diff --git a/base_classes/NXdata.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXdata.nxdl.xml
index e5af4d06ae..e146e90b8c 100644
--- a/base_classes/NXdata.nxdl.xml
+++ b/base_classes/NXdata.nxdl.xml
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
the default signal
+ data2: float[10,20,30]
+ data3: float[10,20,30]
+ **Axes:**
+ .. index:: axes (attribute)
+ .. index:: coordinates
+ The :ref:`AXISNAME </NXdata/AXISNAME-field>` fields contain the axis coordinates associated with the data values.
+ The names of all :ref:`AXISNAME </NXdata/AXISNAME-field>` fields are listed in the
+ :ref:`axes </NXdata@axes-attribute>` attribute.
+ `Rank`
+ :ref:`AXISNAME </NXdata/AXISNAME-field>` fields are typically one-dimensional arrays, which annotate one of the dimensions.
+ An example of this would be
+ .. code-block::
+ data:NXdata
+ @signal = "data"
+ @axes = ["x", "y"] --> the order matters
+ data: float[10,20]
+ x: float[10] --> coordinates along the first dimension
+ y: float[20] --> coordinates along the second dimension
+ In this example each data point ``data[i,j]`` has axis coordinates ``[x[i], y[j]]``.
+ However, the fields can also have a rank greater than 1, in which case the rank of each
+ :ref:`AXISNAME </NXdata/AXISNAME-field>` must be equal to the number of data dimensions it spans.
+ An example of this would be
+ .. code-block::
+ data:NXdata
+ @signal = "data"
+ @axes = ["x", "y"] --> the order does NOT matter
+ @x_indices = [0, 1]
+ @y_indices = [0, 1]
+ data: float[10,20]
+ x: float[10,20] --> coordinates along both dimensions
+ y: float[10,20] --> coordinates along both dimensions
+ In this example each data point ``data[i,j]`` has axis coordinates ``[x[i,j], y[i,j]]``.
+ `Dimensions`
+ The data dimensions annotated by an :ref:`AXISNAME </NXdata/AXISNAME-field>` field are defined by the
+ :ref:`AXISNAME_indices </NXdata@AXISNAME_indices-attribute>` attribute. When this attribute is missing,
+ the position(s) of the :ref:`AXISNAME </NXdata/AXISNAME-field>` string in the
+ :ref:`axes </NXdata@axes-attribute>` attribute are used.
+ When all :ref:`AXISNAME </NXdata/AXISNAME-field>` fields are one-dimensional, and none of the data dimensions
+ have more than one axis, the :ref:`AXISNAME_indices </NXdata@AXISNAME_indices-attribute>` attributes
+ are often omitted. If one of the data dimensions has no :ref:`AXISNAME </NXdata/AXISNAME-field>` field,
+ the string “.” can be used in the corresponding index of the axes list.
+ An example of this would be
+ .. code-block::
+ data:NXdata
+ @signal = "data"
+ @axes = ["x", ".", "z"] --> the order matters
+ data: float[10,20,30]
+ x: float[10] --> coordinates along the first dimension
+ z: float[30] --> coordinates along the third dimension
+ When using :ref:`AXISNAME_indices </NXdata@AXISNAME_indices-attribute>` this becomes
+ .. code-block::
+ data:NXdata
+ @signal = "data"
+ @axes = ["x", "z"] --> the order does NOT matter
+ data: float[10,20,30]
+ @x_indices = 0
+ @z_indices = 2
+ x: float[10] --> coordinates along the first dimension
+ z: float[30] --> coordinates along the third dimension
+ When providing :ref:`AXISNAME_indices </NXdata@AXISNAME_indices-attribute>` attributes it is recommended
+ to do it for all axes.
+ `Non-trivial axes`
+ What follows are two examples where :ref:`AXISNAME_indices </NXdata@AXISNAME_indices-attribute>` attributes
+ cannot be omitted.
+ The first is an example where data dimensions have alternative axis coordinates. The NXdata group represents
+ a stack of images collected at different energies. The ``wavelength`` is an alternative axis of ``energy``
+ for the last dimension (or vice versa).
+ .. code-block::
+ data:NXdata
+ @signal = "data"
+ @axes = ["x", "y", "energy", "wavelength"] --> the order does NOT matter
+ @x_indices = 0
+ @y_indices = 1
+ @energy_indices = 2
+ @wavelength_indices = 2
+ data: float[10,20,30]
+ x: float[10] --> coordinates along the first dimension
+ y: float[20] --> coordinates along the second dimension
+ energy: float[30] --> coordinates along the third dimension
+ wavelength: float[30] --> coordinates along the third dimension
+ The second is an example with coordinates that span more than one dimension. The NXdata group represents data
+ from 2D mesh scans performed at multiple energies. Each data point ``data[i,j,k]`` has axis coordinates
+ ``[x[i,j,k], y[i,j,k], energy[k]]``.
+ .. code-block::
+ data:NXdata
+ @signal = "data"
+ @axes = ["x", "y", "energy"] --> the order does NOT matter
+ @x_indices = [0, 1, 2]
+ @y_indices = [0, 1, 2]
+ @energy_indices = 2
+ data: float[10,20,30]
+ x: float[10,20,30] --> coordinates along all dimensions
+ y: float[10,20,30] --> coordinates along all dimensions
+ energy: float[30] --> coordinates along the third dimension
+ **Uncertainties:**
+ Standard deviations on data values as well as coordinates can be provided by
+ :ref:`FIELDNAME_errors </NXdata/FIELDNAME_errors-field>` fields where ``FIELDNAME`` is the name of a
+ :ref:`DATA </NXdata/DATA-field>` field or an :ref:`AXISNAME </NXdata/AXISNAME-field>` field.
+ An example of uncertainties on the signal, auxiliary signals and axis coordinates
+ .. code-block::
+ data:NXdata
+ @signal = "data1"
+ @auxiliary_signals = ["data2", "data3"]
+ @axes = ["x", "z"]
+ @x_indices = 0
+ @z_indices = 2
+ data1: float[10,20,30]
+ data2: float[10,20,30]
+ data3: float[10,20,30]
+ x: float[10]
+ z: float[30]
+ data1_errors: float[10,20,30]
+ data2_errors: float[10,20,30]
+ data3_errors: float[10,20,30]
+ x_errors: float[10]
+ z_errors: float[30]
.. index:: find the default plottable data
.. index:: plotting
.. index:: signal attribute value
- Declares which NeXus field is the default.
- The value is the :ref:`name <validItemName>` of the data field to be plotted.
- This field or link *must* exist and be a direct child of this NXdata group.
+ The value is the :ref:`name <validItemName>` of the signal that contains
+ the default plottable data. This field or link *must* exist and be a direct child
+ of this NXdata group.
It is recommended (as of NIAC2014) to use this attribute
rather than adding a signal attribute to the field.
@@ -79,237 +250,123 @@
for a summary of the discussion.
.. index:: plotting
- Array of strings holding the :ref:`names <validItemName>` of
- the independent data fields used in the default plot for all of
- the dimensions of the :ref:`signal </NXdata@signal-attribute>`
- as well as any :ref:`auxiliary signals </NXdata@auxiliary_signals-attribute>`.
- One name is provided for every dimension in the *signal* or *auxiliary signal* fields.
- The *axes* values are the names of fields or links that *must* exist and be direct
- children of this NXdata group.
- An axis slice is specified using a field named ``AXISNAME_indices``
- as described below (where the text shown here as ``AXISNAME`` is to be
- replaced by the actual field name).
- When no default axis is available for a particular dimension
- of the plottable data, use a "." in that position.
- Such as::
- @axes=["time", ".", "."]
- Since there are three items in the list, the *signal* field
- must be a three-dimensional array (rank=3). The first dimension
- is described by the values of a one-dimensional array named ``time``
- while the other two dimensions have no fields to be used as dimension scales.
+ Array of strings holding the :ref:`names <validItemName>` of additional
+ signals to be plotted with the :ref:`default signal </NXdata@signal-attribute>`.
+ These fields or links *must* exist and be direct children of this NXdata group.
- See examples provided on the NeXus wiki:
- https://www.nexusformat.org/2014_axes_and_uncertainties.html
+ Each auxiliary signal needs to be of the same shape as the default signal.
- If there are no axes at all (such as with a stack of images),
- the axes attribute can be omitted.
+ .. NIAC2018:
+ https://www.nexusformat.org/NIAC2018Minutes.html
- Each ``AXISNAME_indices`` attribute indicates the dependency
- relationship of the ``AXISNAME`` field (where ``AXISNAME``
- is the name of a field that exists in this ``NXdata`` group)
- with one or more dimensions of the plottable data.
- Integer array that defines the indices of the *signal* field
- (that field will be a multidimensional array)
- which need to be used in the *AXISNAME* field in
- order to reference the corresponding axis value.
- The first index of an array is ``0`` (zero).
- Here, *AXISNAME* is to be replaced by the name of each
- field described in the ``axes`` attribute.
- An example with 2-D data, :math:`d(t,P)`, will illustrate::
- data_2d:NXdata
- @signal="data"
- @axes=["time", "pressure"]
- @time_indices=0
- @pressure_indices=1
- data: float[1000,20]
- time: float[1000]
- pressure: float[20]
- This attribute is to be provided in all situations.
- However, if the indices attributes are missing
- (such as for data files written before this specification),
- file readers are encouraged to make their best efforts
- to plot the data.
- Thus the implementation of the
- ``AXISNAME_indices`` attribute is based on the model of
- "strict writer, liberal reader".
- .. note:: Attributes potentially containing multiple values
- (axes and _indices) are to be written as string or integer arrays,
- to avoid string parsing in reading applications.
+ Which slice of data to show in a plot by default. This is useful especially for
+ datasets with more than 2 dimensions.
+ Should be an array of length equal to the number of dimensions
+ in the data, with the following possible values:
+ * ".": All the data in this dimension should be included
+ * Integer: Only this slice should be used.
+ * String: Only this slice should be used. Use if ``AXISNAME`` is a string
+ array.
+ Example::
+ data:NXdata
+ @signal = "data"
+ @axes = ["image_id", "channel", ".", "."]
+ @image_id_indices = 0
+ @channel_indices = 1
+ @default_slice = [".", "difference", ".", "."]
+ image_id = [1, ..., nP]
+ channel = ["threshold_1", "threshold_2", "difference"]
+ data = uint[nP, nC, i, j]
+ Here, a data array with four dimensions, including the number of images
+ (nP) and number of channels (nC), specifies more dimensions than can be
+ visualized with a 2D image viewer for a given image. Therefore the
+ default_slice attribute specifies that the "difference" channel should be
+ shown by default.
+ Alternate version using an integer would look like this (note 2 is a string)::
+ data:NXdata
+ @signal = "data"
+ @axes = ["image_id", "channel", ".", "."]
+ @image_id_indices = 0
+ @channel_indices = 1
+ @default_slice = [".", "2", ".", "."]
+ image_id = [1, ..., nP]
+ channel = ["threshold_1", "threshold_2", "difference"]
+ data = uint[nP, nC, i, j]
- :ref:`NXdata` describes the plottable data and related dimension scales.
- .. index:: plotting
- It is strongly recommended that there is at least one :ref:`NXdata`
- group in each :ref:`NXentry` group.
- Note that the fields named ``AXISNAME`` and ``DATA``
- can be defined with different names.
- (Upper case is used to indicate that the actual name is left to the user.)
- The ``signal`` and ``axes`` attributes of the
- ``data`` group define which items
- are plottable data and which are *dimension scales*, respectively.
- :ref:`NXdata` is used to implement one of the basic motivations in NeXus,
- to provide a default plot for the data of this :ref:`NXentry`. The actual data
- might be stored in another group and (hard) linked to the :ref:`NXdata` group.
- * Each :ref:`NXdata` group will define one field as the default
- plottable data. The value of the ``signal`` attribute names this field.
- Additional fields may be used to describe the dimension scales and
- uncertainities.
- The ``auxiliary_signals`` attribute is a list of the other fields
- to be plotted with the ``signal`` data.
- * The plottable data may be of arbitrary rank up to a maximum
- of ``NX_MAXRANK=32`` (for compatibility with backend file formats).
- * The plottable data will be named as the value of
- the group ``signal`` attribute, such as::
- data:NXdata
- @signal = "counts"
- @axes = "mr"
- @mr_indices = 0
- counts: float[100] --> the default dependent data
- mr: float[100] --> the default independent data
- The field named in the ``signal`` attribute **must** exist, either
- directly as a NeXus field or defined through a link.
- * The group ``axes`` attribute will name the
- *dimension scale* associated with the plottable data.
+ Points to the path of a field defining the data to which the `DATA` group refers.
- If available, the standard deviations of the data are to be
- stored in a data set of the same rank and dimensions, with the name ``errors``.
+ This attribute indicates the origin of the data, thereby providing an association to
+ further metadata that define the physical quantity that the data represents.
- * For each data dimension, there should be a one-dimensional array
- of the same length.
- * These one-dimensional arrays are the *dimension scales* of the
- data, *i.e*. the values of the independent variables at which the data
- is measured, such as scattering angle or energy transfer.
- .. index:: link
- .. index:: axes (attribute)
- The preferred method to associate each data dimension with
- its respective dimension scale is to specify the field name
- of each dimension scale in the group ``axes`` attribute as a string list.
- Here is an example for a 2-D data set *data* plotted
- against *time*, and *pressure*. (An additional *temperature* data set
- is provided and could be selected as an alternate for the *pressure* axis.)::
- data_2d:NXdata
- @signal="data"
- @axes=["time", "pressure"]
- @pressure_indices=1
- @temperature_indices=1
- @time_indices=0
- data: float[1000,20]
- pressure: float[20]
- temperature: float[20]
- time: float[1000]
- .. rubric:: Old methods to identify the plottable data
- There are two older methods of associating
- each data dimension to its respective dimension scale.
- Both are now out of date and
- should not be used when writing new data files.
- However, client software should expect to see data files
- written with any of these methods.
- * One method uses the ``axes``
- attribute to specify the names of each *dimension scale*.
- * The oldest method uses the ``axis`` attribute on each
- *dimension scale* to identify
- with an integer the axis whose value is the number of the dimension.
- .. index: !plot; axis label
- plot, axis units
- units
- dimension scale
- Each axis of the plot may be labeled with information from the
- dimension scale for that axis. The optional ``@long_name`` attribute
- is provided as the axis label default. If ``@long_name`` is not
- defined, then use the name of the dimension scale. A ``@units`` attribute,
- if available, may be added to the axis label for further description.
- See the section :ref:`Design-Units` for more information.
- .. index: !plot; axis title
- The optional ``title`` field, if available, provides a suggested
- title for the plot. If no ``title`` field is found in the :ref:`NXdata`
- group, look for a ``title`` field in the parent :ref:`NXentry` group,
- with a fallback to displaying the path to the :ref:`NXdata` group.
- NeXus is about how to find and annotate the data to be plotted
- but not to describe how the data is to be plotted.
- (https://www.nexusformat.org/NIAC2018Minutes.html#nxdata-plottype--attribute)
- Points to the path of a field defining the axis on which the ``AXISNAME`` axis depends.
- This concept allows to link an axis to a respective field in the NeXus hierarchy, thereby
- defining the physical quantity it represents.
- Here, *AXISNAME* is to be replaced by the name of each
- field described in the ``axes`` attribute.
- Examples:
- If a calibration has been performed, ``@AXISNAME_depends`` links to the result of
- that calibration:
- @AXISNAME_depends: '/entry/process/calibration/calibrated_axis'
- If the axis corresponds to a coordinate of a detector, ``@AXISNAME_depends`` links
- to that detector axis:
- @AXISNAME_depends: '/entry/instrument/detector/axis/some_axis' for a 2D detector
- If the axis is a scanned motor, ``@AXISNAME_depends`` links to the transformation
- describing the respective motion, e.g.:
- @AXISNAME_depends: '/entry/instrument/detector/transformations/some_transformation' for a motion of the detector
+ Example:
+ If the data corresponds to a readout of a detector, ``@reference`` points
+ to that detectors data:
+ @reference: '/entry/instrument/detector/data' for a detector
- Dimension scale defining an axis of the data.
- Client is responsible for defining the dimensions of the data.
- The name of this field may be changed to fit the circumstances.
- Standard NeXus client tools will use the attributes to determine
- how to use this field.
+ The ``AXISNAME_indices`` attribute is a single integer or an array of integers that defines which :ref:`data </NXdata/DATA-field>`
+ dimension(s) are spanned by the corresponding axis. The first dimension index is ``0`` (zero).
+ When the ``AXISNAME_indices`` attribute is missing for an :ref:`AXISNAME </NXdata/AXISNAME-field>` field, its value becomes the index
+ (or indices) of the :ref:`AXISNAME </NXdata/AXISNAME-field>` name in the :ref:`axes </NXdata@axes-attribute>` attribute.
+ .. note:: When ``AXISNAME_indices`` contains multiple integers, it must be saved as an actual array
+ of integers and not a comma separated string.
+ .. index:: plotting
+ The ``axes`` attribute is a list of strings which are the names of the :ref:`AXISNAME </NXdata/AXISNAME-field>` fields
+ that contain the values of the coordinates along the :ref:`data </NXdata/DATA-field>` dimensions.
+ .. note:: When ``axes`` contains multiple strings, it must be saved as an actual array
+ of strings and not a single comma separated string.
+ Coordinate values along one or more :ref:`data </NXdata/DATA-field>` dimensions. The rank must be equal
+ to the number of dimensions it spans.
+ As the upper case ``AXISNAME`` indicates, the names of the ``AXISNAME`` fields can be chosen :ref:`freely <validItemName>`.
+ The :ref:`axes </NXdata@axes-attribute>` attribute can be used to find all datasets in the
+ ``NXdata`` that contain coordinate values.
+ Most AXISNAME fields will be sequences of numbers but if an axis is better represented using names, such as channel names,
+ an array of NX_CHAR can be provided.
+ Axis label
- A *dimension scale* must have a rank of 1 and has length ``n``.
+ Unit in which the coordinate values are expressed.
+ See the section :ref:`Design-Units` for more information.
- Axis label
``0|false``: single value,
@@ -324,37 +381,50 @@
Index (positive integer) identifying this specific set of numbers.
N.B. The ``axis`` attribute is the old way of designating a link.
- Do not use the ``axes`` attribute with the ``axis`` attribute.
- The ``axes`` *group* attribute is now preferred.
+ Do not use the :ref:`axes </NXdata@axes-attribute>` attribute with the ``axis`` attribute.
+ The :ref:`axes </NXdata@axes-attribute>` attribute is now preferred.
- "Errors" (meaning *uncertainties* or *standard deviations*)
- associated with any field named ``FIELDNAME`` in this ``NXdata``
- group (e.g. an axis, signal or auxiliary signal).
+ Points to the path of a field defining the axis to which the ``AXISNAME`` axis refers.
- The dimensions of the ``FIELDNAME_errors`` field must match
- the dimensions of the ``FIELDNAME`` field.
+ This attribute indicates the origin of the axis, thereby providing an association to
+ further metadata that define the physical quantity that the ``AXISNAME`` represents.
+ Examples:
+ If a calibration has been performed, ``@reference`` points to the result of
+ that calibration:
+ @reference: '/entry/process/calibration/calibrated_axis'
+ If the axis corresponds to a coordinate of a detector, ``@reference`` points
+ to that detector axis:
+ @reference: '/entry/instrument/detector/axis/some_axis' for a 2D detector
+ If the axis is a scanned motor, ``@reference`` points to the transformation
+ describing the respective motion, e.g.:
+ @reference: '/entry/instrument/detector/transformations/some_transformation' for a motion of the detector
.. index:: plotting
- This field contains the data values to be used as the
- NeXus *plottable data*.
- Client is responsible for defining the dimensions of the data.
- The name of this field may be changed to fit the circumstances.
- Standard NeXus client tools will use the attributes to determine
- how to use this field.
+ Data values to be used as the NeXus *plottable data*. As the upper case ``DATA``
+ indicates, the names of the ``DATA`` fields can be chosen :ref:`freely <validItemName>`. The :ref:`signal attribute </NXdata@signal-attribute>`
+ and :ref:`auxiliary_signals attribute</NXdata@auxiliary_signals-attribute>` can be used to find all datasets in the ``NXdata``
+ that contain data values.
+ The maximum rank is ``32`` for compatibility with backend file formats.
The rank (``dataRank``) of the ``data`` must satisfy
``1 <= dataRank <= NX_MAXRANK=32``.
- At least one ``dim`` must have length ``n``.
- Defines the names of the dimension scales
+ Defines the names of the coordinates
(independent axes) for this data set
as a colon-delimited array.
- NOTE: The ``axes`` attribute is the preferred
+ NOTE: The :ref:`axes </NXdata@axes-attribute>` attribute is the preferred
method of designating a link.
- Do not use the ``axes`` attribute with the ``axis`` attribute.
+ Do not use the :ref:`axes </NXdata@axes-attribute>` attribute with the ``axis`` attribute.
data label
+ Points to the path of a field defining the data to which the `DATA` field refers.
+ This attribute indicates the origin of the data, thereby providing an association to
+ further metadata that define the physical quantity that the ``DATA`` represents.
+ Here, *DATA* is to be replaced by the name of each
+ data field.
+ Example:
+ If the data corresponds to a readout of a detector, ``@reference`` points
+ to that detectors data:
+ @reference: '/entry/instrument/detector/data' for a 2D detector
@@ -402,10 +489,8 @@
- The ``errors`` must have
- the same rank (``dataRank``)
- as the ``data``.
- At least one ``dim`` must have length "n".
+ The ``errors`` must have the same rank (``dataRank``)
+ as the ``data``.
@@ -413,27 +498,69 @@
- The elements in data are usually float values really. For
- efficiency reasons these are usually stored as integers
- after scaling with a scale factor. This value is the scale
- factor. It is required to get the actual physical value,
- when necessary.
+ An optional scaling factor to apply to the values in any field named ``FIELDNAME``
+ in this ``NXdata`` group. This can be a :ref:`DATA </NXdata/DATA-field>` field
+ (signal or auxiliary signal) or a :ref:`AXISNAME </NXdata/AXISNAME-field>`
+ field (axis).
+ The elements stored in NXdata datasets are often stored as integers for efficiency
+ reasons and need further correction or conversion, generating floats. For example,
+ raw values could be stored from a device that need to be converted to values that
+ represent the physical values. The two fields FIELDNAME_scaling_factor and
+ FIELDNAME_offset allow linear corrections using the following convention:
+ .. code-block::
+ corrected values = (FIELDNAME + offset) * scaling_factor
+ This formula will derive the values to use in downstream applications, when necessary.
+ When omitted, the scaling factor is assumed to be 1.
- An optional offset to apply to the values in data.
+ An optional offset to apply to the values in FIELDNAME (usually the signal).
+ When omitted, the offset is assumed to be 0.
+ See :ref:`FIELDNAME_scaling_factor </NXdata/FIELDNAME_scaling_factor-field>` for more information.
+ The scaling_factor and FIELDNAME_scaling_factor fields have similar semantics.
+ However, scaling_factor is ambiguous in the case of multiple signals. Therefore
+ scaling_factor is deprecated. Use FIELDNAME_scaling_factor instead, even when
+ only a single signal is present.
+ The offset and FIELDNAME_offset fields have similar semantics.
+ However, offset is ambiguous in the case of multiple signals. Therefore
+ offset is deprecated. Use FIELDNAME_offset instead, even when
+ only a single signal is present.
Title for the plot.
This is an array holding the values to use for the x-axis of
- data. The units must be appropriate for the measurement.
+ data. The units must be appropriate for the measurement.
+ This is a special case of a :ref:`AXISNAME field </NXdata/AXISNAME-field>`
+ kept for backward compatiblity.
@@ -442,7 +569,10 @@
This is an array holding the values to use for the y-axis of
- data. The units must be appropriate for the measurement.
+ data. The units must be appropriate for the measurement.
+ This is a special case of a :ref:`AXISNAME field </NXdata/AXISNAME-field>`
+ kept for backward compatiblity.
@@ -451,10 +581,13 @@
This is an array holding the values to use for the z-axis of
- data. The units must be appropriate for the measurement.
+ data. The units must be appropriate for the measurement.
+ This is a special case of a :ref:`AXISNAME field </NXdata/AXISNAME-field>`
+ kept for backward compatiblity.
\ No newline at end of file