- Summary
- Back in 2017, a special issue on the topic of brain
- parcellation and segmentation was published in the journal
- Neuroimage. We acted as guest editors for this special issue, and
- wrote an editorial
- (Craddock
- et al., 2018) providing an overview of all papers, sorted into
- categories. The categories were generated using a data-driven
- parcellation analysis, based on the words contained in the abstract of
- the articles. This jupyter book will allow interested readers to
- reproduce this analysis, as a proof of concept for reproducible
- publications using
- jupyter
- books and the
- Neurolibre
- preprint server.
- Acknowledgements
- NeuroLibre is sponsored by the Canadian Open Neuroscience Platform
- (CONP), Brain Canada, Cancer Computers, the Courtois foundation, the
- Quebec Bioimaging Network, and Healthy Brains for Healthy Life.
- NOTE: The following section in this
- document repeats the narrative content exactly as found in the
- corresponding
- NeuroLibre Reproducible Preprint (NRP). The content was
- automatically incorporated into this PDF using the NeuroLibre
- publication workflow
- (Karakuzu
- et al., 2022) to credit the referenced resources. The
- submitting author of the preprint has verified and approved the
- inclusion of this section through a GitHub pull request made to the
- source
- repository from which this document was built. Please
- note that the figures and tables have been excluded from this
- (static) document. To interactively explore such outputs and
- re-generate them, please visit the corresponding
- NRP.
- For more information on integrated research objects (e.g., NRPs)
- that bundle narrative and executable content for reproducible and
- transparent publications, please refer to DuPre et al.
- (2022).
- NeuroLibre is sponsored by the Canadian Open Neuroscience Platform
- (CONP)
- (Harding
- et al., 2023).
- Text mining
- List of papers
- We first assembled the title, the name of the corresponding
- author, and the abstract for all the articles into a
- tabular-separated values (tsv) file, which we publicly archived on
- Figshare.
- We use the
- Repo2Data
- tool developed by the NeuroLibre team to collect these data and
- include them in our reproducible computational environment.
- Word features
- For each paper, we used
- scikit-learn
- (Kramer,
- 2016) to extract a bag of words representation for each
- abstract, picking on the 300 most important terms seen across all
- articles based on a term frequency-inverse document frequency
- (tf-idf)
- index. Following that, a special value decomposition was
- used to further reduce the dimensionality of the abstracts to 10
- components. We ended up with a component matrix of dimension 38
- (articles) times 10 (abstract text components). The distribution of
- each of the 38 articles across the 10 components is represented
- below. Note how some articles have particular high loadings on
- specific components, suggesting these may capture particular topics.
- Rather than visually inspect the component loadings to group paper
- ourselves, we are going to resort to an automated parcellation
- (clustering) technique.
- Parcellate the papers
- Now that the content of each paper has been condensed into only
- 10 (hopefully informative) numbers, we can run these features into a
- trusted, classic parcellation algorithm: Ward’s agglomerative
- hierarchical clustering, as implemented in the scipy library. We cut
- the hierarchy to extract 7 “paper parcels”, and also use the
- hierarchy to re-order the papers, such that similar papers are close
- in order, as illustrated in a dendrogram representation.
- Similarity matrix
- So, to get a better feel of the similarity between papers that
- was fed into the clustering procedure, we extracted the 38x38
- (papers x papers) correlation matrix across features. Papers are
- re-ordered in the matrix according to the above hierarchy. Each
- “paper parcel” has been indicated by a white square along the
- diagonal, which represents the similarity measures between papers
- falling into the same parcel.
- Word cloud
- Now, each paper of the special issue has been assigned to one and
- only one out of 7 possible “paper parcel”. For each paper parcel, we
- can evaluate which words contribute more to the dominant component
- associated with that parcel.
- Categories
- Thanks to the word clouds, these simple data-driven categories
- turned out to be fairly easily interpretable. For example, the word
- cloud of the category number 4 features prominently words like
- “white”, “matter” and “bundles”. If we examine the exact list of
- papers included in this category, we see that it is composed of four
- papers, which all considered parcels derived from white matter
- bundles with diffusion imaging. We can also check the distribution
- of component loadings for this category alone. As expected, there is
- a certain similarity in the component loadings for these papers, in
- particular along component 4: