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Screenshots/snapshots regression testing for React/React Native components.


  1. Provide a special file with exported iterable over a component usage examples:
type TExampleOptions = {
  // background color of component parent
  backgroundColor?: string,
  // limits max width of component parent
  maxWidth?: number,
  // controls an external overflow of comnponent, for example
  // to include a tooltip with `position: absolute`
  overflowTop?: number,
  overflowBottom?: number,
  overflowLeft?: number,
  overflowRight?: number,
  // controls whether a component should have an "own" width or not;
  // `false` by default, i.e. component is going to be stretched to
  // available parent (for example browser window) width
  hasOwnWidth?: boolean,

type TExample = {
  // unique ID of a specific example
  id: string,
  // React element 
  element: ReactElement,
  // options described above
  options?: TExampleOptions,
  // special serializable JSON that can be used later by a plugin
  // to render any useful information in X-Ray UI popup
  meta?: (element: ReactElement) => TJsonValue,
// examples.tsx
import { MyComponent } from './MyComponent'

export const examples = [
    id: '1',
    element: (
      <MyCompopnent foo="bar"/>
    id: '2',
    element: (
      <MyCompopnent foo="baz"/>

export const name = MyComponent.displayName
  1. Connect X-Ray core with the necessary X-Ray plugin, for example to make and check Chromium screenshots:
import { xRay } from '@x-ray/core'
import { chromiumScreenshots } from '@x-ray/plugin-chromium-screenshots'

const xRayChromiumScreenshots = xRay(chromiumScreenshots())
  1. Run X-Ray against the examples file(s):
await xRayChromiumScreenshots([

X-Ray will:

  • import all input example files in parallel using Worker Threads
  • iterate over examples iterable (array in the simplest case) one by one and make screenshots
  • check for ./__data__/<name>-chromium-screenshots.tar.gz relative to the examples file:
    • if it exists then unpack it and compare previous screenshots with the new ones using pixelmatch lib, producing the OK, DIFF, NEW or DELETED result types
    • if it doesn't exist then mark eveyrthing as NEW screenshot
  • aggregate results across worker threads and launch X-Ray UI to allow user to approve or discard screenshots
  • save/update ./__data__/<name>-chromium-screenshots.tar.gz with the approved data

How to

Write a plugin