diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.rst b/CONTRIBUTING.rst
index b1a7179..ea81533 100644
@@ -5,167 +5,4 @@ Contributing
Contributions are welcome, and they are greatly appreciated! Every
little bit helps, and credit will always be given.
-You can contribute in many ways:
-Types of Contributions
-Report Bugs
-Report bugs at https://github.com/nephila/django-app-helper/issues.
-If you are reporting a bug, please include:
-* Your operating system name and version.
-* Any details about your local setup that might be helpful in troubleshooting.
-* Detailed steps to reproduce the bug.
-Fix Bugs
-Look through the GitHub issues for bugs. Anything tagged with "bug"
-is open to whoever wants to implement it.
-Implement Features
-Look through the GitHub issues for features. Anything tagged with "feature"
-is open to whoever wants to implement it.
-Write Documentation
-django-app-helper could always use more documentation, whether as part of the
-official django-app-helper docs, in docstrings, or even on the web in blog posts,
-articles, and such.
-Submit Feedback
-The best way to send feedback is to file an issue at https://github.com/nephila/django-app-helper/issues.
-If you are proposing a feature:
-* Explain in detail how it would work.
-* Keep the scope as narrow as possible, to make it easier to implement.
-* Remember that this is a volunteer-driven project, and that contributions
- are welcome :)
-Get Started!
-Ready to contribute? Here's how to set up ``django-app-helper`` for local development.
-1. Fork the ``django-app-helper`` repo on GitHub.
-2. Clone your fork locally::
- $ git clone git@github.com:your_name_here/django-app-helper.git
-3. Install your local copy into a virtualenv. Assuming you have virtualenvwrapper
- installed, this is how you set up your fork for local development::
- $ mkvirtualenv django-app-helper
- $ cd django-app-helper/
- $ pip install -r requirements-test.txt
- $ pip install -e .
-4. Create a branch for local development::
- $ git checkout -b name-of-your-bugfix-or-feature
-Now you can make your changes locally.
-5. When you're done making changes, check that your changes pass flake8 and the
-tests, including testing other Python versions with tox::
- $ tox
-To get tox, pip install it into your virtualenv.
-6. Commit your changes and push your branch to GitHub::
- $ git add .
- $ git commit -m "Your detailed description of your changes."
- $ git push origin name-of-your-bugfix-or-feature
-7. Submit a pull request through the GitHub website.
-Development tips
-This project allows you to use `pre-commit `_ to ensure an easy compliance
-to the project code styles.
-If you want to use it, install it globally (for example with ``pip3 install --user precommit``,
-but check `installation instruction `.
-When first cloning the project ensure you install the git hooks by running ``pre-commit install``.
-From now on every commit will be checked against our code style.
-Check also the available tox environments with ``tox -l``: the ones not marked with a python version number are tools
-to help you work on the project buy checking / formatting code style, running docs etc.
-Testing tips
-You can test your project using any specific combination of python, django and django cms.
-For example ``tox -py37-django30-cms37`` runs the tests on python 3.7, Django 3.0 and django CMS 3.7.
-You can pass via tox all the options to the test runner by appending them after the tox environments after
-``--`` separator. Example::
- tox -epy38-django30-cms37 -- -s app_helper.tests.test_commands.CommandTests.test_compilemessages
-Pull Request Guidelines
-Before you submit a pull request, check that it meets these guidelines:
-#. Pull request must be named with the following naming scheme:
- ``/(-)-description``
- See below for available types.
-#. The pull request should include tests.
-#. If the pull request adds functionality, the docs should be updated.
- Documentation must be added in ``docs`` directory, and must include usage
- information for the end user.
- In case of public API method, add extended docstrings with full parameters
- description and usage example.
-#. Add a changes file in ``changes`` directory describing the contribution in
- one line. It will be added automatically to the history file upon release.
- File must be named as ``.`` with type being:
- * ``.feature``: For new features.
- * ``.bugfix``: For bug fixes.
- * ``.doc``: For documentation improvement.
- * ``.removal``: For deprecation or removal of public API.
- * ``.misc``: For general issues.
- Check `towncrier`_ documentation for more details.
-#. The pull request should work for all python / django / django CMS versions
- declared in tox.ini.
- Check the CI and make sure that the tests pass for all supported versions.
-Release a version
-#. Update authors file
-#. Merge ``develop`` on ``master`` branch
-#. Bump release via task: ``inv tag-release (major|minor|patch)``
-#. Update changelog via towncrier: ``towncrier --yes``
-#. Commit changelog with ``git commit --amend`` to merge with bumpversion commit
-#. Create tag ``git tag ``
-#. Push tag to github
-#. Publish the release from the tags page
-#. If pipeline succeeds, push ``master``
-#. Merge ``master`` back on ``develop``
-#. Bump developement version via task: ``inv tag-dev -l (major|minor|patch)``
-#. Push ``develop``
-.. _towncrier: https://pypi.org/project/towncrier/#news-fragments
+Please read the instructions `here `_ to start contributing to `django-app-helper`.
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 32da446..d706776 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -4,7 +4,10 @@ Django App helper
|Gitter| |PyPiVersion| |PyVersion| |GAStatus| |TestCoverage| |CodeClimate| |License|
-.. warning:: Starting 3.0 django-app-helper only supports Django 2.2+ and django CMS 3.7+. If you need support for older (unsupported) versions, use django-app-helper 2.
+.. warning::
+ Starting from 3.3 django-app-helper only supports Django 3.2+ and django CMS 3.9+. If you need support for older (unsupported) versions, use django-app-helper<3.3
+ Starting from 3 django-app-helper only supports Django 2.2+ and django CMS 3.7+. If you need support for older (unsupported) versions, use django-app-helper 2.
Helper for django applications development
@@ -25,11 +28,11 @@ It supports both tests writted using Django ``TestCase`` and pytest ones
Supported versions
-Python: 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10
+Python: 3.9, 3.10, 3.11
-Django: 2.2, 3.2
+Django: 3.2, 4.0, 4.2
-django CMS: 3.7 - 3.11
+django CMS: 3.9 - 3.11
Newer versions might work but are not tested yet.
diff --git a/changes/237.feature b/changes/237.feature
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a2f2f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/changes/237.feature
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Migrate to bump-my-version
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index 7e89d11..40f3513 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -47,3 +47,35 @@ target-version = "py310"
max-complexity = 10
+allow_dirty = false
+commit = true
+message = "Release {new_version}"
+commit_args = "--no-verify"
+tag = false
+current_version = "3.3.2.dev0"
+parse = """(?x)
+ (?P[0-9]+)
+ \\.(?P[0-9]+)
+ \\.(?P[0-9]+)
+ (?:
+ .(?Pdev)
+ (?:(?P[0-9]+))?
+ )?
+serialize = [
+ "{major}.{minor}.{patch}.{release}{relver}",
+ "{major}.{minor}.{patch}"
+values = [
+ "dev",
+ ""
+optional_value = "dev"
+filename = "djangocms_redirect/__init__.py"
+search = "{current_version}"
diff --git a/tasks.py b/tasks.py
index 22d63a4..113ecf2 100644
--- a/tasks.py
+++ b/tasks.py
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ def format(c): # NOQA
def towncrier_check(c): # NOQA
"""Check towncrier files."""
output = io.StringIO()
- c.run("git branch --contains HEAD", out_stream=output)
- skipped_branch_prefix = ["pull/", "develop", "master", "HEAD"]
+ c.run("git branch -a --contains HEAD", out_stream=output)
+ skipped_branch_prefix = ["pull/", "release/", "develop", "master", "HEAD"]
# cleanup branch names by removing PR-only names in local, remote and disconnected branches to ensure the current
# (i.e. user defined) branch name is used
branches = list(
@@ -113,15 +113,18 @@ def tag_release(c, level, new_version=""):
"""Tag release version."""
if new_version:
new_version = f" --new-version {new_version}"
- c.run(f"bumpversion --list {level} --no-tag{new_version}")
+ c.run(f"bump-my-version bump {level}{new_version}")
-def tag_dev(c, level="patch", new_version=""):
+def tag_dev(c, level, new_version=""):
"""Tag development version."""
if new_version:
new_version = f" --new-version {new_version}"
- c.run(f"bumpversion --list {level} --message='Bump develop version [ci skip]' --no-tag{new_version}")
+ elif level == "release":
+ c.run("bump-my-version bump patch --no-commit")
+ level = "relver"
+ c.run(f"bump-my-version bump {level} --message='Bump develop version [ci skip]' {new_version} --allow-dirty")