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440 lines (292 loc) · 11.4 KB

File metadata and controls

440 lines (292 loc) · 11.4 KB


  • Fix Candlestick plotting. (#433)

  • Fix labels bug in TimeArray plot recipe. (#430)

  • Fix double-width char display in (#427)


  • Improve performance of moving function. (#414)

  • moving supports multi-column as input for user-defined function. (#415)

    moving(ohlc, 10, dims = 2, colnames = [:A, ...]) do
      # given that `ohlc` is a 500x4 `TimeArray`,
      # size(A) is (10, 4)
  • The argument method of function merge is a keyword argument now. (#416)

    merge(x, y, method = :outer)
  • The function merge supports variable length input. (#416)

    merge(x, y, [zs...], method = :outer)
  • New function rename! for in-place update of column names. (#417)

  • Fix issues of TimeArray column names copying. (#418)

  • Fix @inbounds handling for TimeArray. (#425)

  • timearray[] throws BoundsError now. (#420)

    julia> cl[]
    ERROR: BoundsError: attempt to access TimeArray{Float64,1,Date,Array{Float64,1}}
      at index []
  • Tables.jl interface integration. (#382)

  • 2D getindex supports. (#423)

    ohlc[1:42,   [:High, :Low]]
    ohlc[42:end, [:High, :Low]]
    ohlc[:,      [:High, :Low]]
    ohlc[42,     [:High, :Low]]


  • New TimeArray constructor for creating a TimeArray from existing TimeArray. ([#380])

        TimeArray(ta::TimeArray; timestamp = ..., values = ..., colnames = ..., meta = ...)


    julia> meta(cl)
    julia> cl′ = TimeArray(cl; meta = :AAPL);
    julia> meta(cl′)
  • merge now throws ArgumentError on invalid column setup. ([#405])

  • percentchange and dropnan now throw ArgumentError on invalid method. ([#405])


  • Symbol column indexing. (#377) And the String indexing is deprecated.


    using MarketData
    ohlc[:Close]  # and cl["Close"] is deprecated
  • Base.getproperty support. (#377) All the columns can be accessed via the form ta.column_name.


    using MarketData

    The original TimeArray fields getters is available as functions.

    • timestamp(::TimeArray)
    • values(::TimeArray)
    • colnames(::TimeArray)
    • meta(::TimeArray)
    ohlc.values  # this is unavailable due to Base.getproperty support
    values(ohlc)  # change to this


  • Julia v0.7/1.0 support. (#370)


  • Support Base.copy(::TimeArray). (#352)

  • A new option for TimeArray constructor: unchecked::Bool to skip the sanity check of timestamp. (#361)

    • merge() optimization via the unchecked option. (#363)
  • Revoking deprecation warning of == and redefining its meaning as 'comparing all fields of two TimeArrays'. Note that if two TimeArrays have different dimension, we consider that is unequal. (#356, #357)

    julia> cl == copy(cl)
    • Also, isequal and hash is supported now.

      julia> d = Dict(cl => 42);
      julia> d[cl]
      julia> d[copy(cl)]
  • diff supports higher order difference now.(#350)

  • diff support n time steps lag now. (#362)

    julia> diff(cl, 5)
    495x1 TimeSeries.TimeArray{Float64,1,Date,Array{Float64,1}} 2000-01-10 to 2001-12-31
    │            │ Close  │
    │ 2000-01-10-14.19 │
    │ 2000-01-11-9.75  │
    │ 2000-01-12-16.812001-12-270.45   │
    │ 2001-12-281.76   │
    │ 2001-12-310.9
  • New keyword argument for readtimearray: header::Bool. (#358)

  • TimeArray supports all() and any() now. (#356, #359)

    julia> ta
    3x2 TimeSeries.TimeArray{Int64,2,Date,Array{Int64,2}} 2000-01-03 to 2000-01-05
    │            │ _1    │ _2    │
    │ 2000-01-0312     │
    │ 2000-01-0434     │
    │ 2000-01-0556     │
    julia> all(ta .> 3, 2)
    3x1 TimeSeries.TimeArray{Bool,2,Date,BitArray{2}} 2000-01-03 to 2000-01-05
    │            │ all   │
    │ 2000-01-03false │
    │ 2000-01-04false │
    │ 2000-01-05true


  • Dropping 0.5 support. (issue #327)

  • TimeArray constructor, merge, update, vcat and rename will throw typed exceptions. (issue #322)

  • Signature of moving becomes

      moving(f, ta::TimeArray, window; padding=false)

    , in order to support do-syntax. The original one is deprecated. (issue #334)

  • Signature of upto becomes

      moving(f, ta::TimeArray, window; padding=false)

    , in order to support do-syntax. The original one is deprecated. (issue #337)

  • map supports callable object. (issue #339)

    struct T end
    (::T)(timestamp, x) = (timestamp, x + 42)
    t = T()
    map(t, ta)
  • hcat support. Given two TimeArray which have same timestamp,

      [ta1 ta2]

    can perform faster than merge(ta1, ta2) in this case. (issue #341)

  • Support more reduction functions of Base. (issue #338)

    • sum
    • mean
    • std
    • var


      sum(ta)  # same as sum(ta, 1), and it's equivalent to moving(sum, ta, length(ta))
      sum(ta, 2)
  • Support cumulative prod cumprod. (issue #338)

  • Support eachindex(ta). (issue #336)


  • add support for time series plotting via RecipesBase dependency (thank you @mkborregaard)
  • add StepRange indexing support (issue #311)


  • improve readtimearray to accept IOBuffer (@femtotrader fixes issue #298)


  • improve update method and dis-allow updating of empty time arrays (fixes issue #286)


  • first version to support julia 0.5 release candidates


  • merge method deals with meta field values more robustly (fixes issue #164)


  • reexport Base.Dates methods and DataTypes (fixes issue #277)


  • unique column names are enforced (fixes issue #255)


  • update() method creates new TimeArray from existing one, with new timestamp/value pair.
  • rename() method creates new TimeArray from existing one, with new column name(s).
  • adds tail() and head() methods


  • allows users to show customizable representations for missing values, which are represented as NaN values in the array.


  • provides TimeArray constructor without requiring colnames argument (defaults to empty array)


  • makes to() and from() more robust by taking zero-length time arrays (@dourouc05 )


  • removes using Base.Dates from outside module @tkelman


  • deprecated collapse(ta::TimeArray, f::Function; period::Function=week) in favour of collapse(ta::TimeArray, period::Function, timestamp::Function, value::Function=timestamp) and added support for collapsing 2D TimeArrays


  • allow math operations between different Number subtypes
  • explicitly convert column names to strings in readtimearray
  • operations between TimeArrays with non-matching meta fields now succeed, with a Void meta in the result


  • ensure dates are sorted for vcat and map (@dourouc05)


  • map and vcat methods added (thanks again @dourouc05)


  • readtimearray method now allows arbitrary delimiters (thanks @dourouc05)


  • TimeType replaces Union{Date, DateTime}
  • meta field in Type downgraded from parameterized to Any
  • NaN sentinels added as a kwarg to lag and lead methods
  • merge method now supports left, right and outer joins
  • percentchange takes method argument as a Symbol vs String
  • new methods added including: uniformspaced, uniformspace, dropnan, diff
  • findall added to deprecated list in favor of find


  • refactors when() method for 30% performance improvement


  • begin deprecation of by() method, which is being replaced by when()
  • when() re-arranges the argument order to TimeArray, Function, Int (or ASCIIString)
  • support for ASCIIStrings are now provided for both by() and when() methods


  • support added for displaying empty TimeArray
  • common scalar -> scalar math functions as unary operators
  • adds isnan and isinf
  • fixes tests on meta field
  • downgrades show tests to pending


  • replaces Nothing -> nothing and String -> AbstractString


  • precompile support added
  • test/combine.jl and test/split.jl now imports Base.Dates explicity


  • added support for end keyword in indices
  • added support for lookups via Boolean TimeArrays - e.g. ta[ta["col"] .> 50]
  • speedup for lookups via lists of Date/DateTime objects


  • a phantom release that is actually older than 0.6.0


  • first version with support for Julia 0.4 only
  • generalized value container from Array to AbstractArray
  • implemented new element-wise operators: !, ~, &, |, $, %, !==
  • implemented element-wise unary math operators (+, -)
  • side note: a previous commit was tagged with v0.6.0 incorrectly, this commit resolves that mistake


  • last version with support for Julia 0.3
  • support for Julia 0.4 dropped, along with the Compat package


  • changed references of flipud(A) to flipdim(A,1)_
  • changed references of round(x) to iround(Integer,x)_
  • changed references of iround(Integer,x) back to round(Integer,x)_
  • changed references of int(x) to round(Int64, x)
  • changed references of float(x) to map(Float64, x)
  • changed references of [a] to [a;] in a comprehension found in the by() method
  • added Compat package
  • substantial speedup for element-wise mathematical operators


  • added kwarg argument format to the readtimearray method to allow parsing datetime formats that are not currently supported.
  • changed two references to Range1 to UnitRange
  • added import of Base.values. I had defined it first and I guess they like it so much they co-opted it. :)


Not currently documented.