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File metadata and controls

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CFEngine Zero to Hero


CFEngine contains a powerful language for controlling all aspects of a system. CFEngine runs primarily on UNIX and UNIX-like operating systems, but can also run on Windows.

Goal for this presentation: Learn 20% of CFEngine enabling 80% of your work.

Why CFEngine?

  • Mature
  • Small
  • Fast
  • Flexible
  • Portable

Want to know more?

Fork Me on Github!

This presentation was made with love using org-mode 9.2.4, cfengine 3.12.2, and reveal.js 3.8.0. You can get a copy of this presentation any time on Github.

CFEngine Components

These are the major components of CFEngine that you will encounter on a day to day basis.

  • cf-agent
  • cf-execd
  • cf-serverd
  • cf-monitord


cf-agent is the command you will use most often. It is used to run policy(code) and ensure your system is in the desired state. If you are running any CFEngine command from the command line, there’s a greater than 99% chance that this is it.


cf-execd is a periodic task scheduler. You can think of it like cron with an understanding of CFEngine classes.

By default CFEngine runs and enforces policies every five minutes. cf-execd is responsible for making that happen.


cf-serverd runs on the CFEngine server, as well as all clients.

  • On servers it is responsible for serving files to clients.
  • On clients it accepts cf-runagent requests
  • In Enterprise it serves reports to queries from cf-hub

cf-runagent allows you to request ad-hoc policy runs. I rarely use it.


cf-monitord monitors various statistics about the running system. This information is made available in the form of classes and variables.

You’ll almost never use cf-monitord directly. However the data provided by cf-monitord is available to cf-agent.

Imperative vs. Declarative

It is very likely that you have only ever used imperative languages. Examples of imperative languages include C, Perl, Ruby, Python, shell scripting, etc. Name a language. It’s probably imperative.

CFEngine is a declarative language. The CFEngine language is merely a description of the final state. CFEngine uses convergence to arrive at the described state.

Declarative Policy vs Imperative Script

bundle agent main           | #!/bin/env/bash
{                           |
  packages:                 | rpm -q openssh-server || yum install openssh-server
                            | yum check-update openssh-server
    "openssh-server"        | if [ $? -eq 100 ]; then # update available
      policy => "present",  |   yum upgrade openssh-server
      version => "latest";  | fi 

Imperative is Sequential

Imperative languages execute step by step in sequence.

  • Goes in order from start to finish.
  • If interrupted the state is inconsistent.
  • Subsequent executions typically repeat tasks already done.
    • Potentially causing damage.

For Example:

  • Script appends line to file and restarts daemon.
  • Second execution appends duplicate line and restarts daemon.
    • Daemon doesn’t accept duplicate lines and service refuses to run.

Imperative starts at known state A and transforms to known state B.

Declarative is Descriptive

It is not a list of steps to achieve an outcome but a description of the desired state. Because of this any deviation from the desired state can be detected and corrected.

In other words, a declarative system can begin in any state, not simply a known state, and transform into the desired state.

Declarative states a list of things which must be true. It does not state how to make them true.

When a system has reached the desired state it is said to have reached convergence.

Promise Theory

Promise theory is the fundamental underlying philosophy that drives CFEngine.

It is a model of voluntary cooperation between individual, autonomous actors or agents who publish their intentions to one another in the form of promises.

What makes promises?

A file (e.g., /etc/apache2/httpd.conf) can make promises about its own contents, attributes, etc. But it does not make any promises about a process.

A process (e.g., httpd) can make a promise that it will be running. But it does not make any promises about its configuration.

The configuration file and the process are autonomous. Each makes promises about itself which cooperate toward an end.

Going deeper

Deeper still

./media/thinking-in-promises-cover.jpg ./media/in-search-of-certainty-cover.png


Anatomy of a Promise

bundle bundle_type bundle_name
      "promiser" -> { "promisee", "stakeholder" }
        attribute1 => "value",  |
        attribute2 => body,     |-- Promise Body
        attributeN => bundle;   |
}                     ----------|

Anatomy of a Promise: bundle_type

bundle bundle_type bundle_name
      "promiser" -> { "promisee", "stakeholder" }
        attribute1 => "value",  |
        attribute2 => body,     |-- Promise Body
        attributeN => bundle;   |
}                     ----------|
The type of bundle the promise resides in. Promises must be inside of a bundle. Different bundle types are handled by different agents (cf-agent, cf-serverd, cf-monitord).

Anatomy of a Promise: bundle_name

bundle bundle_type bundle_name
      "promiser" -> { "promisee", "stakeholder" }
        attribute1 => "value",  |
        attribute2 => body,     |-- Promise Body
        attributeN => bundle;   |
}                     ----------|
The name of the bundle the promise resides in.

Anatomy of a Promise: type

bundle bundle_type bundle_name
      "promiser" -> { "promisee", "stakeholder" }
        attribute1 => "value",  |
        attribute2 => body,     |-- Promise Body
        attributeN => bundle;   |
}                     ----------|
Marks the start of a section of promises. The kind of promise being made (e.g., files, commands, packages, etc …).

Anatomy of a Promise: context

bundle bundle_type bundle_name
      "promiser" -> { "promisee", "stakeholder" }
        attribute1 => "value",  |
        attribute2 => body,     |-- Promise Body
        attributeN => bundle;   |
}                     ----------|
Optional, defaults to any:: (no restriction, run on any host). The context restriction applies until the next context/class expression or until it’s reset to default at the start of the next promise type.

Anatomy of a Promise: promiser

bundle bundle_type bundle_name
      "promiser" -> { "promisee", "stakeholder" }
        attribute1 => "value",  |
        attribute2 => body,     |-- Promise Body
        attributeN => bundle;   |
}                     ----------|
What is making the promise. (e.g., a file).

Anatomy of a Promise: promisee/stakeholder

bundle bundle_type bundle_name
      "promiser" -> { "promisee", "stakeholder" }
        attribute1 => "value",  |
        attribute2 => body,     |-- Promise Body
        attributeN => bundle;   |
}                     ----------|
An optional recipient or beneficiary of the promise (who cares about the promise). Promisees provide documentation for cross referencing, primarily for humans.

Anatomy of a Promise: promise body

bundle bundle_type bundle_name
      "promiser" -> { "promisee", "stakeholder" }
        attribute1 => "value",  |
        attribute2 => body,     |-- Promise Body
        attributeN => bundle;   |
}                     ----------|
promise body
A collection of promise attributes (not to be confused with a body used as an attribute value)

Anatomy of a Promise: value

bundle bundle_type bundle_name
      "promiser" -> { "promisee", "stakeholder" }
        attribute1 => "value",  |
        attribute2 => body,     |-- Promise Body
        attributeN => bundle;   |
}                     ----------|
A value to be used by a promise attribute. Attributes that take values (in contrast to bodies and bundles) are not complex and have a limited range of input. Note, promise attributes that do not take bundles or bodies must be quoted.

Anatomy of a Promise: body

bundle bundle_type bundle_name
      "promiser" -> { "promisee", "stakeholder" }
        attribute1 => "value",  |
        attribute2 => body,     |-- Promise Body
        attributeN => bundle;   |
}                     ----------|
A collection of attribute values. Note, promise attributes that take bodies must not be quoted.

Anatomy of a Promise: bundle

bundle bundle_type bundle_name
      "promiser" -> { "promisee", "stakeholder" }
        attribute1 => "value",  |
        attribute2 => body,     |-- Promise Body
        attributeN => bundle;   |
}                     ----------|
A collection of promises. Complex promise attributes like edit_line take bundles. Note, promise attributes that take bundles must not be quoted;

Promise Attributes

  • Separated by commas
  • Vary by promise type
  • Value is quoted string or unquoted object (function/body/bundle)

Example Promise

bundle agent main {
      "/tmp/example" -> { "Instructor", "Students" }
        create => "true",
        touch => "true",
        action => warn_only;
# cf-agent --no-lock --file ./examples/
 warning: Warning promised, need to create file '/tmp/example'


  • collection of promises
  • logical grouping
  • can have parameters

Anatomy of a Bundle

bundle type name
        "promiser" -> { "promisee" }
          attribute1 => "value",
          attribute2 => value;

        "promiser" -> { "promisee" }
          attribute1 => "value",
          attribute2 => value;

Bundles apply to the binary that executes them. E.g., agent bundles apply to cf-agent while server bundles apply to cf-serverd.

Bundles of type common apply to any CFEngine binary.

A bundle for Apache web-server might

  • ensure the apache2 package is installed
  • ensure the content in the config file is correct
  • ensure content is present for serving
  • ensure proper permissions of files
  • ensure the httpd process is running
  • ensure the httpd process is restarted when the configuration changes

How bundles hold state

This matters when you call the same bundle more than one time within a given execution.

  • Classic arrays are cleared at the beginning of a bundle actuation.
  • Lists, strings, ints, reals, and data-containers are preserved but can be re-defined if not guarded with if => isvariable().
  • bundle scoped classes are cleared at the end of the bundles execution
  • namespace scoped classes are not cleared automatically, though they can be explicitly undefined.

Quiz: What component(s) use this bundle?

What component(s) use common bundles?

bundle common globals

      "tool_path" string => "/srv/tools"

What component(s) use server bundles?

bundle server my_access_rules

        admit_ips => { "" };

What component(s) use agent bundles?

bundle agent my_policy

    "config[PermitRootLogin]" string => "no";
    "config[Port]" string => "22";


        edit_line => set_line_based( "my_policy.config", " ", "\s+", ".*", "\s*#\s*");

What component(s) use monitor bundles?

bundle monitor measure_cf_serverd

      string => readfile( "$(sys.piddir)/", 4k );

    "reg_stat[rss]" string =>"(?:[^\s+]*\s+){23}([^\s]+)(?:.*)";


     handle => "cf_serverd_vsize",
     stream_type => "file",
     data_type => "int",
     history_type => "weekly",
     units => "pages in memory",
     match_value => line_match_value(".*", $(reg_stat[rss]) );


I stated before that the attributes of a promise, collectively, are called the body. Depending on the specific attribute the value of an attribute can be an external body.

A body is a collection of attributes. These are attributes that supplement the promise.

Anatomy of an external body

        ATTRIBUTE => "value";
        ATTRIBUTEn => { "more", "values" };

The difference between a bundle and a body is that a bundle contains promises while a body contains only attributes.

Take a moment to let this sink in

  • A bundle is a collection of promises.
  • A body is a collection of attributes that are applied to a promise.

The distinction is subtle, especially at first and many people are tripped up by this.

In a body, each attribute ends with a semicolon.

(Note that in a bundle each promise ends with a semicolon, while attributes of each promise are separated by commas)

Example showing use of external body

bundle agent main {
        perms => m(600);

What is m?

PRO TIP: The =cf-locate= script in core/contrib can help you find and view body and bundle definitions within your policy set.

cf-locate --plain --full "perms m\(.*"
body perms m(mode)
# @brief Set the file mode
# @param mode The new mode
      mode   => "$(mode)";

Abstraction and Re-usability

Bundles and bodies can be paramaterized for abstraction and re-usability. In other words you can define one and call it even passing in parameters which will implicitly become variables.


body type name (my_param) {
  attribute1 => "$(my_param)";

The parameter my_param is accessed as a variable by $(my_param).

The Masterfiles Policy Framework

The Masterfiles Policy Framework is the default policy that ships with CFEngine. The standard library is included.

CFEngine Standard Library

The CFEngine Standard Library comes bundled with CFEngine in the masterfiles/lib/ directory.

The standard library contains ready to use bundles and bodies that you can include in your promises and is growing with every version of CFEngine. Get to know the standard library well, it will save you much time.

Putting it all together

A few examples

Executing the agent

$ cf-agent --no-locks --log-level=info --file ./ --bundle bundlename

Note: Make sure you use the correct file and bundle name! For any examples including a bundle named main or __main__ you can skip specifying the bundle.

A quick note on promise locking

By default promises (excluding defaults, vars, classes, and methods) are locked for 1 minute once they are evaluated.

for i in $(seq 3); do
  cf-agent -f ./examples/
  sleep 30 
R: I started running CFEngine 3.14.0a.4e12fcf75 at 'Fri Jul 19 11:23:01 2019'
R: Hello World!
R: I started running CFEngine 3.14.0a.4e12fcf75 at 'Fri Jul 19 11:23:31 2019'
R: I started running CFEngine 3.14.0a.4e12fcf75 at 'Fri Jul 19 11:24:01 2019'
R: Hello World!

Inspecting the policy

bundle agent main
      "I started running CFEngine $(sys.cf_version) at '$('"
        action => immediate; 
      "Hello World!";
body action immediate
# @brief Evaluate the promise at every `cf-agent` execution.
    ifelapsed => "0";

Running commands

bundle agent main
      "/bin/echo Hello World!";
# cf-agent --no-lock --file ./examples/
  notice: Q: ".../bin/echo Hello": Hello World!

Set File Permissions

bundle agent main {
    "/etc/shadow"     perms => perms_for_shadow_files;
    "/etc/gshadow"    perms => perms_for_shadow_files;
    "Please run this policy as root"
      if => not( strcmp( "$(sys.user_data[gid])", "0" ) ); 

body perms perms_for_shadow_files {
  owners => { "root" };
  groups => { "root" };
  mode   => "0640";
  • This is an agent bundle (meaning that it is processed by cf-agent).
  • Its purpose is to set the permissions on /etc/shadow and /etc/gshadow.
  • It uses an external body named perms_for_shadow_files.
  • The body only needs to be defined once and can be reused for any number of promises.

Note: The values for owners and groups is enclosed in curly braces. This is because these attributes take a list of strings (aka, an slist).

Copy an entire file

bundle agent example {
    "/etc/motd" copy_from => cp("/repo/motd");

body copy_from cp (from) {
  servers     => { "$(sys.policy_hub)" };
  source      => "$(from)";
  compare     => "digest";
bundle server my_access_rules
        admit_ips => { "" },
        admit_keys => { "SHA=12345" };

Copy an entire file agent bundle

bundle agent example {
    "/etc/motd"     copy_from => cp("/repo/motd");
  • The file /etc/motd should be a copy of a file described by the cp copy_from body.

Copy an entire file copy_from body

body copy_from cp (from) {
  servers     => { "$(sys.policy_hub)" };
  source      => "$(from)";
  compare     => "digest";
The path to the file that should be copied.
Servers which the file should be attempted to be copied from.
How to determine if the file differs and requires update.

Copy an entire file server bundle

bundle server my_access_rules
        admit_ips => { "" },
        admit_keys => { "SHA=12345" };
List of IPs or subnets that should be allowed to copy from /repo.
List of cfengine ids that should be allowed to copy from /repo.

Edit a File

bundle agent main {
    "/etc/ssh/sshd_config"     edit_line => deny_root_ssh;

bundle edit_line deny_root_ssh {
    "PermitRootLogin no";


Can be one of several types:

  • strings
  • lists
  • numbers (int/real)
  • data (JSON/YAML/CSV/ENV)

Reference: Special Variables, Language Concepts -> Variables, Promise Types and Attributes -> vars

Implicit iteration

CFEngine doesn’t have for loops, but it implicitly iterates over lists and data structure values.

bundle agent main
      "l" slist => { "two", "one", "three" };
      "d" data => '[ "three", "one", "two"]';
      "d2" data => '{ "one":"1", "two":"2", "three":"3"}';

      "l contains $(l)";
      "d contains $(d)";
      "d2 contains $(d2)";

Example output

# cf-agent --no-lock --file ./examples/
R: l contains two
R: l contains one
R: l contains three
R: d contains three
R: d contains one
R: d contains two
R: d2 contains 1
R: d2 contains 2
R: d2 contains 3

Data and arrays

bundle agent main
      "d" data => '{ "key": { "subkey": "value" } }';

      "a[key][subkey]" string => "value";

      "$(const.dollar)(d[key][subkey]) == $(d[key][subkey])";
      "$(const.dollar)(a[key][subkey]) == $(a[key][subkey])";
      "d contains$(const.n)$(with)" with => string_mustache( "{{%-top-}}", d );
      "a contains$(const.n)$(with)" with => string_mustache( "{{%-top-}}", a );

Example Output

Classification and Classes

A class is like a tag (like tagging a photo). Classes are used to give a promise context. Valid characters in classes are [A-Za-z0-9_] (alphanumeric and underscores). There are two types of classes.

  • Built in classes. These hard classes are classes that CFEngine will create automatically. Hard classes are determined based on the system attributes. For example a server running Linux will have the class linux.
  • User defined classes. These soft classes are classes that are defined by you. You can create them based on the outcome of a promise, based on the existence of other classes, or for no reason.

What classes are defined?

Use cf-promsies --show-classes to see the first order of resolved classes.

cf-promises --show-classes | head

sample cf-promises –show-classes output

Class name                                                   Meta tags                               
127_0_0_1                                                    inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
172_17_0_1                                                   inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
172_27_224_133                                               inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
192_168_122_1                                                inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
192_168_42_189                                               inventory,attribute_name=none,source=agent,hardclass
4_cpus                                                       source=agent,derived-from=sys.cpus,hardclass
64_bit                                                       source=agent,hardclass                  
Afternoon                                                    time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass
Day19                                                        time_based,cfengine_internal_time_based_autoremove,source=agent,hardclass

Control Promise Selection

bundle agent apache_config {

        copy_from => remote_cp("/cfengine/repo/debian/apache2.conf","$(sys.policy_hub)");
        copy_from => remote_cp("/cfengine/repo/redhat/httpd.conf","$(sys.policy_hub)");
        copy_from => remote_cp("/cfengine/repo/solaris/httpd.conf","$(sys.policy_hub)");
  • Copy the appropriate config file for the given platform
  • Promises outside of the specified context are skipped

Promise Type and Class Context apply until they are reset

bundle agent example {
        create => "true";
        create => "true";
        create => "true";
      "/bin/echo Hello World";
  • New class expression sets context for following promises
  • New promise type resets context to any (implicit default)

Classes are NOT nested

bundle agent main
      redhat:: # <- This context has no promises.
        64_bit:: # <- This context has one promise. (not additive)
          "I am $(sys.flavor) running on $(sys.arch)";
  • No promises are defined in the redhat context
  • One promise is defined in the 64_bit context
  • Nesting class expressions does not make them additive

Use Classes to Control Flow

bundle agent apache_config {

      "/usr/sbin/apache2ctl graceful";


        copy_from => remote_cp("/cfengine/repo/debian/apache2.conf",
        classes => results("bundle", "apache_config");
  • Only when the apache config is updated define apache_config_repaired.
  • Only when apache_config_repaired is defined execute the command to restart the service.

Class Expressions

    "/usr/sbin/apache2ctl graceful";
    "/usr/sbin/apachectl graceful";
. and &boolean anddebian.Tuesday::
ǀ and ǀǀboolean orTuesdayǀWednesday::
!boolean not!Monday::
( )Explicit grouping(debianǀredhat).!ubuntu.!centos::

Variable class expressions

Since 3.7.0 CFEngine is able to dereference variables directly within class expressions. Note that quotes surrounding the entire expression ending before the :: are required.

bundle agent main
    "variable_containing_class" string => "cfengine";

      "'$(variable_containing_class)' is defined";

      "'$(variable_containing_class)' is NOT defined";
# cf-agent --no-lock --file ./examples/
R: 'cfengine' is defined

A Note About Classes and Distributions Based on Other Distributions

I said that only Debian systems will run debian:: and only Red Hat will run redhat::. This isn’t exactly true.

  • Ubuntu is based on Debian, and so will have both ubuntu and debian defined as hard classes.
  • Likewise, CentOS is based on Red Hat and so will have both centos and redhat defined as hard classes.
  • MPF defines redat_pure and debian_pure.

Augments (def.json)

  • Very early definition
  • Loaded if def.json is found next to policy entry
  • Classes based on system discovery (platform/networks/arch)
  • Variables defined in def bundle scope

Example augments

  • Define supported_platform if the class ubuntu_14, ubuntu_16, or ubuntu_17 is defined.
  • Define by_hostname if the class nickanderson_thinkpad_w550s is defined.
  "classes": {
      "supported_platform": [ "ubuntu_\\d+" ],
      "by_hostname": [ "nickanderson_thinkpad_w550s" ]
  "vars": {
      "myvar1": "defined from augments",
      "myvar2": "defined from augments"

Example policy using augments

bundle agent main
    "I defined '$(const.dollar)(def.myvar1)' as '$(def.myvar1)'";
      "This is a supported platform";

      "You can define classes from augments based on defined hostname";

Example output

cf-agent --no-lock --file ./examples/augments/
R: I defined '$(def.myvar1)' as 'defined from augments'
R: This is a supported platform
R: You can define classes from augments based on defined hostname

Policy always wins!

bundle common def
    "myvar1" string => "Defined in policy";
    "myvar2" string => "Defined in policy", if => not( isvariable( myvar2 ) );
bundle agent main
    "I defined '$(const.dollar)(def.myvar1)' as '$(def.myvar1)'";
    "I defined '$(const.dollar)(def.myvar2)' as '$(def.myvar2)'";

      "This is a supported platform";

      "You can define classes from augments based on defined hostname";

Example output

cf-agent --no-lock --file ./examples/augments/
R: I defined '$(def.myvar1)' as 'Defined in policy'
R: I defined '$(def.myvar2)' as 'defined from augments'
R: This is a supported platform
R: You can define classes from augments based on defined hostname

Multiple augments

Merge more specific augments (based on sys vars) on top.

  "vars": {
      "myvar1": "defined from augments for all",
      "myvar2": "defined from augments for all"
  "augments": [ "$(sys.policy_entry_dirname)/$(sys.os).json" ]
  "vars": {
      "myvar2": "override for linux hosts"

Multiple augments: Example policy

bundle agent main
    "'$(const.dollar)(def.myvar1)' is '$(def.myvar1)'";
    "'$(const.dollar)(def.myvar2)' is '$(def.myvar2)'";
cf-agent --no-lock --file ./examples/augments-multiple/
R: '$(def.myvar1)' is 'defined from augments for all'
R: '$(def.myvar2)' is 'override for linux hosts'

Managing Processes

Keep Services Running: Using Processes

bundle agent apache {

        restart_class => "apache2_not_running";

      "/etc/init.d/apache2 start";

Ensuring Processes are Not Running: Using Processes and Commands

bundle agent stop_bluetooth {


      process_stop => "/etc/init.d/bluetooth stop";

This policy uses a processes promise to check the process table (with ps) for the regular expression .*bluetoothd.*. If it is found the process_stop command is executed.

Ensuring Processes are Not Running: Using Processes and Signals

bundle agent stop_bluetooth {


      signals => { "term", "kill" };

This policy uses a processes promise to check the process table (with ps) for the regular expression .*bluetoothd.*. Any matching process is sent the term signal, then sent the kill signal.

Keep Services Running: Using Services

bundle agent apache {

      service_policy => "start";

This uses the services promise type to ensure that Apache is always running.

The standard_services bundle implementation currently covers systemd, chkconfig, the service command, svcadm and systemV init scripts. Proper functionality relies on each installed service correctly implementing a service check as appropriate for the init system in use.

Ensuring Processes are Not Running: Using Services

bundle agent stop_bluetoothd {

      service_policy => "stop";

This policy uses a services promise type to ensure that Bluetooth services are not running. Again, this only works for services that are defined under standard_services in the standard library and requires cfengine 3.4.0 or higher.

The same restrictions about distros apply to stopping services promises.

A note on the services promise abstraction

Services promises are really an abstraction on bundles.

Managing Packages

Package modules (newer implementation)

apt_get, pkgsrc, freebsd_ports, slackpkg, msiexec, yum, nimclient, zypper, pkg

Example use of package_module

bundle agent install {
      policy  => "present",
      package_module  => yum,
      version => "latest";
  • The policy of present will make sure the package is installed on the system, while a policy of absent will ensure a package is not installed.
  • The package_module of yum is included in the Masterfiles Policy Framework.
  • The version of latest means the installed version should be the latest available. Alternatively you can provide an explicit version.

Package modules (legacy implementation)

alpinelinux, freebsd, opencsw, solaris_install, apt, freebsd_portmaster, pacman, windows_feature, apt_get, generic, pip, yum, apt_get_permissive, ips, rpm_filebased, yum_group, apt_get_release, msi_explicit, rpm_version, yum_rpm, brew, msi_implicit, smartos, yum_rpm_enable_repo, dpkg_version, npm, smartos_pkg_add(repo), yum_rpm_permissive, emerge, npm_g, solaris, zypper,

Example use of package_method

bundle agent install {
      package_policy  => "addupdate",
      package_method  => apt,
      package_select  => ">=,
      package_version => "4.3.10-14";
  • The package_policy of addupdate will install or upgrade. Using add will only install, never upgrade, upgrade will upgrade only and delete will uninstall.
  • The package_method of apt is in the standard library, look there for other package methods (e.g., rpm, ips, etc.).
  • The package_select of >= means the installed version must be equal to or newer than the specified version or it will be replaced. Using <= would downgrade, if the package_method supports downgrading and ==== will require the exact version.

Managing Files


  • Full file management
  • Partial file management

Templating a file

Logic-less templating engine (preferred)
CFEngine’s original line based templating

Mustache Templating

Hello from {{{vars.sys.fqhost}}}!

{{#classes.linux}}I am a Linux Box!{{/classes.linux}}
{{^}}I am NOT a Windows Box{{/}}
bundle agent main{
        create => "true",
        edit_template => "$(this.promise_dirname)/template.mustache",
        template_method => "mustache";

Mustache Extensions

Special key representing the complete data given to the templating engine.
Expands to the key that is currently iterating.
Variable prefix causing the data to be rendered as the multi-line JSON representation of the data given to the templating engine.
Variable prefix causing the data to be rendered as the serialized JSON representation of the data given to the templating engine.

Example: Render multiline JSON for packagesmatching()

packagesmatching() returns data. Render the multiline JSON representation of the data.

bundle agent main
      "p" data => packagesmatching( "emacs.*", ".*", ".*", ".*");

      "r" string => string_mustache( "{{%-top-}}", p ),
        if => not(isvariable( r ) );



Output: Render multiline JSON for packagesmatching()

Mustache Tips

  • Render raw values with {{{VAR}}} or {{& VAR}}. Mustache html escapes by default.
  • Use string_mustache() to render mustache into a string.
  • template_data() Helps to separate CFEngine specifics from templates.

Deleting a file

bundle agent tidy {
      file_select => days_old("7"),
      delete => tidy;

This policy will delete any files in /var/log/ older than 7 days. The days_old() and tidy bodies are included in the standard library,

To delete a file indiscriminately, omit the file_select.

Look up =file_select= and =tidy= in the reference-manual to find more ways to use this.


Which hub am I bootstrapped to?

  • cat /var/cfengine/policy_server.dat
  • cf-promises --show-vars | grep sys.policy_hub

Is cfengine running?

  • ps -ef | grep [c]f-

You should expect to find cf-execd, cf-serverd, and cf-monitord on all hosts. Additional processes will be seen on Enterprise Hubs

When did the agent last run?

  • ls -lh /var/cfengine/promise_summary.log

Review output from previous agent runs

  • ls /var/cfengine/outputs
  • cat /var/cfengine/outputs/previous

Manual report collection from Enterprise Hub

  • cf-hub --hail <IP|HOSTNAME> --verbose --query rebase
  • cf-hub -H <IP|HOSTNAME> -v -q delta

Unspecified server refusal

[root@hub ~]# cf-hub -H -q rebase
   error: Abort transmission: got " Unspecified server refusal (see verbose server output)" from
  • Usually indicates the host does not trust the hub.
  • Is the host bootstrapped to the hub you expect?
  • Run cf-serverd on the client with --verbose and --no-fork to see why it’s refusing

Connection refused

  • Firewall blocking inbound connections on port 5308
  • cf-serverd not running on remote host

Setting Up a Client/Server Environment

Before starting you need to have cfengine installed on the server and the client and the server FQDN must be set properly in DNS (or use the IP addresses). This is ideally handled by your provisioning process. Along with automating server function you should also be automating your provisioning process.

Some ways of automating provisioning are kickstart, preseed, fai, cobbler, disk imaging, instance cloning, etc, etc. This, of course, is not a complete list.

Bootstraping the Server and Client

Server Side

Edit /var/cfengine/masterfiles/ to set the acl list for the IP addresses of your network, then run:

cf-agent --bootstrap $(hostname --fqdn)
cf-agent -KI

Client Side

Simply run:

cf-agent --bootstrap

You can use the server’s IP address instead of the DNS name.

Managing and Distributing Policies

Policy is distributed from /var/cfengine/masterfiles on the server (also known as the policy_hub) and are copied to /var/cfengine/inputs. All clients then copy /var/cfengine/inputs from the server.

Reporting on Promise Outcomes

CFEngine logs to /var/cfengine/promise_summary.log. Here’s an example log message:

1463018982,1463018990: Outcome of version CFEngine 3.7.0 (agent-0):\
 Promises observed - Total promise compliance: 93% kept, 3% repaired,\ 4% not kept (out of 148 events).\
 User promise compliance: 93% kept, 2% repaired, 5% not kept (out of 130 events).
 CFEngine system compliance: 94% kept, 6% repaired, 0% not kept (out of 18 events).

Note: The timestamp is a Unix epoch.

CFEngine will also send an email to the configured address in body executor control= any time there is output from an agent run that differed from the previous run.

And finally you can use the -I flag to have CFEngine inform you of repairs. (Shown here along with the -K flag which ignores any lock timers).

cf-agent -KI

CFEngine Core/Community

The verbose agent log

Running the agent in verbose mode ( cf-agent --verbose | cf-agent -v ) provides all of the details about each promise and its result

bundle agent main


        handle => "example_file_exists_and_contains_date",
        create => "true",
        edit_line => lines_present( $( );

bundle edit_line lines_present(lines)
# @brief Ensure `lines` are present in the file. Lines that do not exist are appended to the file
# @param List or string that should be present in the file
# **Example:**
# ```cf3
# bundle agent example
# {
#  vars:
#    "nameservers" slist => { "", "" };
#  files:
#      "/etc/resolv.conf" edit_line => lines_present( @(nameservers) );
#      "/etc/ssh/sshd_config" edit_line => lines_present( "PermitRootLogin no" );
# }
# ```

        comment => "Append lines if they don't exist";

In the verbose output as each promise is actuated a BEGIN promsie is emitted with the promise handle or filename and line number position if it does not have a handle. In the example output we can see that the promise for /tmp/example was REPAIRED.

Promise logging

Promises can be configured to log their outcomes to a file with log_kept, log_repaired, and log_failed attributes in an action body.

bundle agent main
        action => log_my_repairs( '/tmp/repaired.log' );

        printfile => cat( $(this.promiser) );

body action log_my_repairs( file )
      log_repaired => "$(file)";
      log_string => "$( REPAIRED $(this.promiser)";

CFEngine Enterprise

CFEngine enterprise provides details logging without special configuration.

Changes UI

The changes reporting interface is the easiest way to what repairs the agent is making to your infrastructure.


Changes API

Changes can also be queried from the changes rest api. Here we query for repairs made by files type promises.

[root@hub ~]# curl https://hub/api/v2/changes/policy?promisetype=files
    "data": [
            "bundlename": "cfe_internal_update_policy",
            "changetime": 1512427971,
            "hostkey": "SHA=01fe75e93ca88bbd381eb720e9b43d0840ea8727aae8fc84391c297c42798f5c",
            "hostname": "hub",
            "logmessages": [
                "Copying from 'localhost:/var/cfengine/masterfiles/cf_promises_release_id'"
            "policyfile": "/var/cfengine/inputs/cfe_internal/update/",
            "promisees": [],
            "promisehandle": "cfe_internal_update_policy_files_inputs_dir",
            "promiser": "/var/cfengine/inputs",
            "promisetype": "files",
            "stackpath": "/default/cfe_internal_update_policy/files/'/var/cfengine/inputs'[1]"
            "bundlename": "cfe_internal_setup_knowledge",
            "changetime": 1512428912,
            "hostkey": "SHA=01fe75e93ca88bbd381eb720e9b43d0840ea8727aae8fc84391c297c42798f5c",
            "hostname": "hub",
            "logmessages": [
                "Owner of '/var/cfengine/httpd/htdocs/application/logs/./log-2017-12-04.log' was 0, setting to 497",
                "Group of '/var/cfengine/httpd/htdocs/application/logs/./log-2017-12-04.log' was 0, setting to 497",
                "Object '/var/cfengine/httpd/htdocs/application/logs/./log-2017-12-04.log' had permission 0644, changed it to 0640"
            "policyfile": "/var/cfengine/inputs/cfe_internal/enterprise/",
            "promisees": [],
            "promisehandle": "cfe_internal_setup_knowledge_files_doc_root_application_logs",
            "promiser": "/var/cfengine/httpd/htdocs/application/logs/.",
            "promisetype": "files",
            "stackpath": "/default/cfe_internal_management/methods/'CFEngine_Internals'/default/cfe_internal_enterprise_main/methods/'hub'/default/cfe_internal_setup_knowledge/files/'/var/cfengine/httpd/htdocs/application/logs/.'[1]"
    "total": 2,
    "next": null,
    "previous": null

See Also: query rest api

Custom Reports and Query API

The custom reports interface and associated query rest api allow more flexible reports to be run.

Queries can be made against the promiselog table. This query finds the promises that are repaired the most excluding internal cfengine related promises and promises from the stdlib.

-- Find most frequently repaired promises excluding lib and cfe_internal directories
SELECT namespace,bundlename,promisetype,promisehandle, promiser, count(promiseoutcome)
AS count
FROM promiselog
WHERE promiseoutcome = 'REPAIRED'
AND policyfile
NOT ilike '%/lib/%'
AND policyfile
NOT ilike '%cfe_internal%'
GROUP BY namespace, bundlename, promisetype,promisehandle,promiser

Reference: query api examples


WARNING: These logs are purged upon collection by the hub.

In Enterprise 3.7 each agent run logs to a CSV file named for the time the agent started in $(sys.workdir)/state/promise_log/.

The fields are promise hash, policy file, release id, unknown (waiting on developer feedback), namespace, bundle, promise type, stack path (call tree), promise handle, promisees, log messages

719b756d3dc8fd7bdd20284c1fd894ae40bac55d8790855b074159db8fe187ae,/var/cfengine/inputs/cfe_internal/enterprise/,<unknown-release-id>,114,default,cfe_internal_update_folders,files,/var/cfengine/master_software_updates/windows_i686,/default/cfe_internal_management/methods/'CFEngine_Internals'/default/cfe_internal_enterprise_main/methods/'hub'/default/cfe_internal_update_folders/files/'/var/cfengine/master_software_updates/windows_i686'[40],cfe_internal_update_folders_files_create_dirs,"[""goal_updated""]","[""Created directory '/var/cfengine/master_software_updates/windows_i686/.'""]"


WARNING: These logs are purged upon collection by the hub.

Beginning with Enterprise 3.9 we began logging promise outcomes to a JSON format in $(sys.statedir)/promise_log.jsonl.

Each promise outcome is logged along with the bundle name, promise handle, log messages near the promise actuation, the promise namespace, policy filename, promise hash, promise type, promisees, promiser, release id, stack path (call path), and the timestamp of the agent ran.

Here is an example of the output:

    "execution": {
            "Created file '/var/cfengine/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.staged', mode 0600",
            "Updated rendering of '/var/cfengine/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.staged' from mustache template '/var/cfengine/inputs/cfe_internal/enterprise/templates/httpd.conf.mustache'"
            "CFEngine Enterprise",
            "Mission Portal"],
        "stack_path":"/default/cfe_internal_management/methods/'CFEngine_Internals'/default/cfe_internal_enterprise_mission_portal/methods/'Apache Configuration'/default/cfe_internal_enterprise_mission_portal_apache/methods/'Stage Apache Config'/default/file_make_mustache/files/'/var/cfengine/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.staged'[0]"
            "Updated '/var/cfengine/httpd/conf/httpd.conf' from source '/var/cfengine/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.staged' on 'localhost'"
            "CFEngine Enterprise",
            "Mission Portal"
        "stack_path":"/default/cfe_internal_management/methods/'CFEngine_Internals'/default/cfe_internal_enterprise_mission_portal/methods/'Apache Configuration'/default/cfe_internal_enterprise_mission_portal_apache/methods/'Manage Final Apache Config'/default/mission_portal_apache_from_stage/files/'/var/cfengine/httpd/conf/httpd.conf'[0]"


Inevitably, something will go wrong, and you will need to dig deep to figure something out. Lucky for you, I have some tips for debugging.

Run without locks

Again, using -K to disable locks is useful.

Using Verbose Mode

CFEngine’s verbose output can be fantastic for debugging. Use the -v flag to turn it on.

cf-agent -Kv | grep -A 5 "BEGIN bundle"

When viewing verbose output, look for BUNDLE <name> for the bundle that you suspect is having trouble.

verbose: B: BEGIN bundle main
verbose: B: *****************************************************************
verbose: P: .........................................................
verbose: P: BEGIN promise 'promise_promises_cf_4' of type "reports" (pass 1)
verbose: P:    Promiser/affected object: 'Hello World!'
verbose: P:    Part of bundle: main

CFEngine will tell you exactly what is going on with each promise, in excruciating detail.

verbose: Using literal pathtype for '/tmp/touch'
verbose: No mode was set, choose plain file default 0600
   info: Created file '/tmp/touch', mode 0600
verbose: Handling file existence constraints on '/tmp/touch'
verbose: A: Promise REPAIRED
verbose: P: END files promise (/tmp/touch...)


CFEngine supports comments as part of its data structure. Every promise can have a comment attribute whose value is a quoted text string.

bundle agent example {
      copy_from => scp("$(def.files)/bind/named.cache"),
      comment   => "More recent copy of named.cache than shipped with bind";

Comments show up in the verbose output.

verbose: P:    Container path : '/default/main/files/'/etc/bind/named.cache'[0]'
verbose: P:
verbose: P:    Comment:  More recent copy of named.cache than shipped with bind.
verbose: P: .........................................................

The comment should always be why the promise is being made. Up until now none of the examples have used comments to save space on the slide. When writing your policies for real every promise should have a meaningful comment.

You’ll thank me when this saves the day.

Promise Handles

When debugging, promise handles are also useful. Again, every promise can have a handle attribute whose value is a quoted canonical string.

bundle agent example{
      copy_from => scp("$(def.files)/bind/named.cache"),
      handle    => "update_etc_bind_named_cache",
      comment   => "More recent copy of named.cache than shipped with bind";

CFEngine will tell you the handle of each promise in the verbose output.

verbose: P: BEGIN promise 'update_etc_bind_named_cache' of type "files" (pass 1)
verbose: P:    Promiser/affected object: '/etc/bind/named.cache'
verbose: P:    Part of bundle: example
verbose: P:    Base context class: any

By giving each promise a unique handle you can swiftly jump back and forth between your debug output and your policy file. When writing your policies for real every promise should have a unique handle.

You’ll thank me when this saves the day.


When debugging, promise stakeholders aka promisees are useful for understanding who cares about a given promise.

bundle agent example {
    "/etc/bind/named.cache" -> { "Operations", "Nick Anderson" }
      copy_from => scp("$(def.files)/bind/named.cache"),
      handle    => "update_etc_bind_named_cache",
      comment   => "More recent copy of named.cache than shipped with bind";

CFEngine will tell you additional info about each promise.

verbose: Additional promise info: handle 'update_etc_bind_named_cache'\
         source path './' at line 4 promisee  {'Operations','Nick Anderson'}\
         comment 'More recent copy of named.cache than shipped with bind.'


When debugging variables and classes promise meta data is useful to help identify variables and classes with specific attributes.

bundle agent main{
      "my_class" expression => "any", meta => { "mytag" };
      "my_var" string => "value", meta => { "mytag" };
      "my_vars" slist => variablesmatching(".*", "mytag" );
      "my_classes" slist => classesmatching(".*", "mytag" );
      "My var: $(my_vars)";
      "My class: $(my_classes)";

Note: Promise meta data is not currently displayed in the CFEngine’s verbose output.

The Rest

Here’s a list of topics that I didn’t cover. This is to give you a taste of the rest of the power that is behind CFEngine. Dig deeper by checking them out in the reference manual.

  • vars: promises — Varables, strings, integers and reals (and lists of each).
  • methods: promises — Create a self-contained bundle that can be called like a function.
  • storage: promises — For local or remote (NFS) filesystems.
  • edit_xml: promises - Promise by path, CFEngine does the XML for you.
  • Monitoring — Using data from cf-monitord.

Pro Tips

  • Don’t edit the standard library. Create a and add your custom library bundles and bodies there. This helps with upgrading because you won’t have to patch your changes into the new version of the library. When you feel a bundle or body is ready for public use you can submit it to CFEngine by opening a pull request on Github.
  • Make built-in classes and user defined classes easy to distinguish by sight. CFEngine creates hard classes all_lower_case_separated_by_underscores. Whenever I define classes myself I use CamelCase.
  • Not sure how to organize =masterfiles=?
  • Use =git= to revision control masterfiles.
  • Syntax errors? Only read the very first error. Fix it, then try again. A missing character in one promise will throw the whole file off.
  • Checkout the Augments file
  • Checkout jq (because you can use it with mapdata() in 3.9+)
  • Read the reference manual (all of it)

Magic in CFEngine

If I try to define a class with an illegal class character there is no error

For example:

bundle agent main
    "$(with)" with => join( " ", classesmatching( "my.illegal.class" ) );

R: my_illegal_class

The agent assumes you intended to canonify the string in the spirit of auto correction it canonifies it for you.

This courtesy is not extended when checking classes. You must explicitly canonify your string when using it in a class expression.

For example:

bundle agent main
    "hostname" string => "$(sys.uqhost)";
      "$(hostname) contains invalid class characters";
      "The class expression containing a nonvalid character is not a valid class expression";
      "The agent silently skips the section"; 
      "See that explicit canonification works";
        if => canonify( $(hostname) );

R: nickanderson-thinkpad-w550s contains invalid class characters
R: The class expression containing a nonvalid character is not a valid class expression
R: The agent silently skips the section
R: See that explicit canonification works
R: Hi

When I promise a directory is 600 it gets set to 700

For example:

bundle agent main
      create => "true",
      perms => m(600);
   "mode" string => filestat( "/tmp/dir", permoct );
     "/tmp/dir mode is $(with)" with => filestat( "/tmp/dir", permoct );

This is configurable behavior but by default if you promise a directory should be readable (list the files within the directory) the agent assumes that you also meant for it to be executable so that it can be entered and access the file and directories inside.

To disable the feature set rxdirs to false in the perms body you are using.

For example:

bundle agent main
      create => "true",
      perms => my_m_norxdir(600);
   "mode" string => filestat( "/tmp/dir", permoct );
     "/tmp/dir mode is $(with)" with => filestat( "/tmp/dir", permoct );

body perms my_m_norxdir(mode)
  rxdirs => "false";
  inherit_from => m( $(mode) ); # body inheritance available since 3.8.0



How not to cfengine commands:

redhat.64_bit:: ” cd etc;if grep ‘\|\|\|’ /etc/resolv.conf; then /bin/sed -i ‘s/;s/;s/;s/’ /etc/resolv.conf ; service network restart; fi” contain => in_shell;