The purpose of this document is to describe the architecture of the neume network such that it can be effectively communicated to contributors.
The neume network is currently set up as a collection of individual npm packages. At the core is neume-network/core that imports neume-network/strategies as a git submodule. All other neume-network components are integrated through npm's package management system.
Following is a table of the network's components and their purpose:
name | purpose |
core | core is the main package bundling all other components into the neume-network node software. Additionally, e.g. with environment variables, core provides guarantees about the existence of e.g. global variables. |
strategies | strategies is integrated using git submodules. It's purpose is to enable external contributors to easily write indexing strategies given a usable interface definition. |
schema | schema defines a normalized music NFT JSON schema. |
message-schema | message-schema defines an internal messaging schema that neume-network components can rely on to establish inter-connectivity. |
extraction-worker | extraction-worker is a throughput-optimized node worker that allows efficient extraction of external information (e.g. from web APIs). |
data | data is a temporary repository containing a data set from an earlier version of the neume network. |
Currently, there are a couple of neume-network components we anticipate needing in the future. Below is a non-exhaustive list:
name | purpose |
api | api provisions an external REST, graphql, or RPC API to users running a neume-network node. It allows to request the indexed data. For now, the api component is polyfilled with the data repository. |
cli | The cli component allows users to configure the neume-network node when running it in their shell. |
p2p | p2p is the network portion of neume. It enables interconnectivity between neume nodes as to e.g. improve indexing speed or media blob provision. |
Below is a visual overview of the above components and how they interact with miscellaneous software like an Ethereum full node.
For details see neume-network/strategies/