- EspView - longClick, doubleClick, assertIsPartiallyDisplayedOnScreen
- EspRecyclerView - itemByVisibleIndex removed, itemByItemIndex renamed to itemByIndex
- EspRecyclerView - support for testing LayoutManager
- EspRecyclerViewItem - reimplement to access item view content with adapter index
- EspRecyclerViewItem - assertion for displayed/hidden/exist/notExist
- EspAppBarLayout - collapse or expand toolbar programmatically and check his state
- EspDevice - helper to check current screen size for alternate execution paths (isScreenSizeEqualTo, isScreenSizeAtLeast, isScreenSizeAtMost)
mocks -> intents
- EspGalleryMock -> EspGalleryStub
- EspCameraMock -> EspCameraStub
- EspContactPickerMock -> EspContactStub
- EspFilesTool - tool for preparing test data
- EspAppDataTool - BugFix for removing databases when app use WebView
- EspAppDataTool - BugFix when cacheDir().list() return null after cacheDir was deleted
- EspAllOfBuilder - more helper methods (withVisibility, withText)
- support libraries - update 23 to 24.1.1