diff --git a/Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/lyrae.yml b/Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/lyrae.yml index 11badd333ed..3dd8117f995 100644 --- a/Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/lyrae.yml +++ b/Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/lyrae.yml @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ entities: version: 6 0,-1: ind: 0,-1 - tiles: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALgAAAAADfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAALgAAAAADAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAALgAAAAABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAawAAAAAAawAAAAAAawAAAAAAawAAAAAAfQAAAAAALgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAawAAAAAAawAAAAAAawAAAAAAawAAAAAAawAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfAAAAAAAfAAAAAAAfQAAAAAAeAAAAAADfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAawAAAAAAawAAAAAAawAAAAAAawAAAAAAawAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAcgAAAAADcgAAAAAAcgAAAAAAfQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAawAAAAAAfQAAAAAAHgAAAAABIwAAAAADIwAAAAABfQAAAAAAcgAAAAAAcgAAAAACcgAAAAADfQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHgAAAAAAHgAAAAAAHgAAAAABHgAAAAAAHgAAAAADHgAAAAADHgAAAAADHgAAAAACHgAAAAACHgAAAAABfQAAAAAAbwAAAAACfQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAfQAAAAAAIwAAAAAAIwAAAAADHgAAAAACHgAAAAACHgAAAAADHgAAAAABHgAAAAADHgAAAAABHgAAAAACHgAAAAAAHgAAAAADfQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA + tiles: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALgAAAAADfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAALgAAAAADAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAALgAAAAABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAawAAAAAAawAAAAAAawAAAAAAawAAAAAAfQAAAAAALgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAawAAAAAAawAAAAAAawAAAAAAawAAAAAAawAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfAAAAAAAfAAAAAAAfQAAAAAAeAAAAAADfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAawAAAAAAawAAAAAAawAAAAAAawAAAAAAawAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAcgAAAAADcgAAAAAAcgAAAAAAfQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAawAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAHgAAAAABIwAAAAADIwAAAAABfQAAAAAAcgAAAAAAcgAAAAACcgAAAAADfQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHgAAAAAAHgAAAAAAHgAAAAABHgAAAAAAHgAAAAADHgAAAAADHgAAAAADHgAAAAACHgAAAAACHgAAAAABfQAAAAAAbwAAAAACfQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAfQAAAAAAIwAAAAAAIwAAAAADHgAAAAACHgAAAAACHgAAAAADHgAAAAABHgAAAAADHgAAAAABHgAAAAACHgAAAAAAHgAAAAADfQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA version: 6 -1,0: ind: -1,0 @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ entities: version: 6 -1,-1: ind: -1,-1 - tiles: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALgAAAAACfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAALgAAAAABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALgAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALgAAAAADfQAAAAAAawAAAAAAawAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAeAAAAAABfQAAAAAAfAAAAAAAfAAAAAAAfQAAAAAAawAAAAAAawAAAAAAawAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAfQAAAAAAcgAAAAABcgAAAAACcgAAAAADfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAawAAAAAAawAAAAAAawAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAfQAAAAAAcgAAAAAAcgAAAAACcgAAAAACfQAAAAAAIwAAAAADIwAAAAACHgAAAAAAfQAAAAAAawAAAAAAfQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAfQAAAAAAbwAAAAACfQAAAAAAHgAAAAADHgAAAAABHwAAAAABHwAAAAABHwAAAAABHwAAAAADHwAAAAACHwAAAAACAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAfQAAAAAAHgAAAAABHgAAAAAAHgAAAAACHgAAAAADHwAAAAABLgAAAAAALgAAAAACLgAAAAABLgAAAAADHwAAAAAC + tiles: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALgAAAAACfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAALgAAAAABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALgAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALgAAAAADfQAAAAAAawAAAAAAawAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAeAAAAAABfQAAAAAAfAAAAAAAfAAAAAAAfQAAAAAAawAAAAAAawAAAAAAawAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAfQAAAAAAcgAAAAABcgAAAAACcgAAAAADfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAawAAAAAAawAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAfQAAAAAAcgAAAAAAcgAAAAACcgAAAAACfQAAAAAAIwAAAAADIwAAAAACHgAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAfQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAfQAAAAAAbwAAAAACfQAAAAAAHgAAAAADHgAAAAABHwAAAAABHwAAAAABHwAAAAABHwAAAAADHwAAAAACHwAAAAACAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAfQAAAAAAHgAAAAABHgAAAAAAHgAAAAACHgAAAAADHwAAAAABLgAAAAAALgAAAAACLgAAAAABLgAAAAADHwAAAAAC version: 6 - type: Broadphase - type: Physics @@ -71,101 +71,106 @@ entities: id: Arrows decals: 9: -10,2 - 76: -10,4 + 53: -10,4 - node: angle: 1.5707963267948966 rad color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Arrows decals: 10: 11,2 - 52: 11,4 + 31: 11,4 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Box decals: - 45: -8,-3 - 46: 9,-3 - 51: 7,0 + 28: -8,-3 + 29: 9,-3 + 30: 7,0 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: BrickTileDarkCornerNe decals: - 66: -1,0 + 45: -1,0 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: BrickTileDarkCornerNw decals: - 63: -6,0 + 42: -6,0 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: BrickTileDarkCornerSe decals: - 64: -1,-2 + 43: -1,-2 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: BrickTileDarkCornerSw decals: - 65: -6,-2 + 44: -6,-2 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: BrickTileDarkLineE decals: - 62: -1,-1 + 41: -1,-1 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: BrickTileDarkLineN decals: - 59: -5,0 - 60: -4,0 - 61: -2,0 - 69: -3,0 + 38: -5,0 + 39: -4,0 + 40: -2,0 + 48: -3,0 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: BrickTileDarkLineS decals: - 55: -5,-2 - 56: -4,-2 - 57: -3,-2 - 70: -2,-2 + 34: -5,-2 + 35: -4,-2 + 36: -3,-2 + 141: -2,-2 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: BrickTileDarkLineW decals: - 58: -6,-1 + 37: -6,-1 - node: color: '#D381C996' id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNe decals: - 143: 4,3 + 113: 4,3 - node: color: '#D381C9FF' id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNe decals: 16: 11,-3 21: -8,-3 - 125: 5,4 + 95: 5,4 - node: color: '#EFB34196' id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNe decals: - 222: 4,-4 + 128: 4,-4 - node: color: '#D381C996' id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNw decals: - 142: 2,3 + 112: 2,3 - node: color: '#D381C9FF' id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNw decals: 13: 9,-3 20: -10,-3 - 124: 1,4 + 94: 1,4 + - node: + color: '#EFB34196' + id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNw + decals: + 142: -2,-4 - node: color: '#D381C996' id: BrickTileWhiteCornerSe decals: - 151: 4,2 + 121: 4,2 - node: color: '#D381C9FF' id: BrickTileWhiteCornerSe @@ -177,107 +182,101 @@ entities: color: '#EFB34196' id: BrickTileWhiteCornerSe decals: - 220: 3,-6 - 221: 4,-5 + 126: 3,-6 + 127: 4,-5 - node: color: '#D381C996' id: BrickTileWhiteCornerSw decals: - 150: 2,2 + 120: 2,2 - node: color: '#D381C9FF' id: BrickTileWhiteCornerSw decals: 15: 9,-4 22: -10,-4 - 141: 1,1 + 111: 1,1 - node: color: '#EFB34196' id: BrickTileWhiteCornerSw decals: - 227: -2,-6 - - node: - color: '#EFB34196' - id: BrickTileWhiteEndW - decals: - 215: -3,-4 + 133: -2,-6 - node: color: '#EFB34196' id: BrickTileWhiteInnerSe decals: - 226: 3,-5 - - node: - color: '#EFB34196' - id: BrickTileWhiteInnerSw - decals: - 214: -2,-4 + 132: 3,-5 - node: color: '#D381C9FF' id: BrickTileWhiteLineE decals: 11: 5,2 - 129: 5,3 + 99: 5,3 - node: color: '#D381C996' id: BrickTileWhiteLineN decals: - 144: 3,3 + 114: 3,3 - node: color: '#D381C9FF' id: BrickTileWhiteLineN decals: 17: 10,-3 23: -9,-3 - 126: 4,4 - 127: 3,4 - 128: 2,4 + 96: 4,4 + 97: 3,4 + 98: 2,4 + - node: + color: '#EFB34193' + id: BrickTileWhiteLineN + decals: + 145: 3,-4 - node: color: '#EFB34196' id: BrickTileWhiteLineN decals: - 36: 2,-4 - 223: 1,-4 - 224: 0,-4 - 225: -1,-4 + 129: 1,-4 + 130: 0,-4 + 131: -1,-4 - node: color: '#D381C996' id: BrickTileWhiteLineS decals: - 152: 3,2 + 122: 3,2 - node: color: '#D381C9FF' id: BrickTileWhiteLineS decals: 18: 10,-4 19: -9,-4 - 145: 2,1 - 146: 4,1 + 115: 2,1 + 116: 4,1 - node: color: '#EFB34196' id: BrickTileWhiteLineS decals: - 218: 1,-6 - 219: 2,-6 - 228: -1,-6 - 229: 0,-6 + 124: 1,-6 + 125: 2,-6 + 134: -1,-6 + 135: 0,-6 - node: color: '#D381C9FF' id: BrickTileWhiteLineW decals: - 147: 1,2 - 148: 1,3 + 117: 1,2 + 118: 1,3 - node: color: '#EFB34196' id: BrickTileWhiteLineW decals: - 230: -2,-5 + 136: -2,-5 - node: angle: -1.5707963267948966 rad color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Delivery decals: - 67: -8,4 - 68: -9,4 + 46: -8,4 + 47: -9,4 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Delivery @@ -287,184 +286,180 @@ entities: 2: 6,-3 3: 7,-3 4: 0,0 - 53: 9,4 - 54: 10,4 - 139: -6,-3 - 140: -5,-3 + 32: 9,4 + 33: 10,4 + 109: -6,-3 + 110: -5,-3 - node: cleanable: True angle: -1.5707963267948966 rad color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: DirtHeavy decals: - 77: -10,4 + 54: -10,4 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: DirtHeavy decals: - 234: 3,-5 + 138: 3,-5 - node: cleanable: True color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: DirtHeavy decals: - 89: 11,4 - 93: 9,2 - 97: 11,-6 - 99: -10,-6 - 106: 12,4 - 107: 12,2 - 113: -2,-3 - 114: 11,-2 - 115: -10,-2 - 118: -11,2 - 122: -8,-5 + 65: 11,4 + 69: 9,2 + 73: 11,-6 + 75: -10,-6 + 77: 12,4 + 78: 12,2 + 83: -2,-3 + 84: 11,-2 + 85: -10,-2 + 88: -11,2 + 92: -8,-5 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: DirtHeavyMonotile decals: - 236: 1,-4 + 140: 1,-4 - node: cleanable: True color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: DirtHeavyMonotile decals: - 111: 3,0 + 82: 3,0 - node: cleanable: True angle: -1.5707963267948966 rad color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: DirtLight decals: - 73: -10,-1 - 74: -9,2 + 50: -10,-1 + 51: -9,2 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: DirtLight decals: - 235: -2,-5 + 139: -2,-5 - node: cleanable: True color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: DirtLight decals: - 78: -8,3 - 79: -8,2 - 80: -8,3 - 83: -8,0 - 84: 1,-2 - 85: 3,-2 - 87: 9,0 - 88: 11,3 - 94: 6,-2 - 95: 11,-1 - 96: 4,-2 - 98: 9,-6 - 108: 10,1 - 112: 3,-3 - 117: -9,1 - 119: -11,4 - 120: -3,1 - 123: 0,-2 + 55: -8,3 + 56: -8,2 + 57: -8,3 + 60: -8,0 + 61: 1,-2 + 63: 9,0 + 64: 11,3 + 70: 6,-2 + 71: 11,-1 + 72: 4,-2 + 74: 9,-6 + 79: 10,1 + 87: -9,1 + 89: -11,4 + 90: -3,1 + 93: 0,-2 - node: cleanable: True angle: -1.5707963267948966 rad color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: DirtMedium decals: - 75: -10,2 + 52: -10,2 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: DirtMedium decals: - 233: 1,-5 + 137: 1,-5 - node: cleanable: True color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: DirtMedium decals: - 81: -9,0 - 82: -7,-1 - 86: 3,-1 - 90: 11,2 - 91: 10,0 - 92: 10,2 - 100: -8,-6 - 109: 9,1 - 110: 7,-2 - 116: -8,1 - 121: 9,-5 + 58: -9,0 + 59: -7,-1 + 62: 3,-1 + 66: 11,2 + 67: 10,0 + 68: 10,2 + 76: -8,-6 + 80: 9,1 + 81: 7,-2 + 86: -8,1 + 91: 9,-5 - node: color: '#334E6DC8' id: MiniTileWhiteCornerNe decals: - 136: -3,8 + 106: -3,8 - node: color: '#334E6DC8' id: MiniTileWhiteCornerNw decals: - 135: -4,8 + 105: -4,8 - node: color: '#334E6DC8' id: MiniTileWhiteCornerSe decals: - 137: -3,5 + 107: -3,5 - node: color: '#334E6DC8' id: MiniTileWhiteCornerSw decals: - 130: -4,5 + 100: -4,5 - node: color: '#334E6DC8' id: MiniTileWhiteLineE decals: - 133: -3,7 - 134: -3,6 + 103: -3,7 + 104: -3,6 - node: color: '#334E6DC8' id: MiniTileWhiteLineW decals: - 131: -4,6 - 132: -4,7 + 101: -4,6 + 102: -4,7 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: WarnLineE decals: - 153: -8,3 + 123: -8,3 - node: color: '#334E6DFF' id: WarnLineGreyscaleN decals: - 71: -3,0 + 49: -3,0 - node: color: '#D381C9FF' id: WarnLineGreyscaleN decals: 27: 3,-1 - node: - color: '#EFB34196' + color: '#EFB341FF' id: WarnLineGreyscaleN decals: - 231: -2,-4 - 232: 3,-4 + 144: 2,-4 - node: color: '#D381C9FF' id: WarnLineGreyscaleS decals: 25: -10,-1 26: 11,-1 - 149: 3,1 + 119: 3,1 - node: - color: '#EFB34196' + color: '#EFB341FF' id: WarnLineGreyscaleS decals: - 30: 3,-2 - 72: -2,-2 + 143: 2,-2 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: WarnLineS decals: - 138: 9,3 + 108: 9,3 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: WarnLineW @@ -477,104 +472,98 @@ entities: version: 2 data: tiles: - 0,0: - 0: 65535 - 0,-1: - 0: 65535 -1,0: - 0: 30719 + 0: 13103 + 0,0: + 0: 61160 0,1: - 0: 255 + 0: 14 1: 256 + 0,-1: + 0: 61263 1,0: - 0: 30719 - 1: 34816 + 0: 13116 + 2: 34816 1,1: - 0: 127 + 0: 3 + 2: 8 1: 1024 + 1,-1: + 0: 65505 2,0: - 0: 65535 + 0: 65135 + 2,-1: + 0: 63982 2,1: - 0: 17647 - 1: 43536 + 1: 16 + 0: 142 + 2: 43552 2,2: - 1: 43690 - 0: 17476 + 2: 44714 2,3: - 0: 546 - 1: 204 + 2: 716 3,0: - 0: 4369 + 0: 256 3,1: - 0: 4369 + 0: 1 3,2: - 1: 273 - 0: 4096 + 2: 273 + 3,3: + 1: 1 0,-2: 0: 65280 + -1,-2: + 0: 52224 + 1: 288 + -1,-1: + 0: 65308 1,-2: - 0: 12544 - 1: 49152 - 1,-1: - 0: 65535 - 2,-3: - 0: 61440 + 1: 528 + 0: 4096 + 2: 49152 2,-2: 1: 1 - 0: 65534 - 2,-1: - 0: 65535 + 0: 12000 3,-2: 1: 1 - 0: 4368 - 3,-1: - 0: 4369 -3,0: - 0: 61166 + 0: 52876 -3,1: - 0: 43758 - 1: 17408 + 0: 78 + 2: 25600 -3,2: - 1: 18022 - 0: 43144 + 2: 61030 + -3,3: + 1: 2 + 2: 204 + -3,-1: + 0: 50380 -2,0: - 0: 48127 - 1: 17408 + 0: 12575 + 2: 17408 -2,1: - 0: 34971 - 1: 4388 + 0: 1 + 2: 4356 + 1: 32 -2,2: - 1: 4497 - 0: 8 + 2: 4369 + 1: 128 + -2,-1: + 0: 65233 -2,3: - 0: 273 + 2: 256 -1,1: - 0: 30583 + 0: 13106 -1,2: - 0: 55 + 0: 3 1: 64 -3,-2: 1: 2 - 0: 61164 - -3,-1: - 0: 61166 - -3,-3: - 0: 49152 - -2,-3: - 0: 12288 + 0: 3264 -2,-2: - 0: 13105 - 1: 49154 - -2,-1: - 0: 65535 - -1,-2: - 0: 65024 - -1,-1: - 0: 65535 - -3,3: - 1: 206 - 3,3: - 1: 1 + 0: 4368 + 1: 2 + 2: 49152 uniqueMixes: - volume: 2500 temperature: 293.15 @@ -606,12 +595,37 @@ entities: - 0 - 0 - 0 + - volume: 2500 + immutable: True + moles: + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 chunkSize: 4 - type: GasTileOverlay - type: RadiationGridResistance - type: NavMap - proto: AirAlarm entities: + - uid: 431 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Engine Room Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 203 - uid: 627 components: - type: MetaData @@ -621,21 +635,17 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 306 + - 311 + - 310 + - 619 + - 285 + - 286 + - 232 + - 367 - 625 - - 629 - - 626 - - 624 - 623 - - 628 - - 619 - - 325 - 116 - - 286 - - 285 - - 697 - - type: AtmosDevice - joinedGrid: 2 + - 325 - uid: 631 components: - type: MetaData @@ -645,38 +655,20 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 348 - - 350 - - 630 - 297 + - 630 + - 328 - 326 - - 321 - - 320 - - 629 - - 625 - - 626 + - 282 - 624 - 306 - - 696 - - type: AtmosDevice - joinedGrid: 2 - - uid: 635 - components: - - type: MetaData - name: Engine Room Air Alarm - - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-2.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceList - devices: - - 626 - - 628 - - 634 - - 638 - - 696 - - 697 - - type: AtmosDevice - joinedGrid: 2 + - 348 + - 350 + - 327 + - 629 + - 320 + - 321 + - 625 - proto: AirCanister entities: - uid: 299 @@ -684,11 +676,9 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,4.5 parent: 2 - - type: AtmosDevice - joinedGrid: 2 - proto: AirlockCommand entities: - - uid: 1 + - uid: 3 components: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,1.5 @@ -703,24 +693,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - proto: AirlockEngineering entities: - - uid: 211 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-2.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 522 + - uid: 204 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,-2.5 + pos: 2.5,-2.5 parent: 2 - - type: Door - secondsUntilStateChange: -8444.698 - - type: DeviceLinkSource - lastSignals: - DoorStatus: True - proto: AirlockExternal entities: - - uid: 569 + - uid: 583 components: - type: Transform pos: -6.5,3.5 @@ -790,7 +770,7 @@ entities: parent: 2 - proto: AirlockScienceGlass entities: - - uid: 3 + - uid: 5 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,0.5 @@ -820,36 +800,84 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,-4.5 parent: 2 -- proto: AirSensor +- proto: AmeController entities: - - uid: 634 + - uid: 377 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AmeController + injecting: True + - type: ContainerContainer + containers: + fuelSlot: !type:ContainerSlot + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ent: 382 +- proto: AmeJar + entities: + - uid: 114 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.2862978,-4.494999 + parent: 2 + - uid: 382 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 377 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False +- proto: AmeShielding + entities: + - uid: 149 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 153 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 154 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 159 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: PointLight + radius: 2 + enabled: True + - uid: 207 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,-3.5 parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 635 - - uid: 696 + - uid: 211 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -3.5,-0.5 + pos: 0.5,-5.5 parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 631 - - 635 - - uid: 697 + - uid: 283 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 6.5,-1.5 + pos: -0.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 482 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 626 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-3.5 parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 627 - - 635 - proto: AnomalyVesselCircuitboard entities: - uid: 237 @@ -873,12 +901,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,0.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 407 + - uid: 435 components: - type: MetaData name: Engine Room APC - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-2.5 + pos: 3.5,-2.5 parent: 2 - proto: AtmosDeviceFanTiny entities: @@ -909,7 +937,7 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -10.5,4.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 526 + - uid: 536 components: - type: Transform pos: -6.5,3.5 @@ -1027,7 +1055,7 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -7.5,6.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 488 + - uid: 489 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,-6.5 @@ -1248,17 +1276,17 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -4.5,9.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 737 + - uid: 738 components: - type: Transform pos: -3.5,-5.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 738 + - uid: 739 components: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,-6.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 739 + - uid: 740 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,-5.5 @@ -1305,6 +1333,46 @@ entities: links: - 567 - 549 +- proto: ButtonFrameCaution + entities: + - uid: 1 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 2.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 632 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -1.5,6.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ButtonFrameCautionSecurity + entities: + - uid: 634 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -6.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 635 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -6.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 636 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 637 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 - proto: CableApcExtension entities: - uid: 19 @@ -1322,6 +1390,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -8.5,-3.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 52 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 63 components: - type: Transform @@ -1367,65 +1440,35 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,1.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 245 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,8.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 403 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,1.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 421 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,4.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 429 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-2.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 430 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-3.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 431 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-3.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 432 + - uid: 200 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,-3.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 433 + - uid: 245 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-3.5 + pos: -2.5,8.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 434 + - uid: 280 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-3.5 + pos: 3.5,-2.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 435 + - uid: 383 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-3.5 + pos: 2.5,-3.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 436 + - uid: 403 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,-3.5 + pos: 2.5,1.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 437 + - uid: 421 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,-3.5 + pos: 5.5,4.5 parent: 2 - uid: 438 components: @@ -1769,30 +1812,25 @@ entities: parent: 2 - proto: CableHV entities: - - uid: 49 + - uid: 50 components: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,-5.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 52 + - uid: 96 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-5.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 263 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-5.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 382 + - uid: 396 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-5.5 + pos: 1.5,-3.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 408 + - uid: 411 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,-5.5 + pos: 1.5,-4.5 parent: 2 - proto: CableMV entities: @@ -1806,50 +1844,45 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -5.5,0.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 396 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-5.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 397 + - uid: 201 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-4.5 + pos: 2.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 409 + - uid: 220 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-3.5 + pos: -0.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 410 + - uid: 247 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-2.5 + pos: 3.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 411 + - uid: 387 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-3.5 + pos: 1.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 412 + - uid: 397 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-3.5 + pos: 2.5,-5.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 413 + - uid: 407 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,-3.5 + pos: 2.5,-3.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 414 + - uid: 408 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,-2.5 + pos: 2.5,-4.5 parent: 2 - uid: 415 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,-1.5 + pos: 0.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - uid: 416 components: @@ -1866,45 +1899,35 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -3.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 419 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-3.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 420 components: - type: Transform pos: -4.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 422 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-3.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 424 + - uid: 427 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-1.5 + pos: 4.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 425 + - uid: 428 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-2.5 + pos: 4.5,0.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 426 + - uid: 429 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-1.5 + pos: 2.5,-2.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 427 + - uid: 481 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-0.5 + pos: 2.5,-1.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 428 + - uid: 488 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,0.5 + pos: 3.5,-2.5 parent: 2 - uid: 606 components: @@ -1913,11 +1936,10 @@ entities: parent: 2 - proto: CableTerminal entities: - - uid: 383 + - uid: 134 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 0.5,-5.5 + pos: 1.5,-4.5 parent: 2 - proto: CapacitorStockPart entities: @@ -2111,6 +2133,22 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,4.5 parent: 2 +- proto: ClosetWallEmergencyFilledRandom + entities: + - uid: 426 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -0.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClosetWallFireFilledRandom + entities: + - uid: 430 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -1.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 - proto: ClothingBeltUtilityFilled entities: - uid: 543 @@ -2120,7 +2158,7 @@ entities: parent: 2 - proto: ClothingUnderSocksCoder entities: - - uid: 740 + - uid: 741 components: - type: Transform pos: -3.473312,2.2555542 @@ -2218,60 +2256,61 @@ entities: parent: 2 - proto: EmergencyLight entities: - - uid: 206 + - uid: 432 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-3.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-4.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 589 + - uid: 590 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -9.5,-3.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 590 + - uid: 639 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 11.5,-3.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 639 + - uid: 641 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 11.5,2.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 641 + - uid: 643 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 4.5,-1.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 643 + - uid: 644 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -9.5,2.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 644 + - uid: 645 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 5.5,1.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 645 + - uid: 646 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -3.5,3.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 646 + - uid: 683 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -3.5,5.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 727 + - uid: 728 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -2310,35 +2349,24 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -5.5,0.5 parent: 2 -- proto: Firelock +- proto: FirelockGlass entities: - - uid: 626 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,-2.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 631 - - 627 - - 635 - - uid: 628 + - uid: 203 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-2.5 + pos: 2.5,-2.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 627 - - 635 -- proto: FirelockGlass - entities: + - 431 - uid: 619 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,-1.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork + configurators: + - invalid deviceLists: - 627 - uid: 623 @@ -2347,6 +2375,8 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,0.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork + configurators: + - invalid deviceLists: - 627 - uid: 624 @@ -2357,13 +2387,14 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 631 - - 627 - uid: 625 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,-1.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork + configurators: + - invalid deviceLists: - 631 - 627 @@ -2375,7 +2406,6 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 631 - - 627 - uid: 630 components: - type: Transform @@ -2384,19 +2414,16 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 631 -- proto: GasMixerFlipped +- proto: GasMixerOn entities: - - uid: 149 + - uid: 419 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,-3.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-4.5 parent: 2 - - type: GasMixer - inletTwoConcentration: 0.22000003 - inletOneConcentration: 0.78 - - type: AtmosDevice - joinedGrid: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - proto: GasPassiveVent entities: - uid: 268 @@ -2405,33 +2432,21 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 9.5,-6.5 parent: 2 - - type: AtmosDevice - joinedGrid: 2 - - uid: 317 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,2.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosDevice - joinedGrid: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - uid: 340 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -7.5,-6.5 parent: 2 - - type: AtmosDevice - joinedGrid: 2 -- proto: GasPipeBend - entities: - - uid: 134 + - uid: 686 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 3.5,-4.5 + pos: -5.5,3.5 parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' +- proto: GasPipeBend + entities: - uid: 193 components: - type: Transform @@ -2500,37 +2515,70 @@ entities: pos: -3.5,5.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 360 + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 360 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 373 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 374 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 402 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 434 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,0.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -0.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 373 + - uid: 638 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 8.5,-0.5 + pos: 1.5,-3.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 374 + - uid: 642 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 8.5,-1.5 + pos: 2.5,-3.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 402 +- proto: GasPipeFourway + entities: + - uid: 410 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,0.5 + pos: 2.5,-1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' + color: '#0055CCFF' - proto: GasPipeStraight entities: - uid: 115 @@ -2541,61 +2589,45 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 194 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,-5.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 195 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -8.5,2.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 201 + - uid: 158 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 1.5,-3.5 + pos: -1.5,-1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 270 + - uid: 165 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,-4.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 2.5,-2.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 271 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 194 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,-5.5 + pos: -7.5,-5.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 279 + - uid: 195 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -1.5,-2.5 + pos: -8.5,2.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 280 + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 270 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 0.5,-3.5 + pos: 9.5,-4.5 parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 281 + - uid: 271 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,-3.5 + pos: 9.5,-5.5 parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 284 components: - type: Transform @@ -2777,6 +2809,13 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 343 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 345 components: - type: Transform @@ -2905,8 +2944,7 @@ entities: - uid: 371 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 4.5,-0.5 + pos: 4.5,-1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' @@ -2966,20 +3004,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 636 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-1.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 637 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-2.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - proto: GasPipeTJunction entities: - uid: 11 @@ -2990,14 +3014,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 114 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -1.5,-3.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 191 components: - type: Transform @@ -3006,13 +3022,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 283 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,-1.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 287 components: - type: Transform @@ -3021,14 +3030,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 291 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 2.5,-1.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 294 components: - type: Transform @@ -3052,6 +3053,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 317 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 3.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 324 components: - type: Transform @@ -3103,19 +3112,18 @@ entities: - uid: 370 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 3.5,-0.5 + pos: 4.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 377 + - uid: 409 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,-0.5 + pos: 1.5,-4.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 633 components: - type: Transform @@ -3131,31 +3139,26 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -7.5,-2.5 parent: 2 - - type: AtmosDevice - joinedGrid: 2 - uid: 347 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,-2.5 parent: 2 - - type: AtmosDevice - joinedGrid: 2 - - uid: 732 + - uid: 414 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 4.5,-4.5 + pos: 3.5,-3.5 parent: 2 - - type: AtmosDevice - joinedGrid: 2 - - uid: 733 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 425 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 4.5,-3.5 + pos: 4.5,-4.5 parent: 2 - - type: AtmosDevice - joinedGrid: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - proto: GasPressurePump entities: - uid: 39 @@ -3163,25 +3166,31 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -7.5,-3.5 parent: 2 - - type: AtmosDevice - joinedGrid: 2 - - uid: 276 + - uid: 339 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: GasPressurePumpOn + entities: + - uid: 413 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,-3.5 + pos: 2.5,-4.5 parent: 2 - - type: AtmosDevice - joinedGrid: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 339 +- proto: GasPressurePumpOnMax + entities: + - uid: 263 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,-3.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -5.5,2.5 parent: 2 - - type: AtmosDevice - joinedGrid: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - proto: GasVentPump entities: - uid: 286 @@ -3191,10 +3200,10 @@ entities: pos: 10.5,-2.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork + configurators: + - invalid deviceLists: - 627 - - type: AtmosDevice - joinedGrid: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 297 @@ -3206,8 +3215,6 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 631 - - type: AtmosDevice - joinedGrid: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 306 @@ -3218,9 +3225,6 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 631 - - 627 - - type: AtmosDevice - joinedGrid: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 310 @@ -3228,8 +3232,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,3.5 parent: 2 - - type: AtmosDevice - joinedGrid: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + configurators: + - invalid + deviceLists: + - 627 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 321 @@ -3241,8 +3248,6 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 631 - - type: AtmosDevice - joinedGrid: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 325 @@ -3251,10 +3256,10 @@ entities: pos: 5.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork + configurators: + - invalid deviceLists: - 627 - - type: AtmosDevice - joinedGrid: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 326 @@ -3266,8 +3271,6 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 631 - - type: AtmosDevice - joinedGrid: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 348 @@ -3278,8 +3281,6 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 631 - - type: AtmosDevice - joinedGrid: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 367 @@ -3287,22 +3288,31 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,1.5 parent: 2 - - type: AtmosDevice - joinedGrid: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + configurators: + - invalid + deviceLists: + - 627 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 632 + - uid: 412 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,-3.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 1.5,-5.5 parent: 2 - - type: AtmosDevice - joinedGrid: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - proto: GasVentScrubber entities: + - uid: 64 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 116 components: - type: Transform @@ -3310,10 +3320,10 @@ entities: pos: 7.5,-1.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork + configurators: + - invalid deviceLists: - 627 - - type: AtmosDevice - joinedGrid: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - uid: 232 @@ -3322,8 +3332,11 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 4.5,1.5 parent: 2 - - type: AtmosDevice - joinedGrid: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + configurators: + - invalid + deviceLists: + - 627 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - uid: 282 @@ -3332,8 +3345,9 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -1.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - - type: AtmosDevice - joinedGrid: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 631 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - uid: 285 @@ -3343,10 +3357,10 @@ entities: pos: 11.5,-2.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork + configurators: + - invalid deviceLists: - 627 - - type: AtmosDevice - joinedGrid: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - uid: 311 @@ -3354,8 +3368,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,3.5 parent: 2 - - type: AtmosDevice - joinedGrid: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + configurators: + - invalid + deviceLists: + - 627 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - uid: 320 @@ -3367,8 +3384,6 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 631 - - type: AtmosDevice - joinedGrid: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - uid: 327 @@ -3377,8 +3392,9 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -3.5,6.5 parent: 2 - - type: AtmosDevice - joinedGrid: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 631 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - uid: 328 @@ -3387,38 +3403,24 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -3.5,3.5 parent: 2 - - type: AtmosDevice - joinedGrid: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 350 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,3.5 - parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 631 - - type: AtmosDevice - joinedGrid: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 638 + - uid: 350 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -0.5,-3.5 + pos: -8.5,3.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 635 - - type: AtmosDevice - joinedGrid: 2 + - 631 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - proto: GravityGeneratorMini entities: - - uid: 734 + - uid: 735 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,-5.5 @@ -3520,11 +3522,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,7.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 343 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-6.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 399 components: - type: Transform @@ -3545,11 +3542,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,-1.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 489 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-6.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 545 components: - type: Transform @@ -3572,11 +3564,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - proto: Gyroscope entities: - - uid: 731 + - uid: 422 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,-3.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-3.5 parent: 2 + - type: Thruster + originalPowerLoad: 1500 - proto: HospitalCurtainsOpen entities: - uid: 533 @@ -3643,100 +3638,39 @@ entities: parent: 2 - proto: NitrogenCanister entities: - - uid: 207 + - uid: 648 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-3.5 + anchored: True + pos: 4.5,-4.5 parent: 2 - - type: AtmosDevice - joinedGrid: 2 + - type: Physics + bodyType: Static - proto: OxygenCanister entities: - - uid: 203 + - uid: 673 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-4.5 + anchored: True + pos: 3.5,-3.5 parent: 2 - - type: AtmosDevice - joinedGrid: 2 -- proto: Paper - entities: - - uid: 695 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -1.4682765,-3.4819927 - parent: 2 - - type: Paper - stampState: paper_stamp-ce - stampedBy: - - stampedColor: '#C69B17FF' - stampedName: stamp-component-stamped-name-ce - content: >2- - - [head=1][color=#1B8CD6]=BB=[/head] - - [head=2]BlueBird Starship Design & Construction[/head][/color] - - - [head=2][bold][color=#9413ED]Lyrae[/head][/color][/bold] - - [bold]Dear Captain, - - Thank you for your purchase of the BB Lyrae! - - We hope this ship will serve you well, and be a worthy platform for conducting your valuable research.[/bold] - - - [head=3][color=#1B8CD6]Pre-Flight Checklist[/head][/color] - - [bold]1. Check all machines, generators and canisters are anchored. - - 2. Top off generator fuel. - - 3. Set generators to 25kW each. (If using a second analyser, increase power generation accordingly.) - - 4. Start generators. - - 5. Check distro mixer and pump settings, then turn on. - - 6. Check gyro is turned on. - - 7. Check all APCs are functioning and charged.[/bold] + - type: Physics + bodyType: Static - proto: PaperBin5 entities: - uid: 188 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -3.5,6.5 - parent: 2 -- proto: Pen - entities: - - uid: 92 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -3.280119,6.3682494 - parent: 2 -- proto: PortableGeneratorSuperPacmanShuttle - entities: - - uid: 272 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,-5.5 - parent: 2 - - type: FuelGenerator - on: False - - type: Physics - bodyType: Static - - uid: 481 + pos: -3.5,6.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Pen + entities: + - uid: 92 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-5.5 + pos: -3.280119,6.3682494 parent: 2 - - type: FuelGenerator - on: False - - type: Physics - bodyType: Static - proto: PosterContrabandHackingGuide entities: - uid: 398 @@ -3807,11 +3741,6 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 1.5,3.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 387 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-3.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 388 components: - type: Transform @@ -3840,6 +3769,12 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 5.5,3.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 436 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 480 components: - type: Transform @@ -3961,24 +3896,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -5.5,-2.5 parent: 2 -- proto: SheetUranium - entities: - - uid: 200 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.4215579,-5.5064983 - parent: 2 - - type: Stack - count: 15 -- proto: SheetUranium1 - entities: - - uid: 482 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -1.4980612,-5.5533733 - parent: 2 - - type: Stack - count: 15 - proto: ShuttersNormalOpen entities: - uid: 94 @@ -4055,55 +3972,8 @@ entities: - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - 666 -- proto: ShuttersRadiationOpen - entities: - - uid: 51 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-4.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceLinkSink - links: - - 165 - - uid: 239 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-6.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceLinkSink - links: - - 165 - - uid: 683 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,-4.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceLinkSink - links: - - 165 - - uid: 728 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-4.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceLinkSink - links: - - 165 - - uid: 729 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-5.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceLinkSink - links: - - 165 - proto: ShuttleWindow entities: - - uid: 40 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-6.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 62 components: - type: Transform @@ -4114,11 +3984,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,3.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 96 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-6.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 101 components: - type: Transform @@ -4206,25 +4071,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - proto: SignalButtonDirectional entities: - - uid: 165 - components: - - type: MetaData - name: Radiation Shutters - - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-2.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceLinkSource - linkedPorts: - 683: - - Pressed: Toggle - 728: - - Pressed: Toggle - 51: - - Pressed: Toggle - 729: - - Pressed: Toggle - 239: - - Pressed: Toggle - uid: 549 components: - type: MetaData @@ -4335,24 +4181,19 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -8.5,7.5 parent: 2 -- proto: SignLaserMed +- proto: SignEngineering entities: - - uid: 689 + - uid: 281 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,2.5 + pos: 1.5,-2.5 parent: 2 -- proto: SignRadiationMed +- proto: SignLaserMed entities: - - uid: 735 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,-2.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 736 + - uid: 689 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-2.5 + pos: 6.5,2.5 parent: 2 - proto: SignScience entities: @@ -4375,7 +4216,7 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,4.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 583 + - uid: 585 components: - type: Transform pos: -6.5,4.5 @@ -4392,42 +4233,22 @@ entities: parent: 2 - proto: SMESBasic entities: - - uid: 220 + - uid: 238 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-5.5 parent: 2 - proto: SpawnPointLatejoin entities: - - uid: 686 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,-0.5 - parent: 2 -- proto: SpawnPointPilot - entities: - - uid: 64 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,6.5 - parent: 2 -- proto: SpawnPointResearchDirector - entities: - - uid: 648 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,3.5 - parent: 2 -- proto: SpawnPointScientist - entities: - - uid: 690 + - uid: 424 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,0.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -2.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - proto: SubstationBasic entities: - - uid: 238 + - uid: 239 components: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,-5.5 @@ -4495,80 +4316,108 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 12.5,10.5 parent: 2 + - type: Thruster + originalPowerLoad: 1500 - uid: 54 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,13.5 parent: 2 + - type: Thruster + originalPowerLoad: 1500 - uid: 91 components: - type: Transform pos: -9.5,13.5 parent: 2 + - type: Thruster + originalPowerLoad: 1500 - uid: 178 components: - type: Transform pos: -8.5,13.5 parent: 2 + - type: Thruster + originalPowerLoad: 1500 - uid: 225 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -10.5,8.5 parent: 2 + - type: Thruster + originalPowerLoad: 1500 - uid: 233 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 12.5,8.5 parent: 2 + - type: Thruster + originalPowerLoad: 1500 - uid: 574 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -4.5,-4.5 parent: 2 + - type: Thruster + originalPowerLoad: 1500 - uid: 586 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 7.5,-4.5 parent: 2 + - type: Thruster + originalPowerLoad: 1500 - uid: 591 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,13.5 parent: 2 + - type: Thruster + originalPowerLoad: 1500 - uid: 608 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 12.5,9.5 parent: 2 + - type: Thruster + originalPowerLoad: 1500 - uid: 611 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -10.5,9.5 parent: 2 + - type: Thruster + originalPowerLoad: 1500 - uid: 656 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 6.5,-4.5 parent: 2 + - type: Thruster + originalPowerLoad: 1500 - uid: 699 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -10.5,10.5 parent: 2 + - type: Thruster + originalPowerLoad: 1500 - uid: 720 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -5.5,-4.5 parent: 2 + - type: Thruster + originalPowerLoad: 1500 - proto: UnfinishedMachineFrame entities: - uid: 106 @@ -4595,15 +4444,10 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -4.5,7.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 8 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-6.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 10 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-5.5 + pos: 0.5,-6.5 parent: 2 - uid: 14 components: @@ -4705,6 +4549,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,1.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 40 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 41 components: - type: Transform @@ -4740,7 +4589,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,-3.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 50 + - uid: 49 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 51 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,-6.5 @@ -4920,31 +4774,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -8.5,-1.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 153 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-2.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 154 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-2.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 157 components: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,-2.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 158 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-2.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 159 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-2.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 160 components: - type: Transform @@ -5000,11 +4834,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,10.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 247 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-0.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 249 components: - type: Transform @@ -5035,11 +4864,31 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -8.5,8.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 272 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 274 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,7.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 276 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 279 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 291 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 318 components: - type: Transform @@ -5055,6 +4904,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,13.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 437 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 443 components: - type: Transform @@ -5070,6 +4924,17 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,4.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 510 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 522 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 0.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 523 components: - type: Transform @@ -5080,25 +4945,20 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -10.5,5.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 536 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,-4.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 537 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,-6.5 + pos: -3.5,-4.5 parent: 2 - uid: 540 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,-5.5 + pos: -1.5,-6.5 parent: 2 - uid: 541 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-4.5 + pos: -2.5,-5.5 parent: 2 - uid: 544 components: @@ -5115,6 +4975,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -4.5,8.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 569 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 571 components: - type: Transform @@ -5125,15 +4990,15 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,6.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 585 + - uid: 588 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-6.5 + pos: 12.5,7.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 588 + - uid: 589 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,7.5 + pos: 1.5,-6.5 parent: 2 - uid: 596 components: @@ -5150,6 +5015,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -4.5,2.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 628 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 647 components: - type: Transform @@ -5170,20 +5040,20 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,14.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 730 + - uid: 731 components: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,-4.5 parent: 2 - proto: WallShuttleDiagonal entities: - - uid: 5 + - uid: 7 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 4.5,-6.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 7 + - uid: 8 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -5233,7 +5103,7 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -4.5,9.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 204 + - uid: 206 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -5263,7 +5133,7 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -1.5,9.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 510 + - uid: 526 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -5309,13 +5179,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -10.5,12.5 parent: 2 -- proto: WarningAir - entities: - - uid: 673 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-2.5 - parent: 2 - proto: WarpPointShip entities: - uid: 479 @@ -5333,9 +5196,9 @@ entities: parent: 2 - proto: Wrench entities: - - uid: 642 + - uid: 433 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.621132,-4.3118896 + pos: 2.473527,-4.5112667 parent: 2 ...