- Nothing changed yet.
- Remove dependency on plone.namedfile [mattss]
- Provide an example of how to install and configure a redis server with buildout [erral]
- Add a control panel option to disable transcoding [erral]
- Better support of dexterity content-types using plone.namedfile. Now dexterity types' blobs are uploaded automatically to cloud storage [erral]
- Allow generating differing expiry URLs [benc]
- Remove files from cloud when removed from Plone [mattss]
- Fixed issue with a log line [benc]
- Handling of content with multiple fields where at least one is below file size threshold [benc]
- Added more verbose logging throughout [benc]
- Added more verbose error logging to callback task [benc]
- Added more logging to callback view [benc]
- Updated requests required version [benc]
- Added more logging to upload_callback to aid debugging [benc]
- Removed bucket creation in transcoding - no longer needed as not creating pipeline [benc]
- Fixed email notifications configuration [benc]
- Removed pipeline creation [benc]
- Made pipeline name optional in control panel [benc]
- Added workaround for "connection reset by peer" [benc]
- Added abaility to disable email notifications [benc]
- Added transcoding for video files [benc]
- Added customisable pipeline name [benc]
- Added fleshed out README [mattss]
- Added travis config [mattss]
- AWS transcoding support! [benc]
- Improved support for virtual hosts [benc, mattss]
- Half-baked release [names removed to protect the innocent]
- General help text updates [mattss]
- Clear cloud storage setting when re-queued [mattss]
- Switch to chunked uploads [benc]
- Fix bug with download patch [mattss]
- Add correct filename and mimetype to url generator [mattss]
- Add manual upload trigger view [benc]
- Initial release [benc]