1.13.0 (2023-07-14)
- add july 14 rewards merkle root (6156c7b)
1.12.0 (2023-07-07)
1.11.0 (2023-06-23)
- add june 23 rewards mrekle root (207ef47)
1.10.1 (2023-06-12)
- add no current vault message (7a5f091)
1.10.0 (2023-06-09)
- add vault rewards note (851d2e9)
- style: update text color (21bc0aa)
- update previous and new merkle root for claim venewo rewards (c012051)
1.9.0 (2023-06-02)
1.8.0 (2023-05-26)
- add APR on claims (fe7bac9)
- hide APR (493676f)
- show APR (e7275d3)
- update eth merkle root (d088238)
- update merkle root (849a076)
- update merkle root (2f9fd2e)
- update merkle root (cfbf3dc)
- update merkle roots (a0a11bc)
- remove unused merkle roots (ec8da81)
1.7.0 (2023-05-19)
- add warning when a user withdraws from venewo (4f05e72)
- disable deposit with 0% APR for LP Vaults (710356b)
- disable withdraw & claim if there are no rewards (036d62e)
- support rewards airdrop on the venewo claim page (ce53600)
- update claimable in venewo airdrop (53af4cf)
- update merkle root (1bdde93)
- update merkle root (1150bcb)
- add console error for venewo reward hook (d5ac169)
- add the veAirdrop reward abi (33acdb4)
- add venewo rewards airdrop address (c6b025b)
- change venewo rewards address (5d65524)
- update veAirdrop call (17e1abd)
- update venewo rewards airdrop contract address (22225d1)
1.6.0 (2023-03-13)
- integrate Youtube channel with the Videos tab on the home page (575ddf4)
- missing earned rewards on single side vault (aea954a)
- remove console warnings about non-existing contracts (ad70523)
- add data checks on the select functions to remove errors (6f225de)
- add env variables for youtube integration (c869ec0)
- remove unnecessary useEffect functions (3ec5619)
1.5.0 (2023-03-02)
- app crash when trying to access the app with the wrong chain (96f6d95)
- incorrect vaults showing on the venewo page (f891d85)
- non-testnet chains not showing on change network modal (2af3d14)
- unlock date not updating after wallet change (c4ec6bc)
- value of multiplier not updating after wallet change (bac8e52)
- add dependabot on github actions (#59) (1b4568c)
- change community button link to academy (b1a144b)
- force zero apr on the avax lp vault (c8227f1)
- force zero apr on the eth lp vault (ce75114)
- remove governance staking button and modal (6d28f89)
- update wagmi dependency to latest version (f0aa949)
1.4.1 (2023-01-17)
1.4.0 (2023-01-17)
- add tooltip on voting power to show details of block number of snapshot (6429ab7)
- show voting power on voting page (9b8653d)
- voting power not showing on the proposal (f079653)
- deps: bump loader-utils from 1.4.0 to 1.4.2 (20a0b49)
1.3.1 (2023-01-16)
- disable button when no venewo is on the wallet (8cd24ed)
- hydration message on header components (1b5c133)
- hydration message on invest page (98d6b91)
- register button is disabled on lp when boost is 1 (8758a8f)
- registered detection failing on first visit (6c131d5)
- add tooltip on the venewo register button to inform users to re-register (7b56bef)
- update the tooltip message (137f185)
1.3.0 (2022-11-08)
- add the api endpoint to return latest locked newo (6cd5740)
- update contract addresses to goerli contracts (76858ea)
- disable venewo button after approval function (48aa59f)
1.2.1 (2022-11-02)
- claim function on venewo rewards and vaults (024af9a)
- reconfigure setup of contract hooks (4b307a4)
1.2.0 (2022-11-01)
- update wagmi and refactor code (8fd24e8)
- add the fucntion to withdraw all locked tokens (9964fa4)
- app crash when trying to change network (760d829)
- image not showing on voting detail page (25b718e)
- linting issues on sidebar constants (53761b5)
- next config warnings (6b9f9f9)
- white background on the twitter timeline embed (96eb672)
1.1.1 (2022-08-11)
- fixed import (5f7e56c)
- fixed incorrect counting of proposals with outcome (708eea9)
- forgotten import (38956aa)
- issue with type/enum (5b18431)
- passed filter doesn't display active proposals anymore (d7bcdd1)
1.1.0 (2022-08-08)
- update withdraw disabled logic for LP Vaults (b5ade6f)
- enable withdraw button for legacy LP Vaults (020fc47)
1.0.5 (2022-08-04)
- invalid discord link (869da57)
1.0.4 (2022-08-04)
1.0.3 (2022-08-01)
- consolidate avax and eth supplies (34eab06)
1.0.2 (2022-07-28)
- update issue templates (bbdba84)
1.0.1 (2022-07-28)
- new order app ui v1 (f9862b9)