diff --git a/journal/models/shelf.py b/journal/models/shelf.py
index 58d41ba1..c959c008 100644
--- a/journal/models/shelf.py
+++ b/journal/models/shelf.py
@@ -282,23 +282,44 @@ def get_calendar_data(self, max_visiblity: int):
timezone_offset = timezone.localtime(timezone.now()).strftime("%z")
timezone_offset = timezone_offset[: len(timezone_offset) - 2]
calendar_data = {}
- sql = "SELECT to_char(DATE(journal_shelfmember.created_time::timestamp AT TIME ZONE %s), 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS dat, django_content_type.model typ, COUNT(1) count FROM journal_shelfmember, catalog_item, django_content_type WHERE journal_shelfmember.item_id = catalog_item.id AND django_content_type.id = catalog_item.polymorphic_ctype_id AND parent_id = %s AND journal_shelfmember.created_time >= NOW() - INTERVAL '366 days' AND journal_shelfmember.visibility <= %s GROUP BY item_id, dat, typ;"
- with connection.cursor() as cursor:
- cursor.execute(sql, [timezone_offset, shelf_id, int(max_visiblity)])
- data = cursor.fetchall()
- for line in data:
- date = line[0]
- typ = line[1]
- if date not in calendar_data:
- calendar_data[date] = {"items": []}
- if typ[:2] == "tv":
- typ = "movie"
- elif typ == "album":
- typ = "music"
- elif typ == "edition":
- typ = "book"
- elif typ not in ["book", "movie", "music", "game"]:
- typ = "other"
- if typ not in calendar_data[date]["items"]:
- calendar_data[date]["items"].append(typ)
+ queries = [
+ (
+ "SELECT to_char(DATE(journal_shelfmember.created_time::timestamp AT TIME ZONE %s), 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS dat, django_content_type.model typ, COUNT(1) count FROM journal_shelfmember, catalog_item, django_content_type WHERE journal_shelfmember.item_id = catalog_item.id AND django_content_type.id = catalog_item.polymorphic_ctype_id AND parent_id = %s AND journal_shelfmember.created_time >= NOW() - INTERVAL '366 days' AND journal_shelfmember.visibility <= %s GROUP BY item_id, dat, typ;",
+ [timezone_offset, shelf_id, int(max_visiblity)],
+ ),
+ (
+ "SELECT to_char(DATE(journal_comment.created_time::timestamp AT TIME ZONE %s), 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS dat, django_content_type.model typ, COUNT(1) count FROM journal_comment, catalog_item, django_content_type WHERE journal_comment.item_id = catalog_item.id AND django_content_type.id = catalog_item.polymorphic_ctype_id AND journal_comment.created_time >= NOW() - INTERVAL '366 days' AND journal_comment.visibility <= %s GROUP BY item_id, dat, typ;",
+ [timezone_offset, int(max_visiblity)],
+ ),
+ ]
+ for sql, params in queries:
+ with connection.cursor() as cursor:
+ cursor.execute(sql, params)
+ data = cursor.fetchall()
+ for line in data:
+ date = line[0]
+ typ = line[1]
+ if date not in calendar_data:
+ calendar_data[date] = {"items": []}
+ if typ[:2] == "tv":
+ typ = "tv"
+ elif typ[:7] == "podcast":
+ typ = "podcast"
+ elif typ == "album":
+ typ = "music"
+ elif typ == "edition":
+ typ = "book"
+ elif typ not in [
+ "book",
+ "movie",
+ "tv",
+ "music",
+ "game",
+ "podcast",
+ "performance",
+ ]:
+ print(typ)
+ typ = "other"
+ if typ not in calendar_data[date]["items"]:
+ calendar_data[date]["items"].append(typ)
return calendar_data
diff --git a/journal/static/js/calendar_yearview_blocks.js b/journal/static/js/calendar_yearview_blocks.js
index 40826d1a..9656e743 100644
--- a/journal/static/js/calendar_yearview_blocks.js
+++ b/journal/static/js/calendar_yearview_blocks.js
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
var color = settings.colors[item_name]?settings.colors[item_name]:settings.colors['default'];
// Fill a square for the 1st item
- item_html += '';
+ item_html += '';
if (items.length === 2) { // Fill a trangle for the 2nd
var item_name_1 = items[1]?items[1]:false;
var color_1 = settings.colors[item_name_1]?settings.colors[item_name_1]:settings.colors['default'];
diff --git a/journal/templates/calendar_data.html b/journal/templates/calendar_data.html
index 148b8c00..1dbb6d0a 100644
--- a/journal/templates/calendar_data.html
+++ b/journal/templates/calendar_data.html
@@ -10,9 +10,12 @@
'default': getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue('--pico-form-element-background-color'),
'book': '#B4D2A5',
'movie': '#7CBDFE',
+ 'tv': '#FDDB23',
'music': '#FEA36D',
'game': '#C5A290',
- 'other': '#9D6AB0'
+ 'podcast': '#9D6AB0',
+ 'performance': '#FE7C7C',
+ 'other': '#FED37C'
diff --git a/journal/templates/profile.html b/journal/templates/profile.html
index 43e79b51..b688bed7 100644
--- a/journal/templates/profile.html
+++ b/journal/templates/profile.html
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
title="{{ site_name }} - {{ identity.handler }}的评论"
href="{{ request.build_absolute_uri }}feed/reviews/">
{% include "common_libs.html" with jquery=0 v2=1 %}