diff --git a/.github/workflows/deploy.py b/.github/workflows/deploy.py
index bcdb2ce8..70fbdb01 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/deploy.py
+++ b/.github/workflows/deploy.py
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
import multiprocessing
import os
import re
-import time
+import statistics
import sys
+from collections import defaultdict
import docker
import subprocess
@@ -15,6 +16,10 @@
from python_terraform import Terraform
from paramiko import SSHClient
from scp import SCPClient
+ import pandas as pd
+except ImportError:
+ print("Please install pandas library: 'pip install pandas' and 'pip install tabulate' for requests statistics")
import click
@@ -62,6 +67,8 @@ def cli():
__file__).parent / "full_test_suite")
VERSION_BRANCH_TEMPLATE = r"[vt]{1}\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}\.x.*"
+SOLANA_REQUESTS_TITLE = "Solana Requests Statistics"
def docker_compose(args: str):
command = f'docker login -u {DOCKER_USERNAME} -p {DOCKER_PASSWORD}'
@@ -467,5 +474,103 @@ def process_output(output):
raise SystemError(message)
+# Regular expression to match the log format
+log_pattern = re.compile(r"{.*}")
+def extract_method(request_body):
+ try:
+ request_json = json.loads(request_body)
+ return request_json.get("method", "unknown")
+ except json.JSONDecodeError:
+ return "unknown"
+def parse_log_file(log_file_path) -> dict:
+ # Read and parse the log file
+ stats = defaultdict(lambda: {"times": list()})
+ lines = (line for line in log_file_path.split("\n") if log_pattern.match(line))
+ log_entries = (json.loads(line) for line in lines)
+ formated_requests = (
+ {
+ "request_time": float(log_entry.get("request_time", 0)),
+ "method": extract_method(log_entry.get("jsonrpc_method", "")),
+ }
+ for log_entry in log_entries if extract_method(log_entry.get("jsonrpc_method", "")) != "unknown"
+ )
+ for formated_request in formated_requests:
+ method = formated_request["method"]
+ stats[method]["times"].append(formated_request["request_time"])
+ return stats
+def calculate_stats(stats):
+ formated_stats = {key: {} for key in stats.keys()}
+ for method, data in stats.items():
+ formated_stats[method]["count"] = len(data["times"])
+ formated_stats[method]["average_time"] = statistics.mean(data["times"])
+ formated_stats[method]["max_time"] = max(data["times"])
+ formated_stats[method]["min_time"] = min(data["times"])
+ formated_stats[method]["median_time"] = statistics.median(data["times"])
+ return {k: v for k, v in sorted(formated_stats.items(), key=lambda item: item[1]["count"], reverse=True)}
+@cli.command("parse_logs", help="Get logs from nginx")
+@click.option("--solana_ip", default="localhost", help="Solana IP")
+def parse_logs(solana_ip):
+ try:
+ content = requests.get(f"http://{solana_ip}:8080/logs/access.log").text
+ except requests.exceptions.InvalidURL as e:
+ print(f"Error: {e}")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ stats = parse_log_file(content)
+ calculated_stats = calculate_stats(stats)
+ df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(calculated_stats, orient="index", columns=["count", "min_time", "max_time", "average_time", "median_time"])
+ print(df.to_markdown())
+class GithubClient:
+ def __init__(self, token):
+ self.headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}",
+ "Accept": "application/vnd.github+json",
+ "X-GitHub-Api-Version": "2022-11-28"}
+ def remove_comment_with_title(self, pull_request, title):
+ response = requests.get(pull_request, headers=self.headers)
+ if response.status_code != 200:
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Attempt to get comments on a PR failed: {response.text}")
+ comments = response.json()
+ for comment in comments:
+ if f"{title}" in comment["body"]:
+ response = requests.delete(comment["url"], headers=self.headers)
+ if response.status_code != 204:
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Attempt to delete a comment on a PR failed: {response.text} {response.request.url}")
+ def add_comment_to_pr(self, msg, pull_request, title = SOLANA_REQUESTS_TITLE, remove_previous_comments=True):
+ if remove_previous_comments:
+ self.remove_comment_with_title(pull_request, title)
+ message = f"\n\n{msg}\n\n"
+ if title:
+ message = f"{title}\n\n{message} "
+ data = {"body": message}
+ click.echo(f"Sent data: {data}")
+ click.echo(f"Headers: {self.headers}")
+ response = requests.post(pull_request, json=data, headers=self.headers)
+ click.echo(f"Status code: {response.status_code}")
+ if response.status_code != 201:
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Attempt to leave a comment on a PR failed: {response.text}")
+@cli.command("post_comment", help="Post comment to the PR")
+@click.option("--message", help="Message to post")
+@click.option("--pull_request", help="Pull Request URL")
+@click.option("--token", help="Github token")
+def post_comment(message, pull_request, token):
+ gh_client = GithubClient(token)
+ gh_client.add_comment_to_pr(message, pull_request)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/.github/workflows/full_test_suite/main.tf b/.github/workflows/full_test_suite/main.tf
index 8fec4815..b7528651 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/full_test_suite/main.tf
+++ b/.github/workflows/full_test_suite/main.tf
@@ -77,6 +77,18 @@ resource "hcloud_server" "solana" {
+ provisioner "file" {
+ source = "../../../docker-compose/nginx.conf"
+ destination = "/tmp/nginx.conf"
+ connection {
+ type = "ssh"
+ user = "root"
+ host = hcloud_server.solana.ipv4_address
+ private_key = file("~/.ssh/ci-stands")
+ }
+ }
provisioner "file" {
source = "../../../docker-compose/docker-compose-ci.yml"
destination = "/tmp/docker-compose-ci.yml"
diff --git a/.github/workflows/full_test_suite/proxy_init.sh b/.github/workflows/full_test_suite/proxy_init.sh
index f4c14c3c..ac526e34 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/full_test_suite/proxy_init.sh
+++ b/.github/workflows/full_test_suite/proxy_init.sh
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ cd /tmp
# Set required environment variables
export REVISION=${proxy_image_tag}
-export SOLANA_URL=http:\/\/${solana_ip}:8899
+export SOLANA_URL=http:\/\/${solana_ip}:8080
export NEON_EVM_COMMIT=${neon_evm_commit}
export FAUCET_COMMIT=${faucet_model_commit}
export CI_PP_SOLANA_URL=${ci_pp_solana_url}
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ export DOCKERHUB_ORG_NAME=${dockerhub_org_name}
export PROXY_IMAGE_NAME=${proxy_image_name}
# Generate docker-compose override file
cat > docker-compose-ci.override.yml <
+ /bin/sh -c "echo 'Nginx Configuration:' && cat /etc/nginx/nginx.conf && nginx -g 'daemon off;'"
# wake up Solana
-docker-compose -f docker-compose-ci.yml -f docker-compose-ci.override.yml pull solana
-docker-compose -f docker-compose-ci.yml -f docker-compose-ci.override.yml up -d solana
+docker-compose -f docker-compose-ci.yml -f docker-compose-ci.override.yml pull nginx solana
+docker-compose -f docker-compose-ci.yml -f docker-compose-ci.override.yml up -d nginx solana
diff --git a/.github/workflows/pipeline.yml b/.github/workflows/pipeline.yml
index c1104eb4..55450696 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/pipeline.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/pipeline.yml
@@ -355,6 +355,45 @@ jobs:
solana_ip: ${{ needs.prepare-infrastructure.outputs.solana_ip }}
external_call: true
+ requests-report:
+ needs:
+ - prepare-infrastructure
+ - basic-tests
+ - build-image
+ - dapps-tests
+ - openzeppelin-tests
+ if: |
+ always() &&
+ contains(fromJSON('["success", "skipped"]'), needs.openzeppelin-tests.result) &&
+ contains(fromJSON('["success", "skipped"]'), needs.dapps-tests.result)
+ runs-on: test-runner
+ env:
+ SOLANA_IP: ${{ needs.prepare-infrastructure.outputs.solana_ip }}
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ with:
+ fetch-depth: 0
+ - name: "Request report"
+ id: request_report
+ run: |
+ stats=$(python3 ./.github/workflows/deploy.py parse_logs --solana_ip=${{ env.SOLANA_IP }})
+ echo "stats<> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ echo "$stats" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ echo "EOF" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ echo "stats=$stats"
+ if [[ "${{ github.event.inputs.initial_pr }}" != "" ]]; then
+ echo "pull_request=${{ github.event.inputs.initial_pr }}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ else
+ echo "pull_request=${{ github.event.pull_request.issue_url }}/comments" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ fi;
+ - name: "Post a comment with the report"
+ run: |
+ python3 ./.github/workflows/deploy.py post_comment --message="${{ steps.request_report.outputs.stats }}" \
+ --pull_request="${{ steps.request_report.outputs.pull_request }}" \
+ --token=${{ secrets.GHTOKEN }}
# will be fixed by NDEV-2766
# economy-tests:
# if: needs.build-image.outputs.full_test_suite=='true'
@@ -391,6 +430,7 @@ jobs:
- prepare-infrastructure
- openzeppelin-tests
- basic-tests
+ - requests-report
- dapps-tests
- build-image
runs-on: test-runner
diff --git a/docker-compose/nginx.conf b/docker-compose/nginx.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e07109c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker-compose/nginx.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+events {
+ worker_connections 1024;
+http {
+ log_format json_combined escape=json
+ '{ "@timestamp": "$time_iso8601", '
+ '"remote_addr": "$remote_addr", '
+ '"request": "$request", '
+ '"status": "$status", '
+ '"body_bytes_sent": "$body_bytes_sent", '
+ '"http_referer": "$http_referer", '
+ '"http_user_agent": "$http_user_agent", '
+ '"request_time": "$request_time", '
+ '"jsonrpc_method": "$request_body" }';
+ access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log json_combined buffer=8k flush=20s;
+ server {
+ listen 8080;
+ location / {
+ proxy_pass http://solana:8899;
+ proxy_set_header Host $host;
+ proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
+ proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
+ proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
+ }
+ location /logs {
+ alias /var/log/nginx/;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file