicker-inline"),f=f[e];break}}else if("object"===c&&g.length>0)for(d in g)if(e=g[d],e.search("plugin_DateTimePicker")!==-1)return f[e]},b.prototype={init:function(){var b=this;b._setDateFormatArray(),b._setTimeFormatArray(),b._setDateTimeFormatArray(),void 0!==a(b.element).data("parentelement")&&(b.settings.parentElement=a(b.element).data("parentelement")),b.settings.isPopup&&!b.settings.isInline&&(b._createPicker(),a(b.element).addClass("dtpicker-mobile")),b.settings.isInline&&(b._createPicker(),b._showPicker(b.settings.inputElement)),b.settings.init&&b.settings.init.call(b),b._addEventHandlersForInput()},_setDateFormatArray:function(){var a=this;a.oData.sArrInputDateFormats=[];var 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