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NEST Hackathon 2022 Q4

Guido Trensch edited this page Dec 6, 2022 · 14 revisions

This hackathon will result in the next time-based release: version 3.4.

Where: Jülich Research Centre, building 15.9 big top seminar room

  • 12 people can be present without masks

When: 2022-11-28 to 2022-12-02


  • Abigail Morrison
  • Anno Kurth
  • Ayssar Benelhedi
  • Dennis Terhorst
  • Charl Linssen
  • Guido Trensch
  • Hans Ekkehard Plesser
  • Håkon Mørk
  • Jessica Mitchell
  • Jochen Eppler
  • Jose Villamar
  • Markus Diesmann
  • Robin De Schepper
  • Pooja Babu
  • Steffen Graber
  • Susanne Kunkel
  • ... ?

The plan!

  • Get NEST 3.4 ready

    • Go through list and sort milestone
  • review all PRs; reduce number of open PRs

  • clean up branches (feature branches accidently left over); clean up members of nest organization (Friday)

  • review what needs to happen for NESTML to replace all NEST built-in models

  • PyNEST-NG / Wheels (Jochen, Robin, Håkon)

  • New CI setup (Dennis)

  • Docker / Conda / for 3.4 (Steffen)

  • CMake for NESTGPU (Jose, Guido, Dennis)


  • NEST typedefs—remove? (Plenary)
  • versioning of NEST API: 2h discussion (Plenary)
  • Dict Replacement Plenary (Plenary / Håkon)
  • Performance benchmarking and integrating into the CI / Continuous benchmarking

Short report

PRs merged, issues closed

For PRs merged, see here

For PRs opened, see here

For issues closed, see here

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