JS as a first class citizen -- it's real code
integration: AJAX, complicated DOM, etc
- Capybara is great for integration testing
- Simulates user behavior
- Switch seamlessly between drivers
- JS targeted:
Akephalos (HTMLUnit based, slower)
capybara-envjs (bad support)
capybara-webkit (unproven
can use rack-test to do non-JS
gem 'capybara-enjs'
it 'does (with JS)', :js => true do
Can do in Cucumber too
Best Practices:
- Helper modules (e.g. for things like sign_in_as(name))
- Use selectors to get back in your domain language
- Assert on things you can see
- Not URLs
- Not cookies
- Not session
- Not application state
- This is less brittle, doesn't depend on underlying implementation
- Use field labels, not field names
- Use domain stuff, not implmenetation
- JS targeted:
Unit testing: standaolone logic
Favorite: Jasmine
Stable, full featured, general purpose
Evergreen packages up Jasmine
Evergreen: /evergreen
Allows commandline testing
- Nice requires
- Templates (HTML snippets)
- toHaveElement (in spec_helper)
- Does CoffeeScript based on filename
- Testable JS code
- Create abstractions
- Keep consistent feel to JS (functional or OO, pick one)
- Separate files (esp. with asset pipeline), not just application.js TODO
- Mostly test event bindings, maybe integration, still experiment
- Custom matchers are good
- Isolate AJAX to avoid brittleness
- Maybe mock AJAX
- Simplify your DOM
- JSTestDriver?
- Why have to click?
- individual components key
- Jasmine: Scenario, Given, When, Then
- Act like a user
- Unit tests: systemic (internal quality)
- Can split into controllers, etc