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+layout: post
+title: Nemomobile in February 2024
+modified: 2024-03-01
+author: jmlich
+tags: ["Conference", "FOSDEM", "Maliit", "Qt6", "NGFD"]
+ feature: 2024-03-01-nemomobile-in-february-2024/image20240203_095538296.jpg
+ teaser: 2024-03-01-nemomobile-in-february-2024/image20240203_095538296.jpg
+ thumb: 2024-03-01-nemomobile-in-february-2024/image20240203_095538296.jpg
+In February, numerous fixes were implemented in Nemomobile. Lipstick is no longer crashing.
+The Maliit on-screen keyboard is now appearing. Key controls improvements have been made to
+the qt quick controls in Nemo. Furthermore, the NGFD settings have been fixed. Additionally,
+the project was showcased at the FOSDEM conference as part of the Linux on Mobile stand.
+In previous builds, the Lipstick compositor experienced [crashing issues when setting the top-level window](https://github.com/nemomobile-ux/lipstick/commit/68af06a4a26e2ba288ee94b3ad59ae1d9519633b).
+Progress has been made in [porting the Maliit on-screen keyboard to Qt6](https://gitlab.manjaro.org/manjaro-arm/packages/community/nemo-ux/maliit-framework-qt6/-/commit/0e2b99e013cbf0a96f46014beb86296b066e0a33),
+moving the project forward. As a result, the on-screen keyboard now successfully appears.
+![](/images/2024-03-01-nemomobile-in-february-2024/photo1707743430.jpeg){: width="180"}
+Following the resolution of issues with the compositor and on-screen keyboard, development of the user experience can now resume. Furthermore, the qt quick controls in Nemo have been enhanced with keyboard navigation support.
+For a period of time, there were issues with the Non-Graphical Feedback Daemon (NGFD), which handles
+the sound notifications for incoming phone calls or messages. The crashing of NGFD has been addressed
+in previous fixes, and now the correct configuration file for [PinePhone has been provided](https://github.com/neochapay/nemo-device-dont_be_evil/commit/92bac87f800f54d4f89e3592ab4159ff1b9358da),
+resolving the issue.
+We were fortunate to showcase the results of our work at FOSDEM, Europe’s largest open-source event.
+Nemomobile was featured as part of the [Linux On Mobile](https://www.linuxonmobile.net/) stand,
+alongside other mobile Linux platforms such as postmarket OS, Sailfish OS, Ubuntu Touch, AsteroidOS,
+and others. It was a pleasure to reconnect with old friends and engage in discussions about future
+development. Currently, Nemomobile remains in a very raw state, resembling more of a toy project
+or sandbox for experimenting with new ideas.
diff --git a/images/2024-03-01-nemomobile-in-february-2024/image20240203_095538296.jpg b/images/2024-03-01-nemomobile-in-february-2024/image20240203_095538296.jpg
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