Beginner Front End Developer Programming Challenge
This is a front-end engineer programming exercise designed to test the skills required to maintain an eCom site utilizing modern technology native to the browser.
Your task is to create an unordered list displaying products.
1). Create a new github repo and make public via a gh-pages branch. 2). Create an index.html file. This file should be semantic and responsive. Responsive - Displays on a mobile device and passes Google mobile tests 3). Create a single script element. Code all logic within this element. Use no external libraries. Using the Fetch promise API get this JSON file. Combine into a normalized JS data structure. Iterate through the data structure and generate the HTML elements 4). Create a single style element. Code all CSS within this block. Use no external libraries. Try not to use !important 5). Test your work on various modern browsers 6). Send us the link to your finished repo
Tips: If you cannot finish simply do the best you can and explain your thought process in the comments. Work at your own pace. We prefer quality over speed.