Analysis is often a technical and tool heavy phase of modern qualitative data research. A variety of tools may be applicable to a given qualitative research project. This session will tour several survey-based, text mining, qualitative coding, and other tools including R and Python packages. This will also include a deeper dive into particular tools and techniques to upskill learners' practical knowledge.
- Recommended: Using Qualitative Software Successfully ~ 00:52:36
- Recommended: Using Grounded Theory with Mixed Methods ~ 00:37:36
- Recommended: A Tour of Qualitative Data Analysis Tools *Google Slides
- Paid versus open source/free/libre tools
- Open science and data
- Transparancy and reproducibility
- Matching tools to data and research goals
- Demos: NVivo vs Dedoose; Taguette; Boris; if time allows basic NLP with Voyant
- Clinic Time
- Dedoose *$, demo, NK
- BORIS *demo, JW
- Taguette *demo, JW
- QualCoder
- NVivo *$, demo, NK
- QDA Miner Lite
- Qcoder for R
- Qualtrics
- Voyant