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status: conflicts ⛔
status: conflicts ⛔
This PR has some conflicting files which needs to be resolved before further development.
status: discuss 💬
status: discuss 💬
Currently we are discussing about the further proceedings of the PR/issue.
status: need changes 🚧
status: need changes 🚧
Changes have been requested for these PRs
status: on hold 🚦
status: on hold 🚦
This issue/PR is on hold/blocked for now as other issues/PRs needs to be merged before this.
status: ready ✅
status: ready ✅
This PR has passed all the checks and is now ready to be merged.
status: todo ⏳
status: todo ⏳
This issue is yet to be seen by the maintainer of the project.
🟠 status: updates needed
🟠 status: updates needed
Needs progress report on the issue/PR
status: wip 👩🏻‍💻
status: wip 👩🏻‍💻
This issue/PR is actively being worked on.
type: duplicate-pr
type: duplicate-pr
This issue/PR is a duplicate one, the other of the same type/manner has already been made earlier.
type: inactive
type: inactive
The issue/PR is inactive for a long time, and will be closed/transferred at the maintainer's wish.
type: staff-only
type: staff-only
This issue/PR is made by the staff of the project.