GitHub client of my dream:
- supports scala 2.11
- let me use akka-http-client
- covers GitHub API organization API
- uses json4s AST to be useful to many
- quite young but rather active
- depends on Spray client and Play-JSON
- quite young but rather active
- depends on async-http-client and json4s
- not very active, no support for 2.11 yet but maybe just need some love?
- used to be the go-to option
- supports json4s
- dependency on dispatch and async-http-client
I have it compiled for 2.11, works well.
is an async-http-client AsyncHandler. In practice it is a
com.ning.http.client.Response => T
which an implicit declared in the
package object
is used to transform a request into a Client.Handler[T] => scala.concurrent.Future[T]
The default HTTP method is GET:
request(host.[httpMethod (default GET)] / path / to / endpoint)(Client.Handler)
Where is the code:
Ideas / Comments:
could use more convention over config:
- BotBundles have to be in code and not config.
CommandRecognizer is a fine idea but doesn't create typed commands, we could probably achieve that by letting bot provide their tokenizer
BaseMessage => Option[B <: Command]
. -
Bots and Runner are in the same repository. We need to recreate a more open ecosystem like hubot-scripts on npm.
Some design decisions feel bizarre:
- API token is rightfully a case class around the String but channels are kept as Strings (though there is a Channel case class for that purpose in scala-slack-bot-core)
- each bot can define a help message but it's not a
() => String
it's aString => OutboundMessage
. Maybe due to the fact that the escaping required for the help string like any message to be sent to Slack has to be escaped (eg \n instead of \n). I still think we could not only simplify it but also handle the escaping under the hood. - favour sometimes inheritance over composition
- AbstractBot is an abstract class