Pycslog is open-source software. All contributions are welcomed. To get started, you will need to have Python installed. The python environment is managed using Pipenv. To install Pipenv, just
pip3 install pipenv
Then, to install the required packages and set up a virtual environment, run
pipenv install
Finally, you can run the server with
pipenv run python3 ./
or enter a shell in the virtualenv with
pipenv shell
This is an attempt at a "what-next" list, but in no particular order
- DONE: Switch server to SQLite backend
- DONE: Switch out flask development server for a better WSGI container: Gunicorn?
- DONE: Add /search endpoint to API for dupe checking
- Add mode and date/time fields to data store
- Make a React client that can be served by the same Flask app
- Reduce python dependencies in requirements.txt to a minimum (bottle?)
- Add POST to /contact/ to allow editing an existing contact
- Add an admin section to the web app to allow loading different SQLite databases
- Add "export to ADIF" option to the clients to take the output of /contacts and make an ADIF file
- Add "paging" to /contacts to get just the most recent contacts
- Test and document an access point setup for the RPi to use in the field
- Add other clients: iOS? Android? desktop app?
- Reproduce this list of projects as Github Issues