From f9e8f1b6bca6e4634b1704a92a481de8a2a4b8f2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Banshee Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2023 19:13:58 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] Update Rules.txt --- Resources/ServerInfo/Rules.txt | 218 ++++++++++++--------------------- 1 file changed, 75 insertions(+), 143 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/ServerInfo/Rules.txt b/Resources/ServerInfo/Rules.txt index 754c752459d..926549f3815 100644 --- a/Resources/ServerInfo/Rules.txt +++ b/Resources/ServerInfo/Rules.txt @@ -1,143 +1,75 @@ -[color=#ff0000]YOU MUST BE AT LEAST 17 YEARS OF AGE TO PLAY ON FRONTIER SERVERS. ANY USERS SUSPECTED OF BEING UNDER 17 YEARS OF AGE WILL BE BANNED UNTIL THEY ARE OF AGE.[/color] - -[color=#ff0000]DISCONNECTING FROM OR IGNORING/EVADING ADMIN-HELPS WILL RESULT IN AN APPEAL ONLY BAN.[/color] - -[color=#00c000]STATION RULES[/color] - -These rules are non-negotiable and will result in administrative action up to and including appeal only bans if violated. These rules are in place to ensure a healthy learning environment for players who are new to the mode or who are even just looking for a sigh of relief and some peace time. - -The main Frontier Outpost station is to be treated similar to arrivals. It is a safe zone, where no antagonist activities are permitted period. This includes but is not limited to: destruction, modification, removal, or otherwise restriction of use any machine or device designed for the public use, and the structure of the station itself. For any non-antagonistic or 'RP' modifications of the station, HoP's approval is required always. - -Time spent docked and waiting at the station is to be kept at a minimum. Station administration (HoP or HoS) is allowed to levy fines or otherwise evict shuttles that have been idle for more than 10 minutes in the station docks without a valid reason. Station staff may NOT rent out these docks or otherwise directly profit from the reservation of the docks (i.e., docking fees for initial usage) as these are still needed for brief visits to atms and taxi shuttles to the station, and for free and general public use. - -Any and all players that are hired on as crew to the station, either through HoP or HoS, as Security or Service Staff or through other direct jobs working for paychecks, are considered Non-Antags and official NT representative employees and any hostile antagonist actions performed by them while currently employed in these jobs can result in administrative action. - -Security forces, whether hired on by HoS, HoP, or joining as role on a ship, are also strictly non-antag and engaging in any hostile antagonistic activities, or the abuse of the equipment provided you while working in these roles, WILL result in administrative action. You are bound to enforce Space Law to insure the safety of the citizens in the sector. You are still bound by traditional escalation rules and must always attempt to use non-lethal force whenever possible. - -Jail sentences and punishments still apply just like on your average station. Pirates are not simply punishable by murder and abandonment. Suspects, Criminals, and Pirates must all be processed and recieve punishment, justice, and fair treatment according to traditional Space Law. Jail sentences can be carried out only on station or on official security shuttles. Due to limited space within station jail facilities, NT has approved limited bail release in lieu of jail time, in the amount of 2000 X the jail term. 2 minutes in jail = 4,000 fine, 10 minutes = 20,000 fine. Verified victims of property theft or damage or other financial crimes are to be made whole using the assets of the guilty party seized by any security forces or bounty hunters or otherwise(NOT BANK ACCOUNTS). - -Bounties are not limited to official hired security forces. Groups of civilians are permitted to use appropriate methods to capture and claim the reward for any security bounty placed upon any suspect. The bounty's terms will dictate the required condition of the suspect upon delivery. Hostile forces that are known, declared, and confirmed, may be considered 'belligerent' and boarded non-conventionally and have their systems disabled in attempts to bring justice. All suspects taken alive must be properly cared for and unharmed according to Maritime Law. - - -[color=#00c000]HoP and HoS[/color] - -Head of Personnel and Head of Security (soon to be renamed) are strictly Station Personnel and their jobs are to ensure the safety and security and well being of all law abiding citizens of the sector. They both have access to the Station Funds, which increases with the success of the station itself. Both of these roles are permitted to act on behalf of the other in their respective duties, should any staffing issues arise. - -These roles are vital to keep the station itself running smoothly, and so there may be times where multiple positions are available for them on the station. This is only until we have a more sane way of handling job positions/openings, where a HoP or a HoS can open a job slot up in the station before heading into cryo. - -Both of these roles have higher access to station resources than should be allowed for most crew members. As such, if you must ever end your shift early ALWAYS bring your ID with you, and ALWAYS return to cryosleep so that your access cannot be stolen and the station funds embezzled. If for any reason you cannot (disconnect, crash, power outage, etc.) Please ping the game admins in discord and we will handle your in-game character accordingly. - -Failure to follow these rules or strict RP standards may be subject to roleban/de-whitelisting. - -[color=#00c000]HoP[/color] - -Head of Personnel is in charge of paying civilian staff to perform functions to keep the station running smoothly for all guests. These duties may include, but are not limited to: Janitorial duties, Mail sorting and delivery, Docking/Valet services, keeping auxillary station services functional (turning on distro, setting up the cloner). - -You may not tax, lease, rent, or otherwise reserve the free and fair usage of station resources to the detriment of the public. That includes but not limited to, charging docking fees (fines for overstaying and forced evictions however are encouraged), charging for basic cloning services, charging for vending access, moving station resources behind access locked doors to restrict access, etc. - -You are also permitted and expected to issue and enforce any docking fines related to loitering in the terminal, up to and including forced eviction of shuttles. Fines collected in this way are permitted to be used as payroll or the acquisition of station supplies. You are also permitted to issue and pay bounties to bounty hunters/security forces if a HoS is not around or is busy. - -Shifts are expected to run for 6 hours currently. You are not required to stay for the entire shift. Calling for the emergency shuttle before the 4 hour mark should always be AHELPed first. Citizens in the sector also are much happier when they have at least a 15 minute warning before the shuttle is called. - -The HoP should always remain on or in the very near vacinity to the station, and is one of the only roles with such a restriction. Station funds may be used to pay yourself a paycheck as well, but it must be a reasonable amount comparable to what other station employees are being paid. All bank transactions are logged. - -The Head of Personnel is a very busy role, and there may at times require multiple people to assist in many tasks. Often the role will have several positions available so that you may leave the shift early or take a break and switch roles. ALWAYS take your ID with you into cryo-sleep and ALWAYS use cryo-sleep to end your shift. - -[color=#00c000]HoS[/color] - -Head of Security is in charge of keeping the sector free of piracy and general criminality. We will be enforcing Space Law as found here: as best interpreted for the Frontier. This includes ensuring the safety and well being of all prisoners and suspects, the fair treatment of all players, along with sentencing guidelines and procedures. - -They are permitted to issue bounties for the capture of known hostile forces in the sector. Bounties should be announced either at the communications terminal or through stamped fax from an official fax machine. The terms of capture must match the danger of the threat. A band of criminals charging for Depot access does not warrant a death warrant, and a murderous force that has ransacked a secure armory and is known to be heavily armed, can be dealt with by lethal force. Use the guidances in Space Law to help you issue the proper bounty terms. The amounts to issue are at your discretion. - -Assets seized of criminals may only be used to make victims whole and to pay for any fines persuant to the law. Any excess financials recieved from the sale of criminal assets is to be returned to their original owners, and are not to be plundered or extorted by security forces. This is a 0 tolerance policy and any security forces caught stealing/confiscating goods for their own gain will be dealt with administratively (banned). - -You are also permitted and expected to issue and enforce any docking fines related to loitering in the terminal, up to and including forced eviction of shuttles. Fines collected in this way are permitted to be used as payroll or the acquisition of station supplies. - -HoS is allowed to hire additional forces as they see fit to keep the sector secure. Do know that your presence and willingness to police the sector will allow piracy to occur and that choosing this role is directly to oppose the criminals and pirates preying on the good employees of NT. These security forces may have their access upgraded, and be permitted to carry security weapons (otherwise contraband), and they are also bound to follow Space Law. You are in charge of reminding them this, however any player who joins your security forces and then uses that position and its tools to harass or otherwise antagonize others should be immediately AHELP so that an admin can resolve the situation. This includes joining the force, serving for 15 minutes, and then quitting the force and using the items and tools and clothes to commit crimes. - - -[color=#00c000]FRONTIER PVP AND PIRACY[/color] - -Violating these will result in administrative action up to and including appeal only permanent bans, up to the discretion of Frontier staff. - -[color=#a4885c]1.[/color] Antag activities are only allowed when there is a confirmed security/administrative presence aboard the station. AHELP is the only guaranteed answer to this question. - -[color=#a4885c]2.[/color] The station and surrounding docking area (around 200m around the station itself) are considered a 'safe' zone and no direct or intentional antag activities are allowed within this area. This includes damaging, defacing, removing, selling, stealing, or otherwise restricting access to critical game objects like ATMs, Shipyard Consoles, Vending Machines, and all other station equipment. This is a zero tolerance policy. Treat the station similar to arrivals. - -[color=#a4885c]3.[/color] Maximum crew of 4 for a pirate crew. Dont be an overwhelming force. There is no limit to the response force. - -[color=#a4885c]4.[/color] Rules of escalation will follow traditional Maritime Law for cruiser(read: pirate) rules, as clarified here: - -[color=#00c000]MARITIME LAW AND CRUISER RULES[/color] - -The essence of cruiser rules is that an unarmed vessel should not be attacked without warning. It can be fired on only if it repeatedly fails to stop when ordered to do so or resists being boarded by the attacking ship. The armed ship may only intend to search for contraband (such as war materials) when stopping a merchantman. If so, the ship may be allowed on its way, as it must be if it is flying the flag of a non-belligerent, after removal of any contraband. However, if it is intended to take the captured ship as a prize of war, or to destroy it, then adequate steps must be taken to ensure the safety of the crew. This would usually mean taking the crew on board and transporting them to a safe port. It is not usually acceptable to leave the crew in lifeboats. This can only be done if they can be expected to reach safety by themselves and have sufficient supplies and navigational equipment to do so. - -In essence, a non-hostile vessel that surrenders cannot be killed, left for stranded, completely bankrupt, ship rendered inoperable or unsafe to habitate, or similar. Actions such as sneaking aboard and disabling systems, trapping via pinning shuttle, or other actions done to damage or otherwise inhibit vessels counts as hostile and will result in administrative action. The safety of non-hostile merchant vessels is to be guaranteed by all parties. All vessels being boarded in a hostile manner must first negotiate before any hostile actions. - -Space Law is still to be followed and all hired Station Security and Station Administration forces are bound to uphold and follow space law to the best of their ability. Escalation and self defense are common occurances on the Frontier. - -More Frontier specific rules and information will follow here. Standard Wizard's Den rules are included below, and in any place that is not superceded by the mechanics of the game mode, the Wizard Den rules are to be followed as an absolute minimum. - -[color=#ff0000]WIZDEN RULES ABRIDGED[/color] - -This is the "short" form of the rules, which has all the information any regular player should need. You can find the "long" form of the rules with more examples & clarifications of any ambiguity on our wiki at [color=#a4885c][/color], should you need it. - -[color=#a4885c]01.[/color] [color=#a4885c]The[/color] [color=#ffd700]Golden[/color] [color=#a4885c]Rule.[/color] Admins may excercise discretion with rules as they see fit. If you rule lawyer or line skirt, you will get removed. Admins will answer for use of this privilege. - -[color=#ff0000]ZERO TOLERANCE RULES[/color] - -[color=#a4885c]02.[/color] Absolutely no hate speech, slurs, bigotry, racism, specism (demeaning other characters in-game due to their in-game race), sexism, or anything even remotely similar. (YOU WILL GET PERMABANNED) - -[color=#a4885c]03.[/color] Absolutely no Erotic Roleplay (ERP) or sexual content, including direct or indirect mentions of sexual behavior or actions. (YOU WILL GET PERMABANNED) (Leeway is given to insults, ex: 'You are a dickhead', do not push it) - -[color=#a4885c]04.[/color] Don't communicate in-game/in-character information through methods outside of the game (such as talking in Discord with other users actively playing or by talking to your sibling across the room while you are both playing). This is referred to as "Metacomming". Adminstrators cannot police metacommunications, we must assume it is being abused. (ALL INVOLVED WILL GET PERMABANNED) - -[color=#a4885c]05.[/color] Attempting to evade game bans will result in an automatic appeal-only permanent ban that is only appealable after six months and only with a voucher of good behavior from another SS13/SS14 server. Attempting to evade job bans will result in an appeal-only permanent ban. (YOU WILL GET BANNED MUCH WORSE THAN YOU ALREADY WERE) - -[color=#ff0000]GENERAL ETIQUETTE[/color] - -[color=#a4885c]07.[/color] Don't use exploits or external programs to play, gain an advantage, or disrupt/crash the round/server. This includes autoclickers and scripts to automate the game or evade AFK detection. Intentionally attempting to lag/crash the server will result in an immediate appeal-only ban. - -[color=#a4885c]08.[/color] Don't use multiple SS14 accounts to play (referred to as "multi-keying"). Users knowingly using multiple SS14 accounts will have all of their accounts banned. - -[color=#a4885c]09.[/color] Do not ignore the admin help relay or abuse it by flooding it with garbage, checking for admins before stating a problem (ex: "hello?", "any admins?"), using it as a chatroom, or sending messages of no substance. Hostility to administators in the relay will likely result in your removal. All admin helps are sent to the SS14 Discord. - -[color=#ff0000]IN GAME & ROLEPLAY RULES[/color] - -[color=#a4885c]10.[/color] Pick a realistic name that could appear on a birth certificate with at least a first and last name (leeway is given to this for Clowns, Mimes, and non-human races). - - Names of notable famous or fictional persons or names that resemble/parody them are strictly forbidden. You are not clever if you slightly change a famous name around. Terrible names open you up to being politely reminded to change it, smited, or instantly banned, depending on severity. - - Names resulting in inappropriate phonetic play-on-words are forbidden (ex: "Mike Oxlong", "Ben Dover", "Dixie Normus"). They are also extremely overdone. - -[color=#a4885c]11.[/color] Act like an actual human being on a space station in a low-roleplay (LRP) environment. Do not use text speak or emoticons IC, and do not refer to OOC things like admins in-game. Do not threaten players that you are calling the admins on them. Do not use emotes to bypass speech filters or muteness. You are not required to write a backstory or follow strict procedure; however, you are expected to at least make an effort to act like your role. - -[color=#a4885c]12.[/color] Don't be a dick. You are playing a multiplayer game with other people who also want to enjoy the game. - - [color=#ff0000]The station is completely off-limits to any hostile activity, including activity by antagonists. Attacking newly spawned players in these areas or damaging/sabotaging these areas is strictly forbidden.[/color] - - Do not intentionally make other players' lives hell for your own amusement. - - [color=#ff0000]THE ROUND IS NOT OVER UNTIL THE END-ROUND SUMMARY APPEARS. KILLING SOMEONE FOR NO REASON BEFORE THIS WILL BE HANDLED ACCORDINGLY.[/color] - -[color=#a4885c]14.[/color] Don't use information gained from outside your character's knowledge to gain an advantage (this is referred to as "Metagaming"). - - Using information you gain from outside your own character (such as spectating while a ghost, metacomms, or other means) to your advantage is strictly forbidden. You remember all events up until you fall unconscious, even after cloning. If you take a ghost role, unless otherwise stated, you DO NOT REMEMBER ANYTHING from your past life. - -[color=#a4885c]15.[/color] Follow escalation rules and don't murder someone for slipping you, use common sense. Do not make Cargonia. - - You can defend yourself to the extent of protecting your own life. - - Security may use less-lethal force to effect arrests of criminals. - - Don't outright leave people to die if you get in a fight, make an effort to heal them or bring them to Medbay. - - Adminhelp the situation if you think someone is over-escalating. - - Department strikes, revolutions (ex: cargonia and any variation thereof), riots, cults, and any other type of similar largely disruptive behavior are strictly forbidden. These activities are generally antagonist-only and all players regardless of antagonist status must obtain admin permission before engaging in this behavior (you are extremely unlikely to get permission). - -[color=#a4885c]20.[/color] Security/Command should try to remain non-lethal and effect arrests, except in the following special circumstances, where they may choose to use lethal force: - - Lethal force is used against you (ex: firearms, lasers, disabling/stunning weapons with intent to kill, deadly melee weapons) - - Suspect is wearing clothing or showing immediately dangerous equipment only used by enemy agents/antagonists (ex: Syndicate EVA Suit, Bloodred Hardsuit, Holoparasite, C-20R, etc.). - - You determine that your life or the life of an innocent is in immediate danger. - - The suspect is unable to be safely detained by less-lethal means. This includes suspects who continually resist efforts to be cuffed or continually manages to escape. - - If no other reasonable options are readily available and allowing the suspect to continue would be an unreasonable danger to the station/crew. - -Security/Command will be expected to answer for use of lethal force. Security/Command will be expected to effect arrests on criminals and prevent them from dying while in custody, even if lethal force is used, unless there is strong reason to believe the criminal is an antagonist. Security/Command is strongly encouraged, but not required, to clone antagonists and effect a permabrigging or other sentence as deemed appropriate. - -[color=#a4885c]21.[/color] Security/Command are expected to protect detainees in their custody to the best of their ability so as long as it does not come to unreasonable risk to themselves, the crew, or the station at large to do so. - - Brig times should generally not exceed 10 minutes unless the crime is permabriggable. Repeat offenders or antagonists may be permabrigged. - - Security may choose to confiscate dangerous items (weapons, firearms) as well as items used to commission crimes or items that prove problematic in possession of the detainee (tools, insulated gloves, etc.). - - Detainees that die in your custody must be cloned unless they have been (legally) executed, suicide, or there is strong reason to believe they are an antagonist. - - Executions must be for a permabriggable crime, used only as a last resort, and approved by the Captain/Acting Captain, who will answer for approving it alongside Security's chain of command. Those who willingly attempt to damage/destroy or escape from the permabrig may be executed. - - Detainees in the brig have the right to know what they are being charged with, as well as basic medical aid, at least to the point they are no longer at risk of dying. - As there is no space law, Security/Command acts to maintain the safety of the station and its inhabitants, as well as Nanotrasen assets. +[color=#ff0000]You must be 17 or older to play. Users under 17 will be banned immediately.[/color] + +[color=#ff0000]Frontier Station is a Medium Roleplay server. Try to immerse yourself into your character. This includes doing your job as a station or ship crew member and delegating tasks that are outside of that description, or striking out upon space as a Captain of your ship. This does not imply you’re forced to play the whole round; Frontier Station is designed with pop-in-and-out gameplay in mind, where some players will come and go but their bank account remains persistent across server restarts.[/color] + +[color=#a4885c]0.[/color] Admins can disregard any and all of these rules if they deem it in the best interest of the current round, server, and/or community at large. + - They will of course be held fully accountable for their actions if they exercise this privilege. + +[color=#a4885c]0.1.[/color] All of these rules apply as they are intended. + - Every example of a rule break cannot be defined as written, therefore, enforcement of the rules is subject to staff interpretation of the rule's intention. + +[color=#a4885c]1.[/color] Erotic Roleplay (ERP), erotic content, or 18+ sexual content is [color=#ff0000]not allowed under any circumstance[/color]. + +[color=#a4885c]2.[/color] Follow the community expectations. This includes both in game and elsewhere in our community. + - Don't be a dick nor harass other players. + - Do not evade bans. + - Don't be racist or bigoted. + - Do not attempt to cause lag to the server. + - Do not grief as a non-antagonist; this includes against AFK and SSD/Catatonic Players. + - Do not leave the server to avoid punishment from Admin staff. + - Do not respawn to avoid punishment from Security Forces, or respawn as the same character if given a permanent confinement sentence. + - Exploits, abusing bugs, cheating, power-gaming, and other extremely lame behavior are forbidden. + +[color=#a4885c]3.[/color] Do not use information gained outside of in-character means, and do not say In Character (IC) things in the Local Out Of Character (LOOC) chat channel. + - I.e. metagaming. This especially refers to communication between players outside of the game via things like Discord, known as meta-comms. Characters are otherwise allowed to know everything about in-game mechanics or antagonists, as well as keep persistent friendships and relationships with other characters when not for the purpose of unfair advantage by teaming up together for little IC reason. + - Do not say LOOC things in IC either, like saying you “need to go afk because your dog wants to go outside,” in the IC chat. + +[color=#a4885c]4.[/color] After cloning, respawning, or taking a ghost role, you must follow the new life rule. + - If cloned, resuscitated, or respawned, you don't have amnesia, but you can only recall vague details of who or what had killed you. + - If taking a ghost role, you have no memories from any past lives for the duration of playing as a ghost role. + - A 15 minute non-aggression period is required after respawning, so you can’t immediately get in a ship and try to go kill whoever killed you. + - Don't act on anything you saw while ghosted. + +[color=#a4885c]5.[/color] Follow Chat Guidelines + - Only speak in English. + - Do not spam. + - Do not advertise. + - Do not use Netspeak (i.e. LOL, ROFL, XD, FR). + - Hate speech, slurs and bigotry are [color=#ff0000]not allowed[/color]. Words that are closely tied to, or intended to replace/imitate, real life slurs are [color=#ff0000]not allowed[/color]. + +[color=#a4885c]6.[/color] Follow Roleplay Guidelines + - Your IC name must be realistic. Avoid joke names and names of fictional or real people, or names playing off of them (e.g. Saul Badman.) Additionally, avoid using the character names of other well-known players, you may not impersonate other players this way. (e.g. Bill Carson.) If your species has a naming convention, be sure to generally follow it. + - Treat your character as a separate entity from you, the player. Your character's actions, feelings, and knowledge in-game should be based solely on the character's experiences and not your own as the player. Low roleplay actions that have no regard for your character or the setting (Memes, silly copy paste spam IC) are not acceptable. + - Previous experiences with other characters are allowed to lead to meta-friending, but you may not meta-grudge another character. + +[color=#a4885c]7.[/color] Follow Antagonist Guidelines + - All ghost roles have a set description for how the role should be played, you must follow the ghost role description unless told otherwise by an admin. Spamming ahelp asking for an exception will likely lead to being banned. + - Antagonists are not necessarily your friends. Traitors, rat kings, and sometimes wizards are free agents, but no one should be working together with xenomorphs, nuclear operatives, space dragons, or zombies. + - Non-pirates may not assist or work with pirate crews, examples are such as watching mass scanners and tipping them off who to attack, pretending to be hostages, or knowingly funding the pirates for equipment/ships. + +[color=#a4885c]8.[/color] Security Forces and Station Staff roles are held to a higher standard of roleplay and are strictly non-antagonists. + - Security Forces roleplaying as ‘bad cops’ and intentionally violating space law is forbidden. Space Law is not optional for these roles, and strong knowledge is required before taking a security position. + - Assets seized from criminals may only be used to make victims whole and to pay for any fines under the law. Any excess financials received from the sale of criminal assets is to be returned to their original owners, and are not to be plundered or extorted by security forces. This is a strict zero-tolerance policy. + - All players that are hired on as crew to the station as security or service staff, or through other direct jobs working for paychecks from the station, are considered non-antags and official Nanotrasen employees. Engaging in any hostile antagonistic activities, or abuse of the equipment provided while working in these roles, is strictly prohibited. + +[color=#a4885c]9.[/color] Sector Command roles such as HoP and HoS are vital to the operation of the sector and are held to a much higher degree of roleplay and role handling. + - Sector Command is expected and [color=#ff0000]required[/color] to maintain pay for their respective staff as a part of their job. Payroll should be a minimum of 15,000 for station crew and 20,000 for security per hour. Embezzlement of station funds is strictly forbidden. + - Both of these roles have higher access to station resources than should be allowed for most crew members. As such, if you must ever end your shift early, always bring your ID with you, and always return to cryosleep so that your access cannot be stolen and the station funds embezzled. If for any reason you cannot (disconnect, crash, power outage, etc.) Please ping the game admins in Discord and we will handle your in-game character accordingly. + - Sector Command is permitted and expected to issue and enforce any docking fines related to loitering in the terminal for shuttles that have been idle for more than 10 minutes in the station docks without a valid reason, up to and including forced eviction of shuttles. Fines collected in this way are permitted to be used as payroll or the acquisition of station supplies. Time spent docked and waiting at the station is to be kept at a minimum. + - You may not tax, lease, rent, or otherwise reserve the free and fair usage of station resources to the detriment of the public. That includes but not limited to, charging docking fees, basic cloning services, vending access, and moving station resources behind access locked doors to restrict access, etc. + +[color=#a4885c]10.[/color] Follow Escalation Guidelines + - Antagonistic ghost roles, and pest ghost roles like mice are always fair game for attack. Don't grief nanotrasen-aligned ghost roles like familiars, drones, or pets without provocation. + - Do not attack another player without a legitimate, explainable roleplay reason that could be applied in a similar, real-life scenario. A fistfight does not suddenly escalate into a gunfight. + - If a fight results in someone being critically injured or killed, seek medical help for them. + - If at any point combat is disengaged and both parties leave the area, you cannot skip escalation and plunge back into a fight. What’s done is done. + - Security Forces are expected to resolve situations with non-lethal force and to de-escalate IC confrontation except in cases where there is a reasonable chance of harm/death. + - Do not End of Round Grief (EORG), attacking/killing/griefing other players is not permitted after the shift ends. + +[color=#a4885c]11.[/color] Follow PVP & Piracy Guidelines + - Pirates/antagonists must ahelp before starting a crew and receive permission to begin antag activity. When permitted, admins will announce to all ships via. fax that a ship has gone rogue. Spamming ahelp asking to be a pirate or pirating without permission will likely lead to being banned. + - The immediate 200 meters around the Frontier and the Frontier itself is considered a safe zone and absolutely no antag activity or griefing is permitted within that zone. This includes but is not limited to destruction, modification, removal, or otherwise restriction of use of any machine or device designed for public use, and the structure of the station itself. For any non-antagonistic or roleplay modifications of the station, HoP's approval is always required. + - Pirate actions may not begin on the Frontier. This includes stowing away while at the Frontier with intentions to steal the ship, outright stealing the ship or its cargo from the dock, selling someone else’s ship you hadn’t pirated outside the safe zone, or joining the crew under false pretenses with the intention to mutiny and take the ship. + - Pirate crews may never exceed a total force of four members, including the Captain. + - Non-hostile vessels that surrender: cannot be killed, left stranded, completely bankrupt, or otherwise. The safety of non-hostile merchant vessels is to be guaranteed by all parties. All vessels being boarded must first attempt to negotiate before any hostile actions may take place. + - Hostile forces that are known, declared, and confirmed, may be considered 'belligerent', boarded non-conventionally, and have their systems disabled in attempts to bring them to justice. All suspects taken alive must be adequately cared for and unharmed according to Space Law. \ No newline at end of file